Newspaper Page Text
nm w
who lost hi* Hfe in ** Johmrtoim
flood, ha* sued the mwobws of tba
Sooth Fork Cb»b for *50,000 daw-
< w. H it obonld *• airrted to a
™„I*,«lth.cio», lltatf. tlm.
nremM to to nomottotog lito fifty
millionaire* among ttonnmber.
A vordict for tto plaintiff In this
ease would hare » wholesome effect
in making lM»lng dabs mom careful
as to the strength of dams they
maintain in position* dangerous to
life and property.
__________„ It fa singular various
arises from such
pfeSt,' wasting* affections, SjSj rtm-
When thus ailing reek prompt relief.
It can be fonnd Bret in Brown's Iron
Bitters. It builds up from tto foun-
“ tbebiood rich and
and min-
It has
__________ sufferer,
cured many, and if yon are a
try it.
Beaton Poet.
Congressman Russell erf Connecti¬
cut, who fs tore looking after some
local appointments, hi eonfidenttbat
Mr. Reed will be Speaker of the next
House. “I believe,” said Mr. Rus¬
sell, “that Mr, Reed will render the
party better service in tto chair than
on tto floor. Any man Is in a posi¬
tion to direct legislation much more
effectively from tto chair than to
possibly coold do on the floor. 1 do
not believe that Major McKinley te n
very serious candidate. He ought
to be chairman of tto Ways and
Means Committee, and to probably
will be if Mr. Reed is Speaker. It will
not pay him to make a tooagressive
fight for tto Speakership, for he will
want the support of Mr. Burrows
and other candidates some time for
tto Presidency. I believe tto fight
will be between Mr. Reed mid Mr
Burrows, and that Mr. Reed will win*
If be starts out in the caucus with
the solid support of New England
New York, the Pacific Slope and part
of Pennsylvania, it will give him a
good send-off, and, after the compli¬
mentary votes have been cast, I
think he will gain enough from the
West to nominate him.”
An Important Element
01 the snceeesof Hood’s Baraparilla is tin
Jffi who deelm to teet the mnttei
enconmy,^ buy bny^only only Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Our Americas Crown Prince.
Boston Olobv.
Ths London society papers are
speaking of Russell Harrison as
“American Crown Prince.” The
young man has slept at Windsor Cas¬
tle, been entertained by the Prince
and Prfnceees of Wales, and carried
royal airs about him with a success
that “my lads” describe as charming,
But unblooded flies, sipping on the
edge of royalty's cup, soon get dizzy,
and when the youug man was met
by some of his plain Hoosier friends
he seemed to be wandering oblivious¬
ly in charmed paths, and to be suffer¬
ing from near-sightedness. What
were* the fathers thinking of when
they banished crowds and titles for¬
ever out of this country? We have
such royal young men, and yet they
are doomed to be chained to log
cabin and rail-splitting antecedents.
Well, perhnps the fathers were
ing of just such fellows as tto Hoo¬
sier American Crown Prince.
B. B, !i. (Botanic Blood Balro.j
II you try thk remedy you will say a* many
others have said, that is the bust blood
fier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlan¬
ta, (la., for book of convincing testimony.
i.P. Paris, Atlanta, Ga. (West Bud),
writes! “I consider that B, B. B. has perma¬
nently cured meof rheumatism and sciatica.”
R. R. Haulter, Athens, Go., ssys: “B. B. B.
cured tne ol an Ulcer that had resisted all oth
f H^Mky,Coi Columbiana, had ulcerated Ala., writes:“kfj
mot not her her aud and sister sister 1 sore throat
and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them.”
JacobF.Bponohto,ifewnan, _____ .oncler,, Ga„ writes: writes:^ in “B.
B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism my
louldero. I used six bottles.”
Chas, Reinhardt, No, 2036 Fountain Street,
Baltimore, Md., write*: ”1 suffered with bleed¬
ing riles for two years, and am giod to say
that one bottle of B. B. B. mired me.”
3. J. Hardy, Ttoeeoa, Go,, writes* Three “B, B. B.
cured k s quirk I.had eura for been catarrh. tronfafed several years.’’ bottle*
LJOL completely Atlanta, Ga., cured says: child “One bottle
completely < my of ecse-
W. A. Pepper, Fradonia, Ala., writee: B. B.
B. cuml my mother ofnkwratcd sore throat.
Saved from Consumption.
Several B, physicians Rowley, Druggist, predicted of that Chi¬
Mr. Asa
cago! would soon have consumption
caused by on aggravated case of Ca-
rKpion, “Tlie result mmm unprecedented,
commenced to get well niter tto first
application and am now, after a few
weeks, entirely cured.” It will do the
A Ftofc Vatiwrfby r,.lowly.
* Mm
of Spalding Co.
'S 5 ESSS,
* rsfiwrtt »fwi« -§m with p»rtie**i*a
at Mr, and
----„ hundred-
> excited a
than tto royal
and cirt-nm-
tsnriron K princes.
correspondent of tto
jraph says it is tto gos-
eapital that Henry V*.
t a candidate for Gov-
that bk recent trip
i northeastern portion BOS
, to U» opening rf hi, cm
r Tharfnan mads a little
1 of Trade
J night, and when and he blew drew
i oW red bandana a
* blast upon his bugle-horn
I was so uproarious and
l that It was folly five min-
> hs coold proceed with bis
#* * ■ ■
of Governor Jackson of
la authorizing the arrest
shows that the Governor
is determined not to
from bis efforts to enforce the
his State so long as any 'of
IFwp are within reach,
and Canada are
become suddenly popular
excursionists to New
I, George H. Pendleton,
t to Germany, is now
re about
, .—-j of Europe, and
tom to America this fall,
he will never again appear in
His friends reluctantly
t he is threatened with
» of the brain. His daugh-
otiug themselves to him
and bebas to b# watched
1 cared for by an attendant it who
I to be with him at all time*,
le is due to the shock given
j^y the death of his wife, who
{killed in a runaway accident in
this country while to was abroad.
e of the Florida man who
are letters read In court not
> is attracting considerable
**V«vws> ----- — j -at leant the love letters
are. In a postscript to one of bis
letters to offered to deliver 1,000-
000,000,000 kisses to bis best girl.
Tto Boston Globe thinks the con¬
tract a very big one, and it says:
“Whoever will take the trouble to
Sit out will find that even if this
amorous Southerner could give the
lady 18,000 kisses a minute, (and
ws affirm that no person could hope
‘ * .more than that), and even if
ne could keep up this rate of oscula¬
tion twenty-four hours a day, never
1 pausing to eat, sleep or take breath
;___!.>-~ OAK — days it *.
worxrag wonting boo ooo every year,
would take him more than 100 years
to complete the contract. And by
that time, it is painful to reflect, the
ardor of bis love may have cooled.
remain an undelivered balance of
1,000,000,000, a number which in
f might appall ths most indus*
Deafness Can’t be Cared
J ______#• of the they cannot Thera reich only
portion deafness, and ear. that te by U
»cure con-
matedis*. Deafness k caneed by
1 condition of the mucus Bring of
bias Tnbe. When tide tube get*
_____and area wbea rumblingeonnd it kentirely closed, or im-
h k the result, and unless the tnltamn-
n be takes out and thk tube restored
* condition, hearing will be de-
_____r; nine earn ont ol ten are
fcatarrh, whk h k nothingbat^ an
d@iMS »e Hundred Dollars for and
P.J.CHENE* iB Ad,.. Toledo,
Miami Catarrh
disease. From its
extend to the throat,
i , f <Miu and finally luuuijr to t in-
i ±rsi* in contlunptiv ive di¬
ce red,
may the
i Catarrh
of Prof,
tto reel
deuce of bis brother, 8.
health has been failing tto past three
years and hisdemfce was Bot unex¬
pected tore. Bis voice and presence
wffl to sadly missed by the lovers of
music both in Mississippi and Geor¬
gia, where to has been wide and fav¬
orably known for tto past 40 years.
Amors attended notice I suppose
will be written by an abler pen than
foe. Most truly,
J. T. Fkkbmam.
Baroesvilte and Forsyth papers
please copy.
Aa Arkansas Shaker.
“Wall, old feller, wbat’s tto mat¬
‘Only a tfttfe agur, st ranger, but I
thought | would shake myself out er
**TV„ ‘I've had hud ’em ’am myarif, mvsalf friend; 1 tuk
Westmoreland's Calisaya Tonie and
I never have a shake.
Good advice to tto friend who was
shaking is implied in tto friends' re¬
ply. No case of malaria has ever
total found which baffled its curative
powers, and one physician baa wed
it saccesafoOy It in ttotceatm treatment only fl.00 erf ty¬
phoid fever. costa a
bottle and one or two bottles will
stop the fever. Buy it of your drug
For sale by E. R. Anthony.
A Prehistoric Canoe.
A discovery of extreme archselogi-
cal interest has been made upon tto
Barton section of tto Manchester ship
canal While the excavators were at
work in what is known as tto “Salt
Eye” cot ting, the steam navy brought
to light a prehistoric canoe. It was
imbeded in tto sand about twenty-
five feat below tto surface. With
difficulty the canoe was re¬
moved toa shed in the vicinity of the
engineer's office and examined. It
was found toeonsist of a portion of
aa oak tree roughly town and fash¬
ioned. In length this relic of a long
past age is 13 feet 8 inches from end
to end, with awidthof 2 feet flinches.
Notwithstanding tto laps of centur¬
ies the marks of the ax are distinctly
visible fn the .interior of tto canoe,
the width of the blade of tto imple¬
ment used—whether of flint or iron-
being apparently about three
inches. •
It is impossible to fix tto precise
period of the canoe, but tto circum¬
stance that it bears no trace of a
nail or any Ironwork may perhaps aid
the formation of an opinion onthte
point. The wood, particularly of the
bottom,is for the most part quite
sound. A portion of one side, however,
which has apparently been at
period more exposed than the rest,
has commenced to crack.—[Manches¬
ter (Eng.) Chronicle.
See Wkst » Toole Can Do.
Lake Newman, City, Fla, June Lake 24,1886. City, Fla.,;
n. H. of
«ay» bis wife has suffered for seven!
years with a complication of diseas¬
es, of which asthma was the most
prevalent. bed for seven She years. has not He laid has down expend¬ in
ed all tto money his business has
made him in that time for medicine,
physicians, etc., to obtain relief tor
her, but wirbout any success what¬
ever. He was advised flnalfy by physicians
to try P. P. P. He did so,
expecting ----*■- to derive dei mjt no benefit, pK) but
after taking less than " two
eruptions appeared appea: all over, and she
iinmediately tire oegan began to ' improve, and
tor skin ‘ is ‘ perfectly feefilj dear. « She
on an or-
has not been totter m years. Mr,
Newmafi. wbo is a merehat m Lakd
City, is very enthusiastic over the
care, and thinks it tbegrandes blood
purifier and tonic of tto age. * . i
aifsnll- X
■iJWV Hi-., tJH ^ lr £ UCf
1 Vowbv ** r ' ’ : e ‘
U»B ^
Doable Daily Sleeping Car Service
... Between
Cincinnati and Jacksonville.
Solid trains between
Closely Chattanooga connecting and with Jacksonville, double trains
with Pullman Sleeping Cars
to and from
Memphfe, Nazhville, Kansas Cl y
and tto West, and
Knoxville, Washington, New York
and tto Enst. *-i d~,
Atlanta and Jacksonville,
Atlanta and Savannah,
Atlanta and Brunswick,
Attanta and Macon,
_*■. Atiaola and Rome.
For rates, Tune Cards and other
information apply to agents of the
Eatt Tenn., Va. and Georgia R. R-
Geo. Pass. & Ticket Agt., Knoxville,
8 . hT Hardwick,
Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta.
4> a t-aa—......g. 2a>.. '
- ■
' 3 on _m4
ksoedfrom r Court In fovor
— Drake,
of R. H.
sroi G. M. Brans,. in fav-
,h to. Seberer A I
a CONNELL. Hherifl.
Ordinary's Advertiwmsnis.
t|, Gbobou,
*&SE Mfofi.’ShSftoi 53 &rs 4
fra, have, why such appUeatiou
e&nse, ^““-^AHHOND. if any they
* 6.00 Ordinary.
(J / XKDINABY ’8 OFFIL'&-^p** 1880.--W. JLodn H-
ry, Geobou, Hanlriter July and 2 d, John C.Biw«,
Brewer, W. B.
Griffln,! north
led aud east by
south fay College Sisnwpia... street, place; aieo, *lo t
on the blacksmith
- street,
sffi^ssr; streStond forth* M
street: pur-
poeeotpt ■«s»Viisr d “ d, "‘ u -
33 such^^iplication*should fell e Court perrionH of Ordinary, concerned to ' August Mfgh,
Griffin,. rhyme not be be granted
why 00 B. W. HAMMOND. Ordhjarr.
* 6 . .
Keith applies to me for letters of Admiristra-
tion on estate of Jnfia M. Kritk, tote of said
^Let ith the will annexed,
oll pereons concerned jneerned showcause showcause before
the o’clock Court ---- a. ot m., Ordinary^ on the »y. first at at niy^offlce^ my office, by^tm by
next, why eneh letters of administration
: Od . J t i ~ -
tt.Geob u, July 2nd, 1889.
Lanrnn, Executor of Mrs. Janett Betliune,
deceased, appffes to me for letters of Dismis¬
sion on said estate.
Let all persons concerned show couse before
theConrt of Ordinary, first at my office, October by ten
o’clock a. m., on the Monday to should
next, why snch totters of Dismission
HAMMOND, Ordinary
/ORDINARY’S U OFFICE—Spalding County.
Geobou. Jnly 2d, 1889.-J.H. Keith,
Administrator ol W. S. Brown, deceased, has
made made application application to me for leave to seB one
undivided one-half interest to one and one-
half acre* of land, more or tern, bounded
second stipfli, soutn by r iciiiisiflr &bu atboiu
and west by other land of said estate, for the
Let aH Sst&rssses&zz persons concerned show cause be
asasr. ‘ Court of
on the f
county, deceased
Let all persons concerned ehowe
the o’clock Court of Ordinary, at ” Monday my office, ^ Septem¬ by ten
a. m, on the first to
ber next, why snch letters of dismission
Bh >».fs° 0t h^W.^AMMOND, Ordinary.
Notice to Debtor* and Creditors.
o A. L. ELLEDGE, Administrator,
jnnellw6.48.70. Columbus, Ga
Special Election.
Notice is hereby riven that there will to
* ; held 1889,in on Tuesday, Spalding the 13th day of todetev- August,
q^Mtion county, wtoft^rtomds an ejection
mine the shall or shall;
of paying to for, said fmproving and aid repairing repamng bonds public pi be
property of the cuunty. of sixteen thousand to
dollars, aggregate to to known amount bonds of tie
denomination of flvehundrea as coupon dollars each, to
bear intereut at the rate of six per cent, qtt_hN per
1st annum day and of payable and semi-annualiy, the 1st jally, day ot on
Of each January Two Two said bonds bonds Ke paid
year. year. ol of said to to be
off on January 1st, 1891. and one thousand
dollars annually thezi^&ftor until ail of mjiI
Redd election shall to held and conducted
to accordance with an Act of the Legislature,
approved October be 14th, 1879.
TheTe shall printed or written on . the tod-
lots lot* of of those those voting voting for for issuing issuiog sail said bonds
the words “For issuing bonds," and on those
opposed to issning the same the words
“Against issuing MARION bonds.”.....
i C.C.
july 13-1 m T. fR. MILLS,C. C.;
Receiver’s Sale.
'vate sale, the stock of goods belonging to
ence & Smith, consisting of buggies, cur-
material, varnish, paints, carriage
Terms cosh. Sale
f&dstsS o*
Engravings, from of .iajss the largest and tost ss
sekoted stocks to the Conntry. Established
lMti ‘i» ■ ■v.frt rsrr'
SB- •pilfffeL*-: Catalogue on receipt of stamp.
1 '-- .v.-:: -
■ v, nacon.oa.
lv The Preparatory Department.
i:K;£SSSS.- ntoto ?’
tee Department of J.ib-
'V" 1 W .
We r.r;.
■ - .
mm ri Hoodk L-- ... H,-
________ «. riUsed toe It, k who!
Merit Wine i«M«aereiia
cures Seiriria, Bolt
cn, Dyspepsia, Sk*
- overcomes That
Application for Amend¬
ment of Charter.
or Honorable, Gaoxou, Sraumw, fcpg”. Ownrry: Court -
Toth, petfomiri
arid rid eoBBtr-’Tk> Conner TO,
Farmers Cooperative Man¬
ufacturing Company.
Wn^oneeand ettfar Cainmkoon thrir Jwfinrae. account ot that on
may on own
' ' *
tsfSWSiaraffiFS warehouse and commission business; to
and advance*; to seU, rent, lease or use such
real and personal propirty so of purchased the Company or
____________nteraet received when * tothe int««M and all
to do so and to do so and to do any
other act* which are proper and legal in car¬
rying on a warehouse and commimon busi-
be granted and isened hy this Honor read
Court and allowing thk amendment
making it a part of the charter heretofore to¬
ned to this corporation for investing it with the
power power asked asked tor to in thk tins amendment amendment that
it may have the right to carry on said ware¬
house bonse and and commission commission business btun^m^comiection in connection.
charter. charter. Done Done thk thk the tb ^ 3rd 3r day d y SEAKCY^ of Jnly 1899.
g ^
BpafdingC^^. m£ ^
Ci.ebk’8_ Georgia, Office Sppxbiok Spaldwo Coubt. Cousty. ahd |
X certify that the foregoing k a^trne
® Wm. M. Thomas, Oerk|
Georgia Midland & Gall RR.
Time Table, Taking Effect July 17, '89
No. 80.—Pamxhgeu, South, Daily Except
Arrive. Isiave.
McDonough........ 5:001 5:00 a.m.
Grifflu................. ..5:40 a. m. 5:45 “
Warm Springs.... 7:09 “
No. 51 .—Pabhenoer, North, Dab,t.
Columbus..................... 1:05 p. m.
Warm Spring................ 2:34 -*
Griffin....... L .................8:50 p. m.
No. 52.— Fahsexoer, South. Daily.
Griffin........................... 4105 p. m.
Warm Springs.............. • !5: 5:28 “
Columbus......................7:00 p. m.
er, North
............. 6-49 P m
Warm mmogs.......—..... ‘-
Griffin....... .................. 8:15 p. m. 8:20
McDonough,............... ,...9:00 “
He. 54 .—Passenger South, Sunday Oni,Y
McDonough...... ...... 7:80 n. m.
y^li i'n'e’r ,.„8;j0a,m, 8:15 “
Warm Springs 9(85
No. 55.—Passenger North. Sunday Only
Columbus.—,—,............•• 7:40 a. m.
Warm Springs. i!"l0:38 . 9-14 “ *
Griffin a. m. 11:00
McDonough, a*. ,11:40 ii-xa «
Np. 1 .—Freight North, Mondays, Wedneb-
.....1 bays and Fridays.
Ctfimnbut—................ 9:00a.'m.
Warm Springs... 11:42 “
Griffin.,;.——.................2:18 Us p. m. 3:30 p. m.
No. 2;— Freight South, Tuesdays, Thvbs
days and Saturdays.
McDonough..,,,,,,,, Griffin........................19:05 11:00 1:50 a. m.
Warm Springs.. p.m. p.^m.
.............. 6:50
©i *ntocu9j in ©axil ; VxZwtat WHO
in, want 'mum i
UPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Aj
« —7 Otoefe.
to son ««ft
on Mdwe
Us tor threeOol
Will ,my
daily and weekl-
' .: fP
(CONSOUtDATED MAY 26, 1889,)
-■ . ’■»!: .ijjafe i»d2
f? To Adi
ksm charged, than
proportion to prices
medium in the South.
With the combined circulation of two oh
anil well established papers, it charges tf *
- •'•utUa-v. >
prices of only one.
I, is published in one oftheagri
commercial, manufacturing and ratli
ctoiters South, with of the a large mosiprogre^We and intelligent State In i
log population and extra facilities for
Being a iirst-class newspaper, fully up
sili^mandsofthp times and the requ
ments of its constituency, it Is read not only
hy nearly every family in Spalding Com
but In the eight surrouuding counties,
a gppd^gencral circulation in the State
other Bthtes.
reiftlfl WROIE FIELD.
touoc le toilA—d :*-ijA *Em««caasAW
filld COVCrS it COIUpIe tel y.
s ;3
rtsmodt ^cfis to mitaafs loyg, stmi Wrltie, otLi' for rates , and / sample . » aj
copies of Daily and Weekly to
Griffin, Ga.
i .*? ... A*. . — ' < V 4 1 i ** *
SpT'sIi'S «f Jcferse: restWreswai , ‘ ~
dvr jfoldw Bdhuwa itoyt tog vtoHt mi MtiaoMf
M V.
s mWm
mmomescf, x. Will -W
y ... ? ... X lll i < T : ? i* * > T ;
from overtaxing the sysfcoi MS «nd bp
ferns end stages ot Primary,! theu sselP. >. P.
to nienstrusl liregukrtoMarepert^riy
tonefited by the wontefid koto Wd
*~7 "? ^ ' ROB ii" T. l g m r '
e 4 1 S3 a
i [blood nfs'inas^
Ik! Prison, Tstter, Nckfr
s ..o