Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 26, 1884, Image 2

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> Americus Recorder. V». I., ULBMMKtt. Editor. •iltlrlsl llmi (I Hr Inter Count j. ili.VPAT. OCT. Mi IW84. I A CHANGE » TUB KLECTIUX U«. The Pullodelphia Recoid nave i that id 1860 the votes of the people j end the votes of the Electoral Col- lege were distributed at lollows: PonoUr Vote. Wertorr. Lincoln 1M lK>n*lHd J.'75, «7 Hr chea i -<e * ?* Dr'll JW.MI :«» Totel SLUMMING IN GOTHAM. A Short Excursion Into the Low Life of ths Metropolis. terry ne,lnle>*a Plan for fitebluj Unwary Sinners In frrmorne “Alleelon**—A Queer The* ory of Conversion. To Giro Ym Mia tfWbalfts Bra | Ioi8,5£iWliai Will Be Done, [New York Cor. Chicatso Herald.) “Let's go slumming!" Tlie exclamation was mil'll' by a g.rl against whom general charges of indecorum could not be sus. tained. Che was j i in ply guilty of bellcv lug that everything t,'one in approved Lon- I \VL'OIOTM THE KOLLO\1 1XG PRICE' don aoclet / Is I ropt i. Pulilfc and private ’ ought to be elected as Congress' men by single districts. The fraud of 1876 would have been impossi ble under such an arrangement. It it an impeachment of tbe patriotism of both parties that the laws in r< lation to tbe choice of electors hsve been allowed since 1876 to remain unmodified. V C .111.) Latter illustrate advices had luformid her that It is now Njiuiii*c»uM heller illustrate ovcr tbcre t „ make up parties the defectiveness of our present for excursions into i sw life of the worlds i.ii.m •• U means of exnressine greatest metropolis anti she took it for system as a means or expressing | ranltd llult ilIlltlton , j nglbluuon tbe popular will. Although Doug should endeavor nlways to da os English I ...ti„ mane V.IIO. MS men do. Therefore her proposition to go las bad no trly ns many voles as .,| umnl | nif » WM , Br |outa n d7l:d not con- Breckenridge and Bell combined, template an i-m :ij u h: to l;c ashamed of. j be only hail 12 electors to the.r ^“rnaT^rim^bm*fitor'"‘.I 111. There U no fairness in a sys- intense respect ihility which only a tern which thus di.franeb'se. hu e ^ NU-Au‘.-'“.'l minorities. Preaiilcntial electors ist. had just brought bis mission into great t Im t wri publicity, and to that establishment tin* —>wita the exccptlOii 01 he t investigators went. They found an ex- who represent the State at large— tcrior brilliant with ehctric light, through the glare of which on the ad accnt hide- walks the wicked one* of the had neigh iKirhoo.I were | a sing from and into the eoinimrative shadows of th:t gas lamps. T|u*y entered a long, narrow hall. At the inner end was a plat.or in and de^’c. on the side wails were Christian mottoes, anil iu the w-ats were as many j c >p!c as they would hold. A prayer ai.d experience meeting was going on. “This interior. ” whispered the private lecturer of the “shimmers” to his compan ions. “remains quite the same that it was when the Crcmorne mi.-siou was tlr* ( re- morne garden. The fre-coing l* unaltered, and nothing has been done to the front ex cept to change the word ‘garden’ to ‘mission’ on the transparency. The l;c?r tables have given place to the o seats, and the texts anil pulpit have been added. The general aspect—” “ Look here, you folk*, you've got to be- linve yourselves if you stay in liere. We’d like to do you good, but we indst on quiet. ” This emphatic reproof came from a- usher. The awful tru:h was clear to the most unsophisticated girl in the party, lie mistook iliem for vicious persons in stead of polite observers of vice. He had not lieeome awa:e of the threatened fash- ioanlileness of “slumming.” The; Some of the employes of the (lovernment Printing Office in Washington arc in a box. The Star says: “A man who was an employe at the office came running in one day just before the eleeliun anil said : ‘1 have got a bet of $200 that Ohio will go Democratic.’ It was an even bet, and ns the em ployes were all sure that the Re publicans would win, seemed to offer a bigger return on a short- time investment than the oil mar ket ever offered in its palmiest days. The trouble was that the man who wns offered the wager did not have the capital to cover it. He proposed that those who want ed a sure thing should get up a pool of $200 and place it in Itis hands. This was done, various enthusiasts contributing sums ranging from $10 to $25 until the $200 was made up. The election is over, but the man who had the ‘good thing’ cannot lie found. The employes, who beliovc they Imvc been victimized, have heard to ports Ilia", the same party collected nearly $1,000 from different peo plo on the same alluring represen tations. One of the Government Printing Office employes gave a cheek instead of cash for his con tribution, and when lie became suspicions stopped llio payment of tbo obeck. chilled They ; aruo lor of The St. Louis U‘publican seems to fully appreciate the situation, in the following: “The defeat of the republican party \nd the election of Cleveland will break the color line, improve the condition of trade in tbe south, and insure northern cities an increased busin ess from that section. When this much desired change comes the negroes will work belter and no longer listen to the evil advisers who iucite them to violence and riot for political elTect in the north.” The Democrats are gradually growing bolder in their belting. At the iloflman House, Nea York, tired somewhat tb'-ir amusement. It was a trap for the unwnrv sinner that Jerry -VcAuley set there in Thirty-second street. The premise,s had been one of the most notorious of New York's winc-nnd women resorts. By leaving the fn.ntage substantially unaltered, many a fucrlled roisterer was led into a religious meeting unawares to fln«! tb it the loud voice wns not that of a brawler but an exhorter, and that the music was not of ribald wings but holy hymns. Jerry once told me that numerous conversions resulted fiom these mistakes, and he held a theory that a mild degree of intoxication was a help rather than a h'ndranee iu such eases. 1 localise the exhilarations of alcohol rendered the tMTceptions acute and the heart susceptible to good influence. Wns he sincere? I think so. It is true that while he was vile he remained imp iverished. and that after becoming a city missionary lie was sus tu'ncd in comfort by the contributions of he gii eerily. cn’ovcd the con’’deuce of the city editors of the newspapers, and they are pretty shrewed iu discriminating between the reputation mid the character of New York’s public men. But that he made any appreciable impression on the class for whom he lalmrcd Is improbable. His con gregations were almost wholly made lip of already religii us people and curiosity- seekers. “Well, if lie made 100 thorough conversions in the five years of the t re ntornc mission." said A. S. Hatch, of the life hanking linn if 1*i*k it Hatch, who was his chief supporter, “he was a magni ficent success.and worth ten times his cost " One Hundred Men’s Csssimere Fails Iteitn'ar pric- 810 01', for 85.00. 2 0 Pans of Pants. Former price 32 00 no* 81 00. 250 Pairs of Pants. F.umcr price 85 90; now 82 00. Men’s * assimere Suits, all sizes from 33 to 42, a* 5oc on tbe dollar. Four-Button Cut-Asm s at 33 p«r cent, less than ever known before. Pl ods and Checks are all the go season. We bate got tb*m in large ety, and at prices thut pl«»Cd competi tion in the hack ground. Iii Boys ScW Sails We can show you a variety of One Thou Hind different stvle^; more of them than nil the bouses combined, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prims cheaper than you can buy commou Juunsto make them. Oar Line of Goats Underwear Itleleuroloaleal Predictions. |Lime-Kiln Club.] OcIoIkt—If this month don’t pan out thirty-one days taxpayers ought to kick fo.* the.r rights. Frosts can If looked for any time after the 10th. Flics will licgin to lie alied longer in the morning, and the turn who sold you a patent churn in the spring will drop iu just us you begin to le. 1 sanguine h • is dea I. Straw ha's will hang on. but iu a sheepish sort of way. Novernl er— Hrst blood for fall. "Man who leaves the door open will have his at trillion attracted to tue fart that the saw mill is two square* further up the sir a t. Hood time to bunt up sore-throat remedies and divide whether to buy an overcoat or tm-ve south. Begin to see what an idiot you were to wish for winter. Decctulier—Considerable weather dur ing this month. Man who wrote “Beau tiful Snow” will show up by the £0lh. Fun umbrellas and bare armed women re tire for the season. Winds might te colder, but an* doing fairly well for !)e- ■tuber. The second-hand cutter offered Is larger than ever before, at prices we djfy competition.! IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the Cararuu! Five Thousand Pairs of Women Poker*, from 3-7 and C-9. at th*» startling 1< price of 65a p«*r i»ai-; nearer known to r*-|| 'or Iprh than one dollar rince Americas 1ms been a city. One hon-Hod mini Children’* Copper Tip*, n*-ver sold 1e*n ’ban 75c, cm now be bought for 5'tc; a good, honest shoe. 10 G-i»e* of B otan«, from 6 t«» 11, amt lOcnaea Pl>iw Shoe* from 6 to II. solid i' nerao'e, wld»e oak bottom, olid I a In r counter, always sold at 81-50, now ie- t .il-d nt 81 00. In Lndbs', Misses, and Children’s Fire Shoes we can show yon an elegant tin**. *nd retail them at pricea 25 per e nt less than any house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & CO Proirielors N.w York St:re. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA. * l CONVULSES MEW YORK CITY HALL nCTSTKil PARK. If IU i" 11-"!' Irnin 2oo I'l Ourei till It ... k Si t Vein . N- » Y rk, I r tl In Color* d Silks OLD E8TABI.MIKD MERCANTILE HOUSES. WHOSE SOI.VFN' Y WAS SUPPOSED TO BE Founded on inoestruotahle iuicks of UNLIMITEDCAPATAL AN1) UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large anti cililirntrd f lotliin” manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from matt ri- als bou -lit mi er< di\ These iiaintifiieliurrs jtlnerd their fiiith on lively and profitable September Iratle, nb-olutely relyiiiff i n it for funds to meet iltcir maturing [taper, which they hail jiiven for piece "oods, hut the trade, did not rome, (he continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their "goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was had for tin m, hue it is in ydur power to make it good for you, lor. ns usual, when good goods are to be saeiificed we are always ou hand; Our Mr. Joe Wnxclbnum was there, r.nd notwithstanding the fitet that «e were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thou«nrd Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Hoys, Chil drens and Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Fancy Goods Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to GO percent. ^ |nA mum ’ rn " of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday Moiliillg and itjjwiH be to the interest of every one in ties citv or country to be on hand, for tit the prices we propose sc lling these goods you were never offered them in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J. Waxelbaum & Go. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE, Americus. Georgia, wol. O 75c#‘iils, J 5 Ri c Pd c-m Black (V!, i 42$ «• uts Bb-i k m <1 C. Ion ,| wide, nl I 7)0 ,H- Tliv; L nr io be OKU LIVE OF Fancy (ioods, llosji n, s and Bit tock ot ib‘*p it* Fi'*i»*n Tin h»m in • ti ItettiiI D p •riii. hi myih ng we ImpjM-M i ol i«» ha " CARLE IS Miid l.ros i 33 p. r c» i*t less tlmii ; nt CIOvKS. But ••ufnetur** »vo»v gurine I a’k tibont- 111 t:; l rows colder, \Y - in showing t ttr good* Call billy iiml Avoid Hit l!i:sli| J. W AXELBAUM & GO. Pn n iift:rs New Ycr* to AMERICUS, - - GEORGIA. Oliver & Oliver STILL LEADS! Corner IIo! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and hu; j .. ,, rciillMT. lilt' NvcttiHl Iiiiml ('utter ulltTt'.l Wctlncatlay nigbt, Congressman . y ou iu .luly for$d.iAwbut D now marked Mile* Uo»», of New Jersey, otiered I Vu. Any boy. in vour ueigblioibood wbo . . . . ought to be in llnirru .liould be coaxed tbe following beta, which were not iQt ° , r j.j llg it0 oll , ht . r i Vl . r . taken; $5,000 Cleveland carries Ct nneclieut, $5,000 Clevel tnd car ries New Jersey, $5,000 Cleveland carries New York, $5,000 Cleveland carries Indiana, $5 000 Cleveland will be elected. Tbe Republicans will have to gain 38 Congressmen in older to have a majority in tbe next House of Representatives. This would be a gain of one in every five. There is uot tbe slightest probabil ities that they will be able to do it. Dakota Is going to send a 135- pound pumpkin to the New Or- leans Exposition. It might verv easily- tend down a few glaciers aid norther t r two about tbe time the Exposition gets in full blast.. Usd Air Did II. (Chicago Herald.] The Grady, party a.* has already been published, sp. nt their hug winter night iu a miserable hovel twenty-two Bet long by , seventeen feet wide and’ four feet high, i making the cubic air space 1,700 feet, in i this the twenty-four niemliers of the par;y i Uvul a 1 winter, haviug a cubic air allow ance of hIkmI seventy ftvt for each man. Lefering to thh fact The Medical 1 exord says; “The baneful results of imperfect h.ematosis from tad ventilation are fa nil- iar to all metiieal readers, and it would up- l»enr. by analyzing the morbid phenomena pre ent’ed by various me.nbers of the expe dition. and so well described by Dr. lirccn, that the party when found were sutlcring almost t.s much from want of oxygen and from accumulation of carlion c ’ arid iu their systems us from deprivation of food. " MUIItarjr Hattdkerehlef^. [Ch'esgo Time*.] The ingenious method adopted by Ru»- s'an military autln rnie> i»v i strueting tae rank anti tile in the art of shooting by fur nishing them with handkerchiefs on whkh the construction of the ride and its use are explained has lictn carried a step further. The pocket handkerchief U now be'ng u«ed to fatniliurize Kus'ians wiiL tbe his tory of thtir heroes. According to a War saw paper, a Moscow firm hat just manu factured a number of hoaditerchitfs on *SrttS.S££SSs aa-sssTtar—— ! FIJNTE CLOTHING - Tr . , . , i ji | «• I lii our c , has Ij brin/out for llie St»ri *a tnsle tho largest, InniUom** ti. .1 Wc invite everybody and the public gen-1 -n.,o™ 1 .«..un..f orally to call at our shop and examine our i Perfect Fitting* Clothing immense stock of First-Class Finished Single | ever shown in americus i T - v r"* 1 ; These co-xls have b.M. »el« rt«t with {rum tore end »n elcRuBre of •’« gifii, i-iy ■“ and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse! ««Mnmb.ii,oi$.«.ur.’.that«.«mjeeu.n...,o, w . an mu—e Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which j QUA RAN t EL PERFLC1 HI OK NO S.\LL I Wo a l»ato » J will K'Usi™ .to. k o'p»r w Ottii'it are of our own manufacture, and will be sold | sllirtSj Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in! ■>.a.™,o......F,r«i.kir,r«^.. r.:;...,,.!s»i • p’cj»ure in <1U| h.ying ihe.-e beautiful R tO'!** whether jou «irii to buj m * '**• any market. In reference to our Single and THOKNTON WHEATLEY Double Sent Dexter Buggies, wc will say wej Wheatley’s Corner, : : : Americus, to BOOKS 2 1 HAVING MY STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM THE EIRE IN AND REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS, I AM NOW PREFAB ED FOlt BUSINESS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. Hoots*' st uk tritK u.'l'Tii nun *> D de iMtrice in an intnllible cure for r . attl 8oro Throat, Bleeding Gurus, Sire unuth and Ulcers. Clean* the Tcrth end keeps the Gum< henlthr. 1'repsred $o|e- It b, Itr. J p 4 w. R. Ui iSTto len- IW Mulberry Bir»t, Maeoo, Oa. were the first to intioduce them in Kiis coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and wc believe wc now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness tu | BOOKS C: ANDC: PERIODICALS each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and AT puiSLISimtS PlilCt'S! Harness as cheap as anybody. All wc ask isj Bcst an(] cheapest Writing Paper and Km to give us a trial. vclopcs in town! A word now to those who have old bug- j CnoQUr.T, Base Balls, gics and w’agons and desire to have them re- Hammocks, Chess, and piired or made new: Wc will give you morej Light Reading for Shimek IKvk work. and abetter job, for less money thin 1 BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AvVA’' any other shop in Americus. Try us and he ; NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, convinced. ^GrUXTES® AYCOC^ 1 Americus Ga., July 25,1884. - 1 americus Mil*