Newspaper Page Text
l Monday i**u-
• today a
* News in Sun, the
■ a tton, me Mass., wisely
shoe man,
in ft WoOl©-
and has our con-
IPwwssi —----worth #87,-
of thirty-four raids
, were destroyed
few York pol«*
i more thAt expensive IgHJ
sn games.
tvinga good . timie ..
j co *» opm
tsMl generally. «e nas
* hope, apparently, of re-
as he proposes to
__to the Brasilian
fmaking such an at-
Pedro should recall the
of attempts to re-establish
s in the Western Hernia-
_i places have been suggest-
s burial place for Mr. Davis
t more or lees reason.
», is most clamorous,
^■opriate. Mr. Davis
____ ___great
* Old South, while Atlanta is
■ ; of the New South and
Mis. If the gra
were in Atlanta,
citizens of that
r ._____ j it in and charge a
i two prices on the street
Senator Sherman, it to stated,
oppose in tbe Senate the confirma
tion of Amos Smith as Surveyor ^ o'
the Port of Cincinnati, although
pointed at his own request.
reason for taking this course is
fact that Smith acted as a
tween for Halstead and Foraker
the ballot-box forgery matter.
that tbe Hatfield McCoy feud
has broken out, there will be
lively fighting. Political burials
The first agricultural
station, according to Prof. IV.
Atwater of tbe United States
meat of Agriculture, was
at a little German village near
sk in 1851. In 1856 there were
in 1861 fifteen, in 1866 thirty, and
today tbeve are muse than one
dred, experiment stations and kin-
tablished at Middletown,Ct., in 18T5.
There were four in operation in 1880,
1 fa 188? so me seventeen in four-
1 Statm 5“ '^tional
Itne enterprise nations
fay as appropriation of #15,000 per
annum to each of the States and Ter-
ritories having agricultural colleges
or departments of colleges. Thtehas
forWU*- . or,
, agricultural ex¬
in the United
support these forty-six
, the National and State sp¬
ot the present year
, and over 870
|0„ 1m. 10,188T.
, have aaver sees
prescribe I with Hall’s aa
sas can
i taken ar-
1 ,
Iona of birth dayitand weddings aadl-
ah to
Christmas is marred and even
thmitsr.4 lby sorddlflcas-thasorddi-
n«w which measures the tiling given
interest. It is os ignoble o thing to
give because it is “the thing,” or be¬
cause you are expected to do so, as it
is to ceunt upon a gift from another
because you bavedone him sonie ser¬
vice. Obligations are discharged by
money; the gift is the sweet and kind¬
ly tribute of love, and the child who
steals about the corner with palpitat¬
ing heart and sparkling eyes to spend
the hoarded pennies, all her own, ip
buying a gift for mother or sister, is
aqueenoflove, where one who care¬
lessly spends of his abundant dollars
may be only a monument of selfish-
Rochefoucauld expressed a great
truth in morals as in taste when he
said: “Too great haste to repay a
kindness is a sort of ingratitude.”
The ability to gracefully accept and
even to treasure the easy weight of
such a debt, marks the man who,
wutm when the uic uj/jwi opportune wuuv wvihvhs moment w—*»i comes,
will bestow his kindness spontaneous¬
ly, forgetting that tbe debt exists.
111 a recent paper by Margaret
jp e j an ^ } author of “John Ward,
pjaacber," occurs the following quo-
tot ion, which accompanies the simple
gift a simple heart, full ot the fire
of true love which tbe gods lighted,
and it toman’s greatest duty tohmr
adf to keep aglow:
“This I give, this shell, picked up
on the beach in the wild uproar of
tombing waves, because its* fleeting
shine of blue and gray made your
ftyeg shine in my memory; its glow of
tag the heart of a sunset,
brought back your smile. Look at
the tufted sen weed along its glitter-
edge, and at the crowding barnacles
—listen, as it rests in your hand this
wintry day, to the breathing of the
summer sea within its tiny corridors,
and in fancy you will see again the
sheen that fol'ows the dance of the
winds across the water, turning the
waves into a pavement of opals—and
remember that I love yon!”
It is the children who really keep in
its true spirit the festival of the birth
Ml at Bethlehem, UrilUIUiH7Ul } UUU and 0umt/V*mwn sometimes one v*»v is aw
rempteu amptoHowtehtbat olderpeoplehad u.u*.
u ASx. . swlbAtn aali wiN'a
cherished, while love is left free
the touch of all that in Bordid
The Superintendent of the
has issued a bulletin in which
given the districts into which
several States have been divided
tbe purpose of taking the census.
Each of these districts will be under
the superintendence of a supervisor,
who will appoint the local
tors. Georgia is divided into six
tricts, and Spalding is in the Third
district with the following counties:
Third District-Butte, Campbell, DeKalb,
Carroll, Clayton, Coweta,
Douglas, Fayette, Fulton, Gwinnett,
Henry, Jackson, Jasper, More
Newton, Oconee, Putnam, Boekdi
Spalding, and Walton counties.
—.........-iff*--- : ---
Wanted. 10,000 Disabled Men,
must be in poorlieA health and unable to
do a good day’s 'swork. wore. A - disordered -------
liver or any disease caused caused by by scrofu- scro
la or bad Wood will be considered
qtraliflcation, |UR?ifloation, but but preference preference will will be —
given Iven __A___________„ to to those those having having obstinate obstinate af¬ af-
fections r of tbe throat and lungs or in-
cipient eonnmption. Apply to the
it to recommended, or money paid
Cte **’" we, > Pkapha ite.wSt tosaf te.
^ eridenew o; contagoto* blood d isease . It
» maniJretiy *d«tr touradfcate Mood poia
on fro. the *r*t«n by a see of B. B. B. (Bo
tba * Tw
totet? mmSm L J
of otw tie
Co., Atlanta, .....~ Ga.. lor book that will «----
JH Outlaw. Sit. Ofiv*, “* “ N C.. " write* ‘1 bad '
running sore* on nr shoulder* and ana*.
One bottle B. B. B. rated me etirrir.” ItW
L Johnson. Belmont Station, write*:
‘ B. B. B. has worxed on me like a chn rm. Sly
head aad body was eovefed with ams, and
ajbairfsm oat, bnt B. B. B. banted me
W JKfanin Hatch™. T.xw. write*: BB
B has eared my wife of a Urge ulcer on ber teg
that doctors aad aR other medicinecouM not
IIJ RomMa,* proariaent merchant of
Ore wmb oro* On., writ**: “I know of several
canes of blood dtereme amwdilT eased by B B
B. Twobottle*conedalndj to uguly srote-
B B B in raring Ur Robert Ward ol
A Valuable Remedy.
A letter from 8. P. Wardered, Bos
ton, Flax' says: “1 used Clarkes Extract
of <PapiWoo)Catarrh Fever with Cure in
am) —„ find it is the great
o, only
iPUKr# li t..,v
nonneed in their opposition to fea¬
tures of the Administration pro¬
gramme. It to fair to conclude that
Preeident Harrison can now count
some change in their at-
ude, in recognition
Of* a Supreme Court J
In like manner, tbe ultra-partisan
use of public the country, patronage, will, vJ^ile for the oh
tensive to
time being, tend to solidify the Re¬
publicans in the donate and Bouse.
The Executive favors will not be
numerous enough to satisfy all, but
many grumblers will be silenced at
Washington, mud popular rebuke
to maladmistration cannot be again
administered until next Fall’s elec¬
tion. , ,.
These circumstances increase the
necessity for determined amTunited
action on the part of Democratic
Representatives. They must avoid
putting too much reliance on Repute
limn disagreements, and they should
remember that only by a resolute
and consistent opposition can they
attract the support of the dissatis¬
fied elements of the majority. The
re-election of Mr. Mflburn, which
took the House Chaplaincy out of
politics, hi an illustration of what
the Democrats can accomplish by
tact and unity.
The differences between Republi¬
cans are of a nature that the free
hut cunning use of patronage may
palliate, but cannot efface. They
are based on antagonisms of interests
and principles that are bound to as¬
sert themselves before the session
doses, and which appointments
may only serve to accentuate. For
example, in Jndge Brewer’s case, of¬
fense wRi be given to Liberals and
Anti-Monopolists, and both the
German Republicans of the West and
the Grangers are likely to have
thing to say on the subject, as prob¬
ably will also the disappointed
publicans of Michigan. The
tion is full of excellent
for the Democrats, if they hold them¬
selves in a position to improve them
by union and discipline, and resort
to a Fabian policy when that course
i? necessary to prevent Republican
Baddu’i Arnica Salve
The Beet Salve is the world for
I Brnisee, PTOIBCB, Sore*, OUWB, deers, urcwu, Salt wmuv AtucUUl, Rheme.
I Corns> aD d all s kin Emotions, frmnulmil ai It *
x— — —- Wbfl-.— M „ .. m is
* —
For sate
E R- Aothonv.
The reports of the Louisvijle, K.V
Methodist conference showed lliat
ing the year there had been 81,075.46
lected for the support of bishops,
$62,689.44 for pastors, making as
age salary of $466.58. There was
collected for worn out preachers,
widows and orphans of preachers,
with $450 from the Publishing
was distributed among them.
collected for foreign missions was
895.91; for domestic, $2,397.88: for
ored education. $525. The number
adults baptized, 3,066; the number of
fanta, 768. There are 811 Sunday
to the conference; $1,878.39 was
for church extension. Number of
preachers, 935; number white
99.338; net gain, 919.
Ringing Noises
In the earn, sometimes a roaring and, that
cound are caused by catarrh,
ceedingly Loss disagreeable and very common
sease. of smeD or hearing also
from catarrh. Hood ’» Sarsaparilla, the
blood purifier, this disease, Is a peculiarly which itcuree successful by
edy for
ing tbe blood If yon suffer from
try Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the peculiar
cine, -(h)
Makes the lives of many people miserable,
and often leads to seif-destruction. Distress
after eating, sour stomach, sick headache,
heartburn, teas of appetite, a faint, “ aO gone”
feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, aad irregu-
DiMtrVMS ^ laritjr of tbe bowels, are
tome of the more common
After symptoms. Dyspepsia does
Eating w* $•* w«R «* itself. It
requires careful, persistent
attention, and a remedy like Hood’s Sarsa¬
parilla, which acts gently, yet sandy and
efficiently. It tones tbe stomach aad other
organs, regulates tbs digestion, creates a
good appetite, and by tons *. j.
overcoming the teeMsymp- s-" eaflacne .
toms removes tbe W
Untie effects of tbe disease, banishes the
besdacbe, aad refreshes the tired mind.
“I bare been troubled with dyspepsia. X
bad but little appetite, and what I did eat
Hrmrfr- & * w »* cd or di ^® e
nearc- uni* good. In an hour
bUITI after eating I would expe¬
rience a faintness, or tired, aiJ-gono feeling,
as though I had not eaten anything. Mv trou¬
ble, I thick, arms aggravated by my business,
which is that of a painter, aad from being
more or leas shot up ia a Cn Ur
m with fresh rv>!i:t. tost .
big I took Hood’s Baras- SlOmaCn
i—took three bottles. It did me an
uwaeasc amount cf good. It gave me mi
appetite, and my ft>ed relished and sstlsged
the cravtRg I had i rrvtossiy etpefteneed.”
ixoRCE A. Tagb, tea tulww* , Mass.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
ctoW by all Are.#1: dxtsrpA. P»«f*i«il eaW
by C X BOOD * tApoti^ iries, tosreO, Xss.
too Doses One Dollar
Dissolution Notice,
w co-pa rt n » r s bip heretofore untlsg —
*.-■ thenoderetgned under the fttm Sim*
of Htdman fcTgSska A Stewart, la this day Stootesd
ti-s sas
J. D. Hou*ax.
, .....— our iamil.’
hpted to cure it; but
tZlWUe feUow^peJsoU he asehile been attacked. und healthy In
gSSf&gyagpa as though had never
child, perfectly well, no repetition of the die-
eaee having ever occurred^ SMITH,
Att’y at tow and Ex-Pro*. Att’jr, Aehland.O.
Boy Covered with Scabs
____... .0 try the itth-cba jikm- that
_____am happy to *ay they did all
I could wish. OMng them according to di¬
rections, the humor rapidly smooth, disappeared, and
leaving the skin fair and The CctkcbA
Rembmec are alt yon claim claim tor fo them. m. They
Andover, Mass.
Cuticura Resolvent
The new Blood Purifier and purest and best
of Humor cures, internally and CtmcoRA, the
great Skin Cure,and Concern Soap, instantly an-ex-
quieite Skin Beantifter, and externally, peimaiiently
relieve and agoaising, spwsdlly itching, burning, Weed- cnre
tbe moet
lose of hair, frem pirn We to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Pore, CcnccBA. SOc.
Soap, 25,: Rebolvemt, fl. Prepared by the
~iofiton Cure Skin Diseases,”
&r, Send for “How to
engages, 50 ilhiBtratione, and 100 testim#
DAQV’Q Skin aad Scalp preserved and
DnDT O beautified by Ccticpha Soap.
Absolutely pure.
rafi S|bnty. Aebiug Sides and Back, Hip, Kid-
fralgciatic. and Uterine Pains, Rheumatic,
Neuralgic. Sharp and Shoot-
ingPaine, relieved Jm OBC^mlnute hythe
I wosu) suaat 50 SNOW IS,
The world ought to know riafeanjUanccF, what 8. S. S. has
tssrsaa™ if* -fiHawl incura-
l-o c ‘
trite hr the phys?kl4^ ,t.i c: lease, wbeto 1
WW^Iobetrea ecl.t ia Let. tti i v i. 1 i.s :-;hhLr» regard sent to
■ m.:; it"
l-., i taking I got
relief item tbe r . d ; the poison was
cured tad [ *...yaten, vtil. It L and 1 was ten
noon sound liugS. S.8. snd cow I have
IWSteuifei; f readfui die
Mfa. Ash Bomtwxii.
As Sable. Mich., Die. to, k».
fiend for books ft Blood Diseases and Cancers.
Ordinary’s Advertisements.
Ellis lias applies to me for letters of admin-
UmEw on *h«*t&t* of Jane Freeman, late
or raid county deceawd. -—r~.—
I^t all. is concerned show causmbef ore
- -
tbe Court of nary, at my office, toy tea
o’clock a. m., tbe first Monday in Janua¬
„ why ineh letters of administration
•Sr ry next, * be] ranted.
___i not ■
$8.00. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
g\ L/ty, RDINA1 ABY’I OFFICE.—Spalbiwo Coes
GEOB4 Ge Nov. 27th, 1889.— J. M.
W Wells rite has has apptbd a to me for letters of admin¬
istration on thethe estate of Dorcas Y. Wells,
late of said coutty, deceased.
Let all peretos concerned show cause be¬
fore tbe Court of Ordinary at my offiee in
Griffin, bn tW> first Monday in January
next, by ten o'slock a. m., why Buch appiica-
“ar iisuw
tv, Groroa. Nov. 27tb, 1889.-Robert
H. Word has applied to me for tetters of ad¬
ministration on tbe estate of John Q. Word,
late of said comity, deceased.
Let all persons concerned show cause be¬
fore the Court of Ordinary, at my office to
Griffin, by ’ ten ten on o’clock o’clock! the first ja. Monday why in such January application next,
should not be 1 I i ted
■$3.00. r HAMMOND. Ordtoarv
V/ tv, Georgia, November 3d, 188®.—H.C.
Burr, executor of Rtoda H. Doe, represents
tered to the Court record, ___,_______Jly to his that petition, he has duly fullj filed administer¬ and en¬
_____ on
ed Rhoda H Due’s estate.
This is tberefcre to cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said executor should
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive letter* of dismission on the first
Monday $6.15 to February, E. W, HAMMOND, 1890. Ordinary.
E0RG Rufus IA—fir A LDis’fl CotJSTT.—Whereas,
v» A. Thrower, administrator of
Thomas Thrower, represents to the Court in
’ ‘ petition, duly filed and entered on record.
___t he has tolly administered Thomas
Thrower’s estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from fate administration,
aad receive letter* of dismission on tbe first
Monday in January. E. W. HAMMOND, 1890. Ordinary,
ft EORGIA—Spauhsg Cocutv.—W herens,
U Jas G. Matthew*, administrator of
Josephine in his petition, Padgett., duly filed represent ■ ___entered and its to tbe on Court rec-
ord, Padgett's that he has tolly adminret ndministered Josephine
° estate, <
TMeteth therefore to cite all person* concern-
ad. kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive tetters to dismission on the first
“tonday to January 1890.
$fU5. E. W. HAMMOND. Ordinary
tneyeaa. way *ma his executor admtotetrattoa,
_____discharged ami tettam to from dtesmssion the first
receive on
Mew Advertisements.
ariti^vewarfctiMwtee variou s eriinra to
R OWEL L ft CO.,
'“•uUcm mm
uiture. If you want flrsWlass goods it will pay youto P r -a
Department never so well stocked amd prices mft<k ’
French Novelties in DRESS GOODS are marvelously beantitji! and superbly grnmi >oring.
l!/te“lEim\«E«B)8-, fi!K!Bffl^^K.*S BOYS' and CHILDREN'S 2 SHOBS.-St** Si (all »»d -*i comptea.
gjSS 5 «-* JOHNSON »» - & CO..
66 and 68 Whitehall and 1, 3, 5. 7, 9, 11 and 73 Hunter Sts., ATLANTA. 6A.
Sheriff's Sales. '
oitbe C S? SSSVffi Georgia, tbe following de;
----ing ■aa&. County,
weet half of lot No. 251 and 7 acres of adjoin-
number not known, in the 3d district
■ iry now “-----M Spalding county, Mfa,
, north ______i by lands west m No. of by rV7H7Boycefe’astby W. HiSBH 251 251 lands H. and 1 soUtb south bg by
balance of said^ lot i. and
t wo a las issued fromthe County Sullivan Court ft Sons of Pike
County in favor of H. 6. v».
M.. Pryor and C,E. notified. Pryor. Tenant 66-OD. in pos¬
session Also, legally the time and place, wiU be
at same Griffin,
sold one house and lot in the city of
containing one-fourth of an acreof land, with
improvements thereon, bounped theeast on by the Warner north
by Montgomery King, on staus*, and the
Hall, south T. by Solomon Levied and on sold
weet by H. Brawner. on SBS
District G. M. of Spalding County, in favor
of Robert T. Daniel vs, Esther Wood- Levy
made by C. J. Little, L. C., and turned
over to me. Tenant in possession $8.00. legally
notified. will be *
Also, at the same time horse and place, mnle, about
sold one heavy drop rump Levied
six years old, 15% hands of high. B. Shackel¬ on
and sold as the property A.
ford to satisfy one mortgages fa issued bom
Spalding Superior Court in favor of B. J.
Powell, Administrator of H. B. Chambers,
dec’d, ip. i. B. Shackelford. $8-
Also,atthesame time and place, willbesold,
> 4-100 acres of land situated and lying in
l. T. Fwmmi““aid land e britg a strip ofidf
the south side of said lot* and 622 feet wide
and 2185 feet long, said lands being set
apart to F. J. Freeman as his part of the es¬
tate of Jane A. Freeman. Levied on and
sold as tbe property ■fitim"' of F, J. .----------- Fwwmx toxut-
isfy one fi fa issued from the County Court
of Spalding County in favor of the Pendleton
Guano Company vs. F. J. Freeman. Tenant
to possession legally notified. $6. be
Also, at the same time and to-wit: place, the will west
sold the following property, containing 101%
half of lot No. 41, acres
of ianti more or less, also fifty acres of land
■ end ot lot No
UIIglUOU,4 Levied Aacui j and uun sold KjircutMoa the
pa. on as
oseph PuBen by virtue at two
•om Spading County Court In
favor of Pendleton Guano Co.vs. Joseph PnD-
ea, pointed and other out by fi plaintiff's fas in my attorney. hands. Property Joseph
Pullen, tenant in possession, legally $6.00. no¬
tified. . willbesold
Also, at the same time and place,
tbe oneundivided sixth interest in tile follow¬
ing lands to-wit: 202% acres of land more or
tees, being 85 acres off lot. No. 1X2 and balance
off on oi of lot kr No. no. 113, ua, bounded wanutuiiuiui north by uj lands — of
John Coleman estate and D. P Elder, east by
lands of J J Eider and landmof the estate of J
B. “ Elder, south * bj lands ’ ds ofJM of 4 M Coleman, Colem and
west by lands of D P Elder. *- in the 4 * th dis-
erty sued on. n. the m auaier County w sausiy Court two of jiimlduig a «»_ »»-
from^ lira.
later, and other fi fa* to my bands,
Mary Henderson, tenant in possession, legal¬
ly notified. $6.06. C.
B. 8. CONNELL. Sheriff H.
j PYRAFUGE /isiAccUftcro^ J
i chills arevt
DUMB ftfiVt f\m
Ttrren. burns
__ :fr- o
OCCTO Relisslc oaugei*T» sell
E. \J ■ ■ IT ON *
For Sale by N. B. Drewry,
baa given unlre*.
l UtfscU on is the
-— jffioaKitas aad
Otert. JpreeaflwRaafi
JY. D. T*
M r -.r-ra;
"W". XD- IDet
Also Rice line of PISTOLS. It will be to your interest to price these
goods before buying elsewhere. Give us q trial an all Hardware. wri:
I Have an Dnnsnoily Handsome Stock osf
Fall Suits and Overcoats,
Beautiful Styles and Fabrics.
—<■** And Just the sweetest Line of Craveto.
**- Cattfor Charlie Wolcott, or Louis Nik*, who will give yon thelatest points on stjte
octlOdftw 7 , -ill
(Prieklv tok, T*l* Moot
-makes rarnn CURES or all
■er.r.P.Masptes- yon wffl toffri® ««* “d stemgth-
_Bd prescribe itwltk Waste of somffy and sHdlsmsmrssulUiig
. for tbs cures of *11 bom owetextefftimnririnareesredby
Dpbbs *»d stiff** WFxbmuy. aeotmdsry the use of P. P. P.
«A T-ttery Syphilis, SypbffitteBton- hose sys
taatlam. Bcrofukms TBcere snd Sorre, d Is to an— - -------
GlsodnUrSwriitoffL B b eu as tte m Kht- al irregularttise are pecaliartj
, by U» wonderful tonic and
ney Comptetote. t« Chronic tomr* «»* benefited
blood cleansing properties of P. P.P,
Prickly Aah,Pri»Soot and Potaseinm.
fWsmm, Msrearisl Prison, Te Sold by all Droggtets.
gni~"rr_ snd IJFPMAN BBOflh, Hr«prtetei»i
p. 1.1. U asmraftdtonte sn
•xoril*®* Wftitew. bunding up to. wholes AAA onsnn uT* .
.jetem rapidly. Hyon as* wmk snd BATAXSAB, 6A.
fMbte. and fieri bnfiy try P. P. P- «nd
rlew Advertisements.
■ ha —<>w *r jl
ovn ‘-HSs»
I rrarbroaktoPt table*
sm *’ 5 »“ssss;
a constitution
until strong ei to subtle maladies j
to disease. Hi Hundreds are
Wu«S !
S h ;
_thwjT ,n
Organ and Piano Co.
B OStDX . XKl V~YOHl<. t~Rl "CGO
SEW Contains a five octave. Nine
Stop Action, tornisbed iu of a
MODEL large and handsome Price rase $99
solid Mack wstout. Kato
OKtiAN, cash; also cold on the
Hire System at $12.37 per
STYLE quarter, lor ten quart***, property
when when organ organ beeo become*
2244. of person hiring.
TheMnaon ft Hamlin
MASON “SfuiniMP ” invsntfiJ Am) v»Jlt-
ft 1882. is nsed in tire Mason ft
HamBn pianos exrinrivriy. of
HAMLIH Remarkable phenomenal refinement
tone and tnnecharacteore rapsei-
PIANOS. £ 21 S.’« in 2 S
ro wiK#wr
Organs and Pianos sold for Cash, Easy Ptty-
meuts, and Rented. Cataiogoee free.
' W
U *yrt* * » i »’ l » l
portraits just out. A $3.50
( Bond St. M. Y.