The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, January 25, 1899, Image 1

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THE MOR NG CALL. Vol. X. No. 120. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Brewer Enjoins Council From Ex empting Factories From Taxation The city council met in regular ses sion yesterday with His Honor, Mayor Davis, presiding. The minutes of lust meeting were read and confirmed. The water committee recommended the extention of the water main out South Hill street to the Milner place. The fire committee reported pro gress in the repairs which were ordered to be done on No. 2 engine house. They also recommended that a new roof be put on the building, which was referred to the committee on public buildings. The council authorized the fire committee to purchase a uniform for Bartow Lynch, the driver of No. 2 Lose reel. The most important business to come before the council for discussion was an injunction which was filed in the superior court yesterday by Mr. W. H. Brewer. The injunction is to prevent the council from exempting the cotton factories from taxes, and after a lengthy discussion of the same, they decided to make a determined fight against the injunction, and the mayor, city attorney and finance com mittee will represent the city. Judge Reagan will try the caje on the first 'Tuesday in February. The mayor and street committee 'were instructed to meet the county 'Commissioners on the first Tuesday tin February and make another con tract for working the streets with the icbaingang, after which the council adjourned. Yesterday in Superior Court- It was a busy day in Spalding supe rior court yesterday, and although not a great number of cases were disposed ■of, the examination of witnesses and argument consumed considerable time. Tom Franklin, colored, charged with stealing a cow, was the first case fortrial, but owing to absence of wit ness the case was continued until March. Harry Moye, was conv'cted of steal ing a hog and sent to the chain gang for twelve months, provided he can while there, raise S6O to pay into the county treasury for hie release Bill Jordon, colored, was tried and •found guilty of selling liquor and given twelve months or SSO. He will •go to the chain gang. Elijah Morgan who had obtained an order from Mr. Jonas Boyd on Bass Bros, for a pair of shoes and rais -ed the order to “tue” pair of shoes and •si “sute” of clothes, failed to prove his innocence to the jury and goes to the gang for one year. The grand jury has been rushing i'-a work to completion and wiil probably adjourn today. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Any body . can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure him self right away by taking .Electric Bit ters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood puri fier and nerve tonic. It cures Consti pation, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and irestores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced (that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at J. N. Harris ifc Son and Carlisle & Ward druggist. There is an invention of the Eng lish, notes Harper’s Bazar, which means so much comfort to the house holder that it should be imported. It Consists of a couple of pulleys and ropes for the opening 4knd shutting of heavy windows The pulleys are high up in the frame work of the window, and there is some little arrangement in the sash which fastens the cords. Two handles at the end of the two pieces of rope fall where they can be conveniently reached. One is light, the other is datk. The dark one is for “down,” so that when the window is to be opened one has only to pull the dark handle and down comes the window. When the window is to be closed the light handle is pulled, and the window-rash is lifted. JFor LaGrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco’tab it cure, makes wea> tten Strong, blood pure. oOc.fl Al! druggists OFFICERS NOMINATED. The Griffin Rifles Elect Officers and Transact Other Business. The Griffin Rifler held a very en thusiastic mteting in their armory last night and nominated the follow ing officers : Capt.—J. H. Smith 2st Lieut —M J. Daniel 2nd L : eut —Louis Niles. After the elec.ion of uflicers the company discussed the subject of an armory. The company has secured an option on the Y. M. C. A. building and a committee consisting of the officers were appointed to j erfect arrange ments. This building will be used for an armory and for the benefit of honorary members of the company. These honorary members will form an auxiliary association with the com pany, comprising a delightful social feature, and be a most delightful re sort fortbe members. As soon as arrangements are per fected the company will open a sub scription list for honorary members and it is hoped the citizens will re spond liberally to the call, as it is known the state does not make any appropriation this year for the main tenance of the militia, and the boys have to adopt some methods whereby they may pay the running expenses of the company. The Cominer Attraction. i Theatre-’oers at largo will no doubt i be glad tc Lear that our old friend, ; the funny tramn, Horatio Irving I Booth, will etop in his peregrinations, i and lay over for a rest, the freight car ; in which he travels being 'Side Track- I ed’ at The Olympic Theatre Friday ; Jan 27 The play is well known ae a ; good, arttiing, sensational comedy, i chockfull of fun, fire and ginger, and having been entirely r,-.vritten and strengthened, played with a fire cast, composed of well-known and fully proficient professionals, is making more of a bit this season than ever. The plot, while not deep, is yet thrill ingly interesting, and serves to amuse and entertain, as it shows the true in wardness of certain hypocritical hus man beings, and the innate nobility of character of one of the genus home calleti 'a tramp’ proving the truth of the axioms, “It is not the clothes that . makes the man,” or “A ragged coat may cover an honest heart.” i A complete new outfit of stage ef fects and picturesque scenery is used , this season, including the great rail road switch scene, with its manipula tions of the signal switch system and the transferring of freight cars, making them true to the title, “Side Tracked.” Trade in 1898. The official reports just issued show that the imports of merchandise in the month of December were valued a $53,921489, an increase of $.305,526 over those of December 1897, and for the twelve months ended December 31, $633,664 634, a decrease of SIOB,- 930,595 compared with the previous year The exports of domestic merchan dise in December were valued at $135,- 509 066, exceeding by $12,455,983 those of the same month of 1897. For the twelve z monlbs ending December 31 the value of the exports was sl,» 233,600,630 an increase of $153,766,- 340 over those of the previouse year. The balance of trade in favor of the United States for the year just ended was $599,936,002, or $262,696,935 more than the year 1897. The last niontly statement of the treasury department shows that there is in circulation ir the United States $1,897,301412 or $2919 to each in habitant, the population for December being estimated at 75,000,000. < < Will He Steal, If He Lies! A man who will lie will steal. Give him thechance and he will do one as quick as the other. Both a liar and a thief deserve the ostracism of the com munity, unfortunately almost every city has some of both who are recog nized by the respectable people, for various reasons they choose to assign, but neither the community or the per sons are made belter for such being so.—Brunswick Times. Bears the The tou Have Always Bought Signature y > of GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1899. THE STATE MILITIA. Its Thorough Reorganization Should Receive Careful Attention While Georgia seems, by the action of the it cent session of the general assembly, to have discouraged the maintenance of a state volunteer mi litia, the governors ot other states art urging the necessity of a thorough organization of the state militia forcee* The governors nf Maine and Massa chusetts only a few days ago spoke very emphatically in favor of larger appropriations for the state militia, notwithstanding each state already gives liberally to its volunteer service. The tecent governor of Georgia, by the way in which he called for troops for service in the war with Spain, thoroughly disorganized the militia of this slate. Instead of calling out the volunteer regiments and letting them fill up their quotas of companies and men, or calling for United States vol unteers independent of the organized militia, he took a part only of the vol unteer organiz itions, leaving some companies and some regimental and company officers at home. For in stance, from the First Regiment, with headquarters in this city, three com panies were takau and two left at home. Os the latter, one went with the Third Georgia Regiment, which has just sailed for Cuba. Officers who had spent years in the volunteer ser vice, who were in eyery way compe tent and very anxious to serve, were excluded and political favorites having no connection with the militia were given commissions. The United States volunteers from this city have all been discharged except the com pany in the Third Georgia Regiment ; but the course pursued by the recent governor has left the organizations in a condition that is not very tucourag ing If Maine and Massachusetts fee) the necessity of a .thoroughly organ ized state militia, bow much more should Georgia feel such a necessity. The matter of a thorough reorgan ization of the slate’s militia should receive the careful consideration of Gov. Candler, and his conclusions should be presented to the. next gen eral assembly with a view to having appropriate action taken. II expan sion is to be the policy of the general government, the people of every state who wish to see the republic pre served should see to it that the states have armed forces teady to respond quickly to any demand of the country for defense. It well behooves each state having a seacoast to provide its self with trained militiamen who may be relied upon to defend that seacoast against possib’e enemies In Georgia, and every other South ern state, the militia is of necessity a part of the state’s power to preserve order and enforce the law. No more important matter th&n this will receive the attention of the Governor and of the ntxt session of the legislature Savannah News. The Ravages of Grip. That modern scourge, the Grip, poisons the air with its fatal germs, so that no homo is safe from its ravages, but multitudes have found a sure pro tection against this dangerous malady in Dr. King’s New Discovery. When you fetjJ a soreness in your bones and muscles, have chills And fever, with sore throat, pain in the back of the head, catarrhal symptoms and a stub born cough you may know you have the Grip, and that you need Dr King’s New Discovery. It will promptly cure the worst cough, heal the inflamed membranes, kill the disease germs and prevent the dreaded aftereffects of the malady. Price 50 cents and SI.OO. Mon ey back if not cured. A trial bottle free at J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle A Ward, druggists. Four Month's Time Thrown Away. With but six weeks remaining of the congressional session, and much important legislation pending in both branches, it would be idle for congress to begin at this time an investigation of the conduct of the war Mr. Mc- Kinley’s commission bas been inves tigating ever since Septembi r 24 last nearly four months —and what bas it discovered, aside from a few raw war department sores? If it takes so long to cover things up, how much ■ more lime would be needed to bring everything into the light of day 1 . Philadelphia Record. CASTORIA. Bears the Z? Ihe WW Signature f ys , i uur lie aria With C':»*carei» t ~ ■■ ■•■ • , i:ir;!c. cure constipation forever ■a ' i; t n. C tail. nrugi'istsr'fund monev RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest s menace's to health of the present day. 1 BOVAt BAKINS BOWSES CO., MEW YORK. _ Southern Fast Mails Every commercial and business or ganization in Georgia should immedi ately protest to congress against the withdrawal of or any interference with our present fast mail facilities. They have been of inestimable benefit to the people and it would seem to be great folly on the part of the govern ment t<> deprive the Southern country of them, especially as our iiade inters eels with <mr new territory of the Antiies are developing so rapidly. In the north and west mail transmission is becoming more and more rapid. Railroads are constantly improving their schedules and the government encourages them so to do. The same benefits should be accorded the people of the Southern states Georgia’s rep resentatives in congress are on the alert to prevent discrimination and to secure for us all possible mail advan tages, and it is for the people at home to reinforce them in their efforts to that end. The government, in dealing with the people should never go backward. Concessions once made in the public interest should be continued. Men w!k> establish industries because of certain mail faculties should not, in justice, be deprived of them al any time unless for the very best of rea ions, and there is not only no good reason for withdrawing the present fast mails, but every reason for their maintenance and further improve ment.—Macon News. S ImwiCTW THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cat. LOUIBVHLE, Ky. NEW YORK. N. Y. CUT PRICES THIS WEEK ON Bleaching, Cambricks and 1(M Sheeting. 10-4 Unbleached Sheeting at llic. All 10c. Dress Suitings at 7sc. All. colored Dress Goods to close out at reduced prices. R. F. STRICKLAND & CO. __ Bears th* /f b» Kind Yeti Have Always Bough 4 Bargains in Groceries. WITH A VIEW TO MAKING SOME CHANGES LN OUR LINE OF BUSI NESS, WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GROCERIES AT VERY LOW PRICES FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. WILL SELL THIS WEEK STAPLE GROCERIES AT THE FOLLOWING VERY LOW PRICES; 18 pounds Standard Granulated Sugar - - . SI.OO 14 pounds best Lard - - . . . s|.qq 14 pound best Rice ..... SI.OO 3 pound can Tomatoes, per case - - - $1.65 2 pound can Tomatoes, per case " - - $1.50 45 bars Good Laundry Soap .... SI.OO Will sell our Crockery and Tin Warn at Actual cost Mocho and Java Coffee, per pound - - - 25cts. GIVE US A TRIAL. FL.YNT CO- GRIFFIN HORSE SHOEING SHOP. Horse Shoeing K. borBM feet done with care and can be by shod and balanced knowledge ot nature tWcRI to the All work is done leg with strictly fiist-class! and and the careful attention owner is well 18 convinced. given to the feet. 11. IST. REAVES, ATanager. R. F. Strickland & Co. will sell this week thirty doz. negligee and work shirts of the Everett, Rid ley, Ragan stock, slightly damag ed by water, at less than half price. New patterns in neg ligee shirts,detachable cuffs, two collars, 48c each. Cost $9 dozen. Negligee shirts,collars attached,39c each,cost $4.50 to $6 doz. Work shirts, very best qual ity 35c each, worth 50c. Don’t miss this shirt sale, the prices asked are only half value. FraiimßejairStop 0 0 John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repairs ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN, 19 1-2 Hill St. Pay Your City Tax. I am instructed by the Mayor and Coun cil to close the books on Feb. Ist. Fi fas will l>e issued against all delinquents on that date. Pay now and save cost. Jan. 17,1899. Thob. Nall, Clerk and Treas. For Sale. The Hughes place, 2 miles north of Gris tin; good ii-room house, big barn, bermuda . pasture,etc. 67 1-2 acres of land. Easy terms. A. 8. Blakk, Have you seen the new Em broideries at R. F. Strickland & Go's. Ten Cents per Weelr Salary Ordinance Far 1899. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of Griffin, that the following salaries be paid the different officers of the city during their term of office: Mayor, S4OO 00 per annum, payable monthly. Clerk and Treasurer, $300.00 per annum payable monthly and fees. Chief Police, 45.00 per month payable monthly. Policemen each, $40.00 per month pay able monthly. City Physician, 150 00 per annum pay able monthly. Janitor $20.00 per month payable monthly. PARSNIP COMPLEXION. It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow, parsnip-colored complexion indicates it. A physician would ask if you had rheu matism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it; if after passing there is an un satisfied feeling as if it most be at once re peated, or if the urine has a brick dust de positor strong odor. When the-” •rmn'n- :e pre. < nt, no time should be lost m removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and sometimes requiring the drawing of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright’s Disease, the most dstngerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and blad der specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at any afug store that no one need suffer any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention The Middle Georgia Farmer, and write to Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.. fir a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mall. 1 Parlor Car and Sleeping Car Service Be tween Alanta and Albany, Ga, The Central of Georgia Railway Com pany has inaugurated parlor car and sleeping car service between Atlanta and Albany, Ga , on train leaving Albany 4:15 a. m , arriving Macon 7:40 a. m., Atlanta | 11:20 a. m., and on train leaving Atlanta 4:05 p. m.. arriving Macon 7:20 p. tn., Al bany 11:05 p. tn. Passengers from Alba ny, Ga., holding berth tickets, can take sleeper at 8 p. m., thus allowing them to remain in sleeper over night. Passengers arriving Albany at 11.-05 p. m., may re main in sleeper until 7:00 a. m. Rate for double berth in sleeper, 150 miles and un der, $1.50; over 150 miies, $2.00. Charges for seats, as follows : 50 miles and under, 25 cents; 51 miles to 125 miles, 50 cents; 12*5 miles to 200 miles, 75 cents; 201 miles to 300 miles, SI.OO. WM. E. H. SEARCY, JR., Counsellor at Law, GRIFFIN, GA. GENERAL PRACTICE. K, H. TAYLOK, M. D. J. P. STEWAHT, M. D. DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba,m,toß p. m. A physician will always be in our office during that time. DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, on the north, M Williams & Son.