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southern people are
[ by the death of Mr. Davis,
member his devotion to
racy and his sacrifices in
H They recall his noble
ts kindly disposition and
and courage with which
s many trials with which
dened doling the years which
i the fall of the
y are ready now to raise
iory a monument that will
sir appreciation of his
le building of such u
id the making of a
. p 'p
I b&YI
Arise the grand marks* and shield
more generally than any oneoccas-
in a decade. All the store* were
closed at noon antF itv* facade vmd
awning hung the saole draping* of
woe. Even the school children
turned out and two hundred
strong marched to the Methodist
church, where the community bad
assembled to hear the exercise* of
the day. In the church the altar*
were draped in black, back of the al-
tar hong the picture of Davis, in
front was the table with draped
book and drawn sword, while on
each side was a stand of arms and
a Confederate flag—and on and over
all was the blackness of grief.
The choir was composed of Mrs. J.
N. Bell, Mrs. It. H. Johnston, Mrs.
M. R. Brown, Mrs. 8. W. Mangham,
Mrs. Walter Ellis, Misses Emma 8til-
well, Mattie Lee Woodruff, Annie
Mooney. Cleone Hudson and Bessie
Mills, with Miss Ella Hams as organ¬
ist, and first sang “Farewell, we
meet no more.”
Rev. M. McN. McKay then opened
with prayer, as follows :
O Lord God of hosts, God of al 1
generations Thee in the earth, a nation
comes to today in sorrow and
darkened Thy home Jet and Thy Thy roarj comfort and
&ssft<KsaUR and peace
weeps for him in the far distant land
less courage is admired and valor is
recognised, ed, wherever wherever the sublime honor nature is esteem¬ of
man is recognized. Jefferson Davis
will be honored and mourned.
It is scarcely review possible the life in a few short who
minutes to ol one
stood He so prominently. educated soldier. * * * * *
was an *
During the Mexican war he was
the hero of several battles, being re¬
cognized as a great captain. His
name is among those who are rever¬
ed as great soldiers.
When elected President, he was
already a statesman of ripe experi-
the final call fqr separation came, he
sided with than that he loved people the that Government he loved
* would * * be He appointed fondly expected of the that he
But one great
army leader*. lie was nominat¬
ed as president. * * * *
With what determination of pur¬
pose and what firm convictions he
adhered to what he believed to be the
light, none can know better than
those who opposed him. Perhaps
the strongest of his characteristics
-* “ onviction of duty. Du¬
ty was the | ller star that led him
along, as die ihestar in the east lead
the wise men to the place where the
Savior was born. Davis stood ever
ready to sacrifice his life on the altar
of bis country. Whether that was
right or wrong this century will nev¬
er be able to decide. * * • *
There is a belief that it was as good
a cause as any for which man ever
died. We lought for the privilege of
The banner has been furled, the
leader is dead, the great cause may
never again be revived. We hare no
desire that it should ever again gain
prominence. But the time will nev¬
er tor come that when wHl anybody acknowledge who fooght
canse pyey
we were in the wrong.
Jndge Boynton received a round of
applause at the close, and was fol¬
lowed by Judge W, C. Becks in one of
Hie most admirable and beautiful ad¬
dresses that it has ever been our
privilege to listen to on any occasion;
certainly we hare paver heard such
unanimous, general and generous
praise as it received from everybody
yesterday evening, We,give it in
Ladies and gentlemen: Jefferson
Davis was the most remarkable
character and unique figure in all
did individuality,a of solitary glory grandeur mark the
and a of singleness this than remarkable
steps more
to a great principle, will be the can-
tlon ol Ilia Homo rekiodlw the lira o|
r what S. S. S. hes
Utoso. where I
ircf'ii. . < f lH|v. LffjJ mrrysfeai. fa and 1
•onsd : it It now
Ordinary’s Advertisements.
i aRDINABY’S OFFICE—Sfaldiso totm-
Vy tv Georgia. Nov. 27th, 1889.—Jos. R.
Kiiis has applied to me for letter, of adrain-
istratior on the estate of Jane Freeman, late
of said county, deceased. •
Let aU persons concerned showcailse before
the Court of Ordinary, at my office, by ten
o’clock a. m., oh the first Monday in Janua¬
ry next, why such letters of administration
should not be granted. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
#8.00. E. W.
Wells has applied to me for letters of admin¬
istration on thetbeestateof Dorcas Y. Wells,
lata of said county, deceased.
Let all persons concerned show cause be¬
fore the Court of Ordinary at my office in
Griffin, on the first Monday in January
next, by ten o'clock a. m., why such appliea-
"4 W.'SmSbKD.
DUfr, the tnccubur Court W JVUUUn petition, A*. duly filed and
to in his en¬
tered on record, that he bait fully administer¬
ed Bhoda H Doe’s estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they (bn, why said executor should
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive letters of dismission on the first
/1 EORGIA—Spaldind CocktY.—W hereas.
VJT Rufus A. Thrower, administrator of
Thomas Thrower, represents to the Court in
bis petition, duly filed and entered entered on on record, rec<
that be has tolly administered inistered Thomas Thor—
Thrower’s estate.
This This is is thereforeto thereforeto cite cite all all persons persons concern¬ eoncern-
ed, ™, kindred and . i__::t—, creditors, to to show show cause, cause, if if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration,
and rereive fetters of dismission on the first
Monday #6.15 ro January. E. W. HAMMOND. 1890. Ordinary,
/"I EOBGIA—Rpaldiko Covittr .—Whereas
VjE J. R.Ellis, administratorof petition, Jae. Thrash, duly
represent* to* aw Court in hi*
filed and entered on record, that he has tolly
administered Jas, Thrash’s estate.
This is therefore to cite all persons con¬
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show canse,
if any they can, why said executor should
not be discharged from bis administration,
* r “
New Advertisement*.
A list of 1000 newspapers inti
pBcation—FREE. To those whowanttheir advertising to
offer better medium tor thorough pa;
we can no
and effective work than the vartou sections of
Vesipaper Advertising Bnreao,
10 Rpruce Street. New ork
JKIyrDi. osobqu.
Under Sew Management
K. G. BANIEL, Prap’r.
| f* 5
- -,
J Of fSli^^fromtheCountyCoui^ T, W. Manley. Levied on an
ty in favor of H. Q. Sullivan t 8c
^-SoS.JSr ‘iS.*r«S5£t^S'«S 1 "' T ““*^
ng one-fourth of an acre of land, 1
mentis thereon, bonnped on by then, Wa
gomery King, on tbeeast
ath by Solomon street, and on
H. T. Brawner. Levied on and
roperty of Esther,Wood,to 1W aa
? Court fl fa issued from the
tut in possession
ne time and place, win be
>p rump horse mole, about
: hands high. Levied on
jperty of A. B. Shackel-
mortgage# fa issued from
Spalding Superior r Court Court to In favor favor of of B. K. *. J.
Bowel!, Administrator of H. B. Chambers,
dec’d, vs. 1. B. Shackelford, #3. #3.
Also,at the same time and place, willbesold.
45 4-100 acres of land situated and lying in
ing3d district __________ of originally Hen ryncr Being nowSpald- , of of
the Conntv, ntv, Georgia, Georgia, said said ianus Ianus being and part part
124 and 101 in said district —-- conn-
A-lSssiliiNW^NBRMI^NP^MHPNINRlP ty, bouu< uled on the east by the right south of way by
lands of „i.—I. Mrs. ntral W. railroad, W. Woodruff, ou_the on the tlie west went by by
un, north ou ” by land of
V¥. P. Manley, anley, and and on on th# the l
W. n. T. i . Freeman, c reeman, said said land land being being a a strip strip off oil of of
the south side of said lots and 622 feet Wide
and 2185 feet long, said lands being set
apart to F. J. Freeman as his part of the es¬
tate of Jane A. Freeman. Levied on and
sold as the property of F, J. Freeman to sat¬
isfy one fl fa issued from the County Court
of Spalding County in favor of the Pendleton
Guano Company vs. F. J. Freeman. Tenant
in possession legally notified. #6.
Also, at the same time and place, will be
sold the following property, to-wit: the
half of lot No. 41, containing lOIVi
of land more or less, also fifty acres of land
off of the north end of lot No. 9,
mtiTnmlTg ,en iwS f nclU Pt of lR a
or less, and the east halt of
No. 28, containing 101W acres of
more or less, all adjoining and being in
2d district of originally Levied Henry and now sold
county, Georgia, Joseph Pullen on by virtue of as t
property of
fl fas issued trom Spalding County Court
favor of Pendleton Guano Co. hands. vs. Joseph
en, and other fi fas in my
pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney.
/\ sure aileron AFtVtff
. Q • « it on a Positive (
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