Newspaper Page Text
located on the greatest eyetem in
the Central, has eecured connec-
Preebyteriau church. Ithae increased its pop-
niatioa by nearly one fifth. It has attracted
; fmi -HWHil*- toI
k fr/P A P M g y a a f|i ■
^’s, Griffin,
ite and ]
His PriTato Opiniod of Sullivan
PnbUcly Expressed.
He Says the Champion is a
Thorough-Paced Loafer.
......... ty and Great
die misbehaved
himself and
so until he re¬
formed he would, !
be a great man
haviOr in Chica¬
go has tamed
him, many and against
.unless his
he mends
wot'o■ Vto < mill
sJaUI <3jf$ mtHOis.
ways surrounded
him when his
MULDooH. star was in the
ascendant. Billy Mnldoon talked bit¬
terly Monday of Sullivan’s conduct
4t All Bosh. . ■ -,i
Bm’vaimw ssa&sfSiffi
Johnson and I cleared the room of
slightest enraged attention Johnson to it that His indiffer- he told
lie ought to be ashamed of himself,
r poor old mother is lying sick,' he
•and you don’t seem to care a cent.
fiotea? thing to compel to® him ti* to do anyt s!
want talk
bosh. being tempted to drink by fri
On a Drunk In Chicago.
stood “When that I left him it was fully
he would go directly
I may as well pat in my bill and
lomfi nf fliA moriAv ”
itchell a rrived in town M <
tKSt ffidraih 3155’
itendent of
m -tm* WlBFiatUlng
hi a n
AT MORNING. JULY 18. 1889.
ed to a heat of 1,500
torts, until thoroug]
the crowning temp
reached the precious
Stockholder* Umteetded.
Hit death cams a» the result of
..i._i*„ mi,* *.**1,1.*1.1***
bly give to eadea\ some
of the Republic upon tee acceptance of
quest, mid authorise the local ancampna
executive council to continue and oomp
all necessary arrange'tunt* for the pro
care and entertain me at of our expected
honored guests; and in the name of
spout or
flowed, while many houses others beingwholly inundated.
away, Upwayds of 6,000 lives were lost
*iJrJfr iu/j0i^g03J5wi ir;/*
The Great Minneapolis 4 Flouring
titotroUsd a Syndicate.
and the Pill
This would
KUsbury w^l manage the entire j
i V'Ov’ /I j ' (a „, ■,*
A '‘’* of Bdncational Worki
New York, July 17.—It is stated
the leading publishing houses at
United States have farmeda
combination, it i» claimed, ia to
the expenses of selling publications
!Q 0 tllOOS of ftf HB pct i
among the different houses. '
*m$ r f
f Subscribed to
iEguip It
Ibes $ 2 , 000 ,'
United States,
tes and technical i
in motion, were
f report to these
institutions and 1 |
Bowel eiven. '
> show that tile
i- first assured of
kid not less than
Inch sum is now
wSm&Fwm ■ lug trains
gross sssfilis* expenses of two
of maintaining
four main and
ajsas Many of the
—*_ paid
tors, beuhilanthropte however, more civilizing atten-
yjntttpnso and
of the than to ife
t* us an inv~staent. <
glam Sub.cilbe. *3,000,000.
S&^tSF^Z setting the project its feet
uld subscribe the balance of the
Belgian Banks Contribute *1,400,000.
. Belgian banks haws contributed |1,-
the 400,000 leading of the banks capital. of They the include country. all
Among other famous financial conoerns
who we represented are Baring Broth¬
ers, Barolay 4c Company, Ransom &
Dacefito Barolf 0pjmr$eltW GeseBsebaft, of Berlin, * and
of Cdogfie. Among
JTh. Reuter, of En-
C. P. Huntington, of
^snutircial Inch has already anil Indus- spent
; unlefm agre-emea with the
state of building and running tho
^^M.gwtein restrictions. A
it Make* Him Shirk Work and fins
„ PoBectam. ;
Washixotox, July^ 17,-To the close
observer of Mr. Blaine’s daiW move¬
ments during the tew weeks prior to his
SgSEpBstes Me has todisliko work. The af-
* come
fairs ol state rwoaive his attention iu the
most politicians perfunctojry and office-seekers way; the presence born him. of
to^mpatient of calh-rs is through outside, tho ^ho diplo- sly
arttss.awit't&ss means egress
^■tfisriSE^e pallid, much more so than
i had a careworn expression,
ms physical lingering and tired, and and
s betokened lost appearance vigor and dis-
Fuel W*t Sick.
IjjlrSfi 17.-Edward
1 st feeling well,
i& The com-
t to contain
. Paul came
Atlanta, Ga., July 18.—A hundred
dlitwry impanies .mss, of the repreaenting stote miUtm, forty-five met here
[onday And memonalizea tho legisla-
Mgs. Nlk*s lu ck.
•»**» W»»Wo ./eu#*o» Paper* !•
• Remarkable M*«»er.
nuuwrunu, Conn., wiui., i' July' tuy 17.—Mrs. i /.—iwun*.
John Nik, of Rookvilte, whose husband
was always supposed to have perished in
the civil war, hits just oorne into posses¬
sion of papers that will enable her to
claim a substantial pension iu a very in’ re¬
markable manner. Nik enlisted the
Twenty-fifth Connecticut volunteers, regiment, Company houoraWy A,
discharglnl pension. in 1803 and Me took disTppearcd steps to the se¬
cure a
tried in vain to solve the mystery at¬
taching to his disappearance. • ; . ;
letter to be published in the newspapers,
discharge stating that lw> had in of his possession old soldier the
BMasas the papers on he
get excitement of the war, for en¬
listed again. A few days before the
assassination Was of President Lincoln he
shot and instantly killed. Another
soldier, Bazzle Richards, of Tippecanoe,
saw him fall and took the papers from
his body. They have been stored away
for longing twenty-four Mrs. years Richards, among who others be¬
to was re¬
cently latter suggested showing them to Mr. publicity Latto. The for
them, with the above newspaper result. The
beneficiary of this remarkable nappy chain of
events is now being warmly oongrattt-
a coolie murdered every morning. Since
Saturday two have fallen aprey to the
Highbinders' vengeance. Ti Lung, a
sewing shot in machine the bock operator, Monday morning was fatally by
Ah Yuen. The assassin has been iden¬
tified, but as his victim ia societies in no way
connected with the rival en¬
caged in the feud, it is believed Ah
Yuen mistook Ti Lung for
else. The warring societies are com¬
of posed each of assert Highbinders, that they and will the annihilate members
the others. The police say a deadly
feud is on, and look for a chapter
An Oklahoma Moonshiner Kilts a United
States Marshal.
Topeka, Kan., July 17.—The
ment officers in this city has
information of the killing of
Dalton, a deputy United States marshal,
in Oklahoma. Dalton was in the act
ado, arresting who Lee West, detected a notorious moonshiner.
way as a
New Jersey Mu dcror Ranged. '
Bolak Belvxdebb, was hanged N. J., in July the jail here
10 a nt, for the murder of
Bollinshire on the night of Sept
1888. His last words were: “I am
goilty, God,” His neck was
and death was instantaneous. As
body swung to and fro, not a
moved. There were bnt few people
the gregated court yard, the but outside. about 800 There were
on was
Enmwu ltlainc
lis Nkw dispatch Yoke, July from 17.- Cl
sigement of Emmons 1
cago. She will have a fortune of
000,000 or more in her own na me.
Death of as Old drees Perfanaer.
Nbw York, July 17.—William B
Carroll, who was undoubtedly the
Chester village, at the age of 74
And Invoke* the A
Saint* to Secure
**• Qumo Give* Mm Imm <
Hint la Bcfinl to Anno
***** rontily— Prior# K«
4 M. W* *mvo with m Os
Paws, July
London, July IV.—1
ssKSSs-tfast is said to be to 1
Oscar, sanction urge hi*
dusky fiancee pnnoess. said be TI
u to