Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 15, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. XV. V. OLtnnlB. Editor. uncial Oman or Webiter County. HEDKEHD4Y. OCT. 15, >84 ^AKlH G POWDER Absolutely Pure. !c*. A mirvcl of purity T U powder never turle*. A mirve strength and wliolit'omeneaa. Morn e than the ordinary kinds, and cnnnnt ipctlon with the uiiiltitudn <>f low ' ' ’ phosphate p ’ M. York, weight, alum Wall Si KOVAL hiking poivdkim (uticura A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. •riaais for nine months. About «ly I had t r IJoBtu to leave. * medicine fur nearly three did not leave. 1 saw Mr. r in the Philadelphia Ktroni, and Ijr described mine. I tried the util*, using two bottles Kkrol- ely c red. L. F. BARNARD ECZEMA TWENTY YEARS Cured. Not n Nlirn uflli Reappearance. Your (,’tTTK l-HA lias done a wonderful cur# for me more than two years ago. Not a sign of its »in».nn,« dine*. It cured me of a very bad troubled me for more than FRANK C. SWAN, D,u M Ut. U.WKItlllLt.. Mai IIKMT FOR ANYTHING. Having used your CtrricrRA Rf.mkmeh for eighteen months for Tetter, and finally cured it, I »m »«>inus to get it 1o sell on « <nnmission. I can ud it beyond any remediea I have ever " “ “ In fact, It anythin* Mrnn.K. Mis* to. In fact d for anyth K. S. HORTON. I heitr and at last tried your ■:k aud they have cured me. .1X0. OAKKILL. •aly, Pimply. Scrof- IjOhs iii iinir. ciireu ny tin* iiia new Blood Pi.riller internally, nnd U«r CVTHtUA Soap the great Nkin Cures ml Chemical Co.. Ruatoiu AS EXAMPLE FOB GK0RU1 A. Noith Carolina is setting an ex ample for otber Southern Slates which they would do well to emu- ' late. It is now conducting at | Ksleigh a State Exposition with , tbo finest lines of exhibits ever j shown from any single State in the : Union. The benefits and paying j advantages of such an Exposition 1 have been tested and experienced ! by the old North State in the in-: vestment of over $10,000,000 of Northern capital in its agricultural and mineral wealth from its last Exposition. The returns to be reaped from the fair now in pro gress cannot be estimated, and the well satisfied people of that State are going on prospering, anil to prosper. Not only does North Carolina advertise itself at home but abroad, and a liberal, in fact, princely ap propriation from North Carolina to the New Orleans World’s Fair at tests the faith oi the State in ouch a good work. North Carolina knows by past experience that every dollar expended on an ex hibit at New Orleans will be return ed ten fold in investment and im migration to itself, and the State authorities and people do not hesi tate to embrace a fine opportunity when olfered. North Carolina thus furnishes an example to her sister States, with full proof of the benefits to he desired, and great will he the shame of the people of Ucorgia il they do not come forward and see that this State is represented at New Orleans. A narrow aud nig gardly construction of a little iron bound law forbids a State appro priation for this and similar efforts to advance nnd advertise our State, and the people should also demand from their legislators the repeal of any such small-soulcd enactment in the constitution or statutes of the Stnto. Down to last week the State Committee of the New York Inde pendent Republicans had received the names and written pledges of no fewer than 63,215 Republicans of the Empire State who will vote for Cleveland, and the names arc still coming in. it is evident that upwards of 15,060 Republicans in that State, who have hitherto voted , their party ticket, will now vote j for Cleveland. This makes a rela tive difference of over 140,000 in favor of Cleveland. New York’s 36 electoral votes seem to ho quite as auro for Cleveland and Hen dricks as are the 12 votes of Ucor gia. In fact there arc few now of any party who doubt this—and New York would elect Cleveland. A Milwaukee special to the Courier-Journal says that promi- j nent politicians of both parties now j admit ‘bat Wisconsin is a doubtful 1 State. The Germans of Wisconsin I arc said to have deserted tho Re- j publicans almost to a man, and \ 1WDO T?TJt?rv V UWTC' they will vote 12.000 to 15,000 fflKb * LliVV1& ' men, making a difference of 20,000 to 25,000 in the general result,. while the Independent Rcpubli-1 Americas, Ga., Aug. 21,1864. if cans arc expected to vote at least i 15,000 for Cleveland. The Demo- j - cratie managers in Milwaukee say they are almost sure to carry the ! State. UECLIJIliS TO miXF. A committee of prominent Rc-; and can bb foundat publicans having requested Qov. St. John, the Prohibition nominee • to decline in favor of Mr. Ulaine, because his candidacy "could only result in the succession of the Democratic party to the control of the government.’’ The Governor j replied in a lengthy letter and peremptorily declines to dccliuc, and thinks it would be in belter ! grace for Mr. Blaine to withdraw from the rnee and the Republicans Xlcx ,:rr I m ® "tm, peranee candidate. Charles P. Lawson, one of Steve Elkins’ campaign orators, hss sued the Republican manager in New York (or $60 for making six stump speeches for Blaine, and tV E ({LUl’E TIIE FOLLOW 1XU PRICES One Hu ml ml Men’s Cnssunere Suits Regular price #10.00, for #5.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $2 00; now #1.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price #5 00 now #2.00. Men’s Ctssimere Suits, all sizes from 33 to 42, at 50c on tbe dollar. Four-Button Cut-Aways at 33 per cent, less than ever known before. Plaids and Checks are all tbe go tbis season. We have got them in large vari ety, and at prices that place competi tion in the back ground. Id Boys School Ms We cun show you a variety of Oue Thou sand different styles: more of them than nil tbe bouses combined, from Macon to Montgomery, und at prices cheaper than you can buy common Jeans to make them. Our Liue*of Gouts Underwear j Is larger than eve 1 defy competition. before, ut prices we BEAUTY! IN BOOTS AND SHOES! He nre Just Lending the Curnran! Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 nnd ti-tf, at the startling low price of <J5c per pair; never known to sell for less than one dollar tinco Americus 1ms been a city. One thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips, never sold less than 75c, can now be bought for 50c: a good, honest shoe. 10 Cases of Brogans, from 0 to 11, ami 10 cases Plow Shoes from (5 to 11, solid inner sole, while oak bottom, solid bather counter, always sold at #1.50, now re tailed at #1.00. In Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s Fine Shoes wo can show yon an elegant line, nnd retail them at prices 25 per cent, less than nny house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & 00. Proprietors New York Store. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. CWIMS \EiV KIRK >«"« (TTV MU» CEVfitil, I’lllk. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO HE FOUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE ItOCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! .Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their "goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was had for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, tor, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock ot Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Hoys, Chil drens and Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying Irom 80 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’cloek MoilllilV Homing and it will be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on bund, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history ol the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J. Waxelbaum & Co. PK0PRIET0ES NEW YORK STORE, AmeriotiSr Georgia. Ten l’leoea Black Cashmere •if ■ wide, warranted all wool at i- ynrd, never sold less || Hn ,;I ta ** i Ten Pieces Black Cashmere 4.1 , . wide, at 42} cents per yard, warn,, wool. Goods worth anv i,,,,,'. ’ 75 cents. 5 ?5 Pieces Black nnd 3S Inches wide, all shn.I.s jard. Goods 1 60 Pieces Dress Goods, in all ih, ? i' tng shades, at 7}c per yard. w„nh r id good cash. u 1 50 Pieces Brocade Matlasnes wonh per jard, retailing by iik now k t 15 In Silks, S,nins, and Velvets always, the acknowledged leadeis [, them in price from 25c per vanl i.t Onr #1 00 Black Silk tXlu VC Avenue, New York, f„r #1 25 11 In Colored Silks and Sating you any imaginable shade: from v! #1 50 per yard. In HonsetnrnUhm; <;>od* . bought direct ftom impniwr* w j. 0 , the miafortuue to retire r„ „1 basin* ralber unexpectedly. We lought n, 5i*c on the dollar. They ha\e lo he J to be appreciated. Call and see onrTen-Cent Towel m. 24 inches long; all Jinen. worth 25c* Twelve good Napkins, all linen, for.* 500 Lin< n Hemmed Napkins! at in' with colored borders. Never'mUf baa than tym. a1 ' 500 Marseilles Quilts, always #1.50, can pow be bought for OUR LINE OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, la too numerous lo mention, cairiinz stock of these to Fifteen Tlinnsaml iC lars in nor Retail Depamnent nlono, ar anything we happen i.nt to have thego* old man never made. In CARPETS and IU'li.S we ran you 33 percent less than you kavem known them before, and givo yonaMw equal to any house this side oi Haitian to select It is rather early in the season to tali about CLOAKS. But remember i- manufacture every garment we sell, i: will talk about tin m later when \b weather prows colder. We nre confido; there will bo no cause to complain ijd prices, anil so far as assortment an*lmu is concerned, wo can compare with at] houso ia tbe State, and will tukensuiK pleasure in rhowing our goods as in ing them. Call Early anil Amiri I In- M J. WAXELBAUM & CO, Praptors to M Ste AMERICUS, GEORGIA Oliver & Oliver STILL LEADS! All Scbool Sillies, -AT- Wheatley’s Corner, Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and bu; The pplondid »urce»« which nttcndc<l)mr>ffort<f» Intiiwlnclnir the >'t EflJSTE CLOTHING Perfect Fitting Clothing We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of .all styles and sizes. All of which j GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE are of our own manufacture, and lull be soldjg^ CuffS) Neek and UndenreB as clieaj) as it is possible to sell such work in j any market. In reference to our Single and EVER SHOWN IN AMERICI S! I rare uml ).Qa»esaJ an d«-K:tnc«- of drgigii, hc.-u And eve rj’III ing in the way of Ociit’a Furnloliing (loop*. Polite and pleasure In displaying ihedc beautiful gooila whether you v Tbe Lost is Foil BUG CHAPMAN’S Bar and Bestanrant. n .. „ , n , _ . ... . THORNTON Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we, liri , . , , , J ; Wheatley’s Corner, were the first to mtioduce them in this coun- try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to! WHEATLEY, : : Americus, (h- BOOKS 2 tOOKS HAVING. MV STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM THE FIRE IN AND REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS, I AM NOW PHEPAK- ED FOR BUSINESS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAH.V. Liiftiors from 8 to 12 Wars Old I Likin* U defending the suit. There ‘ —iw!* c*i!*’ewiy *»5' iicj.-.mi •eem. to be almo.t*. much hoeing ^SS^SSiiOt Wsrt * M lying in tbit ntmpnfgD. i w >AtuacdL v n-iccds. Coat ini a J £jkxav c, Johnson, 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to, gQOKS AND • PERIODICALS each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask md uheapest Writing Paper a „d &• to give us a trial. velopea in town! A word now lo those who have old bug- j Cb0QBETi Base Balis, gies and wagons and desire to have them re- Hammocks, Chess, and paired or made new: We will give you moroj Light Reading for Summer U a ' 5 work, and a better job, for less money than BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWA V any other shop in Americus. Try us and be NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. convinced. j A.a-3ST3SM3 AYOOC^ Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. *. - .. w ambriops o-a.