Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 20, 1884, Image 2

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If all the cities in Georgia will do a* well in proportion as Ameri- cns, there will be .no trouble about raising a handsome lund for the Georgia exhibit at New Orleans. An exchange objects to the lion izing of Sitting Bull, and says he Only surrendered because starva tion stared him in the face. Ue appears to draw.larger crowds and a bigger salary, however, than il he was one of tbe veritable kings o( the Cannibal Islands. The potato crop in tbe Wcat is said to be ns good as the wheat crop, but the market is hopelessly overstocked, and no money of con sequence eau be commanded on potatoes. The very thing the Western (armers prayed for docs not now appear so desirable. XtJBRAY ACCEPTS THE PR0P0S1- TUMI. Following is the letter of Hon. W. D. Murray in reply to the reso lution adopted at the mas. meeting Oglethorpe, from wjtich it Will be seen that be accept* the propo sition to submit the claims of Mr. Hudson and himself to a primary election: Oglethorpe, GA.,Sept. 17,1884. Non. L. O. Niles. Chairman Demo cratic Executive Committee 13th Senatorial District: Dear Sir:—The Democratic con- ; vention ol Macon county having j this day adopted a resolution ask-, ing that I and Hon. J. N. Hudson j signify our consent to submit our j ForSytfa, StfSSt, respective claims to the Democrat- j fc nomination in this district, I herein reiterate the expression con- j tained in my letter of the 18th ' inst. to the Hon. .7. j?. Hudson,' that 1 am willing to submit my i claims to any honorable method to ; remove the present trouble, and j that since I wrote said letter f have conferred with many of the citi zens of Schley and that they ap INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Amerious, Q*k AGENT FOR THE LEADING Americus has spoken. Now let | prove said letter and I feel that 1 Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Angus- , can now say they will approve my la, Columbus, Albany, Griflln,; decision in this matter, hence I Marietta, and the other cities, do ■ hereby give my unqualified consent as woll in proportion, ami Georgia ; to the letter and spirit of the rcso- can make an exhibit at New Or- j lulion. Very respectfully, leans that will do credit to the W. D. Murray. State, and tho Georgian who visits — • —— tile great exhibition can hold his It is reported that Jay Gould head up in pride, j gave his partner, Morosini,lhe sen- ‘.. T. 7 . “.. , sible advice that the best tiling for The Philadelphia Record says ^ ^ <|q jg lo l#ko hj9 coachman AXtSO AOBNT FOR TUB GULLET AND LUMMES COTTON GIN?, The Boat O-lna SXocto ! CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS. septl8m3 T. ByRD, A POSITIVE NOVELTY.! We invite everybody and the public gen. eraliy to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will he sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to ■ uiut «v ».w ■» «w vwnv ...a vv~^——. , I WE HAVE MOVED TO THE COMMFR- riS we™' mainly Ten” f 00 . in , ,nw in ! , “ d “ d 1 .. Mt 1 ' im u " Eve “ in S' - 4 * 1884 ’ ino^an 88£m°x8*'S 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to n; ctimcd ro V r°thtm C 'i'y ’ Mr !.* I omwer* opera house, j each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give ns a trial. i A word now to those who have old bug j gies and wagons and desire to have them re- | paired or made new: We will give you more j work, and a better job, for less money than i any other shop in Americus. Try us and be i convinced. I Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. PREPARE FOR A SURPRISE ! | Buok, in hia historical address at Norrlatown during tho late centen nial exercises, that the earliest protest against 'ncgio slavery in the English colonies was prepared by|tbeso German sottlcrs, at Ger mantown, February, 18, 1088. The late Gen. Pope Walker, of j Alabama, a few years after the war I recited tho!history of the meeting j ed a " e 8 ro br,,tc who attempted to ol the Confederate Cabinet on the : a9,!U,lt llcr 0,1 Sat " r,1a }' last - '4* night before Fort Sumter was fired ! 9tra,, S c t,lat ladies a ™ «>ore on. lie said Gen. Toombs ! generally taught the use of weap- was opposed to the attack, amtj- on,of “If-dcfense. In many parts psced the floor like a euged l ion , 1 of the country, the South especially, and, suddenly straightening him-; no v,,mnn 9hould 8° 0,,t - or cvcn self up in all his physical and in- [ ; e,nain at iloine alon «> without be- teiiectual grandeur, lie said, ini- '"g well provided with arms, ploringly: “Gentlemen, I beseech appears, however, that advice is wasted on this tierco Italian. While it Is natural that lie should he very much aggrieved at the blunder bis daughter has made, there is no ex cuse for his making^his family af fairs a matter of sport for every hoodlum and bootblack in Gotham. A Kentucky Indy shot and kill- you to pause and reflect before you j Their lives in Forsyth an old AM. I.AB1RSI AM, LMI1KS I Flr*t Grand Inaugural Tour of tho famed Enro )>nnn Mentation, Ml MS LILLY CLAY’S OPERA COMPANY OF LADIES ONLY, In Hi»* grwit London and Paris Sure** » A.3>ar ADAMLES S EDEN. Unwilling this impossible folly of the day, in Re gal Splendor end Magnificence, by it wary of i narming olid Cultivated l-ndy ContedienncN Lady Vocalist*. Lady SpocialWtt, Isady Mutlcian*. Ijnmembvr ! All Ladle*! No Gentlemen. FowlItaly the first time ol nn entire Kvot.Ing’e Entertainment prenented by a Com pany of Ladle* only. SiifM>rb ContjdDle J-mlie* Orche»tra. YOU KNOW WE ARK THE “LEADERS.” Tltc ndnn into give an order which will shako 'the ! S u,ltloman who '■ " ow in his * er °°- continent and drench the land in ) W-nmlh year. He was converted in blood ” i *® S3 i licensed to preach in 1848 ».. w i and has been preaching ever since. LOCALIZATION OF 1'AXKN. ji 0 never served on a jury, never j No greater evil exists in the laws wa9 9 „ e ,j ( ncver 9ftW a horse race ; of our atato than the present ays- j 110r a thcatro, never saw a game of tom of taxation. To say the very , c(lr ,i 9) never saw a danco ndt oven least of It, it is unequal, one-sided I nt 8 corn shucking, nor was lie ev- and unjust. As it stands, the . cr jmnk. Ho lias twelvo children amount “given In” is entirely a , ftn d lives a happy, peaceful life. matter of conscience and not of;' , , . value. Tliia being the case, the Robert Golden,.whllo excavating consequences arc evident. Con-: on Trewton bill, near Savannah science is 'notoriously a variable j unearthed, at a distance of 25 feet articlo with different people, and j below tho surface, a perfect skele- just so long aa tho law remains us i on . Lying near by were a ball it is, will the palpable evil flourish. A few examples would show the force of tho point we would make. Last year, in a neighboring coun- and chain, with a lock attached, making a loop just large enough to enci'clc tho neck. The ball and chain weighed 32 pounds. ty, this practice of low valuations Th ese curiosities are exhibited at was carried to such an extond that H sn i 00 „ to-night, tho Grand Jury was called upon to j — A. O-ardon or Z7don. HEAR IN MIND THE HATE, Wednesday Evening, Sept. 84th. It make* the advent of tho only real novelty that you will wMnw thU m*o«oii. er*NO ADVANCE IN l*RICKS._jfc| S.'cnro Rrnrved Sent* well In advnnco. At Jibe usual place*—Mr* L*wi*nnil Agn»* A jock. M.e* LILLY CLAY, Stolo Managcm* and Direct re**. ADMISSION AH USUAL. t*q>17td GYLE8, TliE - CLOTHIER AND HATTER,! AMERICUS, GA. SILENT! Tbe Lost is Fannil ! I know my friends and cus tomers think that I nm rather silent since my return from the Wlieatley’s Corner. Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and bn; The splendid ■uceee* which Attorn led} mr'efforts.lii introducing the -ale vf FIJSTE CLOTHING lu our e , ha* iudueod.u* la bring out for the Spring trade the large*!, haudaomest i r ‘d most complete linn of Perfect Pitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS! AND CAN UK FOUND AT BUG CHAPMAN’S ; North, but it was done on nc- Th..* 8~si* hsy.»«„»i«t^i and durability of texture, that lew indeed c n » . count of moving into my new | mammoth store, and also in opening and arranging the i stock. I will break the silence Th. Why, I. W, lUrpt-r'. Nelson County Whiskey is pielerred above all other Brands is because it is the most regular and most perfect Product, inoontcstably ever made. A long experience in the manufacture of tbe Harper, tbe large capital of tbe Distiller which enables him to bold bis Whisker until it bis fully ma tured. together with the fuet that the Whiskey is bought by and shipped me to direct from the Distillery accounts for tbe unvarying satisfaction it has given those best ednoated to a lino Whiskey. J. Imiaki.s, Sole Agent, aprld lliii Americas, Ga take the matter in hand. Lauda which could not bo bought for live dollars an aero were actually given in at seventy-live cents. We call to mind a )>oor, hard-working, hon est widow, with a half dozen child ren to provide for, who gives in and pays for four dollnrs valuation on her land, while a prospering neighbor of here, with money and an clastic conscience, pays on bis land, of tbe same quality, at a val uation of two dollars. The whole system is a glaring shame,and should be abolished. If we bad an honest law on this sub ject, and it were honestly enforced, tbe problem of meeting the heavy- debts failing due iu the next few years would be easy enough of. solution. We have assessors for _ .. -A- O-AJIXJ. ' Thanking IV customer* of th® oM Arm far our towns Slim cities, and why tlieir pstrona^r, I re»t*>clfuljy a»k for Rcominu- not have them for the country? We respectfully call the attention of our representatives to this matter. However, what we have said is nothing new, and any mention in legislature of. a real good law to take its phtoe we fear would be like the typical darky preacher, who refused to denounce chicken steal ing to bie congregation for the reason it would “tetoh tcol’nstt •her dt mutin’.' Bur 911(1 RfiStOttM.! ^mg tliat 1 have bought | n very large stock ot goods, comprising Dry Goods, Furnish- GAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY, and sleep ou renovated a~ win® collar . free bed. Everything baa been tied aad D awret ami dean. 1 find In Iiug'i Liquors from 8 (o 13 Years Old! HKXKY.C. JOHNSON. Notice nf Dissolution Noil’® I* hereby given that lb® firm of EVANS Jt MKKUirr ba*fthl* day been dt**olr®d by mutual convent, Mr. Mcrltt rwtiring from the bualncM. Tb® i-uflncea will bo continued by W. GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE Wc havojalso a largo ntid well acleoted *t»ck of perfect fit ling Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And every thing in the way of Gent's FiirnLhinK thwp*. Volito mid ntU-ntive Sal®*ine:i vtll 'A* tpteaaore In dlaplaying these beautiful good* whether you wIhIi to hoy or r»t. THORNTON WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Corner, Americus, Ca. BOOKS ! TO PLANTERS. A gentleman of experience and well reo* ommended dealres aaituation aa overseer of a plantation. For farther particulars en \uire at this office. eu*’17if PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Any om wanting aoa*#f (Ms 6moo*.breed of fowl*, can get them by calling «• ev aasding tbalr . order* to aw at A marten*, Ua. | l.,UIU DAVID 4AMtl. ing Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and in tact everything pertaining to Indies and geutlc- men’s wear. I “struck” in time the Halstead, Haynes & Co. which stock, was sold at: — — ■ — auction through the assignee, having jiy stock that was left from the fiiie in 1 - | it | >K |! These goods are of the finest and replenished with new goods, i am now prepaii and best makes, and I will offer; ED FOH HL ' 8,NE8S ' NEWG00U8 KECE,VEI) ' )A "' Y them at prices that will make j without buying them at all. I i BOOKS * AND S PERIODICALS .ill take pleasure In sko«iog: AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! and pricing them. Come and j , examine whether you wish to .Best and Cheapest Writing Paper and bn- buy or not. • One word to the wise: I MRS. FRED LEWIS’. ASMticua. Ga, A«(. Si, lit*, tf 1 bought these goods to sell, and go they must for several rea sons, hence take advantage of the low prices and lay in your fall supply in the wearing line. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, The Bargain Man, Opposite Bank of Americus, Sign of Red Flag. Amuisul, Ga., Sipt. 14,1184. U velopes in town! Croquet, Base Balls, Hammocks, Chess, and Light Reading for Summer Day?. BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAY* NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. .A-CUVE! IS AYCOO AMORIOC7S aA.