Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, November 26, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recover. W. L. GLKSBNKR, Editor. OLlclal Organ of Webster County* WEDSFgPAF. HOT. 3*< |8S4.~ Tho encouragement,; which the itriking minors of Hocking Valley receive from the labor societies of the country, in the shape of about $3,000' per week, keeps them In good heaijt, as well as food, and they will not bo likely to yield to the■ 'defcapds of,tbclf•’employers this winter. 'The Republican states men who professed to bo so much in favor of protecting American laborers have not yet sent in any contributions. The Boston Globo appears not to follow the advice of the old lawyer to his student to “be sure of his fuUcts.“ It says, “Anyhow, i( Georgia go to Mnino for a President she is going there for granite with whiob to build her eapitoi. There’s nothing unsound about Maine granite.” * There may lie nothing unsound about Maine granite, but Georgia will not take any of it for hor new eapitoi What foreign stone wo need wil bo, obtained from tho sound old Democratic State of Indiana. The Philadelphia News, a dyed in-the-wool Republican paper, thinks that “if there is a spark of gratitude in tho soul ot Grover ^Cleveland be will invito Samuel J, Randall to take a place in bis Cab inet; But for Mr. Randall,” it says, “there would not have been a possibility of Democratic success this year.” Without underrating Mr.- Randall or tho value of his services, it is proper to inquio what he has done this year to in suro Democratic success. About sixty days before the election he was expressing confidence that Pennsylvania would bo carried for tho' Democrats. At the election In that State only a properly shaped motion scorned to be needed to make the election of the Blaine ticket unanimous. Mr. Randall is a man of parts, but it does seem that ho can claim no reward or account of any speolnl services rem dered tho party in tho recent clco lion. It is to be hoped, however, that his Republican admirers by intemperate advocacy of his inter- osts will not do him a positive in. jury. Department for political reasons, and many of Governor Cornell's personal following are 'still In the service of the State. ‘If I am elected President,' said Governor Cleveland, with emphasis, ‘the clerks in the great departments at Washington who are fit for their positions will remain in ofllce. Ability and seal in the service will be the measures of usefulness. The rules of the Civil Service Commis sion will govern all miner appoint ments.’” n EqUOTETilEFOLLOWING PRICES Hoi.mes’ suae cum; mouth wash and dentifrice is nu infnlliblo cure for Ulcer* sled Bore Throat, Blooding Gums, Bore mouth and Ulcers. Cleons the Teeth and keeps the Gams healthy. Prepared sole ly by Drs. J. P. & W. ft. Holmes, Den tists, 102 Mulberry Street, Macao, Ga. For sale by I)r. IV. p. Burt, dentist, J. E. Hall, nod all drnRgUts and dentists. Itching Diseases rOZEMA. i £t itching i Salt Rheum. with its Agonising ,1 burning, instantly relieved by A bAth with Cuticura Soap, »nd a single ap» ..ion of CtmcTJRA. the greet Skin Cure. This lAted dAily, with two or three doeee of GUM- plication of Cuticura, repeAU-d dAily, with twe cura Resolvent. the New Blood I'urifier, i the blood cool, the perspiration pure and JUT? to kee^> teting, the bowel* upon, the liver and kidneya active, will apeudily cure Eczema, Tetter, Iting> *»—'-.eia. Lichen. Pruritue, Beall Head. Dandruff, and every npeciee of Itching, Scaly, and Pimply Humor* of tho Scalp and Skin, when the best physicians and el) known remedies /ail ECZEMA TffEXTY YEARS. My gratitude to God ia unbounded for the relief I have obtained from tho uao of the CUTICURA Remedies. 1 have boon troubled with Eczema on tny lege for twenty yean. I had not a comforta ble night for yean, tho burning and itching were eo Intone**. Now, I am happy to Bay, I hare no trouble. Only the liver-colored patches ot limba remain r former miaery. HENRY L. SMITH. 188 West avenue, Rochester, N. Y. One Hundred Hen’s Casaimere Suits Regular price $10.00, for $5.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $2.00, now $1.00. 250 Pairs of Pants. Former price $5.00; now $2.00. Men’s Cftssimcre Suits, all sizes from to 42, at 50c on the dollar. Four-Button Cut-Aways at 33 per cent, less than ever known before. Plaids and Checks are all the go this season. We have got them in large vari ety, and at prices that place competi tion in the hack ground. Ifl Boys School Suits We can show you a variety of One Thou sand different styles; more of them than all the honscH combined, from Macon to Montgomery, and at prices cheaper than you can buy common Jeans to make them. CLEVELAND ON CIVIL SERVICE ’ . . REFORM. A writor in the Washington Sun day Herald gives emphasis to the fact that Cleveland is a civil ser vice reformer. On this subject be writes: “As to any point of policy in caSo of bis succession to tho Presi dency lie noror spoke but once, llo bad been roadleg an appeal made by a Republican paper to the minor government olllcc-boldcrs and department clerks, urging them to staud by Mr. Blaine, giving as a reason that they would all lose their positions in the event of a Democratic success. Mr. Cleve land laid down tho paper, and said with much earnestness: “It thoro is any one matter to which I havo given my fullest at tention it is to reform and effleicn- oy lh the civil service. When I came to Albany , as governor I. found nearly all the departments full of elerke, whoso political pre dilections were Republican. The State officials who _eame Into ofllce with me called upon me shortly after my accession and asked what wore my views in relation to re movals from public yarrio for pol ities! reasons. One gentleman, whose department is perhaps tho moat Important at the capital, said: ‘My ofllce is full of extreme Repub licans, appointed by Governor Cor nell. Now, wbat am I to doT’ ‘I replied,’said Governor Cleveland, ‘You are responsible to the people for the"good administration of your ofllce. Yojtr confidential subordi nates Would boieleeted with great caio, and tboso you will doubtless appoint from your personal friends. There can be no objection to your making inqdjry respecting the qualifications, seal and ability or your official force. If a clerk is faithfal and competent he should be retained, no matter wbat hia political predilections nay be. During my term IJnra discharged no employe from the Executive ECZEMA ON A CHILD. Yonr moat valuable CunccRA Remedies have done my child ao much good that I feel like say ing thia for the benefit of thoae who are troubled with akin disenee. My little girl waa troubled with Kt-Mtua, and I tried several doctors and medicine*, but did not do her any good until! used tho Cuticura Remediea, which speedily cured her. for which 1 owe you many thanks and y nights of r ANTON BOSSMIER, Union Bakery. the top of tho scalp. , F.dies abont six week*. -»u perfectly, and now my hair it W HiTEiiiioRo’, Texas. COVERED WITH BLOTCHES. I want to tell you that your Cuticura Resol- ENT ia magnificent. About three months ago my too wa* covered with blotches, and after irue bottles of Resolvent I was perfectiy cured. FREDERICK MAITRE. a 8t. CHAni.Es Street, New Orleans. La. IVY POISONING. For all cases of poisoning by Ivy or dogwood, I can warrant Cuticura to cure ovary time. I have sold it for five year* and it never fails. C. li. MORSE, Druflj/W. IIolliston, Mass. Sold everywhere. CUTICCBA, 60o.; Soap, Resolvent, $l.oo. Potter Drug nnd Chemical Co., Dost Savannah, Florida* Western by Central (00) Meridian time, which I* 30 minutes slower than [All trains of title rond ertdlan time, r* * Savannah time.) Superintendent'* Office,) * 34. f 2, 1884, this roaA will lows: ATLANTIC COAST LINE EXPRESS. Leave Savannah dally nt... (112 a Arrive ot Savannah tlnlly at 7 40 p Arrive at Jesup dally at 8 10 u iy at. - - . Arrl re at Jiu-keonviilo daily nt. 12 80 p j Stort At all regular stations betwee " Onr Line of Gents Underwear Is larger than ever before, at prices we defy competition. IN BOOTS AND SHOES! We are Just Leading the Cararan! Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 and 6-9, at the startling low price of C5c per pair; never kuown to sell for less than one dollar sinco Americus has been a city. One thousand pairs Children’s Copper Tips, never sold less than 75o, can now be bought for 50o; a good, honest shoe* 10 Cases of Brogans, from G to 11, and 10 cases Plow Shoes from 6 to 11, solid inner sole, white oak bottom, solid leather counter, always sold at $1.50, now re tailed at $1.00. In Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s Fine Shoes we can show yon an elegant line, and retail them nt prices 25 per cent less than any house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & 00. AMERICUS, - GEORGIA. CONVULSES NEW YORK CITY BALL ^CENTRAL PARK. OLD ESTABLISHED MERCANTILE HOUSES, WHOSE SOLVENCY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOUNDED ON INDESTRUCTABLE BOCKS OF UNLIMITED CAPATAL AND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! Specially was this true of many large and celebrated Clothing manufacturers who had mode up numerous stocks from materi als bought on credit. These manufacturers placed their faith on lively and profitable September trade, absolutely relying on it for funds to meet their maturing paper, which they had given for piece goods, but the trade did not come, the continuous warm weather and no customers cooked their “goose,” and there was nothing left for them to do but to fail and turn their goods over to an Assignee. It was bad for them, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we are always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum was there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Boys, Chil drens and Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock wide, warranted all wool, at 35, , yard, never sold less than C0c Ten Pieces Black Cashmere 42 wool’ 'oto*r nt ’J ,ard - wmnteddi wool. t Good, worth any ma„’. mon " KSh at7J ° peryMd -"' oHh 4 60 Pieces Brocade MaUasaes, worth as. Pf PF?/ " UI ! iD S br ti" now at ifc * In Bilks, Saline, and Velvets we always, the acknowledged leaders, having “SJMWte ^.P« y»ni to *5.1,0* and itgwill be to the interest of every one in this city or country to be on hand, for at the prices we propose selling these goods you were never offered them in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J.Waxelbaum&Co. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE, Americus, Georgia. Avenue, New York, for *1 25, In Colored Silks and Satins we ei„ you any imaginable shade; from 50* t- $1.60 por yard. In Housofurnishing Goods we bought direct from importer*, who ha,i the misfortune to retire ft. m busint,, rather unexpectedly. Wc bought than 5Co on tho dollar. They have to be teen to bo appreciated. Call and eeo ourTen-Cent Towel, ftn, 24 inches long; all linen, worth 25c. } Twelve good Napkins, all linen, for 50c _500 Limn Hemmed Napkins, at lo-' with colored borders. Never sold less than 25c. 500 Marseilles Quilts, always sold at $1.50, can now be bought for 95c. OUR LINE OF Fancy Goods, Bosierv, Ribbons and Buttons, Is too numerous to mention, carrying a stock of these to Fifteen Thousand Dol lars in our Retail Department alone, and anything we hoppen r ot to have tbegooil old man never made. In CARPETS and RUGS we can save you 33 per cert, less than you have ever known them before, and give yon a stock eqnal to any house this side of Baltimore to select fr:m. It is rather early in tho season to talk about CLOAKS. But remember we manufacture every garment we sell, and will talk about them later when tbs weather grows colder, Wo are confident there will bo no cause to complain of our prices, and so far as assortment and style is concerned, we can compare with any hotiao in tho State, and will take nutnnrh pleasure in showing our goods iw in sell ing them. Call Gariy and Avoid the Hush! J. WAXELBAUM & CO, AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA. Oliver k Oliver and Jacksonville. FAST MAIL. Leave Savannah dally at. 7 01 a Arrive at Savannah dally at 8 17 j* Arrive at Jesup dally at 8 43 a Arrive at Wayrrona dally at II50 a Arrive at Callahan daily at 11 20 a Arrive at Jacksonville daily at 12 00 Arrive at Dupont dully at 1116 n Arrive nl Vnido.-tn daily uL 12 00 p Arrive at Cullman daily at. 12 40 p Arrive at Ti oma<ville daily at 1 30 p Arrive at (lalnbrldga dally at.... 3 Arrive at Chattahoochee dally at 3 52 pm Stops only at stations name.t above and a*, alt itlons between Tliomnsvillc ai d Chattahoochee. l*ti*senger< for Brunswick take this train, ar riving at Brunswick (via H. A W. Hallway) at 1345 p “ l’aieengert for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, lointa take this train. Mobile 2 40 a Texas mid trims*Mississippi po Arriving at Pensacola at 10 05 nt. New Orleans at 7 45 a in. Pullman buffet and sleeping’cars Waycrosa to New Orleaus. CHARLESTON EXPRESS. STILL LEADS! We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which Wlieatley^s Corner, Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and bn» .The splendid success which nttcndcdjour^efforlsjln Introducing the sale of ETJNTE CLOTHING , hat inducedjus to bring out for the Spring (rede tho largest, handsomeit and most complete line of oMare of our own manufacture, and will be sold terprue, Sanford aw jail lamJings 4 ou St. John's 7 Arrive at Jesnpda'Iy at 331 Dm Arrive at Waycrosa daily at 5 00 p m Arrive at Callahan dally at 7 IS |» in Arrlvo at Jackaouvllle dally at 8 00 p m Slops at ell regular station* between Savannah nd Jacksonville. Pullman parlor car* Savannah to Jacksonville. JESUP EXPRESS. uy Arrive at Savannah a>lly „ . Jesup dally at 7 oo p I^ave Savannah daily at 4 20 p Arrivt * ~ * - An l Vi 8mh._ _ Savauaah ami Jesup. ALBANY EXPRESS. Leave Savannah dally «L 7 530 p Arrive at Savannah dally at.. 0 15 a Arrive at Jesup dally at. 0 58 p we believe we now haye them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to Arrive at Waycn a: doily at 11 35 p n Arrive at Callahan daily at 4 45 a Arrive at Jnckaonrille dally a'... C 15 a Arrive at Dupont dally at 1 VO a St Live Onk dat'y *» 3 47 a nt Gainesville daily at 7 OO a at Valdosta dai'y at 3 30 a at Quitman daily at 4son Arrive at Thouuuvilie dally at. , Arrive Arrive at Quitman di Arrive at Thouusvilk _ . .. Arrive at Albany dally at>.. 10 30 Pullman p * *• ~ — *’ l Gainesville. I’ullmsn palace steeping cam Savannah t ainesrUle. Pullman buffet and sleeping cars Savannah t Jacksonville. Pa**cng*r» for Branswlck vis. Jesup take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 116 a m. Pasoau'/ers from Femandlna, GairesviJle, Cedar Key. Ocala, NVIMwood. Leesburg and nil etsttons on ¥U>r>da Railway and Navigation Company and Florida Southern Railway take tbia train. Poseengwrs tor Madlaon, Montieello, Tallahas see and all Middle Florida point* take this train. Connections at Jacksonville dally with People’s Lin* Steamer* a.iJ Railroads for St. John's river. Through tickets sold and sleeping ear berth oc- eommodations secured at Urcn'a Ticket Office, No. 22 Bail street, and at the Company's Depot, as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS I elegance of design, beauty of finl-b e surpass. In every Instance »’* These goods have been selected with great car* and possess! and durability of texture, that few indeed can equal, and i GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE . We liavojnlso a large and well selected stock of per,'eel fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And everything In tho way of Gent’s FuruUhlng Ooops. Folite nnd nitcntlr# Salesmen [pleasure in displaying these beautlfal goods whether you wi*h to buy or r.ot. THORNTON Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY. : : Americus, Ga. i UR, Situation Wanted. Who hu nil experience In a mill, collecting or iu » (tore. Good reference gires. . KXBBQKTIO, BortHf Car* Hscoxtttn. 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now to those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Americus Ga., July 25,1884. » INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth Street, .... Amorious, CJa AGENT FOR THE LEADING IN THE COUNTRY, GIVING YOU THE BEST INSURANCE AT THE LOWEST RATES. AI18O AGHJfTirOB TBB GULLET and LUMMES COTTON GIN®. CALL AND BEE ME, WHEN IN WANT OF INSURANCE OR OI> s R. T. BTRD. ■ef>tl8m3 Mjgf