Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 05, 1884, Image 1

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Recorder. Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1884. Daily, Pun Ykar,...J«.0« Wbkkly, “ ... 9.00 Ajiericus Recorder. pUBLtSBXO BY w- x* jfflCE OH C OTTO I* ATENBE. nmioiiAL* Busmwa cams la wrEiis. C. R. McCRORY, ATTORNEY AT LAW liUiAVlU<K, OA. TKHM3—All Ain ftom »“ •»£• „ “g3Q to 060ft 1*0 P* r 0»Bt (OTMP 0500, seven Nocharge* ontoMcollection*ir*mad*. y»j 14-tt J. L & D. F. doctors. 0RC.A.OTO4MCS, ArYinirAACTOPW. Sfwi^caartt. liMflyMi ▲masLoua. Ctai. Silence Broken. & son JPmHirjjquare, ■ < m m d Mesa, Atnericue, Ga. TALBOTTON, - - - - GEORGIA Will do Plastering, Brickwork and Housework Csltoaloe s specialty. Repairing dona. Orion promptly attended to. ® c * ■*** REPAIR OLD GINS! A!trr hsdnc (*S *******. * Er^es^E •tret, la Mr of Ollw * °5 T 5lt££S«.Sf* solksed. M1.IOMHWM. Sdw. J.Hl'ler. O. Hoeses McCall. best noons KOR LEAST Mffil! New Store AND New Goods. U ; CdiiSfee ; • _ • JkXX73BR!TlS«M£E^rT» MILLER* SnatbwMt Corner of the PllWic Sqosrsi AMERICUS, GA. Mfmmenls,Tan>i«iLto. ) Etc. Alt* bnuttlttu ud AaMtaaJtarbl.. v. j nuLtin. ★ BAKERY, Colton Avenue. We mil th* attention pf tb* publlo to tho Met tbs* we ir* prepared to fill all order* for Fr**b *»«d, Cults*, Candy, Etc., of our own make— food and pure. We-keep ajso C*nfcet|ons and Orocerlss, which w* a*U at th# rullnf prlecs Bay and sell Country Produce. Qlvs us a , J, PHILLIPS <£ CO. Jalytttf Meat Market PROVISION STORE. W.H.&1\M.C0BB ® E*SISVS3.‘ “““•»« °°*TowAviimnB Leap on band tb* vary baat cat* of J W®. POKE, KID AND SAUSAGE, and also a full line of • Gwen Groceries and Provisions, ratnclo, ill klw|. o, Vopublt, end Fruits Is Canned Goods, ate. It Is their aim uilT* 4 ™<**• aatabllabtnent, aad gtv# tbair 'SSS'JP* f*ads at tb* lowgat price*. *'trtcm,D«;.i5,iML t f Copartnership Notice. s^s^nsastiWftishscJ&s: at ay bid stand on Cotton C0B^°^‘baflnn nam* and sty!* of A M. vg aE2f*0<X Respectfully, n V| AM. COHEN. u S‘^ B k ‘ B «»B* Public for the liberal patronage '» b**B0* conducting this g-^VlK'W'Es r."skssr; **P«Suwl *• *• COHEN * COT •foil RXMT. Cb T ^ U ^"*“* nc * of Lc - Barrett, on AUm? %”**• “» oocupisd by A A. Possession given September I, American a good fbor- aOWcker&Bro. 4MEKICUS. GA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock' at prices lower than have ever been reached before KNOW THYSELF( K Great Medical Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and 1’hyvical |Dc* billty Premature incline lu man. Error* of Yonib, and the untold .nineties resulting from In discretion or excesses. A book lor every young, middle age snd old. It contains 136 r .. scriptkws for all acute and chronic riUetuos, each one of which Is Invaluable. So found bg the — Hmr, whose experience for 33 years Is and probably never before fell to tho lot of any |>h, ... dan. 300 pages bound in beautlfnl Kronen muslin, embossed rovers, foil gilt, guaianteed fo tn> a liner work In every sense— mechanical, literary and professional—thun any other work sold lu this country for |2.M, or the money will b« refunded In every instance. Price only $1 by mail, )x>it paid, illustrative sample d cent*. Send now. Gold medal award*d the author by the National Medical Association, lo the ofllcers of which he Tills book should be read bv the young f« . structiou. and by theafllicted for relief It will boaeflt all.—London Lancet. There is ao member of society to whom tbi book will not be useful, whether youth, parent guardian, Instructor or clergyman.-Argonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. II. Parker, No. 4 Bui t! neb HtreaL * Boston, Maas., who may be consulted on all inseanea re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsll- Late disease* that have baffled the* * ~*“ M of all other physician* a sped Such treated auiccsafolly wltli-r U VQ IT I £ out un Instance of lailure. ■ n TOuLr march 1 . w4w For Sale or Exchange. »pira . . traction engine for hauling timber t ... lumber to river lauding. Enough hurd t yellow pine lumber at 01 per 1000 t. , - r the rn|i 1 several y*srs. Contracts for million of feet o| Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Amerieus, Ga., Aug. 13,1884. chaser cau huv* use of houses, barns, commit* sarira, etc., for ai —^ - - The aU.vo property mulgee river, 16 miles south < 13 miles east of Knatman. will b* aoid cheap for cash < August 37,16S4. tr INSURE WITH THE Norwfcii Union Fire Insurance Society of England, ASSETS :S1,1B0.07B. A. L. REES, Agent, At Bmnli of Amorieno August 87. m3* SALE. The houso and lot on corner of \ao and Kinn Streets, aad adjoining the residence of MaJ. W.’A. Black. Apply to the undersigned for terms, etc. oclttd.Vo B. K. SMITH. Bronwood, Go. PLYMOUTH ROCKS A«, ou wutlnc ihu (.mm. br«4 . I.^a, tu tet 1Y.K k, rtllloc* or undllf a » .1,11111 DAVID JAXU. lie rained lo enable Georgia to en ter the list of competitive state exhibits at the New Orleans expo sition. After consultation with Major J. M. Couper, commissioner for tlic lirst district, Commission ers Cobb o( the third, Livingston of the fifth, and Davidson of the tenth, Mr. Bacon has come to the conclusion that while Georgia will not lie able to make a competitive exhibit a very interesting and creditable display of the state’s resources can be made by combin ing the various local exhibits whinh will go from various parts of the state to New Orlcaas, and by adding thereto the choicest exhibits of tho Btate fair. It is proposed that this combination of exhibits shall be mado as illustra tive of the resources or oeoroia, though they will not go into the list of comparative displays. The district commissioners, so far as they have been heard from, regard this as about the best thing that can be done to giro Georgia a showing at the great exposition. They believe that with the aid of the State Agricultural Soeietyaud tlie spirit of local enterprise, a fine display can bo made. Of course, one of the most valuable features of it would be the collection of mineral specimens which Mr. Pratt lias been so industriously coileat ing in all parts of Georgia. Next Tuesday the general committee of the State Agricultural Society will meet Commissioner Bacon in At lanta to consider the proposition that the society will take charge of the Georgia display. When Mr. Bacon receives a definite proposi tion as to what the society can and will do, he will leave at once for New Orleans to arrange with Di rector-General Burke all tho details concerning the exhibit. Mr. Bacon has labored with untiring seal in this good cause, and bos been es pecially assisted by Messrs. Coup- er,. Cobb, Livingston and David son. The prospect for seeing Geor gia at the greatest world’s indus trious display has brightened con siderably, and will appear as a fixed fact if the committee next Tuesday shall aeeept the proposition that will be mode to them. i Probably Co ba Blade Uuder Cba Aua* piers or the Btate Agricultural Society. ‘‘Where ignorance is bliss■ After mature consideration of it’s folly to be wise.” But why the resources in sight, as indiea- ... . , I ted ity tlie reports from the ten live ill ignorance and throw | dUtrio J t commissioners, United your hard earned money awav, I States Commissioner D. C. Bacon u /_ . yesterday determined that a sufll- when jou can sate from ten cient amount of money could not to fifty .per cent, by buying your Dry Goods, Clothing, Siloes, Hats or Notions at the Bargain Store, where you can find as fine an assortment, more of a variety, than ^ in, any store here. ' " • J The goods offered and sold so remarkably cheap are in every respect new, fresh and stylish. The reason why the Bar gain Store can afford and sells such Bargains, is, 1st, They buy in large quan tities. 2d, They have a resident buyer in New York always on the lookout for Bargains. 3d, They sell for the cash only and make no bad debts, hence they need not charge their losses to their cash cus tomers. 4th, “Last, but not least,” They believe in quick sale3 and small profits, which in itself is sufficient to command your patronage. Now don’t give this a pass ing notice, call around, and re member that fresh goods and bargains are arriving daily, and you are sure to find something that m will suit you and your packet Respectfully, 1 ' ' S. M. COHEN. .the Bargain Store oppo site Hank of Amerieus. Don’t overlook the mammoth red sign and-flag. flfthlwrioiirpaicKMYjS; The Heat or Saransk, Savannah, Ga., Oot. 2.—The sun the past several days has been very oppressive. The temperature does not show a high range os in August, but the heat more In tense. Two animals on the street railroad have died (Tom the effects of heat, and two to four horses are broken down every day. Tho su perintendent says that he Is com pelled to change now every trip instead of every second trip, ss In Angust. The schedule has been lengthened. There has been no rain in weeks, and the city is ter ribly dusty. About midday to two o’clook tlie intensity of the heat is greatest, and.yet the thne- SUswibltS*very rttefy'wB”!* It is found- noeowam*!'to’ the head of bomrsMKMW ttfp' of the street eu»■' >. ;l Tho great iron and' cannon founding establishment of Herr Krupp at Essen is constantly en larging its space and personnel. Ill 18(10 it contained but 1,764 workmen, and this number bad in creased by 1810 to 7,084, while at the present time it is ovei 20,000; if also the womon and children dependent on the establishment are included, a population of no less than 06,381 is gathered to gether, of which 29,000 persons are actually living in houses belonging to the works. The various de partments are eight in nnmber, and embrace the workshops at Es sen, three collieries at. Essen nnd Bochum, 647 iron mines in Germa ny, mines in the north of Spain (in the neighborhood of Bilbao), the smelting furnanccs, a trial ground of 17 kilometres at Meppcn tor proving cannon, togethor with others ul different places with an area of 7£ kilometres. There are 11 smelting furnaces, 1,642 pud dling and beating furnaces, 439 steam boilers, and 460 steam en gines of 185,000 horse power. At Essen alone the works connected with roiling stock comprise 69 kil ometres of rails. 28 locomotives, 833 wagons, 09 horses, 191 trolleys, 65 kilometres of telegraph line, 35 telegraphic stations and 55 Morse apparatus. Hat Weather lu the West. St. I’al-l, Minn., Oct. 3.—Last night was the hottest night on record in this part of the country, the thermometer never falling be low 72 degrees all night, and rising as high as 80 at midnight. Strange sensations were felt by the citizens, many of whom feared an impending disaster of some kind, the air was so close and stif ling. At Duluth and sther points in the northeast the thermometer was low, and at Ilelma a snow storm was reported. 8t. Louis was the only place where the tern- persture was reported a* high u lfWU hire. The lost ■nlsr»oMiail>n'G<rt4w' nyt- Oa.thmmmSSBSSSS^ net of a regimoo*. or IsiiMKNiM'' for ail the sergsaata and oatt-to them: “There will be an' MllpSe of the sun lo-menokf : The regi ment will meet>on |Mai|4§|tmai in undress. I will come xmdfex plain theteipse linfn— ilQnfTIfUiii’ sky is cloudy tbs ataajrtil'n the drill shell as - usuaL”. 7 upon the sergeants- drew _ following order of thft day; ■ morrow morning,.try order oftM* colonel, there wilt he am eclipse of the sun. The regiment will assem ble on tho parade ground, where, the colonel will came and superin tend the eolipse in person. If rim- sky is cloudy the eolipse wtll take- plaoe in the woodshed.” ' Tht Stuoa Why, I. W. Harper's Nelson County Whiskey is preferred above elf other Brand*is because ftfs tbs most regular and most perfect Product, insonlestsMy ever made. A long sipecienoa in Ur* manufacture ot tb* HustTn tb* large, capital of theDletiUerwMch.eriaH*ab<M- to bold hie Whiaker uatltii baefailyman „ tured, together with the fact that th* Whiskey it bought by aad shipped late direct from the Distillery acoonnts fan the unvarying satisfaction it ho* gfsvai those best educated Is a Sa* Whiekee,- ' - „ T. IS KAIL*, ■prlS 6m AmetteU) Gst-'" REMOVED. REMOVED. CLOTHIER AND DEALER IN ‘ AMERICUS, GA. TO GYLES’ CORNER, (Formerly the Commercial Hotel Office.) ELEGANT STOCK 1 FINE AND MEDIUM COOES! PRICES BELOW COMPETITION. *, CtsMMi Award 1 J Modal awl I>pW,H M agdaS *« asrif 4] mi/JcMUr*'L J. KMWLIM, (to* Alter. I W*i(l t fifteen pounds. Adjustable. FOR PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES Neatest, Cheapest, Beal. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” oetlWjr Cheakp Bngin—. I have for urie s few Cooper Portable Enigncs, tbs beat made, which I will sell dirt cheap if called for soon. ■epl7tf B. T. BIRD.