The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, February 03, 1899, Image 1

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THE MORNING CALL. Vol. X. No. 128. INTO ACTIVE SERVICE. THIRD GEORGIA HAS A DANGER OUS DUTY TO PERFORM. Has Been Ordered to Drive Rebell ious Cubans From Trocha and Will Have Lively Times- Several letters were received in At lanta yesterday morning from officers of tbe Third Georgia regiment stating that tbe command was under orders to proceed immediately to one of tbe trochas—which the insurgents bad seized and are holding—and take charge of it. Which means that after all the Third Georgia regiment will see active service—and will probably be the only regiment so favored or so fortunate. The insurgents’ army has possessed itself of tbe military railroad that runs alongside of this famous deadline, and refuses to allow the American engin eers sent from Havana to operate it. Accordingly orders have been issued by the war department that the trocha and the railroad be retaken, by force, if necessary, and the insurgents dis. armed. And for this service the Georgians have been selected. Afterwards, as they have already been instructed, they will be detailed to guard and hold the position. The vacancies to be- made in the ranks of Third Georgia regiment, now in Cuba, by the resignations of Capt. Amos Baker and Capt A. J. Burr, are to be filled from the ranks of the regi ment, This position has beep taken by Governor Oatr.d er who in the past two days has been besieged with appli cations for appointments from a large number of persons in the state, as well as from the men of tbe Third Georgia themselves Governor Candler stated yesterday that it was his intention to promote officers already in the regiment to the vacancies, which he has beaid are to be made ir.i the near future He ex pressed the opinion that the men who hail worked to make the regiment what it was should ba tendered the promotions in the ranks in preference to appointing mep on tbe outside. Governor Candler said that th : s rule would be adhered to closely for the present, and although he had re ceived a number of applications from different parts of the state, be would be compelled to consider first the applications of the men already with the regiment who were deserving of promotions —Constitution.. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. Attention Griffin Rifles- Attend meeting at your Armory, Y. M. C. A. budding, tonight 7.39 o’clock, sharp. Orgainzition of the Rifle Association. By order of M, J. Daniel, Jr , 2nd Lieut. Comd, Francis Sorrel, Ist Sergt. The honorary members of the Grif fin Rifles will meet in the armory at Y M. C. A. building tonight at 7: 30 o'clock for the purpose of organization. All citizens who have agreed to be come honorary members are urgently requested to be present, us the business to come before this meeting is most important, There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a consti tutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tea rpoonful. It acts directly on tie blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure, rend for circulars and tes timonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. PASTORIA, Hears Uj 8 >hs Kind You Have Always Bought *7" GOMEZ PLEDGES HIS SUPPORT- Cables President He Will Accept $3,000,000 for His Army Remedios Province of Santa Clara, Feb. I.—(Via Havana Feb. 2) —General Maximo Gomez, the com mauder—ir.—chief of tho Cuban army, placed himself squarely i’> position today as jtn active ally of tbe United States government in the way of the reconstruction of Cuba. As a result of the conference which Robert P. Porter, tbe special commis sioner of President McKinley, has had with General Gomez, tie latter cabled to President McKinley this afternoon assuring him of his co operation in disbanding the Cuban army and in distributing among the Cuban soldiers the $3,000,000 appropri ated for the purpose of enabling them tc return to their homes. General Gomez also telegraphed to Major General Brooke saying he would accept the latter’s invitation to go to Havana. Yellow Jaundice Cured. Suffering humanity should be sup plied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following : “This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of tbe best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bilters ; and after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. I now take pleasurer in recommending them to any person suffering from this ter rible malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky. Sold by Carlise & Ward and J. N. Harris & Son, Druggists. Stewart of Nevada. There was a fierce thunder storm last night and air of gloom about the senate all today, as if some-calamity were impending or some great sorrow had fallen upon the members, says the Washington correspondence if the Chicago Record. It was the re sult of the news from Nevada —the re election of Senator Stewart and the prospect of being compelled to listen to his speeches for another six years, Mr. Stewart is a a interminable talker, but his colleagues could endure that if he would talk on more than one subject, which be declines to do, He makes the same speech over and over again almost every day, so that sena tors with good memories can repeat it almost verbatim, and bis familiar phrases about tbe capitalistic vam* pires with the fetid fangs and the money devils and the crime of '73 are more familiar to a majority of the senate than tbe ten commandments. Ex-Senator Everts hit off Mr Stew art’s peculiarities in a little story that he toll! at a dinner given in honor of Senator Spooner when the latter was leaving public life six years ago. After the coffee was served one after another of colleagues arose and pro nounced a eulogy. When Mr. Stew art’s turn came he said that while Spooner was a good fellow he was all wrong on and proceeded to repreat the old speech he bad made so many times in the Senate. Senator Everts, who next took the floor, said that Stewart reminded him of a man he bad met in an insane asylum one time when he was acting as a member of a board of visitors. Tbe superin tendent told them that they must say cheerful things to the patients, and therefore when be saw a lunatic sit ting astride of a table beating it with a whip and pretending to drive it with a pair of string lines he walked up to him and said : “That’s a fine hobby you have there, my friend.” “It isn’t a hobby,’ answered the lunatic, “It’s a horse.” “What's tbe difference between a horse and a hubby?” suggested Mr. Everts, The lunatic turned on him with an air of supreme contempt and remarked: -You blank fool, any body can get <IF a horse, but nobody ever got off a hobby.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the y-'-'TJr Signature of /•C&4C&/1 / . For Whooping Gough use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. To Cure Constipation forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. U C. C. C. fail to cure. dn?ZK>sts refund mouev- GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1899. THE PROFESSIONAL WORRIER Will Bear Your Burden for You at So Much Per Burd. This is an age of new things, and occult science has developed subst tnces conditions and professions that were on'y dreamed (>l in other days. A New Orleans man of cu’ture, who has al ways been well fixed and has never been without market money, and never had business troubles, has bsen quite successful in establishing a “Don’t Worry" school. He has done much good He has brought sunshine and happiness into homes from which they had been driven out by worry. He has discounted trouble that his friends would insist upon borrowing, and has smoothed away wrinkles that would come across the foreheads of fretting people. Yet there are some people who will not be naturally com forted and for them a new angel has appeared inThe shape of a professional worrier. This man, who has been quite suc cessful in his business in New York may soon come to New Orleans in per eon, or open a branch c ffice here. For those people who thins worrying is necessary to carry on their Dueiness; he will be a welcome relief. Some careless men have become hardened of heart, and tough of skin ; they bor» row money they never Intend to re turn ; they,run up board bills or gro cery bills they never intend to pay; they stand off tailors for fine clothes they wear without ever expecting to own They are not worried. They say let tbe other fellows—tbe men we owe—do the worrying. That is an easy shifting of trouble for the thick skinned and tough ; but it will not do for the honest, sensitive people who take their misfortunes and troubles to heart. They believe that worrying must be done, and that they must do it It is for such as these that the professor of worry will open hie institute The man who doesn’t care a tinker’s little soft solder dam of bread what happens, will have no use for the professor of worry. He is for those who are convinced that worry ing must be done. They go to ths professor who undertakes to do worry ing for other people, and they pay him according to their needs and bis schedule of prices. It is said that in ordinary cases be will charge not more than $2 per worry. In more serious cases he must be retained by the day, and be given much more money. He is worth it A great many men aie made miserable by worrying over affairs that would come out all the same if they did not worry. But they are built to worry and make themselves sick over it and make all people about them miserable, The piofessor who will do the worrying for them is a happy relief. Damon and Pythias were such friends that one would die for the other David and Jonolhan would bear each other’s woey. There is said to be an honor among thieves that would make one suffer imprisonment for another as a test of friendship. Men have been known to commit murder, and to swear falsely for a friend. But the professor of worry is not of this class He assumes no man’s crimes. He is no cat’s paw. He in legitimate business, and simply of fers to do the worrying for nervous people who think worrying should be done He cornea very near filling a long-felt want, and should be encour aged Don’t worry Let the pro fessor of worry do all that for you.— New Orleans Picayune. The Modem Way Commends itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys tem and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co. '■ A Minnesota paper goes Watterson one better on a j residential ticket. It says: “Our presidential ticket for 1900 is McKinley and Joe-Wheeler; platform, a reunited country ; let us love one another. Scratch my back. God bliss our home ” For Croup useCHENEY'S EXPECTORANT For Sale. The Hughes place, 2 miles north of Gris fin; good 5-room house, big barn.bermuda pasture, etc. 67 1-2 acres of land. Easy terms. A. S. Blaze. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. 1 JtOVMJMKIH How It Is Down In Macon. Judge Felton, of Macon, imposed a fine of SSOO on Ike Baehinski Tuesday for selling whiskey on Sunday. Judge Felton said that this was the second time that be bad heaid a plea of guilty on the same charge from Bashinski. “I am not a moralist or a purist” said the judge, but I am here to see that the laws of this state are observed and justice is administered, and with the help of God and the people of this county, I will do it. “I am an anti—prohibit ionist from principal. I have never in any way been interested in the sale of liquor, and never expect to be as long as I live, consequently my anti-prohibition views are honest and from a straight conviction. ‘ But equally as set'led are only con victions as to the Bible commandment tbe ‘six days slialt thou labor and do all that thou bast to do.’ The law of the state is against the sale of liquor on Sunday, and that law must be ob served while I am on this bench, and sooner the people who deal in liquor understands that the better, for I shall punish every man who is sent to me by the grand jury. “Let Mr. Bashinski pay a fine of five hundred dollars or serve twelve months on tbe chain gang. It will be useless to say a word, not one penny will be taken off the fine," Mr. Felder asked that Mr. Bashinski be given until tbe next day to get the money with which to pay the fine. Judge Felton refused, saying that tbe prisoner was in the hands of the sheriff, who would collect the fine or take Bashinski to jail. The fine was paid. If there were a fev more judges in the state like Judge Felton, its laws would not be violated as much as is now the case. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guarantj of the excellence of its remedj It is far in advance of all other laxatives, ! as it acts on the kidneys, liver and > bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the caine of the Company-- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW YORK. N.Y. Mr. 11. A. Pass, Bowman, Ga., writes : “One of my children was very delicate and we despaired of raising it For months my wife and I could hardly get a night’s rest until we began the use of Pitt’s Carminative. We found great re lief from the first bottle.” Pitt’s Carmin ative acts promptly and cures permanent ly. It h pleasant to the taste, and children take it without coaxing. It is free from injurious drugs and chemicals. IF. Strickland X Go. SHOES, A SPECIAL SALE FOR MONDAY 50 Pairs of small sizes Zeigler Brothers and Krippendorfs Ladies Fine Shoes, regular price $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, your choice of any style at See the styles in our window. Come in Monday morning and get your size at about one-third regular price. Come early as we have only fifty pairs. New Storm Rubbers for ladies, men and children, all sizes. Everything in Footwear. R. F. STRICKLAND * CO. ’ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■■' 1 11 ■'u Bargains in Groceries. WITH A VIEW TO MAKING SOME CHANGES IN OUR LINE OF BUSI NESS, WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GROCERIES AT VERY' LOW PRICES FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. WILL SELL THIS WEEK STAPLE GROCERIES AT THE FOLLOWING VERY LOW PRICES; 18 pounds Standard Granulated Sugar - - - SI.OO 14 pounds best Lard ..... SI.OO 14 pound best Rice ..... s|,oo 3 pound can Tomatoes, per case - - - $1.65 2 pound can Tomatoes, .per case - - $1.50 45 bars Good Laundry Soap .... SI.OO Will selljour Crockery and Tin Warn at Actual cost Mocho and Java Coffee, per pound - - - 25cts. GIVE US A TRIAL. FLYMT &> CO. R JSO JF ENEDt WE HAVE OPENED THE CYCLE STORE At the old stand, 45 Hill Street, and lor the next thirty days only we will do all classes of repair work at a discount of 25 per cent. This gives you an excellent opportunity to have your wheel put in good condition for the coming season, at a low price. Any wheel m our stock at your price so as to make room for our new wheels that are now arriving. We are also Agents for LAMBERT BROS., FLORISTS, OF ATLANTA, and are prepared to do any kind of decorations for wed dings, churches and funerals. Bulbs, Plants and Cut Flowers a specialty. KILLIAN & LAMBERT. ’PHONE 4 TWO RINGS FOR A BICYCLE MESSENGER. RICHES GOME BY SMALL SAVINGS. ons Penny Saved is fqual to Two Made. For Spot Cash We will sell David Landreth & Son, Robt. Buist, Jr. A Co., L. L, May & Co.’s Garden Seed at 2icts. per paper. Peas and Onion Sets Correspondingly Low. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE <ll EA PEST. N. B. DREWRY & SON. Parlor Car and. Sleeping Car Service Be tween Alanta and Albany, Ga. The Central of Georgia Railway Com pany has inaugurated parlor car and sleeping car service between Atlanta and Albany, Ga , on train leaving Albany 4:15 a. m , arriving Macon 7:40 a. m , Atlanta : 11:20 a. m., and on train leaving Atlanta 4.05 p, m., arriving Macon 7:20 p. m., Al bany 11.-05 p m. Passengers from Alba j ny, Ga., holding berth tickets, can take ! sleeper at 8 p. m., thus allowing them to I remain in sleeper over night. Passengers arriving Albanj at 11:05 p. m., may re main in sleeper until 7.-00 a. m. Rate for double berth in sleeper, 150 miles and un der, 11.50; over 150 miles, $2 00. Charges for seata, as follows : 50 miles and under, 25 cents; 51 miles to 125 miles, 50 cents; 126 miles to 200 miles, 75 cents; 201 miles to 300 miles, SI.OO. Ten Cents per Week Salary Ordinance For 1899. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Conn cil of the City of Griffin, that the following salaries be paid the different officers of the city during their term of office: Mayor, <4OO (X) per annum, payable monthly. Clerk and Treasurer, |300.00 per annum payable monthly and fees. Chief Police, 45 00 per month payable monthly. I’o'icemen each, $40.00 per month pay able monthly. City Physician, 150 00 per annum pay able monthly. Janitor $20.00 per month payable monthly. PARSNIP COMPLEXION. It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow, parsnip-colored complexion indicates it. A physician would ask if you had rheu matism, a dull pain or ache In the back or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it; if after passing' there is an un satisfied feeling as if it must be at once re peated, or if the urine has a brick dust de posit or strong odor. When these symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and sometimes requiring the drawing of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and blad der specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at any drug store that no one need suffer any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention The Middle Georgia Farmer, and write to Dr. Kil mer & Co,, Binghamton, N. ¥.. f.r a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. 1