Newspaper Page Text
1 i
liPiifF* ^ if*
Large Store Boom is now Filled with a
Goods, “ -'
Shoes and Hats.
^llp •' :, '
Wool Cashmeres 10c.
Henriettas, 27 Inches Wide 121 -2c.
ii - Jg i* ii 20c.
38 •• : 25c,
\ These are the Most Desirable Cheap
XDx*ess Goods
Just reeei^eda lot of 40 inch All Wool Plaids at
45c.; worth 60c.
Also, assortment of Fine French Plaids at 90c.;
worth $1.25 New Side Band Suits.
Arriving Every Week.
► .% ^ V v '>*-* .' ■ ■'
- -
Splendid Stock Children’s School Hose
at 8c.,10c. and 12c. per pair. Our Ladies’
Fast Black Hose at 20c., 25c. and 35c. can’t
be matched at the prices. Secure a doz. pair
of Macon knit Half Hoes at 75 c. per doz. be¬
fore they are all sold.
Ms,' Mat’ ui Ufai's Mirror
inJboth, Wool and Cotton. Our 50c. Ladies*
Ribbed Undervests is a bargain.
Wfilskve you 20 to 25 per cent, on your
Ribbon purchases.
Handsome stock of Newmarkets, Mojes
kas and Ladies* Jackets just opened up. 89e
my #3.50 Ladies Light WeightUoats.
Don’t fail to see my Shoe stock before mak¬
ing your selections in.this line.
Big Stock Solid Shoes
Bargains in Children's Suits, from 5 to 13
years, bought at Cut Prices. Can have you a
Suit, Pants or Overcoat made to order at Jacob
Reed Sons, Philadelphia, Penn., at reasonable
prices with Jit and workmanship guaranteed.
and hoped to score * “run," “home-plate," «
II her pa, who manned the
would bat have him tor a ran;—
The old man “kicked;"V Whatl give my
on earth?”
“Excuse me,” eras the bland reply, “you’re
I sadly in mills, mistake; and thane I’re earned all for
own tett
your dvriing’a eake.”
-'She'* yo^.r.i^mj’ Hoy/' th ® parent cried; but
His rashness, whan he came to And that Tin
mills msiw a enter.
Yesterday was a perfect day.
The auction bell sounds morning,
noon and Right.
There is no such thing as a failure
till a man gives up.
The -‘swagger” sweet of the day is
the marshmallow.
Refined chalk is the basis of most
of the face powders.
The grocery-men of the city have
piles of tempting delicacies
Rumors tire among the best things
in the world to let run alone.
The gathering up of holiday gifts
is already setting in in a casual way.
Equal parts of lemon juice and
glycerine whiten * and soften the
J. W. Logan, wbo is now in New
Orteatm, is thinking of getting mar¬
ried next week. • ’ .
Doctors who recommend quinine
say that onions are the next best
thing to knock a chill.
'Eyelids reddened by a long drive
in the city can be paled off in a lit¬
tle salt disolved in warm water.
The great Walla YV alia Remedies
will be found for sale at Dr. E. R. An¬
thony’s drug store. dlw.
There has been frost enough to
take the pucker out of the persim¬
mon, and the fruit is now in the
The nimrod now finds much enjoy!:
ment in roaming the fields in the
afternoons, bringing down the feath¬
ery tribe..
The China trees are hanging their
yellow banners on the outer wall in
token of the easy victory of ‘‘the
first frost.”
With autumn comes the gentle
maiden, who gathereth the pretty
colored leaves and then does not
know what to do with them.
Satin slippers are the proper thing
for brides, and they never fail to
catch the eye of people of taste, it
matters not how small the Cinderel¬
la feet, may be.
“John, dear, doesn’t it make you
sad to see the leaves fall?” “Well,
not now; but it used when I was a
small boy, for then I had to sweep
them up.”
Persons who like to select their own
weather can have any kind they
want this winter. The goose-bone
crank predicts a very pleasant Flori¬
da-like winter, and the man who can
read the corn husk says it will be a
good winter for sealskins and over¬
Woodbury is said to be on a. regu¬
lar boom. The Macon and Birming¬
ham railroad is expected to pass
through there, and the citizens of
the town are confident that the C. R.
&C. RR. will intersect the Georgia
Midland at that place. Col. Thomas,
a representative of the Macon and
Birmingham road, was in Wood¬
bury a few days ago, and purchased
quite a number of building lots.
Lots are being sold freely and busi¬
ness is lively in and about Wood¬
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming need so well known
and so popular as to Electric no Bitters special mention
All who have used sing th
ea and Kidni eye, will remmove
Lion" Pi; impies, Boils, Salt Rh m; bi and ood.-Wili other tner affec
caused by impure drive
Malaria i from from the the system tern and and prevent prevent as as well well
all Marial fevers.—For cure of Head¬
ache, Constipation and Indigestion try Elec¬
tric Bitters—Entire satisfaction guaranteed,
1 money refu inded.—Price E. R. Anthony 50 Drugstore. cts. and $1.00
per bottle at
' • '■ .. ..... . ■' a> " • .... ..... ■ '..... -
The pumpkin that all the summer long,
Has hidden in the corn,
Unto the annual fair
And In while triumph like now it is all borne, the
we more
Because it takes the prise,
We like it most of all when it
Is made up into pidk ' ’
Don’t Read This for 9500.
For many years, through uearly
every newspaper in the land, the pro¬
prietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Reme¬
dy, who are thoroughly responsible,
financially, an any one can easily as¬
certain by pfoper enquiry, have ofier-
ered, in good faith, of a standing reward
of $500 for a case nasal catarrh,
no matter how bad, or of how long
standing, which they cannot cure.
Very Unbecoming.
Lovely tint* in the wrong place are reft of
their charm. A lemon colored countenance
—the brethren peculiar who “hit endowment pipe”—to of our {fig-toiled
the unbecoming
It suggest (file going astray .and the inference
is correct. Pom beneath the ribs and shoul¬
der blades. constipation, dyspepsia, supplement furred
tongue and sick headache* this
indication ‘ ‘ ......iooM. <4 the bilious. For F< liver complaint
rad it* multifarious s symptoms, Hostetter’s
an infallible e bat specific. without It
To tne secretion of bile
an ex-
Philip ¥
who put uf phone ......
the first ■ i the South, is
now line i ent of the Birm-
ingham < 9 , and ha* just made
some vnluah jveries in bis line.
r \
r 4 “
We copy the following froi% the
Birmingham Age-Herald of October
Mr. Philip Fitzsimmons, the genial
general line superintendent of the
Birmingham telephone exchange, has
recently made some most valuable
im provements on acoustic telephones
that increase the efficiency of the in¬
struments many fold, and overcome
most of the difficulties that have
hitherto prevented the introduction
of these valuable machines at points
where the regular telephone service is
unobtainable, or not specially de¬
Most people are more or less famil¬
iar with the acoustic telephone, or
“lover’s telephone,” as the tin toy
which came out a decade ago, was
called. In its primary form it con¬
sists of two cylinders of wood, glass,
metal or other suitable material,
covered with a thin and tightly
stretched membrane. Between the
two membranes a wireorstoutstring
is drawn taut, and the vibrations
which the sound waves cause,
when one speaks in one end of
the line, are reproduced audibly at
the other. Of course anything with
which the wire or string comes in
contact deadens the vibration and
renders the instrument useless. The
difficulty of turning corners with such
aline and not at the same time ruin¬
ing the sonant qualities of the dia¬
phragm bas been one of the chief
obstacles to the introduction of these
cheap and effective instruments for
private use.
One of Mr. Fitzsimmons’ improve¬
ments has been directed toward the
wire carriers. He has devised a bifur¬
cated, holder not unlike the letter G,
except that in the angle it has an in¬
geniously arranged tension spring
that maintains the tension of the
wire and yet allows it to thrill witll
the slightest vibration.
Another improvement is Mr. Fifcz-
simmon’s sound deadener. Always
on long lines of acousti c telephones
the Iriction of the wind and vibra¬
tions from sources extraneous to the
circuit keep up a constant roar,
which greatly impairs the articula¬
tion of the diaphragm. The new in¬
vention consists of a box just in the
rear of the membrane, fitted with a
fibrous material and saturated with
resinous fluids. The effect is to
deaden all sound except that which
proceeds from diaphragm to dia¬
phragm, and on the trial line which
a reporter tested last night the ticks
of a watch could be distihtly heard,
while songs, musical instruments,
whistling and all other sonnds were
singularly clear. This line had seven
angles, varying forty-five to ninety
degrees, and at each turn there was
one of the section sping holders that
brought the machine into perfect
working order, even when the wire
was struck and shaken.
Mr. Fitzsimmons certainly bas
every reason to feel proud of the test,
which was in the highest degree sat¬
isfactory, though he modestly said
that the line was only a temporary
one, and be believed he would show
even better results when be got a new
one up. .
la Consumption Incurable.
Was given op ter by doctors.
Am now is best of health.,’ Try ft,
bottle free at E. R. Anthony Drugstore
Proof Posftfve. ;
The best test ofMnedicine at/ P. is what P.
is thought of it borne. P.
(Pricklv Ash, PokeRoot and Potas¬
sium) is on sale at every whom drug store
in Savannah, all of wonid as
soon think of doing without castor
For svpli skin eruptions,
Old sores, scrofula, rheumatism,
blood od poison and take
only P. P- P. It cures quickly It gives and
makes a permanent cure.
new life, new strength and new appe-
iiB 1
Pectoral is my cure for recent
coughs. I prosetibf it, «u«l believe it
to be the very best expectorant Boar
offered to the jteopie.” — Dr. John 0.
Levis, Druggist, West Bridgewater, Pa.
toral *’ Some years of ago anthina Ayer’s after Cherry the Pec¬ beet
cured me
medical skill had failed to being give me re-
lief A few weeks since, again A
little troubled with th* disease, I woa
promptly *
Relieved By
the same remedy. I gladly offer this
testimony afflicted.’’— for the benefit of all similarly
If. H. Howler, Editor Argv,
Table Rook, Nebr.
“For children afflicted with oolds,
coughs, know of soro throat, remedy or which croup, will I do give not
speedy any relief than Ayer’s Chi
live found it, alao, lnvalu-
able in cates of Whooping cough.” —
Ann Love ,oveJoy, Joy. 1251 Washington street,
Boston, Mass.
iu valuable on a family uieil
£>. M. Bryant, Chicopee Falls, Moss.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
rilBraKRD BV
Dr. J, C. Ayar fc Co., Lowell, Moss.
Solti by »lll)ref»i.t« I’rlwft; six beul**,ft-
ii I Blit O hM8lven univ*r.*
ml mitofacUon in the
Olect. H I
in* <t to all sufferer*.
Deodar, Ut.
PRICE, SI. 00.
Sold by DrugeUta.
LIPPMAN BROS., Wholeeale Agent*. Ba
vannah Qa. laneSodAwly
Stockholder's Meeting.
thto The Com Annual Meeting trill be held of the Stockholder* Court House,
pa ny at the
Griffin, 10:30 fta., on The Thursday, poll* will November be opened 7th, at 11 at
o’clock. Stockholder*, their wires and un
married daughter* and sons under age, on
presentation of of their their stoci stock certificates to
Company's mpauy agents, will be furnished wit
transportion to _ and from Griffin the da
of meeting, ED. WORKMAN,
dtd Secretary,
Merchants and Planters
Griffin, Georgia,
Capital, ; : : : $100,009
Organised July 1,1889.
Prompt attention to all business intrusted
to us. Accounts solicited from banks, firm*
and individuals. BOYD,
President—J. D.
Vice President-8. (1HANTLAND.
Cashier-D. D. I’EDEN.
Ass’t Coshier-J. 0. BROOKS. 8*
.Directors— J. D. Boyd, W. 1 Kincaid.
Grantland, D. H. Peden, N. B. Drewry, H, H.
Bass, R. F. Strickland. oct«d*w3m
Newspapers Free.
Send your own name and address
and those ©I 5 to 10 of friends or
neighbors, on a postal card, or otherwise,
and a copy of the 8AVANN tH WEEKLY
IfEWS will be sent to each address free.
Is a Business and Family Newspaper for
Country Reader*. It is the largest weekly
published in the Booth—16 targe pages. It
is splendidly gotten up and carefully edited
H you have never seen a copy of ft send for
one and you will pronounce it to be read. the big¬
gest and best newspaper yon ever
Savannah, Qa.
Titfs Pills
Malarial Regions,
Try Them Fairly.
mercer v notsrh and MrenSIs
nail boUk* 8.8 S. which
entirely, and no sign of
s bas retained.
t ttsSBLtsstSR little niece bod white swelling
■ itkm wa* the only tteop^c rcnwly to
Vlirc. I reared
ams, Shoulders ond Brea*
anyone. Fresh lot Mad
iw s&g&s {
STRI _ l*t
GcumIh, with J,
of 80c. Trimmings yard. in Jeans Silk and grades Velvet 15e. i
. t o per all w
Mixed And Black Rtbed Hose at 10c.
Button Shoes from $1.25 to
to $1.00 per pair. Examine our goods and i
• - -' - ■ ¥
Owned and Run by Mere Than 5001
Ties Always on Handi
house Capacity in the of city. Ginnery Farmers TO bate who pbr pick day. much
tti32SSiSSSB89£ as
B ’ "” d ■
themselves, and will see that every man
All Cotton Seed can be 2ES!
without moving them. Wagons unloi
town farmers as well as farmers from 1 ihe©
to bring their cotton to the Farmers’ Ginnery. 3ltm. ***
B. N. BARROW, General 1'--— **• '
siiould be met by Oct. 1st, as promised. S
soon be worth a premium. Be wise and act t
hm rid ori Mr.
MTSpacial attention given io customer* who desire to |
★ T H E s
Ajcoclr lad
To No. 16 HU1 St. (C. H. Jehnson’s <
Where All Sizes Sash, Doors, Blinds.
will be on sale at lowest market prices. We will also ndd to L
complete IimoI
u nd will have goods to suit all classes of buildings from the <
finest at prices to suit the times. Call or write for what yen
Practical Jevelef ai Dealer ii
Special attention given to Repairing.
on South Hin street. 4 acres land, 6 room
house—large airy room*. High, elevated
and No. beautiful 1 view of surrounding of different country vartot
A water and fruit*
on place.
on 14th etreet. 4 acres land, 5 room hou*e.
Branch running through the lot.
7 room*, double kitoben, 1 acre land. 1
block from centre Hill etreet.
7 room*,double kitchen, W acre, stable. *e
Half block from HU street.. CentraHy locat
ed Ml or boarding and bouse, houeeoff Shelton kit
acre 2 room on
Poplar street. A bargain given to all of
above property.
Other house* and lot* and lands for sale
and to rent.
'' 1
No d