Newspaper Page Text
I ........... .
Griffin is the best sad most promising
i ty in toe to. Its record for the
bait decade, its many new enterprises in
ation, building and contemplated, prove
^ 23 ,?“ Md Botahyper
. During that time it has built and put
n a |100,000
m* started the
» twite that
it has put up a large iron and brass
cling works, a sash and blind factory
broom factory, Opened up toe finest
quarry in to* .Baited Mates, and now
our large ott mills fit more or keg
■ Cages of construction, with an aggregate
thorised capital of orer hal! a mifton
ft is putting up the finest system of
ghting that can be procured, and has
plied ia| two ^ street railways.
has secured another railroad ninety miles
and while ioeatod.on the greatest system
the South, the Central, has secured
tion with its important rival, the East
o-r«ee. Virginia and Georgia. It has
d direct independent connection with Chat
r.oioog* and the West, d will break gronn
na lew days fora fourth road,
with a fourth independent system.
With its five white and fourcolored church
•», h4m recently completed a #10,000
m inu s— ml
olatkm by nearly one fifth. It has
around It* borders fruit growers from
every State in the Onion, until it k now
rounded on nearly every side by
and vineyards. It has pnt up the
ru it evaporators in the State. It is the
of thegrape and Its wine making capacity
doubled every year. It has successfully in
uugorated a system of public schools, with
•even year* curriculum, second to none.
l’hie is part of the record of a half
and simply shows the progress of an
admirable city with the natural
oikaviug tit* finest climate, summer
sinter, in the world.
Griffin Is toe county seat of Spalding
ty, situated in west Middle Georgia, with a
healthy, fertile and rolling country, 1150 feet
above eea level. By toe census of 1890,
will have at alow estimate between 6 000
7,000 people, and they are all of the
sort—wide-awake, up to the times, ready
welcome strangers and anxious to secure
sirable settlers, who will not be any less wel
corns if they bring money to help build up
wa. there k about only one thing we
need badly just now, and that k a big hotel
We have several small ones, but their aecom
■sedations are entirely too limited for
urine s, pleasure and health seekig nguesta
(f yon ass anybody that wants a good locaj
tion for a hotel in the South, just mention
s published—daily and w«ekly-the best news¬
paperin tee Empire State of Georgia Please
odoae stamp sin sending for sample copies
and descriptive pamphlet of Griffin.
TWs brief sketch is written April I9th, 1889,
and win have to be changed In a lew months
W‘* „„ il THBTfiMPLL
New lot Velvet Baby Ca|gt#laDd upwards.
- • -y—{ORDERS.}- aud
We keep constantly on hand a large
varied stock of elegant trimmings for the «e-
feetion Iwcuted of patrons and orders are promptly
by accomplished artiste. Temple.
________*—. —--- --
and Planters
mmSm ^
Deliberating on the Fate of the
Olan-na-Gkel Suspects.
An Eloquent Effort In n Crowded Court
Room—Tlie Judge's Charge—The Jury
Report Without * Verdict and Again
Retire—The Populace Excited and the
Reserve Police force Out.
Chicago, Dec. 15.—Every available
foot in tlie court room was thronged
when State’s Attorney Longenecker
made the closing argument on behalf of
the state, owing to the illness of Mr.
Mills, to whom the task had been
signed. He said in part:
“It remained until the last counsel
for the defendants arose to address you
in three days’ argument for the first
time, you as jurymen, and we as repre¬
sentatives of the people, were notified
of the theory of the defence, that is,
that there was a great conspiracy on the
part of the people; that there was a con¬
spiracy spiracy to to hang, iimoc. nt tlie men; guise a con¬
murder under v>f
the law, and the gentleman was so earn-
is done by the other branch of the Oan-
na-Gael, and they are fact backing is, the prose¬
cution; now, the that
Clan-na-Gael witness that we have
called angle to the of stand toe Clan-na-tfael belonged to the tri¬
part We right into their organi¬
sation. go own
camp, among their own friends, and we
get the truth from men who believed
that Dr. Cronin was right in making
the charges against the triangle. Are
they in a conspiracy with the other
sociates, the members of the same
as Beggs, Coughlin and Burke? Why,
they come as brothers from the
camp, so that that won’t do to charge
in that way.”
The Case Against Beggs.
Judge Longenecker referred briefly
toe complaints of the defense about
employing valuable assistance, saying
that he saw no reason why the state
no comm i t t ee was declaration ■
in view of the of the
guardian that toe committee would re¬
port to him alone. This showed that a
committee was appointed and inasmuch
as the defense had not introduced in the
casejthe members of the committee to
tell the purpose of that their the appointment, committee it
was self evident was
pot a lawful one.
Able AUorwey> for tlie Defense.
Mr. Foster’s speech was the speaker
thought *' ^Lt a _ "retry very interesting one one and am i
occupied occupied instructive, one-naif one-naif especially day day that in in delivery delivf point wl and
which consisted of a history of Ireland.
Mr. Forrest, the state’s attorney thought,
was an able man—a great mum—other¬
wise he would not have spent days in
determining whether a spot of blood
had 1,000,000 or 990,990 corpuscles. “He
k great," deferentially the speaker to said the again, great and objec¬ he
bowed hide hk blushes
tor, who of sought water. to m a
tin cup
The state’s attorney called attention
to the difference in the fine of argu-
ments by the state and defense. Tlie
former sought to make a strong stick
by binding a number of twigs together.
The latter tried to show that the stick
was weak and not able to hold together
because, forsooth, one of the twigs
might be defective. On thk point the
speaker dwelt at length and was fol¬
lowed by Attorney Hynes reading the
testimony of Dr. Egbert relating of toe to read¬ the
autopsy. At the conclusion
ing court adjourned for dinner.
Tin B'oody BoliSi Agate Produced.
In the afternoon Dr. Judge Cronin’s Longenecker clothing
had toe trunk and toe jury.
brought in and placed before
The state’s attorney told of the route
taken by the wagon, the story of tbs
trunk and of the theory of the defense
that the doctor had died of apoplexy.
“Look at those out clothes and the
blood in the trunk; remember all you
have heard and , say if you think that
tbe floctor died of apoplexy." One of
the arguments of tha defense, Mr. Long-
■20 was concerned existed. “Of courge
toe books did not show an appropria¬ to be
tion. There was no money stolen by the ap¬
propriated. It had been conspir¬
men who are behind thk great
acy.” The Judge't Charge.
fudge Longenecker “Gentlemen, then yon concluded are not here as
follows: convict tono-
to acquit guilty But men or man^must by
oen men. any sane
state’s attorney then sat down and the
great case was ended. immediately
Judge McConnell toe began
toe reading of hk charge to defendants jury.
If to» jurors found the
gull tv, any or ail of them were to be
punished by death, imprisonment for
fife or for any term of years pot less
Tbs Jury Retires. -*•
At the conclusion of the cha
exhibits that bad been infarodi
At?T?t?xr T.tT.iwn AOATOmi
burned to a crisp. Mrs. Mrs. .Ixnuwu.. . Leinoner’s „
babe six weeks old perished with her.
Glass Apprentices Strike.
Woodbury, N. J., Dec. 15.—There
was a four hours’ strike at toe Wood¬
bury Bottle works. For the past two
days the appren tices the 1 tve question been debating of their
among themselves
agreement as to their wages. G. G. Green, They
asked that they toe principal be assured owner, last year’s rate.
Not getting satisfaction they struck, but
on being assured of a satisfactory settle¬
ment resumed work. The works are
being run by non-union inen and ap¬
prentices. ' . ------
Miners’ Strike Settled.
Birmingham, Ala.. Dec. 13. —General
Manager Bond of the Tennessee returned Coal,
Iron and Railroad company
from New York, mad miners in all a conference differences
with the Pratt
were arranged. work The present miners prices. agreed Their to
return to at
wages are to be raised as the price of
iron ad vances.
They Fought for the Fatherland.
Pittsburg, Dec. 15.—The German ex-
soldiers and marines of Fatherland Allegheny
county who fought for the
in toe Franco-Prussian and other wars,
hare applied for a charter incorporating
an association to be known as “Der
Deutsch Waffeaverein of Pittsburg and
Allegheny .’V_
A Bridegroom Absconds.
Cheyenne, Wy. T., Deo. 15.—Thomas ranch
R. Adams, manager qY the cattle
of tbs Milwaukee and Wyoming aWonfed Invest¬
ment company, has Hk
K«i*1..g rite Fries Pi Halls.
attended Wheeling, meeting W. Va., of toe Dec. western 11—A fully cut
nail manufacturers was held here, at
which tlie selling card* was raised from
$2.23 to #3.35 fftt twslveppqnies, 2 per
cent, off on carload lots, There will
probably be another meeting nertweek
1 IMftfa-ath Prevails Ovsr Isabella.
Boston, Dec. 15.—The latest footing of toe
of the returns fop members
school board elects Elizabeth C. Keller
instead of Isabella C. Barrows, she hav¬
ing received 27,887 votes to 85.589 fop
Mrs. Barrow s.
Happy Darklas.
Laer Providence, Le., Deo. 15,-The
negroes have more money Bad are bet-
ously ter prepared to enjoy Christmas bounte¬
this year than at affy time since
aaillvaa SM* Mas. WUI Moat-
Boston, Dec. 15.-The Herald says:
Sullivan and Jackroa^wffi meet at toe
California athletic club within five
rmm t t\ at n fimi nmnnrp
ifiture of the
i Workers.
Browning Eulogised »t« londnH lender*.
Dr. F.for.' Last belter—A »I»me»-
bored H illy Hel.ev.d 10 He the Work
of Jack the nipper You,,* In the Bold
of a Vestel.
London Dec. 15.—The success which
has thus far attended the gas company’s
resistance of the strikers through the
men to fill the places of the old hands,
has driven the* latter to an extreme of
desperation which augurs their complete
defeat and discomfiture. Already the
strikers are quarrelling among them-
selves and with few exceptions are giv¬
ing themselves up to drink and debauch¬
ery to an extent which is sympathy fast depriving their
them of the little public
A Scandal In High Life.
London, "Dec. 15.—Groat excitement
has been caused in high circles in Berlin
by the arrest position of a woman society occupying the well an
exalted in cm
sustained charge of being has been a procuress. engaged
It is learned that she
in her nefarious pursuit for several
years, her operations being confined to
pandering to the lubricity of men of
high social standing, most of her victims
being also of the better class. Extraor¬
dinary efforts and are making public to suppress trial of
the details while prevent a
the woman, on the other hand
there of is a who strong disposition in public on the part of
many see a exposure
the scandal revv^e^%tf«m5elv«S opportunities, to crush rivak
ahd upon real or
fancied enemies to force a trial through
toe ordinary channels.
Pwtkamaiu Era se of Browning.
London, Dec. sc. 15.—The 15.—The newspapers newspapers
without exception ition print print extended extended obit¬ obit-
uary notices of the poet Browning, gen¬
erally bestowing upon his achievements
a measure of praise which they as
unanimously withheld from him during
his and life. displayed They agree high degree that he of possessed genius,
a much
but are inclined to toe belief that
of what passed for admirrtion of his
works was really affectation.
When stricken with his last illness
the poet Browning bad just received the
freedom of purposed the city of Asola. Italy,
whither The dean he of Westminster going. has offered
sepulture for his remains in Westmin¬
ster abbey, but it is probable that it
with will be hk decided wife. to bury him in the grave
Another Jack tho Kipper Yietlm.
London, found Dec. 15.—The the body ballast of of a
woman was among
a vessel which arrived at Middles-
borough. One of tlie hands had been
severed The vessel and sailed was found from in Millwall another docks, place.
London, and the police suspect that the
woman is another of the victims of
“Jack the Ripper."
Dr. Fetors' Desperate Venture.
London, Dec. 15.—It is now said that
in the last letter written by Dr, Peters,
the German African traveler, which that has
found ite way he had to Europe, taken he stated impossi-
toe route was an
ble one, entering upon which he had as
little hope of his ability to return as to
push through. ______
Le Caron Writing a Beak,
London, Dec. 15.— Le Caron, the spy
and informer, is shortly to publish a
book relating his personal adventures
and experiences, in be which backed enterprise by several he
is understood to
men prominent in leadership of the Con¬
servative party.
T'T'~***** ' „,rw. IwvPffiWm Kooili Mortally MUM MM.Ml III. *
- **•*
London* Dec. 15.—Mr*. Booth, wife
of tlie general of the Salvation Army,
who has been sinking suffering rapidly. from cancer All hopes for
some time, k
of her recovery have been abandoned.
A Banquet to lurneH.
London, Deo. 15.—Mr. Parnell will
be entertained at a banquet given in his
honor the evening by the of Liverpool Dec. 19. Reform dab on
A Flat Against tho Cxar.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 15.—An officer
in the artillery service and a sailor
were arrested here in connection with a
plot against the cxar.
Henry Irving to H|(8 I a Theatre.
London, build Dec. theatre 15.—Henry the Irving Strand. will
shortly a near
sa-"-' William Leech badly iri-
jured hut alive. £
and Gustaf Erickso
dead. Another fall
shaft of the sanie mn
mentor, covered. T^e boftj
Wuuted the Gan and Got
Richland, Pa., Dec. 15.-
all it out ot Georges hamb
an war.discharged. The I
red Harry’s abdomen.
justify the I
that ( the executive council have
to , select such trade as will seen
, * short
_ .ivTTc
It was
( i prese nt.
• v **» T aw Pt*rv TTfdk Tlam 1k _
Wilfred Woodruff, Georg
and Joseph F. Smith, a
Mormon church, have is
manifesto unqualifiedly
charges made against the church in the
recent hearing before Judge Anderson.
So far from any doctrine or teaching of
the church being hostile to the United
States government, member* <rf the
all laws made in pursuance of its pro-
"^“signere of the manifesto Regard
dangerous encroachment upon civil and
tion held during the last week in June
lodge of women in Bayonne.
War on Elec trie Wires.
New deckiofi Yoas, Dec. the 15.—After authorizing receiving
tlie of court
him to rcmovB imperfect electric light
Pub1ic fr C notifi<S 8i er
Works light Gtoy that he aU would the
electric toe work companies early today. He also
begin made requisition toe board of elec¬
a on
trical coutrol for an electrical expert to
accompany his juen and point opt
who claims to be Woodward’s wife was
also arrested. She claims to be a na¬
tive of Philadelphia and says her paren ts
live there. Woodward will be sent
back to Washington.
l*v. Higbee’s Resting Fine*.
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 15.—.The body
of Dr. E. public E. HigbJe, instruction, state superinten¬ who died
dent of
yesterday, will be taken to Emmitts-
burg, Md., on Monday, next for inter¬
A Brutal Bonier >• Bunged.
Plaqobhinb, La. Dec. 15.—Carter
Williamson was hanged here for the
murder of liis wife at Dorsbyville, a
Fair; northwesterly fair Sunday, winds; lower
temperature: on
The United States minister at Teheran
reports that the Imperial Bank of Per¬
sia has opened its doom for burineas. *
The pan American congress held a
short session at which the committees
were aanoutK i.
As far os «v.i in learned nq trees has
been found o. no absconding before cashier; the
Silcott, Hi' oa e ii now
grand jury or th> District of Columbia,
The second trial of Henry Jones and
Ceesar Fisher, for the murder of Thomas
L. Faitioir during toe Navaiwa riot, was
begun in Baltimore.
Lv- i,
spend freely. -
changed. In spite of tlie
weather on wo
sales of w otfhft
Ohio and
M Fears of monetary t
come from any quat
Want of funds, toe
Diriment at Washington aistati
the which military would be force'of available incasi Penn
53338331 ,
clti6 can wi found.
rv ****