Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 22, 1884, Image 3

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PICKERS ftWD HIS DOG*. 4 oiiple «< »'«»«>■ Wm *“* reived ** «»<«’■ Hill. (Homo Journal.] were seated in an office iu nu Englishman. an Irish THE PECAN TREE. 1 AM A WOMAN. [From an Old 1 I am a woman—therefor® X may not Call to him. cry to h<t«. Fly to him, Three <; V ,; v York eity—an nuj ^ 411(1 an American. ‘"“““l incbli-nl It It Lil«toinnry, iifn-r grad f„r ntudt-nta, two nr mor.. t.i lake ...i American. The Engllubuuiu incident that occurred tn'ii(>IIian iwii u * , v t the rural attractions that spring into II,. and Ilia college chum agreed to a; Kent the pint* of pilgrimage. They i i made an e'ctcnded Irnnip through the Emiaiitatul smiling region, and in re reached a .lately mansion with *w».ks leading through the .minds A l;edge bordered the public ,Mil and behie.l lids was a ditch. As the mutte'ing their throated thunder. • was*a dcpiesslDg moment, for they idled lip 10 one of the twain with every Where It liroin and What It Will Yield. [Sherman (Tex.) Cor. Kew York Sun.] , .... „ 1 In• experience of Mrs. Cowles of Mo- | Pray him delay not! g“ e with the pecan tree, and her facts and | figures are convincing proofs of the possi- ! Ami when he comes to me, I must tit quiet; hilities of this hitherto undeveloped Indus- Still as a stone U, try. She mentions having Withered three £1^1 ^ , !? er ' barre's of nuts from a single tree (145 “rS Xml tlefv pounds per barrel). I have known us : 1 ‘ t- : £ i jnUutlou to devour him. i kept off the creatures The many gathered from a single tree in thi country. This gives 4&5 pounds per tree, nt say 10 cents per pound, the job bing price, or #4:t.50 ns the yield of the tree I fere there are from forty to a hun dred trees to the acre. This will beat an orange ..rove, for the trees do not require j as much rare or skill as orange trees. AV e cannot believe that the efforts of our ' California friends will fail in growing pecan trees. For the Ixmellt of Mr. \Y A. Zanders of that state I will say that ’ .Mr. S. ){. Thorpe, of San Francisco, savs he saw growing at San Jose some pecan trees four or five years old. ten feet high. I with seven feet spread of limb. This is 1 •ri.t'en an kept on iue wim o certainly not a bad showing. It would be j ptick he carried, all Ike time retreating considered a fair growth for most loeali- | lockward until the hedge, that offered no ties. I cannot lee any reason whv tliese i resistance was reached. Hack, backward trees should not succeed in that country. I lie went, through the hedge into the For eight years s lccceding the war 1 ditfli, "'here he remained. Ins laxly . was engaged in the winter months in the ! ide«l in between the two-.lianks.^abso- fur business. This work led me through the timliered and swamp regions of south- ! era Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas, over j the whole of Arkansas .udthe Indian ter ritory. Iu all these ci jntries I observed the |x*eait growth, and in no locality was it. confined exclusively to either low or upland ground. It seemed to flourish on all kinds of soil. As Mrs. Cowles remarks, it is a species of the hickory, or akin to it. and it has a very tough and hardy growth. Some of the largest trees I ever saw were along the banks of the Osage river in Missouri ami Kansas, where they were exposed to liurd winters and sudden and severe chan: father Should I ti Say or Cling to him— i What—to atono is j Enough for my winning! ! This were the cost to me, i This were my winning— j That he were lad: to me! ' Not ns a lover at last if he part from me— Tearing my heart from me— , Hurt beyond cure— : Calm ami demure, Then, my behavior, ing no sign to him UOIO • • CALVIN CARTER & SON S>«* SPOTS AXTP SSOBS, Public Square, . . Amcrlcm, Ga. BEST GOODS FOR LEAST MOSEY! iuteiy helpless. Meanwhile out came the proprietor, bareheaded, calling off tin* Lj, ml k The mansion and grand o'.d tires just over the hedge looked mount- noons amid the rattling confusion. The cliuKix was reached by the disap|x*aranee verv suddenly of the person attacked, who ], iV 'on his back, wedged in and covered with mud and water. The owner of the premises and the traveler, convulsed with laughter, lent suitable aid in draw ing out tin* |>ri» go into Rochester in that .iuution, ” remarked the proprietor: -M.iae in and get a change of garments. ” They entered the elegant premises, and after refitting, the host said, “Gentlemen. mV lunch is ready; instead of being eaten niii must eat!** ' While this was taking place one of the k.riies glanced at a portrait on the wall ami tlicit looked hard at his entertainer. •Why, ” he remarked, concealing his sur prise ns much ns possible: “You are ( lurk's Dickens?” - Yes. ” -And this is Gad’s hill?” • Precisely. ” “Assuredly we arc in illustrious com- pui v unawares. ” Tim lunch was ended, and Mr. Dickcr.s showed his guests through his apartments, inu ring the study where stood the writing disk, which constitutes such a feature of the engraving published after the author’s death. The Old Chicago Tlmea Building. (Chicago Herald.] A building is now going up on a piece of Lind on Dearborn street whieh has a history. Ever since the lire, with the ex ception of a year or two when a one-story MiUiirant stood there, the lot has been vacant. Before the great tire it was the >itc of The Times building. The old building Unit stood on this lot . was a white stone affair which molted away to dust iu the fierce flames of Octo- Ut. I»T1. The fire struck it about mid niiht, tail it had been raging all around it tor some hours. When it was seen that the office must soon go the night editor tauilu a desperate attempt to get the paper out tx'fore abandoning the building. A> the compositors were getting uneasy he crept up the stairs and locked them* in. The billows of tlatned rolled around, nttik- iii" the gas lamps look like tallow caudles, ami when the priuters became so nervous that they could work no longer they made tur ihe door. The first one there screamed: “It is locked!” “Smash it in then!” roared half a dozen lyP'K and In a moment it was a wreck. All hands streamed out ou the tire-swept streets. They were not a moment too soon. The last ones out saw flames burst ing out of the upper windows. The night ~ had disappeared. If he could have .% Huge u Raneli Agency. [Croffut’s New York Lettev] The tendency of England to »wze ou all eligible wild land of tins countiy is well illustrated by the recent organization of a "ranch agency ”of uncommon jvoportions here. 1 met this week with the active promotor and manager it—Henry Arthur Herbert of Muck ross, Ireland. His partner carl of Aylesford, who already lias a great ranch in Texas and another In Wyoming territory. lie lives here about seven months of each ^ear. returning to London for the “season,^ and to sit in the house of lords as an obstructionist, I suppose. Herbert hitnself is a young Irishman, Hell, ambitious, intelligent, shrewd, was for ten years a member of parliament, | and, what in Great Britain is considered of The tree is found in the western part of I n* much consequence, for nine years this state, on poor, dry, sandy land, yield , . ar< ... . - .. . . # ing annually good crops of nuts. Nor »r« I I own two-thirds of the lakes of Kil; the trees affected by our loug, hot mers. It would seem that they are adapted to a wide extent of our country. I su|v- pose that the nuts planted by Mr. Sandeis got too dry In transit. If so, they would hot germinate. If he would try a few fresh nuts received by mail and plant on receipt of them, no doubt the result would lx* different. When they ge light t brii one more casualty to add to the long roll. J Tho Vanilla Dlaeaae. lX*vr Orleans Times-Domoerat] The di-ease ns< rilx.*d to vanilla and its <a , i'c are thus de-crilxxl by I>r. Lave!, of ronknux: - At first an itching of the fa<i a djiaud-i, associated with a powerful '[ sensation, is experienced,and the >kw Incomes covered by a pruriginous erupt ion, swells, reddens and desquamate* »! tiic end of some days; at other times ilieri'isa fil ling of malaise with dullness, '•illness and muscular pains, necessitating :| ‘‘‘Nation of labor. The cutaneous malady stems to lx; due to an acarus which »PI>ears as u small, white, rounded body, ‘ eeiim ing generally I bo ends of the poll, ami determines the affection by its mere eon tael. The nervous symptoms. M. ‘•aytt thinks, may be caused by inferior pwl** containing much oily juice. ” Keg'lilt Huuior. [London Letter.] Hu* delicacy of English wit is some thing thnt the American mind fails to up pni-iate. An English weekly offered a prize of 1 pound sterling for the cleverest "ngnittl anecd te that should lx; s« nt it, and the following secured the money: “ I )* aH 01,1 m n small dinner-party one rv it- ,n P retentlv.^ A boy, evidently from the grw-n-gnxN'r’s shop, had been engaged to •MUe waiting. When he placed two »ii i 0 ^ ,Mr,s the hostess, she— probably thlnkiug it not correct to know •, 1:11 w«w coming—asked: *What are h , -*x‘ , . Jnim*s?’ Whereiipoti the Ixry, 1 jlnting first to one it.V.t uml then to tho ‘ replied; •TUl'Ius a penny each, and 'i 'hem’s two for three half-pence.’” •luat to Tilt a k of it! ,’Arkansaw Travflt*;-. 1 b is estimated by Professor Gannyntorc mm in the l nited States, during one sea- j? JT-tHons of ituman blood are a " '•>; nmsquitoes. In twenty years, P total amounts to 1,248.400 gal- .hii'i *'’/ , . "I—nearly u* much as was j tiM during the war of tho rebellion. »ii'i M> , H apfi alarming- Just think. I “ >'»**. *hnt in 100 years 124,840,000 gnl- ' of ns gixxl blood as this country has 1 pauliiced will have been spilled with- in !* I K *mt having been gained. It »rtii?tt '‘* oU| lk al>out the navy, hut to heuring in California and have fresh nuts to plant, they will have no trouble iu establishing extensive and profitable pecan groves. Royal manners. [Detroit Free Press.] Apropos- of children’s deportment, a story is recalled of the lately dead John Brown, the quie.i of England’s faithful henchman. When he first entered the service of Prince Albert the little prin cesses hearing their father address him as “Brown, ” used the same form in speak ing to hint. The queen corrected them, and they all addressed him as “Mr. Brown” excepting the Princess Louise, who, im perious even in childhood, per sisted in her right to use the name as her father did. One morning the queen heard her and informed lifer that if she again addressed Mr. Brown, without a handle to his name, she would be sent to bed. The next morning when he presented himself in the royal apart ments, where the family assembled, the little miss said ilipixintly: “Good morning. Brown!” Then, as she saw the eyes of her queen mother fixed unon her, she rose, and, with a curtesy, continued: “Ami good night, Brown, for 1 am go ing to bed. ” And she walked resolutely away to her punishment. What la Not. [Boston Budget.1 Cuttle bone is not bone, hut a kind of clmlk once iuclosed in the fossil remains of extinct specimens of cuttle fish. Cleopatra's needle was not erected by the Egyptian queen itor in her honor. Pompcy’s pillar had no historical connection with Ponipey in any way. Scaling wax docs not con tain a particle of wax, but is composed of Venice turpentine, shellac and cinnabar. The tuberose is no rose, but a species of polynnth. The strawberry is no berry, but only a succulent receptacle. Turkish baths did not originate in Turkey, and are not baths, but heated chambers. Whale bone Is not hone, and is said not to possess a single pro|H*rtyof hone. He UeveHled Hlmxell'. I Pitt burg Chronicle-Telegraph.] A gentleman who had courted anti married hi» w ife iu a full heard and lived for ten years with her endowed with the same hirsute adornment, quietly deter mined to have it cut off. Ills wife found it difficult to recognize him. and she sat staring nt his strange appearance for some time. “Well, "he exclaimed, “have you got nothing else to do but sit still? I suppose you expect me to do ull the wotk, while you loaf, as usual.” ho snappishly said. “Why, it is you after all—1 knew you the moment you spoke, " she replied. Why They Wore Beards. [Exehai’te. ] A Frenchman sent a circular to all his friends asking why they cultivated a U-nnl. Among the answers nine stated, “because I wish to avoid shaving;” twelve “because I do not wish to catch cold;” five “because I wish to conceal had teeth;" two “because I wish to conceal the length of tnv nose;"six “because I am a.soldier;” twenty-one “because I was a soldier;” sixty-tiyu “bceaqse my wife likes it;” twenty eight “because tny lovo likes it;” fifteen answered that they wore uo lK*nrd«*. larney, ” said Mr. Herbert to me, “aud command the approaches from every direction. By the wav, I want to put up a hotel, American stylo, in Muckross, and get a first-rate landlord for it. The object of this agency of ours is to defeat the or dinary promoters, who get rich selling ranches and swindle both parties. We few*trees • slm ^ S( ‘H bottom prices. We already have on our books 40,000,000 I asked him if he was not mistaken, re minding him that 40,000,000 acres was more than one-sixtieth of the whole area of the country. “So much the better!” he said with a smile. “Mistaken? No. Why, wc have 5,000,000 acres in one lump down in Texas. In another year we mean to have a good deal more. ” The Drcas of Modern Fiction. [Boston Gazette.] Tho cardinal objection against the lighter literature of the present day is its lack of sincerity. Form is regarded as of more importance than substance; a pretty external drapery is used to ornament a worthless manikin, and wheu the reader expects flesh and blood he is ecnfrouted with wood. The art which should conceal art is only art made coarse by artificiality; an inartistic nigging at petty details; a com monplace attempt to catalogue c series of readily observed surface pltcnom enu, and to neglect the vital soul beneath. Falsi* art hits triumphed over nature; morgue has usurped the place of the arena, and literature has sunk to the low level of busying itself with trifles; with drawiug its picture from the dressmakers’ and milliners’ dead models, elaborating the insignificant, apotheosizing the ridic ulous, and then claiming for its stiff- jointed, artificial-voiced manikins tho reward that is due to living men and women whom it so offensively carica tures. The Dog the Bravest Animal. [Nelson Kizor in Phrenological Journal.] People sneak of “ brave as a lion. ” The lion is not brave; he is a coward when the royal Bengal tiger, regarded as bis equal, is presented; lie hesitates, makes a great parade, blit does not get very near. The dog, on the other hand, will assail a lion, a tiger, a grizzly bear, an elephant, a dog, or a man, and he docs not stop to count the size of his op ponent. Mnny u man has been saved because his little dog, who is as quick as a Hash, bus annoyed a bear, behind, that was pursuing the man to the death; ho would turn to take care of tho dog, which would of course dodge back and keep out of the way of the bear, while the man would be gaining distance, and when tho hear turned for tho mun again, the dog was at his heels biting his hamstrings. We know of nothing hut the dog that will fight a foe forty times his bigness, or one of its own kindnud bigness to the death, with such unqualified and eminent bravery; and, therefore, wo account tho dog the bravest thing that lives. A Wrong Dlagnoaln. [Now York Hum] “I say, young man,” said a physician, stopping him ou the street, “you are not well. Your fare is flushed, and you aro in a high fever. Let me feel your pulse. ” “I—I’m all right,” protested the youth. “No you’re not, ” said the physician positively. “ Ycur pulse is over a hundred, and in less than two minutes you will be in a cold sweat. You take uty advice and go home. ” “I—I can’t go home. Iam resolved to ask old Jones for his daughter's hand to night or perish miserably iu the attempt. ” “ Wrong diagnosis, ” muttered the doctor to himself. Indian Milk. [Pari * Bo icon. 1 aw, that this is Indian milk, aw, ” aaid~n dude to a dairyman. “No, sir. "said the dairy man,“this is first class cow’s milk fresh from my farm. ” “I be*/ pardon, sir: I do wcqlly, aw. It Itohs. aw, like Indian ntilk. ” “The dickens it doe call it Indian milk?” —weally, n chalked, aw! (■rowtli ot Our «:i»l«a, In 1860 the United Stati s had only 141 li-iliin.. i iii , * t lu 1RWJ me uiiicu *»•»«» *«i. r g * ‘ } * ,l ? ne to proteet the ' cilies 0 f OVfr # 000 inhabitants, now there 'winiri «ift? 1 * P i , u ? aInl1 lho 8iu « in K j are over fiOO such cities. The total popu- ‘ l>lrra of ,lle I lation of tbb clan of cities was .->.UOO.<XJO, % T 1 now it is 14,000.000. .Nearly Perfect Picture,. , . ul»i-? a Photography U becoming pop 'in r ranee. The salts of the inetal £ 7 Krwn and ffr.-euish brown, nttd F„ r ‘ ? ,- vcrs produce \cry delicate tints, tu * holographing forests and landscape! • tf/f "jP^rior. giving pictures treat are ) l*er[ei;t reproductions of nature. Tbc6o,tt lolwcco Historical Furniture. [Chicago Herald.] Among the interesting exhibitions prom ised for the year 1885 that of Russian his torical furniture, which Is to bo held at St. Petersburg, will be much appreciated by antiquarians and artists. The primitive chairs and tables of the ancient slavs, as well as the costly furniture which at What makes you j present adorns the ’ residences of the rich, | and the bright colored deal goods in the moujik'-s cottage, will be exhibited, and appeals are at present being made to furni ture dealers and o*hers possessing antique furniture to send their goods to the com mittee. New Store and; New Goods. K. T. BYRD, INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK. Forsyth Street, - • • ■ Amerious, Ca AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, HIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST RATES. ■» AO-BTJT FOR TUB GULLET AND LUMME8 COTTON GIN?, ITlio^Soat’Oina Made S CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR GINS. Bcptl8m3 T. I XTE777 ADVERTISEMENT. Jas.Fricker&Bro. AMERICUS. GA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and' Music Store, that must reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before PTOAPITAL PRIIB|T»,MO,ja ! Tickets only «9. Shares In proportion Louisiana State Lottery Go. ••n'edo htrtby certify that tee »uvenue the arrangement! for all the Wonthly ani Semi-Annual Drawing! of The Lvuuiana Stale Lottery Company,aniinperton man age and control the Drateingt themseleet, and that the tame are conducted with bou nty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parlut, and we aulhmte the Company to ute thit certificate, with Jac-timilei of our tignaturu attached, in iu advertiiemente." f£*8 Commissioners. Incorporated tn 1808 for tft yesn bj tbs Legisla ture for Kducatlonsl end Charitable purposes— with a capital or 11,000,000-to which a receree fund of over 1560,000 haa since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote ita franchise was made a part of the present Stats Conatitattos adopted December Zd, A. D., 1179. The only Lottery ever tcUi on end tndorttd Im thi people (if any State; It never tcalet or paitponei. Its Grand linn Is Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A PORTUNB. KLEVKNTII GRAND DRAWING, CLASS L, IN TUB ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NKW ORLEANS. ’IUESDAT. November 11,1§M - If4th Monthly Draw Inf. CAPITAL PRIZE, *75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Fire Dollars Each. Fractions, In Fifths, In Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES: j 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 05,000 1 do do 15,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF $5,000 12,000 5 do 2,000, 10,000 10 do 1,000, 10,000 20 do 500, 10,000 do 000, 00,000 do loo, 80,000 8O0 do 50, 25,000 1000 do 26,... 05,000 0 Approximation Prize* of |?50 (6,T»0 » “ “ 500 7,500 9 “ 200 1250 1,907 Prize*, amounting to 9265,500 Application for rates to clnbe should be made only to the office of the Company in Hew Orleans, ror further Information write cleatly, giving frill address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or Nsw York Exchange in erdU nxrylettsr. Currency by Kxptvss (all anma of 99 and upward by £xprca» at our expenae) ad dressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, ' * 60T Seventh Mt. t Washington, D. C. Make P. U. Money Ordera pay nolo and ad dr eta Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK New Orleans, La. on*, don't it look Hku (Choctaw.) A* Bleated Contrivance. [JCew Orleans City ItiUi.l German Mtvdenta Under Training. [Exchange.) Student* at several of the German uni- versiticH have taken to rowing, under English trainer*, who *ay that the pupils utterly refuse to give up liecr or tobuixxr ira!!i"l? c “, comra P om, !' 0 P™''- ; much nupwlwl m beauty. *^ratow^,..‘ n ..! oa ‘ hern . Turk, T' • koncit. but b. hu not newly It almo.t the ■ mlr.ri u ' • T&i[SSfia, ef im-blunu. both l Amonir the moit Ulanal of all eontriv- while gcUInjj ready for race'. au,l tbero- ancra of nature is that wblcb preventa a fore do aol get into fit condition to accom- man front being disturbed by bis own j pli-b mueb. snorlug. Ter Dlormmm. la f.rti, Arkansaw Traveler: Honeaty L not so l<,y .Ijaramaa are now popular in 1 trl*. Tbe toad la — ** “* 1 — 10 many ad mirer! u tho bright bird that would steal ^ tomely ilccoraled ti They co-tilit of microscopic views ph ito- graphed on tiny lenses snd set in hsnd- .orated framss. They trs coo- insxpsAilTs* Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and wc will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. MRS. FRED LEWIS’. Amerious, Ga., Aug. 24,1884. tf Pa\ETUV And Lunch Room. 1 am randy to prnpnrn MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fresh Fish and Oysters for 8ale. For Indy cnatomera I have prapnrcd'>n Mpnrntn room, where they will rncntvn proaptfnnd courte ous n'totlon. , JOHN A. TURPIN. W. J. PHILLIPS. JOHN 8. MIEIUI. ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. P We cnil tbe nt tent ion of tbe poblle to tbe fret Ibat we are orepnred to 111 all orders for Freak Bread, Cuke*, Candy, Etc., of onr own make- food and pure. We keep a'no Confection* and Qroceriee, which we ecil at tbe ruling price* Buy end tell Country Produce. Give ne a call. IT. J. PHILLIPS & co. Jnlrlatr INSURE WITH THE IBTB $1,11111,078. A. L. HESS, Agent, At Bankjtf America! DURHAM’S IMPROVED STANDARD TURBINE! I. the best and fla- l.hrd, ipve. better parceil..., mvv.v, an. u mm Sw Im.