Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 02, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. L, suism, Kdltar. OMctel Omn of Webster County. SUNDAY. NOT. 9,18M. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ton rnmiDKNT: - GllOVEB CLEVELAND, of New York, ros vtcn-PBUisEjCT: THOMAS A. HENDBICKS, of Indiana. For Electors of ttmldent end Vice. President of the United States : TUB HTATB AT fiARtlt: : OEOKOE N. LESTEB, PETEBF. SMITH. First DUtrlet- 8PENCEBB. ATKINSON. Second District— ARCHIBALD ,T. McINTYBB, Jr. Third Distrlot— BUFUS M. HODOE. Fonrth District— EDOAB M. BUTT. Fifth District— JOHN L. TYE. Sixth District— WASHINGTON DESSAU, Serenth District— THOMAS tV. MILNEB. Eighth District- JOEL A. BILLUPS. Ninth District— OABLTONJ. WELLBOHN. Tenth District— ALEXANDEB P. DALEY. For Bspresentstirs Forty-ninth Congress: From Third Congressional District of Georgia : CHABLES F, CBISP, of Sumter. MAJORITY AND PLUBAHTI. There nppcnro to be considerable confusion In the public mind re speoting the terms majority and plurality as applied to election re turns. A plurality of votes is the excess cost for one candidste over the votes cast for any one of sev eral competing candidates. A majority of votes is more than half of all the votes cast. The New York Journal oi Commerce illus trates tho matter as follows: For Secretory of State, the high est State olllccr voted for at the election in Ohio, the votes, as now officially reported, stood: Roblnaon, ltepnblican 391,599 Nownan, Democrat 380,275 Morris, Prohibitionist 9,857 Herold, Greenback 3,580 To Sire Yon an Idea of What H?s to Done, and What Will Be Done, WKQU0TKT1IE FOLLOWING PRICES Total votes cast 785,311 There may have been other scat tering votes, but no more are men tioned in the official returns, and this will serve as an illustration. Robinson's vote ns compared with Newnan’s shown a plurality of II,- 324; that is, it is so much more than Ncwnan'e; as compared with If/tpsid* vnfo Uniiinonn'a nlnraliftr One Hundred' Men'* Cuss micro Suits. Regular price #10.00, for #6.00. 260 Pairs of Pants. Former price #2 00 now #1.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price #5.00; now #2.00. Men's Cassimero Suits, all sizes from 33 to 42, at 50c on tbe dollar. Four-Button Cut-Awajs at 33 per cent, less than ever known before. Plaids and Checks are all tbe go this season. We have got them in large vari ety, and at prices that place compel! tion in the back ground. WHAT THE STOTT, LAW HAY IIO. Qov. Hoadly and other Demo cratic leaders of Ohio arc of the opinion that the recent decision of the Supreme Court of that State declaring the Scott law invalid will make tbe Slato Democratic at the eleotlon this week. Under tho constitution, ns it now stands, a liquor license is not lawful. Qov. Hoadly says that lie shall recom mend the next Legislature to sub mit a constitutional amendment to the people. It Is • probable, of course, that a prohibition amend ment will be insisted on at tbe same time. Tbo liquor issue will then ouoe more bo submitted to tbe people. It was voted on last year, when tbe Democrats carried the Stato by a plurality of 12,000. It is tiie purpose of the Democrats to force it into next Tuesday’s election. Last year ou this issue the Germans voted witli the Demo crats. At the October election this year the Germans returned to I the Republicans. It remains to be ) seen if they will not juin the Demo- j orats again on the liquor issue and reserve the October dcclslou. The decision in the Soott law case may eleot the next President. Morris’vote. Itobinsou’s plurality is 381,742, it being so much more I ban the vote given to tbe Prohi bitionist; but as compared with tbe total vote, Robinson is in a minor ity of 2,113, lie having only 391,- 399 and there being 393,712 against him. Robinson' must have bad 392.Ci>C to have iiad a majority of all the votes east. It follows that if, as we stated the other day, the usual course is held to govern, and tbe vote ior the highest candidate on tbe ticket is taken as-a test at a State election, then n wager that tbe Republicans would have a given majority in Ohio, the word to be taken literally, is lost to the party on that side. Tbe Republi cans, therefore, did not carry Ohio by a “majority" at. all, as they were shown to lie in actual minori ty in the Stale vote. An engage ment hinging oil the “success of the Republicans’' in Ohio, or on tiic condition that “the Republi cans carry Ohio at the State elec tion,” is secure; so also a wager that the Republican plurality would lie over 10,000 votes, or that tbe the Republicans would beat the Demrerats by 10,000 votes, can be held to be won. But where tbe word “majority’’ has been used, the parties must agree upon the meaning they attached to the word. In Boys ttol Suits Wo can «how you a variety of One Thou sand different styles; more of them than all the houses combined, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prices cheaper than yon can buy common Jeans to make them Our Liue of Cleats Underwear Is larger than ever before, at prices i defy competition. IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the Cararan! Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 and 6-9, at the startling low price of 65c per pair; never known to sell for less than one dollar since Americus has been a city. One thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips, never sold less than 75c, can now be bought for 60c; a good, honest shoo. 10 Coses of Brogans, from C to 11, and 10 cases Plow Shoes from 6 to 11,* solid inner sole, white oak bottom, solid leather counter, always sold at #1.60, now re- tailed at #1.00. In Ladifs', Misses, and Children's Fine Shoes we can show you an elegant lin9, and retail them at prices 25 per cent less than any house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & 00. CONVULSES NEW YORK (M HALL CENTRAL PARK. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOUNDED ON IN DESTRUCTABLE BOCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and .Fell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It, was bad for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, ibr, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. 'Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Boys, Chil drens and .Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday Morning ill and itgwill be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history ol the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J. Waxelbaum & Co. BENEFITS OF PROTECTION. Republican editors and orators have been asserting that business prosperity prevails all over Ibis country, and during tbe campaign have been making a great point of the statement in order to show that tiie business interest of tbe coun try demanded Mr. Blaine’s elec tion. In order to ascertain the truth oi these assertions, the New York World recently sent letters to its correspondents in the princi ? il manufacturing towns of Now ork, New Jersey, Massachusetts. Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Delaware, and the result is simply startling. Mills aud manufactories of every description arc either practioally idle or closed. A rough estimate in the principal cities of tbe States mentioned show that 70,000 men are idle, though anx- ous to work. This only includes miners and workers in various manufactories.—Savannah Times. A very good test, but why did not the Timet make the applies 1 tion t Tbe Times is one of the few Democratic papers in the South which opposed the reduction of tbe larifl'. It said that to reduce tiie larifl would shut up the manu. factories aud throw thousands of workmen outoi employment. The tariff was not reduced, and yet manufactories are daily being closed up, and at the opening of winter thousands of workmen are thrown out of employment and left to lace hanger and cold. The very thing has taken place under a protective tariff that its advocates predicted would result from a re duced tariff. It would seem from this protection does not protect end protectionists are not true prophets. PROPKIETOKS NEW YORK STORE, AjK0.e2ri0Tj.1Sc Greorgla. TenfPieces Black Cashmere. 36 iache* wide, warranted all wool, at. 35* yard, nev.r sold less man GOo. F Ton Piecea Blaok Cashmere, 12 inehe. wide, at 424 oenta per yard, warranted all wool. Goods worth any man’s money 75 cents. *• 25 Pieces Blaok and Colored Annam. 38 inches wide, all shades, at «£ 5 Gow !? refailing anywhere at 41,00 60 Piecea Dress Goods, in ail iht lead ing shades, at 7jo per yard, worth 121s in good cash. 1 60 Pieces Brocade Matiasaes. worth 25c per yard, retailing by us now at 15o, In Silks, Satins, and Velvets we are u always, the acknowledged leodeis, havioi! them io prico from 25o per yard to 45 i.f Oar 91 00 Black Silk retails atHuth Avenue, New York, fi r 41 25. In Colored Silks and Satina we give you any imaginable shade; from 50o to 31 50 per yard. In Housefurnishm.t Goods wo have bought dircot finm importers, who had the misfortune to retire from business ralber unexpectedly. We bought them auvApi owu,,. nc utiugni inea 50c on tbe dollar. They have to be Keen to be appreciated. Call and see ourTen-Cent Towel, fully 24 inches long; all littcn, worth *25c. * Twelve good Napkins, nil linen, for 50c. 600 Limn Hemmed Napkins,at lOj, with colored borders. Never sold for less than 25c. 600 Marseilles Quilt*, always sold at 9f #1.50, can now be bought for 95e. OUR LINE OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Is too numerous to mention, carrying <i Rtook of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol lars in our Retail Department alone, and anything we happen Lot to have the good old man never made. In CARPETS and IUJG8 we cal mv« you 33 per cent, less than you have tvtr known them before, and give you a hI« ek equal to uny liouso this side of Baltimore to select fr:m. It is rather early in the season to talk about CLOAKS. But remember we manufacture every garment we sell, an-l will talk about them Inter when th* weather grows colder. We nre confident there will be no cause to complain of our prices, and so far ns assortment ami style is concerned, we can compare withani house iu .the State, and will tftke as much pleasure in rhowing our goods as in sell ing them. Call Early and Avoid Hie Kush > J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Proprietors New York Store. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA. A] 1 Wb.eatley’8 Corner. POWDER Absolutely Pure. BTi U powder never vartex. k marvel of purity *t length anil whoU«om«n*M. More economical than the (ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in eompetlon with the multitude of low trat.ahort wolf ht, alum or phoephatc powder*. Sold only in tin com. JiOYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 1M Wall Street. New York. octSlyl. (jiticiiTa unver STILL LEADS! Ho! every one in need of Clothing, ‘‘COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buy The -phutlid fucccm wlitcb ntteiideclJnmVlTortsiin introducing the rale of PIJSTE CLOTHING We invite everybody and the public gen- |p e rf eC t Fitting Clothing erally to call at our shop and examine our j ever shown in americus i immense stock of First-Class Finished Single i and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse j GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE We havAfulso a large and well idee led Hock of perfect flttiug A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disuse, from Pimples to Scrofoli. BOLalKa' IUKK LVIUt MOUTH WASH AXI> ■IsoUItiee is aa infallible core for Ulcer ated Bore Throat, Bleeding Gums, Sere Month and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and vivcia. vimH> tue icciu auu kstna tba Garni healthy. Prepared tola- Mftttsaissar- 4. jffiu!, tad ali dtafeiiw aft ibiSh Ihav*hadthePdorU«i«fornin»tm>nths. About nwnlhfl ago I applied to a doctor near Boatou, who helped me, but unfortunately I had to leave. ~ '"•issued takinjr hie medicine for neatly three U.b..1 ... Mr Carpenter e tetter hie case perfectly descriL._ Ctmcou Rkmkmka, using end t?trnev*A andCCTtern* Boat ft&tsi bottles KlXor ..— Boat in pn portion, and cell myself completely cared. L. F. BARNARD WaTKHTOHD, N. J. Your Cutktba hu done i wonderful cure ton ie more tken two years Ago. Net » sign ol its -appearance since. It cored me of a very bed enema which had troubled me for!more than eenty year*. I shall always apeak well el CUTt- I’BA. I sell a great deal of it. FRANK C. SWAN, Dr«?jUt. Haverhill. Mam. BEAT rOB AXTTUHS. Having u»ed your Criicnu Rl eighteen mouth* for Tetter, and final! Uftl aellot S&SStft lathe R. 8. HORTON. • MioriLom ROBES. * h * 4 ‘SrJM ttrxsFMiSiXi Pvnenu Rlxemkm gad Ussy have cured me. ** JXO. GABKILL. Hkiaox, Tmaykb Coes it. Pm. \ Inherited end - apwssg. CYticou Ho ar the gi l £, u x£i:, k sZcJ£;; tSr*™ 2 ' ■ —* BEAUTY Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which | D ,. , ,, „ n a x T i . TT j i ’ J | Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! are of oui own Duinufuctuie, and will be sold j .,„.t ,v,-r,ihio« i n tb- «•»)• o, o.i.r. K»rui.i.ii,g route .nj «m to. I e. e . 1f . . • [pleasure In displaying the«e beautiful rood* whether you wish to bny or not. as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in THORNTON WHEATLEY any market. In reference to our Single and i „ . . ’ Wheatley’s Corner, : : : Americus, Ga. Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to. introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to j each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy aud Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop iu Americus. Try us and be convinced. Americus Ga., July 26,1884. • B. T. EYED, INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth Street, ■ • • ■ Amerious, Ca AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU TIIE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST HATES. AXigO AO-KNT TOR GULLET and LUMMES COTTON GINS CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OB OINA HpuiBi r. T> ; \