The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, February 07, 1899, Image 1

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THE MORNING CALL. Vol. X. No. 131. FIGHTING NEAR MANILA, THE AMERICANS AND FILIPINOS HAVE A SERIOUS CLASH. The Slaughter of the Filipinos Was Very Heavy, While the Ameri cans Sustains But Little Loss- Manila, Feb s—The long expected rupture between the Americans and the Filipinos has come at last. The clash came at 8 :4O yesterday evening, when three daring Filipinos dashed past the Nebraska regiment’s pickets at Santa Mesa, but retired when chal lenged. They repeated the experi ment without drawing the sentries’ fire. But the third time Corporal Greely challenged the Filipinos and then fired, killing one of them and wounding another. Almost immediately afterward# the Filipinos’ line, from Caloocan to Santa Mesa, commenced a fusilade which was inffectual. The Nebraska, Mon tana and North Dakota outposts repli ed vigorously, aud held ibeir ground until re enforcements arrived. The Filipinos in the meantime concentrat ed at three points—Caloocan, Gaga’an gin and Santa Mesa. At about 1 o’clock the Filipinos opened a hot fire from all three places simultaneously. This was supplement ed by the .ire of two siege guns, at Balik-Balik, aud by advancing their skirmishers at Paco and Pandacan. The Americans responded with a ter rific fire, but owing to the darkness they were unable to determine its effect. The Utah light artillery finally succeeded in silencing the native bat tery. The Third artillery also did good work on the extreme left. The engagement lasted over an hour. The United States cruiser Charleston and the gunboat Concord, stationed off Malabona, opened fire from their sec ondary batteries on the Filipinos’ position at Caloocan, and kept it up vigorously. At 2 :45 there was another fusilade along the entire line, and the United Slates sea-going double-lurreted mon itor opened fire on the enemy from off Malate. With daylight, the Americans ad vanced. The California and Washing ton regiments made a splendid charge and drove the Filipinos froth the villages of Paco and Santa Mesa. The Nebraska regiment also distin guished itself, capturing several prison ers aud one howitzer and a very strong position at the reservoir, which is connected with the waterworks. The Kansas and Dakota regiments com pelled the enemy’s right flank to retire to Caloocan. There was intermittent firing at various points all day long. The losses of the Filipinos cannot be estimated at present, but they are known to be considerable The American losses are estimated at twenty killed and 125 wounded. The Ygprates armed with bows and arrows, made a very determined stand in the face of a hot artillery fire and left many men dead on the field. Several attempts were made in this city yesterday evening to assassinate American officers How to Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or gans If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious look ; 'f your stomach is dis ordered, you have a dyspeptic look ; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good heiltb, and you will surely have good looks. “Electric Bitter.,” is a good alterative and tonic. Acts directly on the stom ach, liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed Sold at J. N. Harris <fc Son, and Carlisle & Ward Drug Store, 50 cents per bottle. Mardi Gras Carnival. On account of above occasion the Central of Ga. Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, La . Mobile and Birm ingham, Ala., st one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Feb. 7th to 13th inclusive. Good returning on or before Feb. 28th. R. J. WILLIAMS, Agt. J. C. Haile, G P. A. Savannah Ga. Attention Griffin Bifles. Attend meeting tonight in your armory at 7:30 o’clock sharp, in uni form. Business of importance. M. J. Daniel, Jr., 2nd Lt Comd. F. Sorrel, Ist S <rgt. PEACE TREATY IS RATIFIED. 0 It Was Ratified by a Majority of Three Votes. Washington, Feb. 6.—The Paris peace treaty was ratified this afternoon at three o’clock by a majority of three votes. The announcement that the insur gents at Manila had brought on a conflict with the American forces there had a gieat deal to do with has tening the ratification of the treaty. The war department has made no move toward further reinforcements for General It was pointed out that two ships will start soon from San Francisco, one is on the way from New York, aud it is asserted that the department feels no doubt of the abil ity of General Olis lo handle the tit nation without further assistance It was said, however, that the ship ments of regulars to the Philippines will continue with as much prompt ness as possible, in order that those now on the islands may be relieved and sent home It may be regarded as significant that the department at this time should declare its intentions of continuing to withdraw the volun teers as fast as they can be spared from active duty. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys tem and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co. Death of Joe Elliott- Joe Elliott died Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock, alter a few days illness, and was buried yesterday afternoon He was taken ill last Monday with a severe cold, which soon developed into pneumonia and resulted in his death at the hour stated above The deceased was 33 years of age, and was unmarried. He was one of the most popular members of No. 1 Fire Company, and that organization, as a body, acted as an honorary escort at bis funeral yes terday. An Enterprising Druggist- There are few wide awake and enterprising than J. N. Harris & Son, and Carlisle & Ward, who spare no pains to secure the best of every thing in their line for their many customers They now have the valua ble agency for Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producling such a furoc all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all afftc lions of the Throat, Chest aud Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular sixe for 50 cents and SIOO Guaranteed to cure nr price refunded. Capt Burr Writes of Cuba- Aiderman H C. Burr received a letter from his son, Capt. A. J Burr, of the Third Georgia regiment Sunday. The letter was dated from Niuvetls, Cuba, Jan. 27, and gave a discription of their camp and surrounding and other news of the regiment. The boys are enjoying good health and the hospital has no cases of a se rious nature. All the water used in the regiment has to be boiled and the men often drink it very warm to quench their thirst. The present camp is a very hot and undesirable one, ‘.be thermometer registering as bigh at nights as it does here at mid day in July and August, and the sol diets are forced, on account of heat, to remain within their tents between the hours of 8 a. m., and 3 p. m. At night the dew is so heavy they have to re main under cover and no sentinels are on duty. They expected to move their camp in a few days to a more desirable place, where it is thought the men will be better satisfied. Capt. Burr’s description of the na tives, their homes aud ways of living was very interesting, and it seems the American soldiers are having consid erable trouble in making themselves understood. He did not mention bis having re signed bis commission, but said be would return home in March. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1899. ' ANDREWS OPERA COMPANY Wiil Give a Grand Benefit for the Griffin Rifles. The Griffin Rifles are eudeavoiing to arrange to give all those of our pub lic who admire aud enjoy high-class music a rare treat in the way of an operatic production and if they can secure the requisite number of sub scribers the matter will be an assured (act. The attraction in view, is the celebrated Andrews Opera Company, which was received with such glowing favor in Philadelphia last spring, the press of that city being lavish in their praise of the company’s suberb pro duction The subscription method which the Griffin Rifl-s are about to put into effect is the only way this organization can be prevailed upon to appear here, and the same time en able them to place the price of seats within the reach of all, viz: SIOO for best seats. The Andrews Opera Company is one of the most popular and celebrat ed organizations al present traveling presenting Grand and Comic Opjra in English. The roster of the company numbers forty people among whom are some of the most brilliant lights in the operatic firmament. The organization is adequately equipped in the way of accessories and elabro* rate costumes to make their each and every production a pronounced sue* cess. If the Griffin Rifles are successful in their efforts this company will pre sent Fiotow’s beautiful romatic opera, “Martha,” than which there is no more popular and enjoyable composition in the entire list of standard operas, on Monday evening, Feb. 13. As the story, music and scenes of “Martha” are of the most popular and entertain ing order, and the Andrews Opera Company’s production of such a bigh older of merit that a most charming evening’s entertainment is assured, it is comparatively safe to assume that there will be no unusual effort neces nary to secure the requisite subscrip tion sale. All those desirous of witnessing this charming performance will confer a favor by sending their names and number of seats desired to Reeves Pharmacy. Subscribers will have ac cess to the chart one day in advance of the regular sale. - —»'*■» Epidemic Throughout World- We see it stated in the Chicago Record upon the authority of one of the most eminent medical experts in the United States that smallpox is epidemic thioubout the world. Our soldiers have it in the Philip pines and in Porto Rico. The dis patches yesterday told of a hotel full of people in Omaha who had been quarantined because three of its guests developed smallpox. Among the negroes of the south from Virginia to Texas theie have been cases for many months. Atlanta tad nearly five hun dred cases of smallpox in 1897 mostly among negroes. Since then the dread ed disease has never been effectually stamped out of the touth The greatest dread of smallpox is the absolute isolalion from friends and family it enforces. It is an eruptive Russian fever, and the sickness is not as severe as in many other diseases. Comparatively few ever die from it who have proper attention. Yet many are frightened to death at the veiy idea of it, and still object to vaccina tion. France is the only nation where smallpox is unknown. As soon as a baby is a month old in France it must be vaccinated. The law is compu! eory. This is also the case in Germa ny. When the child is seven years old it must again ba vaccinated, and tgain through life every seven years. Thus the French and German people are thoroughly innoculated from the dreaded disease. The French plan should be adopted among ths negroes of the south. The law of compulsory vaccination in the public schools is a good tn?. W ere any law is far the common good of all none should object—Rime Tribune. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the xTg CT*. sr ~ Signature of RoftL Baking Powder Mad: from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders arc the greatest mcnacers to health of the present day. w 1 ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. t NEW YORK. Ordinary’s Court Ordinary J. A. Drewry held hie regular monthly court yesterday and disposed of the following business: A. J. Walker, administrator of tbs estate Miss Lavonia Walker, applied for letters of dismission from said ads ministration. Lloyd Cleveland applied lor letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Eliza Boyd. Mrs. Marie Ford, administratrix of the estate of P. 8, B. Ford, made appli cation for leave to sell real esta'e in Fulton county. W. W. Sasser, W. S. Williams and W. M. Sasser were appointed execu tors of the estate of J. W. Boyd. J. C. Gilmore, administrator of the estate of Clark Gilmore, was granted an order to sell real estate in Pike county. W. T. Beasley, guardian, made appli cation for !e ave to sell real estate in Spalding county for the purpose of maintaining and educating bis wards. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Col. LOUISVILLE. Ry. NEW YORK. N. Y. Ward! Gras Carnival. Account of above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, Mobile and Birming ham, Ala , at one fare for the round trip Tickets on sale Feb. 7th to 13th inclusive. Good returning on or be fore Feb. 28th. RJ. Williams, II F. Cary, Ticket Agt. T. P. A., Macon, Ga. Representstive Lewis has intro duced several bills for claims againei the government lor damages to prop erty in Americus by (be troops sta tioned there in the Spanish war Bucklen's Arnica Salve- THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,, or no pay re quired, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Karris & Son and Carlisle & Ward, For Croup use CHENEV’S EXPECTORANT H.F. Strickland X Go. Early Spring Arrivals. This store is always first in showing newest things in Dry Goods and Notions! Monday we show the handsomest line of Embroideries and Laces yet shown in Griffin. 50 pieces new Hamberg Embroideries for shirts, sc. to 35c. 125 pieces new Nainsook and Mull edges and ens2rtion.«, dainty patterns for childrens dresses, sc. to 400. yard. 40 pieces Nainsook and Mull ensertions, used for yokes, all exquisite patterns and cheap. New line of Valencene Laces and Readings, 'plain and Point D’Esprit footing. New line Torchon Laces very cheap. White Lawns and Dimities Sc., 10c. and 12fc. FOR MONDAY SALE. SI,OO White Quilts at 75c. $1.25 White Quilts at SI.OO. $2.00 "White Quilts at $1.50. Special values in cotton and linen towels. 10 pieces of Duck Suiting at lie. worth 12ic. 10 pieces of plain Duck in dark and light colossi at 10?. All newest colors in Taffeta Silk at 85c. New Waist Silks in stripes, latest novelties. R. F. STRICKLAND * CO. -~~ ■ -1 Bargains in Groceries. WITH A VIEW TO MAKING SOME CHANGES IN OUR LINE OF BUSI NESS, WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GROCERIES AT VERY LOW PRICES FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. WILL SELL THIS WEEK STAPLE GROCERIES AT THE FOLLOWING VERY LOW PRICES; 18 pounds Standard Granulated Sugar - - - SI.OO 14 pounds best Lard - ... s|,oo 14 pound best Rice ..... s|-00 3 pound can Tomatoes, per case ... $1.65 2 pound can Tomatoes, ’per case *. - - $1.50 45 bars Good Laundry Soap .... SI.OO Will sell.our Crockery and Tin Ware at Actual cost Mocho and Java Coffee, per pound ... 25cts. GIVE US A TRIAL. CO. ZRZESOJF* E JSTEZDI WE HAVE OPENED THE CYCLE STORE At the old stand, 45 Hill Street, and for the next thirty days only we will do all classes of repair work at a discount of 25 per' cent. This gives you an excellent opportunity to have your wheel put in good condition for the coming season, at a low price. Any wheel in our stock at your price so as to make room for our new wheels that are now arriving. We are also Agents for LAMBERT BROS., FLORISTS, OF ATLANTA, and are prepared to do any kind of decorations for wed dings, churches and funerals. Bulbs, Plants and Cut Flowers a specialty. KILLIAN & LAMBERT. ’PHONE 4 TWO RINGS FOR A BICYCLE MESSENGER. RICHES COME BY SMALL SAVINGS. One Penny Saved is equal to Two Made. For Spot Cash We will sell David Landreth & Son, Robt. Buist, Jr. dt Co., L. L. May & Co.’s Garden Seed at 2icts. per paper. Peas and Onion Sets Correspondingly Low. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. N. B. DREWRY & SON. Parlor Car and Sleeping Car Service Be tween Alanta and. Albany, Ga. The Central of Georgia Railway Com pany has inaugurated parlor car and sleeping car service between Atlanta and Albany, Ga, on train leaving Albany 4:15 a. m., arriving Macon 7:40 a. m., Atlanta 111:20 a. m., and on train leaving Atlanta 4:05 p. m., arriving Macon 7:20 p. m., Al bany 11:05 p. m. Passengers from Alba ny, Ga., holding berth tickets, can take sleeper at Sp. m,, thus allowing them to remain in sleeper over night. Passengers arriving Albany at 11:05 p. m., may re main in sleeper until 7:00 a. m. Rate for double berth in sleeper, 1.50 miles and un der, $1.50; over 150 miles, $2.00. Charges for seats, as follows : 50 miles and under, 25 cents; 51 miles to 125 miles, 50 cents; 120 miles to 200 miles, 75 cents; 201 miles to 300 miles, SI.OO. Ten Cents per Week Salary Ordinance For 1899. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Conn cil of the City of Griffin, that the following salaries be paid the different officers of the citv during their term of office: Mayor, S4OO 00 per annum, payable monthly. Clerk and Treasurer, $300.00 per annum payable monthly and fees. Chief Police, 45 00 per month payable monthly. Po’icemen each, $40.00 per month pay able monthly. City Physician, 150 00 per annum pay able monthly. Janitor $20.00 per month payable monthly. PARSNIP COMPLEXION. It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow, parsnip-colored complexion indicates it. A physician would ask if you had rheu matism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it; if after passing there is an un satisfied feeling as if it must be at once re peated, or if the urine has a brick dust de posit or strong odor. When these symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and sometimes requiring the drawing cf the urine with instruments, or may ruw into Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous stage ot kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Boot, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and blad der specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at any drug store that no one need suffer any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test ite wonderful merits, mention The Middle Georgia Farmer, and write to Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.. f:r t sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. 1