Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 05, 1884, Image 3

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    „»1«.» FiHity mwt.
■jounced tho pernicious <m,
,- b °Ko hai'- ;t - Most eroryyear 1
fail* •?*»“”, „ different Ufa far
PyffiL and it I* », , t . bat 1
LvfrtJ n Th» Joy of bu«ttn* n
«* l|E ,5i/h.«r haWt and aMorling -
*<***•f ffilthy weed—that fe, it in a
T °'f«3»ud plnut this wmlt. It
further notice. I remember
* nth. ttrugslo I bad to break oil last
«'*“£7rtr .aid I never weald
win w ” . onnuff h on my bones to cabin a
I didn’t tho use of tobacco,
,hr wflnned For week* I was uncertain
* .L^SKr * would renounce t'je pipe
Xt was ft tolace to me when I
■ it rave me much pleasure,
Kn <° ■* " n ° r * ‘ to . r ™ y J‘"l,!™S'
“Coal Bricks’) for Fuel.
[Journal of Society of Arts.)
The United States commercial agent nt
Santes says that tho coal dust, which
was formerly rejected as worthless, i,
now consumed in immense quantities in
France, in tho form of “patent fuel,” or
coal bricks. The natural sbpplv of dust
from the yards of tho coal merchants
being entirely insufficient for the needs
of the brick works, the manufacturers,
particularly in tho Nantes district, im
port a large quantity of coal dust from
Cardiff, Swansea and Newport.
The process of manufacture is very
simple. Tho coal dost is mixed with
pitch, and the mixture poured into enj
How visitors Were Feasted In (lie {
Hulls or “
[Atlanta Constitution.]
After her daughter reached maturity I
Mrs. Jefferson was culled to another
sphere by the angel of God, and ber
piece was taken by Martha Jefferson.
The social duties of the mansion were )
pet formed by her, and even after Iter |
marriage with Col. Randolph she eon- j
tinned tu preside over her father's home, i
This estimable lady was often at her j
wit's nid to provide entertainment for
her father's guests. Various were the
devices sod shifts resorted to on many j
attached to a belt, each cup containing occasions to make tho visitors comforta-
iSrereerav posts, be a very mild
“Hy pipe inan a solace when lonely.”
Kf t ot vice. But I wanted to get fat, so
, n « day when 1 was over at Bootjack
Camp I threw my pipe over into the woods
ntf&r as the strength of a great resolution
couM send ic.
iiviusiill remember how it Went l.u«tling
through the air, and how I went hustling
through the air, tho following week, on my
hands and knees hunting for it.
it was about those days that I rashly re-
K jjml lo keep n diary. It hardly shows the
marks of use, but I will sell it at a reason*
able price to any cue desiring an easy run
ning diary, with ft place in it to stick the
pencil when not in usa. I quote u few er..
tries from the same:
January 1. 1884—Have resolved to quit
the use of tobacco and to keep n diary
lowing what I did each succeeding day. I
aim desire to keep a strict record hero of
my various private expenses, so that I may
know from month to month where my
money 1ms gone.
January 2—How gloomy everything looks
today. Mrnlo isaveral Now Year’s calls yes-
today, I nm told. In an unguarded moment
perhaps, I did; but it was unintentional. I
did not smoke, however, yesterday. I feel
modi Imlter without tobacco in any form.
Think I nm gaining flesh. I do not notice it
io much Jn my body, but my head and foot
are certainly much larger than they were
yesterday. How much moro lmppy and
light-hearted we are when out fro u under
the thraldom of nn old vice that has clung
to us for yearn like—liko a vice, as it. were.
I*aid fifty cents for a x>ound of marshmal
lows to gladden the children’s hearts and,
while in a seal-brown study on tho way
honw, ate them all. When I quit the use
of tobacco 1 notice that I want to ent every
thing I we. Came very near eating tho in
fant clow at the Sabbath-school vestordnv.
(•Ming n little bit irritable.
Jan. 3.— I am getting e little bit irritftbV
i notice, and several of iny friends havj
j*H«l my attention to it. A po’.iccmiri
w»t mentioned it to mo flown town. Gu n*
* e ran fix it up for £5 or «0. I shall have
*° Ret a new coat and, perhaps, a new n .
I omnot tell you yet ns to tho mm ’ '
tft- swelling goes dofrn, so 1 can see o(
“t^r, 1 shall bo bettor able to judge
prfcent it shuts out the land*cai»> a notxi
and gives mo a sinister expression
Jan. i—Went out walking m tlw %.<»-i*
7»y* The air was crisp and frosty. I
‘trolledovor about where i threw my pip;
in the latter part of tho year ’83, 1
““ ,M)t want the pipe, and yet, whoa I ioun I
fitter searching three <»r f our hours, I frit
“‘•vret thrill of pleasm\i. I do not kunv
*hv. I brought it horn- thinking it mlsht
, convenient for name one who had no
P nod who might still be a slave to tho
ktoijiinable habit. I have in my mind a
J««y who might thus bo l. nefitt .d. Ho is
^ )°ung man of great promise, an l none
furwhim but to love him, none name him
to praise. I will save the pipe for him.
“• " iJ j *» Pleased and gratified. He is mv
first husband.
•tun I started out I announced in this
"Ham.* that I would quit tho use of tobaccj
*«*P a diary. I shall evutinuo to do so.
®«ing, however, a slight ebango in the
just enough material fora brick of the
size desired. Tho belt in its movement
passe ; this material through a chninlw,
where it is exposed to steam which
the two substances into a bomog* ia *. t.
mass. .This is poured by the descent of
the belt into moulds, whore it is sub
jected to an enormous pressure by a
hydraulic press or by machinery set i»»
motion by a steam engine. The brick
is squaro in form, its thickness being
about one-third of its other dimensions,
and it weighs five, ten or fifteen pounds.
Certain of the French railway com
panies refuse to accept fuel unless at
least ton per cent, of pitch has boon used
for its agglomeration.
It is stated that briquettes are pre
ferable to ordinary coal for exportation
lo the colonies and to warm climate,
on account of their compact storage anil
freedom from small fragments and dna 4 .
also for use on locomotives, both on w
count of economy and space, anil be
cause firemen can always determine tho
amount of fuel they are employing in a
given time, tho weight of each brick l»o-
ictly known. The manufac
turers e aim that tho “patent fuej”is
more healthy for domestic use than
ordinary coal, citing in support of this
theory tho declaration of certain well-
known physicians. At tho present, day
a number of bricks are made for domes
lie use, of small size, and perforated
with circular or longitud.nal openings.
TJie Circle Squured at Latt,
[London Newa]
Last. August, C. E. Parker-Rhodes
exhibited to-a few gentlemen, at Ander*
hotel, Fleet street, nn invention
by which ho claims to bo able to do what
mathematicians have Mainly attempted
for 2,000 years—namely, to square Hie
circle. Ho believes also that his inven
tion will prove useful in education and
to professional and commercial men, ns
it will euablo them immediately, and
without calculation, to ascertain the ex
act square of any area, however irregu
lar in shape.
The appliances used are extremely
simple, being merely a quantity of
small shot and a shallow, square trough,
with which, and an adjustable “right
angle,” squares of various sizes may be
mado. When a square of a giwn circle
required, tho latter is cut in some
hard material. Tho circle thus foruied
is plaeed on a level slab, and carefully
filled with small shot, none of which are
allowed to he above the others. Then
tho allot are plaeed in the shallow trough
and the “right angle” adjusted till they
exactly fill the square formed by the
“right’ angle” and the corner of tho
trough. This is the square of the circle
into which the shot was first measured.
When the square of an irregular area j
is required, the procees is somewhat si in- j
liar. If, for instance, a surveyor were i
dealing with a piece of land of many j
angles and unequal sides, ho would j
make a small drawing of its outline “to j
scale,” ns the professional phrase goes. 1
He might then cut tho figure out in card- j
board, the thicker tlio better, and fill the
hole formed in the cardboard with shot, j
Tho area covered by tho latter would i
afterward he measured by means of the !
“right angle” and shallow trough. Mr.
Pnrkor-Rltodes did not demonstrate
the mathematical accuracy of his
process; but ho maintained that
such demonstration was practicable, and
he offers the discovery freely to all who
may choose lo adopt it. Certainly it
terns likely to be practically useful if
not theoretically perfect.
fro iii Mur til Away.
{Ume-iCiln Club.]
“GeniTcn,” said Brother Gardner in a
husky voice as the meeting opened, “«ic
rheor occupied by Briuider Itambo
Smith in dis hall fur do Ins five
y’ars am vacant to-night. Three days
ago, nsmtis’ be known to nio.V of von,
ho passod from airtli away, nn ere dis lo
am fur on his way toward do unknown
land. 1 do’an s’poso ho war known to
500 people. Floks on de next block may
not know of his death. In life he w;i>
jintust, Industrious, cheerful an’kind.
| When lie knew dat death inns’ tome he
, h id no fears. It was liko a man packin’
it i up his effccks art’ r*akin ready fur a
•’ I long journey. J o world won't miss
him in do least. It am liko a grain of
nand bein’ pioked up from do desert an’
*; | whirled away by do wind.
1 i “War’ ho ready? Jist as ready as if
he had expedited it fur y’ars. His
Christianity was in his heart an' not on
his sleeve. * I nob be r heard him pray in
meet in', but he left no debt behind him.
1 m bber knew of Ins gwino around an*
f loanin’ oberde wickedness of do world,
ut ho was icady to sheer his last crust
wid a nayf ur. Ho did not come to
meetin* to sing tho loudest an’ cry
‘amen’ de hardest, but his pew rent was
alius promptly paid. He may not hov
had a Bible in de house, but dc grocer
an* de butcher would give him credit up
to a hundred dollars. I doan’ s’posc he
tber contributed a dollar to de cause of
de heathen in Africa, but hischilFcn
nebbcr inside a police stashun at j by persons who w ish
bio. Tho overseer of the day must
have been so different from his j
type a Uttle later on, for wo will pre
sently hear some very generous senti- |
ments from him. There were never less |
than thirty guests in tho house; often
limes the number was swelled to sev-
cnty-flve, when the rich planters nud
tlieir families, their servants and their
equipages passed a night at “Monti
cello as they journeyed to the “springs”
among the mountains. “Many a time,”
says the overseer, “has my wife sent
every bed in Mir house up yonder, and
then they wo-.Id have to go* to sleep on
pallets on the floor, some of them.” li
the stables there were thirty-six stall;
and the overseer says again, “frequently
our horses would be tied to tho shelter
post* for tho night to give tho stalls to
the other horses; and I have hauled
from the meadow at nightfall a ton of
hoy, and by morning there would not
be enough for a hen’s nest.”
This same reliable chronicler tells u“
that beside tho, visitors staying in the
house the hall would bo filled at dinner
time with a crowd of sightseers, wait
ingtosce Mr. Jefferson and his guests
pass through to the dining-room. Nomi
would stop him and shake hands, “and
lie would invite them everyone to din
ner,” indignantly exclaims the overseer,
from out tho past, “when he knew the
table then was full to overflowing.”
What a care must have been on tha
I shoulders of the daughter housekeepe'’,
I and yet the hefiors of the table were
dispensed with womanly grace and
courtesy, pleasing to all. Our old
friend, tlie overseer, should not discuss
tho quality of food consumed at “Man-
tieelfo;” if he had known how badly it
would in aftet years have sounded: * “1
would kill a beef," says he, and in two
days it would all be gone.’’ Mr. Jeffer
son supplied his table from his on n es
tate, and even when he occupied tho
White Houso everything was sent from
Dinner was usually served at 8 o’clock
and generally lasted until half-past 4.
The wines were exquisito in flavor, and
were selected by Mr. Jefferson with
great care and rare taste. On ono end
of the mantel in the dining-room, there
was an ingeniously contrived dumb
waiter connected with the wine cellar
below. Tho wine bottles would come
up on this covered with dust and cob
webs, and would be taken off By Mr.
Jefferson himself. He was an exceed
ingly temperate man in all things,' and
was in the habit of drinking but three
glasses of wine nt dinner, lie delighted
in holding the glass up to the light and
looking at the warm, rich color of tho
wine, and the habit was frequent with
hiui of inhaling tho aroma of tho wine
(lurin' dinner.
liiMiirlnx llie liable*.
[Cleveland Leader.]
“You seo if I don’t prove that Mie is
dead I won’t get the insurance. It is
necessary for mo to get the eertifteme of
the doctor who attended her.” Thus
spoke a plainly dressed old lady who
• ailed at the health office yesterday.
She was the proprietor of a baby Jmnrd-
ing house, and was in search of the cer
tificate of tho death of an infant (hat
had been under her chare. “The child’s
mother brought it to me,” she said, “and
f kept it a long time. The woman
failed to pay the hoard until she
had got into in) debt about #10. Oho
day l went to the storo after a loaf of
bread, and while 1 was gone tho mother
came nud took the child away. It has
since died, and-she is trying to keep me
[ from knowing where its death occurred
j in order to keep me out of the insurance,
j If 1 could get that it would nearly pay
| me for the child's board.”
Af. she finished sjteaking tho woman
I look on her lap a neatly dressed little
! i hild which accompanied her, saying:
j • This is ono of my boarders.”
“IIow much do you charge a week to
rare for the babies?” was asked of her.
I “Two dollars,” was tho reply, “and I
| io all their washing.”
“You spoke alwut insurance. Why do
j you insure them?”
“So that when they die on my hands
! 1 % an give them a decent burial. Now ,
j ihe little mu* that was taken away was
i id out lyi-.'.r and n months old, and the
j iniurunco *»n it ;• mounted lo over £18.
| it costs only Scents a week to insure a
J l aby, and the amount to bo realized on
I its ’death varies with the age of the
] child.”
Further investigation showed that
I there is an agency in Gh-velandat which
I baby insurance is one of the branches of
j business. Circulars are issued by the
j agent showing the immense profits made
| on a small investment. Lists are pub-
: li-hed of the children insured in Cinciu-
| uati, Cleveland, Dayton and other
| cities. There can lx- no doubt that the
insurviice business combined with »b»*
boarding-house Is a most profitable *»u-
terpriu*. _
One r»uw or treat nos*.
Pressure ou th
'Weill hereby etrbfy that ue i
the arranyemente for all the Monthly ant
Semi-Atmtml Vrmeiny* of The Caiman*
State lottery Company,andinperton man
age and control the Draufngt themeeltet,
and that the tame are conducted uith turn-
e tty, fair nett, and in good fatthtouard all
partite, and ire authorize the Company to
vie Slit ceriifieale, uith fac-timiles of our
eignaturteattached, in its adeertieemente.'-
Americus Recorder
Moadayv Maroh, Sad, 1805.
Do.Urlng to tnercnne the c'ncuUtlon of the Hk-
ooidrc, and nt t no nunc tiiDo to fncourace the
paymrutof eutiflcriptlona in advance, wc have for
tho pnnt two yeiir* annually dUtrlbutod a number
of vuluabfe nud imuful prr.*cnt* atnona llione of
our nubAcrlbeiH wuo pnld up nil arrears and oue
yetr in advance. These Dlntrlbutiona were ro
fairly conducted, and the prtnents tuvo raoh gen-
vral satisfaction, vre have determined to make
onothi-rnlstilbutlon on the 2d of March n. xt, at
which wc shall distribute nmon; those of oar
sabsrribcrs who pay ua all arrears and one year
In advance the following presents:
Mnnniacturcd by the Ueorrift Chemical Wr<rks,o|
Augusta, Ga., and sold by Toole, MrUsrrah 4
Tondoe, Americus, Oa This brand Is scknowU
miffed to bo wthout a superior In Its fertilmne
qualities, belntr of hi^h tonde «nd mnniCuctured
*f the best m-tertsfr.
utO'l In thj'e prized--oue of oua half ton, ■
(W0 pounds, and one of 400 pound*.
Manufactured by the Americus Oil C-rmpany. As
n fortllU **'"* ■*
fortll 1
p'-nlts but It* effects
. thv soil for
oral vearsafter It I* also a doe Finn! >or stock,
d by the Off tJompany at thefr n 111
mpany ...
ill l»o distributed li
••half ton sud two of one
of Geo. B. duett
resy best made, both in material, m .^
work"-aa*hlp. Tb«*v are handsome, durable and
never fall to give sattifaetton. Thiy eu beew
at the store of.John H. Shaw, on Forsyth street
who Is agent for tbslr sale. Gu and tee tbeui.
Manufactured b.v W. Duke, Hous A Co., Dur-
lrom old North Carolina leaf, and pm
up In handsome fbtl package*. As we would uki
a* many as poidblo to try tt, we shall dis:ribut«
it In packages of one pound each.
Manufactured by W. O. Neff * Co„-Atlanta
ThU is a over soap, one of the most, wonderftil dl«
cover!. • of the age. By a new process this soap
*• wsds so that it will wash dotting almost with.
at the use cf the wash board, at the same time
rlwjsinf wlthont !** the least injuring the fabric.
It ts tho finest laundry soap ever made, and In or.
dor to glya »s many as possible an opportnnity
bsfaoiirb, 1W ' °° in.|boxo« of,9o
100—B-O-O-K-fl 1—100
* r *' ^ ®s*t popular authors,
hwdscmtly bound iu
? nd * . d * l ’ d *ould make a valuable ad
dition to any libraiy.j
! W H-M.-V H-K W-A-T-C-H ! -*J
Incorporated in isofi for 85 yean by the Ltwisla*
turn for Educational and Onaritabfe purposes—
with a capital of which a rcservs
funu of ortr IM0.000 has slnco been sided.
Ily an overwhelming popular vot# its franchise
whs mado a part of the picsont Mata Constitution
adapted December id, A. D., II7f.
The only Lrttery ntr tried on and endorttd be
th* people of any Slate. ;
Jt never ecalte or pettpues.
Ua Grand IIbrIs XsMbirDrawlan
take place Monthly. -
Nor ember 11,188*-lT4th Monthly Draw-
lug. .-•v
100,000 Ticket, at Sire Dollar* Each.
Fractions, In Flttbs, in Proportion.
list or rBiWi,
1 CAPITAL PltlZK..... uut0
} f® J"
2 TUIZKS OK I A.000... ....,1,11*. lSJoSJ
factured by the White Sewing Machine
(:<mip»ny, Cleveland. Ohio. This mucolne ha* k
Fancy Cover, Drop Lust, two Drawtrs at each
ud Ol Table, and D handw'mely finithed through-
ut There go with It si! the modern attach-
n«ent*. and U D warninted tor five ytsrs.
%ed Machine Is ths crowning featur# of
of naccnoM eflbrts; is a model of beauty,
nsce’.frd v.wikuiaitshlp, embodying all tho
liitesi Impruv.mmt* known t-» sewing ma'-bln#
mwhanisiM, wxscitllntr a fargsr range of wora and
ito-nf 1‘ Iwtter than all other maohlne* eombinml.
Tha machine can bo seen a' the Dry Good* ftoM
I JOHN U. Hit AW, on F-rsyth Street, who la
-lo Agent for its saie iu Ainerhiis.
| Pin. Cul* nnd Gaud Mnv.mrnl'. Wt’nBrr nn aood,. for when A uian .onU n .nuA,
t b. v.Dts one be cm, re), upon, j
with Cover, n Htndoomo Article.
bronze lamp,
Anil a Number ot Other ArticUe.
10 do
90 do
600, .
*•00 dO 30 eee.t&OOt
joo do 23,
» Approximation IYfcc* of $nn Mjfto
» ” ** fiOO ^400
» “ “ 280 1230
dA|i]Puuauuu iur rates w ciuus snouia on
only to the ofBce of tho Company In New Orients.
ror further Informution writ* eleatly. (riving
{till address. POSTAL NoTKS, 'Express
_ ry letter. Cum-— X _
•5 and upward b> fixpmsi
by Kxpnrs (all fama of
•xpensa) ad-
nA **mwu,
SOT Seventh St., WaahlnRton, D. C.
_ Make I*. O. Money Orders pay a ole tad address.
Ucglstcrctl Letters to
New Orlssus, Ls. P- :i-.-
Meat Mamet
W. H.&T.M.C0BB
Having purchased from Hnre dt Cobb tha Mrs
Market and Provision Bto.e on
keep on hand Ibo very best cuts of J
m. pork, kid m mmt,
and also a full 11m of
Oreen Groceries and Prorisioos,
•racing all kinds or Vewetables and Ayuita la
lr season, Canned Uooda, ate. It la fSblr aim
keep a first class establishment, aad giva thair
•atomera good goons ut th* lowest prices,
lair Highest price paid for Cattle, nogs, and a
nds of country produce, -
Americus, Ih c. 1ft,
»eloctwi by tho lucky mvn from the large
*td»ck Of Calvin Cutter A HoU, the |.o
m and Hat dealers ef AmsHctts. TnD
o povsei
entire stock.
Fnm'tho eviehtstrd mnnufaetnriogestuhllahmaat
ofSirlMoy A Co., Ur.rinr.sti, Ohio, who have at
tained a national reputation in ISt-ir line. *1 b*-se
who**# at*- the handsome-1 p»lr ever brought to
Am'ticn*, and re'ail at 11« per pair. They cat.
ixt aeit at i he Diy Uooda and tihov WjW o John
K Hhaw, whole A;fent for k thes« goo«l*in
, a Biizui cuan.irj in tun or* i ...------- , • , , .
fwgetni-ut, by which l shall keep tho to- ; Lome. Ho war’ buried on a chc«p lot,
F* ant l quit the nso of thu diary. This p.n* his #raveatun' will simply b nr IH»
of hearing. Navr
U, ,no diary. Thu f.n' his «raveatuu’ will «impl)'»'Hr ills jUtory cans) l.y Ihc r -
Tffy ts now for salt?, Bmokfng tobacco uumtt an’ HffO an’ date of hw death, , kei chief worn *r\
hearts we who knowed him
1000—TWO BOXES-1000
|dt«uin exclinmji*. No additional charge hut ill
th* four day*’work already dono on tbs w
best n il! gin him rich credit»
t cannot buy.”
A Capital Scheme.
h INew York Sun.]
I", 1 ** 1 do you do when people come iu
, rc you!” a worm nersoual friend
a merchant.
w hen they stay too loug the olUce bov,
i_ f , vef y bright nnd knows lust when td
tell* ma that a geutlemau i« In tha
room waiting to see mo on lai*
P°ria»t bminaM,*»
w * r ,oe “ ..
0*22* “• tu d “ r •“* $21 „
.^aLtotocoBatla'rwn xrtiun' tore* . wfr U,M,m*iiunaU*$.
'"••aiwusd bWifeMS* »
Curlons Phyalcal Irrcaularitlea,
Dr F. J. Shepherd has prepared for
the f jdoher Popular Science Monthly an
illustrated ariielo in which he describes
nunierous curious irregularities m hone,
urn icles, Mood vessels and other organs,
and accounts for them as being revisions
to lower ancestral types.
Land and %Yal*r.
under the chin,
justed by the pc#writ «
often causes deaint-s.-. a:i»l the cornett
of tho mins, priarinx tightly >main>t tho
pavilion of the ear, i;(b(Uent1y pr»Kliie**h
the same effect.
to be avoidtul
preserve their
vint< of th«‘ an-
. jre of a hand- ,
f ie head aud lied f
is coliuiionlv ad- i Ma»afk»l«rwn>y W. Duke. Jkiii# 4t Co„Durham,
, ,• uith Ciif.llitu, who have ma<lo this brand known
it ol Cell CO Jo, ( Uir«M,gh«»ut h» world as lie !*•», irelng made
•I Nottli C'jtolimi leaf, the lineal in the
TJ.e value of lUc-i* lrf)xea l« |10.0«. in
oMi r that ut mar.v as r,r>**i«e may enjoy them,
rtbiurd !b (ukagt-* vt IW »ach.
they will i
,1 yXaaaaclmr ottea Pun.
{SpringfieM Union.]
There ore 660,S6* idle gpindh
I^well this week. N -xt week they will
FumUbed by McBride A C »., of Atlanta.
niblu charity, they »ill be- j tw ONE BOX-FIVE FOUNDS TfcJ
. r""" «T th# Washington Uatchf t: “Puna are the i Manufactured by W. Imke,Bona (fc Co, Durham,
0 T rId tflS bfi ckUott which tu, ? hmt Fun hurl, «
Mo/«|ZgS«Uand UlAhdsU gI
Th# Distribution w»JI b« m'nrfo Jn tbi* /bJhmlny
niannrr: Tit* mune and post office of each sub-
acrlber will be wrltteu on a slip of paper «t:d put
in an envelope, and all phiced lb a box. The
name of each of the preoouta to bedn*
also f.e plend la envelope* and pat in another
box. On the day of the distribution these boxes
will bo turned over to a committee of responsible
gt ntlrmen, who, before the drawing tx-gins, will
rail upon rotne of th* audience to mix the con
tent* of the boxes to their satis fact ion. AfUe
this, two toys, one aleorh, will take envelopes
slmuluneooslr from tha boxes ar.d*»J them to
the committee, who will first read the namo and
then the present. The secretaries will keep
correct lfat of the uamra of the subscriber* m.d
the articled drawn as they an cuiUd out. This
will continue until every article has been drawn
from the box of present?, when tho committee
will dsclare the diatribatlon completed.
In the box of presents there wilt be so,
hence every name drawn from tho t«x of natosn
before the present* are exhausted wi|l^et|one of
theae articles, most of which aro worth many
tunes the amount paid lor salacriptioa.
llanaittaweas may bs mad < hy poet oOlo*
order vr registar* d letter.
Clwfot.-We will give a cop) of the paper free
to any on* getting np a club of ten subscribers
either new or old envs renewing.
Caalk to accompany name# in all eases.
Any one can act as agent for the RECOKDBK,
tat *e will not be responsible until we rerriv*
the moiwy for sabaeription.
We gairantM to furnish a peper worth at leart
the price asked far it-f *—Wdi * giving on op
portunity lo get ono of th* above* handaou*
Ecmember that you'eannot possibly lovaa* M
a better way than ;by tubscriUuf for the Bl>
CiitLDUL* Add!
Ho (f your C*f»D flAKNEHd needs a stitch go to
John M. Coker
nnd bur you * KKW 8E1T /or what ;ba repairing
v. Ill cost, then you have a new harncM and gu la
well. A taige and Nc-w supply ofj
nf nil grade* and kinds, Jast In and far esle
In ihUei-y, r
These ro*#l« MUftT BE ft*>LD BY TUB FIRST
O t MARCH NEXT, In the path or not, and be
sure <o remHrber tt. When yoa need any thing *
ia my lin? It l>
Amerieut, Gal
la the’brat ccLJtmeted ami fin*
it bi d, g vea Lcitf r percent»■#.
nut nears r.and > sold lor lee*
- SBSftf&JgWWa
r grj^|)Urt rent rru, hy
A ill nation by a young mas who can
write * Rood band, li quick at figuraa.
and will work tot a nodtreta Ml.rc.