Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 15, 1884, Image 2

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_ _ W. t, OLKHMER, editor. OBJcIal Organ of Webster County. SATURDAY, NOV. 18, IBS4. Senntor Hoyle, of Terrell, ba* introduced a bill to provide (or general prohibition in the Stale. It will hardly past. The Republicans are making ieaperate efforts to let themselres down easy, but It will be a bard thud at the best when the bottom is reached. Theodore Rovsevelt is speaking m New York on the "Spirit of Re publicanism.” In other words, be is presetting the funeral sermon of his departed party. Three negroes are reported as converts to Mormonism. A good many of them down this way need no conversion, as far as a plurality of wives is concerned. The Macon Telegraph has a long editorial upon “Improving the Girls.” The girls are good enough for us as they are, and too good for most of the men they marry. The world is not yet quite ready (or female angels. Mr. Addcrton, representative from this county, introduced the following hills on Thursday To amend section 781 of the oodo, so as to allow wild land own ers to return them for taxation in the counties whore they reside. AIbo, a bill to repeal section 1258 of the code. Also, a bill to regulate the jury 4aw as it applies to Sumter county. The desperate Radical pottery manufacturers of Trenton. N. J., have actually carried out their threat to discharge any ol their employes who voted for Cleveland and Hendricks, and have turnod off several of their oldest and most skillful workmen. The Republican papers, which make so much ado about bulldozing in the South, have not thought it necessary to say any thing about this matter. Imtlie senate, Thursday, a gen eral prohibitory liquor law was in troduced by Mr. Hoyle. A resolu tion was introduced by Mr. Thorn ton authorizing the appointment of a joint committee to investigate the Capitol building contract, in order to ascertain whether it may not be modifled so ns to require the usooi Georgia material. The resolution was postponed until Monday. In the bouse numerous local bills wero introduced. Sevoral bills wero in troduced amending the constitution so as to empower the governor to a point superior court Judges and solicitors. HA 1I.R0AD COMMISSION. It is to bo hoped that the present Legislature will so amend tho rail road commission law ns to take away irom the commissioners somo of their arbitrary power. Even the commissioners recommend that there should bo allowed an appeal from their -decisions, and this recommendation is seconded by the Governor in his message. It is neither justice nor good poli cy to deprive owners and operators of one of the greatest branches of industry of the right of an appeal to the courts. Georgia has uot so many railroads ns to be able to place an embargo on the building of more, or to cripple those it already has. Fire-Cracker’s Is Shoot Cleveland. Montezuma Kecord- Last Friday morning Johnson A Harris, of Macon, sent a tele gram to Col. Willis at Oglethorpe that Cleveland was elected, and confederate money was good. Im mediately the boys of that town collected together $120.00 of tho money and sent it to Messrs. Johnson & Harris, with the request that they send to them the worth of it in fire crackers to shoot Cleve land. Fbur boxes of fire-crackers the out: CLEVELAND’S PLURALITY 1,854. Cleveland's Game Banning Away Ahead of Blaine. New Yobk, Nov. 14.—Complete returns of the six New York city assembly districts telegraphed to night, show a net loss for Blaine of 208, a net loss for Cleveland of 36, and show an increase in Cleveland’s plurality of 167. This is in com parison with table of the Times of November 7. The Herald, in its summary of the vote of New York State by counties, as far sb ascertained by official count, gives Cleveland a plu rality of 1,254 votes. In the case of •6 counties, however, where the can vassers adjourned owing to some technicalities, and where the plu ralities'may be changed, unofficial figures are given. The vote for Butler and St. John were as fol lows: St. John 22,769, Butler 12,- 539 in the counties already canvas- ed. There is no material change in tbe majorities. Since yesterday Blaino bus gained one vote in Columbia and two in St. Lawrence county, and lost two votes in Schuy■ ler, making his net gain one vote. Cleveland has gained six votes in Kings, and lost ten in Oncid., making his net loss four voles. This reduces Cleveland’s plurali ty by live votes, making it now 1,- 254. Only th-ee counties have not yet furnished official rcsults-Frank- lin, Greene and New York. Holmes' suitu cuitE MoD-rit WAsrt and dentilrico is an infallible euro for Ulcer- stmt Sore Throat, Blooding Gurus, Sore month and Ulcers. Cleans tho Teeth and seops the Guinshealthy. 1'iepuredsole ly by I)r. ,T, P. W. It. Holmes, Den tists, 102 Mulberry Street, MacoD, Ga. For sale by Dr. W. P. llnrt, dentist, J. E. Hall, aod all druggists and dentistB. An explosion of ten tons of giait powder near Toledo was heard at Detroit, sixty miles awa A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. five month* ago I applied to a doctor near Boaton, who helped me, bnt unfortunately I had to leave hut continued taking hi* medicine for nearly thnv month*, hut tho diimane did not leave. I *aw Mr. Carpenter's letter in tho Philadelphia Jfwrd, and hi* case perfectly described mine. I tried the CtmctntA Kf.mkiurh, using two bottle* J(kmol- vknt, and CUTIC’URA and citticuha Hoap in pro portion, and call myself completely cared. L. P. UAUNAItD Waterford, N. J. n E QUOTE Til E FOLLOWING TRICES One Hundred Men's Cassimere Suits. Regular price $10.00, for $5.00. 260 Pairs of Pants. Former price $2.00; now $1.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $5.00; now $2.00. Men’s Cassimere Suite, all sizes from 33 to 42, at 50o on the dollar. Four-Button Cut-Aways at 33 per cent, less than ever known before. Plaids and Checks are all the go this season. We have got them in large vari ety, and at prices that placo competi tion in the back ground. In Boys School Snits We can show you a variety of One Thou sand different styles; moro of them than all the houses combined, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prices cheaper than you can buy common Jeans to malte them. Our Liiio of Gents Underwear Is larger than ever before, at prices we defy competition.] IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We arc Just Lending the Caravan! Fivo Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 and G-9, at the startling low price of G5c per pair; never known to sell ;for less than one dollnr since Americus lias been a city. One thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips, never sold less than 75c, can now be bought for 50c; a good, honest shoe* 10 Cases of Brogaus, from G to 11, and 10 cases Plow Shoes from G to 11, solid inner sole, wbito oak bottom, solid leather counter, always sold at $1.50, now re tailed at $1.00. In Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s FiDe Shoes wo can show you an elegant line, and retail them at prices 25 per cent. less than any house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & 00. KCZGMA TWENTY YEARS Cured. Not n Sign of It* Reuppcnmnce. YourCcTicDUA h** dono * wonderful enre for mo moro than two year* ago. Not a sign of it* reappearance aince. It cured me of a very bad Kerens whioh had troubled mo for [more than twenty year*. I *hall alway* speak well of Cirri- CURA. faell* great deal of it. FRANK C. SWAN, Drug^it Haveriiili., Mash. BEM*C FOR ANYTHING. Having u*ed your Cotktra Rkmkmk* for eighteen mouth* for Tatter, and finally cured it. I recommend it beyond any remedies I have ever used for Tetter, Hums, C'uta, etc. In fact, it i» tho beat modieino I have ev*t tried for anything. R. B. HORTON, i Myrtle, Mis* HCROFULOIN SOItKS. a dozen had eorc* upon my body, a die* I could hear of, and at iaat trl HA IlEMLlUEM aud they have cured H Kim r, Thayer Coi lew lllm ea of Itchi ted and 4 cured by . uritlcr ini Ct’TtcCRA Soap the gi Sold everywhere. I 8oai*, cent*; Reholvkmt, fl. l'ottcr Drug nnd Chemical Co.. Boaton. Kcaly, Pimply, Scrof- t onmgiou* Humor*, with i-ir rn uua Rkmolyknt the ernally, and Cuticuha and real Main Cure* externally. imcvnA, 60 c«nt«; AMERICUS, GEORGIA. COPULSES NEW YORK CITY HALL § CENTRAL PARK. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE ROCKS OF UNLIMITEDC'APATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had made up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the tiade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” nnd there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your power»to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thiriy-Three Thousand more in Boys, Chil drens and^Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, • Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock' Monday Morning and itjwill be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J.Waxelbaum&Co. PROPRIETORS NEW YORE STORE, Americus, Georgia. Ten(Fieces Black Cashmere, 36 wide, warranted all wool, at 3V „ yard, never ao',1 less than GOc ! t ’ Ten Pieces Black Cashmere 4-2 i„„i. wide, a. 42} cents per yard, war L 'S Scents ' W0 " b ‘° y IUftD ’smoney ?5 Pieces Black nnd Colored An,.,,™ 38 laches wide, all shades. at SoS p ; J “I' 1 -Goods retailing anywhere « fl m , 60 Pieces Drcsn Goods, L all Bth 71 ” per yard, worth {$ 50 Pieces Brocade Mntlasnc« worth 21 per yard retailing by us now at 15e. In Bilks, Batins, nnd Velvets we are a, always the acknowledged leaders, havin’ them in price from 25o per yard to 85 if Oar«L00 Black Sillf Jails .t^' Avenue New York, for $1 25 u In Colored Silks nnd Satins we ci„ you any imaginable shade; from 50i to 81 50 per yard. " In Honsefurnlshing Goods we heva bought direct firm importers, who hi,I the misfortune to retire from busin™, rather unexpectedly. Wc bought them 50c on the dollar. The, have to bo „en to be appreciated. Call and see onrTen-Cent Towel folly 24 inches long; all linen, worth 25c’ 1 Twelve good Napkins, nil linen, for 50c 500 Linen Hemmed Nnpkins, nt li)/ with colored borders. Never sold for less than 2oc. 500 Marseilles Quills, always gold at $1.50, can now be bought for 95c. OUR LINE OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Ribbons and Buttons, Is too numerous to mention, cumin-'a stock of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol- lars in our Retail Department alone, ami -“ivlhing we bappon Lot to have the good d man never made. In CARPETS and RUGS we can save you 33 per cert, less than you Lave ever known them before, and give yonastiuk equal to any house this side of Baltimore to select fr-in. It is rather early iu the season to talk about CLOAKS. But remember we manufacture every garment we sell, and will talk about them later when tbe weather crows colder. Wo are confident there will be no cause to complain of our prices, and so far as assortment nnd *tyl« is concerned, we can compare with enj house in tho State, and will take ns much pleasure in eliowing our goods as in sail ing them. Call Early ami Avoid flic liusli! J. WAXELBAUM & CO. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Oliver & Oliver STILL LEADS! were soot to the hoys, with following bill regularly made i Macox. Go., Nov. 8, 1884. Th. Littlo Boys of Oglethorpe Bought of JOHNSON & HARRIS, -8120. Four Boies, (o'. 830.. Received Payment, JOHNSON & HARRIS. Johnson & Harris sent the fire crackers down by the night train Saturday night, and tbe bill bv nail with ad Wees that everything “> '*’•**> All School Sillies, MRS. FRED LEWIS’. Amerious, Ga., Aug. 24, 1884. tf W. J. PUIM.IPB. JOHN H. MIRItS. ★ BAKERY, had gone up except provialons. The young American enjoyed the poppera hugely during tbe general joUfioatton at Oglethorpe Monday Bight. Cotton Avenue. that wo are prepared to All all order* for Fr**lt Bread, c’ak**, Candy, Etc., of our own make— food and pure. Wc keep a'*> Confection* fund Uroccrid*, which w* toll at tha ruling price* Bay and «t1 Country Produce. Olva ns a calk IT. J. PHILLIPS a co. joiyfW We invite everybody and the public gen orally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufucture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to intioduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. . A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Amerious Ga., July 25,1884. «« Wlieatley’s Corner, Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner nnd buj The splendid *ucc*** which nttouaed|ourjeffort*iln Introducing the aslc of FIJNnE CLOTHING ' In.our c , ha* Inducodju* ta bring out for the Spring trade the largest, handaomeit and most complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS! Thcae good* have been selected with great care and durability of texture, that few indeed c u elegance of design, beauty of finish ne aurpaca. In every lnitaiice we GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE We havejitlio a large and well selected atock of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! Anil everything In the way of Gent'* Furnishing Coop*; Polite and nttcnlire Salesmen will ink'* [pleasure in dlaplaying the*# beautiful good* whether you wieh to buy or not. THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : : Americus, Ga. R. T. BYRD, INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth. Street, - * - - Amerious, Ga AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST HATES. AGENT.POIl TUB GULLET and LUMME3 COTTON GINS .Tbo BostTCHns Madoi! CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR OINS. **ptl8m3 R. T. BYBD’