Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 17, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. L. OLBIMBR, B4lt«r. ODelai «nc*i or Wefetti WEDNESDAY,!] 13th SENATORIAL DISTRICT. DKNOCK ACT OR lND^FENDKNTlNR. wiucii 1 Two jeacaago, when the democracy of the 9th CopgroMional district bad rooted Emory Speer, the fdttlf Giant of fnde- pen fie otUm , great rejoicing was had In (he ranks of the democracy of the 18th Nenatorial diatrict; two ymn prior to that Dr. Foltao, tbo Big Oiant of lode* pendentlim, bad been buried in his To* pendent political $rave; and then w h«*» Hahoneiem in Virginia dropped front its zenith Tile a falling star, and.was shroud ed In the mildew of ita own, corruption, we ail felt most aa happy as tfxn old sister a*, campmeeting who felt happy onongb to hug everybody. And now at this Jute day shall the 13th Senatorial district go hacfc on W reoort) for allegiance to or ganized democracy and reviva the ghost of IndependentiHto? 1 am relnctant to believe it; I had rather believe that a nober, second thought would prevail, rather than disrupt tbo organized de- inocraey and bring on all the evils that wnnld naturally follow this desirnotlve course. A prominent citizen informed me that parties in Sumter are watching the prob able anccess of the movement with the view' of running for the legislature jn Sumter, and then an Independent might mo for Congress in this diatrict. And what is pll this fuss about that we sbopld have all these threatened evils suspended over our. Iua'K-* Was mt, Major J. N. Hudson, the Democratic nominee, regu larly nominated in accordance with the rules fixed by the convention? Yes; the rules fixed by the convention required a majority of the rotes to nominate, there were eight votes in the convention, two each from Sobley and Macon and four from Hntnter; Major Hudson got four aud a half votes, and one of the Macon county delegates who had voted with the tolnori- rentier., and failing to defeat Cleveland's nomination hare been threatening not to abide the action of the convention. Don't all trne democrat* ond»mn tbe action of Kelljr and bis party ? Can any Mma'cR in « aeta through the declaration of it, convention, Indepcn- , arts in many way,, in mass meotiott, gotten up by the aspirant or hi, follower,, or by individual annoonee- ment m ft candidate fa : defiance of can* motion,, end make, « heavy warfare on tinge and clique,, or any other glindiUg hobgoblin. That waa Dr. Celton and [ Emory Speer', method. I do not call KMleylani dr independent iam democracy. Hint the 23d day of August camp, thin year before the 6tli Mf so, I say, people of ttic 13th Senatorial District look well to yonr interest, briber declares that I ar- d (bat 1 would run an an independent candidate, if tbe con* volition refused to nominate me. Thin I denied in my other letter, and ns he contradicts my word, I hog him to allow me to contra dict his, and beside, 1 notice In the the Republican that be says 1 promised[him that I would not be n candidate against him, but now If Kelley and hi* party j saya that I stated I would. Ilnw boll, the nomination nnd pula nnt an-! cnn yon reconcile this? other candidate, will they not be properly ; - called independent, and la it not equally aa bod for otbera to do a like thing? Ho further says that the Murray delegates actually admitted, in Ktop, wayward brother democrat,, before 1 open convention, that I would ! un a mistake haa ripened Into an ivll; do . independent if not nominated, not act in haete that yon may repent at ; j call upon every mnn who leieure. If'the coarenliou tint nominated Mnjor Hudson was a demoomtio ennren-... ,. lion, called together by proper authority | »»««g your verdict. was in that convention for the proof of this assertion. Gentlemen, What say and acted under rule* fired by them nnd ’ ye, men of integrity ? in accordance with democratic principler. j Mr. Hudson also says that 1 thru it seem* to me that not only all the j referred to the 11. V. R. R., as one delegates and candidate. iu * ,nw ' j of thc Issues in this election. I Schley and Kouuer, but that all demo-; .. , crate from those comities arc Imnud by ■ tivny Hint. I stmply mentioned tbo action of the convention. Would I my connection >n tlic railroad, nnd not any other course be Kelley ism or | I refer you lo my letter. r&Qliver firOAPITAIdPHIZB •15,000 « 1 TiekitionlyM. Riuim». f STILL LEADS! He further says that I did not ty moved to m^i?the noplaiiUtm unuli* 1 anyon. to curee, j~ ~ »neh as he baa, and gone • r . L..1 l.i .ITit.e.t..ew. .. .ntld m \eov .aa nil it DlDDiatll .HHl Intlnlll t-Alll* mnn* an A it was seconded nud carried. Suintcr county democracy i* bound by the action of the convention by all. the rules of party usage* And practice, a* the meeting at which her delegate* were elected had been well adverliaed nnd rverylmdy who felt an interest and waa able could have attended; it Are* the day when gubernatorial and congressional delegates were selected, a good large crowd waa out and the Sumter delegate* were elected by about eighty majority. Isn't it, therefore, a little ineentittent for a democrat of Sumter county to My he will not abide the action of the conven tion, and at the same time claim to bo an organized democrat? Organized doesn’t mean to repudia.e. disrupt and tear to piece*. Macon county Kent her delegate* to tbe convention; one of them. Gel. AVillis, the Nestor of organized democracy iu hfttt county, was made chairman of the con vention; they participated in the pro ceeding* of the convention all the way through, and on their motion the nomi nation of Major Hudson was declared unanimous. Ia not Macon county hound by the action of the convention? I do not eee how an organized democrat conhl say otherwise. 1>om anybody suppose that Col. Willi* and the other delegate* will go back on their own action, or that the democracy of Mnoon county will go hack on tho action of their authorized delegates, or their own time-honored al legiance to the democratic party ? How with Schley county? She sent her delegatee to the convention, who participated in ita proceedings in fixing the ruj^s of the convention, snd voted, with one or two exceptions, I believe, in all the proceedings of the convention. They did not vote, I believe, in tbe tleo- tiou of tho candidate. Col, Willi*, the chairman, who had been voting ail tbe lima with the Schley county delegates, ruled that nndcr the rule* fixed by tho convention Mr. independent ism? 8u>pi Wand, of Hehl.y,» « j (teUne Ilmelf as , 0 tbo ruilrcod tbe Amerieus gentlemvn whom it is said | . . .. t ... .rotatboa. 1,1a thirteen where*... that commission. .Now 1 will again bp lent to tba Ell.villa jns's meeting for j state for tho information of ti e prCSCIlt tl'llK* COllStailtlV ilTipiOVed tllCIll. MW | your people to pasM, and tell him and the i pentloiian liiinscll, (hat 4 10*7/ 1 • 1 people of the Thirteenth Senatorial Dis- | not, fattfe not, neither handle . • • .a < . ... . i^ Im• ■ ,1 a r\f 11>a : \the unclean thing, and if eating ; meat offend my beloved brother / ; eat no more meat, neither ‘"firtl, i taut nor all the time." The gentle- trict that yon prop '** to act inside of the democratic j*aity. i know that s people feel aggrieved tin* Air. Murray not iiominatHd, but at mo»t all nomimi lion* Homebody and his friend* are dis appointed, bnl it won’t do to kill yonr | ,p. in ver y cicnrly states his posi- mule and burn up the gin house because yon make a *hort crop of cotton. Judge Krekine, it in *sid, advised an lion oil the railroad commission. I quote his own language: “Follow Americas lawyer who lmd lost Id* eme j Cjiliston*. 1 say to you, frankly, I before him ami went* to the Jud^e and all) opposed to the repeal of any aaked what he must do. The Judge told ! Just and wise provision of our him (so It Is said) that he did not know j railroa(| laWB - X ow , f el | ow c m. of but oua remedy, auii tliat cu the .luil|(P. M that waa a iavrjev’a pvivi zena, I .ay tlmt 1 cotiUI have sakl but let off thestvaru in na mild way aa! on if elcclcti and foitglit your commiaaion, because I iniylit in my judgment, claimed tlmt it van pnaaiblp. A person feels better when be baa told his grievances to his friends. Bnt before disrupting lire democratic , . , , , . i . jea^an wiiirift' and ««)■<»/ law, and 1 party, endure tuueb ntppoifo iiolftirneaarj . , / 1 and think at least three times, like the little hoy arho said, “father, I think. I think. I think y«ur mat is on lire." M. Mepleinber 13, 1SH4. P. S.—Since writing tire above, I learn that even Kelley has at last refnsed the Independrnt pill snd declared for the Democratic candidate. M. To the I’eople of tbe Thirteenth Sen atorial Dlatrlrl. Kktxow C'lliztxs—In my letter of the 8th instant to you, defining my poaition on the principal polit ical subjects exercising tbe minds of tile people of this district. 1 studiously avoided saying any— tiling either for or against my op ponent, the lion. .1. N. Hudson, knowing that lie was not accus tomed, at all times, to controlling his temper, and besides, 1 had (as I have lor all other men) a respect due one man from another, ana 1 still retain that respect towards him, blit it is due myself, ar.d espec ially due you, that! reply to hia of •September 10, in which he makes (I hope uninlcnlioually) some un true assertions—an error of the head and not of the heart. 1 reply to him in no spirit of malice, but clnim as he did, the right lo lie the judge of it. This is lather sharp in tbe gentlemen. His godfathers in A mcricus lmd better have a bet ter understanding, as lie says that lie is wedded to his convictions, and that neither hr nor his convic- i lions shall tdiangc to suit the vicissitudes or the canvass; but hear in mind Hint about five weeks ago he declined to be a candidate, saying that lie would not enter into any scramble for it, but he has changed since then, lor 1 saw him scramble under the steps of the Opera Hou-e oil the night of the 2~tli. ol Aug ust, and there wail impatient ly until his porter came down and notified him tlmt be had received the votes of Hint remera- bered, yes, Hint in mortal, four from Sumter and the cue half of one from Macon. The gentleman says in the wind ing up of his epistle, that ho has respcctlully invited me to meet him in public debate on such terms ns may be arranged by mutual friends. Well, 1 have not as yet received his respectful invitation, but suppose the mail is to blame, defense. ,,, , The gentleman states that I said ! » n ' 1 1,8 '.“’‘'.'"“‘T’ 88 Inmv address that 1 was nornl-! thc ,8 m1,oH ' , " ,nt ' nc ' uuted as the democratic candidate j knowledge *cmce, and that while my oratorical powers ate few and far between, 1 will (I’rovidenee per- We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One House Wagons, of all styles ami sizes. All of which are of our own t/uinufucture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this conn- > try, and have from the beginning up to the Louisiana State Lottery Co “ n r e to hereby eerhfy ' the arrmyrmente for nil il, r i Snni-Anhiud Drawing. of Tin: * Mate I.oltiri, C'amjMHg, ant in m ',.nrJT ! "' ageandemtiA the Drmeiiul /i,,-, 1 and that the Mint art conducted «ithu’ ctly. fatmeu, and in good faM to.rarZ, pnrtirn, and ,« aulhonu the Cmnor, me tint certificate, with Jae-timilt, J» ‘ Mtguditure* attaeM, in it* •ohnUteme * • rommlskiontri, Iucorj»<nntttl ci 1SC.S lor 85 (car, l v ?h.> . lure for JMuc iHonal an I VJltnriial.f.. V m ’ with n cajiltnl of (I,fl00,‘M!0-to which » f.*" :tI t of llu* pics, nt s*u iihor 2*1, A. 1).. lUGraud Single Number Drawlt l0l take piece moutlily. '* A HPF.F WIN DRAWI.VO, (R.ASS K, or Mrjkfi;. nkw oki.kan*. irk-i»"vv October 11,1*84 Mmuhlv iiri-t'j,' CAPITA la PRI/Eq $7,1,000. 100,000 lick els al Five Hollars K'aHi. rraetious. In Fiftlis, ia i*ro|»or1iwu v list OK ruiZKS: t C AP! I .A I. PRIZK ffTjfrg, 1,807 Prize* A i>|i|imtli onlytuilifv For further lnf< Fee <if thc 5 Oriier* fc*; we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from lf> to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now lo those who have old bug- !]y[pg ELAM gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new; We will give you more WILI (K0{ . PV Hrn work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be i ^ g STORK convinced. Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. full nddroM. Mnkc I*. O. Mm an.! udtlrc** Rc-jlMorcd Letters SKW OIU.K.WS NATIONAI, BANK N«\v Urlrnui, l,n. POST A Fa NOTES nn<l ordinary Idler- 'r M:ti! or Kxj>t>r» (all ^itm* of 95 nnd tif.'vinj i. Kxpi»•'.? at mir ex|(er.«o) to M. A. DAUPHIN', New Oi-lcnna, La, D. *. IN IURL0W Itl.Ot K. Wlieatley’s Corner, October 1st; llo! every one iu need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner nnd bn; Int.odijeing il,> -ah' «-f FINE CLOTHING- new HATS • i arrived hfuFcati lu- : old storf* room, wifli Mis. F Lewis, .South side of PuLI S'qnaro, Americus, Du. Perfect Fitting Clothing 1288th Elimox. IT,lit: ONLY M EVER SHOWN IN AMKlHCUS! GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE KNOW THYSELF. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear!! ' Vdlfty Pr.-m.ilure hWlin- In jlillllllHIll- for Senator, on Hie 23>1 day of Mar,ay rouid not b^At.guat, by (he people of Schley, | ^^eoivo praMDtad lo th« conwnliou nnlaaa l^sn.l , 8ys t hi« cannot possibly be i llicnl pl acc am ( tilnc suggeited, true, and that I knew it, and did j Believing the cause I represent know at the time, that this position I Is » defence-.f the people’s lights is incorrect. Now! will leave it . | corrupt rings ami soheminff , . , . . , . politicians, and that “right makes to your judgment U, .ay who nus-, , 4 all at tim ^ bt . leoilv represents tho lacts. What does to j to explain uiy views and defend nominate mean? 1 answer, lo name.; them to thc best of my ability. Who did the people ot Schley, In-' WUU no liighcr ambition than to eluding Hie distinguished gentle-1 re P refitnt th ;' ;yo,dc in righting a , , in. J., I grievous political wrong, I appeal - , ■ ., , «“*•» (» h ® *” lheB Schley, J, lLo bon ' Mt voter » the district •suRaias front Sclilay went the an- but now four parts front Sumter i to sustain me in mv position. Ihneita I .Llan.tlaa nt' Wnhlai. nn., nl.. ■- I ... • 1 »gre«(l to sbUU (he setion of ihe eonven lion, si'll having faRe«\ to do so nnld Dot b* • candidate. Tbe Schley delegatus having been importuned to present acme other candidate from Schley, or to pre sent Mr. Murray in conformity to the rules of the convention, nnd having failed and declined to do no, who can lay that .the Schley county delegate*, or the Sibley county demooraoy, ia not bound bhM* action of the convention, if the delegate* from Schley were tho an- _ _ _ thortee i delegatM of Schl v county ? |, nd one .u a |r 0 f'one ,«in from Ms- Can thay aay that the rulins of Col. , y . ... WUlia on said matter ... wroBR. 00, ‘> D * UK ' f * * nf,wer - ' V ‘ D - Mu ‘- and i litre fora they will not he | ray. Now, gentlemen, bring in hound? Did they make euy appeal from ! your verillct. Colon.1 Wiilie' ruling to the convention?! ne further soys that 1 slated • -* iuga, end not witbdnw from the conven-! » n, J cct ‘° the democratic tlon. and then aay they are not bound by! nomination, aud saya this could i a ^; e p r0 pen v of the State in I8S4 itn peoendinga? IJlduk not. Did they not have been to thc nomination ! lt *317054 7Td, against *300 fil®-' Son^nX'^ndVVt^.'»d 1 "* °! (mCaD , f " g tbC \ ™ ln of $10,’- then declinetnparticipate farther!., it. j °°" n ‘r S9»T“‘lo» or connty nam-1 ..a .0. m,.. . -a procMdioaa? I did ms m undnatand : in «' “ >' ou 1'lea^J because I al- that they did. ready bad that. Well now let us What ia KaUeybm, which ia Hiring the j nee. That aiiuouncemeul was e Wrtjr of Upill's FuniLlliliU fluop*. Tolitf ill tliw|iltiyInR :bi*so b«nntlfal ncxvl- whether you wi-l THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : ; Americus, Ga. BOOKS BOOKS l\l : Han. UtO |taiet» i.mir.Uln b. m*iMi! bti'pciinin;' " rir»lM»a»f,| rovt-rff, lull B»lt, f'•• • 1 • ' ' * work in every r-cn.«i—inecfcaiiienl, I prt»feff$U)n:tl—tnun uuy other work wd>. > u '■ ll , * eonnlry tor $2 M), or ihc tnonoy will , In .‘v.-iy intinmv. t'rlet* only tl Ly nml ■ • Ituviraiive ri'miiJe • ccnt<*. ^•n , ‘ 41 ' tlal awtrdet! ilie «uUit by ill* -V**'' . Ariwcliitloi:, lo tin ofllcern »i >!•• ' rcf*r«. This 10.1k shoaM h* rr-n.1 Lv tlic ya ! .litiHio.i, nnd by thf till it led for «•! ic-Ht ali.—Lontlon La: Th.-r* I* ok will r rf.* “ " lli uf f? , Instructor o It.VVINfi MV STUCK THAT WAS I.KFT l’HOM THE EIRE IX ORDEII. \ AVI) liKlT.KXISHF.I) WITH XFAV COO! IS, I AM NOW PREPAII- j ' aiSSitS'Siiiay vriTt El) FOR lllSINESS. NEW HOODS RECEIVED DAll.A. I crn.^il" - “■’“■'-’A"- » • Lntrlt.R »k*ll ai.d experienc*. Chronw •'»>•* 0 ';‘. - - !';r,lV;HEALc Respcctlully, W. 1). MtuiiAv. Sivpleinlier 13, 1331. BOOKS ; AND 5 PERIODICALS i AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! Best and Cheapest Writing- Paper and En velopes in town! Hied fcuu'e>$fu)iy YSELF For Sale I THE WOMIFH P«, I d.uu^acy eo meeh troubU ia New fork.. mt( , e tbr0ll g h llie mptr lhtet , «>o» cltilena, hia fellow, went into the convention and ** ow ** I I* the gentleman ao 1 ardtipeted in the (tueecdiaga of the tea- f»r forgetting himself M to argue The Constitution publishes a summary of thc tax returns of Georgia for the present year, from j CROQUET, BASE BALLS, whicli it apiK^nrs that tho total tax-1 7 " Hammocks, Chess, and Light Reading for Summer Days. ! 142,481. The increase in city and i ’ town property is $4,831,483, and j BUTTEICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAY. in improved lands, $3,967,793. NEXT DOOfi TO POST OFFICE. —nv— C. IK COKKJt, of Oregon, Formerly of Americus. Oa. Price -W' 1 ! $1 each. Apply to Jxo. 51. i-'oKKit. Colton Avenue, Americus, <•** August 10,1884. m2 A decoction of tansy, applied with a common watering can, or through a tine hose, is said to be an excellent remedy against the j cabbage worm. j AaiNTEJS • AYCOCK. americus FOR SAILS. *p!tu of MuAwi, one 1 two-l.or*. *-'i one (.-cod *i>rlnv wagon, wish “« c * w0 ’ ‘ tnralng plow, om* lwo*hor*« eultlvitor, • • Hi w.v r -rtu drill Wo wt l»uc?y Will he «okl fbcnph Kimuliw th'X'M 1 Au«n»t 57, YW4. St TO FI.ANTSBS. d wril ommended dMire* asiioauon , ot a plantation. For fhrth»r •n i«ir« at thli office. f50?1 '