Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 16, 1884, Image 1

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Americus Recorder. Established 1879. AMEltlCUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1G, 1884. Daily, Pan Ykab,...|0.00 Wbkkly, “ ... 3.00 \iibricds Recorder, rUBMsndD BY or. ** j»ni!E 0.0 COTTON AVENUE ^ amekicus. ii^r’un.ilrm.d. 71I mi'es „ ' " „ m l ..bout SO oil e-> n..tib , f ill- J*°°’ t„, It Insituated in Iht* fin. at '''.‘In ofGeorgia, r»l-n*« » of aler vart- I.Vf»«r c .Imr.l sud bomon torsi pro- S.Imonyoib.ri.rt of lb. Kon.b, “I* »•'« ,rait ’' « r » ,n v *” Ebb, Of 'bo 1-mp rile end ,,nL—wh'»’. enru, ry»*, o*"s iici% Irihh !nrfaW**t lOUtOPH. p roiiK ChMlH*. miu», ► ug>»r CMiie. »ppl**, penri, ™rlJ»* tintpe*. plnuis «i*a otbvrfioi'a W climAt** is mild nn I t an nnd 0, ' e f .hi* must healthy tbr w«» d the sir w,g pure end ij end tuo-t bon. fl or ib,«,nd 11,mot dleoeoeA All kmils ■ f oold»or work 0.0 lio peiforuieil oitbool iiienDToiiionce from wunmr be.t ..r «i»t r cold. Am-rii-ns be. e pnpnbiii -n rft'W, le boemllolly sito-lod on high ad mlll'« gmnnd »"d tooele of some i f Sb,n,|.o«Thu buolnooe black. in tbe Sontb. Tue city Ins fine pub'ic pcI.oi.1s j^cbircbp*;* l»'g« pwb.iu libror*; »np daily. «n» wnii-wr* kly and twi. w *kly newpp-pera; a Dew op*m bona*. ciupJtely fnrciAb-dwi « scetory and C4p c>lft of • *atm4 1 000 peraon*; a a ell oreiniard fire dep.ituiei.t, i..cltnlii.jc ttri.rtoe I»ain r»; ibo strata me a*II ,»Tfd. peaered and li«bt»d; tin r* an* two 11 »nriDg mills, a c *ttou aerd oil null, rlwiog mill nn.l vari-ty w. rke, raniaxe f,c « r»7 aud a number of minor uiuurncti- ries-Hboui iao hundred firmshiv»*ii«hkh1 ,n ulerc-nlile basin a ; ihive bai kn arid, tn sbnndmce t l capital; t*o good hotels tnrnbb *mhI uecomiu.KlalioiH. Anoricns la ibe c-ntre 01 triula f *r a x cnan'ies couipri ing ibe rith^t awricu- liird«»c loo in Georgia, ilie aaer-g-* an- Boalcottou nceipla being 30,100 bd- a, which a ill be laivly increase! h.v the coupl' tion of the P. *a on and Laiupkiu rsilroad now in pr« ces* of c**nairnciior. It ia tbs Urgent city in Southwest Go- r- sis, and has be»n yipropriiitely tiaimd the ••ComuoroiMl Cfip tal" of ibnt ►ac tion, and it la rapidly g owing in iv»pn- Utiou sod sen tb. A* a | l«oe ol bit J- Be.i re>idence it prewnn* altracti na #qii.led by lew d ies in Ibe M'Utli. Property of all kinds ia comp-tm ive'y ch*»p, pith- Uih rapidly advancing in inhabitant* of both oity and conn rv are . nUiYated. courteous and 1 iwpiUllr, w tb a cordial welcome to im migrant*. To entirpifama tradiamen, ju- dicioaicapi'alista and indnsni'ins f.*im- rMiiishectn n ol Geotgia offer* fine op- ponnuiMa Any iolorina«ion in to city nr country will b* cheerfully fnr- ai*h*d bvaddrea-ing the Ameuiclh Rk- fWPElt. Amerlcn-, Ga. fRIIFKKSHUAL St IIUSIIESS CAKDN U. K. JlcUUOKY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, r.LLAVlLLE, OA. TEltU<—All rW n* from 130 or oudrr, IS; *tm• 0«.*SMOl i«ii pro at.sover •>u, iwvro |*rciat. S i cmgm oeIm* co. hetIona are mate. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, IVRGEOtf AND PHISICIAN. rDaYai*’alMr%*’pSt*»'e. He* wiiwnwiit .lackaon and Church »tr *i». C«l* will receive pr. mpt atieutl -a. tiuiXdil DR.C.A. BROOKS, i AMEltlCUS, GA. Jjd:«left fit f> Jru t ator# wl'l raeaiYo Wl.l be ound at w?l t MISVELLA NEO VS. Neii Fiols.ett. ALBOTTON, .... GEORGIA Will do Plai'crine. Brickwork an I lloowwoik UUmaltta *i«olaIijr. Ifc-palrm* clone. IMwgly attended to. o«8tt SIN WORK. • »“»kl icpKIAilly >l„. to ,t»« intillc that I am imw j.rcpain d t.» REPAIR old GINS 1 h * 1 •" sii^nenee of aereml t t * n n mi'sc orira. I know tat 1 i '! **2 "d la tiu.. all work ga rv- *lib»- father on ,li-flbi>on Eli ,r V r *f' , 'i*? St OlrorV •hm. Wore _ r, a. cAiamoa. ll " J - Mi’ler. <i. Honw. UeC«n. ^nmental Marble Works, *H.LEH A StcC'ALL, Proprlrtur*. t «*w«Com^ of tb. l ublio Squmrt, AMEIUCL'S, OA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc.,Eto. ( *“'• *“■ fttlat »nj AmtHcan ItarM.. c ^b U t , ^ d " , '»°t L 0 B.rreit, on *W h .°» .«Mt|H«i \<j A. A l*H. * *'"**&* giYet* Bepiembet I, Jxo. 1 J. 1. & D. F. IMPORT, m mm i» a iviruiK m of pure dregs, ,u,utf Amariovis. Ca. lie®- -«•«* ■ • ^ CAI VIX CARTFR & SOX Few SOOTS ASTJ? SSOE9, rubric f quurc. . . A lurrlcin. Ga. BEST GOODS FOR LEAST IIOAEY! Rew Store AND New Goods. NEW ADVERTISEMENT, Jas.Ericker&Bro. AMETIICUS. GA. About September first we shall move into our new store, :it the old stand, Barlow Block Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our lino ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sowing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. l*rv »P»T %f# PillZ*8 97-1,000, jg% Ticket■ nuJy9-V Skarraiw prwpnrllow BBDI Louisiana State Lottery Co. “ Ub ao \trthy crrt\fy that tee uupervw the arrany, men tn for all the Monthly an* Semi-Annual Drawings of The hiumano Shite Lottery Cumining, <iml in person man* age and eontt A the Drawings themstltes, and that the same are conducted with hon esty, fairness, and in gomi faith toward ah partus, and tee authorise the Company to use this certificate, with jne-similes oj out signatures attached, in its advertisements' Incorporated IS** for t& * turr m iiiv or K'lucUlnnal nn i (.'hnri.nhf tlih ac*|.l<a> ol #l,ono,fioo to «hl< The **/* Let rjr -wtr i~ud on end endorsed 1% the people nf nog Slot*. h nn*r toils nr pntlpnns. ItaOrand *laila Rambtr Orawlagi lake plara MMMikij. * ■PI.K-II»II> OPPORTUNITY TO WIN * POIITL'NK. ►LKVK\TI|.m.\hD RoviMbir 11. 1194 174th Uoaibly Draw CAPITA!. PRIZE, $70,000. 100.000 I IckclM at lire llullurs fcncli. Fnetlou*. in Finb., In Proportion. 0 Appioximatlon rrlr.o. of |76o... only to the o' ce of tlic • o.npany in Noh Oil 94 "nd upwuid b> Lx|mc<» ai « nreaied •r M. A. DtUPIIIN, OU7 SrvrHlh MS., Waatilngtiin, D. C. Unko I*. O. Mooev O der« pniuine und aildrcM R>-gUtcri*d I.Pt'ero to 4ICW Oil! RANM NATION AI. DANK Now Orlaaua, ha. Meat Market AXD PROVISION STORE. W.IL&T.M. COBB flMYlnfr rii'chaaed fhan IImio A Cobh Urn Ilea Market« -d lYonslou Ha.o on keep ou hnad llo wry boat cuts of BEEF, PORK, KID ASD SAUSAGE. and also a full line of Green Groceries and Provisions, rmbraclnc *11 iiud* of Vi gelabloa and Fruit* In b«lr himd. Gunned**. ll la their nln o keep •• drat clnaa eai*l.lia»im** l, a *1 g»Yo thaif uotmmr- good ao** a*t the owert pr»c**a npriilxbfa* price mid for Gattia, Uoga, and a .ind* o' co iMtrr i.roduee. A'lierlcu*, l***C. 16. W. 4. PIIIL: IPS. JOHN 8. UIE1IB. ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. Ww rail tb# aili n'ion of th# public to the feet hut we art urei'iired to fill nil orlera lor FmiH Brewl, i akra, O uidr, Ktc., of our own make good and pute. Wu kc*p a'so C nVrtiona and (Jroci-ricA, vhlcb w* • II at the ru log pr'jo* Bny and aell Country I'ndme. O r# ua a call. ir. j. ru ill ips *c vo. Jnl)26tf Copartnership Ko.ica. I bare ikia *1 »y m-o* ia e • alth tn* in my llida d C I'rttni# loa hudncaa Mr. V. A. BKI.Lto b I ■c*rry*»n she aaie. at my old-b.nd on C-*.t n jre- ui.der tbr linn ajtua and ,t> lo nl .**. If. Coll KN A CO. Keaycctiully, 8. If. GOHKX. Tbank'nc the p'lbllc rr I* a Hi«ra’ pntrunaKa „vi eriiritianoe i-ot n me »*h*|e c*.i dnetl ig tb a buxinea , I • r-pr^k tor ilk* n-w Him a coat mi a cr »f ihe a.tnc. Mr. Kell alone wit a'*an*i to the putebaso • | eiijr mid ail C unwy Produce, aiol ho>«f y f.-rai.d llitral-rcat-i rat to n». n» *alr •trooi****. a-ptliia rim f*. M. C«JllKN A GO. DURHAM’S IMPROVED mil;K UliMAE 1 la tbe b* Bl r n*»rnct* d ao>l fin U b* d. g *• • l-etl. r per ecu • agr. - B.d*i a*r )*»• ) innuey. p*r liae !••••• r, *han f r lurMar In ioe w*rhl MMinei iiui iBYoth r I urMar In me worh fw“iew p*'**p’ •#* a fit free, b Krw York PLYMOUTH ROCKS Any one wa* tlat -oma **f SM- Cm* a* bra* 4 • taw ** rta a* I W« ••A'U 'f U* U “**^ U - U . vu , „ U w. OHIO. Tka Rtpabllcawa Klees tkalr TlaktS l»j 16,000 MaJ nisy. The returns from O lio indicate that It lies gone Republican h\ from 10 000 to 15,00(1 majority. In Ib80 the Republican majority was 19,000, from which it will lie seen that there has been a small Demo cratic gain. _ WEsTvilliTlMA. Democratic by fr»m 7,000 t* 10,000 Mrjarity. The returns from West Virginia indicate that the Democrats have eleetel tlielr ticket by from 7,000 to 10.0U0 majority. This would indicate that the Republicans have failed in their attempt to break the “Sjlid South.” FROM JOLLY JOIINPKKVILLE. JuHNPitKYiLLB, Oct. 13—Dry and d'taiy; no rain yet, *nd no prospect a. If ul a good roio above and bt*l>w L»t Pi 1 lay evening. Colton picking will b« over in a ft*w weeka aud will not be more than a half crop, and at tbe pre»*nt price o| cottoo, mnny of 115 poor farmers ♦ill come out behind, 'ibo pea, cane and potatocropianhnoiit a failure. It ia now tune to plunt fall o la but looks like we «ill have the lack of last year; too dry, any time daring tbh month or the first oi next will do if we can get tba ram. Tbe voice of tbe engines ar- now beard in ibe land, we have four in bearing dis tance of abont four miles—three % lot at d ono saw mill, and the wblatlea can be beard from 4 o’clock in the morning until 9 o'clock at night. Mr. A. B. Hawks, late of Terrell ooonty, bat an old Ameri cas boy, baa moved bis saw mill to the Ram)le land on Bear Creek two mile* from the ville, where ytu will always find plenty of lumber of all kinds and aisva. Having known Mr. H. from boy hood we cau recommend hiui to tbe lunr her ne* ding public ns a perfect gem Ionian. Oar section was grcAtly in need of a *uw mill, and if Mr. H. will price bis lumber to «uit tbe times, be cau dispose of all be enn saw. We hope oar next grand jary will not f r^et to recommend t at our Ordinary t-sue no more 11 pior licensee in the county. We have no objection! to ha bein* sold in tho county tile, bnid** object to Rule aliantis* atnek up through the county with a few keg* of pop-knll, they are nothing bat a nananci; worth nothing to the coney, and ahonld be done a\vav with. Mont every man we meet now is a candidate. We bear that all oar prrseoi c.»unty officers will have an opposing candidate, and tbe race in Jauuiry lost will be a one. Oar present offic rs are as go**d a act a< can he found in tbe »Ute, and wby not keep them in office and let g hjJ enough alone. Y m can't do any better or get any cheap er one*. Oar matrimonial market is busy and inafsw weeks two of onr beat young men will be booked np In doable bar- ne*a. Bring', m in, b >*, we need thin. We have tendered onr resignation ib mayor, end it ha« been accepted. Mmy wera diHHoibtlnl because we ol j eted to b vingan aiteaian well, and we thought it best to resign. Mr J. W. Dupree wid act as major until an election can be bxd, which will be on tbe first Saturday in n*xt m nth. Tba health of onr commnnity w. a never be ter. Tbe Ville ia m* of the h* a*ttiicst towns in 8*intbwe*t Georgia, and when tbe A. P. A L. road is finished, wa expect mnny Noribernira to spend (heir winters with ns. Fine hotels will be erected. Mrs. 8. left for your oity last Friday to spend acorple of weeks, sod yon may look f *r tbe old man abont tbe time of tba abowoiia. Mr*. Ho-ter, who baa been quite sick, wj arc glad to say is about wall again. S. FROM IIAllIIKit’S STATION. Hatcheh'u Station, Oct 4.—8ome light showers of rain have fallen on a por ion of onr county, but not in suffi cient qnanihies to wet ti e ground more than an inch deep and tbe f*vored por tions aro v. ry small in arts, ao that tbe drought ia still unbroken. Our farmeie have nearly all tbeir cotton ont and b«.va tuanag* d to do an without the piomUed aid of tbr grand Mamn cotton pioler Era tbe fir«*t day of Nov< mb r anivt amts b«la of cotton will be found hi the field*. From half to tw • bir's nt a crop i» all that wtll be realised. We art uow res y for tbe fall planting* or grain cropa, b t em’t plow until we get tain to soften tbe Und. Onr f»rrurra are about diagnated with tba “s’l cotton" atyle of farming, and are determined now to m«ka an eff *rt to raise hog and boraioy. The trnek bn*in«ws baa abont played ont and nothing is left but to raUa meat and bn ad, vriih milk and batter, chicken* and eggs. Indeed all adiblrs that will thrive on oar land*. Sheer nro-asity hast!length aeeeapUsked that whlofc nowRpiper ariicbs on farming failsd, after a aerie* of years to effect. A great deal of sickness yet prevails In onr atet o i, and i i localities heretofore unknown. Very little abatement if aoy; though fortunately, nearly every cafe it tractable and easily controlled with pr<pcr remedies. Mr D L. Hitcher, late of Albany, la at home looking very thlu from a severe ■p*d! of fever. He will retnro as soon as be otn recuperate sufficiently to resume hi* bn*ine*s. Mrs. Cora Thompson, of Uoion Springs, Ala, is on a v tit t* relatives ard friend**. S'ie is tbe guest ol Mr. W. F. Rutherford, her brother. Much interest is growing np ov»r our county i flUer*. Tber«* are two »r three cmdidatts for every i-ffloe in the coun'y • xcept cl rk and treasurer, tbe big atrag- kU seem* to be for aberiff and tax codre- b r. Me»sr*. J. M. Harrell and E»rly Varner nr.* for aber if, and T. J. EI1U and A bm Hill fir collector, J. M. Oliver and A. M. Bdkcotu for aiiaeaa r. Gapt. W. II. JrmigHD, tbeind**f .Pgabla bridge builder of tba 8. W. B. R., la oil for T* x *a on an • xpinring expedition. Tup new c Uou com pres* at Eufiinla in rapidly going np again and noon we will near the buzz of its maebinerv at w *rk compressing the etaple into its tiny shape. ' Quitman. The October tlections* Attanlii Cons'ituLoo. The elet-tion in Oniu and Writ Virginia on yesterday leaves the November bailie yet to be fought and won. The Democrats here never ex pected lo carry Ohio, and have nev er had any right t» expect it. They made the light in that slate for the sake of discipline, and they have won ail that they coul I have hoped for. We have never claim ed the siale, and oor opinion baa been that the republican majority would be even larger than it has proved to be. If tbe republicans unn ilo no more after the supreme > ll.irtM they have made in this state Unit is steadily and steadfastly re publican, those is reason lo hope that they cannot bold even tbeir slender insjority in tbe November battle, when their resources must he scattered through a dozen sla'cs. The election in Wort Virginia shows,beyond a doubt, that tit dcm'icruts may eount with cer tainty on every southern state. This assured, the formula of na tional democratio vio orv ia simple and eare. The eleetorai rote, of ilio south, with the voles of New York and Ind ana, will elect Cleve land. We are confident that New York will go democratic, and by a large itajoiitr. Governor Cleveland has proved himselfstrongeriban his pai ly in that state, and he has an independent republican constituen cy 'list will m ire than otf.ct any dr fiction in New York city. He has the .llenl vote of New York lieynnd the shadow of a douo*,and this vole decidrs every election in which it is called out. As fur In dians, it ha* never failed to stand by Uov.rnor Hendricks. It Is rt-lisldy democratic by from 5,000 to 12 000, and ft will not fail its faeoriieson in this crisis. Oui- side of Indiana, the democrats will carry New Jersey and Connecticut in our opinion. Our .peciil from New York In dicate! that the democrats will open s vigorous and hopeful and sjstemslic campaign at once. They will never waver or falter until tba list hallo 1 , is east in November. The fight for honesty against raa- clay .for the |ie«plesgain>l thieves cannot lie lulled or ob«li noted by i he fact that the republicans have carried a state that they have al ways eanied when they nc- ded It. The fight will now he transferred from a sure republican stale to two democratic stales, and tbe res lit in New York and Indiana will show that the republicans have lust steadily since the day they nominated a man who was below even the corrupt standard of tbeir I'»f‘y- < There are two hoys, Field hy name, living near Lyssnder, N. Y., that have some rcmsrkan'e facta conneuied with their history. One ol them will he a voter on Nov. 4 next anil will cast his first vote. Tho second tou'.li ie the twin bro ther of the Gist, but cannot vote at iIdi election, lr»m the fact tbit ha i. six weeks younger than his bro ther. Tbov are both strong, fine- looking fellows, sons of a farmer, and follow their father’s vocation. HOMfKs’siiHKCtmK HoOTU WAM AXD d-milile* is ah iDt.llib's ears for Dleer- ab-d nor. Thm.t, Bleeding (Inins, 8o-e tnou' b and Ulcers Clean, the Testh and 'P« theOnm,heslibr. Prrpered-ols- lv bi Hr. J P A \V. It H -LVKX. Den- doa, 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. For sal-by Dr W. P. Bart, rtaolist, J. E. H.ll. and all druggists sad dtalista.