Newspaper Page Text
\ ’
prowteing tittle
lor the past
Li.alf deciui*„ if* many new enterprises in oper-
tfiSiea, biiflHi*««nd contemplated, prove this
o I. e* business statement and not a hyper-
i>u ring that time it has built and pot into
etwstfc.Bncoessful operation a f100,000 cotton
-artwry and with this year started the wheels
wf oMRsMfil of more than twies that capital.
St has pa* up a large iron and brass foundry,
«> fertilizer faetory, an immense ice and bot-
quarry in the United States, and now 4ms
onr large oil mitts in more or less advanced
stages of construction, with an aggregate au¬
thorized capital of over half a million dollars,
ilt is patting up the Burnt system of electric
jghting that can be procured, and has ap¬
plied forts o artere lor street railways. It
iaas secured another railroad ninety miles long,
send.while located on the greatest system in
lUe&eotb.. the Central, has secured East%en- connec¬
tion with its important rival, the
uetew, Virginia msm) Georgia It has obtain-
d direct indepondert connection with Chat
:i anooga and tbs West, d wiH break grona
i«a few days fora fourth road, connecting
with a fourth independentsystem.
With its five white and fcwreolored church
s yl e e s O o 4HLOOQ
PcafigrterianuhifWi. Ithaa increased itspop-
ulatiMt by nearly one filth. Jt has attracted
urouaifts borders fruit grower* from nearly
every State in the Union, nntil it is now sur¬
rounded on nearly every side by orchards
and vineyards. It has put up the largest
.ru it evaporators in the State. It is the home
of tliegrape audits wine making capacity has
, lonbled every year. It Jwe suoeowfuliy in
r.iugurated a system oi public schools,, with a
ineven years curriculum, second to nose..
This is part of the reeord of a half decade
rmiidmply shows the progress of an already
Mtiutesablc city with the natural advantages
hash* the inert, climate, summer and
winter, indfm world. '
, iriffln isrtfeAWUiit.y seat of Spalding conn-
fclVwttnatodta mm* Middle Georgfh, with a
healthy,fertile and suiting country, 1150 feet
above scoWroL Bgrtbe census'ot 1890, it
will have at ateweatimate.betweenO 000 and
T,000 people, and they are all of Abe right
sort—widaawake, up to uk» times, ready to
welcome strangers and anxious So secure de¬
sirable settlers, who will not be any loss wel
(tome if they bring money to help build up .the i
wi. There is about only one thing we
. eed badly justnow, and that is a big hotel
■ We have several small ones, but their aecom
i ruodations are entirely too limited for our
twins s, pleasure and health seekig nguests
I if you see anybody that wants a good locaj
ition fora hotel in the South, just mention
dlriffln Is the plaee where the Griffin News
m Yiab'ished—daily and weekly—the beet news¬
paper fa the Empire State of Georgia. Please
neiowe stamps in sending for sample copies,
and descriptive pamphlet of Griffin.
Thin brief skateh is Written April 12th, 1882,
and will have to he changed in a few months
o embrace new enterprises commenced and
.. ..... m m
— IN-
Ve ‘VrYwtSv Cam
1125 and upwards,
uwidth % 11 ••
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rjVmnfe iempie.
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^SP Affairs —Th« SI
•ioes TnrougU—Tne Committee*
•ouncil lust night and ifcwas called
court. Beferred to the Finance Com-
A bid was read from A. J. Webb, of
Newton county, offering the follow¬
ing prices for the service of city crim¬
inals : Able bodied men from 17 to
60 years, $40 per year; over 60, $80;
women and boys, $30; girls, $80;
shorter terms in same proportion.
On motion of Alderman Newton, the
bid was accepted.
The report* of the Clef* and Chief
Police from August 1st to date
were read, also the annual report of
Clerk. Referred to Finance
The petition of Richard Ray asking
the opening of 15th street was re¬
ported back by the Street Committee
with the recommendation that it be
not granted.
The following biite were approved
and ordered paid: Brewer & Hanleit-
$22.5% Mangham & Sons,
S.H. Deane, $12.60; Jack
On motion of Alderman Patrick,
salary was ordered paid to each
for the past municipal
also to the legal representatives
Alderman Word.
The Clerk anounced the result of
recent election and the old coun¬
cil adjourned sine die.
The new councilmen, Messrs. Hud-
sworn in, nnd on motion of Alderman
Hudson proceeded at once to the
of city x^cers, which was
in executive session.
Alderman Powell nominated W,
Hudson for Mayor pro tem-
Alderman Burr moved that the
cast the ballot for all officers
determined upon in the caucus of
Clerk Nall thereupon an¬
nine ballots as follows:
Mayor pro tem—W. B. Hudson.
Chief of PoKceri-A. B. Shackelford.
1st PolicemaoHCfeus- Floyd-
2d * “ -B. F, Due,
3d “ —J. M. Gossett,
4th “ —8. G. Cunningham.
St. Overseer—J. C, Bridges.
Sexton—H. B. Mooney,
.City Watchman- Jerry Raflord.
The election of city physician was
until next meeting.
Th fi Mayor then announced the
wuwjtfttees for the ensuing
Finance—Burr, Patrick,Reafle.
Ordinance—Deane, Hudson, ^or¬
iggC' % g-sr «-»„
Police—Hudson, Powell, Morris.
Streets—Morris, Newton, Moore.
Pumps find W^)18 ”*PowgH} Nowt’QD,
Cemetery—Moore, Bure, Deane,
Fire Department—Patrick, Powell,
j •
Relief—Newton, Morris, Burr.
Petitions—Newton, Hudson, Pat¬
| i*5g® si- i ' I i&J
Nuisance—Hudson, Morris, Powell.
Public Buildings-i-Poweil, Deane,
Printing—Patrick, Hudson, Bure,
Sanitary—Moore, Burr, Deane.
The use of the powder magazine
awarded to H. C. Barr & Bro.
$25 for the year.
Council adjourned.
Hunting the Fugitives.
Sheriff Connell and Bailiff G. G.
started at eleven o’clock Mon¬
night in search of the escaped
birds, looking first around
Shop then through liberty
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
of Barnesviile, hot
to find a trace of any one of
They struck a hot trail of
negro walking all night toward
who said that he had
working On the E. T. V. AG
and was going home to his
Bte acted T*ry suspiciously,
beyond meeting
> of Pike and giving
"sSrv- J., «• H#M« ixmlon’s Dec. lO.VThurs- John Death. Knm
iay’rt brutal murder is the absorbing
topic of conversation in this city. The
manner by which the Borden woman,
met her death was so revolting and
fiendish, that it is probable a similar
murueV has not been committed in
America for twenty-five years.
John Knox, arrested on suspicion of
evidence against Knox, stating tliat they
fad seen him house in after the neighborhood the tragedy with of
‘ aads, overcoat and face,
was secured by the cor¬
oner, and the left sleeve was found to
covered with blood. Knox made a
statement that denying the crime, and say¬ his
ing bleeding. the blood He made was caused number by of
nose a
conflicting dered verdict statements. that Annie The Borden jury ren¬ had
by been John willfully Knox, and feloniously the murdered
and coroner com¬
mitted him to fail. The evidence
against stantial, him, while wholly circum¬
is strong.
Tlie President at Home.
Indianapolis, Dec. 10,—The preei-
iential Chicago visitors auditorium to the arrived opening here of Satur¬ the
day. The trip from Pittsburg was with¬
out special incident. The president Mc¬
was driven to the residence of llr,
Kee, where he remained all the offer-
pipiBIPHlipB,...... 12:40 the Pennsylvania 0 |........mgkAat road. The
return to Washington will te by way of
Indianapolis, the train passing here
Tuesday morning. will On the return trip
the daughter, president Robert be joined McKee, here who by will his
White Mrs, House for the winter,
gp to the
The Froat Pamlljr i» Capri.
New Brunswick, concerned N, J,, Dee, the 10,— de¬
The Front family Hughes ip given
tention of Mamie were g
hearing. They denied forcing her to
remain in their John house Froat or attempting admitted he to
assault her. twice
passed Mr, Hughes’ explain house why he a did week, not
but could not
fell Hughes where his .daughter dgy was.
William saw Hughes on election at
Rahway, but said nothing. Bail was
reduced to divorce 0200 each, by Mamie and an from applies* lipr
tion for V
husband will be filed.
Robbed noil Left Naked on the street,
, Chicago, Dee, 10,—Raphael Michael
was assaulted and robbed near the Dea^
born street bridge by three unknown
men and badly cut about the head.
After he had fallen the highwaymen
HI by on engine ofnev
and taken to the Dearborn street
house!, where he was furnished with a
suit of clothes and removed to his home.
The miscreants made their escape.
Abbott’* Inauguration.
Trenton, Dec. 10. — There was a
meeting of the local committee arrang¬
ing the big hall which is Abbett to follow the
Inauguration of Leon on Jan.
81, The dance is to te given under the
ausDices of the Jeffersonian League.
—j j.,.- jfaaonic t»m-
jffitronesses has beep nearly
completed and, with the exception of
Mrs. Governor Trenton Green, ladies. contftto» the
names of only
.stun ey nail Hi* .Mitutlon.
Zanzibar, , Dec. have 10.—Telegraphic been received con- by
graAulations Stanley from Queen Victoria
Henry M. divine
and the khedive. At |Knan-af-war Bervice
yesterday on board tee
Turquoise Stanley Stanley briefly briefly his addressed belief the
tee crew. He declared that
tee m&ntia of Livingstone had fallen
upon his shoulders. His mission had
only devote now the commenced. remainder of Tp his life. it he would
Burned mi a Steamship Doek,
New Yoek, Dec. 10.—The North
river pier at tee foot of King street,
occupied by the National Steamship
company, was burned over and four
men lost their lives in a vain effort to
Uave fife and property, while twelve
more „ . were more are endeavors, or less seriously The victims in-
jnred in like
ape James Barry, George Booker.
Nicholas Johnson, James Whalen, all
tmpkUfri 0« the piefr .___
The Hauer VUIt» Worm*
Berlin. Deo. Grand 10.—The Duke Eniperor of Heme Wil¬
liam and tee
visited Worms yesterday to witness the
foetal drama, The Emperor received a
most enthusiastic greeting from the
presented rented _ by deputa-
citizens and was a
tion of workmen with th an an address and a
laurel wreath.
A Great Watte of Tobacco Smoke. Smoke.
WiLUAHSPOKT, sheds the fa,, Winters Dep. 10. SSfS
tobacco teacco si on
this their city, were desfcro; consisting nsisting troyed by
contents, at of
the tobacco crop from fifteen acres of
ground. The loss is over $3,000.
An Ambition. Enterprise Abandoned.
Lincoln, Neb, Dec, 10.—The Capi¬
tal Loan and Investment company,
which was organized with capital about stock six months of $10,-
months ago a
000,000. has resolved to go into volun¬
tary liquidation.
The Cur Calls » Doctor.
Berlin, Dec. 10.—The celebrated
Dr. retore Was Killed
Zanzibar, Dec. lu.— Confirmation of
tee massacre of Dr. Peters and his party
has been received. The camp ap attacked was was sur- sur¬
* rounded by 1,300 Somales am nd
midnight, - No cam escaped.,
A Baseless Rumor.
Philadelphia. * HI 1 .AIlr.c ni a, Dec. iaa, 10.—The -- report
! the burning of a steamer off Chinco-
I here.
Soar?, Ibe Osrtmae, D»l»«.
-------- Dec. k !0. ti»‘
Ernie . CoedUton J»*naer 9 us.
Zanzibar. Dec. 1<L-Emln Bey is still
inn dangerous condition. Symptom, of
lung trouble »«ve developed.
Thousands View* the Remains of
the Late Jefferson Davis
Touohlaa Tcstlmlmlsb ft on Old Com-
redos—AmMiacmettt* tor the Obsequies
»u Wednesday CempIStS—New Orleans
Attired In Moumiua Garb ~ Mrs.
Davto’ Appreciation of the Maa, Mes-
sages of Sympathy.
NEW Orleans, Doe. 10.-Yesterday
morning at 10 o’clook the doors of the
municipal lmlbUag where tee body of
Jefferson La vis is exposed were thrown
open and thousands of citizens thronged
into tee broad passage tod were escorted
into the council chamber, where they
were permitted to look pn tee features
of the illustrious dead. It was one end-
less stream of ladies sad gentlemen and
little children. Every walk of life was
represented. at work all
Decorators are now ova:
the city and business houses and private
residences are being draped in mourn¬
ing. The entire city now wears a
mourning Detachments dress. from the batallion ot
Washington artillery and from tee city
police are still on duty and the most
perfect order is preserved. The Army
pf Tennessee sent a detachment of vet¬
erans and they wept on duty.
A I’ia.ter l art,
At midnight Saturday Mr. Erode, a
sculptor, reached the city hall, and,
having obtained permission from Mrs.
Davis, commenced to take a plaster of
paris cast of Mr. Davis’ face. He
worked until 4 o’clock, when he com¬
pleted his labors. The cast will be used
for a statue to be erected at Atlanta.
Col. D. M. Hollingsworth brought to
the hall an old rifle used which by he him during
Mexican tee war, body. The exposed
de of weapon,
, is in excellent condition, bears
These rifles were givto to the members
of tee Mississippi by act of rifles Congress. who served As Col. jn
the war the
Hollingsworth deposited old weapon
near the coffin of his bid comrqander he
began to weep. The scene was » most
affecting one and rpoved many of the
spectators to tears.
Th« Funeral AftangumeBta
Tfie mayor and all all d( ring, the city but nothing officials
were resent me
was done, as the ar ements for the
fu neral are now comi
The programme aj __Jl*T on embraces a
civic ,,
|m Tie offer. will be conveyed IL to the
Metairie corpse cemetery, two tnd half miles
from the heart of the cty, and the pro¬
cession will march the entire distance.
All tee committees in charge of the ar-
rangcivuuts for the obtequies will meet
during the evening. The body was
photographed this owning by Charles
H. U• / i <fami, ■ .«!« who « a’sd w to*k nun a <» view vsujw vt ot the vuu
death * hr.mler and tin interior and ex¬
terior of the city hnl. The pictures
jviU be issued in a history of the ob¬
sequies shortly to be pifclished. .vi*.
,» < *r I from* Davis.
* ^■% r ’S$gSt£%£
sands of tele¬
grams o‘condolence teat have poured
in from all parts of the Upifed States.
She, therefore, takes this means of ex¬
pressing her appreciation of the pro¬
found sympathy exhibited T hk by so many
of Mr. Davis’ friends to bereaved
and grateful family.
'* Secretary Proctor Olfelalljr Notifies.
Washington, Dec. 10. — Secretary
Proctor from Mayor received Shakespeare, the blowing notifying telegram him
of the death of Jeffersoa Davis:
New Oiu.s-ins, Dec. 7.
To the Hon, Secretary of U'ar, Wasblngton;
“..... I have officially iSotf to 1 :f*rn» time yon Ai that the
Hon. Jefferson Davis, at me 'Ued ' In secretary this
of war ot the United funeral State-, city
yesterday. His trill take plaoe on
Dec. 11, at 12 o’clock ym n
Javes a. SiiAKEsrsAag,
Vu:« ■ ot New Orleans.
To this dispatch the which secretary be sent
the following response, made
public yesterday:
War Due Annum*,
Ron, James A, ShriW^Are, Mftyor! New Or-
Yonr telegram inftftming vne of the death
of Mr. Davis Is received,
In refraining from any official notion
thereon I would not* «nd hope 1 do not, Odd
to the treat sorrow of hw f.uully and many
friends. It seems 11 me t la right course and
the best one for all. Itutt will, I are* sore, Un¬
derstand that Its adopt ou is prompted that also'
by a sincere wish siii a- t u-pose to to act i in
spirit of of peace peace and a: g" >o « ilt which should fill
the hearts of all our penito
Vr “ft”
Sympathy from Southernew in Now Fork
New Yorx, Dec. 10.—-A number of
southern men here met at tire New
York hotel to take action on the death
of Jefferson I avis. F. C. Moorehead.
of tee Southern socuty, iiarrlion, was made
private chairman. Burton to Mr. Davis, formerly
secretary Clarence Carey, Gen. warn
made secretary.
Joseph Wheeler, John R, Abney and A.
R. Chisholm were resolutions appointed a com¬
mittee to pivyare express¬
ing tire sentiments of the meeting. Col.
W, H. Hardy, of Mississippi, Mr. Cal¬
houn bereavement and others suffered spoke by feeiifigly the southern of tee
people. The resolutions were thenre-
ported and adopted. for Mr, They Davis’ record death, the
grief enlogize ' of the bis bisc people character and extend
• sym-
famiiy. It is probabie teat
i of those present w»i con¬
vey the resolutions to Mrs, Davis ift per¬
son, and it is also proposed the time to hold of rae- the
mmtedrorvicehere at
Rlpcdrtiml Rlood.licl to to Bcaxtl. B
Nbw York, Dec. Dec. 10.—The 10.- s
- from Brazilian
i of a riot which *
Don* »’«lro’a Son-iu f.--. nivot Hit Vlaw
• of Um Ba*»iallot*.
Lisbon, Deo. 10.—In an interview the
Count D Eu, son-in-law of DOm Pedro,
said of recent events in I razii
“The republicans were «not numerous,
They profited by the estrangement strangemeat of
the large land owners, who who were bitter
against tee government because of the
immediate abolition of slavery. Many
merchants, formerly conrervatives were
also alienated by the abolition move¬
ment. The Republicans industriously
spread the idea that the throne was
wholly responsible for tile hastening of
“Meanwhile tee army had become
dency which was to revive always tiie garde conservative nation-
ale, was a
tody, tiie The The crown nominating reiolved resolved the offi¬
cers. regiment government government Rio. The to
crpate a at repre¬
sentatives bruited about that the gov¬
ernment intended to revive it every¬
where and to disarm the ext "
The military thereupon de
volt under Fonseca, who is a '
But in the evening
‘Viva republiea.’
“Regarding the prospect for restora¬
tion oftbe empire the count said Brazil
a maa to bring the army around to the
empire. Had the emperor been able to
show himself to the crowd in the streets
they would have cheered him and the
is revolution too late.” would have collapsed. It
Attorney Foster’s Plea Improvee Hit
Chances—Sir. Forrest’S Argument.
Chicago, Deo. 10.—Mr. Foster con¬
cluded his speech in behalf of Beggs i
and Mr. Fewest spent the greater part
pf Saturday afternoon in an analysis ot
the effprts of Messrs. Ingham and ,
Hynes. He said he wished to compare
the sophistries pf these gentlemen wiflt
the truth seeking pf Messrs. Wing and
It i* not to be denied tent Mr. Fos¬
ter’s the ex-senior speech has guardian done Beggs handled good, his fpr.
most adroitly in and was partict' jury
notwithstanding plever impressing its claims upon the the
pot shown definitely that a secret com¬
mittee Beggs had been Cronin really appointed plfe. by
to try or any one
w&wn^raed ’Mr. 'Fmrest held 'titaS
they had at no time treated the defense
with proper consideration. Insinuation
and innuendo was treated as evidence.
The effort had been mane to compel the
defendants to prove their innocence
rather than allow them the right to in¬
sist that the state should prove their
guilt. He maintained that the state
had been prolific in assertions, but had
failed to back teem up with evidence
tending had been to formed show either to kill that Dr. a conspiracy Cronin
that MM"' his clients He had claimed anything teat to what do with tee
Dying from a Snider’s Bite.
ruxgton, N. J., Dec. 10.—While
tg .’sarWriaTP.'ssias at an open window Miss Carrie
to it at the time, thinking it of no con-
alarmed summoned a physician. He
did all in his power to retard the poison
tion. Fort^is Hsec-ss now in'a very
«oldl«rt* Subsisting
Yankton, S. D., Minor ^
depending 2,500 people in aid sceived from out-
upon re<
side to enable teem to . survive the wm-
ter. Three carloads of
gent them from here a
ments will follow. Reports the received effect
from Bottineau county are to
that the soldiers there are subsisting
* * trpwgrd af 8Q0
Congratulation* to Stanley.
Brussels. Dee. resolved 10.—The anti-slavery
conference has to forward a
address to Erum and
Tho IVeatUer.
southwesterly Rain, followed winds, by clearing, wander;
The American Paul solar de eclipse Loanda. expedition
arrived at St.
Count Emil de Keratry, of France,
was entertained at a breakfast in New
York, which lasted all of Saturday
afternoon who by authors, publishers and
artists favor an international copy¬
right league.
The president and party arrived in Chi¬
cago tfiL morning to attend the open¬
ing of the auditorium.
Dom Pedro arrived in Lisbon in good
ftdrbttdxunu; J?-SpSf&a- ■s y.iggfc
Fire in Lockport, N. Y., destroyed the
Saxton & Thomas flour mill. Loes,
Hi’ljorto j^iiiptl 3 ,ti
tude. The cause tf^nfSS°SSSl of tlie present move-
claims in regard to land.
William McNamara, a Troy, N. Y„
from an eiectnc wire ana win recov
IllIjiMj 1
Hrrr,- a
“n, ,
may take gx several days
tatee meantime and ‘
flood of old
Judge Brower’s
It is not unlikely
of Associate Just
taken up and considered
session during tee week,
policy of tho the consideration Republican
postpone {nations until the h
tions i
ThT 'The story
that tne
have determine*
committee ited by judiciary,
f. the Houma
house of rejweumtetivag will
little to
: Sr AH
succeed la oi,----- g and making
report to tee house early in tee weak
UvTly Som.
The Vic. Proeldeat ta
Wm Chicago, Dec,
Mrs. Morton foundjm *w
vice president attended Grace .
yesterday morning, and in the
noon Mr. ane Mrs. Mortooati J
totirt fVteqgjvph by Mia. ,
- --------------
A Family uf SU.rlfik
—• * Hitc. 10 -In Brntcn
ccacary to bo amr*
and hk
father and j
^ t tSL*SX*
in the An
son has
9 f '■
hi v ju
j A ftg lyijsMti
*.Au*M*w>*r ' ,,
' :