The morning call. (Griffin, Ga.) 18??-1899, February 12, 1899, Image 1

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THE MORNING CALL. ; " - ■ • • -'' • - SWR ‘•* * ”•’. *• '*“' * ,'• ’■• »-’ » • HMSMTIX '. ;C <-^’NB4I^:cIEL., ><>< * * ,* r 7**ip \ dresuned -el Wealth and splendor •,« J} In'cwtWo>th&ea, ’ '\ ’ 9 , But srill».BWee’t,y&i<Jt wfctpered: AJ^pveds&>ou£Ji fttr me !’LL > a <* .y Y» Whgrc ■' sHrevsrmcH« th&tjnrasic ?*- «<*• '•«> *•> ■*’ *.♦ :0 hfeart so tnraan'd '< L'■ > .•’ 5; •■**' rSftaH ,’ ’ 'i ' Ofpdvurty, or eplendoi,; <• •.,» ‘ 5/, Lote lor t^l! >* •.•£s. > ba*e < 6^^^Uß2 i bar,vf'brUl[wn|; events, 'TtfofheonA. sa®ra» ; card Moknf? ' N,dt. u; W(a»r«nd tlx|g a»te>ded‘.w ? w -« ' admiritioja oi ’ taryMbUO _The qsreied opt iff periaqp .QrpcoraJ card's) in prjtfM, and in every Anna. Blount Be/k»' wli7n rfrftjhdies’ „ prwe t ; %n exqutyt&y - cbeqnd ,*Book z ’ ■ d*iaj£ Voletsbeing /ullnaied oft flip JShita/and gold.' to wijff g-“ Mr ’ IJen ry. • Smitq drew p tlie > . handsome silver.j>dbdfl- holjSer. The 5 cbarowng ■ of you}hfol graft#! TjfceM«d gy.«qgb>in .rtH4 >'&»"£ eificftnfr drawing’ AiqnJ oYibV&Jlls'iS MiwfiiilKc.tJ>a/ , •Aume'bf blue v«ry; bocgm£u/ito -Xbe Miss Horne wM mien Q»dn> ire ** stWking ’gowh. of blacb ■ de ” ».»oi, /dleefa. ,>jnpDfT “tbr Jastni. w»< • centje fft i«UWqrtgo,' 1 • 'of 'pur<: M-Utjr ner, Miss Bessie Clark Brawrer, Miss Mamie Mills, Miss Watt, Mrs. A. J. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Boyd, Col. and Mrs. Thomas Mills, Mr. Henry Smith, Mr. Joe Boyd, Mr. Wilbur Barnes, Mr. Robert Strickland, Dr. M. F. Carson, Mr, E. F. Carlisle, Mr. Will Newton. ♦ ♦ « Mrs. Janies 8. Boynton compli mented the Daughters of the Confed eracy with a lovely affair Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Boynton’s elegant apartments were tastefully decorated with white hyacinths and violets efs fectively arranged in beautiful bowls and vases. After the transaction of important business, by urgent request, I Mrs. R F. Strickland and Mrs. J. Henry Walker repeated the mytholog ical stories told by them at a very charming “Mythological Party” given during the past week. Mrs. R, 11. Taylor read an inieresting paper on tbe war experience of the late Col. Joseph D. Boyd at Cbicamauga, which was written by Col. A. J. West, of At lanta. Mrs. Taylor also read a clever paper on the subject of the southern people taking care of tbe confederate dead. Other interesting papers were read and each member of tbe organis ation told some bright incident of the war. Mrs. Boynton is one of Griffin’s very brilliant women and possesses many friends who thoroughly appre ciate her good work and e'ever man agement in this chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, < f which she is president. She is bright and attractive, and her rare conversa tional powers make her an ideal hos tess. Mrs. Boynton wore an elegant gown cf black velvet with waist garni ture of hands, me l«ce. Dainty re freshments served by Miss Rebecca Nall and M rs. Carlton Jones closed tbe pleasures of this happy affair The next meeting will ba with Mrs. Boyn ton on the second Wednesday of next month • » • Mss J Lindsay Johnson, of R .me, who is president of the Georgia Wo man’s Federated Clubs, spent Thurs day in the city the guest of Mrs. Joseph M Thomae. Mrs Johnson is a charming woman of rare magnetism and intellectual power, and moiethan that, she is potae.-seti of such wide sympathies and is so free from any form of narrowness, that she is ever (- td iria'pirw ’ - Caßtotir‘ge . M ' e ■tr& wiu» OW «Tui «f Griffin i s^«’ukid Wmwen’i IfeAebW rkdt; bi > day' Jbtason-' datrorati tadehrtmitriii’ii, Jfrtiiqt) aiHitttjOfli prdfahr & ii V>m rß - aojfo *«* the Mu!r,ll l '* >b Shades u| .<»d £rsen, ,t hft M trberf at| ? m e.uii ssv t thg'- ''scheme a cbarmimg. ybct§.g »njj- Attesk her sweet;’ «< wtfn »«J • ..*&* h*s a lovely borne anp ul e«tpe' the 91 pfjM r<| abo n t 0 ntiJ 'Skhet£> IttneLi&pp.’.wwe Jfefs. A. b44.*W> Mrs. ;W«kbr thanrthe' £ wlwblM Mks. Mystic Circle"* Mrj|*M e<> hostess in.* Jf yprssßpd grayy>rd(ia<hg/ Yitb ’ jtfmt- Qrgrpy'gUk-irild irhitKhvs y wrft be rtjStohicg lc pf blue. r Krill# waejovely in a la«Mfcpm| calliy< costume, with a of blAek taffetas, she wore a dain- cd*rtarquorsb taffetas witL tucked vest of white satin. A charm icg feature of this happy affair was the telling of some mythological story by each guest—another pietty feature wes the throwing of the golden apple by Mrs. Edward C. Smith who stood on tbe handsome stairway in the re ception ball and charmingly represent ed tbe Goddess of Discord, — the apple was gracefully caucht by Mrs. M. E. Wilson. Dainty .efreshmens of fruit salad, osc tar and angel’s cake were served n the beautiful adorned dining room. Those present beside tbe mem bers of the Mystic Circle were Mrs, Allgood, Mrs. R. F. Strickland, Mrs. A. G. Martin, Mrs. Henry Walker, Mrs. John Mills, Miss Chambers, Mrs. J. P. Nichols and Mrs. Amelia Johnson. ♦ * * Tbe Hawthorne Club met as usual with Mrs Walter Ellis Tuesday after noon. The programme for next Tues day is as follows: Quotations —Mrs. Richards, Paper ‘Easter’—Mrs. Thom as, Paper ‘Mardi Gras’—Mrs. Hanes, Paper ‘Origin of St Valentine’s Day’— Mrs McWilliams, Music, —Mrs. Rag land, Reading,—Mrs. Stewart. * • • A happy event was tbe informal card party at which Mrs. David Bailey entertained last evening at her home on fourth St About a dozen guests were present and spent tbe evening in the enjoyment of duplicate whist. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than J. N Harris & Son, and Carlisle & Ward, who spare no pains to secure tbe best of every thing in their line for their many customers. They now have the valua ble agency for Dr King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producting such a furor all over tbe country by its many startling cures. Il absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affic tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular sixa for 50 cents and $1 00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Bears th» Kind You Hare Always Bough* Signature •,' For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTORANT. ’:.;' , iORNINO. FEBRUARY 12, 18»9. i*Aiu'r J ' >*>u l »B..|i ll ma l tii4i l ifH A* Ynju» ;c.-'. - -v ' AOet iheigarue aji htnciievo „Ahe I , Ybomaa <M’e,ddesday ' o( M **’ scene beau . giv*r* Yjyr Mys. td Mrs. ; jHaNf*dee.irsdfiii.ib (yr rhrs affeferj.Wetg as viohrtv;* Roman ■Usistt4’te^eiirtftg^ec by H»s, <y SWB ife# the gen- »ird boMsYhe’)ilwts£#jsl. M/Sj Tjajliy; dispbaitiao n^bpr*b » * •‘A. T. s■' ■/ ’ > #> vjf■ i Tbirfefn Hstdb; isi^i cMIgS Md# Wl4n»0B-/I thKY>ofUß*4 prdtty. P#^^k’^^gme^o^^oman; ! happy ' cbayao ’ftnistics Wfawb -go to nrtlke a febarmlng b *PKF Wrirtfbl ft»e* the. writting ol essays by Jfekch.member b! the club. v awarded Che first tjodk >-fp * Miej- Mathes feM the prize, a hook on the snbjeal? of writing essays. An elaborate .luncheon was served at five ojclock. M guests were Miss Brawner, Mias Bessie Clark Browner, Btgithi Mißs loftier, Mtfh, @nklwb,' X w. XiaAsiguam,. Mrs. Otis Crouch, Mrs. Julia Pritchard, Miss Mamie Mills and Mrs. A. J. Burr. ♦ * * Mrs. H. Claire Deane entertained at an informal, but decidedly pleas ant card party Friday evening last. Duplicate whist was the game played and enjoyed and tbe affair was one of happiest moment. Mrs. Deane is a pretty and very charming young mat ron and entertains most delightfully. On this occasion, her pleasant home was tastefully adorned with violets in tbe greatest profusion. After the game dainty refreshments were served. Among Mrs. Deane’s guest were Miss Marie Markham, of Columbus, Mies Mattie Terry, Mr. Will Newton, Mr. Douglas Gleesner. * ♦ ♦ Mrs. Thomas Nall will entertain the Mystic Circle tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. « • * Mrs. Walter Ellis entertained the members of tbe Hawthorne and Cur rent Topics Clubs at a delightful affair Thursday afternoon from three until five o’clock in honor of Mrs. Johnson, of Rome. Mrs. Ellis’ pleasant home on Poplar street was effectively adorn ed with great bunches of fragrant white hyacinths which smiled at one from every available nook and corner of the quaint rooms and reception hall, and rinilax was gracefully wreathed She Modern Way Commends itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the sys tem and break up colds, headaches, and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Co. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. N. Harris & Son and Carlisle & Ward. For LaGrippe and Influ -1 enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. 11 -■■■—! Royal , Baking Powder t 1 ■ ■ Made from pure cream of tartar. \ Safeguards the food against alum f ' s Alum baking powders are the greatest s' 5 menacers to health of the present day. doorways and mantles. Mrs. Ellie Arid Mrs Johnson were delightfully Agisted in receiving the guests by Mrs fteeph M. Thomas, Mrs. Douglas Boyd, -o <. J. W. McWilliams ami Miss Hat irae Head. Mrs. Ellie, who is an onus ,Mhliy bright ami interesting woman, jyre an elegant gown of black sa with trimmings of jet and a vest ofWeli»w. mousselaine. Mrs. Johnson 3n| handsomely gowned in brown ,®olh with a touch of rich cream ap- Ijjjillue on the waist. Mrs. Thomas Ixraa dainty and petite in a-lovely after ■Kbon toilette of brown moire antique. JMrs McWilliams wore a magnificent of blue.brocade Mrs. Doug Boyd was stylishly and becomingly jgou ned in a lovely costume of green rat'd purple brocade. Mies Head’s ¥bwu was cna of tbe handsomest no- at the reception. It was of rich sJrfue silk with elaborate trimming of velvet and cream lace applique. Mrs. Johnson entertained tbe ladies with a bright and very interesting talk, 'After 'Which delightful refreshments were served. Mrs. Johnson left on the afternoon train of Thursday for %tTanla to visit the Woman's Club of that place .. ... . . , . 3 THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Svrl t p Co. only, and we wish to impressppon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal. LOUISVILLE, Ky. NEW YORK, N. Y. fPATENTI anything you invent or improve; also get'' JCaVEAT.TRAOE-MARK, COPYRIGHTor DESIGN '| .'PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo, b i ’ for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS 1 e i before' paten L I Vo‘ e C. A.SNO W&CO. Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. R. H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. V STEWART M D. DRS. TAYLOR ANO STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba.m.toß p. m. A physician will always be in our office during that time. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the . sr "* i Signature of R.F. Strickland X Go. Extraordinary Values For Monday’s Sales. 50 DOZ. OF EVERETTE. RIDLEY, REAGAN CO.’B SHIRTS, BOXES DAM AGED BY WATER BUT SHIRTS WERE NOT DAMAGED AT ALL 10 DOZ. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, DETACHABLE COLLARS AND CUFFS WORTH |l, MONDAY 4.8 c. 10 DOZ LADIES UNDERVESTS, REAL MACO YARNS, REGULAR PRICE (ilk , MONDAY AT 35c. T aME QUALITY IN MENS UNDERSHIRTS AT 85c. 148 WORK SHIRTS WORTH 50c., MONDAY AT 35c. 75 DOZ. LADIES AND CHILDRENS HOSE WORTH 15c , AT 10c , TWO SPECIALS IN CORSETS FOR MONDAY-63 FEATHERBONE COR SETS WORTH fl, AT 50c. 30 FEATHERBONE CORSETS WORTH tl 25 AT 75c 05 UMBRELLAS, 20-INCH, WORTH 75c., MONDAY AT 49c. 72 MENS UMBRELLAS, VERY BEST MAKE, WORTH |1 25, MONDAY 98c. • Slioe Store. A FEW MORE PAIRS LEFT OF LADIES *3 AND |3.50 SHOES TO CLOSE OUT AT 11 25. > CHILDRENS SCHOOL SHOES, BEST QUALITY, LEATHER TIPPED, LACE OR BUTTON, 75c. TO |1.25. MENS SATIN CALF, BALS AND CONGRESS, ALL STYLES TOES, • WORTH <2 50, MONDAY |2. 5 ALL KRIPPENDORF AND ZEIGLER SHOES AT CUT PRICES TO CLOSE OUT. DON’T MISS THIS SALE, WE SAVE YOU MONEY THIS WEEK. R. F. STRICKLAND it CO. ~ ~~ //. : ~ ~ ~ . ' i Bargains in Groceries. f WITII A VIE WTO MA KING SOME CHANGES IN OUR LINE OF BUSI . NESS, WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE SPOCK OF FANCY GROCERIES AT i VERY’ LOW PRICES FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. r WILL SELL THIS WEEK STAPLE GROCERIES AT THE FOLLOWING , VERY LOW PRICES: 18 pounds Standard Granulated Sugar - - SI.OO 14 pounds best Lard ..... SI.OO I 14 pound best Rice ..... s|.oo 3 pound can Tomatoes, per case ... $1.65 2 pound can Tomatoes, [per case s - - $1.50 45 bars Good Laundry Soap - SI.OO Will selljour Crockery and Tin Warn at Actual cost Mocho and Java Coffee, per pound - - - 25cts. GIVE US A TRIAL. &> CO. —■■ - ■'«. BARGAINS IN BICYCLES. Now is the time to get a wheel at your own price, either new or second hand. We are doing all repair work on BICYCLES AT ONE-FOURTH OFF the regu lar price. Take advantage of this opportunity and have your wheel made to LOOK LIRE NEW, for the coming season. WE ARE REPRESENTATIVES OF John A. Lambert, Florist, OF ATLANTA, and are prepared to furnish CUT FLOWERS and DECORA TIVE PLANTS, for entertainments, weddings, funerals, etc. Call ’Phone 4 Two Calls When you want to send a parcel dr message anywhere. We will- send a Bicycle Messenger AT ONCE. KILLIAN & LAMBERT. lAS HILL STREET. RICHES COME BY SMALL SAVINGS. One Penny Saved is equal to Two Made. For Spot Caeli We will sell David Landreth & Son, . Robt. Buist, Jr. A Co., * L L. May & Co.'s Garden Seed at 2icts. per paper. Peas and Onion Sets Correspondingly Low. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. N. B. DREWRY & SON. Parlor Car and Sleeping Car Service Be tween Alanta and Albany, Ga, The Central of Georgia Railway Com pany has inaugurated parlor car and sleeping car service between Atlanta and L Albany, Ga., on train leaving Albany 4:15 s a. m , arriving Macon 7:40 a. m, Atlanta 11:20 a. m., and on train leaving Atlanta 4:05 p, m-, arriving Macon 7:20 p. m., Al ' bany 11:05 p m. Passengers from Alba ny, Ga., holding berth tickets, ran take sleeper at 9 p. m., thus allowing them to remain in sleeper over night. Passengers arriving Albany at 11:05 p. m., may re main in sleeper until 7:00 a. m, Rate for double berth in sleeper, 150 miles and un der, $1.50; over 150 miles, $2.00. Charges for seats, as follows : 50 miles and under, 25 cents; 51 miles to 125 miles, 50 cents; 128 miles to 200 miles, 75 cents< 201 miles to 3CMJ miles, SI.OO. Ten Cents per Week Salary Ordinance For 1899. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of Griffin, that the following salaries be paid the different officers of the city during their term of office : Mayor, S4OO 00 per annum, payable monthly. Clerk and Treasurer, $300,00 per annum payable monthly and fees. Chief Police, 45.00 per month payable monthly. Po’icemen each, $40.00 per month pay able monthly. I City Physician, 150 00 per annum pay- I able monthly. Janitor $20.00 per month payable 1 monthly. PARSNIP COMPLEXION It does not require an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyes, the d»rk, puffy circles under the eyes, the sallow, parsnip-colored complexion indicates it. A physician would ask if you had rheu matism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it; if after passing there is an un satisfied feeling as if it must be at once re peated, or if the urine has a brick dust de posit or strong odor. When these symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and sometimes requiring the drawing of the urine with instruments, or may rus into Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Kwamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and blad der specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at any drug store that no one mid suffer any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention The Middle Georgia Farmer, and write to Dr. Kil mer & Co,, Binghamton, N. Y.. f-r sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. 1