Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 05, 1884, Image 2
The formal openiogofUieWorld'* Exposition M Kef Orleans will oo- our at noon on Thursday, Deoem- comber 16th. One hnndred thous and feet of exhibiting space has been added to the original plan, and yet the demand for space is larger than the accommodations. The Hon. Samuel J. Randall is the first Presidential candidate in the field for 1888, a club In New Oastle, Pai, haring Just been or ganued to push his name in that connection. In political matters however, It Is not always the e.rly bird that catches the worm. i farmer Who Wanted Cold reels, Canton, III., February 3.—Edl- tor Chihago Tribune: 1 bare just had an argument with some pro, tectionists about the amount of tax farmers, bare to pay on their goods of different kinds. I contended that nearly all the exports of 1111, uois were non protected products, because their price was fixed by foreign-markets, but that the im ports of Illinois were all either f irotectcd goods or foreign-mode mported articles—I suppose in the aggregate abO'dt four dollars of the former to one of the latter. If I am right in this estimate, then for every dollar we of this State pay to the governmest in the shape of duty on foreign goods, we pay (4 in the shape of bounty to the east ern manufacturers on the stuff we buy from them. Now, will the Tribune be so good as to state bow much tax is on eaoh of the articles a farmer’ll family must. boy. .1 wish to get some definite notion of bow much tribute we pay to the eastern manufactur ers for the support of their “infant industries." 1 believe this tribute is the money that is called by the soft, persuasive and patriotic- sounding term, “protection of American industry." Pleaso givo us the cold faots to pasto in our hats, Aoricola. Rifly The cold facts may give our grangor readers a chill colder than the frosty weather does, unless perchance their indig nation should warm them up. Wo will classify s-few ot the items of the expenditure of an Illinois farm er's family, with the amount per cent, of tax It pays either to the government or thearticlo imported or to tbo manufacturer if produced in the Eastern States : TAXXS ON AN ILLINOIS K1TCHKN. l'er cent. Ths iron Ui* star* is mads of 45 nohow wars, pots end kettles 63 Copper and brass nttnalls, if any..... 45 Crook try, of th* commonest kind.... 55 Ulsaawar* ot tbo ohespsat kind 45 Tabls cutlery sod spoons 45 Pickled or sailed fish 26 Salt 3« Sugar 48 Vineaar 30 Piokies 35 Rios 123 Oranges and other foreign fruits, about 2U TASKS ON AN ILLINOIS VAULOU. Carpet, If made of dniggete 74 Carpets, If made of tapestry says—that four-fifths of tbeie taxes go not into Uncle Sam's pocket, bnt into the wallets of tiie eastern protected classes. And this sys tern of robbery of the western un protected agricultural states fur the enrichment of the eastern protect ed sections will continue substanti ally aa it is until the farmers rise in tbeir strength and say to their members in Congress: “This rob bery bas gone far enough; we want a new deal. We want to be placed on a footing of equality with the community. We want these swind ling burdens removed; we tmvc stood tbom long enough.” When the farmers talk in this way to their congressmen, and mean it, relief will be given; the iniquities of the tarifl will be cut out and tbo system ot taxation reformed, but uot be fore, as the eastern manufacturers rule the western members of Con gress for some inscrutable reason. —Chicago Tribune. A proment member of the Ten nessee bar was arrested the other day in one of tbc cities of the west ern portion of the State. He came in such qiistionablc shape in the carelessness of his attire that lie was taken for a tramp by one of the loca conservators of the place. IIOLIIKS' M HI. Cl;UK MOL'TII WASH AND dandifies ttsti infallible core for Ulcer ated Bore Throat, bleeding Gurus, Korn mouth and llk-crs. Cleans tbo Teeth and keeps the Gumabenlthy. Prepared »ole- ly by lira. J P. & W. It. Holmkh, Den tists, 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, fla. For sate by l)r. W. I‘. Hurt, dentist, J. K. Hall, and all druggists and drudsls. WElJt OTUTIIK fOM.OtVINt; PRICES It Is said that naphtha residunm is to be experimented with by Russian naval officers, with the view of using it to beat the boilers of tbc imperial black sea fleet. .Should the result be satisfactory, tbc tuo of coal will be abandoned in favor of the more potent fuel. A4.ARD. To all who iiresutfering from the error, and indisurt lions of youtu, nervous weakness, early deoav loss of manhoods i&o., I will send a ipo that will cure you, FREE OF f HAltGE. This preat remedy wan discovered by a missionary In Sonth America. Send a sclf-addressep envelope to the Rev. Josei-u T. Inman litalion D, Hew York City well paper Window curtains Looking glass to Ornaments or knleknaeka 35 TSXKS ON AN ILLINOIS WABDBOBK. Men's olotbiog, of wool 48 Woolen boelery and undershirts 75 Cotton boelery and undershirts 45 Woolen hats and caps 75 Tbs farmer's wife's ailk dress TO Glovaa TO lllaokata TO Alpaes dresses 03 A pair of scissors 45 brass pins .10 Hairpins 45 Penknives 50 Needles 25 Paper 20 ltaiore 45 Belle.. 50 A doaeof Insect powders __ Haled oil 34 The commonest window glass for the Paint foi tbs farm bouse.... Uriah* Hoofing slates Horse shoe nails Trace chains A band-saw Files I thread i and bagging for grain. In Ladies', Misses, nnd Children's Fine Shoes wo can show yon nn elegant line, nnd retail them at prices 25 per cent, less limn any house in town enn buy them. WAXELBAUM & 00. GEORGIA. CONVULSES NEW YORK CITY HALL CENTRAL PARK. One Hundred Men's Casanuere Suita Itou'ilar price £10.00, for £5.00. 210 Pairs of Punts. Former price £2 00: now £1.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $5.00: now £2.00. Men's Tassimcre Suite, nil sizes from 33 to 42, ot 50c on the dollar. Fonr-Button Cut-Aways at 33 per cent. Ie68 than ever known beforo. Plaid* nnd Cheek* nre nil the go this Henson. We hove got them in Jorge vari ety, and at prices that piece competi tion in the back ground Id Boys School Suits Wo iiftU|lrotv you u variety of One Thou- Rand different styles; morn of them than nil the houses conibiood, from Macon to Montgomery, nnd ot prices cheaper than you con buy common .leans to moke them. Our Line of Cents Underwear fs larger than ever before, nt prices we defy competition. IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the t urn van! Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 and ot the startling low price of f«6c per pair: never known to sell for loss than one dollar rinco Americas has been a city. One thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips, never sold less thno 75c, can now be bought for 50c; a good, honest shoe. 10 esses of Brogans, from fi to 11, anil 10cases Plow Shoes from C to 11, solid j -.m *111 l aL • a . « . . imer solo, white onk bottom, solid bather and ltgwiil bo to tne interest ot every one in tins city or country unidM8*100'” PoW ilt * 1 ' 80 ' no ''' te ' to lie on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods ~ ■ — you were never offered them in the history' ol the dry goods, clothing, boot nnd shoe trade. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE KOOKS OF UNLIMITEDt'AI'ATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! •Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had mode up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given ‘“cairffi^ourTru-c.nt Tnwei f„i lt for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous ■■ warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” nnd there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, nnd notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Boys, Chil drens and,Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday {Horning AMERICUS, J. Waxelbaum & Co. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE, Amerious. Georgia.. TenfPiwes Blsck Cashmerr, 30 iucb„ wide, warranted nil wool, »i 3™ yard, never »old less loan «0e 1 J en W ? ek 42 loebaa wide, at 424 oente per yard, warranted all 75cenl. »"» mou'v! uyirjR#jg&As i z iDRshade*, Iat7}c per yard, wntlU in send caab. > 50 Piece a Brocade Mntlasnes, worth 35 pe f ” l " i ! i °S b ? »“ how at 15e. In Silks, Enini, nnd Velvets we are always, tboacknnwledsed leaden, havina them in price from 25c per yard to <« Our 61 TO Black Silk retails at Birth AveDne, New York, f* r £1 25. In Colored Silks and Sarins we gire you any imaginable shade; from 50c to £1 50 per yard. In Houseftirnhhins floods we have bought direct from impostor*, who had tho misfortune to retire fa ni 1 ^ QeM rather unexpectedly. We bought, them 50c ou the dollar. They have to be seen 24 inches long; all linen, worili 23«. Twelve good Napkins, all linen, for 5**. .500 Lint n Hemmed Napkins, at Kb with colored borders. Never sold for less than 25c. 500 Marseille* Quilt*, always sold h t .50, can now be bought lor $5c OUR LINE OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Is too numerouK to mention, carrying a Htock of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol lars in our It etui 1 Department alone, and anything wc happen i.ot to have the good old man never made, in CAUPETS and KUOS we can k,vp on 33 per cert, less than you havener mown them before, and give yon ust< c< equal to eny bouse this side of Baltimore to select is rather early in the season to talk about CLOAKS. But remember we manufacture every garment we set!, and 11 talk about tin in 1**t« r when th* weather grows colder. We are confident there will be no cause to complain of out prices, and so far as nnsortrucnt and style is concerned, wo can compare with ant house in the State, and will take ns much pleasure in fhowing our goods as in sell ing them. Cull Early ami Amid (lie iiusli! . WAXELBAUM & CO, AMERICUS, Oliver & Oliver STILL LEADS! POWDER Absolutely Pure. 0T. D jHjwtli'r never vnrle*. A marvel of purttjr strength and wholasoiuencs*. Mure economical than the ^ordinary kind*, an J cannot tie sold iu compel ion with the imiltitudo of low tent, short weight, ul nut or phonphate powder*. $»/•/ only in tin can*. HOY A I* It A KINO POWDER CO, 1M Wall 8» rMt, New York. oct2ly1. (jiticira A POSITIVE CURE For Em) Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. I hsvn had th* Psoriasis for uinemonths. About dv* mouths ago I applied to a doctor near Boatnu, t'arpsu tar's Utlar In Ik# Philadelphia JUe-onL and hta css* perfectly iltwrlWu mine. I tried the STapr Wlieatley’s Corner, Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buy Tho splendid *ucc«sn which Htti*nil< d|our’off"rls’li» Introiluetng the sale uf FIJNTE CLOTHING port ton, and rail myrrlf WATicsroRn. N. J. , usini* two bottle# Kkmi?.- aud ivniTu So*r in pro- L. F. UARXABD ECZEMA TWENTY YEARS Cared. Nal a Him aflU Bcnpi»rarunce. Your Ooncnu baa dona a wonderful ear* for me uior* than two year* a*o. Not a ehrn of ite ASBfjrfi &sus i wenljf reans. I shall always speak well of ClTTt- cc*a. 1 sell a treat deal of it. m.VNK U. 8WAX. DrwgvW. Uavrriiill, Ma*8. 40 Combs and brushes 30 A wooden pip* NO An alpaca umbrolU 50 Any atari s turner may need 45 Tin cups, skimmsrs, dippsn and ill Uawmr* ;. w Tin-plsU foresattisg mesUand frniu 34 PMeug boards, 02 per thousand feet Jin*' bonds for building, about 20 BEST FUR ANYTHING. a tviu* used »oar Ccttcuiu Rjutrom for teen mouths for T*tt*r, and finally cured, it. 1 am aittioaa to wet it to tell ou conmkjiM. I cau recommend ti Wycnd any remedies I have ever used for Tetter, Bums, Cuts, etc. In fact, it is the best medicine I have ever tried for any thins. U. R. HORTON. Mmu, Min' I uiufii cuoipicie line u* Perfect Fitting Clothing orally to call at our shop and examine our; We harej tlso a lartft and well •*•!« Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And everything In thr way of Oent'a Furnishing Gon|.i». Iulite and a»»cniiv* Salesmen will tpleaaur* in displaying these Wautiful gooila whether you wish to buy or rot. THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : : Amcricus, Ga, EVER SHOWN IN AMEKICUS1 immense slock of First-Class Finished Single \ and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE i Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which j arc of our own manufacture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in i i any market. In reference to our Single and i Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we; were the first to introduce them in this couu-1 try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on ha d all the while finished from 15 tO; 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and I K. T. BYRD, All we ask is INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, - Amerious, Ga Forsyth. Street, NCROmdU'l BORE*. ! I hsd • dtmen bed sorss muuo my body, sod tried j 11 remedies I could hruvr of. end at last tried your , rratlt KlMrciru and Ibey have cured me. J SO. GA8K1LL. Hr.PKMN. Tuaykm ConrtT. Pk>x. AGENT FOR THE LEADING livery species of Itching. Scsly, Pimply, 8crof- wbms, Inherited and i'outaciou* Humor*, with Lis* of Hair, cured h; CntP COA Ruulvknt th* wsw Blood l*uniter internal!;. and I'raaut and CTTlCt'KA Boar the greet »km Cures ettemaily. Bold everywhere. Price. CTOCCTU, 10 cents; Boar,« sente; Rtnotvaxi. *1. Fetter Drug and Chemical Co« Boston. Lslb tot houM bull j log.i i .*! 20 ■ S CHEAP LUMBER. _ beok> It is";**! °M*'s*ar^s .... | lusnMlttuMI'ipUut,ujI AuniK 80 ' *b*s 1 *n'l 4..1TCT IssiWt SI Bi'l Iff Him Harness as cheap as anybody, to give us a trial. A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be (GULLET AND LUMMES COTTON GIN"*' convinced. Americus Ga., July 25, 1884, IN THE COUNTRY. GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST HATES. AU*0 A.G-BNT FOH THE •lUMIWl CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OB GINS. septUmS R. V*