The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 1

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■ _ - . .jmL ■ H ■ ■ B /■ B ■ ' I B I v i B—J I H I B B -I Iw/ II B ■"'w I w B I B B. A—■ 11 i I > -L ▼ A JLx.l. NXI Nv_J v j I j I j* —- ' ■ VoL X. No. 20. WILL HAISE COLON Hobton Say* That Ke Can Save the Cruiser—Department Lends Aid- Washington, Sept. 29—Assistant Secretary Allen, who has been directly in charge of the arrangement a made with the wrecking companies for rais* aog auch of the Spanish warships sunk or stranded in the battle of Joly 3, as can be removed, said today re* sering to Constructor Hobson’s work on the Teresa, that the navy depart** meet bad given the young construe* tor all of the aaaistance which it was possible to extend in the prosecution of bis work. Moreover, it is now proposed to give him further aid in bis effort to raise the Colon, by far the finest ship of the Spanish squadron. Whatever credit has been earned by Constructor Hob* son by reason of the Teresa would, in the opinion of Mr, Allen, be largely exceeded if the attempt to raise the Colon results successfully. In case of this ship, the young constructor has pledged bis professional reputation against the unanimous opinion of all the expert wreckers who have exam* ined the ship. Yet, the navy depart-* ment is unhesitatingly supporting Hobson’s judgment as is indicated by the fact that yesterday it shipped from New York $20,000 worth of specially manufactured rubber air bags to be used in lifting the Colon. Economical Filipinos. Aguinaldo has already discovered that it would not be an easy matter to establish and maintain an indepeu** dent government in the Philippine Islands. The Congress of the Filipi nos, which has been in session some time, shows a very decided disposition not to levy taxes for the support of an army. Borne of the representatives in attendance upon the Congress say very frankly that their constituents do not want to pay any taxes. Io fact, it is quite aoparent from the advices received from the Philippines that the people of some of the provinces do not intend to pay any. The Fillipibos know, however, that order cannot be maintained without an army, and that an army cannot be bad without money, and that the only way for a govern ment to get money is by means of taxation. It is suggested by them, in order to get rid cf taxes, that an American protectorate be accepted. Representatives of some of the pro vinces also say that their people will not favor any government with which Aguinaldo has anything to do. It is not to be wondered at that, under the circumstances, the tone of Wguinaldo is a little more humble than it was a short time ago. It he saw bis way clearly to control the island be would give Gen. Otis a great deal more trouble than he has yet. He is willing now to obey Gen. Oiis’ or ders, because he cannot help himself. If the Filipinos Congress refuses to provide money for the insurgent forces Aguinaldo’s army Till disappear, in all probability, a good while before the Paris commission decides what the fate of the Philippines shall be. The objection of the Filipinos to taxation may pat it out of the power of Agui* naldo to shape the destiny of the Philippines in any important particu lar.—Savannah News. 1100 lieward. 1100. The readers of this paper will be pleas ed to learn that there is at least one dread ed disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur- J. faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the cons titution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Ckbhbt & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggist. 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Diamond Jubilee Carnival. Macon Georgia will celebrate the 75th anniversary of her foundation on October 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, 1898. For this occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from all stations in Georgia at very low rates. Tickets on sale October 10,11,12 and 18, 1898, with final limit tor return October 15tb, 1898. And will also sell tickets at one fare for the round trip on October 14th; final limit for return October 16th, 1898. For full informatton call on or address any agent of the Southern Railway company, Educate Your Bowels With Caacarets. Capo/ Cathartic, ears constipation forever. KC.C.C fail, drui-sris tare fund mpuecr. TO LAOHCH REBEL REPUBLIC Aguinaldo to Formally Inaugurate Insurgent Government Tomorrow* New Yobk, Sept. 29 —A dispatch to The Herald from Manila aaya: At Malolos tomorrow, Aguinaldo will formally inaugurate the republic of the Philippines by a great celebra* tion. Invitations have been extended to the principal army officers and newspaper correspondents here. A thousand natives will attend. The “dictator" will review hie army and will probably issue proclamations to the nations of the world, setting forth the intentions of bis govern* ment. Important to Ladies. The ladies of Griffin in order to pro' mote economy oi visiting time, have arranged the population into four classes, and consider the following to be as fairly equal a territorial distri* bution of themselves as it is possible to make, viz: On the First Thursday of eaoh month, ‘.hose ladies will receive who live in the 3rd Ward; and also those who live in that portion of the 4th Ward east of Tenth street. On each Second Thursday the ladies will receive who live in the Fourth Ward west of Tenth street and also all who live in the let Ward to the south of the Central railroad. On the Third Thursday of each month, the ladies will receive, who live in that portion oi the First ward, not th of the Central railroad, and also who live in the entire Second ward. On the Fourth Thursday, all the la* dies will receive who live in suburban homes. All ladies who approve of ibis effort to concentrate on a certain and%nder stood visiting day, and who will regu* ate tbeir receptions on the above ba* sis, are requested to send their names to the Morning Call, care Society Editor, on or before Saturday next, Oct. let. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by*J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward, Hon. Thos. F- Bayard Dead. The Hon. Thos. F. Bayard, of Dels* ware, died at the home of his daugh* ter, Mrs. Samuel D Warren, at her summer heme, Karlstein, Mass., after an illness of six weeks, surrounded by lie family. CA.STORIA., Bears the Kin(i Yoll Haw Alwa ys Bou Stt Died In His Country’s Service. Corporal Carl B. Perkerson, of the Third Georgia Regiment, who enlisted under Capt. Sanford, after a sickness of a week or more with typhoid fever, died at the home of his father, Mr. John D Perkerson, at Austell, in this county, on last Saturday morning. His funeral took plaee on Sunday, and a vast concourse of people was present. A squad of. bis regiment came up frim Griffin and buried him with military honors. He was a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and each order participated in the burial services. He was a manly young mat), sialwart and highly es teemed by all who knew him He made a fine soldier, and bis memory will be kept green by his comrades. His death saddened everybody in Austell, who mourn his untimely demise. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives.— Marietta Journal. The Sure La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your body, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. E'ectrie Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole sys tem and make you feel like a new be* ing. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For sale at J. N. Har ris <fc Son’s, and Carlisle A Ward’s drug store, only 50c per bottle. CAOTORTA. . Sgaatim GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30,1898. 8. 8. Infanta Maria Teresa, U. 8. M. The navy has now been increased by the addition of a large and capable vessel which has not heretofore, ap peared in any appropriation bill. The vessel referred to is the armored cruie* er Infanta Maria Teresa, formerly of the Spanish navy, and lately of Boley’s naval graveyard along the coast west of Santiago. Hobson has resurrected her, the breath of a new life will be blown into her nostrils and she will go forth to a new, and it is to be hoped, prosperous career under tbe Stars and Stripes. There is a rule in tbe havy that re* pairs shall not be made to a vessel if the expense will be greater than a cer tain percentage of tbe original coat of tbe craft. It is said that tbe Teresa could be repaired and placed in first class condition under that rule; but even if such were not the case, tbe probabilities are that the rule would be suspended and the vessel would be rehabilitated for sentimental reasons. The Teresa was pretty heavily poun ded during the fight. She was struck twenty-nine times—As often as the Vizcaya, which is a complete wreck. But the Teresa was more fortunate than Xer Mater ship, in that she suffer ed no disastrous internal explosion, while the Vizcaya was torn by tbe ex* plosion of her own torpedoes. No vital part of tbe Teresa was seriously hurt by the shot and shell. She was first to strike her colors and make for tbe beach, but that was because of fire on board rather than damage to bull or machinery from the shots of the Amer icans. The armor is said to be practi cally uninjured, and tbe hull is in good shape except for a hole in the bottom, pounded through by the rock on which she was beached. According to the American rule of classification, Lieut. Hobson rates the Teresa as a battleship of tbe second class, tbe class of the Texas and the destroyed Maine. She is of 7,000 tons displacement, or nearly 700 tons heav ier than the Texas. She is 340 feet long by 65 feet beam, or nearly size of the great New York, and her speed was about 19 knots under forced draught. Her bull is of mild steel, and she is protected by an armor belt twelve inches thick and five feet wide extending ever nearly her whole length at the water line. The tjecke are armored, and curve below tbe wa ter line, both forward and aft. She mounted two 11-inch modern breech loading rifles in her turrets and ten 5 5 inch rapid fire rifles on the broadsides besides a number-of 6 pounders and other small calibre rapid fire pieces. She has a coal capacity of 1,050 tons, and a steaming radius of 9,700 miles without recoaling. At the time of the battle she was almost a new vessel, having been launched in 1890 at Bil* boa, where she was built by an Anglo- Spanish firm after tbe most modern plans for high class cruisers. It is said in Washington that tbe majority of sentiment seems to be in favor of entering the ship into our na val lists under her original name. It is to be hoped that opinion will gov ern. No other name that could be se lected for her would mean so much to tbe American people. As the Infanta Maria Teresa, she would be not only a valuable addition to our navy, but a perpetual reminder of tbe prowess of the American ships and gunners off Santiago on July 3, 1898—Savannah News. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, 8. D. “Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well find healthy woman.” Trial bottles free at J. N. Harris <fc Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. Reg ular size 50c and SIOO. Guaranteed or price refunded. Pitt’s Carminative is pleasant to the taste, acts promptly, and never fails to give satisfaction. It carries children over the critical time of teething, and is the friend of anxious mothers and puny children. A few doses will demonstrate its value. E. H. Dorsey, Athens, Ga., writes: “I consider it the best medicine I have ever used In my family. It does all you claim for it, and even more." Educate Your With Civcarets. Candy Catbartie, rare constipation forever. 10c,25c. If C.C.C faU,druKgl»t» refund money. Rayat awkea the food pare, I _ 'KKSSI ■&V4I POWDER Absolutely Pure aOYAI BAKINO FOWOtR 00., »tW VODK. A Dead Letter Law- In chapter iv, pages 448 and 449, [ sections 1636 and 1638 of the code of ( Georgia, there is a law that is not en forced in many counties and is said to be practically dead. These sections state that in every ’ county the ordinary shall be supplied with standard weights and measures by the stale and that all persons Cell ing goods in saiddcounty shall be com pelled to take their weights and meas* ' urea to tbe ordinary and have them J teated and bis seal put upon them. If anybody has been selling goods that were not weighed by these meas ures and a complaint was made they 1 would be presented to the grand jury ' for violation of the law. f . Tbe law also goes on to state that if a bill is made against any person for goods bought which were not meas* 1 ured with tbe ordinary’s mark the ’ person is compelled to pay only three* E fourths of tbe bill, and before 1893 be was not compelled to pay any of tbe ' bill. * THE EKEUBTCE OF SWEP OF FIB is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Caxifornia Fig Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Sybup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and tbe satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company— CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN rRANCISCO, OU. LOUISVn.LN.Kr, NXWTOKK.N.Y. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of McDonald & Hanes is this day dissolved by mutual consent R. A. McDonald will collect all notes and ac counts due the firm, and pay all indebted* ness of the firm. This Sept Ist, 1898. R.A. McDonald. E. L. Hanks . < FOR RENT. Six-room dwelling on Poplar street Apply to Wilson Mathews. NOTICE. Parties desiring to settle tbeir in debtedness to D. A. Oxford can find ne at •ary office io tbe uM Brewer df Hanleiter building, West Solomon street. Butler Oxford. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Th KM Yw Hau Alwap taglt Bears the "T""* , Siffnatwreof Yo Coro Constipation Totovat. Take CMcarvts Candy Cathartic. Wo or St. u a c. (X fnU to ram. drexsista refund mooe> Tn Cam Constipation rortrn. Tsko Osaearsta Candy Cothsrtta Mo or Ma IGC.C. faU to euro, druggists refund mooop R.F. Strickland & Co. 1— <°) IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY HEBE THIS WEEK. We have collected this season the laxgest and handsomest stock of staple and fancy gooAs that we have ever owned. We want to show you Monday all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods. Moderate In price for Such Goods. DR ESS PATTERNS ALL PRICES FROM 82.00 TOMOjOO. SPECIAL PRICKS ON BLACK GOODS. »g|| 36 in. Black Henrietta, Half Wool 20c. 40 in. Black Henrietta, All Wool, worth 50c at 89c. S 6 in. All Wool Serge, Black and Ooloro, at 25c. 46 in. Fine Twilled Serge only 60 cents per yard. 46 in. Storm Serge, Very Cheap at 50 cento per yard. BLACK CREPONS AND POPLINS. NEW SKIRTINGS IN BYODERE EF FECTS, A SPECIAL BARGAIN Al SI.OO AND $1.35. Silks for Waist and Linings WAIST SILKS 4YD PATTERS 75c TO stoo. BEST QUALITY TAFFETA SILK 75 CENTS. BLACK ;BATIN AT 70c, SI.OO AND $t 50. New Stock of Ladies and Childrens Hose. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF CORSETS IN THE CITY. ALL NEW STYLES AND BEST MAKE. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. f.' !'■' ..J I WMEMMBMIi SOMETHING NEW >O| AND INTERESTING, fl Titus—A Comrade of The Croce. v The Wrestler oi Philippi. DeVotee and A Darling. Out of The Triangle, a Story of the Far East. Ten Nights in a Bar Boom. Any of the above at soeach. J. H. HUFF, - 24 Hill Street. Columbia Bicycles Lead All Others. $35.00 fMnr nn $50.00 M°.<» - JIIB.UU " »”OO HARTFORD BICYCLES! CASH OB CREDIT. ZX. DRAKE, GRIFFIN, GA. ■' ' ' EDWARDS BROS., 89 HILL STREET. (o) NEW STORE-NEW GOODS Below we name a list of prices on the most staple goods. Comparison will prove that no competition can touch them. . Pepperell Mills unbleached 10-4 Sheet ing 16fc. Pepperell Mills bleached 104 Sheeting 19c. Fruit of Loom 4-4 Bleach 6jc. Pepperell Mills Pillow Casing 10c. English Long Cloth 10c. Indian Head 10c. Best Prints, all new styles, 4c to sc. Beautiful quality welt Pique 20c. 72-inch all linen bleached Damask 85c. EDWARDS BROS. 1 Tea Cents per Week 72-inch all linen unbleached Damask Me. Linen Doilers 5 to 124 c. Beet Table Oil Cloth 15c. Canton Flannel 5,6,7 and 10c. New wool Dress Goods under value. Fine lisle thread, silk finish Hose, beau ties, 10,20 and 25c. Linen Window Shades 25,30,88 and 50a gM On Notions you are familiar with our prices and know they are the lowest.