Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 16, 1884, Image 2

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■ngUjnBH firo. Christopher, or the Monte' zumt Record, is entirely too mod. est. Being nominated for Mayor, be declines the honor. lie no doubt thinks that no honor can ex ceed that of being editor of a good newspaper. It it now proposed that the Democrats and Stalwarts in the New York Legislature combine and elect Roscoc Conkling United States Senator as tbe final hair to break Blaine's back. As the Dem ocrats are in tbe minority in tbe legislature, it is not a bad idea; for whatever elso may bo said of Conk ling, ha is a man of ability and lias never been mixed up in corrupt jobs. It is a proper time to recall those noble words of Grover Cleveland’s letter of acceptance: “If I should bo called to the Chief Magistracy of the nation by the suffrages of my fellow-citizens, I will assume the duties of that high ofilco with n solemn determination to dedicate every effort to tho country’s good, and with an humble reliance upon the favor and support of the Supremo Being, who, I believe, will always bless honest human endea vor in the conscientious discharge of public duty.” THANKSGIVING* This holiday of feasting and faith, sermon and surfeit, prayer and play, is peculiarly a New Eng land institution, but has been adopted generally throughout the North. It has never been observed much in the South; but iu view of - recent events we think it might be appropriately observed this year by tbe Southern pcoplo. They certainly have cause for thanksgiv ing in the fact that they have at last been freed trom radical rule, as well as the fact that they have been vouchsafed fair crops, good health and freedom from devasta ting storms and pestilence. We would suggest, therefore, that ar rangements bo made for holding a union service in one of tho church es, and that all places of business be closed from 10 a. m. to 2 p. in., on Thursday, the 27th inst. FlUilV OF TIIE FUTURE. Tho old issues resulting from the war having been settled by the late presidential elootlon, there remains but ono important political ques tion unsettled, and that is the tariff. The Democratic party hav ing taken its stand in favor of & revenue tariff, must preparo itscli to giro battlo on that issue in the future. It has nothing to gain and everything to loso by pursuing a vacillating policy, and its leaders should take a bold and advanced stand, fortifying thoir position with strong arguments, for they will have opposed to them a now party made up of the rich monopo lists of tho country, the remnants of tbe Republican party and the old Whig element of tho Demo cratic party. It will bo a clean cut, sharp fight, but tho Democrats have nothing to fear if they will but firmly maintain their ground and give the people full and true information on the subject. It is an important political question and it ought to bo settled. poetry, art. and music; while in tbe Easy Chair Mr. Curtis writes of “John Bull and Brother Jonathan at the Christmas Fireside;” and in tbe Drawer Mr. Warner has a pitas- ant prefatory word as to “The Universal Christmas Feast.” AT THE STATE CAPITAL. Atlanta, Nov. 14—Gov. Mc Daniel yesterday received a notifi cation from the House that Fannin county was without a Representa tive owing to the fact ol there be ing a tie between Benjamin C. Dugger and J. II. Chastain. He at once issued an executive order to the Ordinary authorizing him to order an election. Warfcn Price, of Johnson, will not be hung to-day. Yesterday Gov. McDaniel issured a reprieve until Dec. 15 so that lie could ex amine the petition presented ask ing for executive clemency. At lanta is apparently in the hands of a well-organized band of thieves, highwaymen and bad characters generally. The police force num ber3 lo83 than fifty, and is incapa ble of protecting the lives and pro- perty ol citizens. Depredations are committed on prominent thoroughfaies continually. The Police Commissioners arc to be asked for protection by citizens, who aro signing a petition of great length. A good many tramps are loafing about tbe city, and they are credited with much of the crime being committed. The Governor commuted tho sentence of llenry Cato, of De Kalb county, a murderer, to im prisonment for life. He was also to be hanged to-day. Hoi.MKS' SOUK Cl/llK MOUTH WASH Mill dentifrice is an infallible care for Ulcer, filed Horn Throat, Bleeding Gums, Sore mouth nnd Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth nud Seeps tho Gums hcnlthv. Prepared sole ly by Dra. J. r. & W. It. Holmkh, Den tists, 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga, For sale by Dr. W. P. llort, dentist, J. E. Hall, and alt druauiatn null dentists. (aticura A POSITIVE CURE For E»ery Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimples to Scrofula. WEqUOTETHE FOLLOWING PRICES One Hundred Men’s Caasimere Suits Regular price #10.00, for #5,00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $2.00 now $1.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $5.00; now $2.00. Men's Cassini ere Suits, all sizes from 33 to 42, at 50c on tbe dollar. Four-Button Cut-Awavs at 33 per cent, less than ever known before. Plaids and Checks are all tbe go this season. We have got them in large vari ety, and at prices that place competi tion in the back ground. In Boys School Suits We can show you a variety of One Thou sand different styles; more of them than all tho bouses combined, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prices cheaper than you can buy common Jeans to make them. Onr Line of Gents Underwear five month* ngo I applied to e doctor near Boston, who helped mo, hut unfortunately I hud to leave, hut continued taking hi» medicine for nearly three months, hut the dUoaae did not leave. I saw Mr. Carpenter's letter in the 1'hiUdelphia Kn-ord, and his case perfectly described mine. I tried the COTtCOHA Hkuedikh, u»in* two bottle* Kekol- vknt, and rumenka and lUTTlcinu Noah In pro portion, and call myself completely curod. I,. F. BARNARD Waterford, N. J. F.CZERA TWENTY YEARS Cured. Not n Sign of its Reappearance. Your CtmCUBA has done a wonderful euro for d me of a very bad me for I more than apsak well of CUTI- Kcaema which had troub twenty year*. I shall alwi cun*. 1 sell a great donl o FRANK C. SWAN, DrvgtritU tlAYKnmi.!* Mam. your CtmcuBA HKMEDlEi for eighteen months for Tetter, and Anally cured it, 1 am anxious to got it to roll on commission. I can recommend it beyond any remedies I havo ever used for Tetter. Burns, Cuts, etc. In fact, it in the bust mcdiciuo 1 have over tried tor anything. R. 8. HORTON. I Myrtle, Mim Ncitom.ors mores. it dozen had *<>re* upon my bo«ly, and trlod die* I could hoar of, and at last tried jrour (A ItEMUiXEN a»d they have cured me. JNO. GASKILL. in. Thayer County, Penn. idea of Itching. Scaly, Pimply, 8crof- " * ' “ is Humors, with , Resolvent the id CirncuHA and Is larger than ever before, at prices we defy competition.; IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the Caravan! Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 nnd 0-3, nt the startling low price of 65c per pair; never kuown to sell for less than one dollar since Americus lias been n oity. Oue thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips, never sold less than 75c, can now be bought for 50c; a good, honest shoe. 10 Cases of Brogans, from G to 11, and 10 cases Plow Shoes from G to 11, solid innor sole, white oak bottom, solid leather counter, always sold at $1.50, now re tailed at $1.00. In Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s Fine Slmos wo can show you an elegant Jins, and retail them at prices 25 per cent, less than any house iu town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & GO. Projrielors New York Store. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA. CONVULSES NEW YORK From CITY HALL™ CENTRAL PARK. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE .FOUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE ROCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had mode up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Hoys, Chil drens and . Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock and itgwill be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J. Waxelbaum & Co. PBOPRIETOBS NEW YOEK STORE, AmericuSr G-eorgia* TenlPieces Blank Cashmere, 30 |«,v, wide, warranted nil wool, „ 3 “*« yard, never sold lees than 00c ° widr.uTceuUper7. b ,r;i& ?5 Pieces Black and Colored Ann,,. 38 inches wide, all shades et 5 “raV G °°n rela ~ in8 »“y»kereat$i® CO Pieces Dress Goods, in all ihaiJS 50 Pieces Brocade Msllosaes, worth is. per yard, retailing by u. now at 15c In Silks, S.mns, and Velvets wenn always, the acknowledged leaden,, b s , them in prico from 25c per yard to l- Our 81.00 Black Kill! retail, at(L Avenue, New York, for $1 25. x In Colored Silks and Satins we you any imaginable shade; from & $1.50 ner yard. In Housefurnithing Goods we bought direct flow importers, who the misfortune to retire firm husiu't rather unexpectedly. We bought them 5Gc on tbe dollar. They have to be to be appreciated. Call and see ourTen-Cent Towel /»!,’, 24 inches long; all linen, worth 25c’ Twelve good Napkins, al) linen, fora- 500 Limn Hemmed Napkins, at io* with colored borders. Never sold for less than 25c. 500 Marseilles Quills, always sold $1 .50, can now be bought for 35c OUR LINE OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Is too numerous to mention, stock of these to Fifteen Thousand Lk. lars in our Retail Department alone, an, anything we happen not to hare the’gooi old man never made. In CARPETS and RUGS we i ou 33 per cent, less than you have at mown them before, and giro you ash*; equal to ony house this side oi Balt: to select frun. It is rather early in the season to talk about CLOAKS. But remetubi manufacture every garment we sei., _ will talk about, them later when thi weather prows colder, We are confident there will be no cause tocomplai prices, and so far as assortment a is concerned, we can compare \ house in the State, nnd will take- pleasure in ehowing our goods a- mg them. Call Early and Avoid I lie Mi! J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Proprietors New York Store, AMERICUS, - - GEORGIA! Oliver & Oliver STILL LEADS! Wtieatley's Corner Every specie* r aStiun, Inherited ...... ... Ln*s of Heir, cured by Cutk uu new Blood fruitier inlern.Hy, > Cfnouiu Bo a l* the great Skin Bold everywhere. Price, CtmcCBA, Me Soap,25cental Resolvent, ft. Potter I>t*ua and Chemical Co., Boston. The exceptional success of the Christmas Numner of Harper’s Magazine last year has led the edi tor and publishers to attempt this year to disappoint tho public agreeably by giving them a still finer Number. Announcement is made that the coming December issue will contain no less than six stparately printed plates, besides several other full-page illustrations, tbe froutispiecc being a reproduc tion, in tbe highest art of the wood- engraver, of the charming picture of “Tbe Boy Jesus in the Temple,” by Professor Hofmann of Dresden, one of the chief contributions of modern painting to religious art. Tbe engraving is tbe work oi W. B. Closson, from whose graver comes also in tbe same issue a reproduc tion of the “Flora" of Titian. Tho literary and artistic contents other- wise furnish an extraordinary and delightful variety of eketeh, story, All School Sillies, MRS. FRED LEWIS’. Americus, Ga. f Aug. 24/ 18S4. tf w. J. riilLMW. JOHN 8. MIRKS. food and pure, W« keep a Ito Con faction* 'and 0 race rial, which vt sell at the ruling pricca Bay tnd tsll Country Produce. Gin cl s etlL phillim <s co. We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own inanufucture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to intioduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than Try us and be Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buj The splendid eacceee which attefiard|our*cflfortj<Jln Introducing the talc of FIJNTE2 CLOTHING ' lu.onr c , ha* inducedjua la bring out for the Spring trade the largest, handsomest and most complete line of Perfect Fittincr Clothing Fitting EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS! n elcgHoca ol design, beauty of ne anrpa**. In every ine GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLI We havejalso a large and well •elected stock of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear And everything iu tbe way of Gent's Furnishing Coops. Tolite nod utf entire Salesmen m HI t»k* (pleasure In displaying thess beautiful geode whether you wirh to buy or rot THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : : Americus, Ga R. T. 3YED ; ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. hat we era impend to fill ell orders for Freeb» [ any other shop in Americus, Breed, Cekee, Candy, Etc., of our own make— convinced. INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth. Street, ... - Amerious, C* AGENT FOR THE LEADING Americus Ga., July 25,1884. IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE A T THE LOWEST RATES. AGENTiPOR TBB GULLET AND LUMMES COTTON GLV 1Tb. JBo.tTGin. 1 Mstdol! CALL AND SEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR 01- - I«ptl8m3 ft, Ti aYBP'