The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, September 01, 1898, Image 4

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....JEW CROP TURNIP SEED -ALL THE BEST VARIETIES..... LAUNDRY SOAP 8 HARB FOR sc. WHITE BAR SOAP WORTH 10c FOR fie A BAR ..SOME EXTRA FINE TEA.. ALL KINDS SPICES FOR PICK LEINO. FLAV ORING EXTRACTS FOR CAKE AND ICE CREAM. PENS/ INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES, COMBS, BRUSHES, COLOGNE AND FINE EXTRACTS .—.All Um Papular Patent Medicines and Drugs of All Sorts PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND ED. FINE CIGARS ANO TOB AOCO.HYPODEBM IC BYRINO EB, REEDLEB. ETC. FOUR YEARJOLD APPLE VINEGAB--BOM ETHING THAT WILL SAVE YOUR PICKLES. CALL AND SEE US ?J. IST. HARRIS & BON WILL MOVE. < On the Ist of September we will move into the store now occupied by B. R. BLAKELY; have bought his stock. WE WILL KEEP a v , the finest and most complete stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries ever kept G. W °CLARK & SON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Cost Sale. We have bought the entire stock of MANGHAM BROS.’ fine China, Lampe, Silverware, Glaanrare, etc., and will sell it all out at HMH ... ORIGINAL COST. Oome and get some ot the bar gain*. Edwards Bros. Morning Call. sw. - —■——— —— GRIFFIN, GA, SEPT. 1, 1898. I ' 1 Offlee over Davis’ Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. 88. FKBBONAL AND LOCAL DOTS. P. 8. Parmelee spent the day in Atlanta yesterday. Lem Taylor spent yesterday with friends in Atlanta. 3, W. Blabop made a business ‘.rip to Atlanta yesterday. Dr. W. B. Robinson, ol Atlanta, was In the oily yesterday. Capt. Harry Fisher, of Newnan, w,t io the city yesterday. H. T. Patterson, of Sunny Side, was In the city yesterday. Roswell H. Drake made a business trip so Atlanta yesterday, Circumstances and warm weather alter the contents of egg cases. George Sems, of Atlanta, spent yes terday with friends in thia city. Love ia a disease and it la said that only married men are itnmuoes. It’s better to marry and be boss than never tb have bossed at all. Mies Evie Kell, of Sunny Side, visit ed friends in this city yesterday. Kissing may not be dangerous but it often ceoaes palpitation of the heart. Will Logan, of Chattanooga, Tenn., was in tbe city yesterday for a short while. Miss Bell Maynard, of Drewryville, ia visiting Mrs. W. P. Horne on Poplar street. Mra. G, T. Weiderman, of Milledge ville, ia spending several days in this city with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Flemiater, Mias Willie Chambers left yesterday for Atlanta, where she will make her future home. Misses Mary and Fannie Atkina, of Luolla, spent yesterday with friends io this city. If some men were as big as they think they are their tailor bills would bankrupt them. Hou. Gua Morrow, of Jonesboro, was in tbe city yesterday shaking hands with his friends. > Mra. J. A. Connally, of Macon, is spending a few days with the family of Col. R. J. Redding at Experiment. Mre. Charles H. Westbrook and Children returned yesterday from a pleasant viait to relatives in Elberton. Mrs. Jackson G. Smith, of Barnes* ville, is spending a few days in thia city with her daughter, Mra. J. W. Gresham. Mies Laura Walcott, of Atlanta, re turned home yesterday after spending several days with relatives and friends in thio city. Mrs. Royal Daniel, ol Atlanta, ar rived in tbe city yesterday and for several days will be tbe guest of her parents, Copt, and Mrs. J. 8. West* Lucy Connally, colored, yesterday stole a necklace from a lady near the cotton factory. Tbe affair was report ed to Officers Phelps and Gordon who regained the property. Great locohonee Daniel baa return ed from an extensive trip throughout tbe northwestern states, where ho made Official visits to the different lodges of tbe I. O. R. M. Will Milaier i n back al hie poet at Baes Bros, alter spending a month visiting friends in North Georgia and attending all the camp meeting in the central part of the state. Yesterday afternoon Officers Gordon and Phelps arrested Garry Cunning ham and Fred Jackson for running blind Mgers. Both men gave bond to appear before Judge Beck Monday next. Wantkd— A limited number of persons to do writing at their homes. Twenty five cents paid tor every ono hupdred words. Promptness and good work nec essary. Applications must be accompa nied by ten cents for particulars. Address The Rioux City Business College, Sioux City, la. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /"X 'Jt* Signature of Too Imaginative. A curious illustration of the journalistic imaginativencM carried to a high develop ment was had in a dispatch to a city paper from its correspondent in a southern city. He was telegraphing some facts in the local history of tbe late Ensign Bagley, slain in battle at Cardenas. “He was," telegraphed the correspondent, “in his twenty-third year and was the first officer to fall in the Spanish-American war. His grandfather was the first man shot in the Mexican war tn 1846, hia father, a ma jor In the Confederate service, was the first man slain In the conflict between the north and south. Thus history repeats it self.’* This read very smoothly to the night editor, who gathered these interest ing details under a striking headline and sent it up. The eye of the managing editor on his proofs noted the interim that must have occurred between the death of the major and the birth of the eon, and he prevented history from repeating itself.— Philadelphia Timos. The Victoria Croo. The agitation about Flndlater has been productive of good results, for In future soldiers who receive the Victoria cross and are incapacitated for work will receive £6O • year Instead of the £lO now granted,-and Bo soldier who wears the cross for valor need fear that he will end his days In the workhouse. The granting of • fair pen sion with the Victoria cross has frequent ly been suggested, but the hero Os Dargal is tbe >san who has forced the hand of the British government and brought about the reform.—Argonaut True. Mrs. Slimdlet—My boarders are all to witty. Mr. Flrstfloor—Ah, there la nothing like hunger to sharpen the wits I—Brooklyn Life. _______ ■q M _ 7 THINGS COME HIS WAY AGAIN, and the farmer is happy. When the far mer is happy prosperity is with us. You will think ao when you see the superior quality Os flour that we are selling. Our flour can’t be equaled for bread, pastry or cake. All of pur cereals and farinaceous foods are high grade goods at low grade prices. J. R. SHEDD. Heat North and South* Reports to the New York World, as reported by that paper, “give the fol lowing figures on deal ha and prostra tions from heal during tbs torrid wave of lbs last two or three days: Deaths: Chicago, 7 ; Boston, 1; Philadelphia, 4 or 6 suicides attributed to heat; Kan sas City, 8; Baltimore, 1; Buffalo, 2; Cincinnati, i ; New York, 11 and 3 suicides. ProMrs'ions; Chicago, 43; Boston, 4 ; Philadelphia, 60; Kansas City, 13; Pittsburg, 3; Baltimore, 2; Buffalo, &; Cleveland, 1; Cincinnati, 20; Bl Louie, 14; New York, 13 The Springfield Republican and other Northern papers which were so clam orous recently for the removal of Northern troops from Southern camps to camps In the “cooler summer cli mate" of the Northern states are invited to consider this instructive exhibit More people were killed and prostrated by tbe beat in these few eßies, in two or three days, it is prob able, than have been killed and pros* (rated in ail tbe South by tbe same cause in fifty years—Charleston News and Courier. How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknbt & Co., Props,, Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wkut & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Waldimo, Kiwnan & Mabvih, Whol - sale Druggist. Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. ANNOUNCEMENTS. At the solicitation of many citizens I hereby respectfully announce myself a candidate for mayor, promising if elected to faithfully perform the duties of the of fice in the interest of all concerned. JNO. L. MOORE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Aiderman from the First Ward, and if elected I promise to do what in my honest judgment is to the good of tbe greatest number of tax payers, regardless of friend or foe. Yours, etc., C. HOMER WOLCOTT. I respectfully announce myself as a can didate for Aldermail from the first ward and solicit the support of my friends. J. H. SMITH. An Old Question Comes Un Again. The 8 teenth regiment had taken a glorious part in its first battle of tbe war for Cuban freedom and was rest ing on its arms and laurels. “Well,” remarked the soldier with tbe red bandana handkerchief around his head, “we’ve had our baptism of fire." “I reckon we have,” replied the sol dier who was examining a wound on the butt of his rifle, “By the way, you’re a Baptist, ain’t you?” “That’s what I am.” “Did you notice that our baptism of fire came in the form of sprinkling?” “Not particularly. I noticed we were pretty thoroughly immersed in it.” When taps sounded an hour later they were still wrangling over it. To Cleanse The System Effectually yet gently, costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently overcome habi tual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakning them, to dispd headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup o Figs. —-+ ♦ w For Rent. Two Stores, No. 20 and 22 Hill street Centrally located. Apply to H. W. Hassblkus, FOR RENT. Six-room dwelling on Poplar street. Apply to Wilson Mathews. Will. Send A Box. Mr. W. Grimm is at work getting up a box to be sent to Cspt. Henry Stewart’s company with the Third regiment at Griffin. Any one desiring to contribute to the box can leave same at tbe Racket store. Money .or food will be acceptable. Tbe boye have been in camps two months now and nothing has been sent them. Every one should contribute. The box will go this week.—Rome Tribune. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed;to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 85 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Bon and Carlisle & Ward, CA.MTORIA. Bean tto Kwid fwHswMwiys Bought It was a bitter cold night, and a night policeman in Lombard street no ticed a light in the bank window, and, going to the door, rapped. “Ia that you, policeman?’’ asked a voice from within. “Yes,” was the reply. “Come in and have a drink,” said tbe voice. The policeman stepped inside and en countered a dapper little fellow sitting ftt ft cloak. “I’ve been detained tonight straight ening up accounts.” Tbe policeman wanned himself at the rousing fire that biased on the hearth and went out again on his beat. An hour after the policeman came that way and, still seeing the light through the window, rapped again. “Is that you, policeman?” “Yes.” “Come in and warm yourself.” The polioegian accepted the invita tion. “It’s • howling cold night,” said the clerk. “You’re right, sir,” said the police mftZL Bo he got another drink and returned to his beat. He was rather surprised next day to find that his friend of the night before had got off with some |50,- 000 of the bank’s funds.—London Suc cess. ’ Aa Attack on Sevastopol. From whese I was stationed I could see the dense masses of the attacking columns advance up the slope. Then the torrents of grape which met them would obscure their ranks for a mo ment and hardly a man would be seen to remain. lat one time saw a body of men many hundreds strong so complete ly swept away by one discharge that only a few of thereat tank remained when the iron storm went past I The dead and dying could be clearly distin guished lying in piles on the hillside, and over their prostrate bodies fresh troops crowded on to meet the same fate. Many a manly heart and nervous arm went down in the deadly struggle on that green hillside. No valor avail ed. The cannon’s force was greater than the strength of man. How many ardent hopes were extin guished I How many home circles de stroyed and lives rendered miserable by the havoc of that hour none can toll, no more than they can imagine the bodily agony or the grief for home and friends which was there endured I What would be the value of what is called “glory” if weighed on the field of bat tle among the dead? —Good Words. AlUnu or Alt*m*h»? There can, I suppose, be no doubt that in the lines in “The Deserted Vil lage”— To distant climeg, a dreary scene, Where half the convex world intrudes between, Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they go Where wild Altama murmurs to their woe— Goldsmith is alluding to the River Al tamaha in Georgia, the colonization of which* had taken place not long before. But his expressions ' are not very accu rate. So far from being torrid in the strict sense of the word, the latitude of the mouth of the Altamaha is more than 81 degrees. No part indeed of the present United States is located within the tropics. But, besides this, although there are certainly rattlesnakes and, I believe, scorpions of a certain species in Georgia, there are no tigers there to “wait their hapless prey,” which the poet reckons among the horrors of the region where some of the inhabitants of Auburn have gone.—Notes and Queries. Snow That Is Alive. A most curious phenomenon in the northwest of Canada is the appearance of millions of minute black insects whenever a thaw occurs. During the winter the snow is dry and crisp like sand, and nothing what ever can be discovered of these insects, but as soon as a thaw comes they are found everywhere in large patches, looking like a dusting of soot. They are generally known as snow fleas or snow lice and have slight hop ping powers, being able to leap some three or four inches. They entirely dis appear when it freezes again, and not a trace of them can be found. They do not fall with the snow as there may have been no snow for a month or more before their arrival and are probably analogous to the “red snow” of arctic regions. Second Time la Out. The hotel stood on a corner of a main street and a comparatively unfrequent ed side street. One evening I overheard the little old black man talking very savagely with another around the cor ner on the side street, and among other things he said: “Yes, sub, an es I hits you dey woan’ be but two licks struck. I’ll hit you an yon’ll hit de groan’. “You done heah whut I say.”—Den ver Post. Her Liquid Voice. “Your wife has such a liquid voice, ” ■aid Mr. F. admiringly to Mr. T. “Yes; that’s a pretty good name for it,” replied Mr. T. Mr. F. looked up inquiringly, and Mr. T. added immediately: “Don’t you understand? Why, it never dries up, you know. ” —London Fun. Not Diapoeed to DeUy Him. “I would go to the end of the world for you, ” he exclaimed passionately. “I’m sure I wish you would,” she answered coldly, "and—then jump off. ” —Somerville Journal. During the siege of Paris no fewer than 22,000,000 letters sailed out of the city in the 54 balloons dispatched be tween the 19th of September, 1870, and the 28th of January, 1871. . f St Louis has one church to 2,800 of population, New York one to 2,468, Chicago one to 2,081, Boston one to 1,800 and Minneapolis one to 1,054. —■» - ■ -it -■-■■■■ -wwfr — ~a m -.ZW FUMISTEL t BBIDBES. - -«>)- IN ORDER... I To secure more commodious quar ters, we will move into the New J York Store on Sept. Ist. We are I determined to reduce our stock to | save expense of removal, and will cut prices so as to make quick sales. “i r I = For Monday Morning - ——79 c for White Bed Spreads worth $1.25. | 5c Yard 4-4 Bleaehed Sheeting. ' A | 6c Yard 4-4 Bleached Sheeting, free of dressing. 15c Yard for French Organdies and Dimities worth 30c. All Ladiee’ Shirt Waists at first cost. I 9c for Ladies' Bleached Tape-Necked Vests. § Big cut on all Wool Dress Goods and Silks. , » 5c Yard for Ginghams worth 7}c. ■Bsc for Sanvens Drawers. > | A ■ ...... J’ .:L ii ’ »"■ ■ . ■ ■; Remnant Counter.... Piled with desirable Short Lengths of everything in stock at 50c on the dollar. —: (o) Haven't space to mention all our Bargains; come and see for yourselves. Flemister & Bridges WTK GRIFFIN ..CYCLE.. V J ...CO’Y., Kincaid'Block. THE STERLING. (Built like a watch.) This Bicycle is the best high grade Bikb on the market. Our $35 CRAWFORD will compaie with any SSO wheel. BICYCLE SUNDRIES Os every description—Lanterns, Bells, Saddles, Pedals, Sprockets, Grips, Tires and Others too Numerous to Mention. Bicycles to Bent. Ml ■ OPEN AIR LIVING IN SUMMER is both healthfol and enjoyable when your piazza and lawn is fitted up with ham mocks, easy rockers, settees, lawn tables and lawn chairs. We have a fine stock of hammocks, piazza rockers and piazza and lawn furniture of all kinds that is hand some and low priced. CHILDS &CODDARD. Pitt’s Carminative aids digestion, regu lates the bowels, cures Cholera Infontum, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Pains, Grip ing, Flatulent Colic, Unnatural Drains from the Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer complaints it Is a specific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemicals. Iwyjk J ns 7 OUR PRESCRIPTION FILES” show the esteem in which we are held by physicians and the public in general. Our prescription department to conducted on the most careful plan, and prescriptions are compounded from only the purest and freshest drugs, and no mistakes are possi ble here. N. B. DREWRY < SON, 28 Hill Street. Everybody Says So, Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tbe age, plea*" ant and refreshing to the taste, act gentiy and positively on kidneys, liver and bow® lß ’ cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. today; M, 25,50 cents. Bold sail guaranteed to cure by all druggiate. No-Vo-Bac for Fifty Cent* Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure, toe, SI All drusKi sts