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'■.'ItiP’ki gmf Hu' S v "‘ Mi y w
Clark &
.—-A X D-
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Elm We.
[ m &-UL61E
If ; for UtM O* ■*»
A~; '■ ’4 ■
. Graimlfttea Sugar,
H. 0. Syrup,
Coffee, Perched end Green,
'—*»*»«. or —
Fresh Canned Goods,
Water Ground Meal.
Fine I lgam md Tob eeco.
neattfiggSH? sad will show what
call we jufSOdAwlm we ran
•^awfiartes comfortable
tat and flood
a». i ea«y.
#®° For a vacant lot on aud Poplar 13th.
W. "V St. botwoon 12th
S6 feotfroni;210 foot deep.
Partly »tt t« Grape* and
... with barna,
' n for a bargain. the Oarnall
>lt 6 roem
*15.00 month for the Jno. M.
In litms place condition. on Poplar at
first class
$500 P«r Ho. 24 year Hill for S ot Adapted re h use to
any kind of business, but
$500 ^ - For dry pmds half prohtod. lot south
a acra on
HIM st. Close In end vory
1U the bwt varied**, boegrht direct from
rEt>VJ.VTH and OILS at tha low-
in the DRUG LINE. Call and
A small flat key. P. 0. Box. Find¬
er trill be suitably rewarded by toav-
ing It tame at the News and Son offlee.
M. J. P atbick.
Mae. Wuwlow’s Soothing the preecrfp- 8y*pp,
for children teething, to
tion of one of the beet female nurses
and physicians hai in the United States,
- been used for forty millions year.
success children. by Dur-
of teething it* th* value child
It relieve*
cores dysentery add diar-
in the bowels, and
giving health to the
»mother. Price 25o.
■£•*»<* - A Shipment Fresh Imported
- ■ Clay - Cigars,
i. f 4
CHrMwJwi !«•» iwa TM» •»*
Adjoint** Oowwtlea.
-/ v*a ambwcaw BMBUCM.
France haa bar lily
eS xssssr
A big chestnut crop is predicted..
Now is the time to plant your fall,
The barefooted boy now sports
•tamped toes.
Mrs. C. V. Waugh went to Barnee-
rille yesterday.
Tom Fltsgeraid took in tbs Gate
City yeeterday.
Iced watermelon, flavored with
claret, is refreshing. - [ , - iHj
There to no dtoeounton the quality
of the early potato.
Thills will begin to look lively in
tom than a month.
Cuff buttons are now appearing
fashioned as riding saddles.
The orange trust most be squeesed
to make toe juke of fortune run.
Harry Johnson, of Macon, spent
yesterday with his friends here.
The matrimonial boom seems to
be taking a rest until cooler weal her.
Not since toe war has there been
such a crop year as the present one.
Good deal of travel on all the
trains coming to and going from tbs
Miss Nannie Williams, of Memphis,
Tenn., to in the visiting Mrs. Lloyd
'Hie wings of the sparrows fed
water logged and tiresome with the
constant rain.
The arms of Morpheas are both
welted np ingreat shape by mosquito
bites these nights.
When a man is a little short in
money affairs he makes even by be¬
ing long in making payments.
Hosiery worn with low walking
shoes shook! be the color of the
shoes, usually, of course, black
Mr. and Mrs. David Wing, who
hav# been here for several months
past, left yesterday for Arkansas.
Col. and Mrs. E. W. Hammond en-
tertained Solicitor General Womack
and a number of friends last night.
Miss Katie Little, a former Griffln
resident, now of FortSmith, Ark., is
visiting friends and relatives in the
city. 'i-‘:
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Williams, of
Atlanta, after a few days visit to
Mrs. Lloyd Cleveland have returned
A doctor says that young men
who wear belts are affected some¬
what the same as women who lace
Mrs. W. G. Aycock and daughter
Miss May are spending a month with
relatives in North Georgia and Ten
Mrs. Maeolm McLean, of Savan¬
nah, who is spending the summer
here, made a short trip to Atlanta
Jno. L. and Miss Emma Sutton,
of Monroe county, an visiting their
sister, Mrs. E. M. Dmwry, on Solo¬
mon street.
Misses Bailie Hunnicutt and Lizzie
Whtship, of Atlanta, who have been
visiting Miss Annie Bates, returned
home yesterday.
A number of Grifflnites and par¬
ties from the neighborhood had a
pigeon shoot at the old fair grounds
yesterday afternoon.
Miss May Lambdin, of Barnesville,
spent several houre in this city yesj
terday on her return home. She has
been visiting friends in Columbus.
Th*TMMt*d«e ot cUmotsarettylngtomost
constitutions, eapsciully to people having im¬
pure blood. For all web (and they consti¬
tute majority), the beet safeguard i* Ayer’s
Sarsaparilla, the sat of which manats the
blood and strengthen# aad inVigorates invigorate# the
afternoon “Viftiss fori in
Misers Susie So Dismuke, Carrie White,
Floride Half, Sallie Harris, Alice
Drake, and Messrs. Wslter Stewart
and Richard Drake left yeeterday
for Warm Springs, Id Pike county,
where they will spends week.
Mm. W. P. Lovett, of SandersviU#,
Shoals, being called there by the
serious illness of her daughter Miss
Bailie Warren, who to visiting there.
Spalding Superior Court took a
half hoHdayijresterdaj as all the busi¬
ness set for the day was disposed of
daring the morning. On account of
everything at the court house being
closed up in the afternoon, neither a
report of the proceeding* or toe
cases set for Saturday canid be ob¬
tained, so they will be published to¬
morrow morning with proceedings in
DeKalb Chronicle: “If Judge
James 8. Boynton, of Griffln, will
enter the gubernatorial rice next
ysar be wHl h* a hard man to torn
down. We do not believe there Is a
better man in the state of Georgia
than James 8. Boynton, and there
certainly is not a purer one. W*
would rather see him succeed our
present grand and noble governor
than any other man we now have In
of Atlanta, who died in that dty at
12 o’dock on Tuesday, were brought
to this eitiy for interment, reaching
here by the 10:45 train yesterday
morning. Mrs. Walker was the wife
of A. J. Walker, and formerly resided
hepe, where she had many friends.
She had been in ill health for a num¬
ber of years. Her husband and
children have much sympathy in
their affliction.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engel left yes¬
terday for Macon to bid their child¬
ren at that place goodbye before
leaving Georgia. Today they will
pass through here on their way to
Baltimore, their future home, where
they will join their son Jacob, who is
now in busies«then. Mr. and Mrs,
Engel Rave lived hew for 40 years
and have the esteem and friendship
of all who know them, and every one
of whom wiM regret their
from our dty. We wish them
and happinoss in their new home,
Tha^ detention of the stomach which
people feel after eating,may bedue to
er mastication of the food; but, inmost caaea,
it indicates a weakness of the digestive
gana, the beet remedy for Which i# one
Ayer’. Pflle, to fie taken altar dinner.
Sunny Side Scintillations.
Sunny Side, Ga„ Aug.
weather is the order of the day
Watermelons and fruit of all
is plentiful in this part of the world.
Cotton and corn were nevsr
W. B. Griffin went to Atlanta
Jeff Powell, one of Newnan’s
liest young men, is visitingChas.
terson near town.
L. C. Darsey says he is going to
court(ing) all this week, we are not
guprised at this.
Miss Charlie Starr, of Orchard Hill,
is visiting relatives and friends near
Sunny Side this week.
To the regret of her many friends
Miss Mattie Gibson has gone to Car-
roll county to visit relatives and at¬
tend onr old fashioned camp meet¬
ing. We wish her stay pleasant but
We will have several cotton seed
houses here this fall, but W. B. Grif¬
fln will buy for the Alliance Oil Mill
at Griffin and if the farmers will sell
seed then why not sell them to the
Alliance they will pay you the high¬
est market price for them at Sunny
Bucklen’s Andes Salve.
The Beet Salve in the world for Cute,
Brunt*, Sore*, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever
Come, Sores, aud Tetter, aD 8 Chapped kin Eruption*, Hand*, and Chilblain*. positive¬
ly cure* Pile*, or uo pay (required. Itis guar-
teed to give perfect eatiiaction, or money re
funded. Price 25 cent* per box. For sale by
E. B. Anthony.
Where Shall We Summer K.
This is an important question,
both to the invalid and pleasure
Bowden Lithia, Georgia’s wonder¬
ful Mineral Spring, probably offers
the beet advantages to both the
health and pleasure seeker.
Only twenty miles from Atlanta,
situated directly on the Georgia
Pacific railroad. Trains several
times daily, fall mail and telegraph
accommodations A magnificent
hotel; Hot Springs system of bath¬
ing. The finest mineral water in the
world; cool mountain air, and the
great Piedmont Chautauqua holding
its summer session there this season,
make it especially attractive.
Send your name to E. W. Marsh
A Co., Salt Springs, Ga., aad they
will send you an illustrated pam¬
phlet on this great health and pleas¬
ure report. aug20
Awl Says Ha Will Not Pwt l> KleHrir
M«Ma at the Prtee Agreed
On the 26th of June. W. A. Wright,
as Superintendent ofthe8outh At¬
lantic Coast Department of the Brush
Electric Light Company, of Cleve¬
land. Ohio, signed a contract with
the dty of Griffln to put np and run
30 arc lights for |2,000 a year, all
work to be completed within sixty
days from toattinie. This contract,
being duly signed by both parties,
was published in the News and 8tm,
and everybody was jubilant at what
was considered a certainty of wdl
lighted streets for Griffln.
But as time passed on and no pro¬
gress wan made upon the work, toe
council began to get anxious and in¬
structed Mayor Stewart to communi¬
cate with the Brush Company at
Cleveland and ascertain whether
Wright was authorized to make the
contract and whether the company
proponed to falflH it. To several let¬
ters and telegrams the Brush Compa¬
ny only replied that they had refer¬
red the whole business to Wright,
thereby establishing the fact that he
was and is their responsible agent.
Yeeterday Mayor Stewart received
two letters from Mr. Wright, in which
he denies having made any contract,
states that thecity had no authority
under its charter to enter into a con¬
tract and that he does not propose
to put up toe lights at the price
agreed upon, because he thinks the
city can and will pay more. More¬
over, he says that he never expected
to put in a plant unless he could first
■ell out to a stock company, and in
this he was unsuccessful.
The Mayor and Aldermen, as well
as those citizens who are informed
upon the subject, are considerably
stirred up on the subject, and it is
probable that some lively remarks
will be made at the regnlar meeting
of the council on next Tuesday even¬
ing. It is hardly likely that that
body will wait any longer upon Mr.
Wright or raise the price as be sb
very coolly asks.
In the meantime, we are likely to
remain in the dark for some time
longer. (
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring yo
satisfactory results or in case of failure a r
turn of of purchase purchase price. price, On this safe plan you
can tie of bu; juy 1 Dr. front * King’s our New advertised - Discovery Druggist for Consump- abot-
tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, when used for any affection of Throat,
ichas r * -
taste, pended perfectly Trial safe, hot am
thony’* upon. Drug Store.
A Fine Plan.
Hon. W. J. Northen met General
Manager Belknap in Augusta Mon¬
day, and these two men arranged a
very important scheme.
About the first of September the
Central railroad will carry a delega¬
tion of twenty Georgia farmers to the
great West. A special car will be ar¬
ranged, and the farmers’ convention
and alliance meeting is each to select
one man from every district in Geor¬
gia to make this trip. These men
are to be practical and prominent
farmers and will take in the fall fairs
and stock shows in the West. It is
arranged that they shall visit the
great grain and stock farms of In¬
diana, Illinois and Ohio and get new
ideas about farming methods. The
reports aud experience of such dele¬
gations when brought home to the
people will be of great value to the
state. The idea arose with Mr.
Northen, and the enterprise of Man¬
ager Belknap will carry it into suc¬
cessful execution.
Last year the Central railroad sent
a cabinet car with Georgia products
up into the West, This year there
will be a sleeper of Georgia folks.
,— —
Merit Wins.
W* desire to myth your citiiens, that fo
▼ear* we have been selling Dr. King'* 1
Discovery Life Pill*, for Consumption, Arnica Salve Dr. Kins’* Elec¬ 1
Bucklen’s and
tric Bitters, and have never handled remedies
that sell a* well, or that have given such uni¬
versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee tbcia every time; aad we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if satis¬
factory remedies results hare do not their follow great their uee, popularity These
goreiv on their merit*. E. B. Anthony
At Columbus Saturday, in the case
of the failure of the Beehive store
after the bearing of argument, dur¬
ing which L. F. Garrard announced
that all the mortgages had been
forecloeed, and that the total
amount of the claims to between
$48,000 and $50,000, Judge Smith
declined to appoint a receiver. He
modified the restraining order and
told the sheriff to go ahead and sell
the stock. The good* are valued at
over $100,000, and the sale will
commence this morning at 10 o’clock.
The goods are arranged in twelve
lota, and the sale will continue until
the property is all disposed of.
A Ftfih Valittrft*
What fish ismostvalued toed e&ss by a lady?
_ Lrther
of Dr.
•oyfog! hefehild r cone of cramp
he, _ and_____
CO ar
la July.
At Augusta business men are in
cheer over the business pros,
than they have been In months
The bondsmen of ex-Trensurer
have paid $8,000 in full set¬
tlement with the dty of Macon on
of his shortage.
The people of Augusta want a free
but the mayor reports that
is impossible in the present con¬
of the city’s finances.
The Columbus mills will not join
proposed short-time movement.
will not even be represented at
Charlotte convention.
Detective Roberts returned to Co¬
8atnrday..from Harris coun¬
having Lynns McGhee in custody
a charge of stealing $250 from
B. Farmer a couple nf weeks ago.
was jailed. -V
At Augusta the Mormons have
on the police. One of their
informed Chief Twiggs Satur¬
that rumors -of mobs and iynch
had been flying thick and fast
several days. It has been threat¬
he said, that il Mrs. Rhodes
foiled to instituteproeeedings in the
courts certain people would arise
and take the law in their own hands.
Mrs. Rhodes’ husband was toe man
who died as a result of Mormon
feith cure.
At Maeon the assessors have fin¬
ished their work on the property of
the combined gas and electric light
companies. The Consumers’ Gas
Company bad returned their fran¬
chise and plant at the neat sum of
$25,000, but the assessors made the
property returnable at $52,000. That
will he the first surprise. Then the
gas and and water company had re¬
turned the entire property at $150,-
000. The assessors fixed the total
value at $321,000, more than double
thq amount returned.
Mormon elders have been preach¬
ing and scattering tracts in Bcriven
county, and men and women were in¬
vited to go to Utah, all expenses be*
ing paid and $3 a day offered unti 1
the convert finds something to do
This leads the Sylvanie Telephone to
declare that such “emigrant agents
are subject to a tax of $500 under
the state laws, bnt as these wretched
elders have nothing to levy on, the
Telephone suggests a pine log and
trace chain in vindication of the
decency of the community.
At Powder Springs John Holcomb,
colored, had not been seen since
Thursday last, but not much alarm
was manifested about his safety
until it was learned that he had not
left on the local nor gravel train on
which trains he was often seen. When
it was learned that he had not left
town on either train his family be-
i came alarmed and instituted a search
[ for him. and Saturday his body was
found near the bridge in ths lower
part of town. He was a very stout
boy nearly grown, and subject to
epilepsy and it is supposed that he
had a fit and fell off the bridge and
The mail rider, who rides the mail
between Cave Springs and Cedar
Bluff, is missing. Saturday he left
Cave Springs for the other end of his
route, and about 11:30 o’clock his
horse was found, but the rider and
the pouch were nowhere to be found.
The woods were scoured in search of
him, but not a trace of him could be
discovered. A good many are in¬
clined to believe that there has been
foul play and his dead body has been
hid away in the woods. The excite.
ment is great, and every nook
corner will be searched for evidence
that will throw light on the mystery.
An amusing marriage took place
near Elberton the other day. A cou¬
ple came into the court house to be
married. A new justice was called
in. He had no form, and improvis¬
ed a ceremony. He first ordered
the couple to join hands, and then
after hesitating a while he asked the
groom these questions: “Will you
stick to this woman through thick
and thin, up and down, right and
left, hot or cold, wet or dry, and
hare no other wife but her? If you
will you can have her for a wife.’’
Similar questions having been pro¬
pounded to the woman, and affirma¬
tive answers been given, he pronoun¬
ced them husband and wife.
T» The Ladies.
There are thousads of ladies
throughout poisoned the country and whose blood sys¬
tems are whose is
in an impure eonditiod from the ab¬
sorption menstrual of irregularities. imqnre matter, This due class to
derful are peculiarly tonic and benefttted blood-cleansing by the won¬
erties of Prickly Ash, Poke Root prop¬
otassium—P. and
’. P. T P,
Hoses and bounding health take
color the place and of the the gereral sickly look, wreck the of lost the
system by the use of Prickly Ash,
Poke Root and Potassium, as hosts
of females wilt testify, and many cer¬
tificates are in possion of the Compa¬
ny which they have promised not to.
jmblish, and jail prove P. P. P. a bleas-
-i p
- ...... AT
J. H. Keith A Co.
For X Checw >( Goou
hi j os..
We Standard A Sugar fer making ceke. Ci'rcn, Currents, Prune* j
kinds of Extracts tor Flavoring. 1 he bed Fni. Flour. Mince Meat,.
and in fact anything you want.
W Leave us your order and it will be a ttended to-
t W. D. DAVIS,
Hardware, Stovi
And Farming Implements.
——io| ■ ■' — " ■ ■
Have just received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-W ARE
Come and see me. “©•
Pain! Mr »i Mill ii Diatifi, Walt
Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street SRIFFIN, c*
—......................... ---- -----L* * 1 !!! 1 -! 1 " 1 .! 1 .. -
boots shoes and leather at
Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty.
We warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent nothin. Inst reerini
a large shipment of Gents’ and Ladies’ and Misses' fine goods, and school shoes for
■ ■
— -..........
Drewry’s : Drug : Store
Has just received full supply —— c‘ Landrcdth, dev- land and Johnson & Rub- |
bins’ Garden Seed-also fiofd s?> '--all fresh. Guaranteed f J
N . B. D R E W R Y .
New Coods Every Day |
Which we propose to sell
Cheaper Than Anybody.
Cotr.e to
Frnits, Jm fence. 1*0)*
Raisins, J elly, r Florida Oranges, Malsga Gr.ipes, HieMgsn A pice. All kind* Fresh ‘tifc
assortment best ■ Igars. Heft grades Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Hums and afl kinds v
always on hand. Pork, Beef, Unk am! Dsb Sansugc, find all kinds Fresh Fish. i-'Vj;
McParlanfl, Boyles & Cos’.
Death to Flies and Mosquitoes.
I haven’t a mosquito bar uor screen
door about my house, and yet there
are seldom any flies and never any
mosquitoes of about it I learned the
secret successful warfare against
these pests when living in the swamps
of Louisiana, where, summer or win¬
ter, mosquitoes swarm. For some
years life was unendurable, and no
meal could be eaten in peace. But all
at once there was a cnange for the
better, bars and screens were often out
of munity place, from but there insects. was almost an im¬
I was batching
at the time, and had just changed my
colored boy. The new comer explain¬
j| ed to me how he kept the “critters"
” _ wft „ y He burnt small small pieces of gum
secret camphor on the cook he stove, and used a
lo." When preparation I called “sudekil-
got married and came
to Missouri I imparted the secret to my
wife, and as there is no patent on it
that 1 know of, I would advise all
fellow suffers to go aud do likewise.
The gum camphor alone i3 ample for
the purpose, and need only to be used
two or three times a day.—Interview
in St Louis Globe-Democrat
to the Open Bore* Car.
When a man sits at the end seat on
an open horse car and a woman wishes
to get in he gathers himself up closely
and allows her to pass him, or in rare
cases he steps fout and lets her go in
more keeps comfortably. the end of the In seat either When case he
sits a
woman at the end and a man ap¬
pears she gathers herself up into the
sinallest possible space so that he mar
simply pass her, and—he does not do ill He
stands on the step and waits
for her to more over, and in a moment
she does it. Inward] v she doubtless
wonders why it is thal while women
move over for men and pass to the in¬
side seats for them men do not do the
same for women. The whole expla¬
nation is that men do not There are
explanation many things in be life of which the ffhly
to come at is that they
are them. as —Boston they are; Courier. and this is one of
Mill AMU inilfCE i,
Organised in 1843. Assets aver 000
sasM&jsssssasaffi memllers since organization over
the world, aad the advantage* it offers to in-
re make it the safest, cheapest and best.
8. W MANGHAM’gSOI i SON8. - Agts.
JuM dn^ p.
Every Night I Scratched Until 6*
Skin was Raw.
Body covered with. Kales like spots ol '
tar. n awful Spectacle. Doctors Doctors undent. hm
C ore hopeless. Entirely ■ ..Mm eared by the Cm-
<rx%k Remedies in foe weeks.
on me, About the 1st ol April las
red pimples Hke coming out all over a
t thought nothing of it until some¬
time later on, when it began to look like
spots of mortar spotted on. and which can* 1
off in layers, accompanied with itching.
would scratch every night until I was formed rae,
then the next night the scales, being
meam_____, •hile, were _________________ scratched** again. In vsd* ...
did I consult all the doctors in the country,
of recovery, X happened to£se# an advertise-
ment in the newspaper about yon* Crncez*-
Remedies, and purchased them from toy
druggist, lief. I began and obtained almost immediate IS*
to notice that the scaly reared erup¬
tions gradually dropped off and disap
one by one, and Rave bee* fully cured. I had
the disease thirteen months before I begas
five taking weeks the CimcuBA entirely Remedies, an My ig four diseus* or
was cured. .A.TS3KS!
STdSSL’Si.Ba* 1
and I know of a great many who have taken
them, and thank me fertile knowledge o
them, especially mothers who have babes
with scaly erapt-mu on their heads and bodies.
I oannot express in words the thanks Mp to
ysr.gof ivIihi Cr-m pax Uemediks have
to me. My body was covered with scales,
and I was an awfnl spectacle to behold. Now 8
my skin is as nice GEO. and COTEY, clear ns a baby’s. Wis.
Sept, Merrill,
Feb. 31, 1887. from
7,1888.—No trace of the disease
which I suffered has shown itself since my
ore. G C.
CuticuraJ Remedies
or*, blotches, eruptions, spies,
scales contagious, and crusts, when v. hethri-simjje, physiriads and scrofulous, all Other
Sold everywhere. Price, Ccnmaa, Me.;
Soap, 25^ !5.; Kekoevest, ! |I. Prepared by the
Pottek Db itcq and Chemical C'oupobatwn
B oston. Disease*,”
Mr send for “How to Cure Skin
64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimo-
piM^agwj-ari chap
ccba Soap.
Chest Pains, Soreness-,
l“' 22 iSS»