Newspaper Page Text
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■■pppoisf^PPEI Bd. & Prep’r
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^ J ** nB 80 *^* e -
i co. m
, a re iorthefirat
T •- iii wf^h- iii ~r i
partfee longer
■ •« for the Dellr
MM ^S 3 CT 2 S
A*r with the . pink of
i it too rare?
r r __ r .i have turned their
»to water as a beverage, and
“ r artesian fount analyz-
fc it to pure and sweet.
ays making a ■•«»«*-
some sort. It is probable
mt she will drink water for
, just for the novelty of the
and Sanderaville, in this
.j commencement sermons
I the Closing exercises of the
- ‘ This be some-
. but there is no good
r children who. attend the
ole should hot listen once
, „r to a seymon prepared especial-
-rt^’ ‘Ij-H ■**"---
*■ i’hftny News: “Henry Grady is
[ to eovet Judge Stewart’s seat m
, bat we can’t believe that
will contest it with the Judge
there are some prospects for
uberuational honors to descend
- jus devoted head. However,
, _.iern might prove an insurmount-
e obstacle and Mr. Grady belives
a bird in the hand is one of the
„„st works of God.”'
. -♦-
i was there ever told a more
swing tale of human wrong and
? than that to which the jurors
, uWo races are listening in the court
> at Charleston? A citizen emi
for abUityand accomplishments
- to death to the prime of life
„j the act of protecting the weakness
of a dependent, who, within tfaou-
— 1s of miles, had no other friends
lthe family she served. To the
Swiss maid Captain Dawson’s rela-
i were those of a guardian as
i an employer; and his friends
ye that he stood up for the hon-
> **-- "easant nurse of bis house-
would for that of his own
The fall of such a man
m cimuipioning such a cause was
calculated to arouse the hot in-
ation of his townsmen against
u. by whose hand he fell. But.
nid universal sorrow and indlgua-
-p° k * n ot
lawless revenge. The law is taking .
its course, and the trial is proceeding
decorously, but under circumstance*
and with incident* Vif the most thrill-
.. -v "» dramatic ... interest.
The testimony of the unfortunate
I whose frivolous escapade was
toe foundation tor toe tragedy, is a
narrative than which none more
touching ha# ever been told. The
trepidations ot this stranger, pur¬
sued by the persistent attentions of
one from another social world, to
which she believed him to be anxious
to translate her, make a lesson in
human nature that art of play¬
wright bo# never matched. The de¬
meanor of the defendant, iron-nerved,
seemingly light hearted, noting with
a smile the recital of the events that
v hiH dreadful deed, is a pic-
which apgw; psychologists . Weil „ may -
«^A. Of v. his guilt v br as-a *««^**^, innocence.
’ OS .BOW to judge. That
function over the issue -— of
death isby tbestrange evolu-
E a mixed civilization commit-
similars of „ the ,
1 of the slayer, and to seven
■equals before the lav,
™JWty coin para tiveiv un-
i those distinctions and re-
. po. com et
Md whieh the outcome of
s may depend.
TH,8 &
iior *
Dollars nnnI
t cauaot be cured by
InCaF - 0
tom J
t^iaf^here an attempt the the w strength strength be*
made made taroiae ta*&iaecotton cotton . . Oa Oil
of thtt incident, Mteral papers in the
HOuthexpifwa the fear that Australia
is to become a great cotton produc¬
ing country in the near future.
venture to suggest to these papers a
little study into the subject before
jumping at any such conclusion.
The Baltimore Manufacturers Rec¬
ord says it believes it impossible to
raise cotton in Australia in
tion with the South, as there js
arable land enough to spare unless
very extensive and costly irrigation
works are built. These the Australian
government ia not liable to build for
many years to come. But even
these works were built, the south
would i have .nothing nntKin/v frt to fdhtt.t# fear, Kill, but ftll on
Che contrary, should extend
ulations that Australia was just
ginning to approach the South in
fertility. Australiaisnot an
tural country. This is shown by
faet that the Whea* crop last year in
New South Wales and Victoria was
from two to four bushels to .the acre,
and that in any year eight bushels
a very large yield.
The history of the many
to raise American cotton in
parte of the world is a series of
ures. ---- Rome r , rf years - T — ago D - England -
at large expense in attempts to
duce this cotton into India, or to
graft its good qualities upon the
dian plant, but the seeds reused
grow into thrifty plants, and
plants declined to transmit
good qualifies to the Indian
j twa8 predicted at that time
India, with her cheap labor,
gwamp the South. The South
too many resources and too much
#rg y to swamped by the
0 f an y par t of the world
Were you born March the
1885 ? If you were, you are
to a slice out of the property of
wealthy ----- old roan who --------- recently
at Tyler, Texas. He had no
tions and his will directs that
property, with which he is skid
have bsen bountifully blest, bs
jy divided among all persons
in th* Southern States who
born on his birthday, March
His executor, Mr. D. P. Atk’ns,
Tyler, desires pll persons who
bom on that date to send in
names before the last of July
[Charleston Sun.
Ahottb on* fawndrod cittern,,
burg have purchased and
to Major George S. Armes, at
a KO i d medal which bears
p foUowing * • inscription:
to Maj. George S. Armes by,one
dred subscribers in approval of
pulling Gov. Beaver’s nose.”
A Good Appetite
Is essential to good health; but at this
changing season, season Hood’s Sarsaparilla is
wonderful medicine for creating an
is the time to
It. Be sure to get Hood's i Sarcaparilta. I (f)
The Southern Situation
a p UZ2 ] e ^ the
and many would-be statesmen
aired their petty opinions
shall I rid myself of malaria.
question is easily answered if you
only take one bottle of
land’s Calisaya Tonic, the
anti-periodic and stimulant of
age. It will purify your blooa,
vou an ttn appetite at and make you
likeyouself likeyov Tbifl This remedy again, to sold by all of
' v cu.
druggiete druggists at 50 cents and $1.00
For sale by E. R. Anthony.
B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.)
If you try tbiiiemedy you wiHeay os
others have said, that S« the best blood
Her and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co.,
ta, Go., for book Of convincing testimony.
J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West
writes: “I consider that B. B. B. has
nently cured me of rheumatism and
B. K. Sauiter, Athens, Gft., says: ’’B. B.
cured me of an ulcerthat bad resisted ail
er treatment.
E. U. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writee:‘‘M.
.mother aud sister had ulcerated sore throa
and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them.”
B. „ Jacob B. entirely F. SpOBcler, ^’Onoler.Newnan.Ga.. cured me New of nan, rheunjatifmi Ga., writes: writee: in
Baltimore, Md.. writes: “J suffered wit*
!, -ifor two years, and am glad to
”7. j. j. J. Hardy, Hardy, Toccoa, Toccoa, Ga., Ua writes: “B. B.
is a quick TZi cure for catarrh. Three
cured me. t&ad been troubled several
- A. * ----- Spink. Atlanta, k r)A Ga.,
««va* says
£»; **°*t**Aj cured n
W. A. Pepper, mother FredoMa, of udeerated Ala., writes: B.
Another Cure of Rheumatism.
Lake City, Fla., Jan. 2,1886.
p . p P. P. p Mnfr Mnfg. Oo.;8avann»h, Co., Savannah, Ga.: Ga
Gentlemen—I — »• had J rheumatism - L — -*—
over six down years, and confined last May
taken and to my
My legs and feet were badly
and the color of a red apple, I and
was in ft fearful condition.
of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
and PotasMUTO), and after
what the ingredients were—as
Jes 1 was able to
___,a :«nd i And attend to my
must say that I>1
t man.
be on a
and U
». Hi
™. iwWrt* pr is all
we get, nevertl
lie Would is.
Nashville American (Item.)
The Englisman who ever and anon
discovers how easy It would be for a
foreign country ,to come over here
and whip the United States with one
baud tied behind it, needs to sit down
and have a little talk with his
ancestors._ ’
■ 1 Bee, North and Bout*. : ^ „
Baltimore American (Rep.) '
It is a fact of considerable cities import¬ where
ance that in thesonthem
artificial ice is manufactured it is sold
and delivered at cheaper rates than
the natural article in some of the
northern ^ent dries. wilfdmw'attention The experience of
the year
more closely to ice manufacture.
—--- - —.................... . ........ * "
A Misfit.
New Tork World (Dem.)
Mr. Harrison is small man in a
very large place, and he constantly But
mistakes himself for the place. misfit
the republicans knew he was a
before they selected him for nomina
tion. His capacity had been tested
in the Senate and found to be inca¬
pacity. ,
The complicated disease# brought
on by intense study, thought, of the care,
anxiety, etc., are often most se¬
rious nature. Heed such symptoms
as loss of memory, universal lassitude,
heart disease, kidney generalbreakingdown complains liver
troubles and a
of health and strength. When thus
afliicted. when the least exertion
causes great fatigue, when life seems
verse atone,’
ness bows down to wooden kindly,
“My son,” said formulate Mr. Holliday
“don't try to your
And •Paracelsus^ inconmreliensi bio tancrle that
will i-ead likeaohUd’s his=
torj of A^i^gkiM hi words of one zyl-
Blair Says It’s All Rlgnt.
Mr. S. G. Biair,Chicago,says: "We
could not keep house without your
Clarke’s Extract of Flax Skin Cure
and Cough Cure. We have used both
for numerous troubles, especially for
our child. We recommend theCough
If you want the best toilet soap get
Clarke’s Flax Soap, 25 cents. Ask
Dr. N. B. Drewry, Druggist, for these
T»kV "L. T. SlraljriJL"
At u■downtown ronUurant, with a
big bar atuclied. waiters may be seen
coming *btily to tiie ten- with a cup
and saucer and asking for an “L. T.
straight ” The cups are handed back
to tliem containing a IIuid tiiat very
much resembles tea. but smelts of
something stronger L T. means
ladies’ tippleaml it is simply an ingen¬
ious table way of serving whisky straight call
at to the many women who
for it without attracting attention. —
Philadelphia Times
A man should he careful never to
tell tales of hiniadf to his »» vn diiud-
Vantage l‘< o:»l** J.iav and
menibeivd: laugh at tiu- loii and '. •>, l»n ’ . - v •«•;. i‘-‘ hist re-
• : •.«*•
Sim Ujion svlric >':if»»'-t,,;en;
A Very Large Percentage
Of the American people are troubled
with a most annoying, troublesome
and disagreeable complaint called
“Catarrh.” It is not necessary to be
troubled. It is demonstrated beyond
question that Clorke’8 Extract of
Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure imme¬
diately relieves and thorough permanently and fair
cures Catarrh. A
trial will convince you. Use Clarke’s
Flax Soap for toe Skin. Catarrh
Ctire $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At Dr.
N. B. Drewry’s Drug Store.
Criticising a Young Lady.
“She would be a pretty girl but for
one “What’s thing.” that?” asked Charley,
knocking the ashes off bis telephone
cigar. George—“Her face ’ is always
disposed myself, ot. but useu I caught w ut* mt? to »tuut? the
way on
trouble one day and got rid of it in
nmtime.” ^teoivia—“What
Was it?”
Charley—“Simply blood eruptions. P. P. P.
Took a short course of
(Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas¬
sium) : I tell you its the boss blood
corrector. The governor bad rheu¬
matism so bad that you could hear
him holler clear across the county
every time he moved. He tried it and
you know what an athletic old gent
he is now. If somebody would would only
give Miss Daisy a pointer she
thank them afterwards. All the drug
stores sell it.
v tei'-
The Chief Reason for the great sao
sets of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is found In the
article Itself. It IS merit t6at wins, and the
fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ao-
oompllsbes what is claimed tor It, Is what
has gtven to this medicine » popularity and
sale greater than that of any other aarsap*
■ Merit \A/Sntf Wins rilla or Mood purh
ner before the public.
Hood's Sarsaparilla earn Scrofula, Salt
Bheum and afi Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache. BUlouaness. overcomes That
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength,
ana the Nerves, builds up the Whole System.
IwA *.r«p«rilIJ- Is sold by all drug¬
gists. *1; six for «& Prepared by C. L Hood
fcOo„ Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*.
Tmt's Pills
la malarial districts their virtue* aro
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St,, How York.
Ks££u3h|! In 18831 contracted Blood Potion
fnl disease ^rcturneft J. C. Nakct,
Jem. lo, >8*. Hobhyvilk. lad.
My llttio niece had that white she wka welling
> such an extent long time, con¬
ned to the bed /or a
(ore than 20 pieces of bone cam said
ntof her leg, and the doctors
mpototion v. astho mdy remedy operation to
ave her life. I refused the i*
nd put ho r o;i S.S.S. and she now
m and active and in as good health aa
r child. Miss Akwi* Qaaihaa.
’eb. 11, ’80. Columbus, Ga.
on Blood Diseawsa sent free.
UPPMAS BROS., Wb„t—,al. Agents, So
vannah*, Ga. !une25d&wly
signs. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayc
ity Council unril of of the the city erty of o Griffln, Geor-
gin: That the Brush Electric Comnany, Comp of
Cleveland, Ohio, be and is hereby autl :horized
to construct, maintain, repair agd c operate id
in, or under the public lUblic streets, streets, allei alleys, am
in the city of Griffln lo
term of five (5) years from
dinas a line
or lim __actors
toget ither with all necessary feeders and and se: ser-
vice wiree, or other electric conductors, to be
used used for the transmission light of electricity for the
purpose of furnishing and power.
Sec. 2. Said line or lines of wire may he
placed Upon poles erected in said streets, al¬
leys, or public, places, said or under ground, That or
both, at the election of company.
the poles be ereeted under committee. supervision During and
direction of the street
said term of years said company shall furnish
good electric lights, both arc and incandes¬
cent, to all persons desiring and paying for
the same, and for that period shall alone be
entitled ' or authorised to maintain and oper¬
ate within the limits of said city such line or
lines to be used for such purpose..
Sec. 3. That the contract entered for lighting by the
streets of the city to be into said
company ay with with the the city, city, when when this this ordinance ordi ______
ccepted ited by said company, is hereby made
art and irtion of this ordi
:be pass-
file a written acceptance of the terms of this
ordinance with the city Clerk of Griffln, and
when so accepted this ordinance shall oper-
atg> <,« a contract between the city and C
accessors and assigns,
shall be of full fo;
l ill trie ATKII-B li, ilHITB AflU OUH.
8ec. 6. All ordinances, or parte of ordi¬
nances heretofore passed in conflict with this
ordihance, be and the same are hereby re¬
Be it ordained by the and Mayor and the Council of
Griffln, Ga., that from after
of this this ordii ordinance it shall be doing illegal
met 5rchant or or other other party party d __„ bn business in
the ___city t# keep any goods, wares, merchan-
dise oi any kind or dcecript [ption, oh the slde-
walk Iks of said city nearer than four f< feet ! of
cen______ iter of sidewalk on either side. That That
Be it furtb tier ordained and passed. if
any person shaH shall violate this ordinance they
shall be arrested and a warrant _______ sworn sworn Jud( out
and they shall be tried before the lodge of
the city court, and on conviction tall work
on the streets on the city chain gang, not
-----5— — -K.ii be fined
On On and at______ after the the pasHM* passage of this Ordinance
it shall shall not not be be lawful for any person, eith-
er for for themselves, tb------- or as agent for another, to
ofler for sale, in t the city of Griffln, any without pianos,
musical instruments,
from the Clerk and
which they shall pay
ply to resident merchants, who may bay and
sell them as other merchandise. Nor agents of
wholaale houses or manufacturers, whoseU to
dealers only. Any one violating this ordi?
nance shall pay a fine not to exceed one hun¬
dred dollars.
Ordinances conflicting .with this are hereby
July Sheriffs Sales.
speckled ox about ft v« year* o’d, one
ox about five years eld. and one white
bull aoooce.MUK yeara old, one bodies. log
two two-horse wagons without leaned
on and sold to satirfy obe fi la
the Comity Conrt of Coweta in favor of
E. Atkinson & Co. vs. L. E. Key. *
will be sold
_02V» acres
34. eontain-
rriuntv. (toonrift. boumied a* for
Griffln ft North Alabama Railroad, and
to by satisfy land <>f one W. 8 J, fa Iwmod Elbe ' Levied from Bpaldlng on
Court in favor of Frank W, Stanley W. /.
Mary E. Ellie, administratrix of
deceased. k *‘“’ Mary TJb'tonmell. E. Ellis,, tenairt «B in
Receiver's Sale. .
By virtu* of an order granted by Judge 1889,
8. Boynton on May the 13th.
the matter of McCone, Wallace ft Co. vs. J.
Vaughn, Bill, ftc., in Spalding Superior door
wiH bs sold before the court house
Spalding county, on the first Tuesday fn
next, the following property of J. L.
ery Spalding — county,
KOxbU feet, oonnaea Connol¬ on ins
west, north and east by lands of John
ly, Also, on the the south story by Mt. residence Zion frame camp ground. bufldmg
one containing
•with five rooms, with lot of land
twelve acres, in Creswell, Spalding county, public
Georgia, bounded on the north by
road, known as the Griffln road and and Fayetteville Baptist
road, on east by said
church lot, on south by lands of J. W.
Vaughn f6^0. and B. F. Norton and west by J. W.
V T R^T. f I.^O 0 NNELL, Receiver.
Ordinary’s Advertisenreni*.
UiY, / XRDINARY’B OFFICE—Spalding Com-
Geobou. May 31,1889.—W. Dismission E. Atex-
auder applies to me tor letters of
on the estate of Ww. Woodward,late of said
county, deceased show before
Let all persons concerned cause ^by
the Court of Ordinary, at my office, Septal ten
o’clock a. m., on the first Monday of in dismissic
her next, why such tetters
should hot l»e 1 granted. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
tv, Geo a u, May 31, 1889^-A, J. Mad¬
dox applies to me for letters of Dismission as
guardian of the Anderson minors.
ixt, why such letters of Dismission
not 33.00? bs granted. E. W. .HAMMOND, Ordinary
itors ai __,----
of said county, deceased
tilled to be and appear i— inrt of
nary by ten o’clock a. m. on the lst
in July next, to be held at my offiee Ice in in
then and there t6 show cause why jr the the admix
istration of his estate should not be be cast cast upo tits
the Comity Anministrator, it represented appearing resented. gearing
said estate is not likely to be
#3.00. E. W. HAMMOND, , Ordinary.
l r nr, Geoboia, June 3rd, 1889.—J.
lair applies to me for let--— 7 nf 1
tion on the estate of Mai
of said county, deceased:
o’clock a. m., on the’first Monday in
next, why sneh tetters of
should #3.0Q________E. not be granted. W, HAMMOND Ordinary.
Notice of Local
Notice is hereby given Assembly that application of the Si
be made to the General
Notice of Local
Notice is hereby given Assembly that application of the
be made to the .General
of Georgiaforthe passage of a bill atthe
adjourned session to prohibit the sate of
uous and malt liquors within three miles
Teamon Baptist Church in Cabins district
Spalding County. -
Notice of Local
be Notice made is hereby the General given Assembly that application of the
to bill
of Georgia forthe passage of a at
adjourned session to prohibit the sale of
Notice of Local
be Notice made is to hereby the General given Assembly that application of the
Notice of Local
Notice is hereby given that apj ilieation w.H
be made to the General Assembly of the
Notice of Proposed Leg is
’ Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in
troducedattbesnmmerseseion of the
ture to author!,e the county of
to issue sixteen thousand dollars (#16,000)
in bonds, ________ or as _ much jnncu thereof tnereoi as as is is necessary and j,
for for the the purpose purpose of of paying paying for, tor, the improvi’ improving method
repairing -----. *----|i,Uc pn property in
vided by the Constitution of this State.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hereby given toal who are indebt¬
ed to the estilto of John D. George, deceased, to
call and settle at once. All parties
claims against the estate of said deceased
notified to present them at once in legal
to A. L. ELLEDGE, Administrator,
junellw6.-#8.70. Columbus,
Under ^ew Management.
t. 6. DANIEL, Proper. '
. . f-lers meet ill trsins.
Ite. ■*■!*, of m MRIr rai ■* r.ia.M< «n
1. nNn w* the «*.
hn«W «• i« u»«
■^eirrr. »•«••»« TM. Ik. wager e-a vS-- 1 -
wkk* ,mmli»MlwS*R.< law iwntiftw
. I
Griffin News and S
More Value al
To Advertis
•• '
■ •
. .
In proportion to prices charged!, than any
other medium In the South. Il
With the combined circulation of two old
and well established papers* it charges the
prices of only one.
-- •'■■■
i. /
It is published in one of the agricultural,
commercial, manufacturing and railroad
centers of the most progressive State In the
South, with a large and intelligent surroud-
iqg population and extra facilities for dis¬
Being a first-class newspaper, fully up to
all demands of the times and the require¬
ments of its constituency, it Is read not only
by nearly every family in Spalding County,
but in the eight surrounding counties, with
a good genera] circulation in the State and
other States. !\ *
and covers it completely.
Prices low. Write for rates and sample
copies of Daily and Weekly to
•..... ----- * Griffln, Ga.
Orricx CoBNiagioBw or AeMCuiawoa, Ac**»». Ala.
1>C., . I and do »«*t hoarUlg recommend to
ran It Mould b« M mo
of Alabama u a tar* Journal of vorjr nuporior moriu.
grouiro raivo aorioultarbt. ugriculturi«t Vary V,rr truly truly fours, roura, ** “WML--
M ■
900,000 Xtoftttwrii EBtablished 1048. Lw#dttn« to 1880i
• aBOEOix,
iTow JLxx It* 3 Porty-*«‘V*x».tlx^Z“•otr of
Tho rooognisod of Sontkoru agrleultaro and tho Industrial progroo, of tho lontt, wftfc
organ Wootmn State.
n (uarantood olroulation In ovary Soutkora and
Tho oditorial eory* of writer* and oontrihntor* i« an rmrpa orad. If oquallod. by th at of
Iter publication in nil tho Union. HO*. W. J. NORTHS* thorough b ** ^i N< SE.?52 ‘
Agricultural Soeiaty, and a practical far mer o f tho moot r-
alway* in»truetiro to fkamor*. DR. DANIEL LK8 b not only on#
od agricultural Journalbt in tho oountry. but ho in for four year* vfa
Walking tan, D. C., Md Uter, Profouor of Agricalturo at tho GoorgfoJ
R. J. REDDING b tho able and thoroughly equipped Aiibtent Commh
the State of Georgia, a* well a* aa oxporionood writer. Ttof. J.R. -g
State Exporiumut Station, and (tend* in tho front rank of ,
Alabama aecloted mor. of ••to £
writer. In tho South. With the eminent writer, are a goon or
worth than whole rear'* oriteoription to any farmor who randg and think, tn #•*-
bring more a
noetion with hb work. . to.ndfnll to . ---- .a. -~a.
IteiUngtnUon* are ngorh, and orary dogartaoat wlUbo ..... ohaegod ter »o ye* *
ter to lafiraet, onlightea aod entertain. Baoh nambor 1« worth tho ««•
'tTtoS'M.Mbydteb. without THE SOUTHER* CULTIVATO tho A wolvo- R. ***??* K* b *•* * %
•end in yonr rahoeriptieni. Paly Ono Dollar P»r ann o*, JWond JWi jf^
volume ot oxtomrivo information uuful to all elaaraa. Ah/oyrad *»
tor tho flam, tnrido aod eenaUag-reom. Sofimeription, #1 P* too
, -4 Ik
■wfe 1