Newspaper Page Text
mmm mm-
i Mil -iw-r 3 ST
____________)RGIA, U.
(il ifflu i* the beet and meet promising little
r in the Sooth. Ife record lor the past
During that time it has built and put into
| meet successful operation a 1100,000 cotton
it line put up a large iron and brae* foundry,
a fertiliser factory, an immense ice and bot¬
tling work*, a each and blind factory, a
• broom factory, opened up the finest, granite
I quarry in tlie United States, and now has
I our large oil mills in more or lee* advanced
I tb
....................... »P*
I plied for tso charters for street-railways. It
I ha* secured another railroad ninet y mUeelong,
I and wbil* located on the greatest system in
the South, the Central, has secured connec-
*d direct independent connection
tanooga and the West, ahd will hr
in a few days fora fourth road, connecting
with a fourth independent system.
With it* Be# white and loureolored church¬
es, it has recently completed a $10,000 new
Presbyterian church. It has increased it* pop¬
ulation by nearly one Bfth. It has attracted
around Its border* fruit growers from nearly
,rery State i. tbs Union, until it know suy-
rounded on nearly every side by orchards
•ad riueyarda. It has put up the Urgent
Iruit evaporators In the State. It is the home
of the grape audits winemakfageapaeity has
doubled every year. It baa successfully in¬
augurated a system of public schools, with a
seven years curriculum, second to none.
This is part of the reeord of a half decade
and simply faows the progress of an already
admirable eity. with the natural advantages
of having the finest climate, summer and
uiufatifa WfaWfrt*. ?X J . j*- V>:
Griffin Is the county seat of Spalding eoun-
tr, Situated in west fiddle Georgia, 1150 with feet m
healthy, fertile and roIHng country,
aliove asa fevel. By the cam oi 1880, it
will have at alow estimate between 6 000 and
7,000 people, and they art all of fie right
sort—wide-awake, up to the times, ready to
welcome st ran ge r s and nation* to secure de¬
sirable settlers, who will not be any less wel¬
come if they bring money to help build up the
own. There is about only one thing we
need badly just now, and that is a fag hotel.
We hav# several small ones, but their accom¬
modations are eutirsly too limited for our
urine s, pleasure and health seeking guests.
H you see anybody that wonts a good loca¬
tion for a hotel in the South, just mention
0riffle is the place where the Gnmvm Nnws
s published—daily and weekly—the best news -
paper in the Empire State fa Georgia. Please
enclose stamps in sending for sample copies,
and descriptive pamphlet of Griffin.) f . ,
This brief sketch is written April 13th, 1889,
and will hav* to be changed fa a few months
o embrace new enterprises commenced and
ompfeted. *«*<-*<. 1 j»y
uatrrnt, OKoaeu.
Office, St Hill Street, Up Stairs, over J. H.
White’* Clothim- Store. mar22d&wly
Court*. arts? tjhoet-fijed nov2tf
, «
D. L
woonnrRT, aaosou. f
1’prompt etMnttee given to all business*
Will practice in all toe Courts* and wham
ver business calls.
~ ? - ■ ^
esti . j nsosai*.
flu.? .-i'
A Nfw Bureau Formed In the
War Department
By the Consolidation of Sev-
! oral Divisions.
• —- n: ^
Pension Cases Can Now Be Disposed of
With Greats* Speed Than Heretofere.
Numerous Drawbacks Encountered In
Bringing fame the Wrecked Jttpste.
Other National Neva
Washington, July pSemte 16.—The most im-
“■ - * b m at
ties that has token
____effected Mpnreek. jp recent A years,
of the war dejpllpent, of indirect
connection with the offioe the secre¬
tary of war, has been created, in which
are brought together, under the juris-
nvalid pensions.
These comprise all*of the hospital
records of the war of the rebellion,
which have heretofore constituted the
Burnt important, as well as the greater
part of the original records in the sur¬
geon general's office, and also all the
regimental records heretofore exclus¬
ively under the iurisdiction of the adiu-
tan* general’s the office, order of 1the'Whole things, forming, the
under new com-
Captain Alsiforth In Charge.
E. This 0. Ainsworth, new tmreau is in charge in the of Capt.
lar who, during a surgeon the past regu¬ three
army, has been in oharge of the records
years, and pension division of the
treneral's office, and he has bad surgeon under
EFenlL wntrol Woft&rhos^tal
sat-fWAaSSiSS ily referred all applications for invalid
IWffi— * . f * , tf I f Hf*'
The Reason for Consolidating.
xuaiuuno mo Mswjmcut ui miuruB no of
basis of action upon the thousands
pension oases, which it is so desirable to
dispose tofore. of with greater speed than here¬
(fast Has Already Cost *10,000, and She’s
Net Half Way Home.
Washington, July 16.—The navy de-
partment will send out in the steamer
which lejves San Francisco next Satur¬
day for Honolulu, a cast iron screw
weighing over 8,000 pounds. This is
intended for the Nipeio, now at that
port. The order of Admiral Kimberly
Bending the Nfprie home in towoftha
Alert is looked upon as a most remarka¬
ble one. ! ■* 'f | ; • * ,
Nearly Wrecked Again.
land When it he against ordered the the protest ship * to of Auck¬ Gom-
was ie
mender Mullan. The - wag i
by a rudder, order of and Admiral a jury rudder Kimberly. was
JUmOerly. Before Before
the ship got out of the harbor ’it broke,
and that it the was Nipeio only by superhuman prevented efforts from
- -'on the reefs for a second time.
heat Admiral and lost Kimberly time was in stripping now at a white Com¬
mander Mullen of thg «w^gd both ships M the
ship. He then ordered tti
San Francisco. Of oonrBe the coal of
Until the Alert oonld go north and get
more coal. When this became known
the department decided to send a new
half way home. It does seem strange
that such an order should have been
given, especially in the face of the pro¬
tests of the two commanding coal officers.
The Alert could not cany enough
to steam that distanoe.
An Investigation Probable.
Thera writ wt si aly be a mm > at far
subject, rest
upon his
eenstderablel upon the Sa-
yet has not been
A Good Reason Assigned.
tNUTON, Wanamaker July W.— he Poatmfifiter isSBed bis
' redudng says telegraitio rates
it to one mill a word upon
to the effect that the west-
had made such rates with
large c orporations .
Secretary Prootor Returns.
■bia-aseinl in-
Band Cgngkt
Pfa, July. 16.—The
of a Valuable
... j and the
operated renewed by
y, was The Lake
a ctrainTn at midnight from Clove-
SING. JULY JULY 17.1889. 17.1
Said to Be Entangled Among the Wire et
the Stone Bridge at Johnstown.
Johnstown, Pa.. July 16.—A s
st<m bridge
road company, had made some startling
The story is that the bottom of the
other, held dovm by tons of wire that
have been snapped and twisted into a
perfect mat ; of Wcaara unknown proportions.
v ii.
Kiracuious Kseape of Those on Board An
Electric Street Car, Cincinnati.
incline the oars were run upon the
trucks and lifted at lowered by cable.
The bracks are barely large enough to
contain one car, and are surrounded by
iron fencing and gates. In getting the
Cars quired on in the truoks permitting good judgment them is re¬
not to go too
At 11 a. m. car No. 28 went on the
truck. From inexperience or want of
set judgment, the car was not stopped until
the incline track almost m a perpendic¬
ular position. It was estrange that it
did not roll down the incline, and it was
the merest accident thaferit did not.
into Motorman the in Lenta time to nufafiged sdve himself to jump from
oar ifSasa
Hyndman ssssft and two others ■sS&Sisa.i whose names
van escaped unhurt, i ’
It required four hours to remove the
wreck. New trucks with better facili¬
ties for stopping the oars, to insure
safety, will have to be put on the incline
before through oar service will be re¬
The NashylUc Judge Publishes a Card of
Nashvhjji, Tenn., July 16.— The
American publishes the following oard
from Circuit Judge McAllister, whose
decision liberated John L. Sullivan last
I desire to state to the public that in de¬
livering Sullivan, my I did judgment mention in toe case the of John L, of
not name
Governor Robert L. Taylor, nor did I ever
refer to the practice of toe executive depart¬
ment of tiie state of Tennessee in refusing to
extradite for misdemeanor. I based my
tion judgment of toe wholly upon of my the own United construc¬ States
constitution Hie
and the statutes of the state of Tennessee.
state are wholly without fou n d ation ,
there was any error or wrong In thedis
charge of John L. Sullivan I desire the peo¬
ple Whole of responsibility. Tennessee to Governor know I assumed Taylor the
not in the city of Nashville at the time. I
discharged Jopn L. Sullivan because there
was no requisition from the governor of
from Mississippi the nor any of warrants Tetmenee. of extradition The
tion of extradition governor for misdemeanors cat ques¬
figure whatever fa my judgment.
WiujAi t K. McAia istxb, Judge.
Governor Lowry Endorsed.
Naw Orleans, July 16.—A dispatch
from of citizens Purvis, Miss., held says (here that and a meeting strong
resolutions were adopted endorsing the
course of Governor Lowry in attempt-
Won SX3,000 at Fare.
ward Marks, who have succeeded PhiL
early Sunday morning. Millionaire Jim
Eeschler, of Denver, ex-Sen*tor Tabor's
old partner in the now
000 of their money in hispodkets. He
woii it at faro after a siege of about
twelve hours. .Atone time during the
night Reschler was ahesd about *50,000.
Besehler cashed in the big wmful of
ferred chips which Ms fortune side of the had table, kindly and trans¬
to was
promptly presented with a check for
Struck by a Train and Killed.
Bxurubh, O., Jnly 16.—A young
oouple, cart cousins, Gleneve, out west driving of here, in a dog¬
near were
struck by a Baltimore and Ohio fast
freight train, the horre soarmg and
jumping on the track. The ladv hved
of the accident nine miles awfcy to this
city before discovered on the pilot of the
engine. Fulton, The young thclady’s man’s name was
JhjJLia Ault. A oousm, a brotlier of
m, in trying to pcevmit the horse
from lumping jumping on the track, was also
seriously hurt
Boaaway Gable Oars.
ClNOINNATLJnlV 16.—A 16 sad accident
oocurred on Ufa Vine i. street cable line
afternoon. In attempting to
stop attain of two care in Clifton the
brakerod broke, letting the ean ran
down mites a steep hour. grade The at the rate of twenty were*
mi passengers iftfa
In doing so Will- '
Ttcree People Drowned.
0., July 16 .—A 1.011
Ml® Driviug of i Benishes
fSli From Soil.
A Long Soudan K Will
War in the
Probably fl
and ce Make
***bte rsof l Abu named
Believed to Be at ik vfH AU.
Servls’s Alliance to , No Lonyer'iu
Doubt—Other for.
LOKpQN, regi-
menta are off ©er-
tain that otl re-
i military
| _ reorived a mild exali by the
news of the victory over wish os
at Arquin, but it is bei evident
that a good deal of work, work,
too, remains to be done before the
"Uke the Sands ot the Sea.
Prisoners speak of the number of men
under the successor of tlie mahdi as
bring “tike due the sands of the sea,” and
Jit making is allowanoe for escaggeration, then: number
safe to assume that
meiUBeivee uxavw w xusnnew, nuu in
Ssjsnfi fcpCff,. 0 ' *
Still Morehin* Northward.
The party dispersed by (ten. Grenfell
was merely one detached ter purposes
of foraging and reeonnoissance, and he
admits that the main body flf the enemy
is steadily pursuing its msroh north¬
ward. his own troops following risk on par-
alleLlines without caring to an at¬
tack probability upon it So of far recovering from there Khartoum, bring
any the Khedive consider himself for¬
tunate if he succeeds may in driving the in¬
vaders from the territory which they
now hold. In the meantime this erup¬
tion pretext from for the the south continuance furnishes of a British capital
occupation. - - n y v '
A. Big War Probable.
Fears are expressed at Cairo that the
advance of the dervishes along the Nile
is really only a feint intended to cover a
far more formidable movement by Abn
Hamed, who, it is thought, is marching
with a very strong foroe across the
desert upon Korosko. If these fears
tom ont to be well
be forced of to the rel;
loyalty licion.
0 m,ou C ., «« bu In earnest,
will be able to hold Jim in chock
Otherwise Abu Hamed will find only a
few posts, straggling widely scattered and disorganized and poorly military offl-
oered to interpose any serious objections
to his overrunning the whole of upper
Victoria* ■ ;-£
I» Not a Millionaire.
London, July .lK—The committee on
royal grants, having under considera¬
tion the proposal of making allowances
he Pnnee
•iroaching iir
Thursday, will report in
when it be submitted
that the house this Of commons. will contain It is several given ont
prises for report the English people, sur¬ and
among will riiow other the things popular it is idea stated that that the it
qaeen tirely is a very wealthy By direction lady to of be the en¬
herself, Lord Cross, who has had
* the royal finances for
___before the committee years,
their appointment and submitted
of claims the treasury, when this will queston advocate the royal in
the house Thursday. comes up
BoulangUm Denounced.
M. Waddi Jington,
' ban-
If tere, gave paominent e a a
members ..... ... of the _ French . colony. In
speech after the banquet the embaaea-
in America, because he said, in
possible. The triumph of Bon-
langer would succeed, but neverth-
tess he considered it necessary for his
countrymen to rally around President
Carnot in defense of the republic.
The Outlook In Servia.
look London, Servia July fa t6.—The daily becoming political out¬
in longer mure
serious. There can be no any
doubt os to the attitude Austro-Russian of Serna on the
outbreak of an war.
The alliance of Servia to Buseia is an ao-
comnlished fact.
The czar’s famous toast to Prinoe
Nikita, of Montenegro, fa regarded in
Servia iKsr^’iEirS’SS'ssfc as the open designation of that
vian race under a single scepter. It is
also taken to indicate everybody .that knows the is great
struggle which pre¬
rering between Autria and the great
Slavonic power is very ne ar at hand.
Were flkirml>hl»r hi Egypt.
Cairo, July 16 .— More s kir mishi ng is
reported to have taken place between
tin force* under OoL Wodehonaeand
the dervishes, in which the latter lost
i men. It is mid reported Egyptian that forces the
ed British
Wilkie Collins’ condition fas materially
The bank fart
fenced to eight years’!
-scsssfsra £i?S
tamed to Liverpool aceomp by the
K. Beta, the -
Considerable Damago Done In Vorlon*
t’nrt* of to* Oonntrjr.
Cincinsati, July 16.—The heavy
storm of Sunday afternoon played and havoc tele¬
with pleasure resorts, trees
phone wires while it lasted. At the Cin¬
cinnati base ball purk there came near
being a panic.
A large part of tha fence was blown
down, number incurring a loss of *000, and a
of horses and carriages were
buried In Lincoln in the and wreck. other parks • - jr - number .,. „ , ' ^
of tree:! were uprooted.
At Coney Island some damage was
blown done, and the steamer Guiding Star was
Sever* Storm In tow*.
Davbotoht, Iowa, July Kb—The
most severe thunder storm known in
years occurred late Saturday night and
Sunday The signal morning. service records show rain
fall of five and one-sixth inches in six
hours. The river rose seventeen inches
in seven hours. v T . V S
The telephone svstem was demolished,
and many bridges washed away. Two
washouts are reported on the Wilton
branch of the Chicago, Book Island and
Pacific road. The damage to crops is
heavy. ~
' In Pennsylvania.
Lancaster Pa, July 16.—In the
northern part of Lancaster county the
stems were the of heaviest Saturday in and years. Sunday Five nights, mill
dams were aorried away along Hummer
and Middle creeks, and five bridges were
destroyed in Elizabeth township.
Town Demolished.
storm Hameucon, Sunday O., afternoon Jnly 16. swept — 1 A wind
Princeton is a mass of ruins,
strange to say, no one wa s hurt
In Texas.
Bkbrotxuue, Tex., July 16.—Eleven
houses have been washed away in
Junction Oily, at the confluence of the
North and South Liano. A great loss of
life is feared.
The Empire City, The Windy City and The
Capltoircity AU Want It.
New York, citizens Jnly 18.—A conference of
leading faking was initial held Monday for
the purpose of steps to se¬
cure the location of tho world’s fair oi
1892 gested in that the Empire committee City. be It appointed was sug¬ to
wait upon the mayor to represent to
him the expediency of calling together
without of leading delay merchants a preliminary and others convention for
sultation and oommon action.
Strenuous efforts, it was stated at the
meeting, are being made the location by the of Balti¬ the
moreans to secure
great claims fair of Chicago in Washington, have already while reached the
formidable dimensions. It is believed
that by prompt and concerted action on
the part of the municipal authorities
and citizens that New York will be
selected as the Bite for the next great
exposition. .
Will Prcslilont Harrl.on Ilrtnrn to Wash¬
ington for the Next Two Month*.
Deer Park, M<L, Jnly 16.— The
president remarked Sunday that in view
of tiie hot, dusty ride of Friday after¬
noon he might bo obliged to revise his
plans for the summer, and spend more
time tended. here He than does he bad look originally forward with in¬
pleasure to a twelve hours’ ride on the
road weekly probably for the next Washington two months,
and he will go to
daring that period only when absolutely
necessary. Secretary Window heartily in
tiie ings proposition here in tho to meantime, hold cabinet and Private meet¬
Secretary Halford cheerfully volunteers
to make trips to and from the capital,
as may be necessary to keep the presi¬
dent fully informed as to the eonditioa
of the public business. This matter is
still under advisement
A Kentucky Murder.
Paducah, Ky., July 16.—John Sta-
tem, a well-to-do fanner of Fulton coun¬
ty, was shot and killed early Saturday
Statem morning by passing Jim Thompson, along public a neighbor. road,
was a
and, with meeting Thompson, greeted him
a pleasant “Good morning!” hell!”
Thompson’s followed immediately reply was, by the “Go discharge to
of a. double-barreled buokshot, shot gnu. The gun
was loaded with and the
charge took effect in Statem'a head and
chest only The hours. murdered The murderer man lingered made
his escape, and armed men are looking
for him. It fa not kuown that the men
had any p revions diflionlty.
Th* New Congressional Ubnuy.
Concord, N. EL, Jnly 1(1.—The con¬
tract building for the at new Washington congressional has library been
awarded to the New England Granite
Conn., at *1,200,-
ill be cut It is
four requilirfrom to 800 tiie
to 1,000 men years execute
A Bloody "Cake Walk.*’’
Sunday Fuemingsbubg, morning William Ky., Juty Beedle, 16 .—Early Jr.,
slight shot Jim Lewie three times producing
Heniy wounds. His fourth shot struck
the forehead, Ashby, producing an innocent fatal bystander, injuries. in
The occasion was a “cake walk" and all
parties are colored. The murderer fa
still at all large, directions. but pursuing parties are
out in
Bcr Father Doesn't Uke Him.
CoiiCKBua, Ind., sheriff July of this 16.—Henry county,
Keller, a deputy the head and fatally in¬
was beaten over
jured late Saturday night with a heavy
club in the hands made of William Henry because Henry.
The Keller attack was walking with by his (Henry’s)
daughter against Ins command. Henry
fa under a rrest
’ Lightning strikes Oil.
St. Joseph, Mo., July struck 10.—lightning tiie works
early Sunday Consolidated morning (SI Tank Line
of the eomplefai# com¬ da-
pany in this city, and
S®, Paul,
Work to Be Resumed at the
Homestead Steel Plant
Terms of Hue Settlement Not
Positively Known.
BethSMss are Said
was effected.
Term* of (sttkamt.
force for
and instei
as the l
m working,
promised for i steady employment
■ years. . i *%]
Miners* Victory.
strike since May 1, returned to work
tiiis tS&tSSS&JTti morning. The operators granted
until May next Other Tuscarawas val¬
ley mines are running.
Call for a Mass-Meeting.
has issued a call for a nmas-meeting of
miners to be held at
summer schedule wil_______________________
an attempt will be made to settle in an
amicable manner tiie present d
meat between tho operators and
The Dneber Watch Cato Week*.
TJy> Duober watch cose works has be-
Dockmen Went an Advance.
Anchor Liao
their dooks, have struck
wages. They have been
month, and demand *60.
cents an Hour. Tliere arc about 300 <
at other fd aces will quit work
A Chicago Conductor Desert* HD Family
for a Dusky Maiden.
Bustado, N. Y., July 16.-Shiloh Gil-
lis, of Chicago^tvho fa prominent as a
S?L 0 iSShl5K a s ^%2
museum performer who plays the part
of an Indian squaw on the stage, tin.
Gillie pursued the —
found tho runaways in a
on Clinton street, in this
Mrs. Giilfa said her hns-
band band in in Missouri Missouri sixteen sixteen years ago, and
they spell lived happily hum This until f fa fa Miss the the toird^time third Scott
a over
he husband has eloped in Chicago. with her !t and she has a
The woman fa a half-breed French
Canadian, of lithe figure and fair face.
Giliis was a conductor on the Grand
Trank railway until this escapade, but
has been discharged.
. Of the 2,1
every day._ •
about a month ago, At tiie time of the
murder it was said that McMi
death was caused by heart disease
tyre knocked k McMahon down, and
blow was supposed to have caused
death. McIntyre fa held toawritin-
vestigatio n by the coroner.
• To Take Jueksea ea a Tear.
has Chicago, made Jnly 16 .— with “Parson” Peter Jackson, Davies
a contract
■ for a tour of the eastern cities i
ggyee&isr&nte: will follow m ft I,.. >, ,j
^. .
Firebug on a Steamboat.
Obtontoous, Minn., J *
believed to_ have been
of v
avenue ai___
j three (
* k Duly, Vj
that will ^ .
A tramp ,
■ , * vr--.,':
“P . - ■ . i
Wfto *
flown i
Or leans, was
ored men i near nes Bayou
ahljr die.
The dairy l
pany, nmr 1
uav miiMN.
• fa I
J. ‘
Rev. Paid
ored, a few A_
toe mail at I
1 — *