Newspaper Page Text
tagBjfii ^ejppBB
_ _ *1,0 wall msks «» feet mot feel
tberawi™?* cohort* Chrirehin,
maiden. Ena?, when cotirfe I moit,
L ik JiTrjtire^'' ttoi* at wbost ritrino
ah *> sffggtff&?£& * i.
lA® "If * * n - s mi J itmn leur U n driam,
IMS! bare h -[Cowper.
“flf n°,ir i .'J d bMrt li stirred:
HI,'lit lien a triumph won,
•fu« are the Iwrotn’ v<.ioaj!beard.
1 “’ re —[KJ.ii Dean Proctor.
^ mo, tome gad! oil, quickly bear mo
» .i, 1 !^ o’ne eoiltil l . the nurso or se ise,
f.’ f. fjntjm.ilaMoi |,luin;i her ruJlsd
And tool lx >3 down t» Pie cing,
Oi,, m , the avowed, the erect, the manly
„ .. /,.ti m ,st. oi-hvn may torn, bis blow.
Heaven, thy wrath
re, 6 ?avo me from the candid
ll —[Oeorje Canning.
llcslcslnr *eul »r Partner.
tDetroiS Free Press.]
'""WanVeD—s' (MOKE coxsuifEU. :
"c uc i, was lire sign hung r.ut by a
■rami lent nrm. In nlMMit three minutes
, mdkwl a man a 111 npplled for » Job.
s,, r ’mM he “I've 1-ceu » ducuwoli«ipei
oiiil .i mil heaver, and i think I mijht
w'ni to be a sm »ke consumer. ”
]'iif the ho<s thought he wouldn t do.
\nho ir passed by and the office wna
gju| w itU a ref t» of amoke-coi sumen
Tlu' V a'I Ik sieged the senior partner mi'J
Uvsin to talk. , '
Ours is the oldest firm In the market.
1 <ine: "our consumer < an lie attached
to a cigar or a lx nine. It saves about oU
percent., and—”
That s nothing, spok? in another,
„,jrs gather^ in tne smoke from the air
mound, a id so saves— ’
Ours was once attached to a house
B ,„c. ” yelled No. d. "a id the tire burned
stra lily for three weeks. You can e-ti-
ate the»aving for yoursc’f. ”
“i.entlcm.'ii.” put in another, “the con-
miner wli c!t l h ivc the honor to represent
wves so mush that after it is once put ou
i never hare to rep ctiisli the tire. ”
And in ni\” s .outed No. 5, “is a con
denser also, mid if you feed your fur
nace with s imethiug that makes plenty of
rmoic, it condenses the surplus into coal.
Gu.r.intecJ to s:art a coal-yard In tivc
“George. ” gasped the senior partner to
iof the cl.r.vs, “take in that s'gn and
:n up town and get me a Gatling gun. ”
.11 n. \V 11 »m II. Vanderbilt.
N?w Y r. Tim *.]
While all the world talks about her
husband, little gossip ever reaches the
public concerning Mrs. William II. Van*
tier I tilt, fioni a tinancial point of view the
first lady :n the land. She is given tc
looks is responsible for her son Fred’*,
li.erar/ inciinct'.ons. and—so I ha.’>
luurd, though, of course. I don’t vouch
for it—has wonderful runs of luck when
her mild -naire husband has time to vea-
faro n i,uiet lit.L* game of penny ante. He
has groat faith in her judgment, as well at
her luck. ‘ he should have Leon a Wall
street* perator he tells her sometimes by
way of comp] meat, cud to her advice can
be largely attributed Mr. \ nnderbih’s avoid
ance of anything like open partnership
with Jay Gould hi that precious worthy’s
varied pliila ithropiei.
Hut the in<M-t interesting thing I have
heard lately about \ underbill—a
ntatier which ulr.wxl many lilt*bands may
find a sort «if wicked pleasure in c.ipping
out for their wives' »uc—is that she knits
Hookings, real stock ngs. yarn stockings,
for the feet of her in.llionaire husband.
Vos; .Mr. \ anderbilt wears the stockings.
With tliiu i iformution as a text we cun
1<‘« k for a stocking craze all over the land,
just us a 1 our girls began a year or iwj
*g»> to paint | la ;ues when somebody hap-
l*cowl t.) t.11 about the u leptuess of Allis
Aiior at the easel.
Eh dt ol' Mi i|>|i us.
|Chicago Tribune. J
r no Fomctiincj hear* strange modes ol
rcasoi.iug during that favorite pastime « f
sune women, shopping. “This little
«e..t l«ig is not CjUite , effect, ” said one at
the w man’s exchange, us > lie called the
iittention of a girl in wa.ting to nn article
tLat lay on a table, “.now if It were foi
m\8;lt. I should not care at nil, but 1
would like to buy it to give ns a present
*“ a little niece, and she’s jo ol s jrviug that
died notice auy d feet In it in a moment.
Uu.du’t you Kt me have it for half price?'
A Rlarjlmd (Rural Editor.
[Exchange. 1
This is the way In which a Maryland
ttmil cd.tor acknowledges an act of kim.I-
he:*, and the local co uraus of his
jmper: "tmier the a.tiliful manipulations
•f i’tter EurkeU uur windows have been
te.uvul of the incrustatlo .s lrom the
Weather f-*r nearly a year past, and 'he
iile-ied light now b.uims upon us, pure
and refulgent, greatly relieving the gloom
:‘ !a f «at enshrouded us so long. 'Hail,
hoiy Ligat,’ etc. h’ec Alii ten. M
Ihs Caulolii* Peculiar Practice.
[C» i ago 11« ml I.)
The Gftu'.oU undertakes to pay a sum of
fi.bpo franc at tlic decease of auv sub-
*e hat who may uicet with his death ou a
railway or tramway, or 1 y being run over
; u vehicle in the* street. A proportion*
B,e SUQ t *s paid for injuries. All that ii
fe.cssary to d » is to produce the ln»t
rcec-ipt for subscription. It paysacom*
iHii alt n* to any purchaser of a tingle
W 8 -ou!d he be ii jur.d or killed the
"V lile P-»i>er ii paid for.
Tali liter C ufrt Of the Sick.
^ . iNew Y»r's Sun.]
r !‘. d:*ar, M sighed n farmer’s wifo
y. os she dropi ed into a chair after
1 ljaru day's w or a, "i feel just as if i were
to be sick. Afy lieu l throbs and my
acues dreadful.y, and
"*.y gosh,” inteirupted the farmer,
•rij i: up and seizing his hat. “tuat rc-
i j ne * I forpot to give the 2-yenr-oid
uj. his (oudiiio.i p.Aiders to-night, an’
w ' hjeu a WteekSu* all day," and tie hur-
htd »o the h, r*?.
A-ktUf iimirety Too Pfucli.
*Uwo i-ch.r Mirkur.]
r ^ *o.ver—if 1 could make up my
^*u*t to u arry a:aiu l would take u young
kvLl ,UiU ' vou *d love me as long as tue
h!"V W (rfead—You ask too much; you
Happened fo Go to the College of
Physician* and fturgeoit*.
[New York Cor. Pioneer Tran]
Thin time of turbulent politics was a bad
one for \Y illlant H. A andr.rbilt to select
for giving ♦500,000 to the. College of Phy
sicians and Surgeons, in case bo desired to
get a proper amount of public con
sideration fot his princely benefac
tion. A curiously maladroit man is
he. He damned the public in language
which implied contempt for the
iieiing of people toward him, and sold his
trotter, Maud H., because* of a slight irri
tation earned by trifling gossip in the
press. '1 he fact is that the millionaire U
impulsive and sensitive. He has a wholly
umhsciplined mind, and he gives uway to
its untutored promptings. He sees little
or nothing beyond the horizon of his per
sonal exper.euce. Knowing this char
acteristic very well, indeed. I wondered
, whut had made him give so much money
to a medical institution. My investigation
early elicited proof that noboiy connected
with the college had solicited the gift, or
had been in any manner appraised of it
Leforehaud. It is rare that endowments
so lavish arc not preceded by more or less
in.iucncing. '£k'.
r l hose who know Vanderbilt intimately,
however, are well aware that to ask him
for charily invariably precludes the get-
ing of it. The women of his family re-
sjamd to many solicitations of charity and
religion, but a request for money is by
him regarded ns sutheient proof of tl 2 un-
worthiuess of the cause in behalf of which
it is made. 1 was not at all surpr’sed to
lie assured by every member of the college
faculty, therefore, that there hud been no
approach to him in this matter. l)r. Me-
l.iuie, who is the only n an among them
w uo has an acquaintance with V nniTerbilt,
insures me that his l rst in.imatiou of the
gift wus the receipt of the check
and a brief letter, the latter suit
ing that the money was to be used
f«,r a new building. As nearly a» 1 cun all came from a small inci
dent. \ underbill s.opped at a way aids
inu in tipper New VorK. as is his custom
of an afternoon, to rest his horses, ami
j take a glass of gin and water. The placa
| is known lo our kotremeu as Barry’s ami
! is commonplace enough, except for be.r g
the favor.te stopping place ol YauderhM,
! aud for that reason a resort of the chronic
roadsters. While he stood with his back
to the bur, his elbows on it, and a glasi of
j grog (two lingers of Holland gin, twnof
j lint water nnu a s] o nlui of su^nr) a pitia
ble ciipple entered-a little boy with
. misshapen legs and lack uwry.
| “how did you get into such a shape,
sonny?” \ i.udcrbilt usked.
' “1 was runued over,”the urchin re
An accident on the road had spec'nl in
terest lor the questioner, and lie got the
1 art culars. r l lie little fellow had been
overturned and trampled on by a fust,
horse; lie was too poor to bo doctored at
Lome, and jet his mo;her had foolishly
objected to his removal to a hospital,
i where he might have received proper
treatment; but he had been taken to the
College of Physicians and Surgeons, where
applicants get inadequate attention, or
only such as will sene as illustrations to
the lessons which the students arc learn
ing, the facilities beiug so limited ns to
1 recludc anything further, it chanced
that Professor Doremus. the specludat in
chemistry, dropped into the bur-room at
this juncture. In answer to N underbill's
c uot.c ns he said it was a pity
that this collugc. with tiie most skillful of
surgeons in its faculty, and the incentive
to utilise injured persons at ot ce to their
own benefit and the teaching of the stu
dents, was prevented from doing so by
limited quurters and scant facilities, lie
said that a big ^building would serve as
eood a purp* sc ns he knew of in the whole
range of New York charity.
hiom that directly • tame Vanderbilt’s
unexpected half million. Nothing was
said by him at the time indicating that
the subject impressed him particularly,
hut in less than u month u e c heck was
signed. The sensible conctuslcn seems to
be that Vanderbilt is a very porcupine,
with his quills set against the public ns a
rc (illation for that popular ha red of
wealth which he deems general, but that
under the fearful and ugly exterior he has
a waim heart dilHcult to get at.
How to Walk.
[Alfred Ayre->.]
If n man would appear like a gentleman,
he must wulk, s.nmi, and sit like one. In
walking he should, above all, avoid every
thing tuat is unnatural or that smacks of
sclf-consciousness. How ofien do we see
men in the street whose every movement
tells us their minds uru chietly on them-
Ktlvis! Cnu tblows his client out a la
dindou white another walks with an ah*
no.uml stoop: but both delight in a kind
of rolling, swaggering gait and an un
nut uru I swing of tue arms. We all know,
w.ieu wi see such a man, no mutter what
his appt .ranee in other respects may be.
taut he It u person of low breeding
Not only is a man's walk au index of his
character and the grade of his cultuie,
hut it is also an index of the frame of mind
he is iu. There is the tin ughtful walk
and the thoughtless walk, the responsible
walk nsd the careless walk, the workers
walk and the idler’s wulk, the ingenious
walk and the insidious walk, and so on.
In a word, what there is iu us wc all carry
in e-senthilly the same way; lieuce the
urcst way to have the carriage of gen
tility is to have gentility to carry.
Ku It Zetland** Snail Industry*
(Chicago Times.]
T'ae example of the gnut snail industry
in Burgundy, which is acquiring greatei
dc*' clot merit ) ear by year, o\\ iug to the
tn.e quu.ity ot the f.esh of the vine leaf fed
moilusk, has stimulated the Swiss to ef
forts m the same d ruction. A number of
gardens, be. ween Davos and Lundquart,
in the can on of Grnons, have lute.y been
transformed by their owners into snail
farms. During the summer lime the
chi.dren ure employed to gather
tne s.iaiis from held and fudge
uml bring them to the rurtns, where they
ure I laced iu bushes ami led upon refuse
vegetable leaves. A thick bed of sawdust
surrounds each bush, and serves the
double purpose of an insuperable barrier
to the escape of the inhabitants and a she.*
urftrtLc winter. At the approach of
cold weuther the s. al.s, which nave then
waxed Tut, bury tbemsches in the saw
dust. und close the door of the house on
their buck. T hey are raked »ut. packed
up .n 1:0b-weight baskets, aud sent od to
Italy, where, as “burgundy snails, they
se.l at lfc franc to iU 1 runes the package.
To Preserve N*tu-al Flowers.
[Amrricnn Qu sn.J
To preserve natural t owers dip them in
melted paraihne. withdrawing them
quickly. The liquid should be Just hot
enough to maintain itstuldity. and the
t owers should be dipped one at a time,
held bv the ttaid, aid moved about for an
instant to get rid of the bubbles, eresb
cut lb drew freed from mobture are tk»
Ratified by the People!
Whereas, Many citizens ol
this community have heretofore
subjected themselves to unneo
cssary expense and burdensome
overcharges in the purchase ol
goods; Therefore be it
Resolved, That the interests
of the people demand the for
mation ol a new party which
shall concentrate its patronagp
on one close-dealing candidate,
and thiu combining with cor
r. ct principles, make still small
er profits practical and result in
the greatest good for all.
To this end weannounce our
self as the
People's Economy Candidate.
Low tariff on all goods used
by the people, such as Dry
Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods,
Millinery, Cl.thing, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Tranks, Etc.
As low prices surely increas.
es trade and results in th<
greatest good to both buyer and
seller Vuhtes must govern
prices. Deal only in good re
liable goods, making the prices
as low as possible. (A poor
article is dear atany price.) No
misrepresentation. Sell every
article on its own merits and at
its true value. .
Be on the winning side. Al
ready we are elected—elected
to sell you •'heapor J than the
cheapest; elci-ed to show you
| the best and newest; in fact
! elected as the people’s true bnr-
j gain-giving, fair dealing candi-
! date. Be one to help roll up
the big majority in favor of cor
rect principles and’tho advance
ment ot true economy and re
form. See us personally and
learn our civil service principles.
In return tor patronage we
promise Fair Dealing, Straight
Goods, Bed-Rock Prices.
Polls now open and will re
main so until further notice.
Vote early and often is the
wish of yours truly,
Forsyth Street, America*, Ga,
Americas Recorder
Moxxdayv MarQb, 3L88S.
Dpfirinjr to tncrrnic th<* c'rculation of the Rk-
ORiint, snd at t"«* tame tune to encourage the
pitj inent su' fcr pttons la sfratice. w<i hare for
the past t'O years a nunllydl.*t ibuted a number
ol vsluub'o mid useful pre enta among Hose of
our autacrlheis w o pu d up nil arrears and out
year in ndvsni-e. These Dlstrlbu inns were
fulr'y c-induced, and the prefects iave such gen*
••ml sntia action, wc hare determined to mnke
another ••istilhiitlon <>n the 2d of Match n xf, at
•bi.-h we stall distribute among tho-e u!
ciibreiibers who pay uu sit arrears ant one year
tu a .v iiice the following pre^nts:;
Minniartured by the Gcorria Chemical W- rks of
Au"u»’s,«Ja., and fold bv T.mle. Mi Gun ah i
Tondc. Am.-lrn.. <!» Tin, hM< I* »•l
.-••tf.'H to t»e w thout a utiperU r in Its lertil si'M
iiuniltie*, ho’nti • f high made mid ra- nu octuiei
'»ih * l*ent m ter air. Tld- ton wid e dirrh
me • in ' j r s* on , tan » 0,ie 0
600 pounds, *t-d one of 100 pound*.
HTCOTTON SEED meal j-t&i
A the *0il
MfDr it Uaifoa line r»>d or-tock.
ih** <»I1 *Vmm-y nl their »»It* o- 1
rii'* ton W' l be ttlslri *uted *n hree
of one-Lall ton aud two of o
0 — MONARCH —6
.Uitu'nc'tired by the »blt« P«wlii, Machine
..m|»ny, Ulcve and, ('Ido. Tbl. iniicbl". bn. «
..*,„, C y (Jo.rr, Drop Leal, two ut euCU
••d oi Tnbo*. and »• hanti^'mely finbbed fiMOjin
Ut There go a ilh it "li »he modem attach-
uenU and U i* warruated t.*r fit# y* ma. I • I-
mi ro ed Machine I* the .rowuiur feature©,
tar* of ■Uncetslul eirori*: w a nmdel ol beantj,
ii u*'e<c« !ied aorkmnnshlp, < inbcnlytcg all th«-
vnt* known t*» newng machine
n. blued
To b« "elected by the lucky m^n from the lame
and Bne *t<*ck o| CmviB Cutter A Own, l_°P“'
Fr.rti «b« c< 'e"«ated manufacturlog estibUshm# t
ol Strlble* * Cj , Cl. Hnna.l, Ohio, who havs at*
*t‘n«Nl a national rcput.non in tn. k Hi e. I"'»«
-tr-tho handsome t p='lr ever ».n*ueht to
Am ricu-, o*’d re'all a* l i t er pair. Thes e*
t« -i*c*t» at the P y Good* and Shot* Mors ** Jo*n
It Hhiw, w ho is sols A; ut lor.thess so«d , l»
A merit us.
M > T - Dim, S .H« * C«.
".th C«r»Air*.» wh»» hi emtde this brand known
iioti-.h’.ut t- ao'ld u 11. b..l, Ml*')' a'fl y-.iih C >ra'1n i l,.f, th. line, 1 111 the
KVSA t. 10.00. In
rd. r Ib.t n, mat.,'.. tKMi'bl. may ,nJo’ tl,'",
lay will be dl.lrlbtb d ill, nl .00 .»:b.
Fun,i,bed by Men. II. AC... ol AUtttte.
'deettbieiurad by V. link',Son, A Co, Durham,
U f rooi old Narib ritolln. leaf, l-e iwut
tuition leut iu toe aotb'.. Tbe tel le tally
“ihit* .bdlui..«d WI W »
o;.rofaurt«i~. .I»_*!.0" .OjtJBggP
of Oeo. n. Clu *lt
r best mndt*, both In i
3 hniidfome, durable and
tton. T b y c m be -on
Mbav, on Forsyth *t et..
who i* agent for ih« lr an e. Go und ece them.
Mnnu'nrturcd b\ W. Puke, 8ons A Co., Por-
Is*n, N C , irom o d North Carolina leaf, at-d ptfl
Up In hnnd'onn* fbil parkage*. As we would like
a.« many a* posdble to try t, we shal. dis ribuie
it In package* ot ou* pound each.
Tbl 1.
Nelf A Co.,*'Atlanta
p of the most no. drrtUI dl*
out the lire • f fie wa*h hi-i
• lensiMg I'itUotit in the ten*: mju Inc the fabric.
It l* i e fliMvt Inundn *• ap e\ - er made, hi d in or- to g.te aamaty as |oa*l lo an .*p|M>r uniiy
of try inu it, i. w.II oo d'stribuicd lu^i uses of Vo
100- B-O-O-K-8 !—100
These books arc all bv the mn«t popular nuf hors.
E rin’e l on jfood bumlsctmly bound In
otb and • oi<’, ut d would luuke a ya.uai 1c ad
dition loony 1 b.aiy.,
C5T 8-I-L-V-E-R W-A-T-C-II!
Fine Co** and OoikI Movement .
fioud'ilciu goods, fo • when s
lie wants one Le cun ro.y upon.
with Coyer, a Uendacnte Article.
AdiI k Number of Oilier Article*.
The Oistribu'ion wil* be mau'e In the fblhe.vlnir
mitutrr; The name and po»t off ce oi each nub-
ocrimr will i»e write.-n .>n a aiip of pa; er und put
U an enve'o|M-, and a’l ph.ced In a bos. The
name of each of the proteins to be drawn will
:<l*o te plan'd lo envelope- and yut in another
box. On the day of the distribution Vine I our*
alii b. turned over to a cumin fee ut respn taible
lent«men, who, hefoie the drawing Uginr, will
roll U|Ot oiueor the audio ec to ufx the con-
frn's of the imxu* to their »atl>facrion.
ihi», t"0 l*oes. ore atrarh, wi! take envehrj^*
•ImulU' er»o»lr ffrm the boxes ai d hand them to
-.he comm tier, who will Aral re *d th*. »m« and
th n the pnoent. The *ccr*tprie< will ke?p
corre t li*t of the names nf the atibaerihera and
•heurPcI * drawn a* they are called out. Tub*
will continue until every article Lns be* n dtuvvn
ron the box of preatut , when the (ommlttec
will ds>-l*rc the diatrtbutiun romph t* d.
In the i-ox of prv»snta tbete will be a** Biases,
hence **v« ry name «»»ar» lbs • ox of n*mr»
l>e **re the pre-cu'i are tahamtid will get otic of
■hree article*, most ot which are worth mitty
times the aai uml pti I lor ►*' senj lion.
lleMIMBBses may b) mad- hv post utV.ce
•t .er r n-g ster d letter.
Clubs.-We wdl gives copy of the paper free
to any <me%c 'i**v up :• club of ten subscribers
-liber new or old 'ir* ro icwlnr.
« sals o accompan) nsme* >»• all cssea.
Any os* can act a* s sni tor the ItKUOIlDKE,
but we w 1 no* be re*ponsibl« until we revive
the money for tuhseripthB.
Wi ga isl ice t * TUrn'rh s r»r»-* r worth at les‘t
the price «»kcd ft r It- l* -Usid. s piling an op-
** t? to get one of the *»oiiie
Rsmemher that yon cannot |>oasiUT In res* It
In. .Ian tyidlKilUak for the UK*
Short crops, no rain, too warm
for this teanon of Ihe year, lot* ot
dust, money scarce, cotton too low
and doll times are the answer* now
given by all the merchants, when
the “How do you do?*? iagives
them, but how different with the
Bargain Store men. Here good*
arrive and disappear rapidly.
On the first of September lait
till* new store was opened with on*
of the largest t tucks of Dry UoCds,
Clothing, Cloak*, Hall, Shoe* and
Millinery ever brought to Ameri
Every day alnco then, new and
fresh goods bought by their Mew
York buyer arrived, and now ha
finils himself compelled to go to
Mew York to make his second com*
ptete purchase in all line*. Never
has anything happened to equal it
m the history of the Americas dry
goods trade.
The only and best reason that
can be assigned to this extraordi
nary success, may be summed up
in tbo pluck and enterprise used
by the proprietor, and the fact that
the purchaser is not slow to find
out that here is the place to trade.
While other merchants bare held
their goods at regular prices snd
profits, be saw fit to* reduce his
entire stock to such prices and
profits that would meet the approv
al of everybody and everybody’s
pocket, and succeeded with flatter,
ing success. But wc arc not near
at the end yet. Money is getting
scarcer daily. Bull harder time*
are coming, and what will be the
final result is better imagined than
The Bsrga n Store man’s pro
gramme will be a regular march.
He proposes to march down with
the prices oi all his goods yet in
slock, in order to march lo Mew
York with the proceeds to buy
goods lower than they were bought
In order to raise as much money
ns possible, the Bargain Store oilers
before his leaving during this ■
week extraordinary inducements to
everybody, including country mer
chants. Goods will bo sold regard
less of cost, price or profit.
The Bargain Mad.
Cetton Avenue. Sign of red flag,
opposite Bank of Amerlcus.
Meat Market
W. H.&T.M.C0BB
Having purchased from Uar« A Cobb lbs M«*
Market und ITovulon sto.e os
cotton Avmn^R
keep ou band tbs very beet Mts tf.|
snd aJeo s full Has sf
Green Groceries and Provision*,
embracing all kiwi* of Vegetables snd Fruits is
thirlr *ea*on. Canned Uuoda, ct«*. It U tbefr sins
•it keep ■ dm clous Mtablishtnenl, srd fits their
*oslower* good tro*»is "l tbs ■ovsst prices.
fir* IIIgheer price paid for Cattle, Hop, snd s
viimTi produce,
A.i.ericu*, lb*. IMMtlf
TtnvIT v,nt * •*> W-Sbot Kepeatin .
DUN J W>rM\j,^J0 lfr»vcb LoplM
sHjoi Gun Tor •!«;, sflS Concert Orgauett* SirSTt
.« o M» le l.a >t* rn for »lf, a roil.I Cold iH
W*t< b tor • 15, H tis Hi vtr Watch Tor .To»
• an ary ol tbv'eTTAITsrtlc.ia Free tl ?OV
«l l dtvute s f* w X U Ubun*e of y**zr leletre
time t-veniap to Inti^ducihg uur mw gtxVe-Gne ccurc I a Goto IVufc i free, In S aing!e>fter-, a geathnuu* e«*t s allver »s:i*k fur tftces
ininu'ea work. A Ley U years ell leeured s
wa chl'i «*nu<la) ; huiidredau. other*TIT k W|f|*
have done nearly a* well. If yonff ull A
i s e a M-glc l.sttlcMt ytu can atart S baM-
•■<>*» tbo will p >y you Iron* l en to F<n.een D*»II«*
every night m> d a once for *»ur IHuatrattd
O > a or tie of Gold and Surer Watches. 8*lf «*oek-
•ng Bull U*ff Be voir- r*» dpy IlhsM. Isdta
?coat an l A«trouotnl *l TclcKopee, T*Iefr»pk
ivrumen'*, Tyjs Writ rs,(Hg nr, Ace.rdlort,
a ll:,*, A . *•. I may *mh * « on the r-wdU
wit*-. UORI.U MOVPiiTCIlUia
Cotton Seed Meal.
Ws MS irepsred to .upp’y lloss wo,
lag Colton Herd Meal lo ■nyqt'SnillilS*
lowest crib prlo-j-
Tnoi.r, McCbUUUB A TmAO*.