Newspaper Page Text
which thoy
„ —» „ lort the «wl wa «ow in faith
yjd re*p
Doth not Ood tbo purpose
% bleu the tower** bund!
-Letfe tow the' etzer tplrit nuke,
t l* ra weak flesh cannot koopi
hnbbloe break, but underneath
ft* °"*Tbere flows a current deep.
bud* that blossom not, tho withered
"■nL, cows we lento undone
we drojsyet angels mark their
‘*And raise them to the crown. •
...lsunt a .irdener for (lie Sam.
* mer—A H«*» tand In the Fall*
[Eaton Globe.]
ACT v out on Dudley street, toward
ri^i, comer, a littlu old widow Lad
• c.rden this summer. In it were pinks
„?i nasturtiums and mango ds, and lots
I?other good old.fnsh.onod New hng-
Und flowers, and among thorn grow
", Is which tho Uttlo widow used to
EWil'hoars every morning in trying to
mI out. She pulled and pulled until
P Jr poor old hands wero red and blis-
lenTonil Sti.l tho •'pusicy and knob-
ma and white clover grew ns fresh as
Sir Homing after morning she had
a brisk elder y gentoman go by
-ah n tall bat nnd cane, fins tall hat
udabroad black band around it.
Kiid tho widow to herself, “ho,
o'has seen trouble.”
\t first they glanced at each other
furtively out of the corner of their eyes,
IIUllTca/ _ , , Aft.,,. n
(tVf WCCKS inoy Iiuuueu lUUUtsnj t.u
teol along, then they lioweil picas- j a bond of fellowship betwo.-n cns.\-
JJL and by tho time her hollyhocks and western armies, for from the iLi
were in bloom they were on speaking i journals they gleaned the news of
terms. Ono cool August morning he " '
Do med right opposite her gait and his
eyes shone so brightly that sho almost-
twilight he had been taking liquor.
■•bood many weeds this year, eh.
The Death of Caps'. Cook.
[The Athrmeum.]
Among the gods of this people wa* on*
Lono, tho worship of whom was directed
lo a long pole bearing the image of •
human head at the summit. This Lono
cty.bui they were thoroughly enjoyed, race resided on earth. Departing from
Heading was n passion with most men, hla devotees in a c .uoe, ho told them he
Ihs Dalljr Papers—Army Newsboys—
{ Neira Oom ■barman.
(George P. William* in The Century.]
Camp amusements had but little vari-
and books went the rounds until they would return in a canoe with whip
were worn out hy constant use Nows- »peu the Hawaiians ww the English
papers wero always plentiful, *hjj. tiny eonehidcHl from tlie winged
the army newsboys brine a *!“* “<»t their deity had come. Though |
decided feature at the front, a } »'«>tlior color, Capt. Cook was ovi-
No sooner d.d nn army halt within Gently a chief, and miut .urely be lono.
reach of these enterprising fellows than ,V 10 , s I r,H1 q c ‘. P llr i,® f V? 6 18
they were to 1)« seen gallonitv' from Uook lent linusm to the delusion. Ao-
brigade to brigade, distributing daily fl! IH "’ tud wi ' h , tho habita of Paeilio
nsi n»> tn i l* i? .. 3 islitnuers. mill ftlwprvBiif. nr flioir nm.ii-s
papers to eager buyers. Searching first a ? a l 0Dserv * n ‘ tlle ‘ r nloaes
lor the dii 'latches relating to the move- f «. or8,1 'P. h « k ">« w ‘ho of respect
- to himself were liko those paid to u god.
He permitted himself to bo adorned for
worship, and submitted to their sacri-
ments of I is own command, tho solilic.
turned to learn tiding! from other
seet.ona. With what delight the vet ?r-
aus read descriptions of actions they
had taken part in, nnd woo to the tin.
fortunate correspondent who chanced to
make a blunder; he received no nur -v
from theso stom nnd intelligent critics.
Army newsboys were always ready to
face danger while endeavoring to carry , . . , ....
their bundles of papers into the lines. fratM lamented the murder, charitably
A bright young fellow started one morn- JPPfif’Cl " rtcr tlu, ' r c °, nve !? 1 I ? n ‘hat the
ing from Harper** Ferry to join tho
tl rites. Nay, more, ho let himself
l*. placed between I wo idol*, be crowne<l
with garlauds like them, and be bowed
to in prayers like t.hoso there addressed
to them.
Jt is true, tho oM missionary told the
niter, that tho no.ives, who had ever
troops assembled in tno Shenandoah
valley under Sheridan, lie had seaiwly
descended from the heights back of the
town when ho found himself closely pur
sued by a party of Mosby’s guerrillas.
Milo after mile ho galloped over tho
hard, macadamized road toward
Charlestown, clinging to his bundles of
papers nnd a bullet whistle
by his cars now and again a3 ho pro
eeeded. He finally escaped capture by
tho fleot-ne«s of his horse, but the
soldiers wero puzzled by finding the;?
papers full of holes where the Confede
rate bullets had left their marks.
Englishman was mad. This idea is
somewhat borne out hy the admitted
fact that Cook had not Tong before re
ceived n sunstroke. As to the death of
the contain, the native story runs that,
as he had given orders for his men to
furniidi themselves with firewood for the
ship by taking away tho sacred fence
round the stone temple, great indigna
tion was excited at tho sacrilege. It
was this that exttVd tho insulting clam
or. Tradition goes on to say that ono
man in particular, half suspecting that
Cool: was not tho divinity expected,
struck him with a stick at the back of
the neck to test the question. Tho cap
tain cried out with tho pain. Immedi
ately the Hawaiian was satisfied ho
- „ . adventures were, however, so coium .. , .. „ .
liv e hashful school children. After a that neither soldier nor newsboy thou Hr atc * v 'P® Hawaiian was satisfied ho
few weeks they nodded formally as he ; much about them. Newspapers form-.1 was only an imposition for no god
“**. . i.r>t.-,wi „i n n B . :> i—i r-n t-i— ui*.£. .. would feel the blow, and ho struck him
down with a mortal wound. Such wa-*
the story told the wriicr at Honolulu,
other's movements. Jho same story that the missionaries
The intelligence that Sherman’s troMj-i
had n ached the sea eojist came one eve
ning to tho Army of the Potomac in tl;«
columns of a Washington journal, mi.l
as tho newsboys galloped along tm
lines of entrenchments before Petersburg
they were followed by tuinultuoi-
cheers, until it seemed as if the who!'
widow/" said he, taking his pipo out of
iis mouth and chuckling.
•■There are, sir, und I wish I could
toil some one who knew how to destroy
them; l feel quite sure I would pay him
‘•I wish I might be able to destroy not
only the weeds in your garden, but in
your bonnet, too,” said he.
“Merciful hiavens!” thought the
widow, “he has been drinking, sure
enough.” But sho protended not to
hear him. and tho talk drifted off to
other subjects, as they leaned over tho
fence aud gazed at each other under tho
ibady trees.
Two days later ho told her that ho ban
met with such success in destroying
tobacco that ho would try his hand at
other kinds of wood—sho permitting—
and with this she let him inside the gate,
aud that day the garden was well
cared for.
He came every day now, and
when tho morning glories had climbvd
to (be top of the lattice and the sun
grew hot they would go into tho arl or
and sit side by sido on the bench until
noou time. It was amazing to see h*iw
heard from nn aged actor in the scene
forty-five years after the sad event.
os Concerning Ambergris.
[Chamber’* J. umiL]
For a serious of years thero raged a
hot controversy ns to what this valuable
substance really was, the most extraor
dinary opinions, being offered regarding
army was uttering ono mighty shout oi j y inar y opinions, being offered regarding
gladness. Tho Confederate pickets, hear- ! Its origin, composition, and uses. Ono
ing tho cheers wero anxious to ascertain statement, dated so far back ns 1 <62,
the cause, and, when ir formed, a
silence fell on Lee’s lines. There w;*’.
scarcely any musketry that night, and
not a single piece of artillery disturbed
the slumbers of tho opposing ainlies.
The sale of newspapers was an enormous
source of profit, and so keen became tho
competition, tho government was com
pelled to dispose of tho privilege lo the
highest bidder. At one timo tho sum oi
115,000 per annum was paid for tho ex
clusive right to sell newspapers in the
Army of tho Potomac, tho money being
devoted to the benefit of the hospital*.
How Frogs IIulp Farmers.
[American Agriculturist]
Mr. C. M. Weed, of the Michigan Ag
ricultural college, has recently examined
the contents of the stomachs of eigiit
common frogs, and finds undoubted evi
dence of the usefulness of frogs as do-
iiwu lime, n nns ituiiuiiijj iu wv ciciice ui uiu usiuuiiicsa ui *n-
quick they would finish the garden and J stroyers of insects injurious to farm and
get away to that arbor. Tho weather
wms* hot that the weeds couldn’t grow,
anyhow, and then how nice and pleas
ant it was in tho arbor, to be sure,
j- Bv and by a morning call was not.
• lumcient, and he would cotno down
again in tho afternoon, and the neigh
bors knew it was all day with the
One evening last week a hack drove
up to her door, aud ho and sho got out,
and aho was dressed in white, nnd
neither of them looked n day over dO
years old.
“My dear,” 8Aid he, “we’ll keep all our
weeds in the gnrdeu hereafter.”
Th* Turcoman** Cnrlou* Charm.
[Cor. Norristown Herald.]
Those who have read that very en
joyable book, “The Story of tho Merv,”
will remember tho description Mr.
O'Donovan gives of tho Evs or houses of
the Turcomans and tho curious charm ho
found in most of them. He says.
“Within tho roof, and its top,
hang a couple of lamb or goat skins,
turned inside out, and smoko dried.
The neck-aperture is kept widely open
hy four crossed sticks. These skins
* n 'Be air current pro-
garden crops. Tho average quant itie.
of various insects aud other substances
determined by the examinations arc ns
follows: Infects, 80 per cent.; spiders,
5 per cent.: sow-bugs, 1 per cent.,
and tho balance, vegetable mat
ter of various kinds. Of the in
sects, over half are known to bo
injurious, and one-quarter are on the
doubtful list. Much of tho vegetubN*
matter (loaves, etc.,) was probably
swallowed accidentally, along with the
insects and spiders. Nearly all tin
stomachs contained grasshoppers, and
in one they made up 7(1 per cent, of the
contents. The Carabid beetles formed a
large part of tho fond taken by sotno'w’
the frogs. Tho Strawberry Crown
Girdlcr was well represented, as also
were several other pests of the garden.
Much has been said for and against tlm
frogs, the robiu, nnd the crow, hut there
is no evalence of usefulness more posi
tive than the finding of largo numbers
of injurious insects in the stomachs of
these creatures.
that ambergris issues from a tree,
which manages to shoot its roots into the
water, seeking the warmth therefrom in
order to deposit the fat gum of which it
is tho soured “When that fat gum is
shot into the sea, it is so tough that it
is not easily broken from the root un
less by the strength of its own weight.
If yon plant such trees where tho stream
sets to the shore, then tho stream will
cast it up to great advantage.”
In course of time it was found that
this prec’ous commodity was generated
in the whale i.sclf. An American doc-
lor residing iu Boston made it public
in 1724 that somo Nantucket whalemer,
in cutting up a spermaceti whale, had
found about twenty pounds of tho val
uable substance, which, they said, was
contained in a cyst or bag without
either outlet or inlet. As n mutter of
fact, ambergris, which is nn important
drug, is a morbid secretion in tho in-
test ines of tlio sperm whale. The I’a-
ii lie whalers search keenly for this
commodity, and largo finds of it some
times bring them a rich reward.
Americus Recorder
I^CAPITAI. Pim.rt>Wja
Ticket* only f
Louisiana State Lottery Co.
“ B'edo ’itreby cirlify that ire tuptrtut
the arranyt-mente for all the Monthly anf
Sani-Annual Drawingt of The bntMana
State Lottery Company,and in penon man
age and control the Mraainye Ihcmteltet,
and that the tame are conducted icith turn-
etty,fairncu, and in good faithtoreard all
partue, and tee author hf the Company to
uee thu certificate, tHth Jac-timilee if our
eignatnru attached, in he iUlceHltetnenle.“,
, iiv lMt for ,3 % ear. i*y I bo
tar. fur Kiluctillunal »n l cbtrii.bfv purixw^
with. C|>!uf or ,l,ono,uoo-tu *bl.b o routre
Meadayv MaroSa, Sad* X3SS.
Inventive Cienlu* or Italian*.
[MilanCor. San Francisco Chronicle.]
I was surprised to find how ninny ex
cellent inventions tho Milanese possess.
Those about the house were particularly
noticeable. The upjxr panels of the bed
room doors were swung on hinges and
fastened with thumb-screws—an excel
lent device for ventilating the room.
The bedstead rollers traveled in n light
iron rail, which slid Uj>on tho carpet and
thus saved it from being cut by the
wheels. The bolts to tho closed doors
displayed the word “Libro” when open
ana *'Cecil pio” when shut. All this
was a revelation to me. I fancied the
Italians wore behind the ago In mechan
ical improvements. 1 found the Milan
ese, at least, a long way ahead of the
English and French. But even hero there
is no running water in the bed-rooms—
a luxury only known iu Americu. Gas
Antiseptic Flannel. , : lights are now being introduced into the
[Boston Transcript.] Usl-roonis of some of the recently built
‘Antiseptic flannel,” prepared by the I London hotels, but as a rule gas and
. , 1 iminent Ur. Burg, just deceased in j running water in bed-rooms, so com
traced by the fire, and are termed p ar j St [ s ga id to be a sure preventive of | moil, almost universal, throughout tho
wmek. I have iepcatcdly questioned cholera. Laboucherc says of it in Lou- 1 United States, are not to lie found in
jw Turcomans as to the meaning of ,] on Truth, “I have a friend who was I those of Europo. In these respects,
raw. They eviden’iy attached some troubled with heat rash. After invest!- I therefore, Milan is not a whit behind
JjHterious importance to it, but vw.v gating, he purchased enough of it for i either London or Paris.
,, to explain. i an under waistcoat, which he wore only i
Jt would be very interesting to know j w0 days, when the eruption disap- A Departure In Hedding*.
*>yth!se skins arc so hung, tut as he neared.* The color is delicato vert d’eau. [Chicago Time*.]
ui that: “Near tho doorway, curtains of this stuff would not bo re- j A novel and sensible deviation from
•r-unat the folt lining, is sewn a p:centuries for moths and microbes. By j the stercotyj cd forms of wedding cits-
w unen or calico, four or live incm-s wearing clothing of this flannel, hospi-| toms was recently made by a couple near
square forming a por-ket for t£b recep- ta i servants would not spread or per- • Troy, N. Y. It was a homo wedding,
w»n of the bounties of wandering petunte contagions diseases. the guests being only the relatives ami
•PJnts; we may imagine that the skin* ••instead of poisoning ourselves with intimate friends of the couple, but thoy
have something to do with spirits, ‘mitigated viruses,’ it would bo better to . were sufficient iu number to fill the
ijottra, or gins of whom this people seek protection in steeping the invisible houso Each guest was met at the door
J”[very much afraid, or as an old priest sides of tloorings, wainscotting, the of the drawing-room and welcomed by
tu . When the traveler whis- , in der parts of chairs and tables and tho j ike bride, who was attired in simple an!
twilights “Is it possible you don’t shelves of presses with green copper so- b. fitting costume. When all tho guest
wow that at this hour the ghouls and lution, anti donning antiseptic flannel, i had arrived and the hour fixed for tin
are abroad and are wandering to Jhe latter should be washed with tho ceremony was reached, tlio groom, who
wand fro? If they hear you whistle best white eoap in col l or tepid water.” I was conversing with friends iu another
BUppose you are calling them; I — I part o.' tho room, steppeil up to the
Dp.«lrinir to Incirnae tb** c'lculntlon of the Hb-
coftUMi, aud a<tsu rame tiino to encouraue tb*
pay incut of aubacr ptlona in flraiice. wo have for
the past tro)rc(iraat>naallydltfti|i)iite<l a number
ol valuable nwful preoenta ainon* tboae oi
our aubrcribeis wi o paid up all arrears and one
year in advance. These Distribution* were *o
fairly conducted, nnd the present* nave such sen-
rat *ati«|act!on. we bare determined to make
anothcruistilhiillon on the 2d of March n>-xt, at
which wo shall distribute nrnonif tliofli of our
•uhneribers who pay uo all arrears and one year
a advance the following pre«ents:
Mamu&cmrcd by the Ooonrin Chemical W* rks,ol
Auauata. On., and sold by T.mle, M.Osr ah *
Tondeo, Amoricus, Oa T»"t* biand is *'Jn»^l-
e.tund to l>e W'thoul a superior in Its iertlhsing
nnallties, Mngof lugb grade nnd msnufartored
of the best ra tcr als. Till- ton will • c distrib
uted In t luce pr**e».—one of one half ton, on* of
600 pounds, ni.d one ol 4«« pounds.
Manufactured by t* 1 * Americu* Oil C-rapany. As
t» fertll'X'-r this Meal bos proved to »« of tl-
frenteat ' * '
r produce* Immediate
ults t«» t it*«ffccts can b* •»-en on the soil for
«e-a» vearstiter »t 1* also a fln* fund or -tock.
II Is nod by ih* Dll tVmpony st their n 111 or
f itt-r ton. This Dm will l* distributed >n <brce
prl*es-oue,of one-tslf ton and two of one-quar-
or fl*o. n. ciu-ti
who is agent for their sale. Go nnd see them..
Manufactured bv W. Duke, Sons k Ca, Dur
’'tm, S. U, from old North Carolina leaf, and pu
Up lo handsome foil packages. A* we would Ilk
is many a* possible to try it, we absl. dia.rthtin
it In packages oi one pound each.
SS aar twenty habs each—
UMin-iietand • l.y >y. v.~Htlt A On.-Attinlii.
I hi- is a new soap, ono of the most wonderful dl*-
verl a o| the age. By a new process tbi* *oa|
msd* so th*» it w II wash rlotblng almost with.
Incorporated i<
" purpoflco—
u «»» ri,uw,uw-ui wnmn a ro
IMO.OOO ha* since been oddrd.
By an overwhelming jiotmlur vote its franchke
wi* *n«de a imrt of ihe fueaenf *t*te Conutitntion
adopted December 2d, A. D.. 1179.
The on I If lentt'rjf ever «W«/ «» and endorsed If
the people of ana Stole.
It nsnr scabs or postpones.
ItaGrnim sittgis Aumbsr Urawlaia
take place motatbiy.
November 11, 188*-lT4tli Monthly Draw
100,0001 ickets at Five Hollars Each.
Fractions, In FIMir, in Proportion.
1 CAPITAL TRIZE .....175,000
i ‘t*> do .‘.......JtW
1 do do 1U.000
2 PRIZES OF fd.000 19,000
ft do 2,iW, 10,000
10 do 1.0U0, It'000
W do 500. 10,OM
W0 do 20,000
M0 do 100 30,000
do 50 25.000
9 Appiosimallon Prlao* of |75» f6,750
9 “ •• 600 4,500
» “ “ 200 1250
1,067 Pilar*, amounting to ...§265,100
Application /or rate* to clubs should bo msd*
mly to the o*Uoo of the Company In New Orleans,
ror further lnrorm-*?i«*n wttte elemty, givt*»d
nil address. POSTAL, NOTES, Espresa
Money Order*, or Nrw York Kachange in onll-
i»ry Idler. Cumnrvby Kxpr*r* (all smna of
f» end upward bj Express at onr expense) ad-
007 ■evenlls Ht., Washington, D. (1.
Make P. O. Money Orders pnynoie and address
—** Letters to
New Orlcane, Ids.
ct the wash bt,atd,~ai ?ba
•- A - ■ - injuiinc the fsbrb
leasing w Itbuut in the li
It is ti * flnr-t Inundrv soap
cr to give a* many as pos.lhlo
'•f trj ine it, it vrdl be d»strlt
msde, and ii
nn upporlnnlt)
distributed JnAtoxes o‘|7t
ik.iL —*iU*i, rre havo no desire for
“Ptf company.”
Maimihctured by the While Sewing Machine
• ompsny, Cleveland, Ohio. This machine has a
Fttncy Vo*vr, Drop Uat, two Draw«ra *t ewch
■•lid oi Tnbo', and i* hamls^mely Ontihed through
• ut There go with it all the modern attach
ment*, nnd It i* warranted *»r die y«ars. Tbi*
Imiro.ed Marbine Is the nownlne feature oi
war* of siiiCnsfu) efforts: 1* a model of beauty,
oi uiiesrelM workbumshlp, «mbo«iyir.g all the
late*’ liuproVi Bents known t*i sewing UM'blue
inevhuni.iu, executing n Is'ger range of wore and
do ng Ii Iwlter than all other machines con.ulr.inl.
The machine can be teen a the Dry tioods rtore
ol JOHN It. 8HAW, on P. rryth s«trc*., who is
H.le A Kent for 1 »sa.e in
To be selected by the lucky msn Trom the Ji
nnd flue sti-ck oi *•-*-- •- 41 - “
*ny rtjlelio
wiiai !• Dektist ; iiridea tide, tho lady quitely left the
[New York Graphic.] I grou ) of relatives with whom she with j •» *h* l>»7 Goedi
We say calmly “when I die, ana state miking, tbc two took their places )h?- | AmSiui. ° *
our wishes, but who us thinks^defi- | ( >re the clergyman, and in a few mo
unts were made one. Thoso present
•>ted the new departure a complete
A Working lire’s Feel.
[Scientific JoumaL)
<JlllIsl n< ii, e Bicycle. ( uuf
A 4 .. 1 nitely of what the speech means?
(JlS* ‘‘“J' b ? u « h f h !™- “iiucs ill most incongruous moments, in i N
wishes ne hadn t. His i, urrv 0 f business, during gay scenes ,,
,h0,h ‘ n * 1 , 'J r ' 'i plSre aT a lime when tire stream
Sfloll'nimlii motl ™ ,P° W " , f “L J of life seems never ce.ising nnd abun-
a EftrSSiEffi *}«• C0 Zt Nuluralints ssy .ft the Ire. of lire
removIn ? thoUw ‘rom ?howhtTs w^ten in blinding letters, common working tree exhibit tho com-
C!^* 1 «h<i connncetfng it by nn end- Jb s "relv die,” nnd fir u brief binn'ion of a basket, a brush nnd a pmr
£^»i‘hhU ngricuitural machines, i‘ T ,Vantthef»?uitiei ernsp Ihe full ofiinecrs. Hie brush, the hairs,.I
g.ghMWjM* »a mount and do tho Sf," of the rentcnce, w hile the spirit which are arranged in symmetrical rows
* Wiln S- Tho hicyelo baa a future. , 5SJ 1 ‘^hawned agoniicd sense vainly '<> he seen with the i.iiero.««|jc
^ w^tlS-whnt^ U U.- .th? i With this brush of fairy doheaey tire
sho* • arc-1 he h*i'd*oms-1 p«ir ever brought to
Am-rirn«, »nd teiail *t flu i «-r pair. Thry cai.
• * **•■-•*- ' od* and Shoe Store oi John
Ax*at lor .theso goods In
Breach SUa.ral Wat ere.
PuSti!? lct ‘**e Bulletin de> Travaux
«I Sr?„ u 3 *h? w * ‘htt tho total rnunkei
■ oS™?* •“‘hentl waters in France Is
thdrVnf k^*h * 18 * re known to have
!!•“ eulnburon* qualities, 857 alkaline,
*“*- and *17 saline, whUe
[Rochester Post-Ex press]
*‘Pa, I want to go whaling.' ‘All
right, my son.” And in a few minutes
ire was busy iu the woodshed, with lots
of blubber.
^‘.VL*** bathS^taSSimenttl Livo itook ia not very P>e“‘y pinceri. whleh render Important urrhi
l-bere aropnly el* cow, two mules and g, tlwoouttOKlaa oC*WmbM.
. no horm la tbe country. 1
***** ara need only
Ihc brushes its velvet robe to remove
the pollen dust with which it becomes
loaded w hile sucking up tbe nectar. An
other article, hollow ed like a spoon, re
ceives all the gleanings which the insect
cat rics to the hive. Finally, by opening
them, one upon another, by means of s
hinge, these two pieces become a pair ol
1000—TWO BOXES—1000
Manufactured t y W. Duke, 8»ua 4c Co- Durham,
oith Camllm., who hmio made this brand known
throughout ho world m tie beat, being made
from o d North Cjf»iina l*af, tbe dnesi Iu the
vor <J. Tbe value of th<ii« boxc* D 610.00. In
order that bs mot.y ei i<s«>lh>r may eojov them,
they will I* distribut, d ic | atkages of lOU *ACb.
FintUbed by SleBrtd# k Co., of Atlsnta.
by W. Duk-, 8ona k Co, Durham,
ild North Carotlna leaf, t k * ftoest
^ ta the work*. Th# to* la ii.lly
iv# •loltai*. and wt'i be orpnclaitd by a
wjf isrssLW rosb’S
JftagM «94Mpta»i ««k|
N. C., from
MW<li '
*01 th fl
100- B-O-O-K-S 1-100
Tt,TO boot, aie nil by th. mo.t ropuUr ohm,or.
printed on good paper, bsndscmely bound ir
C.otb aud • old, end would umko a valuai io ad-
d.tion to any l.biaiy.
UT 8-I-L-V-E-R W-A-T-C-H ! -fcj
• oae he can rely upon.)
with Cover, a Handsome Article.
S3 bronze Lamp,
And s Number of Oth.r Articlis.
^ Distil burton will be mode In tho following
manner: The name and) po<tfofflir of ei c'u sub
scriber w!!l (•* wrltt**n «»n a slip of paper nnd pot
in an envelope, nnd all placed In a box. The
name of cacti of the prewma to be drawn wlj
also be placed In envelope- and rut In another
box. On tbe day of the distrilutlon these boxr*
will be turned over to a committee of responsible
amt'.men, who, before the drawing begins, will
call apon some of the andleare t> m<x the con
tents of tbe boxei to their sttlffaciion. Afici
this, two toys, one at each, will take envelope-
slmultaiieonslv from th* boxes and b ind them to
the committee, who will first read tho name ami
th- n the present. The secretaries will keep
correct list of the names of the subscritwrs end
the srtkl. s drawn as they arc called out. This
will continue until every art el* ka§ been drawn
Ao-». the box of present*, when the committee
wilt deela'e the distribution rompleted.
In th* box of preienD there n ill be *o *r s »s,
bene* every ntm# drawn the box of name*
before the present! are exhausted will get on.- of
three articles, most of which or* worth many
times the amount pa!-! lor sihecnp io*.
ReMIttOBCee tuny be trod-, by poet o;fic*
order »r register* d letter.
ab*.-\Y* will give a copy of the paper free
ly .-te $r •!•» I>| e rlub ol tin subsetlUrt
either new or old cn**s reriewins*.
Cash to accompany names in all eases.
Any one can sot os agent for the RRCX>RDF.B,
but »* w I no* be re*r>onrib!e un it we ren-ive
the money for >ul<seriptloa.
$W* guarantee to furnish a paper *crth at le*vt
the price asked for !t-f*-b*oldra giving on op.
portnnfty to "get one of the above, handsome
Meat Market
W. H.&T.M.C0BB
Having parch&sud from Hare * Gobb th* lfaa
Market und I’rovlslon Sto.o on
keep ou band the Yury beat enta .ii
and also r full lln* of
Dreen Groceries and Prorlsiong,
heir season. Conned <
•» keep n first Hoes establlahmeM,
Ustouiers good gc
drillgCeii prl
•nd* or country |
Americas, Dec. 15,
jioa;), Cheaper, Cheapest!
bar that you rsaoot pemtbly larea* 9%
la a better way than by mtaerilteg for tki RE*
B) if your OLD IIAUNK88 needs e stitch go lo
John M. Coker
nd bur y.m a > E W 8R1T for what Ike repairing
rill cost, then } o • harp a new bartv** and ell lo
rvil. A lfitigc * id Now supply of;
of ail grades mid klrdi, just io and for aa'a
la tbi* cl'y,
The«e goods MUST BE 8uLD It]
O •* MAID'D XKXT, lo tbe pith (
sure o icm'-trbcr It. When you
la my line It l«.
iMl elbist ct.,/<ruc«d and An*
If Pi <*, g see letirr Were* »*•••>
ii.h |< uir.Mil i» m»U» tor lesa
ftr Nrejn.i.rt I« «"■ k,
nimnxN Bhn«..»«»,
A nil nnlIon bjr n jonng ronn «ho no
writ. • Rind b.nrt, 1* quick (t flgurw.
(ml will *o,k rcr» modirel*^*!«rT.
iS£S& Career 1