Newspaper Page Text
. of Spalding Co.
__I mr. for the first
be JMh counted subsequent
to a* a
10 cents •VtUkhead per line lor
me tor less
. ,_i advance,
h parties wish-
'—'““i longer
« as for the Pailv
really nods is a
____>, with but little
in virtue of hi» office,
lie Executive—an Ex-
«,„ive totbe popular will
i in the .lection of the
Legialative Assembly.
Senator Chandler is not a French¬
man as far as is popnlarly known
government are very
latest faux pas is a
i bill, pro viding for a
________of all Congressional
If ten voters can be found
the election is going to
they can command the
States to conduct it. Mr.
might now draft a hill pro-
► V R«£nrnin<r Board, ap* sn¬
by any do»en citizens of a
minted minority in any dta-
» Then there wouldn’t be any
of elections RH| at all.
,— — -
The bills proposed by Chandler and
others to take the elections in the
Hissr. this
ntiment in
b for the secret
, ballot system. The aim of the elec¬
tion laws proposed b not to secure
justice but party advantage, and the
aim of such legislation is toward a
dangerous centralization of
that should be viewed with alarm
all honest citizens. Every other
should be tried before such
as proposed are adopted and the
cret ballot low is nowforemost in
eyes of the people
Senator Sherman is a strange man
Every little while he wishes to
conservative, but then he gets off
to some corner among
partisans and makes a
speech. By introducing his bill
establish an absolute government
has finally stood up to be
with the present occupant of
White House as a plotter against
balance of power in departments
the Government and against the
curity of the people for honest
tions. If the Republicans In
gress can vote as a unit for such
bill, they moat have determined
their party has to destroy
can institutions in order to save
Drifting the Wight Way.
Centra) New Jerssf Herald.
The young men of this country
drifting toward the
ranks. The old Republicanism
dead and has become a mere
iscence, a bit of ancient
Some relics of its positiveness,
admit, still survive, but these
counter to the best thought of
day, and completely antagonize
modern spirit of progressiveness.
A man who has practiced medicine for
years, ought to know salt from sugar;
■ whqk fiiTlllYfl * 0.,
' Tons Jan. 10,1887.
IODBiDU, no. ’
JL tlom/.n ■_
ioroott 4U yeare^ and ' *. would would saj say that in
cSrhCwt^mt. woadmiul, and would £5Syrim«* andjte
is *av in
________otenre, if 1
L. Office, L CHlKftiyU, 215 Summit, M, D. St.
We will girt $100 for any case of
that cm not be cured with Hall’s
(hire. T«k« CHENEY internally. CO„ Props., Toledo,
F. J. t
ST-Sotdby Druggists. 76c.
_ , i. •
brfreritod Bloort Polson.
Bow many people there ore whose
''MIkvC: •mm sot**, uefcM Poiw apaewupHve
- sire A arechts t-i... to inherited X hiOOf} bibod poison
- parent to child, and
of husband and wife
out, ir not tli. idea itself, i*
The company boa been formed in
Berlin to carry a floating exposi¬
tion round the world calling at the
' commercial centres on the
magnificent three-decked steam¬
er of 0,000 tons, am, specially specially built for
the purpose, heated by steam, light.
ed by electricity, and capable of a
regular speed of fifteen knots an
hour, with the imposing name of
“Kaiser M ilhelm,” is now nearing
completion and will leave her moor¬
ings early in the year on her long
journey. Her second deck is divided
into several hundred compartments,
which are rented at reasonable rates
to intending exhibitors of German
A comportment 12x18 feet will be
rented for #500 per year. Exhibi¬
tion cases 0x4 feet will be let for #50
annually; open room #40 per
square yard. Wall room for pla¬
cards will cost #85 per square yard.
Exhibitors'may accompany their ex¬
hibits on the tour of the world, or
send agents at a reasonable extra
expense, or may commission the
managers of the exposition to close
all their business bargains with for¬
eign buyers. There will also be ac¬
commodations on the big ship for
10# first and second class passen¬
gers. A first cabin passage will
cost #3,000, everything included. A
second passage will be #1,500.
But while business is to be-the cen¬
tral idea that will animate the ex¬
pedition, the means of pleasure are
not to be neglected. The ship will
contain, we are told, besides exposi¬
tion 1 ‘ocuns and state rooms for the
exhibition personnel and tourists,
cates, restaurants, smoking and bil¬
liard rooms, a concert hall, and
cert promenade, reading rooms and
three elevators. While the ship Is
anchor in a foreign port, concerts
will be given by a military band.aud
the finest Bavarian beers and
best Rhine wines will be served
the visitors, just as if they were
Munich or Bingen.
The directors of the exposition
pect to have 500 exhibitions in
two years of the voyage, and to
ceive on the average at least
visitors per day. The original
tal of toe floating exposition will
about #1,200,000. The running
penses for a voyage of two
will be between #700,000 and
000. The receipts will lie
from the sale of space to
(estimated at #400,000,)
money of principals, agents
tourists, commissions on sales
goodB, admission fees to
and concerts, profits of
and cafes, and sales of
printed in the language of every
visited during toe voyage.
Calculations have been made
the .promoters of the
whereby they have satisfied
Belves in advance that not only
the enterprise be self-supporting
that it will net a good round
and they even go to the length of
ticipating such a successful issue
the venture that a repetition,
prophesy, will be called for as
as the first voyage is ended.
The other manufacturing
of the earth will have to bestir
selves if they are not to be left in
race for a commercial supremacy
the hustling and bustling Teuton.
Is undoubtedly caused by lactic acid in
blood. This arid attacks the fibrous
aw.l noina null nchaft in thp
Sarsaparilla a Meltire .cure for rheumatism
This medicine, uy its purifying purity,.— the blood, action, —------» and -- —
tralirere the and acidity strengthens of the whole body,
builds up
Reason for Their Profanity.
Detroit Free Press.
The use of profane language
vented a well recommended
for a postoffice in North
from getting his appointment.
will be a sad thing for a good
Republicans if that rale shall be
plied to Michigan, though they
unquestionably plead the
treatment of the gtate as un
uating circumstance.
Dirt, Debt and the Devil
A distinguished itinguit divine calls
D’s, Dirt, ft, Debt Debt and uuu the lire Devil, j/vvu, an a un
matched trinity of evil. If a
would be happy, he must avoid
three, and as studiously keep clear
Disease—anothnr D you
This calls to mind still another
a “G. M. D.”; in fact, Dr.
Golden Medical Discovery, the
ing remedy for consnmdtion
is lung scrofula), chronic in its cutarrh early in
as well as for
head ad, and nutritive, topic and
puril— irifler, --H--- and those builds who up r the — ------
and flesh of are
below the usualstandardof health
a most niarvelons way. It allays
ritation and salsifies the worst
ering coughs. Guaranteed to
or cure in all disenses for which it
recommended, or money paid for
Llppman’s Pyrufugr
is a tonic and an chills appetizerand fever, a
perbeure for and
ague and malaria, as thousands
hers is that
didute for <’
Mr. Blount in-
tervlewed, but warrant
to Congress ongress again, again, and and he he will will in in my my
opinion. I saw him this morningfor
a moment. He spoke quite freely of
the outlook here. His opinion is that
the policy of the majority will be ag
gressive. They seated Hayes and atr
tempted only the other day to pilfer
Montana. He thinks their morals
have undergone no improvements.
They will steal all the seats they can.
He thinks that the Committee on
Appropriations had a meeting this
morning and appointed suD-commit-
tees. This is quick work. Mr. Cle¬
ment, who is a member, was chosen
on a sub-committtee, which will have
to do with the deficiency and District
A Ml’* Chance* of Harrying.
Every woman has a chace of “catch¬
ing a husband,” but it is conceded
that young ladies between tweBty
and twenty-five years of age are more
likely to draw the matrimonial prizes.
However it is not an unusual thing
to hear of the marriage of a lady who
■fHi' has passed the three quarter iMM century
mark. Yet, how can a woman, wea k
dispirited, enervated and tormented
by diseases common to her and sex, mother? hope
to become a happy wife
Gf coursesbecannot; yet by the inag-
icaidof Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre¬
scription, all these obstacles are
swept away. As a Pierce’s powerful, Favorite invig¬
orating tonic, Dr.
Proscription imparts strength the womb to and the
whole system, and to
and its appendages,- “worn-out,” in particular. “run¬
For overworked, teachers, milli¬
down,” debilitated
ners, dressmakers, seamstresses,
“shop-girls,” house keepers, generally, musing
mother, and feeble women
it is the greatest earthly boon, cordial being
unequaled restorative as an tonic. appetizing ■mmM|M|||
Muhoaelsm Will Be Burled,
.Hoboken News. 8
There was a pathetic appeal in an
Administration organ the other day
to the anti-Mahone Republicans in
Virginia not to make a “dead set”
against Mahone in their new move¬
ment. It was urged that in the re¬
organization they should make it
“no n-personal”and not “anti-person¬
al,” and not make General Mahone a
special object of attack. The re-
spectabie Virginia Republicans
don’t intend that the little
hart the party any more, and
kLow that the only way to down Ma-
honeism is to down Mahone. The
movement will be abortive unless
“makes Mabone a special object
attacks,” for that is the sole
of the movement.
The Verdict Unanimous.
____ ____ Bitters __
^ sold has given
very best remedy. Every bottle
relief in every case. One man took six bottles
and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years
standing.” Abraham Hare, d-iu^gist, Bel
years’ ex oi
perieuee, is »..«»» - - tonsands
others have added their testimo .. _.ny, so
i VCTOICU verdict IB is unanimous UP ftH lnmnP that luov smowvssv Els lectric Bitters VW*W
Anthony’s Drugstore.
and Indigestion in its worst form are
cured by the nse of P. P. P. If you
are debilitated and ran < own, or if
von need a tonic to regain flesh and
iost appetite, strength will and vigor,
take p. P- P- and you be strong
and healthy. *“ For r shattered shattered consti-
tions and'lost manhood P. p. p.
(Prickly Asu, Poke Root and Potas¬
sium) is the king of all medicines.
P. P. P. is the greatest blood puri¬
fier in the world. For sale by all
droggists a.
Mbs; Winslow’s Soothing Syrup
or children teething, is the prescrip¬
tion of one of the best female nnrses
and physicians in the United States,
and has been used for forty years
with never-failing success by millions
of mothers for their children. Dur¬
ing the process of teething its value
ismcalculable. It relieves the child
from pain, cures dysentery and diar¬
rhoea, griping in the bowels, and
wind-«yic. By giving health to the
bild it rests the mother. Price 25c.
bottle. aug2eod&wly
A Valuable Remedy.
A letter from S. P. Ward well, Bos
ton, say*: “I used Clarke’s Extract
of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in
June last for Hay Fever with great
satisfaction, and find it is the only
thing I have seen which would allay,
without *X»__..A- irritating, fko the inflll inflamation m<l timi
of the nostrils —..---- ana throat. m. Its , sooth- vfere
mg and healing immediate/’ properties
marked and i>arge
bottle #1.00. Clarke’s Flax 8o"ap 25 is
the latest and best. Try B. it. cts.
Ask for them at Dr. N. Drewry’g
_______fiferei’vwfc* MM* *»
be Tonlc‘, more (r> , ■ t ,. rfiiV few
A er e and
r supetnrt^to say«3hw*rtlele.
r who knew What she wanted,
nple Is worthy Imitation, tela
i below:
Jo Get
me store where I went to boy
would last.longer; that I might take It on tea
days’ trial; that if 1 aid not like It I need wot
anything, etc. But he could not prereil
me to change. I told him I knew what
..-od’s Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was
satisfied with it, and did not want any other.
H 00 ( 1*8
When I t Began taking Heed** Sarsaparffla
1 feeling real miserable, suffering
a great deal with „.... dyspepsia, and so weak
that at times I could hardly stand. Hooked,
and had for some time, like a person in con¬
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so
much good that I woiMer atmy^ aomeaiMM,
and my friends frequently speak of It.” Mm.
Ilu A. Gore, 61 Terrace s Street, Boston.
too Doles One Dollar
Ordinary’s Advertisements.
SS& a.
toe Court of Ordinary- «* J“T O fflop hv **“
o’clock a. why in., on such the letters first Monday of administration ,
rv next,
fil.wT* !>< fT^TfAMMOND, Ordinary.
Well, has applied to mi for letters of admiu-
iatratios on thetheeetateof Dorcas T. W elle,
late of said county, deceased.
Let all persons concerned show cause be¬
fore the Court of Ordinary at my office m
Griffin, on the first Monday in January
next, shoi by _ Odd ten io’clock ’°^ o’clock ^- *. a. m.,« m., why , such PPP applica¬
tion I 1 ^ a "yy, )NDi Ordinary.
Griffin, o’clock on ■hy such ry
by ten a. m.. epf
sbuuld BOt be W^AMMOND. Ordinary
1 / XRDINARY’8 OFFICE—Spjildixg
J ty, Geoh«sia, November 2d,
;or of
tered oa reeord, that he has folly
ed Bhoda H. Doe’s estate.
This is therefore to eite all persons coucen
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause,
aav they f*n, why said executor show
not be discharged from his admlnbrtratio:
and receive letters oi dismussiou on the fin
M *6j a 5 y * Irv^HAMMOSO. Ordinary.
^ eorgia—Spaldiko cocstt.—
\J Rnfa s A- TK rower. ad a>i atetrMtor
'^^a n C
that he has ^foUy administered
- *
Josephine Padgett, represents to the
in his petition, duly filed and entered on
ord, ora, that Mine he — has -- fully administered
Padgett’s Thisi*’ is therefore estate. to cite ail persons concern
____ show
ed, kindred and creditors, to cause,
any they can, why said administrator
not be discharged from his
and receive letters of dismission on the
/ t EORGIA—Spapding Cqcstv.—W
R petition,
represents t u, to the the Court Court in in his his petition,
filed and entered on re-ord, that he has
administered Jas, Thrash’s estate.
jl ms is therefore to cite all persons
cerned, kindred and creditors,to show
if any they can, why said executor^
not be discharged from his
and receive letters of dismission on the
M m Fe F™v r Ordinary,
Dissolution Notice.
___firm e existing
J. D. Holman,
vAu:je wmw mxe/smrr *Kcn t
/j aswBKi saas.
g. W. MANGH 37 AM Hill. A SONS, Street, Drugget <
. V IllN U .J,i Qt i
■fftouv •*4* m vv «>• *rt ss,
*fs Fnd Sir: V* ’ -■aswtrturv
s A.
Jiy \ C l aW'iSUE*.
\:t* tzife* i * '
In Hie South has been first-class Furniture bouse ehad. We
a and its of Ft
‘ elision of floor room of 190x50 feet, and a i Oak, Cli
this has been done during the summer Mm > and ]
■H ... prim > ii* s
BUGS, OIL CLOTHS, Qfian&SS i±2&M2L Ssx* cRs mbme
Department never so well stocked amd r
French Novelties in DRESS GOOD? are marvelously beautiful and
will teffiuENTSN jjSms’--------- pay you to Bee them. t. HOYS’ \ CHILDREN’S ------- SHOES.- ~.
MISSES’, MAKINcUaH and work done to order.
MILLINERY and DRESS have bis fnenc
Mr. J. T. Stephenson is with us and would be glad to
66 and 68 Whitehall and 1, 3, 5. 7, 9, \
January Sheriff’s Sales 1
day In January next, before the door
of the Court Hon e, in the city following of Griffin,
SpaJdini « oanty, ^Georgia, t he <le
west nan.
iug lot, is--_—
of originally 1 Henry ' * bow
G eorgia,
iandaolT, wrMmpley, Levied o* mid sol
as tbe^propw t^ ofi’. E. Pry or, by virtue of
------from toeCounty Court of Pike
M. Prior and €J
sold one house on (Hot in the city of Griffin,
containing one-fourtbof an acre of land, with
_____________p Hk immcu iwuiwu
by C. J. little.-------~~~ possession legally
overto me. Tenant in
notified. be
Also, ««,, « at the w .»».» time and ptere, wffi
ford to satisfy ‘ L -"H' moitgigrtili' :i:a3 r *-
one jpe
Poweil, Administrator of
dec’d, va t. B. une Shackefford. time and place, willbetoid.
45 4-lt of land situated aad l yin giu
lots No. 124 and lux tneato atsinct auoeouu
taasaiaasssarfiK::-. land* being
amd 2166 feet long, said set
apart to F. J. Freeman a* bis part of die es¬
tate of Jane A. Freeman. Levied os and
sold as the ' ] rperty olF, J. Freeman t
l possession legally notified. *- , f6.
Also, at the same time and to-wit;-the place, will be
_o!d the lot following No. property, containing 101% west
half of 41,
of land more or less, also fifty acWH of laud
off of the north end of lot No.
the whole length of
t P- 202% s
No. 28, S^^SiFo;iSH containing 101 % S
more or
3 dd “ tri d
lias issued trom Spalding Co. County Com* Yfoll- la
faror of Pendleton Guano hands. vs. Joseph Property
ea, and other fl fas in my (nd
m pointed Pullen, ” out by mt ptoffrtUr* in attorney. legally j Jot »
tenant possession, fo.oo. no¬
tified. -------- will be
Also, at the same time and place, in the follow- told
the oueundividedsixtb interest
ing lauds to-wit: 202% acres of land more or
less, being 85 acre* off lot No. 112 and balance
J •fuuu 0 ohn^fem°an^to^D.™?,^y niictuuu ratotc auu a/. of * Hie the t ww of J
lands of of J J J J Eider Hder and and land* lands of estate estate... -
B. Eider, south bj land* of J M Coleman, and
west by lands of D P Elder, in the 4th dis¬
trict of originally Fayette now Spalding Coun¬
ty, J. H. Mriater satisfy two fl fag is-
erty of to
mar j iahuu
ly notified. Sheriff*8.' c"
Trrrcs, burns
(sore CHAPINe,
'able hemeov
For Sale by N. Bi Drewry.
;G lutariveu sslvwr.
isttafacUon la tbs
ot Oouorrtwre sad
Also nice line of PISTOLS. vbere. It 1 j ■Ml I t
oods before buying eteewh ‘'^00f'' |AV18. j
I ttm an Liman ally
Beautiful Styles and Fabrics.
And Just tlie sweetest One el Craeate.
Call for Ohuriie Wsleo! f, or Louis Niles, who will giro you thefotewt points on rtyin
(Prickly Asfc, Poke Boot am* Putooslaas.)
you will *«*ta fi*eh *»a rtoogth.
ata combtostfaB, »ud prescribe ttwim WMtetgeartgyandsnatartSrtraroUlDg
great gstUtactlou ft* the cures of Ml from overtaxing tbeijvtem m cured by
tenaaswl stags* °f Wham* Seconauty the use of P. t.t.
sod Ternary Syphilis, ^ -Am - ‘ a....... Syphilitic
mutism. Scrofulous EBcers sod wboeeWoodUtasalrtRUrtoeudiHoeCue
ARM be^Atod by the wonderful toota and
bleed cleansing properttas Of V. t. P-
Chronic Prlchly AetaPtosBoot endPotaestma.
Cm) Sold by elt Dreggtata.
Scsldhead, etc., etc. UPPffiN ffHEfffft* R'Oprtaten,
ae Wmoucmac BwuaunT*. -
, <’ew Advettisements.
and the INTJK«E«Y
“By a thorough knowledge of the of
laws which govern the operations careful -
and nutrition, and by a .
rperties of well-selecte
save gs many heavy sneh doctor articles « mils- of diet it is that 05
Me judicious use of
a constitution may be gradually built up
until strong enough to resist subtle every maladies tendency
to disease. Hundreds of are
floating around us ready to attack wherever
there is a weak point. We may escape many
a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti¬
fied with pure Wood and a properly nourish
ed frame.—[Civil Service Garette. Made situ
pi v with boiling water or milk. Sold only in
half-pound tins, bv Grocers, labelled time:
BorrKPopnfbic Chemists. Loo Ion, Burl and.
Organ and Piano Co,
boston: mnmsi, c cr Tni)
NEW Contains a five octave, Sin*
Stop Action, tarnished in a
MODEL 1 large and handsome case ri
CROAK, Hire’ System »t2.87
at pet
STVLK quarter, for ten quortere.
2244. when organ bhittg. becomes property
of person
‘ Tire
”sass?s?« nsfEsir-
Organs and Piano* sold tor Cash, Easy Pny-
, and ' Rented. -mMMRff*** free.
$625 ith ; will
% A
9 TS.'aasifC J! 8 s«» . N. V.
uov28d*w4w W
oaths Errors <