Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 16, 1884, Image 4

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SEffW-MEl^P^RPAm d Exhibition. ited to -statothat day of September, thibitiotC will take irt Bouse yard. A riU l>e p{tJ Tor tbe ?« yearJul under —... — premium for. the beet colt over six months, and un der twelve, a.lso one for ..tho heat eon under six months old. This Exhibition is open to all comers, , Yesterday artesian men We are on tbethii Csttsa Kejwert. W•'quote: Good Middling.,.......... ....98 Middling. .9} Low Middling 9 Receipts to date 2,369 Open windows at night now are QH ry cobblers are nearly over. Mr. LlnsBeH is now with Buch anan A Son,- where hebfigan bis duties Monday. Colonel P. O. McDonald, editor of the Dooly Vindicator, was in tb§ oltv on Bnpdajr. , \ news. Unfortunately, they did not wait to ask questions, or they would have found that the water was some which was pound, in the casing BatniWy mfght to keep the sand from rising; «f Uil I ll What to Take. Take tbe Daily Rsoobdh. Take good care of your wife and chifclien. 'Aiks an interest in evemibSg ior this notice. sepFftd — THf'vCUiaTRY" HOOP BKIHT WITH HUSTLE ^COMBINATION. aver been aiuthing in Si tlx, liability, that gave the. gen- tton to thfl wA<\rb)r tint tbp kin" does. Ask any lady r worn one, And she will tell yon that she will wear no other—only $1.20. Second lot jnat received. jf'TWjr'V J01IN;% mw. N; B.—Call and see the -'Perfection" There hit ndnEass oral satis: ilelenD( dolt well. Take' nil tbe pleasure you can' honestlyAfford. Take trouble like a philosopher, as one of the incidents of life. Take yourself out of temptation as fast ss yonr legs will carry you. t Absolutely Pure. t T U powder a Strength RR-i trb than tho ordinal compel ion w“*- wclght, nluni i •^H^»MikilMUklsy Jaiht , the town red be docs not nsnslly employ water colors. A reqnlon of the brass bands of, Southwest Georgia will be held in Jesupon^S^.^ _ '"Judge J. A. AnSloy has removed bis office to the Commercial Houss block, in thoEpotn with R. T. Byrd. nr varies. A msrvol of purity •somecess. More economical — - kinds, and cannot he sold In competton with the multitude of luwtrfit, abort rr!"i, or phoejibafe powder*. only 1n tin can*. itOYAL B4KINO POWDER Ol), 108 Wall H»p«et, New York. e*2?yl. unlay, .September 20th, and Mon- day^Septcmbcr 29th, my storo will be closed. My customers, espec ially those wanting ice, will confer a favor by getting a* full supply the* days preceding the above. Will open at 0 p. in. Kcspectiiilly, etc., J. Israels. Board of llealth's lleporf. The report of tbe Board of Health was submitted to the city eounoil lest nigh!. The Board —SELECTED- And Every Speoies of Itching and Burning' Diseases Pos itively Cured. Mrs. W. K. Bell and daughter, who bgve been spending the sum mer at different resorts, returned in South America.. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, j pt.'ZOIA. nr Salt Rheum, with its agunizina itch* Alingiud burning,Jn.«f»ntly relieved by * warm I hath with CL'litXTtAHoad, ami * ninxld application i CtmcvUA. tho KTfiAt Hkin Cur*. Thi* mpMttd i daily, with two or three rionoanf (.’tnicCBA RESOL* vkm r, tli« Sinw Blood Poritiwr, to *•—**-- «—• cool, tit# perspiration pure and bowel* op«n, the liver and kid apfiAdity cure Eczema. Tatter, Hin Station Drt/eu Fort Otfg - “Eider Down” and “Calls Lily” arc clegrnt complexion powders and are used in many planes with perfect satisfaction.' In while, flesh and pink at J. A..& D. F. Davenport's. . phl^UnuU Will U.UnulU. 'AU at,. i yearn: tri«d hmidred* of ramedlon; i|«mi i nounced hin cane UoiieleM; permanently OUTicyiu K r.w»i.vr.xT (blood puriii*r; ir , ‘and IranauRA and Ptmccaa Soap ft ho g j *carwijtUmaHv. IiOCAl, RGHEPOhE. md after Sunday, August 3rd, trains will ijfrPPr •'S"* Day f.eight down arrive*anlly at 4:49pin. Day freight up arries dally at 9:20 a m. Night freight doily except Monday down 1:42 a m, " “ “ “ “ nn. 8:20 a m. tA)TT WARREN, Agent. \o. 125 & 126 Forsyth St., Amerious, - Georgia, - Vklnt* lloiightnu. Eau., lawyer. 23 .State St., Boston, reportn a cane of Halt Bneum under Ilia observation for ten yean, which covered the pa tient's body and limbs, and to Which all known methods of treatment hail been applied without Benefit, which wan completely cured solely by the V. IK. Drake, Ka4., Detroit, Mich., suffered untold tortures from Sait Rheum, which appeared on his hands, head and face, aud nearly destroyed hU eye*. After the moat c.uvfu Id or Coring and a consultation of physician:* failed to relieve him, he used tho Chmci.lw KEMifeiyt, and was unredr and has remained‘«o to date. ' j M VM TJSJt COUNTY. FOR MAYOR. We tire nutborized to aunounoo the name of A. C. BELL os a candidate for Mayor of Americus at the Municipal elec* tion in December next. * itugl tf Hr, Joint Thiels WUkeaharre, Pa., writes:— I have taftcred from Salt Rhenm for over eight veans at times ao bad that I could not attend to my bnsines for w.-wks at a time. Three boxes df Ci'TicUha, and four bottles have en tirely cured me of tl'iis dreadful disease.' ' ‘ Bold by all druggist“Price: fltrnccBA, fiOets.t BKsoi.vr.XT^PfeniBAt'. 25 rtr. Pot Trn I»kUO AMD J0k>:«|c«bf:a^lt#»'»n. Maw ‘‘ •low to Curt* Akin IHwam." THAN' KVKB JUJFOIIE I FOIt 8T1EHIFF. We are antliorlzefl to announce the name of W. H. COBB af. UNTIL SEPTEMBEH let, NEXT, I OF FER M V ENTIRE LINE OF Sheriff of Rmutor connty, 'ir^Tec tt White; of tha loth Difitrlct'Hv^ deputy. ICVKASOAP. All exquisite 1 I "t.ltftth,and Nursery S*na New Advertisements | DRYGOODS, Notions, FanoyGoods, > A SlLltHI IT ha-fthis day been duuolved by mutual consenty Mr. Mcriit ratlrlng from the bualueaa. Tht fittalness will be continued by W. I H. Evans win aMumrs all tho do'da of the firm, and with whom all person* nnlrbtnd to the flim Will settle, W. II. KVAN8, « * _2%n. j^saas a oabu? xaf «i t- Thanking the cuitomera of the old firm for their patronage, I respectfully ask for a continu ance of the same. I . will be toand st the old etsnd on Catton Avenue, ready to supply you . with groceries and provuioua at loWcsVbriore, JIM’S MID CAPS, TKl likS Ai\D SATCHELS, CLOTHING! EVER SHOWN THIS SIDE OF PLYMOUTH ROCKS. WASHINGTON. , * ^ .^SATj^S, aud wHI be siicli UNANSWKR* .' ABLE AIKil'MENTK that NO HOrSK 1 CAN MATCH NOR COMPETITION twi i • | RKACH. ThesH nre KVEUN and STUB- MH. GROSSIIASJCST ItKTDRNED | BORN FAC'D* that will CONVINCE and 03" Tk - • . ' ■ CON VERT you un the subject of ND ,EVERYTHING : WILL BE; EADY.FOR INSPECTION U\ A QENUINE BARGAINS 1 EW DAYS. I You will RnA thaw is ECONOMY AND j SOLID COMPORT In dealing wilb «• - *_ j and vre will prove to you that tyi r-1 fm sax as pdhrii £r ■ “ i ' r ' | dentiiriee i» an infallible ente for Ulcer- ateil Sore Throat, BleedlnR Onnis, Sore mouth and Ulcer*. Cleans the Teetli and keepa the (Inin, healthy. Prepared sole- ^l^^^Dea- For aale by Dr. W P* Bnrti dentist, J. E. Bell, and all tlragghS* and dentin*. •ugSmS. BUG CHAPMAN’S we exhibit at the New Orleans Ex- poaitloo.. If you can’t give but a nickel, give that freely. TTTPMIP ^ newer X unnir *»*. *D. FD avenport’a The Centoaniel oi the Reptiet Association of Georgia, to be cele brated ill Washington in October Not Giving You Wind , . t B.y«H.i 0*lr*,.. Yesterday morning a report reached this city that a young ladv ofWeUUrbsdMMj rage at the bands of ' a negro. ' A Recorder man bunted out the report, and fouud It to be without foundation. if yon will f*k* the trouble to «llon s*.' If yon do not Improve thin opportunity SOME DAY when you realize wl» SPLENDID BARGAINS you have lost,: -THEY-ARE THE- U4er» >f Swtfcwwi dewgiz 1! You will be Sick! promises to' be no small affair. Judging from the vast preparations they ar* making, they must nxpeet to Mtertnla the entire denomina tion oftbq State. , , , T ] .•>aseaOM m> .• •- to? f An exchange very pertinently remark* that cotton may fail, wheat may turn to cheat, tornadoes blow, basinets languish, starvation stare l$t in the face, yet the visit of tbe oommertial drummer is as regular and nnvarying as tnnrise. Whether b« smiles upon us with two satch els ora wagon toad of tranks, be is still tbe same numerous, affable, fu« <* tow paces and Ahn best goods in tbe •hdaleupon a free b^d. Kveryl renovated and is sweet and clean, wine cellar “AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT.'U JOHN B. SHAW- Having opened tho Rylander Academy I ptopoae to open- on Monday the IBtto of Augnat next, a School ol High Grade for Boy, and Glrla. Term,, rate*, etc, aa heretofore. Having had much experi ence in oondnetiBg achools'of anob char- Mooday morning, after the us ual summer veeatlon, tbe public schools of this eity again opened. The attendance in both white and gXptitniWfej moarders Wawled. A few gentlemen can be accom- P.S.N0'.‘i. ; The firm or fima in Americas woo | could buy good* tot Ion. or can live o« I leaa profit, than yonr humble 1 ALL DIED OR MOVED AWAY BEFORE I earn* here, 16 yaars ago—“And lies' yofrlOTfr»t it” patronage of the good oitixena of Americas and vicinity, and for the same pledge setisfao- Hon. W. H. ALLEN, Principal. July 20,18SS. i Belt'* place, aenr Aaerfeu hneber st mill forEUht snd^in the city for Kino ,11. W. JORDAN, *| J, WAX£LBAUM &j CO. Proprietors New York Store, or (her month*. Apply nt this offlee. Mrs. A. W. Brannon. Septld l»JPWn Wi03 M rime Beef. If you want a piece of nice beef, call tbia mUttfcTAiBfff s W*» market, on Voraytb e3S|wetSf Optra Uouae.