Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 26, 1884, Image 2

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sees——(— Americus Recorder. ,W. L.MMUM, OBeUl Organ »f Webster niDAT, REFT. m. RECORDER GIFT MSTRIIliTIOK. **• miiiRM sin*. Ths Annual Gift Distribution* of the RhconsXR to Us advance pairing sub scribes! bare proved «o popular, and turn given aucb general latlafaotion, that we bate determined to make another one tliia pear on a larger eeate than an; that bate preoaded it, and In a few day* trill give a deaoripUon of the gifta In detail, with data aid manner of drawing. Among the gilta will fci— One Ton Haatadon Guano, One Tim Cotton Seed Heal. White flawing Machine, Silver Waloh, HU Monarch Shlrte, Pair Ladlea'Fine Bboea, ■ Box Hay Lee Smoking Tobacco, Box CroewCntamdHag Tobaooo, Two Boxaa Duke of Durham Cigarettee, Two Hundred Ponnda of Fine Soap, Seth Thnmaa Clock, One Hundred Good Booka, handaome- ly hound in Oloth and Gold. China Ware, Silrer Ware, ■lowelry, Elc. Every Gilt will be of nee and value, our reader* well knowing that we have alwayegiven juat what we agreed to in every particular. Bvery enhaoriber paying one year in advance will he entitled to a tieket in the Dialributiou, than affording him a chance to procure a valuable gift in addition to the paper, whioh la conceded by all lo be well worth the money naked for it. Poetere and clrcuUn containing a fall description of the gifts will he ieened in a few days. The New York Herald thinks ON THE WAR PATH. Or Consequences! HAST THEIK COLORS. The following correspondence he tween Mr. Francis F. Fisher nntl j Terence to j the Fifty* , before At- ( laula on the memorable 22d of| Grand Clearuigont Sale! July, 1864, will explain itself: Cbicaoo, Sept. 18, 1884. Rt. Rev. Jlithop Jleckvriih, Atlanta, 1 Georgia i i Dkab Kir—Will you kindly par-1 don the undersigned for bespeak- j Ing your good offices in behalf of I one of Ihe Illinois regiments in the “late unpleasantness,”provided, of i course, you can aid us without too great a tax upon your valuable time. Allow me briefly to state the circumstances: On July 22d, 1864, the Fifty-fifth Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry lost their colors (regimental and nation al),. before Atlanta, Oa., in the charge made by Ucneral Hood. We have never been able to ascer tain what regiment captured the . colon, nor where the colors now j are, if, Indeed, they aro still in ex-j istencc. We have liecn inlonned that they are in Atlanta, but have no means of knowing. The Fifty'-' fifth Regiment propose to hold a reunion on October SOth and 31st, next, (the first since the war), at Canton, III., and wc thought if the colors could lie restored to us on that occasion, it would be a very happy xflair. Now it Iias occurred | to us that you woidd lie in a posi tion to learn something in regard 1 lo the whcreahuuls of the lost col ors. If not in Atlanta, you may be able to give ns some idea where ! tbo.v are likely to lie kept. I have j no doubt but that with the restored j happy relations between the North and South there would he no diffi culty in getting the colors back, provided they can be found. We | would be grateful for any sorvioc you can render us in lliisdircction, j and esteeui it ns a great favor, if! consistent with your oilier dutic-s,: to make some inquiries in our be half among (hose who would be likely to know about it. The un dersigned was Adjutant of tuc reg iment at the time of the capture of the colors. A’ery respectfully yours, r “ m - rr JuMUilMIORi; 0TCAP1TA& PRIZE tTO.OQO. TlckitioulylV Share* In proportion STILL LEADS! Louisiana State Lottery Co. “ lli (to htrehy certify that m mptnm the arranycuunU for all the Jfonthtu aw ! Semi-Annual Drawing, of The \ State Irttery Company, anti in per ton Mar.', aye and control the Drawing, theenulm j and that the tame are conducted with hoi,'. ! etly.fainuM, and in good faith toward on ! partut, and m author,'re the C,nana„y u, \ ute thin certificate, with fyc-eimilet ,fou r | tignaturee attached, in it, adeem,emtnlt • GrnsliingPm FOR 30 Days AT John R Jlaw’s, incorporated v\ IMS for 2ft vein l.v u,.. ^ tnre (or Educational uu-l Chariul.f.. . with a capital or #1,000,'MO-to which A, n »p v fund of over f.WO,COO has wince been added. overwhelming popular v lo * part of the picsvnt M.-tic adopted December 2d, A, !>.. 187#. N’rt, Pi.i.V ISO Forsylli St., Amerious, • Georgia. take place raomhly. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO Fractions, in Fifths, in Proportion. MmTOP PRIZES: I CAPITAL PRIZE 175,00ft do do . 12,1*1 0 Approximation I*riy.o< mnm stock THAN RVKR BKFoRK ’ Ki; MV ENTIRE LINK OF John W. B elk with, Bishop of Georgia. I concur in tho above request. Henry D. McDaniel. Holmes' suhk cure moutii wash and dentifrice is an infallible cure for Ulcer ated More Throat, Blooding Gums, Soro mouth and Lleer*. (’leans the Teeth and keeps tho Gama boalthy. Prepared sole ly l*y Dr*. J. 1\ Jt W. It. Holm Km. Den- tint*, 102 Malberry Htroet, Macon, Ga. For aale by Dr. TV. P. Hurt, dentist, J. E. Rail, and all druggists and dentists. angSmO. DRY G00D8, Notions, Fancy Goods, BOOTS anil SllOrtS, HITS and CAPS, TRl'IKR anil SATCHELS,! Tammany is acting in good faith, j Atlanta, Ga„ Sept. 22, 1884- lt soys the leader* are determined I I will lie very grateful to the edi- to give Cleveland a hearty support, j tors of daily and weekly journal*, and a big city voto is expected. ; a, )[J “ny ° lhc '' l lCr80lls ' if th ®V j B j will aid mo in the clTort to obtain I „„ ... these flags, tliat they may ho sent! The Rlaine organ says that no by t!lc B re ’g ilDOnt which captured | man ever received so mitclt aliusc I them to grace tho occasion of the j as James G. Blaine. The reason | reunion of the Fifty-filth Regiment! UNTIL SKrTF.MUKl! 1st, NF.XT. r OF- Is plain. No Uepublioan candl-! of ,llinois Volunteers, dale was ever quite so vulnerable. lmla Burst has captured tbt l'actfio coast. At San Francisco she is overcoming the athletes and the spiritualists, and lifting the 2t)0-poundor« without any trouble. Yesterday, in Chicago, corn sold for 80 cents, while wheat went for 7b. Tilts U the first time . In tho history of that matfcot when corn was worth as much or more than wheat. Mr. L. Arnbeim Is the Demo cratic candidate fot-Representative of Dougherty county. We were in hopes that our friend McIntosh would be returned to the field where he proved so nseful. The Savannah News offers to contribute its Interest of $1,000 in • hotel site In that city to any one who will erect a large and hand some bote), and calls upon tho oth er stockholders to do the same. The New* is always Drat in every good work to advance the interests of Savannah and thp.ftole. Tlio Philadelphia Ttecord is out j with a patriotfo editorial in defense j of the muob abused “Mother Hub- j bard” dress, which some western i moralists have suppressed. It says it “is unimpeachable on sanitary grounds, it is becoming, and At more nearly resemble* the classical dress toward whioh we are bidden to aspire if we would realize the ideals of health, comfort and grace than any of ita competitors for pub lic favor daring the present gener ations." We should odd that it is more modest than the “Jerseys.” The management in the city of; New York of the World's Expoti- j tion at New Orleans bavs just is. sued a circular of Interest to Amer ican aannlketnrera who desire new markets for their surplus products. U calls attention to tbs fact that on the continent south of us then are twenty new foreign markets— fifteen Spanish American republics, one empire and four colonies—with 40,000,000 consumers exceedingly deficient in manufacture and in need of the very produots wa dealt* Uull. We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will be soldi lh ' l * 0 **7Jr a L, t » r » as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in anv market. In reference to our Single and , ' ,, u , p. , „ . | CAPITAL PHIZE, *M,GOO. Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we win say we 1100,000 iickei* at Fir* D«n»rs Earn, were the first to introduce them in this coun- i try, and have from the beginning up to the | present time constantly improved them, and j we believe we now have them perfect. Wej keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give 11s a trial. A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. Wlieatley’s Corner, llo! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and bnj Tho -plon-liil «uoo«« wblrh attc-•i-iVff-nVia Introducing tho agio of FUSTIC CLOTHING- ! in our. , lift* »1 hrin? out for the Spring inDl* ihc larrcat, hnnd*onnt*t and I full addrcH*. Make I*. U. Honey Orders 1 * “■*■*— Vrlutered Letter* * - LEANI HAT! New Orlaana POST A I* NOTES and ordinary loti. Mail or Kxpiv ( til «utni of S5 and iipwi Kxpreis at <mi ' * ■ Tbe Lost is Fold! AND CAXRRF. YOVNU AT BUG CHAPMAN’S Bar anti Restaurant. EAT, DRINK AMD BE MERRY, and nleep on a' 1 free ba d. Every il.ine ha* ’!»•'•' n renovated aad 1. *weet mid clean. I nod In I«»« • wine collar), Jk‘a. B33 Lii|U#rs from 8 to 18 Years OM! d act jroui 0 of the b< at j Second lit drink*, a rival of Pelmoni 1 eailntr. Cali early and sreum )"tn j Nomeihina to eat and drink. Words f Iric&da. Jed. HENRY C. JOHNSON CLOTHING:! Perfect Fitting Clothing POWDER Absolutely Pure. T. n powOer imr raxlua A martrl of purltjp UreofU. uil wluUraMMM. Hon tco.onilo.1 Ibm tho ordinan UoUa, and ca&noi U, aold ta compcitou with thr Dn>mtn<tFOflowt,M,.hon vofght, alum oi i0w*|>luto powiUt.. Sil vein (4 He come. ItOYAI. BaKINlI l-OWIIXU I'O. lot UaUUowc. New York. ocljlyl. Bto.. xsto.. At each miens that Mill FORCE SALEM, 110-I will bo ouch I'NANSWFJt- A1ILE ARGUMENTS that NO HOUSE CAN MATCH NOR COMPETITION i REACH. Thfaoare STERN an J STUB- I HORN FACTS that will CONVINCE *ml j CONV’EIITyou on the snliject of GENUINE BARGAINS Yon will find th-ro i„ ECONOMY AND SOLID COMFORT in UoahnR will, da j anil wo wiR provf to ynu that wo arc j ; Not Giving You Wind if y«R will ttike the trouble to call on us j If you do uot improve this opportunity [ SOME DAY when yon realize whe, SPLKKD1D BAUUAINS yon have lost, EVER shows is AMERICUS! Id n tApial, and n< GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE \W hnvejo'.vi n large and well •elected at.wtk of perfect fitting Shirts, Collai’s, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! . And everything in the way of Gem’* Fuml-hlng Gnops. llrfite and utteotlre Salesmen will lake plensiire in dluplnylng the-c beautiful cood* whether you wish to bay or not. Mrs. ELAM vir.r. occupy; iikk THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : : Americus, Ga. BOOKS ! ! You will be Sick! “AND DON'T YOU FORGET !T.'f. JOHN’ R. SIIAW. j HAYING MY STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM THK KIRK IN* ORDER. AND RKPLKXISHKD WITH NEW GOODS, I A3I NOW PREPAR ED FOR BUSINESS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. P.S. NO. I. The drm or tirm.-* m Ameriens who I could buy good* for leas, or can live on j I«jw profit, than your humble servant, Having opened tho Rylander Academy I propose to open, on Monday the l8tU of August next, a School of High Grade for Roys and Girin. Term a, rates, etc., os heretofore. lUving bad much experi ence in conducting acboola of such chnr- , 1 /.i . « T r *a* T w , __ acter I carnently solicit a liberal potrooage West and Cheapest Writing Paper and En- 80 mi cuimdu a America* ^ I vicinity, and tor the name pledge aatUiai - tion. W. H. ALLEN, IVincipa!. I July 20, 1884. tf BOOKS * AND* PERIODICALS AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! NEW STORE IX B.4K1/OW llliOf'K, Ootober 1st! NEW HATS Juat arrived and can be -seen at h. r old store room, with Mrs. Fred I.ewie, South aide of Public SsjnareJ Ameiicus, On. aejtUtf All School Smlies, velopes in town! ALL DIKDOR MOVED AWAY RF.FORK 1 (’(ROQUET, BASE BALLS, I came here. Id yearn ago—“And don’t ' 7 you forget it." JOHN It. SHAW. Hammocks, Chess, and Light Reading for Summer Days. MRS. FRED LEWIS’. j imwicua. a., .Vug. 54, U$4. if | NOBBffTKIOTIONS AS TOQUANTI- BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAY. TV, theteforo CITY AND COUNTRY * MERCHANTS aa well as LARGE PLAN- NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. TER8, will consult their beat interest by ! giving us call before making their por- chits, a. JOHN ». SHAW. ; Ajuttlont, Os., Aoguit 1684. , ^LC3r3XTEIJS AYCO/CK. AMHRIO CJ6 OAi INSURE WITH THE Korwich Union Fire ASSETS 1*1,1130.070, , fc. BEES, Agent, .11 Hank of A,aero Wagon Wanted. Wanted, te rent, a four-kor** waffin for t* ri * cr fbsr Hcttk*. Apply at thl* after.