Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 07, 1884, Image 1

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D AU,y Americus Recorder. Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1884. Daily. Pkb Ykar,—*6.00 Wkkkly, “ .... 2.00 Recorder. AMERICUS PUBLISHED MV ^ r< Xj. GrXiESSKTER. tfFF icE oar cotton avexie. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS LA WVEJBS. C. B. McCHORY, ATTORNEY at LAW,! r.LLAVILLE, GA. 1KKMS—All elulnii Iron. JUl) or under, M: | Silence Broken. HELP DiY THE CAUSE. Au Appeal to GeorftlA la Behalf of the National Democracy. Dr. 0. B. EAINEH, HdBOEOV AND PHYSICIAN. trtm bis nrotesslonnl services, with an expert- of JO ve.irs. to the people of Americus and Office over Davis & l-allaway’s Store. Uei at corner of Jnchson ami Church at vet*, fall, will receive prompt atteutlon. ’anillhl 0R.C.A. BROOKS, [4111) IIKII.FRS 14 4 (Otin.KTK LIKE OF HIRE llliltlK, auglltf Americus, Ga. AMERICUS, GA. mSCBLLANEO US. ]Veil PioK-ett, \p0 " UI « ■ * CALVIN CARTER & SON Fop SPOT© J5.STP SIXOBS, Public Square, . . American, Ga. TALBOTTON, - - - - GEORGIA Will do Plastering, Brickwork and Housework I’aliominea *|»eciftlty. Repairing done. Orders promptly attended to. octStf GIN WORK. i I would reyieclfully sta'e to Uio public that REPAIR OLD GINS I 1 nin located «ith n oxpericnof ii-.' W All’ " REST coons LEAST MOSEY! solicited. imnytS&ni] P, A. C. Horace McCall. MILI.DK Si Uct'AEL, Proprietors, Southwest Corner of the Public Square, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. of the best Italian nnd American Marble. JOHN s. Mir.Its. New Store AND New Goods. MEW ADVERTISEMENT. Jas. Flicker &Bro. AMERICUS. GA. ‘‘Where ignorance is bliss it's folly to be wise.” 15ut why live in ignorance nnd throw your hard earned money away, when you can save from ten to fifty per cent, by buying your Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats or Notions at the Bargain Store, where you can find as fine an assortment, more of a variety, than in any store here. j The goods offered and sold | so remarkably cheap are in J every respect npw, fresh and ! stylish. The reason why the Bar- | gain Store can afford and sells | such Bargains, is, 1st, They buy in large quan tities. 2d, They have a resident buyer in New York always on the lookout for Bargains. 3d, They sell for the cash only and make no bad debts, hence they need not charge their losses to their cash cus tomers. 4th, “Last, but not least,” They believe in quick sales and small profits, wljicli in itself is sufficient to command your patronage. Now don’t give this a pass ing notice, call around, and re member that fresh goods and bargains arc arriving daily, and you are sure to find something that will suit you and your pocket. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN. The Bargain Store oppo site Bank of Americus. Don’t overlook the mammoth red sign nnd flag. 26fitii ElllTIOlf. PRICE ONLY *!, ! The Story of the Three Block Crow* | tie v I veil, I — -— i . , — . . i Auosta, Oct. 4—Every Demo- w ,.‘“jy ” cpcn :' . I crat in Georgia Is earnestly request- While m Coo,tabus Inst week wo ( C( , to t . outri g ute t0 u ,„ & tbo took the trouble to inquire into the , c „; tjn)llt0 expenge , of the t . anvaas . fnets winch caused ti c Whatever is to be given should be Which was renorted .n the Inde-1 g , V(m promptly. No contribution. howover small, will be declined. If About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, BAKERY ,j Public Square, where we shall open the most | elegant assortment of goods in our line ever 11 brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store oil Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must W. H. & T. M. COBB i be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before for CASE I Col ton Avenue. W* call tha attention of the j.ublh 'hat wo arc prepared to fill all order* for I’rff Hread, Cake*, Candy, Etc., of our own make- rod and pure. Wo keep nVo Confection* ar Urocirie*, which wo ■•11 nt tho rn'ln« prb. Hay and roll Country Produce. Give «* a cil w*../. jpuiLLirs a> co. Meat MarKet -AND PROVISION STORE. "irtet luid Provision Sto.e on COTTON -rX/'Cn-JlWCr.ia keep ua hand the Verj beat CUib of , MEF. PORK, KIR MR SAUSAGE, and aUo a full line of •hven Groceries and Provisions, ?' r * clne al1 kln,lH of Vegetahleb and Fruit# In bi c ’ !,nn ^i Of win, et.-. It Is their aim t/uM * 'J** 1 * «»UhJlihmeiit, m «1 plva their F°° d KO“ rt «nt the loweat price*. jMi«i for Cuttle, B'fcS, and a t'nerlcu*, Diehl's, milt KNOW THYSELF. A treat illedical Work on illanliood. Kxlmuated Vitality, Ncrvoti* and Physical Du Willy Pr.-mntur*-Decline In mnn. Kriorn o You'll,and the untold niiaoriu* ru-iilting Tom in dlecrvtlou or c*ce»«e«. A l*.ok lor oveiy mm yountr, middle ayo nnd old. It coumln* 125 pro fcrplione (or nil acute mid chr .me dUoneo*, wl ouo ol which Im Invaluable, So louud hr the uu timr, wIiom pxitprieni’o or SB yonr* in »uch ni probably nover In (oru loll lo tho lot ol any physt- clan. 3u0 pug.a Bound in b. nutilnl Kioncu tmi.-lln omtMi*»fd rover*, tml gilt, gimmuteed lo bo a iliwi work in every i>enst— mechanical, literary am! profe**ionril-thi:ii ai.y oilier work sold In ihi* eounlr,' lor f'2 50, or iho money will b«i rotund, d In every lualenee. Price only ft hy mat paid, fllnrruiivo *;.tnple tl cent*, rt.nd Gold medal •warded the author hy Iho Nntlotul Medical Association, lo the officer* of which hi rufere. Thm hook should l>o read hv tho young for In- strui tioM, and hy the afflicted for relief. It will hook will not be i Guirh.g xk >11 and exp ..■to diseiiie* ih"l lot of ml ot dy Medical In. iij dlNoai re. Ghn tla E ""THYSELF Street, Ho* ;H EAL’.f.'j For Sale or Exchange. vo *lat’onary angino^. Ibieo boiler*, planing , saw mill. wr>*i ne'l. lath r*>i|>, iron torrdn? • w ith piping, I . piratorx, , umi-. hotter*, Ion etimue tor I uu iug tiuilier to the mill ai d -ei lo riv. r Itndiou. kuouuli haid wood ur.l iw pirn- lumher at •> per 1000 to la*; the ml I rat «eir*. t’ontracta for mitiimi •»* feet 01 >ercitn b*; hud m Darien, wnero it can Itv ed at any *e»»on of Ihe year. A cn»h |«ir- t 27, lb«4. If INsUUK WITH TIIE iESSBTS *1,1130.072. A. L. 11LICS, Arji nl, At Sum. of Amerlru Copartnership Notice, i Come and examine our stock, get our | Hurwicil UQiflU Fire lllMce Society i . , ... . ... ! oflugland. j prices, and we will guarantee that you will, ASy,.*- 1 *b fa; L ««jy11^® convinced that we mean what we say ; Remember we have great bargains to offer for, cu,! ° * ‘ °11 CASH and the time in which to secure them |I is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t j , I fail to come early- mi JAS. FRICKER & BRO. wbicli was reported in tin 1 lode- pendent otSept. 20th uUo., casting serious reflections upon Columbus warehousemen. The'article referred towns based upon rumors which eminated from Columbus and found their way to our town, but greatly exaggerated. As stated to us by Mr. 0. R. Brown and Mr. J. A. Walker, of Columbus, they had heard rumors on the streets' of Columbus sub stanlially the same ns reported in the Independent, about tho lime they wero brought to Lumpkin. As far as wu could trace the matter to its ultimate residium. it seems to have had its origin in the fol lowing circumstances. It appears • that a Mr. Askew, a blind man, formerly of Marion county, sold two bales of cotton to a street euyer about a year ago nnd had them carried to Hatcher’s warehouse. The buyer found one one bale mixed packed, nnd re fused to pay for it unless a reduc tion of one cent per pound was inado upon that bale. The seller would not accede to the re duction. claimed that it was a straight lisle of cotton, was also dissatisfied with his weights, and demanded his cotton back on bis wagon. Hu was told that lie could get bis cotton upon surrendering the receipt and paying warehouse charges, which arc lilty cents per bale for storage nnd twenty-live cents per bale for delivery. That is the customary rate at all ware houses. This incensed the seller very much, but be finally paid the charges, took his cotton and went away. A fow weeks ago lie was speaking to Mr. John Shepherd about the matter and remarked that he saved money by taking his cotton to another warehouse. Nothing was said to Mr. Shepherd about the cotton having lost in weight. Ho sold bis cotton the second time at the samo price, nnd tho mixed bale passed through tho examination undetected, which saved him f 5, less the f 1.60 he paid the first warehouseman, n net gain of $3 50. Another unaulhcnticnlcd rumor has it that he said one bale lost lo pounds, and after it bad been ground In the street gossip mills l'or a week, it had grown to the enormous amount of 76 pounds, and thus it reached our town. It is quite possible for a careful weigher, crowded with business, occasionally to muko a mistake of 100 pounds, but very difllcult to make a mistake of 26, 50, or 76 pounds. And it seems to us that no unbiased-thinking, reasonable man would for n moment suppose that any wnrelious man would risk his reputation nnd jeopardise his business by trying to swindle a farmer out of 7a pounds on one bale of cotton. It would bo too much liko killing the goose that laid the golden egg. We simply state what we gathered while in Columbus, and hope all parties concerned are satisfied. every Democrat contributes his mite, the Stnte of Geoagia will raise a respectable fund for Cleve land and reform. By this means substantial aid will lie given to the cause of honest government, which is essential to tho happiness and prosperity of the South as well as the North. Attention is called to the follow ing from Han. A. P. Gorman, Chairman of the Sub-Committee, having immediate control of the campaign: New York, Sept. 3,1884. Hon. Patrick Walsh, Augusta, Go:—Vou are hereby authorized to solicit subscriptions far the Na tional Democratic Committee in the Stnte of Georgia, and you are authorized to appoint other friends who take an interest In the cause, to assist you. Any appointments you make will be ratified. A. P. Gorman. In accordance with the forego ing, committees arc appointed for the respective districts and cities named. The District Committees arc authorized to tnako appoint ments for tho towns and counties in llioir districts. Tbo following are appointed: First District—J. I,. Sweat, H. W. Grubb. Second District—John Triplett, SI. O'Neal. Third District—W. T. McAr thur, C. C. Duncan. Fourth Distrlot—F. M. Langley, J. II. Martin. Fifth District—George Hillyer, W. C. Porkor. Sixth D'strict—George W. Gus- tiu, J. K. E. Matthews. Seventh District—M. Dwincil, L. Coiyar. Eighth Distrlot—Milton P. Reese, H. T. Lewis. Ninth District—W. J. Pike, Wm. E. Simmons. Tenth District—E. F. Lawson, Wm. H. Parsons. Savannah—A. R. Lawton, Rufus E. Lester, John Flannery. Augusta—M. A. Stovall, Wm. Mutherin, George Ha^ns. Athens—H. II. Carlton, Larry Gantt. Macon—Thomas Hardemann, J. F. Hanson, W. E. Ross. Atlanta—E. P. Howell, John Stevens, Chas. Beer man. Columbus—John King, JamCu M. Smith, Louis F. Garrard. TUc Democratic pross of tho Stnte is requested to publish this notioo and to receive aid for the cause. Contributions can be sent directly to Patrick Walsh. •S’OR R35XTT. residence of L C. Birrelt, on A,Um« b Ij”** - u . ow occupied by A. A ' °* SCMlon Septembei 1, i,?7 rlou '- a R 00 ' 1 tour - Und fJ 11** J(*tcben, eta, four acre* lintel* i ^*>*»waiori eiren iimnt- Jxo. M. Coker. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13. 1884. i\ . if 5 E. i. KNOWLTOW, Inn Arbor, Midi. Woifl I QUeen iwM'Im. Ail,cub'.. FOB PHYSICIANS ANE FAMILIES,, Boar. "CIsuUums ft BIZI to GodltBMS," C.UMf IHiinionils la a Cake of Soup. New York, Oct. 4.—Information was rccived at the Custom House 8'ome days ago, that Graves and bis wife, who bad made extensive purchases of diamonds and other precious stones in Europe, woulJ he passengers on board tho Nation al Line steamer America, from Liverpool. When the vessel arrived yesterday, Graves was conducted into a private room, anil Ids w.fc was escorted by two lady inspect ors into another. On the person of Graves were found a single dia mond, a diamond scarf pin, a dia mond shirt sl.ud, a diamond ring and a large package of loose dia monds and precious stones tied up in a handkerchief. Mrs. Graves was divested of two diamonds set in a iacc pin and an amethyst and pearl brooch. Inside a cake ot soap in Graves' dressing case was another package of diamonds. Both wore Drought before United States Commissioner Shields, char- I gei) with smuggling from n foreign port, and held in $5,000 bail ioi examination. The Walton News publishes this simple method of exterminating rats. It surpasses in its simplicity nnd ingenuity all the rat extermin ators of which wo have ever read. The News says: Farmers can kill all the rats about their barns by placing a wash pot half full of water with a few cotton seed sprinkled on top. The ratt can’l gilt out after they got in.” U. A. Rogers, of Boston, made a perilous balloon ascenBion from North Adams, Moss,, Saturday. Tho balloon was carried south over Grcylock Mountain, and reached a height of 10,000 feet Mr. Rogers was so aflcctcd by cold that be could hardly use his arms or bands when over Grcylock Mountain. Tim balloon rapidly descended and was in imminent danger of dashing against the rocks on the top of the mountain. Rogers managed to throw out ballast and ascend again. The balloon landed safely in WU- liamstown. The Covington, Ga., Star eon- tains tho following which wo repro duce for what it is worth: “A re port was in circulation a few daya ago tlmt a child was recently born in Henry county, which bad a full set of grown teeth. The child lived only three days, and spoke only throo words, which were: ‘Three dry yesrs.' Tho opinion seems to have been tlmt the propheey of the child will lie fulfilled. The Star does not vouob for the truth of the report.” The Post-OBIce Department. Wahiiinmton, Ootober 4.—A lit tle after 4 o’clock this afternoon Mr. Pruden, tho President’s private secretary, called on Hon. Frank Hatton, first assistant postmaster- general, and informed him he had been designated by the President lo act as postmaster-general for ten days from date. Mr. Hatton will continue to act as postmaster- general until further advised. PLYMOUTH ROCKS CM n t ibcoi by c«Mm an or landing l arJcrt to me at Aanrtea^Ua. . •Pfllltf DAVID JAUila