Newspaper Page Text
■#*>♦»*♦'*.'• «*♦«•#
a, taw
Sptlding Ct.
ran f torww W)MT* * lot th# 8»st
t« fe OOUDtori SB »
i »t' ’ \
i pasties wieh-
meat# longer
« , S?raMBV’»n fcbepmfeat outlook, togo-
■ r&r.'LZ
retarnd.u It ta
I to allow a mem-
In the Second Hon.
> nrobablv be on-
pot* him in,
>1 and AonW
race It woold pirhap* be
fntbe rMfd there
■RH in to Judge Crisp,
of no candidate
above the surface..
going to be a
„ hM made a good
& naturally want to re-
S friends say be wUI.
B. Harrie, of Merl-
t«U, ant. Mr. Orta.'
r toe one be formerly oo
vraid that one
atom is making
m m have him secure
r, of Troup, andj,
, of Coweta, are also
i » ppndidntf; In th©
i that Judge John D.
f through again with*
opposition, although
/aadB. T. Dorsey, of
______,___Solicitor general Wo-
mack, of Newton, have been spoken
of as candidates. In the Sixth, Hon.
B«to Jfawra, fit Foray to, Hon. Kob't,
Whitfield, of Milledgevilie, and Hon.
■eat, but unless Mr. Blount should
In toe Seventh, Mr. clement* will
probably be opposed by Senator
Watt Harris, of Cartereriile, Judge
i, flrid^and of Borne, Hon. W. C.
Dr. Felton.
In toeBIgbth, perhaps, the closest
race In the state will be run. Mr.
Carlton will, Mia said, be opposed
by Hon. Frank Colley, of Wilkes,
Judge T. L. Lawson, of Putnam,
W. M. Howard, of Oglethorpe, and
Hal Lewis, of Green. In the Ninth
there will be a scramble. It fa not
deterftely known whether or not Mr
•handler wUI be a candidate for re-
election. However, there is a feeling
In his district that he is thinking
ublic life, sad for that
_ reason ehedid'atea „ . by th* score are
coming out. Already every county
has a candidate, and earn* two
Rev. Thad Pickett will
another dfort, and m Hon. nvu* W. *v a
Smith, of Gwinnette, w 8tid to bt
Wasbingtott.both want Maj. Barnes
seat, but the major is a very
man and aits well. However,
three men are strong, and the
wUI not be a walkover for any of the
It is not altogether a question
color. Bring the broad terns
and black, the Indian fa as much
black man a* the negro. But it
wholly a question erf race. An
stance was cited two or three
ago ago in in a dispatch from
Vs. THe Pnmusky and
tribes i have l called toe attention
Gov. ia* to the fact that there
now on toe reservation persons
have negro Wood in their veins,
are not entitled to reside there,
they want them moved at ones,
#M*ir «t
f * in
part of
In trade,. That
** ham bug of toe
centuries, the Couat Alexander
^ ;SiTr ™, to *----*----* have , invent¬
Cagiioetro, professed insured
ed an elixir of Mle which per.
petual existence end never-fading
beauty. He claimed to be 300 years
old, and that his wife, beautiful wo¬
man of 91, was 100 yearn old
Bulwtr Lyttem’s hero-flend, Mar¬
grave, tried to mix the great elixir
golden liquid of immortality. Many
other heroes erf fiction are alleged
to have experimented with the life-
giving fluid with varying success.
Within the last month, as readers of
toe News and Son have already been
apprised, the attention of scientific
men ha* again been called to the
elixir a* a possible scientific achieve¬
ment. When Prof. Brown-Sequanl,
of Paris, announced hi* discovery of
th# elixir a few weeks ago, tor. Wm.
A. Hammond, of Washington, was
interviewed concerning it, am! said
that the report was either a canard
or the distinguished experimenter
had given statements to th* world
that coaid only be explained by the
fact of his dotage. Since then Dr.
Hammond has been experimenting
btmaeU. He has taken fragment* of
the moat delicate portion of the ana¬
tomy of toe lamb, which be place* in
* mortar, pound* to a pulp, and*
adding water, distill* an essence,
which hi administered to the patient,
by a hypodermic injection. The
actual work of experiment by Dr.
Hammond began a week ago, and
he has panned it constantly ever
since. His subject is an old man,
who is decrepit to an extmnedegree.
The treatment is exceedingly simpfe;
and consists of an injection in the
pattaat’s leg every other day. The
quick results already obtained have;
astonished mid gratified the doctor.
The decrepit patient has already
shown signs of returning vitality
tout seem incredible, this change
having been marked on the third
day after toe application of the elixir
was first made. The doctor reserves
his decision on the merits of toe life-
giving fluid until his experiment to
complete, which it will not be until
nix weeks after inaugurating the
treatment. It will indeed be a
strange thing if scientific men of the
nineteenth century have discovered
an essence that will perform any of
toe wonders dreamed erf by their fore¬
runners who groped in toe dark in
the Middle Ages. Alchemy paved
toe way for chemistry and medicine.
And now these modern agencies are
bring used to achieve toe thing the
old alchemists dreamed of. Is peren¬
nial youth yet to be discovered in
toe land where poor Ponce de Leon
sought it* fountain?
The new Atlanta postmaster, Gen¬
eral Lewis, la likely to disappoint the
decent and conservative people of
both sides in thatcity. Monday heap-
pointed a big, black negro a copying
clerk in the registry department. Mr.
Nathan Lyons’ daughter has been
employed in that department under
her father, and when Lewis brought
in th* negro, Lyons took the post¬
master to one side and told him he
would not permit his daughter to re¬
main in the service with the negro,
and that he, himself, would resign.
Lewis said he could not help it and
the negro would remain. He was
given a desk in another room until
Miss Lyons could close her books
and retire. This gratuitous insult on
the part of General Lewis will not
make him any more friends in the
A Lovely Woman
enl overbeard she’s I painted”! one one sa say of___ “Yes,” her, “By retorted heav-
, „„„ „
she, indignantly,and mantled by heaven cheek, only”!
Buddy health her en-
throned on the rose and 111 lily. Yet
this beauti.ul lady, once thin and
pale, with a dry, slight hacking spitting cough
night-sweats, and o
blood, seemed destined —...-------- to fill a con
sumptive’e grave. After
hundreds ol dollars she tried on physicians
without benefit, Dr.
Golden Medical Discovery; her
provement was soon marked, and
a few montbe she was plump and
rosy again, the picture of health
strength. It is the only medicine
its class, sold by druggists, under
positive guarantee that it will
or cure in aU cases of disease for
which it is recommended, or money
paid will be promptly refunded.
B. B. H. (Botanic Blood Balm.)
If yon try thferwwdjr you will soya#
•there har# rid, that U th. asm blood
fl#r and tonfe. Writ# Blood Balm Co.,
ta. Ga.. for book ol ronrincindterihiony
J.P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (W«at
write#: “I consider that B. B. B. ha#
nently cared mol rheumatism and wtatfea.'
R.R. Baa Iter, Athem, kk*
I ate ot_a a nfeerthat had imiated all oth
«y, Columbiana, Ala., write#.-‘Mjr throat
feter had nicerated sore
B. B. B. cared them.”
write#; ‘*B,
to my
ftiglfc _ C*nt*ni __, cBrt*r»|Pf railroads . and the .
Q+orgbt and court.
the decisions of tot supreme
fie any* that after a careful investl-
gation of the charters^ tNpe rftil-
toads and numerous decisions of the
supreme court, artifes he has found that
every foot of
Georgia is sublet bjeefc to county aim
municipal taxation. tttinn Railroads Railroads that that
have exempting charters, and which
Hon by the state, are all subject to
taxation ____ by the counties. The only
thing wanting Was the machinery
for this taxation, and the bill sup¬
plies that. •*rr
Til# secret of the universal success
of Brown's Iron Bitters is owing Iron to
the fact that* it is the very best
It reach#* every strength part of and and the endurance body, giv¬
ing ing health. health, strength Thus beginning at
to every foundation portion. it builds and
the up re¬
stores lost health. It does not con-
tain whisky or alcohol. It will not
blacken the teeth. It does not con¬
stipate or cause headache. It will
cure dyspepsia, indigestion, dizziness, heart¬
debility, burn, sieepfomnem, weakness, etc. nervous
A memt-F»a«b nlntt “A lover trip who Imi has feat toMoetoj a mto
inmi u/ umm f 1 m fw -w lW O0tO0i4S 7 jT
tUy their own epitapK candidly telling tbe
troth about tbeuualv*j, however tn*compli-
maotary .ft may be., Tl>o tp ecta t e r of tills
ss^pe heaven wore compelled to toil the truth, they
than* not adhered to by amateur detective
gcpwaraai’w rritaraa sMTchtog tor the eauari a dto
tephy -Jtow U wanted by the family he piles it on.
Orleans Picsyuna
The Railroad Accidents
Which occur every day with Such
wonderful lorn to human Ufe are suf¬
ficient cause lor a man to stop and
reflect on the fate of score of his fel¬
low-men, but a greater cause for his
reflection is any danger to his own
health. If be suffers from malarial
poison he may stop and reflect on
the cure. Westmoreland’s Calisaya the
Tonic is warranted when to uproot the blood
malaial poison, and
baa been purified it will leave the sys-
tem strengthened to reprise later. the The at¬
tacks which may come
wise investment of a dollar in a bot¬
tle of this valuable medicine may
save a large doctor’s bill. Sold by
all druggists
For sale > by bj E. R. Anthony.
Home Running Dow*,
If a clock “runs down.” we wind
no, and in a few seconds it is
___in along ‘ its steady rut, ticking—tick the
ing—using np time. But if
man system runs down we are in
great trouble, days, weeks,
and even years are spent in vain
tempts to set it right. P.P. P. About the
time vegetables an appeal blood to corrector would grea bc
the sensible course to puniue, as it
the only really sure restorer of
vitality. For Rheumatism,
Scrofula, Syphilis P.P. is and incomparable. all
diseases, P,
is a first-class tonic and never fails
cure. AU druggists sell it. The
gredient*, Pnckly Ash, Poke
and Potassium, medicinal are a paoperties guarantee
its natural
Kxtraordinary Bone Hcr»teMng
Herbert Sperry, Tremont, Dl.,
Erysipelas in both legs. Confined
the housesix weeks. He says:
I was able to get on my legs, I
an itching sensation that neariy
me crazy. I scratched them raw
the bones. Tried tormented everything irmentedlh ~ih
out relief. I was
way for two years. I then
Clake’s Extract of Flax
Skin Care at the drug Store, used
and it has cured me sound and
Clarke's Flax Soap has no equal
Bath and Toilet, Skin Cure
Soap 25 cents. For sale at Dr. N.
Drewry’s drugstore.
Double Dally Sleeping Csr
Cincinnati and Jacksonville.
Solid trains between
Chattanooga and Jacksonville,
Closely connecting with double
with Pullman Sleeping Cars
* to and from
Memphis, Nashville, Kansas
and toe West and
Knoxville, WuhtagtM, New
and the East.
Atlanta and Jacksonville,
Atlanta and Savannah,
Atlanta and Brunswick,
Atlanta and Macon,
Atlanta and Rome.
For rates, Time Cards and
information apply to agents of the
East Teas.,' Va asfl Gsergia ft.
Gen. Pns*. k Ticket Agt., Knoxvilk*.
" H. Hardwick,
Amt G#b. D»*b. Agt., Atinnta,
\F£\ rr
n* enwt »«— toxu* v** ■*»
this medicine * pepwtorttjr end
sale greater than that of any oth er sarssps-
Merit Wins
Wood** San«»fflfa gmspsMBa core* ewes «ew«s, Berofula, Sttt
‘ aS Humors, WWto <
Oliouaness, owaomaa
ana the Nerves,
st.siSflSS 1 "'
Application lor Amend¬
ment of Charter.
said county: The petition of the
B anners Cooperative Man.
ufacturing Company.
"rid court, respectfully
Warehouse and Osmmtasioo" taSnSsMbit
either on thrir own aeconnt or on
_____ntof others bnyjihfp, receive, store,
atU or barter eotton and other farm produce fer-
and all mSo kinds ol farm .wachtaer* vehmtea, used
ther articles of merchandise
by fameni and their families, can make ad
wanitoa ▼ances tmnn upon rnttoti cotton Ami ana other other farm farm pi-oauce dToohco
to secure all debts by mortgagee, liens or
W 23 Bm& such real ond
purchase, lease or rent person¬
al property as may be necessary for the par
poseoftransacting this branch of its bu»-
ness, b, or or securing securing the th# payment payment of of its debts snch
and advances; to sell, rent, lease or use
real and personal property so of purchased Company or
received when to the interest the
to do so and to do so and to do any and all
other arts which are proper commision and legal to bus,- car-
dug on a warehouse and
ftHil uiiuniug iwing - tl were j»,. —--< — - ---
making sued to this it „ _ a corporatic r part — t of ol toe toe < charte r heretofore^w-
a*ked for in dment that
charter. Done thb
Pres. Pres. Fanners Farmers Co-o: Co-open
J. F.. STiLWELL, office, SeCt’y. Snrpsrior Court
Filed in Clark’#
Gbobuia, Spalding is Cocmty.J and
I certify that the. foregoing record a true in this
correct copy as appears of
office. Wm. M. Thomas, Clerk
Georgia Midland & Gall RR
Time Table, Taking Effect July 17,
No. 50 .—Passbhg ieb, South, Dah.t
Arrive. Ixiivve.
McDonough. 5:00
.................................5:40 Griffin a. m. 1:09 5:45 “
Warm Springs..:;.;........
Columbus......... . ............8:48 “
No. 51.— Passenoeb, Noirni. Daii,t.
Columbus..................... l:05p. 2:34 “
Warm Griffin........................3:50 Spring................
p. m.
No. 52 .—Passkkoeb, South. Daily.
Griffin........................... 5:28
Columbus......................1:00 Warm Springe..'............
p. m.
No. 53 — Passenqeb, North. Daily
Columbus...................... 5;10 8:49 p.
Warm Springs.............. “
Griffin....... .............8:15 p. m. 8:20
McDonough....................9:00 “
No. 54 .—Passehoee South. Suhday
M cDonough... 1:80 a. i
Griffin........,..,i ...,8:10 a.m. 8.I5 “
Warm Spring#.............. 9:85 “
No, 55 .—Pamenoeb Nobth. Sunday
Columbus...................... 1:40 a.
Warm Springe.... ......... »:14 “
Griffin...................10:38a. m. 11:00
McDonough..................11:40 “
No. 1 ^—Fbeioht Nobth, Mondays,
days and Fridays.
Columbus...................... 9:00a.
Warm Sprioga............... 11:42 “
Griffin............................2:18 p.m. 1
No. 2.— Frkioht South, Tuesdays,
days and Saturdays.
McDonough.................. 11:00
Columbus...................... 8:50
LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents,
ronnab, Ga. !une28tiAwly
a*. WAR
An Ordinance.
Griffin, Be itonlaiund and it is hereby by the ILyar«ted orOameu ny
tr of toe same that from and after toe
tion of this ordinance it shall be untawfnl
any person to ride on a bieyrie or other
day July tor 23rd, each oSetK*. 1889.
mwm ?fa» vnto <*. -*f •ViX-.'.yt.i
# *
■ ■ £Z* t.
*. "vMr." *«>; *4*4 ........
as— /J- -*.** - * -* .
district of <
Pike now 8p«l<ling Coun Hues,
north, «u>t and land wee* of. by , J. __________ K. Rote#, cautain-
south by otli«r Soli *6 the
faglOlU ___ or law- fa to
J, R. Rufee, t« satisfy on* fl
‘ ugOooni
, tenant in asssafliaSM*
Ordinary’s AdverUsemenls
■ W*
er\RDIWARr» OFFICE-Spalding Coirs-
2ml, 1889.—T. 0. M<-
UMnn, ssaecutoro# Mr# f»»»tt BMhuw.
deceased, anplfes to me lor letters of Dismto
"* show before
coinwrned cause
theCourt of Ordinary, at my omt*, October bj ten
o’doeka. m., on the first Monday m should
next, why such letters of Dismission
K. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary
Usf - ^>«1 QBOMU.M®d «ei fetters of " Dismission ■ m rr&rri r .~'
-• for
county, deceased
Let all persona concerned show cause before
the Court of Ordinary, at my ofBce, Septem- by ten
o’elock a. m .,00 the first Monday of tn dismissiou
ber next, why such letters
‘ ) K. granted. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
Special Election.
Notice is hereby given that there will to
rid on Tuesday, the 18th day of Ai
Spalding question eoui whe
Mot be leased Mined by by erid said coutoty lor the arel purpose
^ttipaarare amount of eixteen tooneand
of the aggregate bond* of the
dollars, to be known as coupon
of each year. Two of erid bo----- .
off oa January 1st, 1891, and one thousand
dollars annually thereafter until all of erid
bonds onus are are retired. retireo. conducted
Said election shall be held and
f^^wfb^to^intedor gaaM&ayjifg *There shall be print* ’ written on the bal-
the words “For issuing bonds,” and on those
opposed to issuing toe same the words
“Against g issuing ^MARION bonds.” PATRICK, C. C.
julylS-1 m T. B. MILLS, C. C. •
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Notice is hereby given toalI who are indebt¬
ed to the estate of John D. George, deceased,to
call and settle at onoe. All parties “ ' holding “
claims against the estate of said de«»a#edare
notified to to present present them them at at < once in legal fora
■a A-L-ELI™”” A, L. ELLEDGE, Administrator, Columbus, Gi
jnnellwO.-fS.TO. w8.-#8.70.
Executors* Sale.
hours of sale, su th.---------- - consi.t-
______ Brewer, m __■ late of said county con deceased: eu:
ing ---------- of one me lot lot corner corner of Ninth th an md I dwelling Poplar
streets containing containing two two acres with - -
house ____ thereon; -hereon: one one lot lo comer of ESglith jtothaod —
Taylor Taylor streets, stree ete, fronting fronting 29 29 feet feet on^ on Taylor Tayfo firs
running runnini back 90 feet to an alley. The he fir
lot will be divided into three parcels to-wit
one lot fronting 105 feet, more or less,
Poplar street running back 420 feet, more or
less, to College street. One lot with dwelling
fronting 105 feet, more or less, on Poplar
street and running back 210 feet, mote or
lees. One lot 105 Jeet, more or less, fronting
College street and running back 410 feet,
---—1-—- D-'-* f ~— M.wn/tarf 0{ ^jgtlf-
Executors of L. R. Brewer.
Administrator’s Sale.
By virtue of an order granted County by Georgia, leorgia, the eou I
of,Ordinary of highest Spalding bidder I the Court
will sell to the lerbefon__________ legal
i„ during the
Tuesday in Septem-
one-haif interest in
hall acres of iand more or 1
Griffin, bounded a» follows: and
Broadway street, south by Flemister
Arnold, east by second street and west by
toe Brown place. Sold Jorthe purpose of pay¬
ing toe debts of deceased and for distribution
among his heirs. Terms of sale cash.
Adm’r W. S. Brown.
New fidvertUetnen: i
rmvn THE T117fi|f|l BEST Picture D!n4nu Fanmas Frames nf of
kinds. All the “Rogers’ Groups” Card
IST Catalogue on receipt of stamp.
1. The Preparatory ofLiberal Department.
2. The College Arte.
8. The Scietific Departmen of ---heology. The rat.
4. „ .-The,Law. The a _____ Department r ,—
5- Tbe Law School. School. of
TDfTfON FREE in the Department
eral Arts, Science and Theology. last
FALL TERM begins on the
lav (25th) in September. other information
For Catalogue G. and NUNNALLY, D. D„
dress, Bbv. A.
dent, or JOHN 3. BRANTLY. Sec. pro tern
Macon. G»- jnitTwedAswRw
office pass an act requiring the recording l_
of Treasurer and County
ere of tdl tee and forfeiture orders in
ingCounty and to have Payments on
mode only by fine and forfeiture order
Commissioners on a fine and forfeiture
count kindred to be specially kept bv Treasurer
for purposes.
"* fell
gvistv*Sixes, with
th <mr tore* «n »1
u Thera aampira,
re wztfk. vre
9 . mm! mu4 —I MWrjros hsvs
fllrara hi Yorar B Iraras «ra ramohs »*hs shram s h ow ohras tkra ra ra
griffin - .. * . Ktis . -,rj, a
daily and wsbe-ly, /, J
MAY - 26, - T - ; >»,>FrgT*g^A' 1889,) -lgW)» r»vy- <* 11
- OI'FKllS ■
More Value
To Advertisen
In proportion to prices charged, tfeaa any
other medium in the Sontli.
With the combined circulation of two ol
and well established papers, it charges the
prices of only one.
Itis published in one of the agricuitai
commercial, manufacturing and railrc
centers of the most progressive Btate In the
South, with a large and intelligent surroud*;
ing population and extra facilities for dis¬
Being a first-class newspaper, fully up to
all demands of the times and the require¬
ments of its constituency, it Is read not only,
by nearly every family in Spalding County,
but in the eight surrounding counties, with
a good general circulation in the State am
other States.
and covers it completely.
Prices low. Write for rates and samplH
copies of Dally and Weekly to
■. “ ■■ Griflln, Ga.'
(Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and
Physicians endorse P. P. P. se e eplen-1 you win regain flesh
Old eomWnsScn, ssd prescribe it with I Waste of energy end slid
met esUafsetton for the etOee of alii from overtaxing toe system sie C
end TsrHsry Syphilis. Syphiii«c Bhea-
mstlem. Scrofulous tfleere and Sores,
Bfendufaf Swellings, Rhvumsttsm, Kid¬
ney Complsints, old Chronic Ulcers that
have resisted #U tre&tmout, Catucrh, Sktn ■blood cleansing pro perties of P. F. P»
Diseases, Ecsems, Chronic FemSto ■ Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Potassium.
Complsints, Mercurial Poison, SoM by ell DruggWs,
Scsldhsed, etc., ete.
t. P. P. is s powerful bmlc sad «n
excellent appltimr. handing up tbe Wmolcbalc 1 Meeamnti,
s ys tem tepidly. If you ere week i I T I Bhek, SAVANNAH, fiA.
feeble, and feel bedly try P. P. F« end f pms s