The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, November 05, 1898, Image 4

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I -I- - ■ ■ . 'Good Material, Four I£ -r „ ■ ■ I f" I 111 111 111 c J X X LV “ Tailoring *" d . Kt . ’ -<- --- ■ Georgia Raised Seed Bye. Bin* stone for soaking Wheat Four year old Apple Vinigar. Gia* and putty—atop out the cold. Paper, Pena, Ink and Panmlc Lampe, Lanterns and Chimneys. Combe, RhwXm and Toilet Articles. Paints, Oda and Varnishes. Laundry Soap 2 bam for fc. Patent Medicines all kinds. Fluid and Solid Extracts, Chemicals, ate. Pruacriptfoo Carefully Prepared. We Solicit Your Trade. J. N. Harris & Son. ■■lpU', i -'r. * V • * **' ’ f ■*; ' i , 4- . ' • ' ‘ 4 RICEa 8 POUMD BUCKET JELLY Me. BW HOPOUNDfiJINE TABLE SALT Me. BLACK PEPPER 15c LB. BWWT HAMSIOc“GOOD AS TJl’ PAY 18 1-2 FOR. ROYAL POW WRHAVrSr® BIST HELIOTED STOCK OF GROCERIES IN THE / ie^ B wha? GW CLARK & SON. Cheapest Grocers in Town. V- •' ■■■-«• • ■■ FRESH SHIPMENT ROL -BTONB HEALTH BREAK FAST FOOD AND PAS. TUM CEREAL JUST RE CEIVED JLLBO OLD FASH IONED PENNSYLVANIA BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AND MAPLE SYRUP. J. M. SEARS. §? . & . ’ AU • s4< v‘ < Morning Call. GRIFFIN, GA., NOV. 0, 1898. «!». ...'. , 1 -J '== Office over Davis’ Hardware Store TELEPHONE NO. M. PERSONAL AID LOCAL DOTS. DR. J. M. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AMD BURGEON Office: No. 28i Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams A Son. I Capu W, W. Davies spent yesterday la Atlant* j— > The law has its artificial members' „• and its false limbs. Patience is frequently lauded, but tenacity gets there. Rev. F. M. Blalock, of Jonesboro, ' waa here yesterday. It doesn't smash a window when the i light breaks through. Mrs. J. 0. Edwards spent yesterday I with friends in Newnan. > I BA man is reasonably slothed as long ' as he is in bis right mind. Hon. R. T. Daniel spent yesterday 1 in Atlanta on legal business. < Rev. W. T. Buffington, of Hope, | spent the day here yesterday. t J. H Wilson, a prominent citisen oi I Milner, was in the city yesterday. i Sergt. P. E. Holt went up to At* • lasts yesterday on military business. Cot T. E. Patterson made a pro fessional trip to McDonough yeatsr- i day. *F' . . . . Dr. J. W. Speer, of Milner, spent the day in this city yesterday on busi ness. Mrs.’ Jas. Ballard and Miss Mabel Ballard, of Zebulon, were in the city yesterday. Frank Brown returned to his home in Atlanta yesterday after a ebort stay in this city. Capt. J. L. Bass, of Rome, is spend ing several days here with hie brother, H. H. Base. Mrs. J. Q. Boynton went down to Macon yesterday to spend some time with relatives. Robert Pbioisee, of High Falls, spent yesterday io ibis city the guest of R. F. Strickland. Luke Brown, Jas. Nutt and Will Malaisr attended a eandy polling at Mr. Jas. Mathews', in Cabins district, last night A Handsome Line of Cut Glass and Sterling Silver suitable for Wedding presents. Carlisle & Ward. Miss Bettie Mitchell, of Locust, Grove, arrived yesterday and is spegd' log a few days with Mrs. M. E. on Jackson rdad. Miss Hattie Head came over from High Falls yesterday and will spend several days here with Mrs. R. F. Strickland on College street. The many friends of Miss Katie Camp will be glad to learn that she has sufficiently recovered from her recent illness to be able to be out yesterday. Mrs. G. D Cook, after a plea ant visit of several weeks to her daughter, Mrs. J. C Edwards in this city, re turned to her home in Mobile, Ala., yesterday morning. Misses Bessie Freemen and Sallis Ball, two of Senoia's most pqpular young ladies, returned home yesterday after spending several days fo,the city as the guests of Mrs J. H. Mllcbell. We have bought P. 8- Parmelee’s full line of fancy groceries, and will move them to our stand next week, and will give the trade a chance to buy them today at cost. FLYNT & CO. Mrs. E. P. Johnson and two lovely -little daughters, Misses Jamie and Louise, went up to Atlanta last night where they will spend several days with Mr. Johnson, who is in business there. P. 8. Parmelee sold his grocery store yesterday to Flynt & Co., who will move the stock to their present place of business. Mr. Parmelee will give his entire time to his meat busi ness on Solomon street. The question of allowing the cities and counties of Georgia to exempt factories from taxation for a period of ten years, after incorporation will be passed on by the present legists ture. Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, in troduced in the house yesterday a bill to submit a constitutional amendment to this effect to the people. O AuffilVOZEZ A.. »ytu >ylli Wfts Haw Ahr»n Bq* I To all this I add correct price. ■ • W:"'. < yMpI I > ... & .j-ar*', ' ■ •-■ I 1 " 1 '"""" | AND SUITS.... Thos. J. White. A “Bluff That Paid WaU. "Here's a true story of cold cheek,” said a local real estate dealer to a re porter of the New Orleans Times Dem ocrat. "Eight years ago a New Orleans man lost a good job here and went to a certain southern city with just $2 in his pocket. “He was well dressed, and had a plausible tongue, and bearing that the contract for building a court house was about to be let by a reform board of commissioners, he walked in and actually secured the job. They gave him two days to file a bond, and he went straight to a banker, showed him where there was money in the scheme, in thirty minutes persuaded him to come bis security. Now mark you, he knew no more about erecting a public building than a softshell crab knows about Greek verba, but ho telegraphed immediately to a big contracting firm in 81. Louis, and in 48 hours was in consultation with their expert. As a result he sublet the work at s figure that left him about $15,000 profit, af ter giving the banker a slice. AM the time he was doing this be bad only his $2 to go on. He used it for shaves and shines, standing off everything else, but be bad the deal closed inside of three weeks and the spoils salted away. Then, of course, he was in clover. He made some lucky speculations after* ward in phosphate lands and is worth today at least $50,000. I happen to know that this story is true in every particular, and whenever I think of it lam reminded of a remark make by Imre Kirafy, the celebrated manager of spectacular shows. He is a Hun* garian and don’t speak English very well. One day a friend was congratu lating him upon a successful produc tion, and said : ‘lmre, with God and luck a man can work wonders.*‘Ya as,’ replied Kiralfy, ‘mil gall and luck a mfcn do mos’ anything.* ” • An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not af flicted with any disease, but that the sys tem simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition is easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, and sold by all 'druggists. CA.BTOFLIA. Bean the The Kind You Have Always Baught A Disgraceful Act- We received the sad intelligence last week that Rev. Ed F. Cook, chaplain of tbe First Georgia regiment, was subjected to the most disgraceful treat ment at Brown’s hotel at Howard on the night of October 14th, that we have heard of in many years, and at which we feel very much grieved. Mr. Cook was on bis way from Macon to Columbus traveling on horseback, and arrived at Howard about dark. He was directed to the hotel as a place of quiet comfortable repose by a prominent citizen of tbe town. Late in the night, it is stated, tbe proprietor of tbe bouse in company with a pan who has here tofore been much respected in our community and who travels for a very reliable music firm of Columbus, en tered tbe room of Mr, Cook beastly intoxicated. Mr. Cook earnestly plead with tbe men to be quiet, but it is said that in stead of this they heaped vile oaths upon him and in their drunken de bauch tried to force their liquor upon him. He called for protection but failed to receive it, and had t) endure the trials of the night. When day* light came be left in haste. We men tion this matter io order that our next grand jury may investigate tbe case, as Mr. Cook is a Christian gentleman wbo deserves th/* cere and protection of tbe people, and we would further advise our Columbus friend that if be desires tbe patronage of cur people he should mend bis ways.—Butler Her ald CASTOR IA For Infants and Children Tta KM Yn Han Ahnys faght Bean the Signature of f To Cur* Cowattpotion Forever, Take Cucorets Ca&dy Cathartic. 10c or2Su *< G C. G hui to can. dnaatiau retand sMMea Now That Cold Weath er Is Here You Will Want Heavy Underwear. For 25 cents a very heavy ribbed ladies undervest and you would think it cheap at 85 cento. For 15c a good quality of Undervest. We Take Care Os the Children Also. Infants heavy Fleeced shirto 10, 15 and 25 cento. Childrens Union Suits 25 cento. Ladies Union Suits 75c and $ 1.00. Boys Extra Ribbed Shirto 25 cents. Mens Ribbed Fleeced Shirto 15c, Mens Ribbed Fleeced Shirto 25 cents. Mens Knit Shirts and Drawers 50c. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. A Fair Proposition. Tbe proposition which the Acme Wrecking Company of San Francisco makes to the government is a fair one, says tbe Savannah News. It is that it will undertake to raise the battleship Maine, which lies in the bottom of the harbor of Havana, and will ask no compensation if it does not succeed. If it succeeds it will ask for its work the value of tbe wreck as fixed at the condemnation proceedings, or if that is not satisfactory, it will take the vet* sei for its trouble, and exhibit it at the different coast cities. It believes that it conld make a large sum of money from snch an exhibit. There does not appear to be any good reason why tbe government should not accept tbe proposition, and there aie several why it should. One is that the wreck should be removed from tbe Havana harbor. Another is that tbe people would like to see tbe ship afloat again. And still another is that if the wreck were raised new light might be thrown on the question as to the means by which she was destroyed. Tbe world is, of course, pretty well satisfied that she was des troyed by a torpedo, which was explod ed from tbe shore. Most people no doubt believe that tbe Spaniards ex ploded tbe torpedo, but there is no clear proof that they did. The Cubans might have done it with tbe hope that it would bring about war between tbe United States and Spain, which would result in freeing Cuba from the Span ish yoke. There is a sentiment connected with the Maine which would be grati fied by seeing her afloat again. Tbe Acme company should be given the , permission it asks. Bobbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is narrated by him as follows: “I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, paju continually in back and sides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying ‘Electric Bittersand to my great joy and sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am dow a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed tbe grave of another victim ” No one should fail to try them. Only 50c t a per bottle at J. N. Harris <fc Son’s and Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. MONDAY MORNING Until twelve o’clock we will sell Standard Calicoes 10 yards for 25c. All Monday afternoon we will sell Barkers 4-4 Bleaching at 5c yard. Heavy Cotton Blankets 50c pair. Men’s 25c Suspenders reduced to 15c. Men's Initial Silk Handkerchiefs 3 for 25 cento. All Styles Best 4ply Linen Collars 10 cento. New Line of Laces iust . received. 3 New Line of Hercules and Santeche braids also fancy braids and f—in mentsrie. 1 ' ■■■-: Cl | Flpmfcter X Bridges * ■ Ulfoifiw TJ WT ■ WILL MAKE Sweeping Reductions THROUGHOUT THEIR .i • 14 -£ : A - ’ v • <•» 1 'W'A* ‘ If ’ 4 * Him Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings for this week. | ■ We have tbe stock and will make sac rifices in order to sell the goods. Remnant Counter! Remnant Counter! ■ ’ ■ . ■ .. J Coimter filled with short lengths of Wool Dress Goods Prints, Outings, Domestics, etc., at half price. ■ore of the slightly damaged Underwear at big saving in price. Will save yon money on Red and White Wool Flannels, Eiderdowns, Cassimers and Table Linens. Can order from Beifeld, of Chicago, Jackets and Capes to your measure. Samples for inspection. FLEIIISTtiTWES. BARGAINS THIS WEEK AT BASS BROS. LIN CLOTHING, CARPETS, MATTINGS, LADIES WRAPS, JACKETS, CAPES, HATS, GLOVES AND MILLINERY* Winter is now on us and the time has come when every man and boy should have good substantial clothing and we have spared no time and money to replenish our immense stock of clothing in childs suito, boys suits, youths suits and mens suits, odd panto and over coats. Wool serge pants in black, worth $3.00 for $1.40. Good childs suit for $1.25, $2.00 and up. These suits would be cheap at twice the money but they must be sold. In gentlemen’s suits we can fit the man, the eye and the pocket in Serges, Oassimers, Meltons, Cheviotte and Olay Worsted. Our clothing will please you. Come and see whether you wish to buy or not. New line of Hats received and marked down with the price of cotton. If you need anything in floor covering come and talk to us about Carpets, Matting, Rugs, Oil Cloth, etc. We have a full line of Carpets bought before the war lax went into effect and can save you good money on Bordered Brussells and ingrain carpets. Soon to arrive the loveliest line of mattings ever shown in Middle Geow gia. It will pay you to wait and see these mattings. New line of mackintosh coats thatwill keep you warm and dry. Price these goods. We take off our hats to all the Ladies and Misses in Griffin and surrounding country and tell you we have now in stock the hand somest, most complete and cheapest line of Cloaks, Jackets and Capes ever shown in this city. Capes 48c up to the very finest made. Jackets in up-to-date styles in black and colors, at correct prices. No trouble to show these goods. We stand flat footed and say we have the best assortment and cheapest line of Gents Gloves ever shown here and invite your __ oareful inspection of this line. < • ■ Collars, Cufis and New Neck Wear just received. Bed comforts and blankets fifty cento a pair. Our millinery parjors have been nicely replenished with the newest importations of fancy feathers and other materials for trimming. Large assortment of latest novelties in Ladies walking hate at special prices for this week. Special prices for this week on misses and childrens cape and other head wear. New importations in black drees goods have been added to oyr Dress Goods department and will be offered at reduced prices this W j Trimmings in all the latest novelties, h' Ready made Skirts at prices lees than the material would cost, Remember no trouble to show goods and we invite you to call and inspect our entire stock this week. ■ BASS BROS.’ .