Newspaper Page Text
, y .
rn before buying.
ly thing ever sold in Griffin,
j on Ms femM as Represented.
on given to customers who desire to pey their bills *««
aiil Dealer- is Diamonds, Watches
Y, CLOCKb, &€.
; ; y$ : - GA
20 Hill Street GRIFFIN,
v- TOYS, S,
. ristmas t* _ Goods.
I us • CALL when you went anything in that line.
-AN 3D—>
Griffin, On., Dee. 18.
.^wx„„!r ■: a-s-
1 Mil drill
f : NV.
VCu y, 4~7’t' H Drake '
cJi^A R 8M^.v Bum, It. 8.
Connell, A 8. Murray and on«I IV E. E, Brewr.v. 1
Beal Estate Loans, on the Instilment
Plan, and Loans on all Good Securities «t
Low Bate ot Interest. ,lerl 7.1ft wly
On© of tRe NICEST
HOUSES on South
Hill St
Possession given 1st
Apply to
H H. Drake.
Don’t Fail to See
The new tine of Watches and Sil¬
ver ware now open, at
Novelty Co.
If You Want
Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Sol¬
id Silver ware, if not in stock can
supply you on short notice Novelty and Co. save
yon money, at -
We have placed over a Car Load of
• • I I Furniture
In onr warerooms during the past week and more coming.
Chamber Salts, Lounges, Parlor Suite, over 100 Ele-
Sant Rockers. 20 Beautiful Baby Car-
riages received yesterday.
ons! FOR THE Wagons! BOYS.
, Pictures, Genuine Steel Engravings.
i Glass Doors.
9a |
City Notes, and News From This and
Adjoining Counties.
let mistletoe hang on the castle wall
And the holly branch shine in the old oak
And the baron's retainers be blithe and gay,
Coming is Christmas holiday.
Louis Niles spent yesterday in At¬
Capt. W. H. Hartnett spent yester¬
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. W. P. Mote, of Hampton
spent yesterday in this city.
Hon. J. I. Hall and Col. R. T. Dan¬
iel spent yesterday in Atlanta.
Dr. J. A. Mallory and Will Strict
land, of Concord, are in the city.
Attend the supper tomorrow night
and help the boys with their uniform
Col. J. J. Hunt returned yesterday
from a visit of several days to At¬
All should attend the Spalding
Greys supper at the armory tomor¬
row night.
Mrs. W. J. Kruger, of Pike county,
left yesterday afternoon for a visit
to Marietta. ^
A splendid supper and a pleasant
time at the Greys’ armory tomorrow
night. Come out.
Lawrence Nichols, of Atlanta, spent
the day in this city yesterday, the
guest of B. F. Doe’s family.
C. G. Kenny, of Flat Shoals,
turning home from a trip to Atlanta
spent Monday night in this city.
Mrs. C. G. Mills and MnsterCharles
left yesterday morning for a short
visit to relatives at Macon.
Mrs. S. M. Sims and daughter. Miss
Bessie, left Mondaynightfer Florida,
where they will spend the winter.
Malcolm McLean, of Savannah,
who has been spending several days
in this city, left for his home yester¬
Misses Minnie and Ola Doe left last
night for Savannah. They were join¬
ed here by a party of friends from At¬
Miss Bessie Mills went to Atlanta
yesterday to be present at the debut
reception of Miss Annie Speer Inst
The Spalding Greys will give a sup¬
per at their armory tomorrow night,
the proceeds of which go to the uni¬
form fund.
Buckingham's Bye lor the Whisker* i* eaay
of application, and never fails to color the
beard brown or black as may he desired. Try
MRft appreciative a '
; very
which honored the performers with
hearty * "
encores. *
. .
Mrs. A. A. Blakely left yesterday
afternoon for the home of her sister,
near Columbus, being called there
by a telegram announcing her serious
Dr. G. W. Kelly, of Louisville, this
State, who has been the guest of his
brother, Dr. J. M. Kelly, in this city
for several days*, took bis departure
for home yesterday.
There will be a meeting of the Con
federate Veterans at the court house
this morning at 11 o’clock to form
an association. All veterans are in¬
vited to attend.
Officer Gossett arrested a small
white boy und a larger negro boy
at the post office yesterday after¬
noon for creating a disturbance. He
had a lively tussle with the negro,
but succeeded in carrying both to
the lockup.
A young lady visitor to the city
had the misfortune to lose her pocket
book a day or so ago, containing
some Central R. R. scrip and a small
amount of money. She also bad the
good fortune to have it returned to
her yesterday.
Miss Sarah Tibbie Kell passed
through this city yesterday morning
on her way to Savannah, where she
will spend a few days. On her return
she will be accompanied by Miss Em
ma Bullock of that city, who will
spend some time at her home in
Sonny Side.
Emmett Norton and Frank Free¬
man, both living near Creswdl, had
a catting scrape at that place Sun¬
day night, In which Freeman was
cut twice in the back and once in the
neck, the weapon used being a serious, pock¬
et knife. The wounds are not
The cause of the cutting was a quar¬
rel about a horse being let loose by
one of the parties a few nights be¬
Christmas is only one week
tant.- The streets are thronged.
The stores are crowded. the Everybody
wants the best bargains, The get
est attention. way to
along well is to consult the
ing columns of the News and Sun,
and find out where all these things
are to be found. Sueli consultation
i s a wonderful help to shopping.
Concord Callings.
Concord, Ga., Dec. 17.—We
quiet and looking for Christmas.
so looking for Bill Arp, who is to
ture here on the night of the
The farmers have made a
crop and saved it, paid agreat
old debts and are happy
Our town can boast of four
churches, <1 moral people, well to do,
Nathan Phillips has moved
and will make it his home.
L. E. Key will move to Ft. Payne,
Ala., in the near future, so you
when one gets up another goes down
Our school will commence the
day of January, with Profs.
trine, Smith and Madden, also Mrs.
Trice as music teacher.
Rev. A. B. Pope,a fine young
er, was here last Sunday and preach¬
ed two good sermons. We feel
plimented and thank the Conference
for sending us so talented a pastor
for next year.
I wish yon and your readers a
happy Christmas and New Years
Day. J. A. W.
Keepyoor blood pure and yon will n
ha vp rheumatism. Hood’s Sarsaparilla pu¬
rifies the blood, and tones the whole system.
Letter List.
last of letters remaining in the post
office at Griffin, Ga., for the week end
ing Dec. 17th. Parties calling for
these fetters will please say “adver¬
tised” and give date. One cent must
be collected on each advertised letter
when delivered:
Martin Blewitt.
Miss Josephus Boggs. Brown.
J. C. C.
Mrs. G. E. Camp.
J. C. Cogins. Harrison.
Miss Ammana
Mrs. Saley Hayl.
Allan Hollis.
J. W, Howard.
John Jenkins.
R. E- Huddleston.
W. F.Lrfwrenee.
j. Wash Kennedy. Key. ,
Mattie Lindsey. Mangram, i > „
Miss Ollie
Wn. Moote.
Miss Annie Parmetee.
Agnes Reese.
Ella Rodlen.
Mrs. Lina Strickland,
Willie Strorier. £
R.T. Swanson. T
Carrie Sutton.
Miss Lula Failfer.
Rev. J. M. Tumi in.
Miss Anna Wimbish.
M. O. Bowdoin, P. M.
The harsh, drastic purgative, once deemed
bo indispensable. h»Te given place to raildav
and more skilfully prepared laxative*: hew*
the great and growing demand for Ayer’s
i-omplaints, ^
orehardist as to see
nocent o^what they
doing, fnter as
stick their thumbs into the fruit un¬
til they come to that which is ripe.
They have no idea that they damage
more fruit than they eat. Yet that
is the case. Whenever fruit it brnis-
ed, whether on the tree or not, it
spoils the specimen and decnv starts
Now, in the first place, persons
owning orchards should tie able to
tell, from the looks of the fruit,
whether it is ripe or not. A little
experience enables one to acquire
this, and whenever it Is necessary to
handle fruit with the hand to tost its
nmtureness, catch it in the palm of
the hand .carefully closing the fingers
over and around it, and pressing it
gently in that way you can feel
whether it it> hard or soft and
of ita maturity without injuring it a
On gathering pit frnits take hold
of them easily and raise them up
with a twist of the wrist, and not
grab at them catch-as-cateh-can,
breaking the tender flesh as is aften
done by inexperienced pickers; and,
above all things, do not drop them
into yonr basket. Handle them as
you would eggs. This may seem
like a rather severe caution, but
wherever the skin is broken on a
peach, apricot or any other kind of
fruit it is identical with breaking the
shell of an egg. It’s bound to decay*
and then the value of your fruit and
labor is lost. After picking lay your
fruit down, don’t throw it at all.
I have seen pickers throw the fruit
three or four feet into their basketB.
Now, a picker of that kind is damag*
ing to his employer to a greater ex¬
tent than his services are worth, aud
if after bring told once to correct
himself, should he pick in the same
way, he should be dismissed instant¬
Pears and apples being picked
somewhat green do not show the ef¬
fects of bad handling as soon as the
more delicate varieties of fruits,
less closely examined, bnt the
chardistsoon finds it out when
commences shipping, if they are held
any length of time. In emptying
fruit from the basket let your
take tliem out with their hands;
then lay them ou tbe pile ami
torn the basket upside down
throw the fruit down heavily.
There is a knack in handling
properly, which every old
knows, and these directions, if
ly followed, will be found
tedious at first, but will prove
you in time that more money can
made by careful handling, even
less is picked in a day, than by
ning the fruit off the trees as though
it was a lot of ten penny nails.
Salvation Oil, the greatest cure
earth for pains, has made a
brilliant debut. Price 25 cts.
Philosophers say that
should always be conducted with
view to the greatest Bull’s good of
greatest number. Dr.
Syrup does the greatest good to
greatest number. 25 cents.
The SSonnnga eSu (oa' rropfflf Option.
PmsBCKG, Dec. 17. The the option
by the eastern syndicate expired in -atiirday.
gahela coif proper ty
William P- bhinn, the li a t o’ (he
dicate, is in ti e c.ty. < tie :w no a oiraise-
went has been made it i> tbo ixht
sale will not be consi' -onnted.
$10,000,000 and nr.-
Twaabiing Iss sis f a aibvr
Des Moinf.s, la,. line, 17 .—Represen¬
tative Shipley, of Guthrie eo aii v,
was badly seriously injured sick in a with tight a pneumonia. few
ago, is
If he should die the Republicans woal i
be in a minority iu the house at tins
opening of the legislature and the Dem¬
ocrats would elect the speaker.
Found Dead Near a Railway.
Huntingdon, Pa., Dec. 17, — The
body of Bernard Mtz, of Sock Island.
Ills. . was found near the Pennsylvania
railroad tracks, have died near heart here. di»«sc He is snp-
posed to of On
his body was found 8 -0 In cash and a
certificate of deposit on the Rock Island
National bank for 8350.
The baby has its preferences
Well as anybody, and the taste
Dr. Ball’s Baby Syrup renders it
eeptable to every infant. Priee
cents a bottle.
Yon are aware of course, that
activity induces dyspepsia with all
wretched consequences. The reme¬
dies needed for such Laxador. cases are judic¬ Price
ious exercises and
25 cents.
Will ArriT© in a Few
The largest line of Work-stands,
Fancy Baskets, etc., ever styles. brought to
this market. All-new
Novelty Co.
How to Get What You Want.
If you want a Lot,
If you want Board,
If yon want a Store,
If you want Rooms,
If you want a House,
If you want a Tenant,
If you want a Boarder,
If you want to Lend Money,
If yon want to Borrow Money,
Ifyon want to Sell Anything,
If you want to Buy News Anything,
Advertise in the and.S r*.
Those who have tried will tell you
that it pays. tj.
Invite tu&ftil, yon to give their stock a special investigation. -
and «M (Here be found.
hat we Have Just Rec
For the ___
;aPi* ..liA • '■ ' > 7 . ; ;/ ■
’HV «M n i re p»ro«i.T h Li
D 8 i
>me, as does a pair of wee KID GLOVES,
sister need anew WRAP, why not bny it
Any WRAP In the house, fromthis date on. can be
for-it, and why not make a nsefhl present when it cost r
pi^er tfcm t to^mew*rtt^^ornamcnt / ie ili^e 1
yteM y(
predate a handsome SILK UMBRELLA ? .....''
Don’t Ion Ink four fife Would 6f iter
a Adler's” Fine HandSewed
Ader has gone out ot business and we can get no more of his Shoes. We have
a few styles and sizes left that we will sell for Shoes inst at what the they cost of at cheap tee factory. pair.
This is an opportunity to bny a fine pair of price a
Men’s Overcoats !
I .allies' Cloaks!
At cost to close out From this date on an OVERCOAT or LADIES’ WBaP will
he sold at Manufacturers’ cost We are determined not to carry any of these
goods over, it low prices will sell them.
Groceries at the Lowest Prices.
Organised in 1848. Aeoetoaver *126,000,
000, Paid members lines member* organization in 1888,
*372.000,000. Paid
727,550. This company is tbe it the ofiew largest be in
the world, and the advantages to
surer* make it thesolwrt, cheapest and beat.
8. W MAUGHAM’S -* 80N8 .Agfa.
ftaMfoXk*.,Dee. tm,^ *** B ®** r * u ”
-2St ! —
—*. Special ’ Inducements V*W i yf
— in —
Fanil? Gwen Of I Ms.
; ......7 - - - ...
Have on hand large stock all grades Flour, and Cow, Feed «ad Seed
Oats, Bran, Hay, Salt, and a full line Sugar,Coffee, Tobacco, etc.
kis> --(o)- sS^TFtlS 1 Si
ID 013 .8 .
5c. •25c. j / 35c.
For China BoH. 8 inches
75c. 10c. |- 5c. and 10c,
For Wax Doll, 29 inches For Childm’8 Tea Sets. j Ft»r bhUdron’* Illustrated
m*. ; g
ax-s.-ii___ ~ - --------- ■ ....... f, i —*
Ar Just Received, A Fresh Lot o f ¥
. - . I
i V
d. D. H