Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 21, 1884, Image 4

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Tbcre will be (bund at the Fair, next week, the handsomest lot of fancy and useful articles ever ex- iubited In Atnerieus. • There will be on exhibition and for raffle at the Fair next week one ot those handsome hammerless breech loading guns. north close at.... 2:39 pm Night mail north close at 8:00 pa For Buena Vista and EUarille .. . closes daily except Sunday at 12:30 p m Lumpkin, Preaton, Weston, and Candidates for marshal and po licemen are not infrequent, but somehow aspirants for aldermacic honors are modcsf'about coming forward. law uiupaiu, iicntuu, HBSWU.nUU Plains of PaaA elosec on Mon- I,.,* day.'iWo.lnesdftysnd Friday al IKK) p m Friendship, tonMTilllind Church Hill doses daily, except Sundaj^ ".I M .’BoUaioid/Froviddnoo phd ffchlsf closes Saturday at.. C:00 a ro Hudson closesFriday 800a m Lamar closes Tuesday and Fri- day at;.;...i.U* .... ...... 8:00 a in The above arrangements will continue id’ roilrdad schedule. W. A. Black, P. M. until change i , LOCAL SCHEDULE, id aft#* Sunday, Novcmbiy id trains drill Daj Freight ex Sunday 4:80 p. m. Night “ “ ** Monday 2:05 Might Exprow. 5:03 LOTT WAltltKN, Agent. - Mr. M. M. Folsom is the duly author- Collector and Solicitor for the Re corder, and all his business transactions in connection therewith, will be -duly i 1 “r?"* ft th ,® p, °?T j .Buy your shots from J. H. Block 6 Bon, next door to Bank of Atierious. tf fir sut at MoKonzio's 4 f Fresh Fiah and Oysters for sale evory - »;! U day at J; A. Turpin’s, Agent, Restaurant. J.mi - o novifttf s Call to Day f y j| | r lpng-Btondlng Account' - ‘ *oct4d sAtiwcdtf ‘ AomesAycock. Colored Hearse. tp the ^o)or^d hoarso . and, i will hereafter be $4.00. i D. & Bill. FresETTsii and Oysters for sale every day at J. A. Turpin's, Agent, Restaurant. Old Sinner Cigars. The ilnost import ed wines at McKenzie's. ! - Just rooeiYed another lot of Larraboesj Snow Flake Craokers. Anslky Bros, j Empei twenty.' >«r<}r Cigars, genuine j Havnnna; '•five in a box, at McKenzie's.' tf Young man, if you want a hand some suit of dress clothes, cheap, don’t fail to take a chance at the one donated to the Fair by Jacob Reed’. Sons, Philadelphia. Col. Frank A. Hill, the veteran newspaper man, is now manipulat ing tho local columns of tbe Re publican. Tho Colonel cannot keep out of tho harness, as it comes nat urally to him. Slot Fixed Vet, Tho idea of arranging the munic ipal race for Mayor in souse man ner,-which was mentioned in yes terday’s paper, docs not seem to have been enlarged upon very much, as but little could be heard ol, it ..yesterday. It nay bo that the matter will bo fixed up some way, but it- begins to look though the race would bo run to the end as it is. 1 1 : Now, While tbe cotton is rolling in, is a good time to settle that old account, net-id satawedtf Ausks Atcock. We Are Parted t Thursday morning Lish Barker and family drove through town on their way to Sohlcy oounty, where they will make their future home. They jiad all their household and Worldly goods, and were drawn by eight line-looking, prancing mules. Lish stopped long enough to go around and bid bis friends good-bye and shake them by the hand, and then, to slow music, the procession advanced. Invitation. To the Citizens of Atnerieus : You are most cordially invited to attend the ball of tho Americus Light Infantry, on Monday eve ning next,, tho 24th instant, at their armory. Dancing will begin promptly at 8 o’clock. " ',Caj>t. J. H. SiiAFFKn Fresh Hsh-ahd-'Oy.tsrVfbr Bale every ■ sbr. 11. C. Davis, da; at J. A. TurpIS*a, A^eVt, TU-staurunt, novlCtf N.VET8 AlNES, For FALL cud WINTER 11 and HATS call on MRS. M. E. j Jacluon Street, Americus, Ga. ‘ oet3-3m iJitPlaHsi. i Make yourself and your creditor happy by paying that old, thumb*worn account oct4 dsatfcwsdtl' V» ‘Agnkh Ayoock. About Ipalllag, j A noted American said that ho would not give a cent for a man win) couldn’t spell a word “more than one w$y.” No tice tho following spelling: C-l-e-a-t-li-o-s.j C-l-o-8-o, O-l-o-t-h-c-s, C-l-o-z-e. I Ypucod take your ehoioo and know that John 11. Sfraw^s If THE FLACK your Fall and winter Clothing if you desiro to get pSCj’’ j*?«2tf ,- j§rtft3L ways gives satltric- Robbed by Railroad Hand*. Saturday night Mr. J. W. Wa ters; who was going from the city to his home near Magnolia Springs, when near the A. P. A L. Railroad shanties, stopped to warm, leaving a sack of oranges, sack of cabbages and a bundle of clothing in the vehicle in which he was traveling. Some of the darkiee, taking advan tage of his absence, stolo the bun dles, and he was unable to obtaiu any due whatever to tbe disappear ance ot the goods. Mr. Waters told them he Ueped'that they would send in their,Order* next- time, so it he-might BA1X JpSuable and elegant. BALL is efceat-Uhedaml pow- ^ , foecheapest and The KIMBALL lx lolillos /or cash by Jakes Fiuckek & Bno., ! BooiTCHFOS?’ ACARD. To all wha arc sulTcawg from the error, and induertlions of yontc, nervous W«akn^a. eafij dac*F lea of manhaoda Ac., I wilt send a ipe that will cure . *BSJ3E?cfH CtM.ItpEj .Thl fllHBoi . .UJWvelkt*-ftmanEt. JOsiVn T. ImU» i D, Xtu Ttrk City .t,„Ths H.e.ou Whj. ,L W: Harper’e tielson Count; Whiskey ia preferred above ail other Brande'fe because it ie the moit regular ®f lh ‘!large eapKal Of Che DiaUller which enable* him to bold hia Whiskey until It i< fall; ma- ifb# neto iftoi ■sms&etux&r. J. IaOAKta, Sole Agent, Sot. J. J. Barlow, Coup. W. B. Worthy. Committqo. that he might bring*” full supply. Bearer Hunters. Thursday about neon there pass ed through the city the most unique turnedt of the season. An 61<| hun ter and trapper named Hatley is tho owner of the concern, bis homo being a large covered wagon .drawn by thrce ‘*butt headed” oxen. In the wagon be carries hit supplies of provisions, ammunition, traps, cooking utensils, etc. He is ac companied by two negro boys, one A New Book. The Triple £. by Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark, Boston: D. Lothrop & Co. Price $1.60. Mrs. Clark is known as tbe author, of Yensie Walton, one of the most popular Sunday Sohool books which has been published for many seasons and the qualities which attracted attention in that work predominate strongly in this. Tho ‘‘Triple B' 1 is the name playfully given by her friends to a girl of eighteen, whose three names begun with that letter, and who is left with a younger sister to make her way in the world after the death of ‘ her parents. She promised her mother on her death bed to not only csre for her sister, but also lor an insane uncle, and a little girl waif who came into their family in the most mysterious manner. Much of tbe interest of the story centres in this latter character, and the mystery in which her parentage is involved lends it a strong fascina tion. Tho two slaters are com pelled to enter a large manufactory in order to gain a subsistence end earn means for supporting their charge* The record of their ex periences in this new life, their trials, and the victory over adver sity they Anally achieved, is told in a manner which commands at. tentioh from first to last. It is a book which cannot fail to make a strong impression upon the minds of those who read it. ANNOUNCEMENTS. MOM1BU COOXTT. FOB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. We are authorized to ennounce the name of W. W. GUERRY ee a candidate for the office of Justice of tbe Peace for the 789th district. tde A Bloodless Duel. One night this week, so the story reaches us, two young men- had a very serious quarrel. What was tbe cause of tho trouble was nat whispered, but the conjecture is that a society belie was at the bot tom of it. Two prqnd to sully their flats with each other’s blood in an ungraceful and awkward en counter, tbe young men selected their seconds and appointed an early hour of tho following morn ing as the time at which blood must flow. The morning dawned bright and clear, but with it came no seconds, and the combatants were left to find the rendezvous alone and in despair.' The place had hardly been reached, though, before a blue coated “peeler” put in an appearance and put an end to the tragic affair. “They never speak as they pass by,” though. Lee County Nominations. The Democracy of Leo county met in convention on Wednesday and nominated the. following coun ty ticket: Sheriff— James Salter. Ordinary—G. C. Edwards. Clerk of Court—James Morgan. Treasurer—A. A. Paul. Tax Collector—E. B. Martin. Tax Receiver—J. L. Hines. Coroner—T. Tiner. Surveyor—G. W. Dillard. FOR MAYOR. I am a candidate fur Ma;or at the Mu nicipal election to be held on the 17tb of December next, and respectfully solicit tbe support of m; friends. If elected, m; official sets shall be in favor of rigid economy in tbe collection and ditbnraa- ment of all pnblio money. I shall favor tbe support, promotion, and, whenever possible, tb- improvement of onr pnblio schools, and to this end I shall encourage friendly relations, and harmonious ac tion between tbe city council and tbe Board of Education. I shall favor maintaining onr Fire De partment at its present standard of excel lence. I shall favor restricting ad valornm taxation to one pet cent, per annum, be lieving that this rate will support the city government, maintain our public Bcboola, and also provide a fluid to erect public school buildings. Upon these subjects, and other matters of pnblio concern, I shall ba pleased to address the people at aome suitable time prior to tbe election. Bespecfully, W. P. Bort. People’s Ticket for*D«r«mber;i7,1SS* Commencing at capital J, In tbe middle, rend , throe hundred ways bow to vote Id Belt Municipal Election. RUVAMROPRKlt F O It M A Y O () Y A M It O F It E I) K R P O It M A Y YtMROFKEDI, DKltFOKMA AUIIOFKKDLEI, DKItFOKH MROPBEDI. EFELtl ERROR KOFREDLEF BFELREBF O OFREDLEF BN U FBLDE R F FREDLEFBNHNnFELDEB UEDLEFBUIIOHNBFELDB EDLE FBNIIO JO II NB PEL It E It E It 1, E F II K II o It V I) F E L I) E It FREDLEFBNIINBFELDERF OFREDLEF BNBF BLUE RFO ROFItEDLEFBFELItKRFOR MHO FRED LEFEI, DBRF OHM AMROFREDLELDEKFOKM Y A M It O F It K It I, It E It F O It M A The people want him for bia experi ence; for bis item integrity; for hia un compromising antagonism to lawlesenesa and disorder; fer hia fearless and impar- tial administration of jnalioe; for bis un swerving advocacy of wbat be believes to ba right; for his loyalty to hia country for hia devotion to the city; for his nerve to execute the law—in a word, for what he has done in past and for what they mpy reasonably hope from him in the fu- tnre. Let’s elect him without a scramble. Integrity. FOR MAYOR We are authorized to announce the namo of A. O. BELL os a candidate for Mayor of Americas at the Municipal elec tion in December next. augl tf Prteea Tall, end Paopla Tell tka Prices, You know, and we know, that a con tented customer is the best advertisement in have. Bat oftentimes low-priced goods moaa inferior and trashy material* and make up, hence our endeavor has been to eonnect these two stranger!, low prices and good goods, and we aro con 11 dent that oar customers will be as well pleased as we are at onr success. oct!2tf J. R. Siiaw. New Advertisements. Situation Wanted. Who has somo experience in a mill, collecting or in a store. Good reference given. ENERGETIC, nov21tf Care Becobdzr. A Good Plantation Of 4781 aores, 75 in original pine, eight miles from Americas, in good neighbor- FOR ALDERMAN. Thinking that the mechanics of our city should be represented in the City Conn- oil, please annoanoe the name of A T. OLIVER os a suitable osndidate for Al derman at tho Mnnioipsl eleotion in De cember next, And oblige noTiatde Many Voters. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tbe office of Ordinary of bnmter oonnty. If elected to the office, in Janu ary next, I pledge myself to discharge tbe duties which will be inoumbent upon me to the best of my ability. I respect fully solicit the votes of the people. nov9-tde A C. SPEER. FOR 8HERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of W. H. COBB as a candidate for Sheriff of Samter county. If elected, N. H. White, of the 15tb District, will be bis depnty. Meat MarKet PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BB Ravine pnrehued from Hare * Cobb Ibe lfca Market und Provision Sto.e oa COTTON AVBNTJ] other carries th6' old gentleman's breech loader. Tbe oddity ol the concern attracted a great deal of attention. They started out Mon day last, but we could not learn their destination. Probably the PJtapPypunting . grounds” .jying south of here. Cotton Itcport. On btml Sept, lot 191 Received yesterday, 231 Received previous to date.........17,380 Total.-. 17,806 wsssatoimv:^» .- TotM C.V.UV.. Amount on band. a. a;....16,9*8 1,867. tion is made soon. It is good cotton* land and can be made to pay for itself in a couple of years. The timber on the land is worth nearly as much as the whole tract can bo bought for. For farther par ticulars apply at this office. novlCml Irp you wont a $30 SS-Sbot Itepaatiu _ Rifle for 815, a 80 Breech Loadlnc for $10, a Concert Orconette tor •?: Ie Lantera for 81*. » Solid Gold 825 Watch for $15, a $15 8Uver Watch for $). You tan gat any ol thereTTrt riArticIca Fra* If you will devote a frw Xv/Uboura of your leisure time tveninn to introducing onr now goada. One lecureJ a Gold Watch free, in a oTuglaQifter- A geatlemoa got a Oliver wateh for flfteen - toy 11 lady minutes' work. have done nearly aa well. . If you ha«a a Magic Lantern you con etart a tmal- neaa that will pay you from Tea to Fifteen Dollar* every night. Bead at once for our IDuitrated Ca'alogue of Gold and 8tlvor Watches, Self Cock ing Bull Dog Revolver*, Spy GIomm. Indian Scout and Astronomical Teleaeopee, Talegraph Instrument*, Typ* Writers, Organ*, Aeeerdioue, Violin*, *c., dke. It may start you *n tba road to wealth. WORLD MANUFACTURING keep on baud the very.beet eute ef | BEEF, PORK, KID IKD SAUSAGE, and also a full Hoe of Green Groceries and Provisions, embracing all Undo of Vegetables and Frulto ia their aeaaou. Canned Good*, etc. It t* thvlr aim to keep a first class establishment, aid give their customers good goods at tbe lowest prleca. , Highest price paid for Cattle, Hogs, and a kinds of coentry produce, Americas, Dec. 15, lU&tf For Sale or Exchange. CO^UtSauaa Stmt, Maw York. Souppemoag Wine. I am now prepared to supply par* ScuppernODg wins at *1.60 par Rollon. Kegs furnished for *1.00. Wins shipped from Adams' Station on reoaipt of money Addnts, , J. T. USSR, Entstpiiu, Os. :b hard wood OLd Uh Lii• I engine mKKtmo river liailliUL yellow p(a« lumber at $t per 1008 to hut the ml-1 ■eevnal jeer*. Contract* for million of feet o*i lumber can be had In Darien, where it can of orirted at any season of the year. A cosh pur* *}*••*««• *»■*• •* ***** eommle- aorU-s. etc., for a reasonable lime free of eo/t THE LATEST NEWS. N*w York, Not. 14, 1884 New York is still counting, but it will make no difference; Cleveland comes in beyond a doubt, and Jim my Blaine will have to write more books, for a living. Business is at a stand still, everybody jubilant of the prospects. I have been trying my best to see Mr. Cleveland, but he is not expected here, and my time here is too precious to go to Albany, hence I will delay to see him until tbe 4th of March, when he will be inaugurated as President of the United States in Washing ton. During all this jnbilee I have not forgotten business. I have taken advantage of the “state of affairs” and have bought one of the flnest and best assorted stocks, suitable for tbe cold weather and coming holidays, that was ever brought to Americus. Tbe goods are being shipped as soon as possible. Ladies, be on the watch. Delay your trad ing until this regular Democratic Boom Stock arrives. It is impos aible to enumerate what I bought, but enough is, that you wilt be sur. prised at the taste I have displayed iti the selection of them, and at the prices they will be offered at. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, Tho Bargan Man, Opposite the Bank of Americus Mammoth red sign of flag. THE PEOPLE-s Peace Proclaimed. The enemy is routed, and GYLES, the Clothier and Hat ter now surveys the field of old shoddy stocks and high prices. Their banners of “good goods at low prices,” are all that re mains instead. Already are our citizens and country friends being daily directed, by our brother merchants, to GYLES’ CORNER as the only reliable place in Southwest Georgia for first-class garments. And thus the procession increases and the boys march to the soul-stir ring strains of the band as it discourses The fool I left behind me, Somewhere else to buy, Ever will remind me There’s one more fool to die. And they die—so they will. Ratified by the Peop] WE RESPELT THE RIGHTS OF THE POOR ™ WE MAKE THE RICH R Iam GOOD WILL TO Air 0 PROTECTION V8 OVERChW NO DISTINCTION IN SExS ALITY OR COLOR 4 * ONE LOW PRICE TO AIL WIDE AWAKE AND B0M n ’TO WIN. reform Whereas, Many citizens this community have hereto! subjected themselves to unn essary expense and burdens® overcharges in the purchase goods; Therefore be it Resolved, That the intere of the people demand the mation ot a new party ah shall concentrate its patron; on one close-dealing Candida and thus combining with c rect principles, make still sra; er profits practical and resnlt the greatest good for all. To this end weannounreoi self as the OUR PLATF0E1 ill School Ms, MRS. FRED LEWIS’. Americus, Ga., Ang. 24, 1884. tf Low tariff on all goods us by the people, such as ]) Goods, Notions, Fancy Got* Millinery, Clothing, Boo Shoes, Sats, Trunks, Etc. As low prices surely increi es trade and results greatest good to both buyer a seller Values must goVe prices. Deal only in good liable goods, making the prii as low as possible. (A |*> article is dear atany price.) misrepresentation. Sell ere article on its own merits and its true value. HARRIS & JAMES HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAB-LOAD OF FIN*, V&KSIl* IME ! Cotton Seed Meal. . We are prepared to icpply those wast ing Cotton Seed Ileal in any unax titles at lowest s*ah pries*. eviui w —— Fonyth Street, Arnett JOIN US Be on the winning side, ready we are elected—deck to sell you cheaper] than t cheapest; elected to show J< the best and newest; in elected as the people’s true It gain-giving, fair dealing cat date. Be one to help roll the big majority in favor of® rect principles and^the advan< ment of true economy and form. See us personally «i learn our civil service princip- 1 In return lor patronage promise Fair Dealing, Stra# Goods, Bed-Rock Prices. Polls now open and "ill main so until further notice- Vote early and often 13 wish of yours truly