Newspaper Page Text
Griffin i* the best and moat promising little
it, in the South. It* record lor the puet
hall decade, (l*WllM4w and contemplated? « this
atiou, building prove
0 le» bueinese statement ond not a hyper¬
bolical deecription.
During that time it has built and put into
Host successful operation a $100,000 cotton
, *ctory and with this year started the wheels
of , second of more than twice that capital.
It has put up a targe iron and braes foundry,
a fertiliser factory, an imm ens^ flffiwfhctory, ice and bot-
tling works, a sash an i a
broom factory, opened uptli^Upst granite
quarry In the United States, aud now hoe
our large oil nrtds in more or lees advanced
•tags* of construction, frith an aggregate nn-
thoriwd capital at oaer half amiUmndoUars.
plied for t» o charters for street railways. It
has secured another railroad ninety miles long,
end while located on the greatest system in
uasetf, Virginia and Georgia. It bos obtain¬
ed direct independent connection witl -dhat-
tanooga and the West, and wiU break ground
ina few day* fora fourth road, connecting
with a fourth indepondentsvstem.
With it* five white and four colored church¬
es, it has recently completed a f10,000 new
Presbyterian church. It has increased depop¬
ulation by nearly one fifth. ’ It has attracted
fruit evaporators in the State. It is thahome
of the grape and ite wine makingcapacity has
doubled every year. It has successfully in¬
augurated a system of public schools, with a
seven years curriculum, second to none.
This is part of the record of a half decade
and simply shows the progress of an already
admirable city, with the natural advantages
sirable settlers, who will not be any less wel-
•ome if they bring money to help build up the
own. There is about only one thing we
need badly just now, and that is a big hotel.
We hare several small ones, but their accom¬
modations are entirely too limited for our
husine s, pleasure and health seeking guests.
If you see anybody that wants a good loca¬
tion lor a hotel in the Bourn, just mention
Griffin is the place where the Gfirmfc News
paperinftie^mpireState • published—daily nnd weekly—the beat news-
ol Georgia. Tlease
•i»tar' ompleted. wafp* r wf
i' ■ ^
•urriN, obosoia.
Office, «1 Hill Street, Up Stairs over J. H.
White’s Clothing Store. mar22d*wly
*>f if f iR* Rlft-S, i j;
attorney ‘at^aw,
Will practice In the State and Federal
Oourts. Office DTer George * Hartnett s
dbrner. nov2tf
__ —r .... ..... * i 1 i * ——1 -----------
Over .George k Hartnett s, Griffin? Ga.
Will practice In the State and Federal
ourts. julylSdt!
l .. i . . . t . s.iii A 1M .1. - I i 1 I !' ! ■■ T""r
: j. !
ver •ir- businres calls.
Collections a specialty.
>sn ; ». -r-Gr
The J. A Brooks Farm
i out-
k? males, corn, fodder, fe.
i mill and present growing
lErisssfer ...
n « « “ “ “ froits
sur-w At. .... « • « ; It .1
i and vacant tote too numerous to
JUMtogiiWi jrt A lj"l /mil ’wiftdo wuB
ft P 6T
ontton iI dtehed
w as m
kv l 4 tea “>■, f-?5
0 \ I ~ '
, im m * .. ..
mmmm : i&.lST P > til A ■yvi I , «• 1
G »j 7 - i I l
Believed to Have a Grip on the
St. Petersburg Mission/
He and Chauncey M. Depew
Confer With the President
Then the Trfo Takes a Drive and All Re.
tnm Express ^gv Man—No Especially Truth The
in the Story
That Canada Is Dissatisfied With Our
Present Traffic Regulations.
Washington, June 29.—It must be
ocfi|Of%die *“ hufottant mission, indeed, which, on
hottest day%j||to«the season,
causes Tice President M P. Morton,
Chauncey M. Depew, Senator Hisoock,
Col. Elliott F. Shepard and Franklin
Woodruff; the Eepublicon leader in
views with the ]
prudent Co! • the vice
and . at the
executive mansion. Thevfoi Secre-
tary Blaine and William Wal “fflaQ
the new German minister, at
with Mr. Harrison. After congratulat¬
visitors ing Mr. had Phelps long on his good fortune, the
a talk with the presi¬
dent. It can be stated on reliable author¬
ity that the Russian.' mission was the
i In the afternoon Mr. Depew arrived,
and he and Ool. Shepard lost no time in
hurrying dined with to the the president wfcite house. They
and later
drove out with Mm.,
yoor day evening, correspondent Mr. Depew was informed with Thurs¬
Ms inim-
itftble eioqufebee-urged the claims of his
old chum. The party returned about 9
o’clock, f As they alighted at the White
House entrance the faces of the distin-
' ’ ’ i J Rail wreathed in
* ~
Mmsblf appeared tb
'ons.«. relied If the
to be
the court
Question of days. I 4 1 f
Even Thougli Her Goods Can't Cross Our
Hoads in Bond.
Washington, June 29. — 'Assistant
Secretary Tiehenor was asked whether
ton in refusing to allow the transmission
of goods through United States terri¬
tory from one Canadian port to another,
measures adopted. of He retaliation' laughed were heartily likely to and be
saief: “Thf^i-e isn’t isn’t any any truth in the
UM ted States government any
new traffic si** regulations <lsr bond in regard United to Canadian States
territor territory?”
“None whatever. There isn’t the
slightest tention friction the in of any the wav, United and States no in¬
treasury on of abridging part any Canadian fa¬
cilities. short time There was the an application Canadian Pacific made
a ago railroad, by The
to bond their v represen¬
tatives of the railroad who mode the
motion subsequently withdrew it of
vohldha- 4 XKAEH e effect of
bonding that road? Simply to o have have fri¬ frl-
ed them to transport tneir goods in
bond through the state of Maine?’
“Oh, yes, that and much more,
application, the whole as presented, earth, and several was made to
cover coun¬
tries besides. I have no doubt it was for
that reason they withdrew ii Their ex¬
isting connections will give them all the
facilities t hey need.
Captain Xltoma* Don’t Think Thaw, Has
Been Any Wfock Near Nantucket.
Nantucket, Mass., June 29.— Capfc
Thomas, of Nantucket, a mariner of
world-wide experience^ does not lean to
the happened belief that off any serious shores. calamity He has
these says:
‘Ttniiik We have very lttttff to "Warrant
ns occurred, in believlng.that and! certain anything that serious the Vie- has
liUtfiY? uitB ueeii a wjiiiL/ia uwkwmji. rv v
old those salts old have to see of something cattle, to make besides
carcasses ns
that an;
Deaths May Reach frorty-1?lve.
Latbobe, Fa, June 29.—The loss of
life at the Latrobe freight wreck will be
probably death larger than at reach first I< reported,
and the list may
Engine 1313, which was su
lying at the bottom of the _
mer, was found resting on a box car,
wMch was supposed to have contained
ten or twelve tramps, and it is probable
that a number of bodies will be found
when the oar is taken ont.
Steady March of Southern Improvement.
BaAttkoke, JunetSfl.—Tlie Manufact¬
urers’ Record has development published of its the report south of
Die Industrial the
for the six months of 1889, enterprises showing
total number of new repl^enfam #108,- or-
S834W0 ganized ‘ ’ ltobeS,«l5, of of to capita, capital, be 2,615, as as against 2^23 new
______ises, ‘ ’ revesting F i«81,5^;000 during
toe first six months of T888.
a ----—-
Green lean in the Grata Fields.
Danvtulb, Ind., June 29.—The green
plant-louse, which has baen doing dam¬
age to the wheat made its in various part^of this
state, has appearance re
A.Patr ft Girt Babies That Ate Likely to
Surpass the Famous Brothers.
Koxoho, Ind., June 29—-On* of the
mpst wonderful freaks of nature ever
known in this part of the oountry is now
causing r a a good good deal deal of && is this and
ag counties. Honrewpst On of this last city, Tuesday, Mrs.
tuuive nines
at each end, and too lower limbs pro¬
trude from each side of the body, where
the trunks are connected at the laps.
No vital organa are connected, except
the spinal column, which is continuous
from one end to the other. Each
, ssitss Along
the abdomen there is no line or
mark s&fesr to show where one §&&& begins and the
vemr ently plnmp, hearty well developed children and appr-
as as any of their
■ages, Both
tie j with nurse regular from movements, the mother and and hot-
regular are
in otocr respects, toe passages
toeing males. located Their at joint the side. Both arete*
pounds, and they weight from is twelve
measure, crown
lower to crown, limbs twenty-four of normal inches. size. They The
selves not nursing sucking or their asleep, thumbs. content them¬
Thousands of people are flocking to
see the infanta. medical fraternity
is gening a"
physieians woman weighing who have but 90 made pounds. examina¬ All the
tion express toe belief that the children
may live, and -think the- indications en¬
tirely favorable.
Daniel IJamsdeli, of Indtanor nkely to
who fought In Gen. Harrison’s regi-
ittent dnring the war, within » few dare
will be appointed marshal of too Dis¬
trict Of Columbia.
The position has always been regard¬
ed as more or less a personal perquisite
of the president’s for the reason that or¬
Junctions dinarily the of majordomo office carries and with it the
master of
ceremonies at toe WMte House. Lin¬
coln appointed a* personal Iriehd, Ward
lass, social but took duties toe precaution to ser
the from toe office wn
was so held.
Garfield left that appointment un¬
changed. the editor Arthur of The brought Philadelphia on Ms friend, North
office American, is and made desirable Mm marshal. both The
a very one, on
the actual emoluments, which are con¬
A Question of Science as Well ns Brute
Force to lie Settled.
New Orleans, June 28,—Prepara¬
tions for toe Sullivan-Kilrain fight go
steadily on, notwithstanding the gov¬
ernor’s proclamation, The local sport-
ing hand men who the have the has-exhausted arrangements in
say governor Ms
duly in the premises in calling the at-
tention of the sheriffs to the matter, and
they ed do to riot what appear toe sheriffs to beat will all do. concern¬ The
fight Kitrain now is all the been talk here.
has taken up by the
Southern AtMetie club, numbering
about 1,1)00 members and composed m
- --'~ L ---- “**■ ----“ while Ft is like-
toe Southern Athletic are making much
of the members of toe Kilrain party
How Mie here, and they are waloome guests
at largest elegant crowd quarters of witnessed toe chib. such The
that ever
at event wiU be prerent. ,
It is worth noting that the obnteet
Will be themselves, one nqt only But between the princi¬
pals systems of training, for between the two different
men are
being prepared for the contest after
different methods. Science, pure and
basis condition. upon winch one is being put into
Traditions of physical tanning and
the fighter intelligence himself and the basis opih$stts used of the
are in the
development of the other one. People
who cannot conscientiously take an in¬
terest in a mere fight between two ani¬
mals need not scruple to devote atten¬
tion to the scientific questions that
------- ’ \y the contest
to be active. _ ~ Many on toe private result is bets beginning be¬
ing made at even figures.
May Be Trouble in Iron. r »
Pittsburg, June 2. —The iron work¬
ers will not hare as plain sailing this
year as was expected, there being
number of hitches in the scale, notwith¬
standing toe tact that it
the same os last year. The new scale,
as already stated, contains no demands
for an advance, and re some departments
a material reduction is conceded. The
scale does not seem to be satisfactory
toe manufacturers, as toe scale year has
expired and none of them bare jet
signed mas a —■-*—-^ it Of course there is time
sign ■ before - a strike is declared. 1 #
arid ■ August ‘ are s the toe aor“" months when
annual repairs are made.
Voted Down.
Bbazto, tnd,, June restiqp 20. —The of
ingwork to miriers thfefiselres
down _____ by The the miners’
committee. ittee. The operators have
to reduce uoe rates, powder ami pick sharp-
n.« stort« ztssr
I nwin, Were fe-p yl.
- J y.ii Vs
They Sprung From the Source I
; That Caused HIS i Death.
Itl» Bolloved That Ate*. St.Uivan, J. V.
Berff* and Pah Cooney mil Bo In-
■ Id
terADMftCft “Th^y are inspired by toe tome
opt the country for the purpose of pro-
JSg&fiKLTrfiaSfe ^^edefei^villraisethe
death of Dr. Oronre hasnot pototttmt been
-e body
iroved such that the was not poa-
rively doctor’s identified clothes and that would the hare fad been toat
il ered to would,“had old, England m had riot not, _ just that before part . the „ of
scheme began already ni
d t S’ ?re8S ’ tlied ^
the theo
Several members of the Cronin
mittee and friends of the doctoi i
this subject and <
the that, the above a! 1
tion.of tion. of the attempts att to cf~
rumor that Dr. Cronin is no. ^
the correct one.
More Indictment* Probable.
The special grand jury will ““
labors on the Cronin ease sb
it will probably return The ssib
more indictments. ,
tion are said to be Alexander :
& jm ■-*#**■■ nation will toe 00
T^rwort strike at the trill Clan-na-Gael be strong, in and vigorous will
fasMon. -.
John Fitugerald In Ghicaso.
at the Grand Pacific hotel, although ..
his name does not appear cm toe regis¬
ter. A reporter who called to see him
was in tl.o informed .mAjixua-VuiBine“, that Mr. tent Fitzgerald qiiiit.1 wae
a. a w»
Fitzgerald’s Who is in a position to CMcago know, says Mr, aid
the prosecution visit in the to Oronin is, to
Bone* Said to Have Weakened.
A morning paper says toat Beggs has
weakened perceptibly, and it is believed
toat he will convinced talk truthfully toat it will if help he can to
once be
preserve toe symmetry of his neck. He
is a prisoner at the Harrison street sta¬
from tion, reporters where he and is'kept all kinds carefully/away of visitors.
A “Squealer” to the Rescue.
on account of
| failure 0 TOmf"Wi to BP. H I
> a
The grand . jurors „ morally , cer¬
case. are
tain toat he is implicated, but the legal
evidence was lacking. It appears that
such during evidence the last, has few been days, forthcoming and that xi
came from a “squealer.”
Chicago Police Getting WIU,
State’s Attorney to Longenecker advertisement has re¬
ceived a reply bis for a
man who claimed to know all about the
Clan-na-Gael's decree that Dr. Cronin
must die. The writer of the letter agrees
to meet the state’s attorney and tell all
he knows.
It is reported that four detectives have
gone to Ghillicoths, Mo., where “Cooney,
toe Beggs fox, ’ ’ is reported not identified to be. Simmonds,
was as
who bought the Carlson cottage furni¬
Omaha, JjTefr., Jane 29.‘-Editor 0. H.
Rothaker, of Tire Republican, when
asked last night about the interview
with the Cronin Mm iri Kansas said City, “The in regard reporter to
ease, didn’t
misquoted me, I say Cronin was
alive. I said I had no evidence that he
was dead.'' . ffiDDH
When asked if he had any evidence
that Cronin was still alive, Mr. Roth-
aher said: “If 1 hod I should not give
it away.”
Didn't Say It.
Lincoln, Neb., June 29,—John P.
Sutton says he never stated toat an
attorney and physician in Chicago said
the identification of Cronin was not
John* town.
Johnstown, Pa.. June 29.— CoL
Perehment states Fourteenth that Companies C, wiU A
arid remain F of for the time 'yet. regiment TB» others
bare returned home. For the twenty-
______and ieri report thirty
ments were slight, and none were sent
home. Dynamite was used Friday in
toe dam above the bridge. swollen The Cone- float
maugh river is nowtoo to
the wreckage away. burned It is at pulled night. out
daring the day and
Eight Men Injured.
Omaha. June 29.—A train of the
Union Stock Yards company struck one
of the temporary supports is of of toe the main
span erf the iron viaduct over o\ Q street in
South Omaha, about 9:80 a. m.
day, and knocked the whole structure to
the ground with a fremeridous crash.
Fourteen men were on top of the struct¬
ure at the time and fen with toe ruin.
Eight were hurt DesMotnes, and one will of them, prob¬
Fred Annacer, of
ably die. __
A VlctoBj Burglar.
Wis., June ^^A
entered h<nlS Thi gfr
tkany of DortUutten Bat Mono of
■anE^^s*. mining towns in nortlmm IlUnms
“r 8 ^ raid
want of food is a pure
bfyUW families. oftoesewerenmrmdmen Since the stake began several with
uadred of toe families have but reached toe
e «d of their reaoawes,
m are in toe families of improvident
shiftless foreigners who were a bur¬
den on their fellow-minors even in pros¬
perous times. It is also true tost atony
of those who have applied for rebel are
not destitute. _•
Spring ▼ alley.
j Seeing Vammt, un, DL, 111., June Juno 29.—A Thursday too
of flour wits reoeived here
bom End Joliet for distributed the locked out millers, Mon
will be at once.
je SJSr"*' amount ’ smiT'® pledged them-
luuiexs Hi uaceyvmc nave
to give the f 100 per month to the
support of needy here.
In {gar Day She Wa* Excellent, But Her
Sister ttavpaawd Her.
Pams, June 29.-CarIotta Patti, the
singer, is dead.
SSEiKEEp She had enjoyed to her day an excel-
jearsshe has been teaching. She
She was born in Flreffiioe, Itolj. .
Patti, 1840. She Sicilian was the tenor daughter singer, of >Salvatore who
peared a in America in operate 1848. Her ap¬
concert, arid the following year sang in
opera. In she singing in England,
1893 was
and gave fifty conoermn London. She
appeared before toe queen, wim after¬
ward said: “Never m my life has any
of Weimar.
The Peril* of Living In the
Are Vartou* and Vteld.
Conrad Wn-KKSBABRB, Shafer, Pa., plasterer, June 29.—As eating
a his was
his breakfast at home on Miner
and glassware about the house, accom¬
panied by a heavy rumbling that shook
discovered that over half the Bottom
had fallen out, taking with it the stone
foundation and the garden plot in front
of Ms house, together with all the hooset
hold supplies. • *'“ 1 '
Upon found investigation twenty-five the hole feet or oare-in
was to be deep.
Mr. Shafer and his son at once procured
a scended. ladder, placed They it found in the that oave it aud de¬
wae a
chamber of the Henry colliery, operated
investigation showed that the coal and
slate had been mined out to within ten
feet of the bottom of Shafer’s c ellar.
A Girt Pound Murdered—Her Lover’*
I Friend Su*peeled.
St. Louis, June 29.—The body of
Miss A nna Weiss, of Jefferson Oity,
.Mo., was Thursday found on Union
avenue in toe western suburbs of the
Had bruises an toe
she was murdered.
the. beeri
.ve ruined the girl, and 4 it Is thought
changed his mind mid too* hear to the
secluded spot where toe body was found
and murd ered and robbed her .
CUeago Hu a *100,000 Fir*.
Chicago, June third 29.—Fire was the discov¬
block, ered in the of story ci Burtesi
o’clock streets, at
It is six stories high, with a large
wall dividing it into north and sc
sections. t 3ome fifteen or more firms of
business interests were located is to*
burned central fire portom, walL which The other is »
mained intact The loss on
estimated at $40,000 and on
stantial character of the only a
small line of was carried.
Montana Fore*t Fir**.
Helena, Mont, June 29.-AH started efforts in
to check toe freest fire which
Cascade county, near Sand Conies two
days ago hare proved unavailing. Ad- of
over 100 square miles; and ‘ *
’“ the k best WiU hav be ground in the
been —
African Mi
England 1
Tile Portagav** GovornaMlot C
north of
with government view tot 1
*on of the road.
en iaaoirM^foB resorted to.
>claimupon which the reperirf
within toe tone
to whom
i»...... action. ,..,
A Breach of Faith*
Ihe Globe, commenting on
duet in the matter, says:
been guilty of an
America Called Oo.
It is understood throwing to toe
th“^tte^f'tS U POTtni _ _
the roe American American government has been
send a
ordered a gunboat to the bay
' has ^canceled toe act re-
MM 1
, but toe discovery
d^^ S 7 1
toto a
iD&fi&sd} commerdi **
j jls
George river and Freddie Freddie Moine*. 8ani Sonisky were drowned
in the atpes
sP ■
Jame* Milhan, a well known citizen of
Fort Wayne, bid., wae (track by a switch
engine, Tuesday, and fatally injured.
Thomas Sherwood, who attempted to pass
a forgexf check at London, O., wa* fined 125
thirty and seat to the Dayton work boom for
Charle* Weaver, the ta-year-old eon of
Jacob Weave*- while fishing from a ’ ‘
with several companion*, at Elkhart, j
aH Morgan, cashier of the bank at Sid¬
ney, Neb., wee found in hft bed with the top
of his head blown off. He had suicided in a
fit of melancholy.
At Wert Otero, O., Bennie Marks and
Judd Marten, aged respectively 6 and 7
7 *a ^f«U Mte a large oats bin and
promment pouacians or me^wooay Bern
late Sunday night, in a street debt of of _
because be could not pay • *15.
A gang of men near 8t Paul, Minn., have
for some time been forging deed* on certain
properties and giving tttem Mi
loon*, and hav* secured nearly
this manner.
The jury in tfaecaae of
formerly of Atftmra, K. 1
senger train, near Balmont, O., and proba¬
bly fatally injured. He re deaf and walk-
; i a
muca ftiiuenwon.
car, re which
knockedf “ ' '
; hei® i