Newspaper Page Text
ILJLJ -11, ^
, y lei .
« » cure
----- Pills have
hie and also
. ol this dis-
e words ol
klrow the land.
‘Try 1 Ayer’s *
Pills alone, I
ly ol rheuma-
stt we several
01 a.'Kssrss ol incipient
served me la
ada Fills City, lor writes;
" ^Md'ltMak'tbey i sixteen
we ttw best PiU,
SS 2 derived iSa£?«® benefit from
“I have great
unable to do any work. I took three
boxes ol Ayer’s Pills and was entirely
| cured. Since that time I am never
, P ““
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills,
Dr. J. C. Ay# & Co., Lowoll, Mata,
geld by all Dealers in Medicine;
If You Have
Tutfs Pills
«aa±a SSssHS i* l SW
SOUP liVEitywiiEUE.
,.'s‘.v Advai itsemenfs.
/I ■ Cli Ot cuiars culars ot of Clark’s Clark Business
saffisk’ “ Pa. Special
-------------------------------------- ■ - - • - ■
}!!/' t'cHSORK6.
wmfor4w*th-fer«. i t iat Uruygit-u. :m»cox& imln. JBhsn.PW
: ......T ■' • ,r; J " "»“. ■"
How Lost! How Regained,
Untold Miseries
Betnlhng S^SS from Folly, Vice, Imorence, Excesses or
m»il, ponpeid, «mre*i»dta plsin wSmper. wm IUu^ The
rwiK, M. D., re-
directed M ohorw
83 SH0£ eEfcttS..*
F .'*< BALE Bt* *
iitlFFIN, liEt'tt'ifA,
Under i\ew Management,
l. G. DANIEL, Prop’r.
<f I fj-i» H'<i I *11 trains.
60 TX3AHS.
mm ' °*
* i
Editor John Arkira, us, who who wan wss assaulted assaulted by by
-"8o-w- Smith at Denver, ha. greatly tab
^ . at ™. * !,rt BUnuuor at «^demic Otway „ and which Hurley, was O., so
haa brol;en out again,
John Metcalf, of Bdgertou, Wis., is or-
"* te dou the charge ol having murdered
I Miss Isaboll Everson, aged 85 yearn.
The citizens ol Dcsbler, 0-, have
the town in the sum of *25,00), and are get-
ting read/ to gink wells for oil and gas.
William Thomas, living near Columbus
Grove, O., was thrown from a horse and
so badly injured that be is not expected to
Charles Dorman, keeper ol a grodery at
Hamilton, III., was probably fatally shot by
masked men who entered his store lor rob-
John Williams, cook on tho steamship
Wellington, just arrived smuggling at 8 tu Francisco,
was arrested lor 5)0 boxes of
opium into port.
John Lee, son of on English brewer, who
left him *95,000 f»ur years ago, died in a
hospital and was buried iu a pauper's grave
at San Fraucisco.
While hunting near Bucyru), Clare Saul
received the guu of a charge companion, of shot Virgil in ■UPP...... his Boydar, body from who
Shot at a squirrel.
One of tho triplets horn it few weeks ago
to Mr. and Mrs T. J. i», W. v*. aa*u Harper, jwi, near
Wabash, Ind., died Tuesday night The
other two are healthy.
John O’Leary ,-n white crossing the tracks
of the C., 1, 8t. L. ami C. raiirohd at
Lafayette, Ind., was struck by a switch ' en¬
gine and instantly killed.
The heirs of D. W. Gilbert have brought
suit to recover a block of property in
Wichita, Kas., valued at 11.0)0,000, now
owned and occupied by 200 different people.
At Wilfcbester, Ky., Harry Farrell ii
under arrest for the assassination, near Clay
City last week, of John Rose. It is also le-
lieved he is wanted for a murder in Tennes¬
A saw mill boiler killing exploded at Golden Gate,
HI. instantly "IT..... Frank i Peters, a son of
proprietor, " and injuring Joe Wallace
and WiUiam Fox so badly that they cannot
Mrs. Henrietta Snell, widow of the lata
Amos J. Snell, renews her reward of *50,000
for twelve months for the arrest of William
B. Taseott, the supposed murderer of her
Frank Abbott, of West Union, O., while
on bis way to a party, wa3 set upon by two
men, who mistook him for another fallow
against whom they had a grudge, and was
almost killed.
The Petty gas well, at Cadiz, O., Which
bad a daily capacity of 15,000,000 cubic feet,
w>.s torpedoed Wednesday and a flow well, of oil
struck that indicates a forty-barrel be¬
sides an increase in gas.
The diocese of Kingston, Canada, has been
created a new Catholic province, and h &3
been detached from the jurisdiction of the
archbishop divided of Three Toronto. The province will
be into diocesea
The Polk county, Iowa, Jau contains a
Des Moines youth who has been trying to do
the Jesse James act His name is Victor
Nord-iissen, add he comes of a good family,
but he yearuel to be a bandit chieftain.
Postmaster J. H. Humes notified In¬
spector Stuart by telegraph that while the
postofflee at North Henderson, III., was left
unoccupied for a fa.v minutes thieves oa-
tered the place and rifled it of its oontents.
Judge N. R. Pillsbury, of Bloomington,
III, granted, on the prayer of E. W. Bake-
well, of Normal, an Injunction restraining
the state board of education from expend¬
ing the appropriation made for the state
normal school.
A W. Lyman, who for several years had
charge at the Washington bureau of The
New York Sun, has purchased a controlling
interest in The Helena Independent, of Mon¬
tana, a Democratic paper, and took posses¬
sion Thursday.
Henry Chirister, who was arrested at the
instance of Jesse W, Lake, a farmer living
pear Newark, O., charged with obtaining
two ponies under false pretenses, a charge
of which he was acquitted, has sued Lako
for *3,000 damages.
Babe Ball.—C incinnati 16, Columbus 5;
Baltimore 6, Kansas City 1; Kansas City 6,
Baltimore 1; Brooklyn 8, Louisville 6;
Brooklyn 14, Louisville 1; Indianapolis 7,
Pittsburg 6; 8, Pittsburg 10, Indianapolis 3;
Washington Boston 2; Chicago 8, Cteve-
land 1.
Foreign Notes.
Sir WiUiam Ewart, bart. member of the
British parliament for north Belfast, is
Fire started Friday in the central division
of the exhibition of appliances for the pre¬
vention of acci dents In Berlin. Considerable
damage was done.
The movement recently inaugurated in
Manchester to compel employers to adopt a
uniform short time system for employes,
has failed completely.
Snow storms and icy rains prevail
throughout Switzerland The mountain
passes are partly blocked. Extensive Hoods
are reported in Silesia.
A terrible collision * occurred near
Fetchhouglao Thursday, two trains, both
filled with passengers crashing into one
another. Eight coaches were wrecked and
several of the passengers were kilted and in ¬
Dr. Schreiber, a chemist of Cologne, has
just discovered a new explosive, sive, to to tak> taki the the
place of dynamite, which can bo mamtfaM
Hired at half the expense, is more powerfu
attd safer to handle. He calls it
Official reports from Crete are to the ef¬
fect that disorder and Anarchy prevail in
the island and that matters are rapidly ap¬
proaching a crisis. Numerous conflicts be¬
tween armed bodies of men are reported
daily, often with sanguinary results.
The river Neisso, Babas and Zacken have
again overflowed their banks and a repiti
tion is feared of the frightful disasters of the
8d of August last. The country is flooded
for miles on either side of those rivers, and
a large part of Prussian Silesia is under
Gen. Boulanger has issued a mauifesto
in which he attributes his defeat in the
elections for the council^ general uu Ban-
day last, to the ambitions of local candi¬
dates. He declares that he is confident of the
result of the elections in France for mem¬
bers of the chamber of deputies.
The peace wave which has everywhere else
in Europe succeeded tho war bl’zxard, does
not seem as yet to have struck Munich. The
students of that city have just completed
the organisation of a volunteer medical
corps for serviee iu the field, in expectation
of an early opening of hostilities.
The report comes from Bucharest' that
Senator Qbeorgin, director of the State
Credit bank at Jaffy, died there Thursday
from a pistol shot wound inflicted by him-
Kelts- The authorities, for some reason yet
unexplained, sent the police to search his
house, and on their arrival he shot himself.
Shaken, BroUed and Drenched.
There are three participle* of successive English gram¬
mar. They are also the three con¬
ditions undergone every d ay, unhappy every otberday, wretch
or or every every third third day, day, by by the t
heedlere enough to allow few needof and ague to
fasten dutch upon him. No itr-none.
Hostetteter’s Stomach Bitters will and does
preserve those who use who use it from every
type or'biliousremittent. of malarial _______- d isease, ti whether _ intennittent
, . , ^ _
tor and preventive of tbew tonariou.
‘ not only on our own Boji, but in
fi>.« tiffin wilt see thy dying enemy
'n.'Mi wilt remember doaUi;
An i send back a levins leek
At life-, m thou of death art thiakimt
rhoii hast to wandur on Ota dUM whit,
ivitm- they wax thtiiny.
Alia thou ahait atoep beneath the seat
| Where glorious i hey feel Is thy ooW, li>u
As eniile’H lot ami sunshine.
One lin* One head m look at them.
i’ll.. I Shalt rwnemlmr not
J'Us maiden’s * ffi9H girdle
rytdfi i their
And thou to thatu stuUt say
"I must away.”
For then Shalt be aaotrtter
Hark thee, my child
into my chamber flew iv the the wl wind.
And Bier# was th'* wind to * ■we me.
Because ut l thee tbee I I bu.| Lit.) iwun liven U U-oilHK:
But tliott did'st [Tat nolle*, t» in*
The wiud’e rind's high high « gtiv. ' *;
As thou wort i-ert Tialatiuia list.- to . my song litwui glett
Thou hast t not not see each too Wted s
As UmM waat UHteui«K ul«K ho t my »oug.
And I will sing to Hire t
About the nuldiMrs’ sulUl liambi
Who marched hud t away last night,
Whose parting we *c ,1W honor.
Tu feel Uiuir footfall I'arth was proud.
And i-roii'i reu. was sunshine
To*.* o ts*»lndr VimSr SOasI xtnudiiiM Ktft’arwttK -
Ait.l limit shall be «
flint eitrt':i may
More lovely rly grows the OCfB upon the fluids.
As« i «oou as the rain doth fall.
earth rwquirttli ulnwl «a wel),
And tiierefi fore! give thee to eArth.
Aud Ut-ver will I weep over thy lot.
Nor over oil the days that were not thine
Earth! Unto thee I give luy child
-Conneti Hylva lo Bunny Hi
A liootl Appetite
Is essential to goodhealth.but «t this Season
it is often lost, owiug to the po verty or impu-
changing wonderful i
the toning the _ _ _
whole system Now is the time to tali
11 Be sure to get Hood s Sarsaparilla, (f)
The Day' of Prejudice sjoak/
A W4WM IM'eacher of Oltio tosjad
some diiliculty in Mwurui(f the license
to perform the marriage ceremony.
This colls out an Ohio protest that in
that state and in Michigan and iu Illi¬
nois there are many without women serving
as ministers, and oflieiating at
marriages To be sut-c, and as it
should be. Tiiere is no rational ob-
Torn ection to a good They sermon or lecture
a woman. may make our
best tejehers and jyrofessors, Anti may
do us veil an preuchera. Tile day of
prejudice,j out >tirc judge a nd of simple, probate that id enables
a Paul mu&.y ami refuse her quote equal
a women
right is ought what she be cau do right well
past, or to past -St Louis
‘‘An idler is a watch that lacks both hands;
A h useless if it goes, women,though as when it stands.”
Alas! many house¬
hold and children need their flare, are
diseases necessarily idle,because suffering from a]};
such Dr. peculiarto Pierce Favorite their Prescription sex. To
ternal is a precious inflamation, booh, speedfly leucorrhea, earing dis¬ in¬
placement, ulceration, tormenting
periodical pains, prolapsus, “bearing
down” sensations, morning sickness,,
ruaH a u tui ujose
called “female complaints,” it is the
most reliable specific known to medi¬
cal science.
V- -:—t
The lUce Lllj
A lov ivciy flower euili'ii . < -■ i.ty
rows thickly i II id pari-vi.: .j ui-in
’uijrr.t is oxtii iii.-.a mvc to
tin 1 !i.;iiv The ;bh*t«na»': ; up at-
iiiqlit. but ojicn ui Uii' i!UD-iii!ig At,
lllgliC[ while the luveiy while einssoni*
Ull* dostiv r-itiililed in then purple
coiferintf :il:*i t .-<■ ihr'cei-imv u.'VVi-p. if g.
lump is pun i d uiuir tiiem they tyill,
■nr-dually Jj open mid itivu ’hi towards s|de it,
J| stl’f'l ni'j ‘ " iiglu » « <rv1 i i IV ik <»)....../I ptuo-il .vf. f lilili imc
ilf ihei H* v:: i-iMiimiiil.e iie-L; ll.e llulf
of lhf th:it I t \) wjU
b(* UitfoUti’il. ;%v iilji* lit.* iutUf
is In |..e .1 i • ..i.nii l tiarfitiy Uglitly
r illM'i
No matter what th« school of phyBic,
They each lease’tis can cure said an they ache or pbthWe—
At can:
But as Science cience turps turns wheel wheel still still iaetei taster,
A, 'Vo U cks and bigots meet disaster,
i there comes a man
Whose merit erithath hath won countless Pleasant zealots, -
Who use and praise his‘ Pellet*.”
The “Pleasant Purgative Pellets”
of Dr. Pierce, though gentle in actio®,
are thorough, and never fail to cure
biliousness, diseased or torpid liver,
and constipation.
Clarke’s Kxtraet of Flax Cough Cure.
| It j 8 a sure cure for Whooping
Cough. r/nnirh It Tf . afnna stops the whoop, „ hnnii and per¬
mits the child to catch its breath*
It is entirely harmless. Good for any
cough of childhood or old age. It
heals the bronchi and lungs, and
stops the cough. For Winter on
Bronchial Cough this syrup is the
beat ever discovered. Only one size,
large bottle. Price fl.00, at Dr. N.
N. lire wry’s drugstore. Clarke’s Flat
Soap and white. makes Price the Skin smooth, soft
25 cents.
To The Ladies.
There are thousads of ladies
throughout poisoned the country whose blood sys¬
tems are and whose is
in an impure conditiod from the ab¬
sorption menstrual of irregularities. imqure matter, due to
This class
are peculiarly benefited blood-cleansing by the won¬
derful tonic and prop¬
erties of Prckly Ash, Poke Root and
Potassium—P. P. P.
Roses and bounding health take
the place of the sickly look, the lost
color and the general wreck of the
system by the use of Prickly^ Ash,
Poke Root and Potassium, as hosts
of females will testify, and many cer¬
tificates which are they in possionof have promised the Compa¬ not
ny to
publish, womankind. and all prove P. P. P. abless-
Mbs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,
for children teething, is the prescrip¬
tion of one of the best female nurses
and and physicians has been used in the for United forty States,
with by millions years
never-failing >. success C™* 1 Dp-
jngtbe °J m .? therS process f0r t teething ir ™ it^ 1 - vak»
from pain, cures dysentery and diar-
f be 1
To tuv {ilti l.ones
lioubl j \r,th
to.*:, seeks a will com- t radicate from system every
g-Mii Mood poison, tbfifffiffif IMF-
towwife and Ws eWldrcn—tnay be
savutl, Lie experience of others comes as
S mighty revelation. Common sense tells
him io iiutl results are the only sure proof
of curative virtue. Read the following
true testimony:
tli C’SS I
lion was truly Luiy horrible, 1 Sad r.o *ppe-
{Up, lion ulcers, did v.’.-s and not i ittiaired, tie asS fact total Mm wreck.
®t of several
of Atlanta;
dv adver-
here l re-
my »Jf t* Ii 1J i I f r i,.o.dhfl. It. ■
RgfCt JriKSB bl-donfnRi
, „ .
mended IS, IS. B. 1 bejati to uselt
s.%d tvesimortanc, 1Jr ethers . j*.non, who Larritt know & of Erd,
npait rents my
J As. L Bobwokth, Atlanta, Ga.
During the moath of February I bought
;aae bottle of Ii. B. B, ^torg^un formf lo&ryear 6M
,saKra.‘ct;?^r' jboy,: whojiadwhat heredi- .”S'
p^ary my elder soo, twelve years of age, )
■hcatt He was cured with twoTsoUk-a of
A “j5Sh^ ste r.i!“
situs resisted ine treatmenFof our oust
l physicians, and the me of the most noted
I was covered with a copper-colored '
HHlHHii eruption all over my body tingpai»*WM and limbs, with
ithroat and great Bfirvousness. I became
it <’f-l not rcqnire a patient tb’ use a gross
■if -1 r: m -11 and sprightly ns any thirl.
purifier, and any one
ircc t any
sufferer tOilfie in person.
K. P. B. Jones,
Atlanta, Ga.
tlsm, and other horrors of blood poison
have disappeared, and at last 1 am sound
and well again, after an experience of
twenty years of torture.
A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, Ga.
B. KennksaW, B. Company—-M Ga., Sept. 11,1887.
B. y Dear Sir;
, ferer from Scrofula, or some Irlood dis-
: ease which had laid dormant alt her life.
her ever reC6vering. Her mouth wa» one
she lost a beautiM head of hair, also eye¬
lashes and eye-brows; in fact, she seemed
to be a complete wreck.
Now comes the great secret which I
want all the world to know: That three
any one who did not know it to be so.
To-day my wife scrofulous is perfectly healthy and and she
clear from three-month-cdd any babe, taint, also
now has a per-
GLEN ALPINE STATION 13th,'l888.i N C 1
Th{s tQ cer tify tliat fhree years ago I
had id my left leg amputated lour inches
below slow the ________ knee, caused by blood . poison . ..
and bone affection. After it was ampu¬
tated there came a running ulcer on tl*
end of and it * i'A that inches measured the other, 3# inches and cot one
firmed way way d ai growing day Until
worse every a
short time ago. I was given up to die by
the best di..,.* --- - I heard of
.resolved time 1 to try
mencefl B. B. B. was impounds. Whet
1 had taken three bottle* I gained ffl
* * ' “—Ij when i Ihd | had taken
' ~' tn
nds 1»^ aotl
icine has noequa.
certainly worked
^wsssaEifi "jrSgssnzstt
n. In return «r **k that > ou
fflffirwH vt.s
;; A -PRESS CO.-
748 REYNt
-)o(- ^ h iV 8 5 1 i fibK? t
We arc here; ami'tier? lo rajr .||| r lJ; ave o»
alaigc stflbk of
mm m H m BLINDS !
born the place to corned Out* is a “honit udt rpi te,” tnul v. up I.oum- folks;
nnd raised ju<k«irgin, niitlhuvc jtevotwlmir entire tunrniMi Attention
hwme, we ctadih a rteht tOHpntironogp'fjf the people.
We heortily tlinuk the public gcncriiBy for Vt rv hberul ;»itr<u««ige, find
solicit u eontiuance of the same.
5 >»ade abroad, right here and
i2»tu^waw*s|8SF ' . Ii,aviso*,8ocaa**»TCufcWVAvt»ru»u*i!ttioCo.: _
I ” ■» : * -L 1 * f“ ; * '*51 ’ K. •»»v~y-y , : ■ ,f, 4, ,j-t 4 Jg ft'tL-
200,000 Readers!' * BMttsbHfldod 1043. Dewllng In 18801
iTow La. It* T^oxtT-mmrrmA*
I : i-ivi-.v .„'u ■ »..‘t ... ..... .
The re«ornU*<i orran of Boudsern asMealtOM I th. Industrial prosresi of th* #fi«h; WttJl
a ww a t — d alrenia t iaa la avow Southern and fa*torn State. • u <5
Iho aURt^dM Mi# nfwritow omd mbbamomk
Alahama Stata ....________
writ.rein th. South. With thw. .*ls.nt
fcolcf wortk aoeo tta(* a whel. yoar’i irtweriptiito to <*™« who nidi and think* in «»*-
=s= volum# forth* farm, ot ex ten fireside live information and counting-room. wefnl to all 8ub«oriptlon, eiijm- Bsdorttd *1 par tv yoor. Prm Md for advorUiiat * Jen^Sl rat**.
Geo. W. IIaurison, ) Drawer 8, Ati.anta, Ga.
Mana gtir. j Y > uJ for vample copy-
In effect June 23rd, 18«!>.
No! kfi—D aily, Except Bokoat.
Leave Griffin........ ............4f5 8. m.
Arrive Atlauta-.... ,.8;00 “
No. 16 —Daily, Except Scsoay.
AinVc *222 Alrlinu........., .......................... .• .....S-«R P '®*
j. No. 17 —Sdxbay Only. ,
Leave Griffin................. 7:40 a.m,
Arrive Atlanta................................9:85 '*
No. 18 —Bcnday Only. ’
Leave Atlanta .............. .............8:00 p. m.
Arrive Griffln........Ki.......,..........„.,...5:00 “
No. 8 —Daily.
Ltiive Maton...................................8:80 n. in.
Arrive Griffin....................... 5:25 “
“ Atlanta.............. 7:00 “
No. 11 —Daily.
Leave Maeon.................. 8:25 a.«.
Arrive Griffin........ Atlanta..............................13:80 f. .............. 10:43 “ .
Not—D aily. »
Leave Maeon..................*.l:40p. ia<
■Arrive Griffin.................. 8:53 “
Leave “ ............ ;.....4:00 “
Arrive Atlanta............. 5:45 "
No. 18 —Daily. ,.w
tea ■Mv-
ARtolltft- • »» v*» f ,•*.»* « *»yop» »*»»« t « 1 .10:40 “
No. 2 —Daily,
Leave ; .. 6:50 a. t mi
trrlv# Griffin.... ... 8:17 «
“ Maeon... ...10:30 “
No. 12 —Daily.
Ix uve Atlanta. [2:18 p. m.
Arrive Griffin. ............ 00 “
“ Macon ...&15
No. 4 —Daily.
LAw Atlanta.....:................ ,. 7:05 p. m.
Arrive Griffin......... ...----;.^.... .. 8:86 **
Maeon........................... .11:00 *•
No. 14 —Daily.
Leave Atlanta.............................. 0:05 a. tu.
No. 27 —Daily.
Leave Griffin .................... ft. w.
t< ,%SKs-...... Vawnn ^..,-..:.:;”ii»5 ...................10:20 “
No. 28 —Daily.
Leave Carrollton...........................4:20 p, m
Arrive “ Newnan...........................,....5:25 Griffin.........,..,..,..,........„,,...7:20 .f “
No. 29 —Daily, except 8tmB*r.
Leave Griffin.........-.......................1:80 Newnan.......................’.........4:80. p. m.
Leave '■ 5:85 “
Arrive Carrollton........——...........7:10 “
No. SO—Daily, Except Scxday.
Leave Carrollton.............................5:45 7:85 a.m “
Arrive Newnan......................
ISveG'rSn"..............................Ifr85 **
«TFor furtherjnlonoBtion relative to tick-
3-SS%!“ “
E. T. CHARLTON, a P. K., Oriffln, Go.
Savannah. Ga.
till m e*5*-JeeE'JSw : --------
tX£3S&f£i& __ m < , sad I
M.” A “* '
ha SaM*. Mich., Dec. ».
Tils Ssst ut Pfflpi 1 Ms
—IS VIA-—-
S ; , •
-or THE-
Central Railroad of Georgia.
Now on sale at. reduced rate*. Good to re¬
turn until OctoberSlet, 1889.
HtffliiHT and ctowiBt
SK*a”«.*a , S&K^S5i«
vigorata and baud you up.
Go East by Sea and You’ll not Regroit ft
Paoeengere, beiore purehasimr ticket* via
tbev information mayl* had by applying t»
the Agent at your station or Jto
M. 8. GezHVai BELKNAP, Manatrer W. F. BHELLMAN, Traffic Manager.
Savannah ©a
It can of fee i
■ ticlts
•«» t»kj t a tafl Egg&
iluspaflent sck. U a moderate
$75 to$250 ‘..WrW and ffiv
preferred who eau furnish a horse
their whole time to the business. Spare mo
melite may be pi
N B.—Please state age und busincreexperi fo»
nee. Never mind about rending ap8wed«ra stamp
eply. ,i
»I'l send yon saniplt- that sell* for three do!
T 1 ifKh». , »o rn,LHgg>.or>..
.. ttiu Y-dtf.i'trfSi
0 ♦
Louisiana State
take in the place on tteih of i
,tliO j
I or integrity of it*
Prompt Pa* ‘
f t ___JSTJSL XX£V, Itmutl Dlbwins
control tery Company, the Drawing*
attd in
anthorfie the Ck fat __ v&ssr.
W- with fnc-eimiiee ottt
.ttvM 7-:>
rsii uaiis.'i
Grand ! MontWv
At the_Academyjd 3
■A !>Soi drizu ? ‘ioi ; ooo,‘
im5 o,
200 Pbuk* of
an Envelope,! ‘
■ v - II
or M. A. DAUPHIN, Wa
i R l
v "2 * p
m A
2SVt it# _
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tbe effect* of Swift** 6
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