The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, October 15, 1898, Image 1

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- B B ■ ■ J i B /■ 3 w B I I B I I B B / w B .■' > ' ■ I ■”n| / ■ ME I ■ | I I ’awlwJr W w a / w / JBL. B «BL. ML wr JL. ▼ JK. Bk. w JHL JL JL. JBk JlkMssß JBLmssßw X "V "Ma Q a VOL -A-. i’ Ut <>*• ON NIXT TUESDAY The and Stripes Will Float Over Porto Rico- Washington, Oct. 14.—The follow* log cablegram baa been received at the war department: “San Joan de Porto Rico, Oct. 12. Secretary of War, Washington. The United States commission has in* formed the Spanish commission that the United States expects to have complete possession of Porto Rico on October 18th. The Spanish commie* sion assents to this and says it is ex pected that evacuation will be com* plete on or before that day. If not it will concede possession. The Uni ted States oom mission has practically completed the details of the evacua* tion and the joint commission bss held its last session and adjourned without delay United States troops will be placed in San Juan and the flag hoisted at noon October 18ch. "Brooke.” This dispatch is very gratifying to the war department officials and ends all contention regarding.the possession of Porto Rico The details of agree* ments reached by the commissioners have not yet been received at the de partment, but as negotiations seem to have progressed smoothly, it is sup posed that the instructions of the ad ministration to the commission have been carried out. CA-STORIA.. Bean the' V” H«8 Alwajß BsegK Signature * r A Pleasant Letter- It takes a clever man to find a good word to say on every occasion. It is said of Thomas Bailey Aldrich that he once received a letter from his friend, Prof. Edward 8. Morse, and found the handwriting wholly illegible. Mr. Al* dricb was not at a loss for an answer. In due time there came to Mr. Morse the following reply: My dear Morse, it was very pleasant to receive a letter from you the other day. Perhaps I should have found it pleasanter if I bad been able to deci pher it. I don’t think I mastered any thing beyond the date, which I knew, and signature, which I guessed. There is a singular and perpetual charm in a letter of you re—it never grows old, and it never loses its nov*. elty. One can say every morning as one looks at it: ‘'Here’s a letter of Morse’s I haven't read yet. I think I shall take another sby at it today, and maybe I shall be able in tbo course of a few years to make out what be means by those t’s that look like w’s and those i’s that haven’t any eye brows’’ Other letters are read and thrown away and forgotten, but yours are kept forever—unread. One ol them will last a reasonable man’s lifetime Youth’s Companion. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm ot V. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1886. (—) A. W. GLEASON. ( SEAL J •*—v—' Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. * Send for testimo nials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Bebels Bebel and Fight- Manila, Oct. 14—A rumor here says that Macabulos, chief of the fivenortb ern provinces of the Pbillipine islands, has rebelled against Againsldo and that hard fighting has already taken place between the opposing factions. It is reported here that General Rios, the Spanish commander at Doi* 10, has sent emissaries from that place to undermine Aguinaldo’s influence and induce the natives to demand that Spain retain the Philippine islands. CASTOR IA Fo£ Infants and Children. The KtoiJ You Hare Always Bought Bears the B <r» t r*TT TTf An Unintentional Injustice- Those who edit the dispatches io Washington for the news associations do tbe South an unintentional injua, tics by permitting the yellow fever, now prevailing in portions of the states of Mississippi and Louisiana, to be referred to always as being in tbe South, but in only a small part of the South From what they see in tbe newspapers people in tbe North and West who read ibe papers hastily, are very apt to'get the impression that tbe feveg is prevailing all over the South. It is not an unusual thing for per sons visiting New York who live in tbe South Atlantic states to be asked if they are not afraid to return borne before frost Those who ask these questions are entirely sincere. They don’t know whereabouts in tbe South the yellow fever is. They have heard or read that it is in tbe South. Hence they think it dangerous to vist any one of tbe Southern states, or any part of any of them. When officials in the office of the head of tbe marine hospital service for instance give out information" re specting the progress of the disease it would be an easy matter to name tbe state in which the disease prevails. By doing so tbe impression that the fever is prevailing in all parte of the South would be quickly corrected. New Orleans does not look upon the fever situation as being at all alarming. Her leading physicians gave it as their opinion a day or two ago that there would not be an epi demic of the disease and the Lousiana board of health was asked to take steps to have the quarantine against New Orleans declared off. In epidemic years the fever comes much earlier than it did this year. There will be scattering oases from now on until frost but there will be no such outbreak of tbe disease as will ustify tbe adoption of shot gun quar* antine to stop its spread.—Savannah News. Queer Story of Two Lakes- Tbe Wetternsee in Sweden, like so many other lakes, has long enjoyed the local reputation of being a bottom less pit The Swedish scientists have now destroyed the venerable legend, for in the measurements taken a few days ago, they have successfully dem* onstrated that the greatest depth of the lake is only 119 meters. There still remains, however, a series of mysteries which science most be content to leave unsolved—at least for a time. It is not only a legendary be lief, but there is a quasi-scientific ground for tbe queer supposition that living creatures, animals and vegeta. bles, cm, and do make jaurneys to and fro between the high nortben lake of Western and tbe South German Lake of Constance. This bold conclusion has been partly justified by tbe ap pearance of exactly tbe same fauna, and even of tbe samj animal life, in tbe Swedish and tbe Swabian island seas It is even asserted that when there is a storm on the Lake of Con stance tbe Lake of Wettern begins sympathetically to roll and swell, gnd that the southern lake is similarly moved by any agitation in the distant northern lake Tbe Kleine Zeitung soberly declares this sympathetic pbes nomenon to be a known fact, but con siderately adds that we have to gait some time for a rational explanation of it.—London News. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tbe pub lic to know of one concern in tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to tbe needy and suffering. Tbe propri etors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Cougbs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine; and have tbe satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of tbe Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on J, N. Harris A 800, and Carlisle A Ward, Druggists, and get a trial bottle free. -Regular size 50c and fil. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Mr. H. A. Paas, Bowman, Ga., writes: “One of my children, was very delicate and we despaired of raising it. For months my wife and I could hardly get a night’s rest until wo began the use of Pitts’ Car minative. We found great relief from the first bottle.” Pitts’ Carminative acts promptly and cures permanently. It is pleasant to the taste, and children take it without coaxing. It is free from injurious drugs and chemicals. Ehw.t-Your BuweU WMh curat*. Candy CaU.urtic, cure coumipation forever. |oc, 25c. If C. C. C (ail. drnnclsu refund mono* GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15. 18>8. Blacksmith Became a Lard Tbe death of William Strati, eon and heir of Baron Belper and nephew of the Earl of Dunmore, who was found dead ou Oct. 5 in the bathtub of bis room at the West End Hotel, 81. Louie, Mo , baa recalled some early history of the Belper family, says a London cable. The first Lord Belper was a black smith who helped Arkwright with bis inventions. When Arkwright made his first spinning frame he found tbe threads twisted. Greatly chagrired. he went lo the blacksmith, who said be would remedy the matter on oondi tion that be receive half tbe profits of tbe invention for 10 years. Arkwright, it is said, agreed to this, whereupon blacksmith rubbed bis band over one of the cylinders and said : “That’s all it wants.” He had chalked his bsnd and creat ed a rough rurface, where Arkwright had it too smooth. “Absent Treatments ” A man of tbe Christian Science faith fractured his femur Under the Christian Science it is united, of course, but of course there was consid erable shortening Some months later a lady called at bis place of business to sell him a book. In the course of conversation he related bis experience, bemoaning tbe fact that tbs one timed injured limb was so short that he walked with much difficulty. She ex pressed much sympathy, but assured him that just as Christian Science had mended the bone, just so could it lengthen it. She informed him that she understood and could give him one treatment then, and after that give him what were called “absent treatments.” This she did and depart ed. A fortnight later tbe man believed his leg was really a little longer. After another week be was sure it was. A week later it was still longer, and soon afterward it was as long as the other, and later still it was longer than tbe uninjured limb. At last accounts the leg was getting too long; the “absent treatment” was still going on, and tbe whereabouts of tbe woman could not be ascertained.”—Massachusetts Med*, ical Journal. CABTORXA. Esan the _ Kind BtHgM Bignatnn Legal Status of Poker- Poker has now, on a test case, been declared a game of chance and pro hibited aa illegal says the Vienna cor respondent of the London Poet. Five players were proceeded against, and each fined 10 florins. The defendants included two lawyers as well as tbe proprietress of tbe case where tbe game was being played when the po lice made their appearance. Tbe action of tbe authorities against this popular game dates from 1886, when it was decided that poker was a game of chance. For a time tbe game lost a good many devotees, but it gradually regained its old widespread popularity io the cases. Tbe disas trous consequences of poker playing for many of the citizens, with whom it ba«| become a ruinous passion, led the authorities two years ago to put the old deciaion once more into force. The defendants, however, were found not guilty on appeal, and, as a result, the gamp was played with impunity in every public case and restaurant under tbe eyes of the police. A few days ago, however, the wife of a desperate and almost ruined gambler appealed as a last resource to tbe authorities, and in consequence the police made a rade on tbe case in question. One of tbe arguments produced in defense was that the cards used for poker were stamped by tbe authorities and pre pared under their supervision, and that thus tbe state itself bad counts uanced the playing. The decision is to be appealed against. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks Nke it; but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame 'Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria dr nervous troubles. We mean he can cure him self right away by taking Electric Bit ters. This medicine tones up tbe whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleepless ness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores tbe system to its natursl vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worher. Every bot tle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at J. N. Harris A Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s. wa a- a— - rew •coyai omikbs tne vooa pare* Absolutely Rare ItOVAI SMOIM POWOtS 00., MW VOMC. ■■ ' '• ' Pointed Paragraphs. It doesn’t take a blooming idiot long to go to seed. The average Kentuckian is strove the high water mark. When tbe king loses he always comes within an ace of winning. Gossip is always short lived unless it is properly ventilated. It's never 100 bolin summer or too cold in winter for the ice mao. Os Course, women are naturally credulous when their portraits flatter them. We never beard of busbands and wives quarreling about which loved tbe other the most. Satan never gets tired of jollying people who imagine they are prise beautiea It’s always tough on the tight rope walker when he steps from the straight and narrow path. Some actors are like some eggs—- they go upon the stage when they are no good for anything else. ■ Whenever a girl begins to lectures young man on financial economy, he can safely ask her to name the happy day.—Chicago News. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBDP OF FMS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Cauvobmu Fio Brnup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and Original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name ot the Company— CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. SAN rRANCISOO. Cal LOUIBVII.U. Kj. MSW YORK. M. W. For Sale. The Hughes place, 2 miles’north of Grif fis; good 5-room house, big bsxn.bermuda pasture, etc.*67 1-2 acres of land. Easy terms. A. 8. Blake, Road Tax Notice. Road tax for 1898 is now due. If paid to J. C. Brooks, County Treasurer, by the 15th of October, he will receipt you in toll forfilJO. Ifnotpaidby that day same will be 13.00. J. A. J. TiDWKLt, C. 8. O„ D. L. Patrick, C. 8. C. TATE OF GEORGIA, Sfalddig Couktt. J. JEf. Grubbs, guardian of H. W,, Sarah L„ Mollie, T. J. and C A. McKneely and Amanda M. Burke, has applied to me for a discharge from the guardianship of the above named persons. This is therefore to notify nil persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in November, 1898, else he will be discharged from his guardian ship, as applied for. Oct. 3,1898. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. DR. E. L. HJkISTES, DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, on the north, M Williams A Son. LF.Strickland&Co. (o) MONDH-SPECIALS. TABLE LINENS.... RED FIGURED TABLE DAMABK GUARANTEED TO STAND WASH AT ™ WITHBOAP AKO HOT WATER. REGULAR I WHITE SATIN TABLE DAMASK 61 INCHES WIDE, REGULAR PRICE 60c MONDAY’S PRICE 4Xc WHITE DAMASK «IN WIDE, REGULAR PRICE Me MONDAYS PRICE 59c. WHITE BRTIN DAMASK 70 IN WIDE, REGULAR PRICE 85c MONDAY’S PRICE 7» 1-M HALF BLEACHED SATIN DAMASK 71 IN WIDE A REGULAR ffifc DAMABK MONDAY AT 4»c Cotton Flannels and Outing - - - 10c COTTON FLANNEL, MONDAY’S SPECIAL fie. 10cFLEECED DRESS FLANNELS, MONDAY’S PRICE 7 1-fc LONSDALE 4-4 SHEETING MONDAY PRICE 6 Lfc. 10 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER. 10-4 BLEACHED SHEETING MONDAY AT 16c. LADIES HEAVY RIBBED UNDERVEST MONDAY’S PRICE » FOR Me. MENS EXTRA HEAVY FLEECED LINED SHIRTS, MONDAYS SPEC- IAL 35c. 200 PAIRS SUSPENDERS REGULAR PRICE Me OUR PRICE 15c Dress Goods - - - - ALL WOOL HENRIETTAS, FINE TWILLED, SOFT FINISHED, REG LLAR PRICE 500.0 UR SPECIAL PRICE 80c. ALL WOOL HENRIETTAS AND SERGES AT Me. SPECIAL PRICES ON BLACK GOODS. NEW LINE OF SILKS FOR LINING AND WAISTS. ALL COLORS IN SILK VELVETS AT 75c WORTH fiLOO. IN ASfiNG FOR THESE GOODS PLEASE BAY THEY WERE AD* VERTISED. B- F. STRICKLAND & CO. " EW HO * E BEWIW ■ACHIBL K ■ EXAMINE IT BEFORE YOU A PURCHASE ANY OTHER. PERFECT SATISFACTION ' GUARANTEED. NEVER GETS A OUT 0F ORDER. FOR SALE ML % J. H. HUFF, - 24 Hill Street K P. HORNE. We Are Full Os Bargains. HAVING RECENTLY RETURNED FROM NEW YORK, WHERE WE WERE ABLE TO SECURE SOME OHOIOE PLUMS, WE ARE MOW IN A POSITION TO OFFER TO OUR COUBTOMERB SOME RARE BARGAINS. Notions - - - - WE HAVE IN TODAY 2 LINES OF SAMPLE NOTIONS AMD WE DEFY ANY MERCHANT IN GRIFFIN TO MEET OUR PRICES, ON HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECKWEAR, COR. SETS, SHIRTS,.UMBRELLAS, BELTS, ETC. COME IN TO SEE OUR GOODS AND WE WILL CONVINCE YOU OF OUR LOW PRICES. PRICE OUR GOODS AMD THEN TRY TO MATCH THEIR VALUES ELSEWHERE, YOU WILL THEN RECOGNIZE THEIR TRUE WORTH. WE CUT THE OTHER FEL LOWS PRICE AND MAKE BUT ONE BID AT THAT. CALLON W. P. H 0 R N E AT SHERMAN STORE. • ' ' EDWARDS BROS., 89 HILL. STREET. Any one in need of Fine Shoes cannot afford not to see our stock of Gents Fine shoes, up to date styles at the low price of $2.98. The above are high -'fl grade goods. Ladies Kid Gloves, black and tan, every pair warranted at EDWARDS BROS. x ’ * * I I Ten Cents dot Wodt