Newspaper Page Text
Sr >,;<■ J “
continue to be the
te Lowell, Mat*.
Merisi} CrHrfxr.
riitUW 1 HT JLUu J|
it, te ifl&HN., advice to should whom all
r b§
$ 2.00 Shoes tor
e favor is to be organ-
lung men of Griffin on
>plan: The capital
itty tbonaand dollar*,
3 ve ^r.^sr;rp^
share plr month until the capital
I Up ‘ Whc n* 12 .50°ha8
lull I if* corporation will have
pqwer to do a general hanking
ed Wlfh it, paying interest on* depos¬
its. This will enable our wage earn¬
ing people to place their »**■.*” money in a
The chapter has also the building
and loan association feature and
will build houses on the same terms
and conditions that said associa¬
Ml t^ofejefeonatoefkyres #Fh*Sle
associations. 4
The charter will be obtained in
about a month and as soon as money
begins to circulate In the fall an or¬
ganization will be effected. The en¬
terprise is in the hands pf some of
This This is isunquestiona&ly unquestionably amove amove ia
the 7 right •>v’t' w**ywww«|| direction, for it ty is »u an institu- luouiuu*
tiou that will cultivate the habit of
saving among our people and espe-
ings Bank” will give handsome re¬
sults and at the same time begin the
habit of saving which is the keystone
to wealth.
Efittera with most happy result*. My bro th-
er also Waa very low with Malarial Fever and
Jaundice, BMKlidu*. bgt was cored by Efectrie timely ns# of this
Am satisfied Bitters sar-
Mr. D. i. Wileaxosoa, of Rone Cave, Ky. f
adds a like testimhny, saying: He positively
believes he wquW Uave died, had it not ben
ww mwmwwrnu vnewNH, anu ioran Aiamy,
Liver and Stomech Dieordera stands unequal-
ed. Price (to. anrf tl, at E. R. Anthony's.
rain would injury our cotton crop
L E. Darsey visited Griffin fxiends
J. H. Malaier went to Atlanta Mon¬
There Has Been sa h*|MT«me*t.
The rules of etiquette laid down
now regarding court functions are
comical, but don’t copipare with the
following regulations, which were
prescribed by the lord chamberlain
200 years ago for the benept of of¬
ficers,, many of them belonging to
noble families. When invited to dine
with royal' persons they were to be
neatly dressed, with Mean coat* and
boots, and not to miter the room in
a half drupken condition. They
were warned not to drink after each
mouthful, as that would make them
drunk too soon, nor to empty more
than one goblet for every two dishes.
Theywerenot to put their hands in
the plates, thefr bones under the
wnaffir”; J‘I proto Hood’* Sanrepnrilla h
rest not
touchstone vs.
* Jerl^Strood
vs.Karat, St
.dsttrst ,rt
i C
s (!o.™.w. e.
jGeorge, def’t in ft fa, Mary Prnden,
Georgia Land and Trust Co. vs. C,
H. x. Johnson, uuuuouu, Sr. or.
Jicero Georgia §. Land and Trust Co. vs.
'fflpsaitSTb* P.'Blanton
B. & Co. vs. Geo. I.
1 John UHU Asher -n-sner vs. vs. Henry Jiwury Mitchell, jaiicueu,
def’t in fl fa, SarahS. Bostwick, cl’m’t.
Bailie Brooks vs. Jerry Brooks,
ter, et al. cl’m’ts.
Milburn Gin and Machine Co. va.
Sorrell & Co. vs. A. 0. Gay.
Alfred McCoy vs. W. M. Terrell.
J.B. Ellis vs. W. F. Dupree.
Talbert, Hoyt &Co. vs. Lucy E.
Here follows first thirty cases on
the docket subject to be called on
either of the first days of the first week
of court, andto be called in the order
they S. Stroud appear on docket as follow#:
vs. Laura Stroud.
, Bass & Heard vs. Henry Childs and
C. B. Bostwick.
James W. E. Bankston Finley vs. E. T. M. B. Brown.
vs. Beams.
C. F. Newton vs. W. S. Lewis, F. H.
Lewis, cl’m’t. Martin
Catherine and Key vs. 0. B.
Wiggers.- Amstrong, Cator &
Co. vs. G. A.
Magnan, Albert Speer T. A. Warren, The cl’in’t.
vs. State.
E. P. Cantrell va. Western Union
Telegraph Co.
Jacob Sei*el,etal. vs. R. S. Connell,
Lewis L. Middlebrooks vs. R. J.
Mahle and A. 0. Gay-
J. H. Pittman &Co. vs. W. B. Hud¬
son, Ex’r.
Kendall. Michigan Carbon Works vs. W. L.
Touchstone. Michigan Carbon Works vb. H. L.
Duffee. Michigan Carbon Works vs. James
Michigan Carbon Works vs. L. E.
Key ------------ and T. W. Key.
bon Works vs. G. S.
jjuwimiu, «i . n ’atton, J. S. Patton,
C, 0. Parker. r
A. Tilman H.Romspert Segravesva.F. vs. John Kelh
M. Kincaid.
Isaac Whittle vs. T. W. Thurman.
T. Michigan B. McCall vs. J. F, Chapman. Jasper
Carbon Works vs.
Segraves. „ )
Jno. T. Waldroupe vs. Amanda
Waldroupe. Geo. W. Wood B. P. Gray.
WH Powell vs. A B Shackelford,
Matilda Shackelford, cl’m’t. ;
G*0, C. Stewart vs. W. G. Crowder,
W.B. Crowder, cl’m’t.
Geo. W. Wood, Adm’r, va. Benja¬
min P, Gray.
in next seeming day gloomy as a fog—one day
“laid out” with perfec health, bilious next dtoi
a attack or
yoiir stomack “on a strike." This
is the way the world wage no w-a-days.
If headed, you are dyspeptic, bilious, mrtchotic, dizzy
have torpid action want of liver, appetite or
bowels, take Dr. Pierce’s kidneys
or Pleasant
harmless; Pellets—purely vegetably, dose. perfectly
one a
Bug* That Laugh *t fteiit.
New Haven Palladium.
A few days since Frank Woodward
of Albany, N. Y.,who was visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Smith in
Fair Haven, received a poeuliarprw
ent from California. It was sent to
him by Leland Stanford, the million¬
aire senator, whose wife' is an annt
of Wood word, aad also of M».
Smith. Mr. Woodward opened the
box and found three salamanders
packed in cotton. Thee© bugs are
more often read about than gazed
upon. They were found fn caverns
by some of Mr. Stanford’s employes,
and Mr. Stanford sent them east,
Hie three bugs traveled the 3,000
c re
hotel; Hot 8]
Ing. Theflm
world; cool i
great Piedmc
its summers
Send your name to E. W. Marsh
& Co., Salt Springs, Ga., and they
" rere “ rt :- a “* 20
How littls we are apt to appreciate that which
wh possess. The hardy wood-sawyer envies the
wealth of his employer. Therich man envies the
health and strength of hii poor neighbor.
“Oar mind and our time we employ !
In longing for what we have not.
Unmindful of what we enjoy."
How much better if all exerted themselves tools
tala tvelr heart's longing. If poor in parse seek ta f
gain wealth by industrious and frugal habits. If
poor in health seek te ase thoye remedies which mi >
the best and truest medicines. Among remediea
«... by druggists none is the egnal of Botanic
Blood Balm for curing the ills of flesh and blood.
Mix Foster, Atlanta, Ga, sayf i -I Wok JJ.B.
B* for several foul ulcers, which had given me
much trouble aad would not heal from a use of
Mi ppnA other remedies. Within ten days my
ULbC.H0 health improved., and before 1 had
ussd three bottles every sore was entirely healed. It
Improved my appetite and gave me flesh and
strength.” . * • j
Hudson Clark, Camden, Ark., says: '•“I was si¬
BAD rs a n and BLOOD (11 suffered Ann extreme KtSgzrSS? flirted win, misery the during severest all form that
while. I also had catarrh so bad It almost stopped
catarrh siasLsaas:
If It had been charred of scalded. My , back waeyo;
lame I could hardly stand. I tried nearly every
several RHEUMATISM bottles and SS '£££*,IS, sound w# weB as'
am now as
aiiv man in Arkansas*
C. 1 . L Til Tilt 10 . %
la effect June 28rd, 1889.
No. 15 —Dailt, Exceit .Sundat.
Leave Griffin................................... 5:4 i
Arrive Atlanta............................... v 8:0(
No. 16 —Daily, Except SvitDAV.
Leave AH&ata.........................
No. 1 T—Sunoat Only.
Leave Griffin..............................
Arrive Atlanta..............................
No, 18 —Sunday Only.
Lwve Atlanta.............. .............
No. 3—Daily.
telas: “ ....TffiO
" Atlanta Artnhtfl
Leave Macon....
Arrive Griffin....
“ Atlanta.
Leave —.......4:00 “
Arrive. ...........
“ Macon...................
, . No- 27 —Dap<T«;
v Lfiftvc Gnffln.............................. n . M
" Newnsa...................
Arrive Carrollton.................^..Al
<»* > "■» • %<■#$ i
- ulllu. AV» r-
pH | &t Oh: Ai
t° Al
t itFi i
we are
And Farmlngjmplements. f-™
— — -
* * * PISTOLS ! PISTOLS !I * *
gg-Com* and see me. ^
■ ' 1 ............... .....
",7 Special JEWELRY, CEO
attention given to Repairing.
22 BiscrmiS' linOOI.I.IVUO OnUC cunt 0 ct
-hill 8t-
Home-made Shoes and Leather a ! y.
W” We warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepi
- 1 •«™ *«*• *
Has just received a full supply of LandredUi, Cleveland and Johnson J
J»in»’ Garden Seed—also field seed—all fresh. Guaranteed
H.Spfnee *1 the Lein cen t lelUC l*irC..,!lr:(.. < *
i«i nil f L ci- 1 *U 1 j,b 1.
Solomon A ~ ■________ Sweet, Criffin, re *M!„ Qa.
Fw* )-( Cheat) )-( Goods
«.*••••• CA LL OiSf •••#••«*
We Standard A Sugar ter making cake. CHren, Current*, Prune* and a I
kind* of Extract* tor Flavoring. Thu bust Pat. Flour, Mince Meat, Jellies
and and is in fact fact anything anything you you want want. .< <
■r Leave ue yeur order end it wilt bd attended to.
New Goods Every D
- *. A Which wu propose to sell
Cheaper Them Am/bo
to «e w when