The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, December 14, 1898, Image 1

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■ M Lj |W /■ W■ w ■■■■ WK I »Iwk I b * b /W i IwZ I w ® I I wol T b a A«W ' ■ ■ a I Bf ■ W K „ r.... K I 88--W ■ W J/W B J B N' > Vol I. No. 85. THI NEW COUNCIL IN. The Old Council Met Last Night and Adjourned Sine Die The city council met at 7 o’clock last night, at which meeting the old council adjourned sine die and 'the new one wae sworn in. The old council was called to order by His Honor, Mayor Davie, with a fall board present. A great deal of routine bnsinees was transacted, and annual reports were read from Thoe. Nall, clerk and treasurer, W. K Bow. ard, superintendent of (be waler works and City Sexton Doe, which were re ferred to the proper committers Before the old council adjorned, it was moved and unanimously carried, that the aidermen be paid SSO for their servioes during the year. Aiderman Reid moved the thanks of the council be tendered the retiring members for their uniform courtesy and valuable assistance during their term of office, which Was carried. The Clerk read result of last elec tion, and declared the following to have been elected: W. D. Davis—Mayor. J. H. Smith—Aiderman first ward. M. J. Patrick—Alderman second waid. H. 0. Burr—Alderman third ward. D. J. Ballsy-—Alderman fourth ward. The old council then adjourned sine die. Judge W, H. Beck administered the oath of office io Mayor Davis, and he in turn administered it to Aidermen Burr, Bailey and Smith and Clerk and Treasurer Nall. Mayor Davis then announced the new council for business, and stated that nominations for mayor protem was io order. Aiderman Blakely nominated Al derman H. C. Burr. Aiderman Pat rick seconded the nomination and moved the election be made unanio moos and that tbe clerk caet tbe vote of the council. This wsa carried and Alderman H. C. Burr waa unasi mouvly elected mayor protem for next year. The following officers, who were selected at the oaooua Monday after noon, were then unanimouely elected : E. I. laoo, Ohief of Police. First Policeman—P. F. Phelps. Second Policeman —R. A. Gordon, Third Policeman —M. L. Connor. Fourth Policeman—W. W. Fiyn». City Physician—M. F. Carson. City Sexton—B. F. Doe. Member board of health for three years—Dr. N. B- Drewry. Aiderman Bailey moved Alex Jor» dan be elected janitor for next year, which was carried. There was no further business be fore tbe council and a motion to ad journ prevailed Judge Beck, in behalf of tbe police, invited tbe members of tbe council and reporters present to repair to O. H Ison’a restaurant, where a spread had been for them. The invitation was unanimously accepted, and tbe entire party adjourned to the banquet hall. About 30 guests assembled in the dining room aod a sumptuous least was served, which was highly enjoyed by all. It was one ol the finest spreads ever served in this popular restaurant, which is saying a great deal. Before leaving the room J. D. Boyd and B B. Blakely returned tbe thanks of the guests to Chief Ison and bis efficient squad for the dnligbtful spread. Juat the Other Way. “I am deHghted, ” said the old Mend who had called, “to find that you agree with your husband in everything, Mrs. Henpeak.” “Indeed I” answered that estimable lady. "If you will take the pains to in vestigate our domestic relations, air, you will find that it is Mr. Henpeck who agrees with me in everything. London Fun. How's Thill We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, haveknown F. J. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West A Tranx, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. Welding, Klnnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price Tsc. per bot tle. Bold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall’s femUy Pills are the best. r« Care Con»tlpaUoa Forever. ..Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Me er M. k Q a C. fell to cure, drvzgiats refund mo—t a negro colony. 80,000 Will Bo Located Near Greater New York- New York, Doc 13 —Means wore taken today to make public a state ment that Rufus L. Perry, a negro lawyer of Brooklyn, becked, it is de clared by several well known Tammany officials, is to form a negro settlement of 60.000 people witbin sight e! Greater New York. ’ I .According to the statement a tract comprising 1,600 acres has been secur ed. Familiss will bs al once brought to their new hornet from North and South Carolina and Georgia. The projectors of the scheme say that they have assurance that several large factorise will be put into opera tion as soon as the colored folks are settled. A town is to be formed, and the projectors say that they will not only be able to elect a mayor, but an aesom blyman as well. Each lot holder will receive the deed of bis plot, for which he will be charg ed $5 » Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lie to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The propri etors of Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bot tles of this great medicine, and have satisfaction o< knowing it has absolute ly cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lunge are surely cored by it. Call on J. N. Harris & Son or Carlisle A Ward, druggists, and a trial bottle free Regular eise 50c and SIOO. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. The Future of The Philiopines, Will tbe Philippines remain a per manent poseeasion ol the United States! That is a question that is being discussed at present in Wash* ington. A story is afloat there to the effect that the Piesideot is in favor of selling all of them, except tbe island of Luson. Another story is that Japan baa offered $200,000,000 for them. Senator Kyle is given as au thority for both stories He bad a long interview with the President on Thursday, but be declines t< say whether or not the President told him that be was opposed to retaining pos session of all of the Philippines and whether or not there was any authori ty for the etory that Japan bad made j an offer for tbe islands. Tbe chances are that there is no foundation for either atory. If the President were oppoeed to retaining possession of all ol tbe islands it is not probable that he would make the fact known before the trea'y of peace with Spain was signed. Nor is it probsble that if Jaoan had made an offer of $200,000,- 000 for them the fact would have been permitted to leak out before the United States had full poasession of them. Spain would hesitate a long time about singing a treaty in which she would get only $20,000,000 for tbe islands if there was a prospect of' get ting from another power $200,000,000 for them. It is true, of course, that Spain is not in a position to deliver the islands to any Power, because the Filipinos deny that she has control of them, and it is doubtful if Spain is able to assert her sutbority over them, but tbe United States are able to do what they please io respeet to them. If tbe Filipinos should decline to recognise the authority of tbe United States it would not take them long to compel them to recognise it. It is not improbable that all aorta of schemes in respect to tbe Philippines wjll be proposed alter tbe treaty of peace is ratified Tbe question of tbe character of the government of the is lands will hardly come up before the treaty in disposed of. There is not much doubt that tbe treaty will be ratified. The objection of it would bring about a very complicated state of affaire To avoid trouble it ia not improbable that there will be little op opeition to its ratification. After its ratification, however, there ia likely to be a very earnest discussion respecting the government of tbe islands and tbe question of selling- some of them, should a proposition be made by one or more of Powers to purchase the is lands, or any portion of them.—Sa vannah News. OA.OTORXA. Bmths 9RIFFIN, 9KOR9U, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1888. » “Washington Life.” Charles H. floyi has ever wielded a keen but kindly pen iu saiarisiog the fads of everyday life, but in none of them has be been happier than in tbe satire on polities M A Texas Steer,’* which comes to the Olympic Theatre Friday, Dec. 16ih n for a single per form atfclß. Tn this comedy, from tbe tuneful entrance of tbe plantation datkjee, as they come singing through the Texas chapparal, to final exit of the committee down tbe back stairs, and out through tbe alley where they dump the garbage from tbe Arlington hotel, io Washington, D. C., one laughable situation follows another, and each stroke of wit becomes wittier and interest iu the fortunes of the Brander family never lingers nor flags for a moment; while the frailties of our system of politics are held up to view in a most humorous manner. Mr. Hoyt has interwoven into "A Texas Steer” a pretty little lowly story, with out allowing mawkiehness to intrude among the laughs, while tear starting pathos has also found a place In Maverick Brander, a Texas cattleman, Mr. Hoyt has given us a strong pic ture of an honest man, who is unwill ingly plunged into our national poli tics, with all good intentions on the start, but who finds tbe tide setting so strongly towards personal aggrandise ment, brought within hie reach by reason of his political position, that he is unable tn resist, and is soon taking as a matter of course things that would have shocked him before his advent into politics. Tbe defense be makes of his state is so eloquently couched tn words so noble that it stands out a pathetic appeal for hie hilarious fellow citisens. The company that Will pre sent Mr. Hoyt’s most successful com edy on this occasion is one of tbe best that has ever been seen in it, and tbe engagement promises to be the laugh ing event of the season. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tte Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the 111 ■■mi yI fl uasftW] FRIDAY, DEC. 16. There Has Been No Equal Success on Hoyt's Stage. HOYT’S A TEXAS STEER. The Satire In A Texas Steer Won For Chas H. Hoyt His Fame- KATIE FUTHM AB BOSSY. WILL. H. BRAY-THE MINISTER TO DAHOMEY. HERBERTS. SEARS—AB MAVERICK GRANDER THE BISON CITY QUARTETFE— AND AN ALL-STAR CAST. Reserve seats on sale at Reeves’ Phar macy. Prices 50c, 75c and SI.OO. What’e a Sucker? A sucker is a little fish that is not worth the little worm that it takes to catch him; but the human sucker is generally caught on an empty hook and hooked in the gills at that. A sucker is a "hoodoo” who buys packages of soap with $lO bills io them for $5 A sacker is a man who signs a re ceipt for a carload of grindstones and then finds out that he has signed a note for S2OO. The sucker is a man who buys his goods from a traveling peddler when he can buy them 25 per cent, cheeper from his home merchant. The sucker is the wind bag who site around io the stores and abuses every body to their backs and imagines they don’t bear of it. A sucker is a smart Alexander at 20 who knows more than his grandfather at 80 Tbe world and water are full of suckers aod tbe shore is lined with sharks. The current is principally down the stream and tbe suckers must swim against tbe current if they don’t want to get booked.—Ex. Hgsatue RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powdex ase ths greatest menacwu to health of ths present day. =■=B" " . ORCHARD RILL NOTES. Orchard Hill, Ga., Dec. 18.—D. J. Proctor, of Forsyth, was in our city last Sunday week. J. K. Beans, of Barnesville, spent last Thursday here. Mrs. H. C. Starr spent Friday in Griffin shopping. Mrs. Cornelia Cunningham, of Atlanta, was here last week looking after her busi ness. W.W. Grubbs made a business trip to Griffin recently. Dr. Gray, of Sunny Side, made a busi ness visltto our town Thursday. Rev. A. B. Sanders moved to our city Saturday. Bro. Sanders is a young, en ergetic, thorough-going young man, and Is liked by all. Hon. J. B. Bell spent Sunday with his family. 4 J. H. Grubbs and wife spent Saturday with their parents here. W. D. Bennett spent Sunday with rela tives at Semper. J. O. Grubbs spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Lottie Futral, after several days of illnem, ic able to be up. This will be glad news to her many friends. Clarence Johnson is spending thia week with relatives near Griffin. Missec Ella and Jewel Dake, of Semper, were here Monday. A. L. Johnson made a trip to Griffin Monday. Tbe friends of Dr. Wells will be glad to know hp is able to be up again. We are A nanis£s here soon. Guess who! W. F. Swint made a business trip to At lanta Monday. W. J. Grubbs spent Monday in Griffin. A great many went to Atlanta Monday to attend the Peace Jubilee. Marvin King made a trip to Griffin last Tuesday. Next Sunday will be our last singing before Christmas. We ask all to come out and help us arrange for our Christmas Ju bilee. the HCBUBce w snoroF ms ia due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bnt alao ' to the care and skill with which it te manufactured by scientific prooecaes known to the CauronntA. Fie Srnup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Sybvp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cau forkia Fie Strop Co. with the medi cal profeasion, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It so tar la advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial please remember the name of the Company— CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. sam mAMcnoa. c-t IMiMVUJUkKr. xxWTenx.n.». iMa’t T-b»er« Spit -xl Shmm* Year Life Away. To quit tctneco easily and forever. b« hjs< leUc. full of life, nerve and vigors take No-Ta Jac. Uie wr.adcr-wot iter. U>M SMtke- weak men •troisg. Al. druggists, SOc er Si. Cwrcgnaran ecd. Booklet and sample free. Address -terling Remedy Oi. Chieaco®* - New York No-To-Bac tor Fifty Ceata. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak awn strong, l>>ood pure. Ke. S> AU drugsisU Bdneaw Year Rowels With Varearata. Candy CaUwrt*-. euro constipation forever. ICc.SSc. IfC.C C fail,druggists refund moor- R.F.Strickland&Co. Christmas Preparations. THIS YEAR, OF ALL YEARS, YOU WILL NEED TO GIVE USEFUL RATHER THAN PURELY ORNAMENTAL XMAS PRESENTS. IN OUR DRY GOODS Department ARE MANY THINGS THAT WILL MAKE GLAD HEARTS FOR MOTHER OR . ISTER AMD GLAD POCKETS FOR YOU, Beautiful Drees Patterns $1.50 to $6 00. Black Drees Goods 90c to 75c. 72-inch Satin Damask worth 78c, reduced to 80c. 70-inch Satin Damask worth 63c, reduced to 48c. 72-inch Unbleached Damask worth 65c, reduced to 50c. 75 paragon frame steel rod Umbrellas at 98c, worth $1.25. White Silk Handkerchiefs 25c to 50c. Japanese Enltial Handkerchiefs 8 for 25c. Ladies Bernsdorf black Hose 10c to 85c. Men and Boys Tim and Bcarib 25c and 50c. R and G Corsets new shapes 50c to |l. A large variety of Cuff Buttons, Hat Pins and Beauty Pins. White Counterpanes 11-4 75c to $2. A pair of our Warm Shoues would make Glad Feet and Glad Hearts for nay one What more do yon want ferZCbrialmaa? R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. SANTA CLAUSE HAS OPENED HIS COMPLETE LINE OF DOLLS AND TOYS OF EVERY KIND TO PLEASE THE CHILDREN. ALSO A BEAUTI FUL ASSORTMENT OF XMAS PRESENTS FOR THE OLD AB WELL AB THE YOUNG. COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SE LECTIONS. 800 PIECES OF SHEET MUSIC AT 10c. J. H. HUFF, ■ 24 Hill Street. - 11 = ' **w -* • Ct ~ - U/rii t L- ■ * ‘‘. ■ W ■ W. 13.I 3 . H COME IN AND BUY YOUR SHOES FROM US. WE WILL BELL YOU ONLY GOODS THAT WE ARE WILLING TO GUARANTEE AND WITH EACH PAIR SOLD DURING NEXT 80 DAYS WE WILL GIVE A GOOD SCHOOL SATCHEL AND A COPY OF CONKEY’S HOME JOURNAL, DEVOTED hSPEC TALLY TO TOPICS OF INTEREST TO LADIES. WHILE BUYING YOUR SHOES OF US LOOK AT OUR BAR GAINS IN DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS. JEANS, CALICOES, DO MESTICB, CAPES, JACKETS, TRUNKS, CLOTHING AND - HATS. We want a chance to sell you. W. P. HORNE. I I I I ■■ GUI FFINS and 10 CENT STORE. ODD FELLOW’S BUILDING.. ( .H We have the Largest and Best Selected Stock of CHRISTMAS Goods in Griffin. Our stock is comprised of Dolls, China Nov elties, Tin and Iron Toys, Silver Novelties, Bisque Figures, Wagons and articles too numerous to mention in the way of Holiday wants. All at prices to suit the times. Every child must be remembered. A lew cents will make the little ones happy here. So be sure to give us a look. EDWARDS BROS. Ten Cento per Week