Newspaper Page Text
OAIWC. (I» tmAmnm ...# 6.00
V1CSCLT)On* f4Vi>*»* 1 , 00 .
OrfOto, <toa-to, M«r. »». »«».
Olcifti Piper «f SpaldiBg Co.
OJ lLT- Oy.4oBsrpr w,«» ?
w. T«* lim or km to he masted m a
gjgg mtiMteraiat gggg le
So m*Mta»l*ri?Srertis
1-tkae .ratal as for tbs DsJIt
m 1 ------
The Republican party might nomi¬
nate Governor Fomker for President,
just as they nominated General Har-
rison after he bad once been beaten
• and once beaten fortbe
bat the chances are that af-
ter his recent experience it will bea
long time btfote it will pretend to
know more about a man than the
The Rome Tribune in one column
of Sunday's paper jumps upon tbs
Brunswick Times for “one of the
mostiBogicsd editorial, we ever re¬
number to have read,” and on the
same page attempts to explain bow
i« happened that its own theatrical
reporter had spoken of “Shake¬
speare's Hiawatha.” Keep yonr eye
upon the Tribune 5 '©! Rome. It is a
great paper, and will soon be equal
to the New York Sun*
Senator Sherman, who assisted in
tahiMtniifni; nrgrn suffrage in the
sooth, and also hi the district of Co-
luoabia, and who afterwards voted
to take away the right of suffrage
tram, toe negroes in Washington,
where be has since acquired very
large property interests, is the intro¬
ducer of tbs principal bill submitted
to the last congress, by which toe
negro rale in toe southern states by
facing toe election machinery al¬
most entirely under the control of
the national government.
It seems that several of toe most
earnest advocates of negro domina¬
tion in the south among tbeRepubli
cans eagerly assisted in
Mm people of toot race who are citi-
zens of the district of Columbia of
right of voting. They saw or
ined toe evils that would result
a negro government of that district
where more has been done for the
gro than anywhere else in this
try, or to the world for that matter
But they pretend to think that
political supremacy of negroes
other sections, who are as a
vastly inferior to those of that
trict to education and general
for good citizenship, wonld not
to disaster to the communities
it should prevail.
When these inconsistent
property holders of
study toe most recent criminal
tistics of the district they will be
indtoed than ever to give the
a chance to administer the affairs
the district. It is shown by the
ports that from 50 bo 75 per cent,
the criminals arrested in the
are negroes, although the colored
population is only one-third
the whole. The criminals are mostly
young negroes who have grown
under the new conditions, and the
best conditions for the improvement
of the race.
The colored people in Washington
have every facility for enlightenment
and progress. Their schools, sup¬
plied by the district government, are
equal to those of the whites in every
appliance and accessory; their
churches are numerous and hand
someand there is no lack of avenues
for employment. And yet the police
reports show that there are three
negro criminate to one white,
although cm an average the resident
white population is almost three
times that of the colored inhnbi
How’s This!
r One Hundred Dollar* Reward for
any tarn ofCstorrh of ta that can not lie cared hy
i Catarrh Core.
«nr A CO„ Props.. Toledo, o, o. (
We, the nndemigned, hare hare known known K. J.
Ihenejr lor tike last 16 years, and bell-re him
bomnabfe la all betimes transac-
t taanriahy by able to carry not any
• made Wholesale their Sm.
ini. Ciunan A Marvin. Draggi*’, Wholesale Toledo,O. Drag-
Hoeeen. Cashier Toledo National
Bank, Toledo, O.
Hoff's Catarrh (hue » taken internally,
ape* the blood and Brecon*
Price, 7Sc. per bottle.
The Great Social Requisite. \
line blood’’ is still an essential
part of toeSreat social question,
afteraQpore Wood ia toe key offife,
and P. P. P. has achitved
iccess all ns ailments a purificant arising and from cor-
• of
* * “1 itscontigent nnba; PPJ
sale by by all al dn
M92. Mr. WIHiam A. Wallace, Mr.
Chauncwy F. Black and Mr. Robert
E. Pattioon, wm- each writing down
bis own same as Governor in 1800.
But each had also written: “For
President, 1892, Grover Cleveland.
The Tariff Is a Tax ” If the Pn*s
be well informed of the condition of
mind of the Democrats of its own
State, they have taken the advice of
Mr. Randall and have got together;
got together for the reduction of
taxes and the re-election of Mr.
I* undoubtedly caused by lactic arid in the
Mood. This arid attaefcs the fibrous tissues,
and causes the pains sod aches in the back,
hip, and wrists,
hare re found found in Hood's
re cars for rheamatisai.
This HwUriae, aridity by it# purifyin* the blood, action, and nen also
trail S?p tern the of wh ole d
a nd strengthens the body,
Thoroughly Ua Karneat.
Madison <Wia.) Oenocrat.
The fusion of Democratic factions
with Republicans to overthrow re¬
gular Democratic nominations has
been tried in several States this fall
and has not proved a success. It
ought not to succeed. The Demo¬
cratic party is now thoroughly in
earnest. It was never more united,
and it* patriotic duty is to pull to¬
gether and keep together. Tltere
may be local abuses, bnt there can
be I nothing in Democracy, however
)ad it may be in spots, that is not
made worse by mixing Republican¬
ism with it. It is no time to go af¬
ter strange gods or to plow with the
betters of the Philistines. Let us
press on and redeem the land fro n
misrule and then correct the small
abases afterward.
‘Painting the Town Bed.”
You may call this a vulgar express
sion and as modern as it is vulgar,
bnt in the “Inferno of Dante” we read
the lines:
Who, visiting, greet through the purple air.
Us who have stained the incarnadine,”
Incarnadine or red may be. tbe
Wrong color for a town, bnt it is tbe
natural color of the blood. If your
liver is out of order, your blood will
soon loee its ruddy glow and become
impure. This means kidney disorders,
lung disease, and, in course ot time,
death. such Toputthelivernghtandso train evils, take Dr.
stop a of
Fierce’s Golden Medical It Discovery—
a sure remedy. all is diseases a guaranteed arising to
beneneitt or cure
from a disordered liver or stomach, impure
blood, as indigestion, all skin, scalp, sour and scrofu¬
lous dyspepsia, affections, salt-rheum, tetter,
erysipelas, and kindred ailments, or
money promptly paid for refunded. it will, in every case,
Harrison is a Jonah.
Buffalo Courier.
Ex-Governor Buren It. Sherman of
Iowa holds that the "discontent”
caused by “the attitude assumed by
the National Administration” had a
good deal to do pith tbe Republican
defeat in his State. From all direc¬
tions come the news thattheRepubli¬
can party considers Harrison a
Jonan. But no way has yet been de¬
vised to throw him overboard where
the Democratic whale is w aiting for
For Ladies Only.
Ladies—why is it that when your
husband or your children are ill, you
consult the them best day physician and night, at once,
core for wear
yourself out with sleepless watching, doc
and never begrudge the heaviest
tor's bill, if only toe dear ones are re¬
stored to health; while day after day,
week after week, you endure that dull
pain in the .vour back—that terrible
absolutely “dragging-down” nothing sensation—and effect cure? do
to a
In a few years you will be a helpless
invalid, and soonyour broken-heart¬
ed husband and motherless children
will follow you to the grave. Per¬
haps delicacy prevents you consult¬
ing a physician—but Poor sufferer, even this tell is not
necessary. your
husband how miserably you feel—
perhaps you never did—and ask him
to stop tonight and get you a bottle
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
it has cured thousands of women
suffering from weaknesses and com¬
plaints peculiar to your sex.
Thrown Oat on the Ash Heap.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Governor Foraker is learning his
true value in Republican eyes when
considered apart from his office,
Thh lesson is a humiliating one. He
is rated now as worth no more than
an old tomato can thrown on the
ashes heap.
Contagious Bloou Disease*.
deers, sores, pinljujes, itch, suit rheum,
are evidence* 0 } rontagohis blood disease. It
is manifestly n duty to eradicate Wood juris
on from the system by a use of B. B. B. (Bo
tank* Blood Balm.) tlias enablin'!' the sore
places to heal, and thereby removing all f>os-
ibflity of other members of tbe family becom¬
ing likewise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm
Co., Atlanta, Do., for book that will convince
J H Outlaw, Mb Olive, N C.. writes: “1 bad
running sores on my shoulders and arms.
One bottle B. B. B. eared me etirely.”
L. Johnson. Belmont Station, Miss, writes:
“B.B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My
head and body was covered with sores, and
my hair came ont. but B, B. B- healed me
quickly.” W J Khtpin, Hatches, Texas, ”8 B
B that has doctors cured my wife all of other a largenlcer medicine on her leg
and could not
M J Roes mas. a prominent merchant of
Greensboro - Ga.. writes; “1 know of several
esses of blood disease speedily cased by B B
B. Two bottles cored a lady of uguiv srofo-
loas sklu sores."
W C Birchmoic A Co., Maxey. Ga., writes:
‘8 B B in caring Mr Robert War.) of blood
poison effected obeof most wonder cures that
ever came to onr k nested ge" novfiral
PAINT removes all Coma, Bunions
antf Wartn.
fry Kx-Qnern Natalie Over
Her Ex-Hustend.
Servian Regents Compelled to
Yield to Her Demands
Ts Be Fermltted I* OSS 0#r Son, the
King, Whenever Khe May lkoo.*-*k«
Most Refrain fens Pstltlesl Intrigue,
Hovncr -KswU to OobWe hernia.
England and the Vatlean-Foretga.
Loxdox, Nov t J.- Ex-^ooen Natalie
has scored auotbo- victory over bar ex-
husband in eoarK'Sliug the Servian
regents to enter into an agreement she to
permit her to see her sou whenever
may choose to pay him a visit, the only
co&ditioo of importaaSsa imposed upon
her being that she shall refrain from
political intrigue
Flaying In Bauin's Hands.
This arrangement is very much as
Russia would have it, and the make royal
lady her influence may be depended felt her upon son to end m
directions without upon rendering her¬
self liable to the accusation of violating
the terms of the agreement.
Milan Returns to Farts.
Meanwhile. ex-King Milan has gone
back to his congenial life in Paris with
a metaphorical black eye, and the exar
is preparing of bloodless to add another to in the hit long
list conquests (shall have con¬
trol of Serna, when Natalie
completed transfer the of necessary the keys preparations of Belgrade
for tne
to her imperial protector.
Became Their London Tenements Mast
he Made Habitable.
Lohdo.v, Nov. 7 7—Tbe sanitarian
raid which has been recently made up¬
on the London slams under the direc¬
tion of the county council, has been
productive of idnch good, though there
is a great deal yet to be done in the
same direction? As a result of the
rigid inspection of the crowded tene¬
ments tints far made, have the owners of
these premises, who never been
known to spend a penny for repairs, oven
to prevent the the bmldings bmldings from from tumbling tumbling
down, have alterations been compel" and celled 1 improvements. to make ex
tensive immediately r
and to have the work done
under the penalty of having it done for
them bv the authorities and the cost
charged aarainst the proper^.
Tbe action of the council has raised
a howl of indignant protest from the
wealthy and often titled owners, bnt the
radical element which pervades the
council is too strong to be resisted, and
the probabilities are that Londoners
will shortly be voluntarily treated to rendering the spectacle their
of landlords
houses habitable, such a coarse being
deemed by them preferable work to of the the more
thorough compulsory an-
A Dicker WlfcJt the Pope.
IjOvdon. Nov. 17. —It is stated that
Gen. Simmons, the offers Bri:ish special en¬ the
voy to the Vatican, to existing revive
ecelesiasiicai court in 1'Iulto at
the time of the grand masters of the
Maltese order if the pope raises the
bishop of Malta to the rank of rnetre-
politan and primate English of the colonies apostolic in
missions in the
Ousted the Ci ?rni;tn t in the Diet*
Vntxs.i, Nov. 17.—The Bohemian
diet has unanimonslv passed a resolu¬
tion declaring that all members who
have been absent from the sittings with¬
out leave since the session commenced
shall be held to hare resigned their
seats. TliL decision ousts the German
members of the diet.
Floquefc Chosen-
Paris, Nov. 17. Ploquet has been
elected president of the chamber of dep¬
uties, an 1 the few Republican cast press for are Gen. re¬
joicing. Boulanger A but votes this were absent
a< ljerson-
age is not a member of the chamber the
voles attracted little attention.
•Strangled the Patriarch.
Vienna. Nov. 17. The trial of the
members of tbe family the and servants
cluv ged with robbing Servian patri¬
arch while ho was dying at Oarlovitz re¬
vealed the fact that they hastened his
death by- strangling him.
Salvation Oil is the greatest pain-
destroyer of tbe age. It speedly an¬
nihilates pain, whether from a cur,
bruise,, scald burn, frost-bite, or from
a wound of any other kind. Price
only 25 cents.
Very Unbecoming.
Lovely tints in the wrong place are reft of
their ch irm A lemon colored countenance
—the pec
It sugges going astray,anr and shoul-
is correct. c---‘ Pain beneath the ribs
blades, constipation, dyspepsia, furred
tongue and and siek sick headaches headaches supplement supplement complaint tiili this
indication of the bilious. For liver
and its multifarious symptoms, Hostetter’s
Stomach Bitters is an infallible specific. specific. It
Maxes the bowels sufficiently, but without
griping griping or violence. To tne secretion of
it gives a due impulse, but banishes au
cess of that saffron saffron colored colored principle pnncipt of f: the
the Mood. Sick headaches, sourness
breath and fur upon the tongue disappear
when it is used. It renews digestion, fortifies
the system against malaria, counteracts a
rheumatic tendency, and remedies inaction of
the kidneys.
Executrix’s Sale.
county. Tne#-
in this teal bourn of sale, on the first
dnv in Becembev nejt: One hundred and
twenty-seven and a half acres, more or less,
being "part of of lot originally number thirty-eight, Henry in Spald¬ the
3d District now of T.
ing County, b .milled north by lands
C. Andrews, east by ewtate of C. 8. More-
iand, south by lands of W*. T. Chambers, all
and west by balance of said lot and being
oh said lot except ept seventy-five seventy-five acres acres on on the
west side of «a id tot. Bold os part ot
estate estate of of Aaro; Aaron Waldroup. deceased, n
!»enefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash
Nor, 1 1 **<•-*« ,00. •Executrix.
CURIE of Error* or in Old crVeaJW
It ts that imparity In the Wood, white, ac¬
cumulating la the gUmds of the seek, pro¬
duces unsightly lump* or •welling*; which
cause* painful naming soles 00 the anas,
teg*, or feet; which develop*# ulcers to the
eyes, car*, or nose, often causing totodness or
liioftaae; which is the origin <* pimples, can¬
cerous grow ths, or the many other manifesto,
thaw usually ascribed to • tiumow;" which,
nog upas tbe i nncA 1 mm u rai M H tom
Lai death. Being the roost ancient, It to tbe
Mae* gwtewi of .JJ diseases or affections, for
Very few persons are entirely tree from IL
How It Be Can CURED
By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, hy
the remarkable cures It ha# accomplished,
often when other medicines hare toiled, has
proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. It you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
“ My daughter Mary was afflicted wfth scrof¬
ulous soreurekftom the timeshc was22mcntlis
old till she ieeame six years ot age. Lumps
formed in her neck, end CDe of them after
{rowing to ifce size ot a pigeon’s egg, became
a n; i.aiug sore forever three years. We gave
her H od's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
indications of scrofula entirely dis¬
appeared. and now she seem* to be a healthy
-hiM.” J. S. Ca.UJ.nx, Nauright, N. J.
H.B. lte sure to get only
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by aB druggists, fl.rirtorfi. Preparedonly
by C. t HOOIi & CO., A|«to<>»rie*,L»weU. Mas*.
IOO .1 Doses On© Dollar
... —----
December Sheriff’s Sales
A "tract or panel of laud lying in the third
of originally Henry no
land more or less
half of lot No 0S. lands
of T.C. Andrews, on the south west by lands
of Mrs. Sarah Andrews, on the by lands
of W. L, Jackson, on tbe east by
of Profit Miller. Levied on and sold by virtue
erf a a fi fi fa issued from mm Spalding .Spalding Buperkw Court
_ in favoi ___>r of G. W. Wood vu-- Si
Ben Ben D Dorsey, 01 tenant in possession, * 6 00
notified. and place, will . .
____ ' same time
sold nUom one strip strip ot ot land land in in the the city city north of of Griffin Griffin by Pop¬ on
Poplar street, bounded on tbe
lar street, east by W. E. Powell, south by
TO . W „ house and lot in Orr » mov* «w, vf*““
mg County, Georgia, containing one-fourth
of an acre more or less; bounded on the north
by other lands of Jack S„ark, on th<?east by
a street, on the south by Miss Sallie Duncan,
the west by Or. Cleveland. Levied
and sold id Hr bv virtue virttto of ol aft ft ffl fa iHfRlfid issued IrOUl from the
Justice Court of the 1065th District, G. M,,
of Spalding County, in favor of Martha A.
McDowell vs. Jack Stark. Levy made by
Geo. D Johnston, L. 0., and turned over to
Also, at the same time and place, will be
sold, one lot or parcel of land m Line Creek
district of Spalding County, containing 25
acres ires more more or or less less out ont of of the tin northeast corn-
of lands of S. R. Donrou ugh, bounded on
je north by the branch tha---.------- tat separates said
lands from the Goodwin^lace, on l the the east
_______ m road road run
’ church to Hollonvilh ton
south and west by lands of 8, R. Dor-
pugh. Levied Levied on c and
of 8. B. Borough Borougl Court Court-----------
the le Jnstice Jnstice of the li 8. - R. „
... — ■, in favor of Andrew Coe. Coe. vs. vs.
Dorongb. Tenant in possession legally legally no¬ n
tified. '* 6.00 .
R. S. CONNELL. Sheriff S.C.
Ordinary’s Advertisements.
/ vBDINART’S OFFICE-Spaud no Coes
Vjf xv, Georcia. November Mary 2d, 1880,—.B B.
neon, administrator of A.
.makes applicationforleaveto sell
wild i land land situated situated in in Lot Lot No. No. 191, 191, in in tbe tbe 13th 13th
district of Dooly County, Georgia, at
or private sate.
Let all pe-sons concerned show- cause
fore the Court of Ordinary, at my office
Griffin, on the firet Monday in December
by ten o’clock a. m., why such applicate
should not be granted.
*3.00. E. W HAMMOND. Ordinary
rart in bis petition, duly filed and
tered ed on record, that he has fully
ed Rhoda H Doe's estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons
ed. kindred and creditor*, to show cause,
any they can, why said executor should
not lie discharged Hsenarged from irom his ms administrate aiiminisminon,
and receivi ve letter* of dismission rnissic on the first
Monday nday in in February. 1 90.
*0,15 E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
VJ liDJNJin s OFFICE—Spaldiso Cops
ty, Geo#ou, November 2d, 1889.—The
appraisers appointed to set apart 12 months
pport ' for for Elizabeth Elizabeth Bates, Bates, widow widow of of T. r.
Bates, late of said conpiy, deceased, have
performed their duty and mode t heir report.
Let all persons concerned show cause before
the the Cc Court of Ordinary, at my office, by ten
o'clock a. m.,OD on the the first first Monday Monday in in Dee Decem¬
ber next l why such report should not be
E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
(jf EO KOI A— Spa lpino CopsTY,— W here: as.
Ruhr is A. Thrower, administrate ol
Thomas Thrower, Thrower, represents represents to to the tne Court tom in
his petition, duly tolly filed administered and entered on Thoi ret* ord.
that be has mas
Thrower’s hrower s estate, estate.
This is thereforeto cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration,
and nd receive i tetters of dismission on the first
Mon day 1 in January. 1890.
.15 K. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary,
/ r BORGIA—SpaMWXO Cocsty.—W hereas,
VT Jas. G. (. Matthews, administrator of
Josephine I’c dgett. represents to the Court
in his petition, duly filed and entered on rec¬
ord, that he has fully administered Josephine
Padgett’s therefore estate. cite all
This is to persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show canse, if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from Ids administration,
and receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in January 1890.
*6.15. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary
g T EOltGIA—8 Corvrv.—Whereas
\JT J. K. Ellis.administeatorof Jas.Thrash,
represents u. the Cogrt record, to his petition, he has duly tolly
filed and entered on that
administered Jas, Thrash’s estate.
This is therefore to rite all persons con-
discharged from his administration,
and md receive receive tetteu# teltess trf of dismission dismission on the first
L IPPMAN BR08.. Wholes Is A*»»ti
fananh Off. !sn*25fAw
Hie Largest Store in all the I
Department never bo well stocked amd priees made to sell.
in DRESS GOODS are marvelously beautiful and superbly grand m design and coloring. j t
French Novelties
L.intVe°VENTK ;h MISK[a’, BOVS- and CHILDREN'S SHOBL-Stock lull m..l ootaplrtn. - I I
and 68 Whitehall and 1* 3, 5» 7**9* 11 snd 13 Hunter Sts*, ATLANTA, GA
- ..............................
• ■ ■ . .....
. ...
harm tor Sale.
One of the finest fat ms in Middle
health Georgia for such sale. that The he wishes proprietor’s ts re¬
tire from the fatigue of business.
This farm is abont three-fourths of
a mile east from the centre of the
&3 ^hSS38SS: enclosed permanent
25 acres in an running
pasture with large branch
through centre of pasture. On rate
branch is a splendid place for a mill
gin; plenty of water and water
kmI. Balance of land is in the high¬
est state of cultivation of any farm
in the state, having hod thousands
of dollars worth of cotton seed and
stable manure and composts of all
kinds put on it in the last few years.
It is also one of the best terraced
and ditched places in Georgia.
Ditches all scientifically run the so fields, as
to prevent any washing of
ditching of the place cost $500, The
owner has made the improvement of
the place a specialty eve? since he
owned it- not thinking that he would
ever sell it; consequently it is a rare
bargain, such as scarcely ever is of
fered. fine
Also on the place of is different a yonng kinds,
orchard of fruits
nice convenient dwelling, bam and
all necessary out buildings. This
place is only to be seen to l>e ad¬
mired. CLARK. _
G. W.
25^ jt«l. Reliable obusgists Guarantee
.t isitive
For Sale by N. B. Drewry
lovers, Reapers ai
Feeders and )n\m
md 50
Improved Milburn Gin.
“ Centennial Gin
•• Hall’s Self Feeder Gir.
Prices as low as same grade anywhere-
uglfid&wlm 46 Hill 8t, GRIFFIN.
Executor’s Sale.
By virtue of an ordergranted by the
of Ordinary of Hpalding county, 1 will
during the legal hours of gate, on tbe
Tuesday in December. 1889, before the
house door in Griffin, to the highest
the following lands to-wit: One hundred
twenty acres of land more or less off of
No. 8 in Union District of
‘ >y land of J. H. an<
A. Malair, deceased, i
i.being all of the laud ' ■<i
. _ jy J. B. Elder, deeeaseil,
place at the time of his death, except
or forty-five acres more or less of said
heretofore sold at executor’s sale, by the
ecutors of deceased. Said property Is a
uable and desirable place, in good located.
hood and well surrounded and
for distribution amongst the heirs
of sale one-half, cash and remainder
months from date of sale.
*6.00. W. P. WILSON,
Executor of J. B. Elder deceased.
Administrator’s Sale.
of Ordi
on the rat Tuesday in Decemoer, Spalding itreu,
fore the e eourt house door of county.
betwi between the the usual usual hours hours of of sate; sale, to to the
est bidder, hi the following described property,
'i acres of land, balarii being off lot
acre* icres off ottot of lot lot No. VO. 112 I tz and ana oamnee of
No. 113, and bounded north by lands
lands of J. J.
anu , cc esiute oi ,i. *>. der, , south o,,„, by
land of James M. Coleman and and west west b> by
of D, P. Elder, ail in the Fourth District
originally Fayette now land, Spalding located county. in
This is neighborhood,having a good piece of good
good public road through pure said land.
and a runs
Sold as the estate of Mrs. Martha A.
deceased, for the purpose of distribution
P ment B of debts. Terms cash.
J6 ____ J.H. MALAIER, Adm’r.
county, in G iffln on tbe flret Tuesday in
cember next, during the legal hours of
water. goad land and desirable plate. icfe. __
*6 M Adm’rx of Pressley Burdett.
Hardware, Stoves,
And Farming Implements.
Have iust received a nice line of ( EDAR BUCKETS, DOT-BARE and
PISTOLS. , . ij f ;
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sod Tertiary Syphilis, Sypuiiiiic Bb*u- of Lsdieswhose systems are poisoned and
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Olandular Swellings. Bheumatism, KW-1 &{ o menstrual irrogtOuritiaa are peculiarly
ney Complaints, old Chronic Ulcers that j
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P. P. P. is a powerful tonic and an UPPlUff BROS;, Proprietors,
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fesble, and feel badly try P. P, P., and
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This is A Kew and Masterly Medical Treatise, and indispensable to every YOUNG, MIDDLE-
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“By of the nature
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Mr. Epps has provided ottr breakfast tables
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the judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built np
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floating is around weak point. us ready to attack wherever
there a We may escape many
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ply with boning water or milk. Sold only in
half-pound tins, bv Grocers, labelled thus ;
JAMES EPPS*CO., England.
Homeopathic Chemist*, Loudon,
if you propose going West, or Northwest, to
write to me. I represent the Short Line.
octSdAwiira itlanfa, Ga.
Prof. P. C. FOWLBN, Moorfus, Conn.