The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, September 29, 1898, Image 4

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’ kt/vt ! It Costs No More • • X INvZ 1 BUt A SUIT THAT 18 OF THE LATEST CUT, OF THE NEWEST FABRICS. __ _—~ - - TV* r KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES. MI CLOTHING IS ALL SEWED WITH jR HSS VV 11LL PURE DYE SILK, HAND MADE BUTTON HOLES AND SEAMS THAT WILL NOT RIP. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED, YOUR MONEY BACK GENTLEMEN? — Thos. J. White. NEW CROP TURNIP SEED-ALL THE BEST VARIETIES < BEST MIXED PAINT ON THE MARKET; WE | GUARANTEE IT TO GIVE SATISFACTION. GOOD ■ LAUNDRY SOAP 8 BARS FOR 6c. WHITE BAR SOAP WORTH 10c FOR 5c A BAR I ..SOME EXTRA FINE TEA.. ? ALL KINDS SPICES FOR PICKLEING. FLAV- ORING EXTRACTS FOR CAKE AND ICE CREAM. PENS, INK. PAPER, ENVELOPES. COMBS, nntfSHEH, cdLOGNE AND FINE EXTRACTS t .....All the Popular Patent Medicines and Drugs of All Sorts PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND ED. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. HYPODEBM -10 SYRINGES, REEDLEB. ETC. FOUR YEAR OLD I APPLE VINEGAR-SOMETHING THAT WILL ■ HAVE YOUR PICKLES. CALL AND BEE US J. ST. HARRIS & SOM- A WPLAP - - WILL SELL YOU 20 POUNDS OF GRANULATED SUGAR FOR |I.OO IF YOU WILL BUY <I.OO WORTH OF EITHER TEA, FLAVORING EXTRACTS OR FANCY ' CRACKERS. |G, W CLARK & SON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Be??/ -» ■ Morning Call. GRIFFIN, GA., SEPT. W, 1808. I Ufflceover Davis’ Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. M. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS DRr J. M. THOMAS, THYBICIAN AND BURGEON. Office: No. SB| Hill street, stairway ■next to R. P. McWilliams A Bon. • Try Bear*’ bread—made from pure i wheat floor. | Col. W. J. Kincaid spent yesterday Try Bears’ bread —made from pure | wheat flour. W. B. Baker, of Atlanta, was in the p city yesterday. Try Bears’ bread—made of pure Mwheat flour. 8. H. Deane made a business trip to | Atlanta yesterday. 3. W. Bishop made a business trip Ato Atlanta yesterday. Mrs. Ed. C. Smith spent yesterday ■with friends in Atlanta. ? J. R. Mangham, of Lifsey Springe, lapent yesterday in this city. Col. Lloyd Cleveland spent yester* I'lday in Macon on legal business. II Opposite Pott Office. J. M. Mills, Manager NewtonlCoal land Lumber Co. Sole Agents for Montevallo and Cilmlx Coal. Prompt delivery. 'Phone 5. K, John Cauthern and Tom Beasley, of I ikilner, spent yesterday ia this city. Miss Limmie Carter, of Orchard J. Hill, spent yesterday with friends in | this city. | 3. F. Nichols left yesterday for Zeb* I talon to attend the Flint River Baptist flltesooiation. E Mr. and Mrs. Roswell H. Drake spent l||resterday in Atlanta, where they were [ran ter tain nd by friends. For Coal without clinkers or slate ! buy Montevallo and Climax. 'Phone 11f1a.5. J. M. MILLS, Mgr., Newton Coal and Lumber Co. I Mrs. E. M. Drewry, ol Chattanooga, spending a few days with relatives pnd friends in this city. I Miss Kate Jones, of Hampton, is i||pending a few days io this city as |jbe guest of Mrs. J. A. Scott. J Miss Roselyu Reid left yesterday ilor Davisboro, where she will spend [utveral days visiting relatives and I ’Phone No. 5 for Montevallo, Hi max and Jellico Coal. I Prompt delivery regardless of I Newton Coal and Lumber Co. J. M. MILLS, Mgr. jMfclnd Mrs. Jas. 8. Boynton on eeleßßy moved into the reeidence of Lffißand Mrs. J. H. Keith, corner ihigbth and Taylor streets, where they Itrill be at home (o their friends. I Mr». M, K. Liy ton » Macon, ar* rived in the city yeaterday and for several day* will be the guert of Miss Marjorie Slaton. The Sure La Grippe Ours. There is no use suffering from Ibis dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver s out of order, have no appetite, no ife or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. E:ectric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on yonr Liver, Stomach •nd Kidneys, tone up the whole sys tem and make you feel like a new be ing. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at J. N. Har ris & Son’s, and Carlisle & Ward’s drug store, only 50c per bottle. Pitt’s Carminative is pleasant to the taste, acts promptly, and never Ihils to give satisfaction. It carries children over the critical time of teething, and is the friend of anxious mothers and puny children. A few doses will demonstrate its value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., writes: "I consider it the best medicine I have ever used in my family. It does all you claim for it, and even more.” AHapuy Marriage- Miss Daisy Starr, of Orchard Hill, and Mr. Jessie Marton, formerly of Co lumbus, were united in marriage at the bride’s parents’ at 9 o’clock yester day morning. The happy couple left on the Central for Cuthbert, where they will make their future home. #IOO Bewar’d 1100. The readers of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dread ed disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the cons titution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Chrnby & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist. 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. FOR RENT. Six-room dwelling on Poplar street. Apply to Wilson Mathews. Diamond Jubilee Carnival. Macon Georgia will celebrate the 75th anniversary of her foundation on October 11th, 12th, 18th and 14th, 1898. For this occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from all stations in Georgia at very low rates. Tickets on sale Octobor 10,11,12 and 13, 1898, with final limit tor return October 15tb, 1898. And will also sell tickets at one faro lor the round trip on October 14tb; final limit for return October 16th, 1898. For full information call on or address any agent of the Southern Railway company. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed’to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle ft Ward. Educate Your IlnweU With •?*.-caret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. too.Ssc. ICC.C.C fail,druGßisterefuud money. ‘ THE EMPIRE OF THE SOUTH.” A Magnificent Publication Upon the South. The wooderful progress which the South has been making in all lines of industrial, commercial and intellectual development has been most fittingly set forth in a magnificent volume, which, after mor tbs of careful prepa* lion, has just been issued by the Southern Railway. This book, die title of which, "The Empire of the South,” conveys an idea of its character, is beyond question one of the most comprehensive and at the same limo artistic publications ever issued from the press. Il contains □early two hundred octave pages, over four hundred exquisitely printed ilioe* tralioos, and makes a presentation of Southern interests in all lines of but man activity, which for thoroughness of treatment has never been approach* ed. The opening chapter of the book under the caption of "The South, Yeo* terday, Today and Tomotrow,” discus ses in a broad and forcible manner the present and future of the Southern States, treating at considerable length the various interests, such as agricul ture, cotton, tobacco, iron, coal, resort, climate, etc. Following this are chap ters devoted to each of the States south of the Ohio and Potomac, and east of the Mississippi rivers. These give a brief, interesting sketch of the early history of each state, and then touch upon all its important ac*> tivities, showing the progress being made not only by the State itself, but by the leading cities. The author of,the work, Mr. Frank Presbrey, is a close student of South* ern progress, and in the collection and preparation of the immense amount of important information given in the book, has bad the co-operation of the officials of the Southern Railway. The distribution of this magnificent volume will do an incalculable amount of practical good in calling the atten tion of the world to the South, and the Southern Railway has demonstra ted its faith in the future of that sec tion by the expenditure of the many thousands of dollars which this great work must have cost. Those who are fortunate enough to receive a copy of this edition de luxe, which is sent with the compliments of the company, will prize it as a most valuable addition to their library. Kissed Shells For Luck. Much has been written of the action of men in the fleet during the battle at Santiago. One story of the action of the Brooklyn’s crew was told the other day that illustrates the way the men below the decks work during battle. In the ammunition room of the Brooklyn they were stripped to the buff. There must be nothing in the magazine that is liable to cause fric lion and a spark. The men could hear the shots of the Spaniards and knew when the ship was struck, They could hear the roar of their own guns, but could not see anything. When the 6-inch guns were work ing at their hottest and the men were passing shells to the hoist there was a slight pause. Then the shells came on deck regularly again. When the engagement was ended and the stark naked gaag cam.e on deck to see the Cristobal Colon’s finish somebody asked, ‘What was that wait about?” "Ob, those Indians,” said Lee, a petty officer. "After they had greased the nose of the shell somebody said everybody must kiss it for luck, and we did. That caused the wait of half a minute. After that they kissed every shell.” After the first lew shots no shell left that room in the fight without the gang hugging it, telling it to go out and do its work. The crowd talked to the shells as if they were human. It was “Go up and do them 1” "Get up there, old 6-inch and plug a hole in her! Remember the Maine!'* The 6-inch shells of the Brooklyn did great work. The boys believe it was the send off they got in the am munition room that helped to do it.— New York Preaa. ts. < I ■■ To Car* Conatlpatlon Forevei. Take Ctiscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or So. M G C. a fall to cure, druggists refund mono f jJMKccSX ML i ilawowlSiai I GEORGE WASHINGTON'S COACH Shows the contrast in the lumbersome vehicle of that time, compared with ] the strong and light running gear and beautiful designs in carriages of today. We have no back numbers, or old time stiff carriages in our stock, but everything that is handsome and up to-date in buggies, phsetons, traps • carts, buckboards, etc. , L. C. MANLEY, «ir. I A RICHLY CARVED BUFFET in antique oak does more towards making an attractive dining room than anything you could furnish it with. We have handsome buffets, hand carved, with fan cy French plate mirrors. We have also extension tables to match, and rich dining i room chairs at low prices. We have also an extensive stock of fine dining room sets st exceptional bargaing, L. W. GODDARD & SOM. We have just received a large quantity of Georgia Raised Seed Rye, Also Seed Barley and Wheat. Fresh Turnip and Garden Seed. N. B. DREWRY * SON, 28 Hill Street. saeQlwMHf If NOTICE. We are still in the fight for Good Goods at Bottom prices on all Groceries, and for Fresh Meats we can’t be beat Call and •get prices. Phone 33. J. R. SHEDD. P. B.—Also a First Class Restaurant CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tin KM Yw Hin Ahnp Bogrt Bears the /Tv .//fz? .""TT** Riffwntnrw nf 1 • ■ r Ftf f A O Ylf 1 Sr Mridffae ItzlTllSTßi fiC HilUf uu Fill GfIEHIHB, lISI. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. ■ • ' • : ' Amuskeag “A. 0. A.” Ticking 9ic yd. i Oil Red Prints Sic yd. yd, Good Lonsdale Cambrio. 5c yd, 4-4 Bleached Domestic-—free of dressing. 2ic yd, Good Prints—lo yards to each customer. 4c spool for Coats Spool Cotton. PATTERN SUITS.. . . We can’t do these justice with the pen. You must see them—no two alike—ell the latest combinations of colorings. $1.73 pattern for all wool fancy mixed Dress Goota—special bargains. 25c yard for 36-inch all wool black and colored Sfrges worth 35c. Large stock black and colored Silks, Satins and Velvets. In Dress Trimmings we show all the new Braids and Passentries from plain wool Braids up to the handsomest goods made. 6ic for Fruit of Loom or Lonsdale 4-4 Sheeting. 5c for Canton Flannel worth 6ic. 2ic yard for Prints worth 4c._10 yards to a customer. 4c yard for 4*4 Sea Island. 4ic for good Outing Dress Flannels. 10c. pair misses "Dewey” fast black seamless Hose, worth $ 15c. Splendid values in ladies, misses and childrens "Onyx black Hose 15c to $1 pair. * : < TABLE LINENS. .. . 50c yard for half bleached Table Linen worth 65c. Bargains in better Table Linens aqd Napkins. ... i ■ - "P. D.,” “0. B.” “R & G” in staple and new shapes. New Embroideries, Laces and Seam Braids. . Largest line Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs in the city—lowest prices. 1c each for childrens School Handkerchiefs- 25c for ladies bleached Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants. Best value in Griffin. , Quantities of ladies, misses, childrens, mens and boys cotton and wool Underwear. Flannels, Blankets, Cassimers, White Goods, Draperies in large quantities. STANDARD PATTERNS.—October sheets to give away. Standard Patterns are the only high grade, low priced, seam fallowing patterns. sc, 10c, 15c and 20c each. None higher. FIEMISTEH BRIDGES. / - .... , ' ■' BASS BROS. A Great Opportunity is Here ! I • Oyer One Hundred Thousand Dollars worth of New Mercan dise was sold to the highest bidder m Atlanta and BASS BROS, were the largest buyers at this immense sale. MOODY & BREWSTER Entered into the Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions, Gents Furn ishings, in Atlanta a few months ago. After buying this stock Mr. Brewster disappeared and the court appointed a receiver to dispose of the merchandise to the highest bidder. Entirely New Stock. The Fall and Winter samples did not even go to the road. Everything as New and Fresh as on the day they were shipped from the factories. We have never had such bargains before to offer our customers as we now have. You want the goods, we want the customers. Let’s supply each other’s want to a mutual advantage Daily Sales. Must Be Sold. It will be impossible for us to furnish room for this immense stock all atone time —we will open the cases from day to day and selll the contents. You are cordially invited to attend the sales, and with a little cash secure some rare bargins. Such Bargins Unknown Before. Ist. case to be opened will be 50 doz. Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 3icts each. 2nd. case 50 doz. Ladies Hems stitched Handkerchiefs, extra quality at scts. 3rd, case 25 doz. Gents Handkerchiefs at scts., and 25 doz. Gents Handkerchiefs at B}ots. 4th. case 50 doz. Misses Ribbed Hose at scts, and 50 doz. Ladies Black Hose at scts. sth. case 50 doz. Seam less Black Hose at and 25% doz. Seamless Black Hose 25cts. quality at lOcts. 6th, case 25 doz. Black Half Hoee to sell as scts, and 25 doz better quality at lOcts. 7th. case 100 Huck Toaels at 7icts. Bth. case 50 doz. Turkish Towels at 9cts. 9th. case 64 doz. Linen Towels assorted. 10th. case Lot of Hair Brushes, Combs, Pocket Books, Tooth Brushes, Jewelery Hair, Curlers, etc. WATCH THIS SPACE. .BASS BROS.’.