Newspaper Page Text
lr,r>‘ h , If ft
&M , rPPlPb * #
tling work
broom fael
quarry in
car large
tanooga andth. West, sad will break ground
in a low days fora fourth road, cransctiug
with a foarth indspendentsvstem.
With its *vs whits and tom colored church-
m, it has recently completed a 110,000 new
Presbyterian churclp Ithas increased itspop-
elatta* bjr naariy one ilth. It has attracted
around iteborderairuit growers from nearly
Iruit evaporators In tLa State. frUthehouw
of the grape audit* wine making capacity has
don bled every year. It has successfully in¬
augurated a system ol public, schools, with a
■even years curriculum, second to none.
This is part id tils record of a half decade
and simply shows the progress of an already
admirable city, with the natural advantages
of having the Unset climate, rammer and
ty, situated in west Kiddle Georg*, with a
healthy,fertile and rolling country,1150 feet
By the crara. of 1830, it
will bare at alow estimate between 6 000 and
7,0BQ people,- «fd t§* area* ot ti* right
•ort—wide-awake, up to the time*, ready to
wete*$» etraagtre and anxious to erawe de¬
sirable settlers, who will not be any lees wel¬
come it they bring money to help build up the
ora. There is about only one thing we
need badly jnet now, and that Is a big hotel.
We have several email ones, but their accom¬
modations are entirely too limited for our
mine e, pleasure and health seeking guest*.
If you see anybody that wants a good loca¬
tion for a hotel in the South, juet mention
0 tiffin to the place where the timrrw Maws
s published—dally and weekly-thej>e8t news¬
paper in the Empire State ol Georgia. Please
enclose stomps in sending for sample copies,
and descriptive pamphlet of Griffin! t
This brief sketoh is written April 12th, 1*89,
and Nil have to bstxhanged is a few months
o embrace new enterprises commenced and
.•reKhtil«sl i I tl«l
Office, 31 Bill Street, Dp Stair*, over J, H.
White’s Olothi i»p Store. mar22d&wly
■ is-? W
corner. nov2tf
iffln, Ga.
CUVEUW * auuw.
’*■ dentists,
■-e ra- *
No Doubt That the Barbarians
Mean Business. •
All the British Have Done So Far Be*
Been to Prevent Their Drinking From
the Nile—July and August Bad Month, fugi¬
for Fighting—arsitn Depots for
tives Aleng the Nile.
London, July 16.—The recent notion
of conversion France in refusing Eagitian to assent to the
of the debt unless
withdrawal England would fix the ndefinite British troops date for fronr the
the khedive’s dominions has received
grim, conclusive and highly diplomatio
comment The eocentrio and fanatio
areon tije way from Malta to
been dispatched to Egypt. Four regi¬
ments stationed at Aldershot have been
ordered to hold themselves in readiness
to proceed to the front, in Egypt, at a
moment’s notice.
They Mean Business.
There seems no doubt that the der-
viahes means business. These dark bar¬
barians are hardy and warlike. Tele-
Mohamet All
Wood, Sir Gerard Graham, the
Duke of Connaught, Gen. Stephenson
or any otter general officer <*le to*W«
saber who would not turn scarlet with
shame to confess that these cafe-au-lait
Egyptians could go where Britons dared
not tread, but this history. fact, nevertheless, Diplomacy
must go down into
•ays if England wishes to remain in
humanity and civilization, words that
have already been pretty well exploited.
If England has the oourage of her
opinions, then let her capture Kliar-
altogether. ^ ^y ptowras b ra w» tomr
ffieir little
td should :
Many BW§ tribal k sheikhs government are tendering their
A SsnmllU Man Attempts to Wipe Oat
*' Bis '
Entire Family and Diet.
Boston, July 15.—A horrible tragedy
was enacted in Somerville at an early
hour Saturday morning.
The victims are Mrs. Catherine Smith,
about the
aiss-jssai provision and store busi¬
on a grocery
About 1 o’clock the neighbors were
oWMaJu^- - A BvintUiui **# -tklwifi’mli .
enables two persons to use one wire for
MS MT&!!J d iv freed Hie telephone
from the make-and-break of the tele¬
graph instrument of tiie line by resistance toe gradual by in¬
crease the
agency of a small cap of fluid in toe
line circuit.
*■This miniature tank in the line cir¬
cuit fluid. is filled with a non-oonduoting
Into the liquid dips a depending
needle which b attsoiwd to a lever,
which is also in toe line circuit. In the
lower end oi the needle is inserted a
the operator’s hand ashe^
the metal bar a,*h,'Sh or needles comes in oon-
KSM, , 0, "‘ ratot
“As the bar is raised by toe release of
ducting tip, through admitting which of toe the electric
current passes, use of
the wire for telephoning, but not of
sufficient amount to close the>teleg»ph
drenit, or in other words, thihmount of
the current is so slight as to operate the
armatures toe same ;.pfifriiTS as in the Morse sys¬
tem. - .
Dun & Company,
Official Crop Report Better
Than Was Expected.
has been favorable to business pros¬
pects. Tho official crop report for July
l was not only an assurance of large
yield, but evidence that the reported in¬
juries to wheat, ootton and com bad not
been as serious as many believed.
Gold exports the were stopped demand by and a alaofc-
eningof foreign here in the offerings de¬
cided improvement
of commercial bills. The treasury put
out money more freely, and the demand
from the interior was made without
change of rates here. The railroads
made great progress, apparently, to-
rararvfa 1nurnw A A J
_____il - 1-___L _
that collections have improved where
there had been most oomplaint, and the
latest" usual. accounts are more satisfactory
At Chicago, banks have been so far
that brokers are circulating the rumor
that a banking trust has been formed,
though to be obtainable outride money at better does than not appear 8per
cent The indications point to some
monetary pressure this fell, unless the
treasury The great succeeds industries in disbursing whom, freely.
are, on a
in better shape, discoverable, though some southern signs of
pig danger recently are offered in some vain at §18 50,
has been Bold at §17. Bails are in bet¬
ter demand, with rumoredsales amount¬
ing to 34,000 tons, and §38 is now the
bottom prioe. But the great strike at
violence the Oorniege at the mills, outset, accompanied lead with to
rather extended veiy disturbance may of, the in-
dU w£l
is but unchanged the persistent in price conservatism at eastern
markets, who buying only
of manufacturers, necessities are
for immediate and running
only and part weakening force, begins high to have holders effect, is
a ^Stock among
M 1rh« 6
Exchange has been
strengthened by very favorable accounts
of negotiations between railroad man-
over last year, and tho weakening of the
speculation in wheat is also a favorable
sign as to the monetary future.
The business failures against during the last last
seven days were 239, 203
week and 215 tiie week previous to the
last For tiie corresponding week of
last year t he figures were 240.
He Refuses to Accept the Valparaiso Con¬
Chicago, July 15.—A Tribune special
from Enst Saginaw, Mich., says: Bos¬
well 0. How, named Wednesday for
consulate at Valparaiso, returned Fri¬
day evening from the east. He abso¬
lutely refuses to accept the appoint¬
ment sult Mr. He Hoar regards tiie been matter hard as worker an in¬
has a
in and the thinks Republican he b entitled ranks for to many recognition years,
and reward. His friends say he is not
popular with tiie head oi the present
administration on account of his efforts
as chairman of the Michigan delegation when he
at the National convention,
wmhed for Gen. R. A. Alger.
Released From Practical Slavery.
NkWYork, July 15. -The steamship
Mount Edgecombe, which arrived here
of Friday, the victims brought of from Liverpool Yucatan Jack, sixteen who,
by false representations, were induced
to go to that country, and who there
fotrnd themselves in a state of practical
slavery. efforts Their of of return the was brought sent out about for
by by that the the efforts man
purpo se.
Miscegenation amt Murder.
VraoENNES, lad., July 15.—Jonathan
Cox, a worthless colored man, was sent
to jail Friday named for Moses killing Hamilton, a notorious also
colored. Both men married white
women, and in a quarrel last Sunday,
growing out of their wives, Cox slashed
Hunilfon across the abdomen with a
razor which resulted in toe latter’s
The Vatican and the quirlnai—War Maws.
OOter Cablegram*.
London, July 13.— A dispatch from
Borne brings tire intelligence that nego*
tiations ore in progress between tire
pope ami Italian premier, Orispi, look¬
ing to a reconciliation between the Vati¬
can and the QoirinaL The Popolo Ro-
ma|o held assorts consistory that the which pope the very cardinals recently
were constrained to attend without their
usual attendants.
Those extraordinary precautions to
insure secrecy, coupled with the fact
that the session of the consistory lasted
over two hours, render it oertaiu that
the oardinals were called together to
ance. When, in addition to thiiif it is
known that Signor Orispi Orispi only only two two days days
before in the Italian lion chamber ohambor hinted hinted
that steps had been taken by his gov¬
ernment with the looking Vatican, to it an becomes exchange reasonably of views
certain that the oardinals liad under
consideration the whole questiou of a
reconciliation with the government of
King Humbert
Will Bern,In in Boas*.
The Vienna correspondent of The
Times says: Austria, through Cardinal
Galemborti, Vienna, the papal nuncio at
has prevailed upon the pope to
remain at Borne in order to avoid em¬
barrassing The Osservatore the Italian Bomano government that
should the pope be forced to exile says him¬
self from Borne, he will not ask
soverignty merely request from temporary any power, hospitality, but will
as he will oertainly return to Borne.
An Important Mettafce.
Berlin, July 15.— The Cologne Ga¬
zette that the gives Busuan prominence minister, to a statement who is
staying important at dispatch Vichy, from has received the a very The
missive was of such importance that it
could not be intrusted to an ordinary
military courier, but was delivered by
an officer of the Russian guard, a rela¬
tive of the war minister.
WaMersoe to Vl»lt St. Petersburg.
London, July 15.— The Berlin Boer- that
sen Courier oonfirms the report
Emperor dersee William special will mission send to Count St Peters¬ Wal-
on a
burg turn from immediately his yachting on the tour former’s along the re¬
impression Norway coast at St The Petersburg. news creates a good
Servln Arming.
Belgrade, July 15.—The military
oouucil has decided to arm 30, oOO men
of tiie third levy.
Tho President leaves tha White Boose
For a Few bay’, Keereatlon.
Washington, July 15.—The presi¬
dent, Secretary Windom, Mrs Windom,
Miss Florence Windom and Private
Secretary Halford left the city at 3
o’clock Friday afternoon for Deer
Park on a special car attached to the
regular Mrs, Windom train. and Miss Windom will
remain with Mrs. Harrison at Deer
Park for a month or more.
Safe Arrival at Deer Park. *
Deer Park, MtL, July 16.— President
Harrison and Secratary Windom and
family, here at and 6:30 Secretary o’clock Friday Halford evening. arrived
A depot large to welcome crowd of the people president. was Nearly at the
all the summer visitors having turned
out for that purpose. The Hon. presidential
party Davis were reoeived by Henry
carriages G. and Stephen in waiting B. for Elkins, toeiroon- whose
venience. The president was Aren
directly Harrison to and the Mrs. cottage McKee, occupied and by Secre¬ Mrs.
tary Windon and family were drivenjto white
the Baltimore and Ohio hotel,
they have engaged rooms for several
weeks. j,
At Cumberland and Martinsburg, the
president tion, was both aooorded places a he rousing shook recep¬ hands
and at
with many people.
Skull Crushed with a Hammer,
Winchester, Powell Ky., July 1 A—John
Williams, wounded of Ben. Pendleton, county, was of fatally
Thursday. by The parties this
county, sawing logs with cross-cut were and
a saw,
Williams Williams repeatedly repeatedly charged____________ charged Pendleton
with bearing down upon the saw. An
Williams altercation struck" Anally Pendleton ensued, in with which
adz, and the latter threw a hammer at
him, fatal orushing wound. the Friends skull of and the inflicting injured a
man he escaped, attempted and to has mob not Pendleton, been arrested. but
Steamer Sank—Eleven Live* Laat
Rapel, Panama, belonging July to 15.—The the Compaua steamship Sud
American de Valaores, left Valparaiso
on April 20, calling at Talcahuano for
Monteveido and Buenos Ayres. The
vessel has since been reported lost The
information was received from Castro.
According to the advices received the
Rapel struck on the rooks at toe Ham¬
blin or the Socombislands on the 26th,
at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and im¬
mediately went down. Eleven of her
crew were lost
Stra igr Disk
J. Birmingham, Murphy, of Ala., this July city, 18.—Mrs. dif*l Friday J.
after suffering few e^ght years with Davb rains
in her stomach. Drs. Steves and
performed stomach considerably an autopsy and than found pound in the
more a
of wood mid a piece at cloth thirteen
feet long. The supposed, woman chewed dipped snuff, aud
and, swallowed it is her brushes, but the up physi¬
cians are at a loss to account for the
presence of the cloth.
likely to Defeat the Strikers at
The Electric System Will Prob¬
ably Be Adopted.
With Them the Brasil Weak CwlOMh
•f#ay'» F«*e« Wttt Be Surfaced Fraat
, 9 ,OOO to TOO Men—Dletreee Isereaelag
pose of mining oral, and it is probable
will go to Hooking valley, U„ where
these electric machines are used, audit
the Brazil B1
that the putt
mines would
700 men, inst
ployed with 1
met the needy Friday miners. to open The oonl
aggregated §696.63. The:
pendents of seventy-live. reported The was 8,81
for distribution was about
at tribute the last the meeting, shortage and to tin ti
lated by Secretary Johnsoi
board of charities, that t
had agreed to arbitrate. 1
era thought by this that tt
ended, and the commit
many letters of inquiry.
ident Nutt aud Secretary Martin,
BVrikere together*» obtain their
with vote a detectives. force of twenty Superintendent men aud tenjiri- Eral-
Dewey Withdraws from the JoaraaL
iJaStSUdMC the official of the KmghtoofLa-
bor, A. M. organ Dewey hie with-
drawal - ■ as ii* its publisher. publisher. There There is b an an
impression KSSTt-Ss that Dewey is going into the
^^^ ^of T^Jm i^ 888, BgW
sSft&gst Seven Weeks Without Fay.
not D66H paw xor seven ween.
Of Identifying Criminals Leaves »• Basse
_/ tor Mistakes.
Paris. subjected July to 15.—Criminals syetom of in Frenae
are a measure-
ment called anthropomotrio mensura*
vion, oy wnica woen tueuuvj w bb*
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