Newspaper Page Text
I .
- -& > .....,^>w — -A- a- f . . F iqHfl i-i- *9--- /W« IW1
t*T11 ■‘.Jt it!.
v Y J ■pSf-i
iimit ! :-Srii fit*
I I ■
out *H Witter Goods, tha
’• Rare Selections at
ol former
about them. For a few days we make
reserves. Instead of defringiato the why '
wherefore of this we simply be* be* that ( the
believing unusual ones will visit the store and
this business fr
$ISM Newmarkets for $8.00.
ft 2-00 Newmarkets for *7.03,
*10.(0 Newmarkets for *6.00
$8.00 Newmarkets tor *4.50.
- <
Prepare now to be
lint Don’t DeiM.
The sadden and disastrous collapse of
lot prominent of Ladies’Jackets. maker threw in This onr transaction way a
11 this iW of the season gave to us the value
Now every four dimes we invested.
ow the the programme programme fa to sell them—sell them
quick. nick. The The variety variety! in style and price is such
that you canoot fail to be suited.
Leaders of Low Prices I
Kr. Battarworth A*ks Congress
to Inywtigate the Scandal
The Commutes Investigating the SHeott
DefMnMSIoas Beports to the House and
tteeelvet las tract Ions—A Bill to Re¬
peat rise Tobacco Tax—G«n. Pierson
Sneceeil Own. Hartranft.
Washington, Dec.
after the reading of the house
Mr. Buttorworth. of Ohio, rising to
question of privilege offered a
and iteMUtion setting forth the
that 'pie Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette
and other public journals had published
aaexact copy of a certain contract said
to have been entered Into by
members of the house and senate
that this contract was a haws
charges of corruption and fraud in
at the proposed purchase
ate and rept , whom
•as prepared whether the
___ are forged or
genuine, who is responsible for
forgery if it exists whether any
iSSTttiXn ____
far. llaltrrworth’H Wtotta
Mr. Butterworth ttToriginal said publication^ in
ttat in thfa
contract the name of James E.
alone appeared. It had been rumored
ig a forgery, stated.
e §o
mm 8Yaremt?ub ww made it was
i about that the whole matter had
I because the members
l the resolution at the unaai-
t at the three senators
• Bwtterworth
The resolu-
di vision.
^ „ _a office of
#1 i a partial report
ifioe further, and to
rity to act tor him
f as to unpaid
mttee to
vnmgs, in and and we caance out of nothin*. the business. We know No every
work, nothin* hap hasard. The pile, guess¬ the
thickness, If the weight is what we look earefol-
Ip don’t into. you are, at all interested in such,
skip onr stock.
DressGoods have been caught in the cnr-
iw>t. Prices this week take a deep dip down,
whatever yon are likely to care for fa here.
We weigh onr words well, still they are noth¬
ing. races are the magnet’s that attract.
Here are some familiar faces. Names may
mean ranch or little, these are called
Ton might-have known that a weave which
won so much distinction their first season,
would re appear on their second Bettered and
such Brightened. No money can find elsewhere
value as our new 25c. and 35c. Henriet¬
tas, long they are S3 inches wide and ran through
a range of colorings.
krria Mi
at *15.30 they go at *12.00.
Keely Co.
Leaders of Low Prices I
To ftrpoal tb* T»I)»mo Tax.
Mr. &ower, bill of North Carolina, the in¬
troduced which a to referred repeal to the tax on
tobacco, was com¬
mittee on ways and means.
Mr. DaUell, joint resolution of Pennsylvania, the appoint¬ intro¬
duced a for
ment of Gen. A. L. Pierson as one of
the managers of the soldiers’ home to
fill the vacancy caused, by the death of
Gen. Hartranft. It was referred,
Mr. Wilkinson, of Louisiana, colleague, an¬ E.
nounced the death of his
F. Gay, and as a. mark of respect the
house adjourned until Monday.
HeKtulsr’s Tariff HUB.
Washington, Dec. 14.—the house
ways and means committee, in perfect-
ma/t 1, has ass’ — * "
full . committee. question for A* dis¬ the
cussion in ; lie
Republi ;r, •* the last house criticized
the D.*... “
verely '• >g — -.-t--
for cons of tbe wnii ouj, uie
new co .lr e will probably do all
their parties. vfoitl Mr. with McKinley doors has open not to yet both de¬
cided upon the details of a tariff Mil for
submission to his associates; he does it but will it be is
safe to say that when
found a thoroughly different from characteristic the line which meas¬
ure, very conservative Republican would
a more fo|p 2 ^jO fe ; M
have ‘ ——
sirous of
tioil Of his mu, so uut no o»u wu >
record for having done the work earlier
in the session than any preceding ways
Oppofflitlon to Co«nolOto#«r Morgan.
Washington, Dec. 14.—Protests have
been filed by a number of Catholics
against the confirmation by the senate
or the nomination of Mr. Morgan, the
new commissioner of Indian affairs.
The Catholics allege that Mr. Morgan
discharged a number of teachers of In¬
dian schools church, because and they that were he refused mem¬
bers of their
to appoint others on the also same opposing grounds. Mr.
Grand Army men are
Morgan’s “-’---*--* confirmation 4 — because —•— **— they al- al-
•- lege — ^at tl his Grand Army of the Re¬ Re-
record is not what it is claimed
to be. The senators from working Kansas, Col¬
orado and Nebraska political are grounds, against and it
Mr. Morgan on nomination will
is believed that his confirmed.
have a hard time in getting
Btoniey WiU Visit tb. Khedive.
LONDON, Dec. 14.—It is announced
that Stanley will pay a visit to the khe-
dive Cairo on three his days. way home, The khedive, remaining it at M
stated, for receiving has already the explorer begun preparations which con¬
template manifestations of welcome
usually reserved for royalty.
' a ora Lees** *aa*» Body.
Alexandria, Va« Dec. 14.—The body
of a one legged man was found in the
river off Bryant's Potot A ring H. on one
of his fingers is inscribed “T. Mon-
d»y” and a letter found in Ids pocket fa
addres ed “Mrs. T. H. Monday, Brook-
London, D«
1 (Ataining ksufi
tural laborers
iSSSt Pomerania - - senouslj^
to :»
It fa quite an art to fit the feet, to fit
faithfully we foot mean. that A bulges tight out Shoe, a it, fa
sole, and a fit. We have such over shapes
from a proper
are in every waif right. No-undue
no lack of toe room . All part* soft
easy, and withal graceful and neat ; cheap
so. We have in mind every need that
tor your comfort.
Plush and Alligator Slippere that men
fall in lore with. Cosy for lounging
what else fa so appropriate for yonr gift
him? A great collection of
Slippers for men from 75c. to much
F«t Slippers for men and women.
Our *2 woman’s Kid and Pebble Goat
ton Shoe'fa famous—opera and common
last—every pair honestly warranted.'
know wtfat that means.
Here’s a new recruit with price already
warped. A woman’s genuine Kid and
all ble Goat selected Button leather. Shoe for *1.58, all sizes and
Extra restful “Old Ladies’ ” solid comfort
Shoes for feet hurt with tender spots, *1.25.
the wot tjagafflUM |9R . of .. ..... _ ,. largest
southern proud distributors . stiuction of there goods. Our
di ^
immense dealings with the manufacturer’s
give us interest leverage and we regulate find by prices inquiring to
your , as you may
Keely Co.
Leaders of Low Prices I
j eitanncejr Black Fraternize, Harrisburg. with the
Farmer* at
I Hasbisburg, Dec. 14.—The Pennsyl-
[ vania State Grange prepared a large
amount of work to be considered dur-
l ing the remaining days of the conven-
i tion. Among the resolutions referred
to the proper committee was one in
favor of Williams Grove aa the inter¬
state picnic ground, which, it is said by
leading grangers,. w|l| bo adopted by a
unanimous vote. The action by the
toMt. Gretna, on which, it is rei
Robert Coleman, the owner, proposes put the to
expend *100,000 jf necessary to
ground in proper condition.
State Treasurer Brown, who repre¬
sents York county In the senate, equali¬ gave a
sketch of the way in which the
zation tax bill was strangled in the sen¬
ate finance committee, and Repreeenta-
of toe statements cast any reflection
upon the legislature, but left inferences
to be drawn by those who listened to
Among those who the mingled «*tte freely
with Chanoey the delegates F. Black, to who expect* grange to
obtain substantial support from grang¬
ers in his ambition to again become a
candidate forgovornor efPennaylvania.
Prime Minister Ha* Sevan Wlvw.
was wrecked on Caroline islands
April, arrived from San Francisco.
tells a thrilling story of the wreck
subsequent adventures. For
months they lived with savages on Po-
zeat island. There they found an
glishman named Charles Irons who
uviDg in a savage state. He had
wives and was “prime minister" of
island. It was through Goodwin the good and
Of Irens that Capt. bis
crew were saved.
Drawasd While Skating.
Rkkdsbusg, Wfa., Deo,
ras received 1
three bi^t, Johi
SrS^nfeB nelly and Ber
the aasistance , under „ ..
panion and he too waa drawn
paaio^Mdh^^^d^rfote. “ °° ra
Want an Ineraae* of Wage*.
thite claims that the coal trade will
ihut^tn^e works” will also T^minere ask for
toe atom bonks ea
creaae in a few days.
utohfa etty of toe
ly Biley, appropnatmg charging l
to the company.
'/ . ' . i \ s, ’
The Holiday Flutter
in IIHUHWWl. the has world for -wwinw B^ave these %l!ast Linen
not a mon-
.t are sent,
*■'* city southern are either staple cotton has or cot-
into Some of the don’t
suspect it nntiltl
the cheat.
For the person of taste who Want* a snow-
white Handkerchief, soft and silky, with one that
will not was Irony or turn * yellow use—
We expect to sell nothing but Linen as Lin¬
en, The great flood ol union goods has nev¬
er reached our counters. !
For the Christmas throngs this department
has been made larger and bettered With
styles more varied and far handsomer than
For Ladies.
Plain white, hemmed, 14 inches square, 5c.
to 15c. each. ■ i,‘
Plain wqite, hemstiched, 14, %, %, l and
114 inch hems, 10c. to 85c.
French sheer, hemstitched, 14 and % inch
hems, 15 to 40c.
Printed borders, very pretty, from 10c. to
Embroidered, and printed hemstitched
from 15o. to 85c.
colored, Scoifoped 1214c. and 15c. embroideried, 20c, ,35c. 80c. all white 85c. and
and Scolloped,* sprayed, w,» - fancy 25c. 25c. _ 30c. 30c. diced, 85c. blocked, 40c. 50c. sprigged
Mourning, hemstitched, 1214c. 15c. 20c.
earning, embroidered scallops, 20c. 25c.
Keely Co.
Leaders of Low Prices !
His Ambition to Become Gover¬
nor of Pennsylvania.
Senators Quay and C.m.ron Bar. Do-
eland for Delam.ter—The Adjutant
General Throw* Down tb. Gauntlet.
Mon tooth and Stone a* Dark Horan.
Governor Beaver Noa-Committal.
Harrisburg, Dec. 14. — Strategic
movements preliminary to the coming
battle for the governorship are lively
and significant just now and will prob¬
ably soon result, either in a practical
surrender of the field to Delamater, or a
factional fight, toe result of which can¬
not be foreseen. Against toe advice of
some of his most intimate friends and
even some of his near relatives, Adjt.
Gen. Bastings has decided to be a can¬
didate. This advice was given on toe
baais of a reasonable doubt whether he
could secure the support of the Penn¬
sylvania senators, as against Delameter
faUecfto other candidate. He has utterly
get the least countenance from
either of toe senators, not because because they they
are think opposed that for to him, but Delamater
many reasons
fa the most available candidate for the
nomination for toe next term of the
governorship. t
Beth Senator* for Delamater
Your correspondent that the has positive of the in¬
formation of Senator Delamater upon occasion mid Chairman
visit Washington week
Andrews at had the final a or so
ago, the senator assurance
of Senators Quay and Cameron that he
would receive their support, and that at
the proper time their preference would
he plainly made known. The two visit-
conferences were long mid earnest,
field was thoroughly gone over.
Relying on Magee'* Aid.
In spite of toe knowledge of this fact
the adjutant general and the has fight declared therefore him¬
self acandidate
without toe support of Senators Quay
and Cameron, Mr. provided Christopher he has L so Magee. valiant
* He general has within as the last few days cut
loose from toe Quay-Cameron mooring
mid is on the high sea of the Magee fac¬
tion, under full sail, with every inch of
canvas shaken out to toe breeze.
To become the candidate it of the Magee
faction, however, was necessary Mon- to
make some arrangement with
tooth and that deal has that just Hastings been
effected in an agreement
is sir .in
event of its becoming apparent that he
has polled hi# foil vote in the conven¬
tion without succeeding, he and Magee
sarr the convention
si s profess nor for Mon- toe to
it a verv
zr p
Plain white, hemmed, woven colored 5br.
ders, a supurb bargain 22c. /
Plain white, printed and hemstitched from
Special lot, samples. 18 inches square, 14
and 1 inch hemstitch, 27c.
French colored, printed borders, hemstitch¬
ed, size 14, V4 and 1 inch hemstitch,35c.
Colored woven borders, 5c. 9c.
Plain white hemstitched, 14 and 1 inch hems
10c. 15e. 20c.
P rutted. white hemstitched, 10c, to 25c. ■
each. Scolloped and embroidered, 20c, to 50c.
The sheen and shimmer of silk tights one
corner of the stock. Note anew the price
Keely Co.
Leaders of Low Prices!
ugly Quay hgiit and Cameron may oe ueveiopea. have forced senators
been to
make some enemies out of old friends
in the distribution of offices where these
old friends espoused the candidate# of
the Magee faction, and of course all of
these will join with Magee and help to
make one in of the state hottest convention. factional fights
ever seen a
The silent man of the whole affair is
Stole, of Warren, who hopes that, in
of the worlds general he wreck of matter and the last crash
may pop up at as
the only person of whom there is
enough left to make a governor.
He will Not Interfere m the Selection
of a Candidate,
Harrisburg, Dec. 14.—Adjt. Gen.
Hastings said that he did not believe
that Governor Beaver was correctly re¬
ported in the alleged interview in which
the governor was made to say some
things not complimentary to him in con¬
nection with his candidacy for the Re¬
publican gubernatorial nomination.
One of his reasons lor this belief was
that he was charged with making prom¬
ises which lie liad not given.
Governor mild Bearer, ou his return to this
city, Washington in a interview, form repudiated far the it
so as
EHS-iS’SrE’ss have cast any reflection on
tgs. but admitted that he was
greatly greatly him surprised surprised that his when when adjutant it it became became general known known
to for was a
genuine candidate governor, because
he supposed that he would not, under
any circumstances, antagonize the choice
Of Senator Quay.
The governor did not think it proper
in him to interfere in the selection of
any candidate to fill bis place. Two
members of his own house were aspir
ants tor Stone the and position Gen. (referring to and Secre-
proposed tary to keep hands Hastings; off he
so far as any
of the several He candidates were con¬
cerned. claimed to have said noth-
Montooth MHfcItiiig Club.
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 14—Hie Har¬
rison and Morton Marching club, of
Akron, this the county, Montooth have Marching changed their
Dams to decided the Pitts¬ club,
and have to support fiSpubl
burg favorite for the Republican nom¬
ination for governor. The dub i has a
membership foiiowing officeri of sixty for and ld90: has elected Captain, the
William W. Wine hold: first lieutenant,
S, R. Ruth; second lieutenant, S. Q.
Zeriam; first sergeant. Wayne Bard.
Tbs Removal • f Sins Slag Prison.
Kingston, N. Y., Dec. 14—The com¬
mission appointed toe advisability to report to toe toe legis¬
lature as to of re¬
moval of the state prison now located at
Sing Sing, has just returned from exam¬
ining proposed counties. locations Their in work Sullivan fa about and
Ulster of the
completed and toe members com¬
mission have gone to Albany, their where
they will meet and prepare report.
The members agree as to toe necessity of
removing the prison from its present lo¬
cation, but <
ion as to *
county would be the i
for its location.
Far Ladies.
ip cotore ami white,
M—Ptato,Twill, B«we*ed
richly, diced curiously, blocked oddly in white,
cream, buff, cardinal, maroon, claret,, brown,
blue, etc.* 28 to M inches square, 75c. to
Cashmere Mufflers, plain, white and eolors,
drinted In spots, stripes and Persian effects,
75c. to *2.
itttt V both
Keely Co.
Leaders of Low Prices I
• fro —I S .. I -. ;? -.Li?;,-
tic-solution* Adopted by tbs Conxres*—N*
Pali*foal Labor Parly Wantod.
boston, Dec. 14.~m the convention
of the American Federation of Labor
the follow ing resolutions, among others,
were adopted;
workers Sympathizing thrown with of the coat and too*
out ’
IU,d ***"
to them
printers’ ink i
to remewed
era' liability stated as now i
Massachusetts extended too
condemning child labor, the
fixed at 14 years.
^.wiEfs The committee
New York Central
iken n^i ported on & proposal ci i
m g ar& attended
^ an
“igbt-hour Faneuil Hall
K f, V. TP 6
^** vJrv~ ^ senieno ®
SSaSrlftasras.-. ^ eau *’ came “P “» u,< s «prt
cure a new ttial . After reading the
; voluminous record oyhe^^he pria-
5 1
ably occupy toe attention of
for two days yet.'
V Maryland is Right.
he has beat in conference .nefth toe gov-
ernor fiats of Maryland He concedes over the
annulling Mr. Lewis’ lease. The gov-
Srei£ SW Sltte^Ttu 6 ^
legislature of this state has acted. He
concedes between the that " two • under states ' the they tfd old compact
rent fishit * *
W lipfflW *
Lancaster, named Charles O., Dec.
tragic death here,
had isl a room on the
m through a
or almost
j j