The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, October 15, 1898, Image 4

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XTECXBZ • • HEAD- Our display as FALL NECKWEAR is tbs meat skteMhs sad varied totewn. We make a study rs styles aad reserve far eorsetves tbs first eMpmaat aT tbs newest aad latest creations of baberdasbsrs. That Itos at CO OEISTTS Isincomparabloaßdanapproach- sms iw nearness ano oMiny. THOS. J. WHITE. I ..JEW CROP TURNIP SEED-ALL THE REST VARIETIES..... BEST MIXED PAINT ON THE MARKET; WE GUARANTEE IT TO GIVE SATISFACTION. GOOD LAUNDRY SOAPS BARS FOR 6c. WHITE BAR SOAP WORTH 10c FOR Sc A BAR \SOME EXTRA FINE TEA.. ALL KINDS SPICES FOR I’ICKLEING. FLAV BS3BSKF .....All tbe Papular Patent Medicines and Drugs of All Sorts PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND ED. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. HYPODEBM SAVE YOUR PICKLES. CALL AND BEE US J.HARRIS & SON- FULTON MARKET BEEF. WHITE WINE VINEGAR. NEW CROP PRUNES . PINE APPLE CHEESE. SWISS CHESS? CREAM CHEESE. SMOKED HALIBUT. POTOMAC SPLIT HERRINGS. JIRHIS SMOKED TONGUE FERRIS BREAKFAST STRIPS. FERRIS PIG HAM. ROLYBHON BREAKFAST FOOD. SCOTCH OATS OATMEAL. OATFLAKES. IMPORTED MUSHROOM. IMPORTED PEAS. IMPORTED SARDINES. FINEST LINE OF FANCY CRACKERS AND CAKES. TOKAY GRAPES. CALIFOR NIA PEACHES AND PEARS. G. W CLARK & SON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Morning Cail. GRIFFIN, GA., OCT. 16,1898. i mice over Davis’Hardware Store TKLRPHONE NO. M. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS F ' ' DR. J. M. THOMAS, J jfflAf'AND SUBG«OM Office: No. &i Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams & Bon. —— B. R. Blakely spent yesterday in Maoon. Sheriff M. F. Morris spent yesterday in Macon. W, B. Baker, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. Roswell H. Drake spent the day in Atlanta yesterday. Officer Palo Phelps spent the day in Atlanta yesterday. Mrs. 0. 8. Wright visited friends in Atlanta yesterday. W. W. Akins, of Hampton, spent yesterday in this city. Idas Dre-yry made a business trip to Brooks Station yesterday. Rev. F. M. Blalock, of Jonesboro, was in the city yesterday. Col. Judson E. Strickland, of Con cord, was in the oily yesterday. For Coal without clinkers or slate buy Montevallo and Climax. ’Phone No. 5- J, M. MILLS, Mgr., Nowton Coal and Lumber Co. Lowney’e fine candies in sealed packages, at Anthony Drug Co. Eli Brewer spent yesterday in Ma con, where be was the guest of friends. A. Steinbeimer, of Brooks Station, spent yesterday with friends in this city. aka* «*■' -a;i 0 „ Mrs. M. B. Higgins returned last night from a pleasant visit to friends in Maoon. Lowney’e fine chocolates and bon bons—name on every piece—Anthony Drag Co., Agls. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Daniel returned yesterday from a pleasant visit to friends iu Macon. Rev. J. W. Beck, of Zebulon, spent yesterday al Camp Northen with his son, Major Marcus Beck. , Mrs. E. P. Bridges left yesterday for Forsyth, where she will spend several days visiting relatives and friends Mrs. W. H. Baker and children left yesterday for Atlanta, where they will spend sevetal days visiting relatives. Mrs. J. M. Brawner and daughters, Mieses Janie and Bessie Clark Brawn er, spent yesterday with friends in At £ tat*. , • The weather was decidedly winter- Ish last night and overcoats were in demand. Frost io predicted for tonight or Bunday. Opposite Poet Office. 1. M. Mills, Manager NewtonJCoal t■ tx and Lumber Co. Sole Agents ftrf Montevallo and Climix Coal. Prompt delivery. ’Phone.s. Editor Sid Green, of tbe Pike Coun ty Journal, was in tbe city yesterday : enroute for Macon to witness the does ing of her big carnival. Miss Annie Lou Dennis, of Senoia, > returned home yesterday after spend ing a few days in this city with her , grandparents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Powell. Private 11. H. Dixon, who was shot Thursday morning at his home near Luella by Privafe Marsh, of Company 1 B, Third Georgia regiment, died t Thursday night. Bros, fine milliners, Miss Myn son and Miss Fouche, will have the i greatest millinery feast for the ladies at their opening next week that they r have ever bad. Mrs. O. J. L Henderson received the > saij intelligence yesterday of the seri ous illness of her mother, Mrs. Jane , Leckey, ol Sidney, O , and will leave in a day or so to attend her bedside. Lieut. Lee M. Napier returned to bis command al Griffin yesterday after a week’s confinement to his room on account of sickness at bis mother’s home in this city.—Forsyth Cbronfe ole. ’Phone No. 5 for Montevallo, ’ Climax and Jellico Coal. Prompt delivery regardless of ’ weather. Newton Coal and Lumbar Co. J. M. MILLS, Mgr. Henry Dickinson, cotyred, and • 1 soldier were arrested by Officer Gor -1 don yesterday for '’shooting craps.’’ Their preliminary trial was held be* fore Justice Carhart, who bound them over to tbe City court. They prompt ly gave bond for $150.00 and were re leased from custody. Among those attending tbe conven* lion ol the Daughters ol tbe Confed eracy there are none who are given a more cordial welcome in this city than Mrs. R. H. Taylor, of Griffin. Mrs Taylor, before her marriage, as Miss Annie Stewart, visited Rome a number of times as a guest at the homes of Judge Branbarn and Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, and few young ladies ever came within our portals who made more friends than did "Miss Annie," as she is still being happily called by her friends in tbe Hill City. Griffin hss also sent another bright, winsome face to tbe convention—Miss Roeelyn Reid. Both of Griffin’s rep* reseutatives are the guests of Mrs. J. L. Bass on Second avenue.—Rome Tribune. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE B EST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired, It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris A Son and Carlisle A Ward. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Aiderman from the Fourth ward, sub ject to tiie primary to be held Tuesday, Oct 18tb, 1898, and respectftilly solicit the votes ofthe citizens. David J. Baiixy. The New Fall Hite ta all the Utest StylM and Colors make our Hat Department tbe meet papular place in the store these days. It costs but little money for your New Fall Hat at this store. The Fancy Bosomed Shirts with colored bodies made of madras, woven colors, are quite the popular garment for correct dress. ' THOS. J. WHITE. Yesterday’s Fire. Alderman M. J. Patrick baa bia barn and all the contents destroyed by fire yesterday at noon. Mr. Patrick’s fstnily were at dinner when tbe alarm of fire was sounded, and it is not known bow it originated Tbe building was insured for SIOO with Johnson 4 Murray, but the losses will amount to S4OO. Notice. Tbe members of tbe ladies’ commit tee are requested to meet at tbe Y. M. C. A at 4:30 today. " Mbs T. J. Collies, Cbrn’n. n A-fitTORIA. B * n Kind 2° ll Haw Bw ’ eW Signature TeUlar Him tie Trwtk. “I think Willie ia learning to smoke, ” aaid his mother. “I wish you to speak to him about it " “What shall I say to him?” asked his father. “Why, tell him the truth, of course. ” And so Willie was duly called up, and his father put on a severe look and aaid: “ Willie, I understand you are learn ing to smoke. Now, before it goes any further, I want to tell you what the re sult may be. You may die in a year, and then again you may live to be 100 years old.” “Why, John,” expostulated the boy’s mother. “ You told me to tell him the truth, ’’ returned the father, “and there’s hard ly a week goes by that I don’t hear of some one close to the century mark who has smoked ever since he was 14 years old, while people who never smoked at all die in infancy with great frequency. “ It is sometimes difficult to get a man who smokes to look at the subject from the right point of view.—Chicago Post. Goias: Without Sleep. It is an interesting question to studi ous people how long a man can go without sleep. A physician asserts that no healthy man can overwork because eventually nature will compel him to fall asleep at his task. A journalist re cently claimed to have worked 72 hours without sleeping. Humboldt said that when a young man he required only two hours sleep each night, but that in his old age he found he really needed as many as three or four. Victims sub jected to the Chinese torture of being kept continually awake die on or before the fifth day. By far the most inspiring example, however, is that of one of tbe saints, who is related to have lived 19 years without sleep and to have remain ed standing a large portion of that time. —San Francisco Argonaut Irascible Carlyle. A lady who lived near Thomas Car lyle kept Cochin China fowls, and their crowing was such a nuisance that the philosopher sent a complaint to her. The owner was indignant upon hearing the appeal ' “Why," aaid she, “they orow only four times a day, and how can Mr. Carlyle be seriously annoyed at that?” Upon hearing of her attitude upon the subject, Carlyle replied, “The lady forgets the pain I suffer in waiting for those four crows. ’’ Rather Mean. I “Did the old skinflint give you a re ward for returning his pocketbook?" asked the policeman of the little news boy who helps support his mother. J “Naw, he tried ter make me pay fur de advertisin ’cause I didn’ return de stuff Tore I knowed who it b’longed ter. ’’—Detroit Free Press. Eacomgeaeat. Frances—Harry says he just wants to fall down and worship me all the time. Her Mamma—Oh, well, don’t mind that, dear. After you’re married he won’t let it Interfere with his business. —Chicago News. That Joyful Feeling With the exilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanli ness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs is unknown to tbe few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offer ed but never accepted by the well-inform ed. / " r, FOR RENT. Tbe store room ia Odd Fellows building now occupied by G. W. Clark <fc 800. Possesaion given Sept. Ist next. Apply to either of the under signed. Jno. L. Reid, J. C. Brooks, W. M. Thomas. To Coro Constipation Forever. Tok® Cnacarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. a C. C. C. fail to care, druggists refund mouev. Dsa t’lnHirfM iwit rad Sinuke I<mr Hie A nay. Vo h-hacco oanily and forever, lie may nene, lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To hac. the wi.udor-worker. wcakmea »troug. All SCO or 81. Cureguffim- Wed. Booklet and aample free. Addresa I Sterling Remedy 00. Chicago <* New YW*»J Ordinary's Advertisements. 4- ' -■ " ■ ' '"" "** STATE OF GEORGIA, - Spalding County. E. A. Huckaby, administrator de bonis non, on the estate of Nathan Fomby, de ceased, makes application for leave to sell forty-two acres of land off lot No. 18, in Line Creek district, of Spalding county, Georgia, bounded as follows: On the jrthbyC. T. Digby, east by R. W. ynch and J. A. J. Tidwell, south and west by J. A. J. Tidwell-for the puroore of paying debts of deceased, and tor distri bution among the heirs. Let all persons concerned show cause, if any there be, be fore the court of Ordinary, in Griffin, Ga., on the first Monday in November, 1898, by 10 o’clock a. m., why such order should not be granted. October term, 1898. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Spalding County, Ga. Mrs. Marie Ford, as administratrix of the estate of P. B. B. Ford, deceased, makes application for leave to sell the following real estate, described as follows: Part of land lot 110 in 14th District of Fulton county, Ga., beginning at point on the west side oi Doray street, 80 feet north from the N. W. corner of West Hunter and Doray streets, thence north along Doray street 40 ft and back west same width 80 ft to Leach street, being part of land lots 40 and 41 ofthe Leach property as per plat of Harry Krouse of April 15, 1886. Also, part of land lot No. 47 in the 14th District of Fulton county, Ga., com mencing at a point 150 ft south of North Ave., same being south-west corner of a certain tract sold by Miss Mary Smith to W. F. Spalding ana W. B. Sheldon on an unnamed street, thence running sooth along said street 114 ft, thence east along an unnamed street 200 ft, more or less, thence north 114 ft, thence west 200 ft, more or less, to starting point, same lying south and adjoining said property con veyed by M. Smith to W. F. Spalding and W. B. Sheldon, April 18th, 1891. Also, part of land lot No. 55 in the 14th District ofFu.ton county, Ga., com mencing at point on east side of Violet Ave., 200 ft north of intersection of said avenue and Haygood street, thence east 120 ft to a 10 foot alley, thence north along the west side of said alley 50 ft, thence west 120 ft to Violet Ave., thence south along east side of Violet Ave., 50 ft to starting point. The same being known as lot No. 105 as per plat of Auction sale of S. W. Goode & Co., of said property April 19th, 1887. Also, part of land lot No. 79 in 14th District of Fulton county, Ga., situated as follows: Commencing at the south east corner of Venable street and Orchard Ave. and running east along the south side of Orchard Ave. 501 ft to Fowler street, thence south along the west side of Fowl ler street 110 ft, thence west parallel with Orchard Ave., 501 ft to Veneable street thence north along the east side of Vena ble street 110 ft to the starting point, be ing lots 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 and 12 of the Harris property as per plat of Frierson & Leach, January 14th, 1892. Also part of land lot 55 in the 14th Dis trict of Fulton county, Ga., commencing at a point on the east side of Violet Ave., 350 it north of Haygood street, thence north along east side of Violet Ave., 50 ft, thence east 120 ft to 10 foot alley, thence south along said alley 50 ft, thence west 120 ft to Violet Ave., the starting point, same being known as No. 11l of S. W. Goode & Co., plat of the A. P. Wright property, April 10th, 1889. ‘ Also Land lot No. 188 in 14th District of Fulton county, Ga., one quarter acre more or less, adjoining the land of Samuel Bland south the land of Smith on the north east and R. Pickens on the west and also Albert Thompson on the south, said lot known now as Felix Bland’s home. Also one half undivided interest of city lot No. 3, Commerce street, Albany, Dougherty county, Ga., improved,for the purpose of paying debts of the deceased and for distribution among the heirs. Let all persons concerned show cause, if any there be, before the Court of Ordinary, in Griffin, Ga., on the first Monday in November, 1898, by 10 o’clock, a. m., why such order should not be granted. Oct. 3rd, 1898. J. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. Guardian’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding County. By virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordinary of Spalding county, Georgia, at the October term of said court, 1898, I will sell to the highest bidder, be fore the court house door in Griffin, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 1898, fifty acres of land in Union District, said coun ty, bounded as follows: On the North by A. Ogletree, East, South and West by J. J, Elder. Sold for the purpose of en croaching on corpus of wards estate for their maintenance and education. October 3,1898. Martha J. Colbman, Guardian. Administrator’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA, Spalding County. By virtue of an order granted by tbe court of Ordinary of Spalding county, Georgia, at the October term of said court, 1898,1 will sell to the highest bidder, be fore the court house door, in Griffin, Geor- Sa, between the legal hours of sale, on e first Tuesday in November, 1898: Two hundred acres of land in Mt. Zion district, said county. bounded as follows: On the north by F.E. Drewry and J. F. Dickin son, on tbe east by Dickinson, south by Sing Dunn, and Widow Yarbrough, for the purpose of paying debts of deceased, and for distribution among the heirs. Terms cash. Oct. 8,1898. , •• » 4' B - Shackelford, Adm’r of J. J. Bowdoin, deceased. Flemister & Bridges “>* (oh ■ 1 BARGAINS. ■ 170 Pain Kid Gloves, the SI.OO and $1.25 quality for 50c pair in Black, White and Colors—Gloves slightly damaged, but re paired by expert hands. This is the best lot we ever had. 3}c yd, Oil Bed Prints. 9ic yd, Amoskeag “A. C. A.” Ticking. 6c yd, Baker & Cabot 4-4 Bleached Domestic. 10-4 Hemmed Sheets, ready for use SI.OO per pair. Hummed Pillow Oases 20 and 25 cents per pair. 50c pair, Large Cotton Blankets. 4c for 4-4 Sea Island. 4ic for 4-4 Sea Island, Woith 6c. Bed Comforts SI.OO and $1.50. Blankets $1.50 to $7.50 per pair—Wool. Wool Dress Goods. | You should see our Wool Dress Goods before making your pur chases. We have all that is new with Trimmings to’match. Crepons from 60c to $2.50 per yard. || Broadcloths 75c, SI.OO and $1.50 per yard. 86 inch All Wool Fancy Mixed Dress Goods 25c. Plain and Fancy Wool Suiting 50, 60 and 75c per yard. 54 inch Storm Serge SI.OO yd. 42 inch Storm Serge 50 and 60c yd. f Black Brocaded Silks and Satins 75c, SI.OO and $1.50 yard. Plain Black Silks and Satins all prices.—Big Stock Plain and • Fancy Silks for Waists. Our line of Ladies, Misses, Childrens, Infants, Men and Boys Underwear, cant be approached in Griffin —All prices in both Cotton and Wool. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Ribbons, Gloves, Corsets, Embroideries, etc., in Great Variety. FIEHISTEH l BRIDGES. A— BASS BROS. A. Great Opportunity is Here ! 1 Oyer One Hundred Thousand Dollars worth of New Mercan dise was sold to the highest bidder m Atlanta and BASS BROS, were the largest buyers at this immense sale. MOODY & BREWSTER Entered into the Wholesale Dry Goodt, Notions, Furn* ishings, in Atlanta a few months ago. After buying thia stock Mr. Brewster disappeared and the court appointed a receiver to dispose of the merchandise to the highest bidder. Entirely New Stock. The Fall and Winter samples did not even go to the road. Everything as New and Fresh as on the day they were shipped ’ from the factories. We have never had such bargains before to offer our customers as we now have. You want the goods, we want the customers. Let’s supply each other’s want to a mutual advantage Daily Sales. Must Be Sold. It will be impossible for us to furnish room for this immense stock all at one time—we will open the cases from day to day and sell} the contents. You are cordially invited to attend the sales, and with a little cash secure some rare bargins. Such Bargins Unknown Before. let. cbm to be opened will be 50 doz. Ladiee Heautitehed Handkerchiefs at Sicts each. 2nd. case 50 doz. Ladies' Hems stitched Handkerchiefs, extra quality at scts. 3rd, case 25 doz. Gents Handkerchiefs at scts., and 25 doz. Gents Handkerchiefs at B}cts. 4th, case 50 doz. Misses Ribbed Hose at beta, and 50 doz. Ladies Black Hose at bets. sth. case 50 doz. Seam less Black Hose at 9cts,, and 25 doz. Seamless Black Hose 25cts. quality at lOcts. 6th, case 25 doz. Black Half Hose to sell aa beta, and 25 doz better quality at lOcta. 7th. case 100 Huck Toads at 7icta. Bth. case 50 doz. Turkish Towels at 9cts, 9th. case 64 doz. Linen Towels assorted. 10th. case Lot of Hair Brushes, Combs, Pocket Books, Tooth Brushes, Jewelery Hair Curlers, etc. WATCH THIS SPACE. ■■ (o}*’ * —■■■■» * - —< - .BASS BROS’.