The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, August 26, 1898, Image 2

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J, r,nD, • a , Proprietor* iwy cerriefß at any point in toe city* for’tiSi The ebore paper* rent to any *ddre*», •dyarti»tag medium* for thia entire Motion ° f AdrertUlng rate* fttrntahed on applies ion Official Paper of the Ordinary es Spalding coanty and tire City sis ITT in w* “ • W WWW The privates ebould be consulted, •• well a* the officer*, when it come* to deciding whether a command should be mnatered oat or remain in aerviee. Seraaate, the lamou* violinwt, i* a Spaniard. Ho declare* that bi* ex* tramjinary command over the violin ia due to the fact that beta* practiced on an average, aix boor* a day ever aince be wae 11 year* of ago According to a New York anrgeon of a atatiatlcal alate of mind, the ex penae* of palatial St. Luke'* hospital are an heavy and the intereat on the ioveelment I* *o large that it* inmate*, aay 1,800 for on* year, could be board* •d at swell hotel* and attended by crack doctor*, nurae*. etc, at a conrid arable annual saving St. Luke’* ia the co*llie»t inatitutlon of it* kind in New York, and baa an endowment fund of nearly 11,000,000. ■ * gi.ii .„'■■■ 1 -,■■■! If it ebould be the Judgment of the Senate that an obligation reel* upon the United State* to undertake the pacification of the Philippine* and the eetabliebment of order in tboae ikhnda it will be their duty to eee that the ■ work is intrueted to men who will la bor aolaly for tbe accompliahment of tboae end*, and wbo will not prosti tute their office to the pnrauil of per aonal emolument. Tbi* country can* not afford to aet up in that diatant quarter of the globe a school for tbe training of political adventurera and •harper* eueb aa existed here in the South in tbe daya of reoonatrt'o* lion.—Now Orleans Picayune. I The nation will watch the news from the aick roam* of Admiral Schley and Oapt. Ivana with deepest interest, sincerely hoping meantime that their wdiapoaition ia not various, and that they will both speedily recover. Three of the commanding heroes ol Santiago are now ill. Capt. Clark of tbe Ore* gon, it will be remembered, was oblig ed to come borne ahead of bis abip on account of aickneae. Tbe mental aa well a* tbe physical atrain upon tbe commander df a modern abip in ac tion ia something terrific. Cipt. Grid ley ol the Olympia died shortly after tho Manila battle. Hb said it was tbe fight that killed bim, but that be “would do It again.’’—Savannah News. Robert Taylor, tho oldest person in Great Britain or Ireland, died recently al an age much above 100 year*. Ac* cording to the Westminster Gasette, ba was IM years old, having been boro in 1764, others put hi* age at oply 119. Al any rate, it is on record that be served an a filer for the British troop* daring tbe rebellion ol 1798 in Ireland. On tbe introduction of pen* ny postage be was appointed poatmas* ter at Soares, County Down, Ireland, and held the office himself till a few days before ho passed away. Last April Queen Victoria sent him a framed portrait of herself aa a birthday gift. Ho 9WA a Methodist and had built a large ball back of bis house for religious services. Tbe South ia an unnatural cotton gro'ving country, in fact, and all tbe conditions and eigne indicate a grad ually increasing serfage of cotton for fcj- • years to com«*. It >• the chief "money crop” of thia section, aud-lhat gives it a firm place in tbe farmer*’ regard. EBfciv The rapidly increasing population of this country alone demands a consid erable annual incase of tbe crop and there >*« like growing demand abroad, - due to various cau»ee, to bs provided lor. The crop will not Le gre*ily “re “duced" so long as prices remain about tbe six-cent mark, and any and every decided and prolonged improvement over that Yate will be followed, of course, by corrective measures to rtrictlv in tnuo With th* iwt of th* | band. . ..,7 .- ; -J (mothers, READ THIS I ' ¥ Eggr ■ 7 ' ’ Do Ton Want to Knew the Best Remedy for Flatulent Colic, Dysentery, Nausea, Coughs, Cholera Infantum, Teething Children, Cholera Morbus, Pains, Griping, And AU Diseases of the Stomach and Sewels T IS THE STANDARD. | It carries Children orer the critical s period of TBBTHING, and is highly s recommended by the beat physicians. | It is pleasant to the taste and news fail* to give satisfaction. It is a Positive Specific for all the = troubles for which it is recommended, = —* ■ I •OLD av ALL DRUGGISTS. 2B ANO SO CCftTS. 1-^— —— A Reliable Remedy = I* *4|£]fig for al! IllwMil ~f lh, ‘ 11 lv I KIDNKYS AND 1 KaUm**3aSH BLADDHM. It 1* Good for MSN, Womsn am> Chilmis. | tiKHinmiiiuwHiniiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiHiiiiir educate Poor lloa rota With CnaeareU. Candy CStlinrlfr. cur* conaupatioo foiever. ®c. IfU-C-C fail. dru£|fisis refund money. dh * AsaPdU-MmMty JMfctn Lj I I V doubftreated and cur- Curcii bot tle of hi* absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their P. O. and Express address. An Ordinance. An Ordinance to fix the term of office the manner and time of election of City Attorney for the city of Griffin. Beit or dained by the mayor and council of the city of Griffin, and It is hereby ordained by authority of same. That from and af ter the passage of this ordinance tbe City Attorney shill bold his office for the term of two year* sod until hi* successor is elected and qualified, and shall be elected by ballot by the mayor and council of said city at tbe last meeting in November, 1898, and at the same meeting bi-anually thereafter. Be it further ordained that all ordinance* and parts of ordinance* in con flict with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Gleetine, j I . A Reliable and 1 Quick Cure ...for... Gonorrtiea.Glsel.Leucorrtiaa.Etc. >FOR 50 c. < This new discovery in chemistry is infol lible in all cases of men and women. It’s tonic and healing propertie* are powerful. Made of freshest and choicest chemicals under direction of an eminent chemist. Fullest direction* with medicine. Drug gists in the north and west write us they make more money handling this medicine than all similar one* combined. Bent postpaid on receipt of price. Address Capital Medical Co., ’wS^ a £S: MW •••■■•••■■■•■■■■iiMOVOOOXOOlOXOOOMOMoaooOMOOWOOOMM To Cure Cowtlpation Vorevex. Take Qisoueta Candy Cathartic. Ifte or Sta. u a C. C. fall to cure, d ruxglMa refund money. ronsumpUon > df ajto rrs F caa T«e Ennot >-4 have an absolute remefiy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cssesJuve been already permanently cinjpd. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to sMdtwwi«teh*fiwtothoseaf voir readers who have Conslinaption, Throat, Bronchial <W Lung Trouble, ts they wffl write me their express and postoffice address. Sncerely, T. A, ttKBM, ■. O, m »Wrt 8U Ikw T*rt. n* XMiriN «■*»•* w**gAi»t oc Hto OMUMM* iaii<iaiiwir>>wuw Waxtwd— A limited number of-pmons to do writing at their homes. Twenty five cent* paid tor every one hundred words. Procffifinem and good work mo easary. Application* mart be accompa nied by ten cents for particular*. Address The Sioux City Business College, Biobx City, la. z MALSBY & COMPANY,! I B. For.vll> SI- AU.nU.-Ou. a General w Agents for • ••• I I OB® Erie City Iron Work*. 1 Geiser Man’fg Co. New Birdsall Co. ■ iHF* -- f "W r lmproved Sv r- '■ Ginning C"t i: Hoc.; co. - ip-nry liisston A Sons ' Jamt fl Olden & Sons. Gardricr-Governor 00. Pcnbertby Injector Co. CiRRYINR Complete line of Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Separators, UAnflllnO flrt y Jgk Saws, Pumps, Injectors, Grate Bars and Steam and Pipe Fittings. Prompt attention given orders and inquiries. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. Il" I! ""I! " ■ • - _ v; i The Best Company is the Company that does the Most Good. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GO. OF NEW YORK. IS THE OLDEST IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD. Since organization to the present time, it has paid and now holds on policies not yet due the enormous sum of $,716,000,000. Its dividend record is unsurpassed by any other company in the world. It protects your dividends in case of death and provides for your old age. See that your policy has this clause inserted in it. As compound results are the source of life of all the old line companies, wh*t is best for the company should be best for the insured. And for best results take a policy in the grand old MUTUAL LIFE. Fathers see to it that the daughter, the pride of your heart, when as sailed by the vicissitudes of life and touched by the cr u®l .hand of fate, shall be provided with a guaranteed income lor life. The MU fUAL LIFE, the strongest financial institution known on the globe—twice as large as the Bank ot England—writes that guarantee. And to the patriotic soldier who feels called upon to avenge the wrongs to his country, we say don’t forget the loved ones at home the Mutual Life is prepared to take care of all. And for the benefit of those who have a policy in this grand old company we give the following extract from a letter ot the president, Richard A. McCurdy: M I wish you to assure every policy-holder in this Company That his rights will be fully protected under all circumstances * and tha no one need hesitate to respond to the call of patriot ism or duty through fear of the forfeiture of his policy. RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. / For best plans of insurance please consult me. -A.- ’SAZ’i ZE3ZTT »Tj 7 Snecial Schedule in Effect Jan. 9, 1898. •Ro. 4 M®. M ■ ifeTfi j££i/ Daily. Daily. Dolly. watiom- Dally. Dally. Daily. TsOpm 405 did 760 am Lv?.7...Atlanta—..Ar 736 pm 11 SO am Bfcpm 447 pm **Bam Lt JonesboroAr *6>pm 1083 am Slspru 630 pm SlSamLvGriffin Ar 818 pm OsSam 945 pm *ospm, 945 am Ar Barnesville Lv 6«pm 9team 6 47am 10 Is pm *Bl pm 1015 am ArForsythLv 514 pm 858 am *Ham 1110 pm TKpm 1110 am ArMaconLv *Mpm ®W»’ n amS 1319 am 8 10pm 1206 pm Ar GordonLv 8 04pm Xluam 3 10ana 180 am 117 pm Ar ...Tennille• ... .Lv Itepm BUam 82 S pm Ar Millen...Lv 1184 am 886 am 83spm Ar..AugustaLv 8 20am „ 19P® 1 60*am600pm Ar...Savannah..Lv 845 am• 0° P m Train^ for an'd Carrollton leave* Griffin at 9<5 am, and 1s 0 pn? dally exce»t Sunday. Returning, arrive* in Griffin 520 p m and 12 40 p m daily except Sunday, ror further information apply to C. S. WHITE, Ticket Agent, Griffin, G*. THEO. D. KLINE, Gen’l Bupt,, Savannah, Ga. J. C. HAILE. Gen. Passenger Agent. Sav*tmßh«G« E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Savannah-, G*. A Fremtaent Physician. Aa Mlderly Lady. A prominent New York physician An elderly lady living at Fordtam in riiacnwring the merits of Kipans Heights, a part of New York City, abrother M. D. iSd7 and who wm known to be a warm •• Several year* ago I asserted that advocate of Ripans Tabulea for any if one wuied to become a philan- case of liver trouble or indigestion, thopist, and do a beneficent deed— said to a reporter who vinted her for onetbat would bain the whole hu- the purpose of learning the particu man race—nothing could be better lar* of her case: “I had always then to procure the Roosevelt Hoe- employed a physician and did *o on Vital prescription, uhith it tJu font the last occasion I had for one, tmt iyoviKdwe TaMu. and cause it to at that time obtained no beneficial put upin the form of a ketchup result*. I had neverhad any faith end d ieli ihntart ernong the poor. in patent mediemes, but having Been ■ - Ripans Tabulea recommended very Salas XacrMuili&c* highly in the New York Herald con- The largest retail drug *toro in eluded to give than a trial, and America ia that of Hegeman & Co. found they were just what my case on Broadway in New York City. demanded. I have never employed A reporter who went there to learn a physician since, and that means a taftSWi boughta Ripans Tabulee carton and asked: lasts me a month, ••Do rou have and I would not be much call for | M R 1 thnaA?” ■ iwfi ol ate I if it were my last He was referred W ■ EB-ImR/ dollar.” At the tn&rentleman who time of this inter proved to be the vi ew there were av. present two daugh- f He Bank** ter* who specially •• The sale of Ripua* Tabules is objected to their mother giving a constant and i* increasing, due testimonial which should parade her osiMiciiilly totheinfluential ch*rfretar name in the newspapers, but to do of theteetimonial* in the daily press, this the elder lady argued: ' “There andgrowingout of these, through may be other rases just hke mine, tha reoomuMndatim of friend to and lam sure I take great pleasure friend. Satisfaction with them is in rewminendingtheTWxdestoany very general When onoe they are one afflicted as I was. If the telhng begun I Dottoe that a about my rase in the I»pa* e°abte« oustaoMr ft* them is made? Thin, 1 some other person similarly affected btfieve, te through their intrinsic to be as greati£ benefited** l have merit, which proves the bona fide been.lseeno<fojectios*. Thedaugh of tibß advertisiiur. I think ters, knowing how earacatly ano folt them apeciaHy useful in the general, about the benefit ehe had reedved, | nm of stomach tmehfov’’ decided she was quite right. ■ ..... ■: ;• . . ;',j I-’■ ,7EM ONE OAR LOAD OF WHISKEY BARRELS For Salo Cheap, by J. R. SHEDD. - hHfifia - SO YEARS’ experience Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a «®d nnlcklT ascertain our opinion sontfroo oideat agency for •ecurlDg_patenta. Patents twken through Munn A vo. receive •pecioX notice, without chars®, in the Scientific American. *ss!s?wssis jss iggy. MUNN &Co. 36,8 r Rew York Brinch Office. 06 F BL, Washington, D. C. Griffin Telephone Exchange BRANCH OF THE SOUTHERN BELL TELE PHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. JNO. D. EABTERLIN, Sept W. T. GENTRY, Assistant Sept Atlanta, Ga. 16 Anthony, Dr. E. R., residence, 2 rings 40 Anthony Drug Co. 1 Bailey, D. J., Jr., residence. 17 Baker, W H, Groceries. 49 Bishop r J. W., Market. 50 Blakely, B. R., Grocer. 41 Bowden Bros, Livery Stable. » 31 Boyd, J. D., warehouse, 2 rings. 31 Boyd, J. D n residence, 3 rings. 37 Boyd Manufacturing Co. 43 Brewer & Hanlater, wholesale grocers 4 Burr’s Sons, H. C., Hardware, 2 calls. 4 Barr, H. C., res. 3 calls. 38 Carlisle & Ward, druggists. 45 Central R. R. depot. 39 Clak & Son, G. W., grocers. 16 Collier, T. J., residence. 15 Drake, R. H., grocrie*. 35 Earnhart, W. C., residence. 44 Fire department. 9 Grantland, Seaton, residence. 46 Georgia Experiment station. 10 Gray, Dr J T, office. 59 Gray, Dr J T, Bunny Bide, 3 rings. 28 Griffin Ice Works. 6 Griffin, Mfg. Co. 19 Griffin Mfg. Co. 14 Griron Banking Co. 54 Griffin Compress. 50 Griffin Saving Bank. 25 Griffin Light and Water Works. 3 Griggs, Boh, li very stable. 36 Howard, W. K., residence. 8 Jones, Geo. L, residence. 18 Kelley & Mhomas, physician*, 2 rings 18 Melly, Dr. J. M., residence, 3 rings. 27 Kincaid, W- J., residence. 7 Kincaid Mfg. Co. (mill*.) 21 Leach & Co., J. M., grocers. 32 Mangham, J W, residence, 2 rings. 32 Mangham, J J, residence, 3 rings 2 Mill*. T. R., office, 2 rings. 2 Mills, T. R., residence, 3 ring*. 47 Moore, Dr. J. L-, residence. 22 Morning Call office, 2 ring*, 34 Newton &Co., W. H., coal andlumb’r 5 Newton Coal and Lumber Co. 29 Osborn & Wolcott, office. 20 Oxford. D. A. market and restaurant. 22 Sawtell, J. P.,residencr, 3 rings. 26 Searcy, W E H, Jr, residence. 18 Sear*, J. M., grocer. 33 Shedd, J. R., market. 24 Southern Railroad. 13 Southern Express Company. 23 Spalding County Farm. 12 Stewart. Dr. J. F., residence, 11 Strickland, R. F. & Co. 42 Western Union Telegraph Co. ■ MISS WE WORTHINGTON, Manager. WOOD YARD. > want to sell you your Wood, cut and split, ready for use. Wood yard at No. 1 Hill street. Telephone No. 10.* , W, B- GRIFFIN- WK. E H. SEARCY, JR., Counsellor at Law, GRIFFIN, GA. IGENKBAI* PRACTICE. I A Al I Ater foi ■ SEIBOIIIOI-LIN!. DIFFERENTIAL FABSENGEEEATE3. t To Norfolk ancj Portsmouth, |i C M I To Richmond, SI To Washington, 15 al To Baltimore via Washington, 1(5 70 I To Baltimore via Norfolk and Bay Line Steamer, 16 y* fl To Philadelphia via Washington, 19 L I To Philadelphia via Norfolk, 19 fin I To New York via Richmond and f Waehiflgton, tern 1 To New York via Norfolk, Va., and z Cape Charles Route, 22 00 To New York via Norfolk, Va., and Washington, 22 0| To New York via Norfolk, Va., Bay Line Steamer and Baltimore, 22 OO To New York via Norfolk and Old Dominion 8. 8. Co., meals and stateroom Included, 22 00 To Boston via Norfolk and Steamer, meals and stateroom included, 23 25 Alio on Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY Round Trip Tickets Atlanta to Norfolk, Ocean View, Virginia Beach and, Old Point Comfort, Va., for 515.75. These tickets will be good for retura passage within 5 days from date of sale, and will enable merchant*, buyers and the public to make an exceedingly cheap trip to the east, as cheap round trip tickets can 1 be procured from either of above pointe to WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE PHIL ADELPHIA. AND NEW YORK. The Seaboard Air-Line’s passenger sen vice between Atlanta and the east is excel, lent. Double daily through trains Atlant* to Washington and Norfolk, with Pull man’s finest drawing room sleepers. Pullman reservation can be made at any time. For further information call on or address B. A. NEWLAND, Gen. Agent Pass Dent WM. BISHOP CLEMENTS; T. P. A., No. 6 Kimball House, Atlanta. T. J. ANDERSON, G. P. A., Portsmouth, V* QLODDpOiSOH |lM p Joa®Oi ■ i ■|cure-3 in 15 t 035 days. You can te treat.n d -for same prieennderßameguaran- - If y° u prefer to come here we w, ll am. 1 J no6h*m,lfwefailtocuie.lfyonhavetakeniner. enry, iodide potash, and still have aches and pains, Mucous Patches in mouth. Sore Throat, cut, it is thia Secondary BLOOD POISOH we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obatl nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. 5500,000 capital behind our uncondfc Uonal guaranty. Absolute proof*sent sealed <» application. Address COOfi KEMfcDY CO, 349 Maiwwiio Temple, ILL. ' Something New! Every housekeeper need* Spoon* and Fork* tor daily use. A cheap plated arti cle is poor economy when you can buy a first class article, of bright solid metal that will always look bright, as there is no plating to wear off, at 50 cent* per pack age. Splendid article for the kitchen picnicers, to send out meals, etc. Cheap and alway* look well. A. LOWER. No. 18 HiH Street. Southern Railway. Bhortset and qtdekes* roots with doubl* daily scrvles bstween Columbus and Atlanta, •onnectlnf in ths Union Passenger station, Atlanta, with Vestibnlsd Limited trains: »!»“ United States Fast Mail trains to and from Washington, New York and all Eastern points with through Pullman Sleeping Car to Ashe vllle and the Land ot the Sky. Also promptly connecting for and from Chattanooga. Mem phis, LouieriUe, Cincinnati and the Northwest Schedule in effect June 8, 189*. Central standard time except at points east of Atlants. -■■ W J r*o. 27 No. 3* Northbound. D>llr , Lt Columbus7 600 am " Waverly Hall 65V am ‘“{P" “ Oak Monstain 658 am " Warm Springs 729 am Jj®P“ " Woodbury.... 74* am I2P” S “ Concord 815 am 78*pa* " Williamson 885 am 7«JP“ “ Griffin *53 am *OT P“ “ McDonough. t d a m 845 p m Ar. Atlanta. 10 40 a m 945 ArTTSESriiie.:..7777 7.7777 — TtTani Ar. Washington. Aid a m 965 P “ “ New York 1248 pm 62»aia Lv. Atlanta. 4 00 pm 1960 pm Ar. Chattanooga 150 p m 415 as* kr. Memphis?. f4O am Yl6 pte Ar. Lofflsville?. tto am t P ** Ar.i’llntamsatL...7.7 to am 7*o pm PoetnJ No. 30 No. 2* > r Dally. Daily Lv.Cincinnati. 530 am 800 pm 74* am 745 pm U Lv. Memphis 7..7. Ate am St» pm Lv. Chattanooga 10 OO p m *B* a m Ar. Atlanta. SOU am 1140 am Lv. New Y0rk.1215 ata. 480 p m fc. e.u.. rK£ rs»- Lv.Atlanta..; 530 am 480 pm “ McDonough. 615 am 585 pm “ Griffin. 690 am 0M pm • William— 704 am 62* pm “ Concord. 720 am *37 pm ■ Woodbury 748 am 707 pm ■ Warm Springe. 80* am 74* F“ - Oak MenntaK *B4 am 50»pm ■ Waverly Hall *«3am *l7 p« Ar.Oolumbu*. 980 am >l*pm =TO MACON. Dally. No, »7.| Me. *» Lv. OolnmbM, South's Ry 600 am 5» P» 4r ; Jfte»r W ,M.4»Aß.R| ■■■.. ■ I BJ»RI° Dally. No. SO No. *» e Lv-Le<*range, M. AJB. R.R. 710 a m - Lv. Mapea. M. AB. R. 4» p » Ar. Woodbury,M. AB.R.R. 887 am TWpm hr. Southta Ry. 930 am| 90» pm FBANtS. GANNON, j.M. CULP, W X A. TURK. AH. HARDWICK. A**u Itaa. AgeaA A. Gen Pm. Agoat WaahiMte*, Q. a AUmit*. A*. * H 1 I i 2— aßwege